Martial Revenge


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Charon's Little Helper wrote:

Make sure to be a dwarf with Steel Soul - whatever class you pick. +5 to all saves vs spells as well as an extra +1 ability mod for will/fort? Yes please!

Also - make sure to get greater blind-fight. It allows you to virtually ignore most standard spellcaster defenses. (mirror image/displacement etc)

Of course - much depends what level you're talking about. Most of the nay-sayers are talking primarily about wizards with 8th & 9th level spells. Below that it becomes far easier to be anti-caster.

Mirror image is not a miss chance so blind-fight won't help, and don't clump the naysayers together. We may have different ideas on how this won't work. I for example have listed clerics and druids as issues. :)

PS: I do agree with steel soul, especially on a barbarian.

Yeah I agree that level matters which is why I said it gets tougher at higher levels.

I'm pretty sure he just plans to close his eyes and use blind fighting, that way, mirror images don't affect him.

Sovereign Court

wraithstrike wrote:

Mirror image is not a miss chance so blind-fight won't help, and don't clump the naysayers together. We may have different ideas on how this won't work. I for example have listed clerics and druids as issues. :)

Sure it will - just close your eyes.

SRD Mirror Image wrote:

This spell creates a number of illusory doubles of you that inhabit your square. These doubles make it difficult for enemies to precisely locate and attack you.

When mirror image is cast, 1d4 images plus one image per three caster levels (maximum eight images total) are created. These images remain in your space and move with you, mimicking your movements, sounds, and actions exactly. Whenever you are attacked or are the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets one of your images instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment. If it is a figment, the figment is destroyed. If the attack misses by 5 or less, one of your figments is destroyed by the near miss. Area spells affect you normally and do not destroy any of your figments. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect you normally and do not destroy any of your figments. Spells that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy a figment.

An attacker must be able to see the figments to be fooled. If you are invisible or the attacker is blind, the spell has no effect (although the normal miss chances still apply).

They get a miss chance as if they were invis - but with greater blind fight that's only 20%, and you get to re-roll your miss chance. The total miss chance is 4%. Relatively insignificant.

Edit: Sort of ninja'd

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

Mirror image is not a miss chance so blind-fight won't help, and don't clump the naysayers together. We may have different ideas on how this won't work. I for example have listed clerics and druids as issues. :)

Sure it will - just close your eyes.

SRD Mirror Image wrote:

This spell creates a number of illusory doubles of you that inhabit your square. These doubles make it difficult for enemies to precisely locate and attack you.

When mirror image is cast, 1d4 images plus one image per three caster levels (maximum eight images total) are created. These images remain in your space and move with you, mimicking your movements, sounds, and actions exactly. Whenever you are attacked or are the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets one of your images instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment. If it is a figment, the figment is destroyed. If the attack misses by 5 or less, one of your figments is destroyed by the near miss. Area spells affect you normally and do not destroy any of your figments. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect you normally and do not destroy any of your figments. Spells that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy a figment.

An attacker must be able to see the figments to be fooled. If you are invisible or the attacker is blind, the spell has no effect (although the normal miss chances still apply).

They get a miss chance as if they were invis - but with greater blind fight that's only 20%, and you get to re-roll your miss chance. The total miss chance is 4%. Relatively insignificant.

Edit: Sort of ninja'd

That is not the same thing. You did not mention closing your eyes and still by the rules mirror image is not a miss chance. You wrote the last sentence as if mirror image provided concealment.

Yeah you can close your eyes and create a concealment so if that is what you meant then it does help some.

Sovereign Court

wraithstrike wrote:

That is not the same thing. You did not mention closing your eyes and still by the rules mirror image is not a miss chance. You wrote the last sentence as if mirror image provided concealment.
Yeah you can...

I meant the last paragraph I wrote to be in the context of the first. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

How about - "With greater-blind-fight you can ignore their mirror image if you're willing to give them a 4% miss chance by closing your eyes." Done.

It should be 10% not 4%.

It allows you to treat 50%(your eyes are closed) concealment as 20%.

However since you get two rolls that 20% drops to 10%

I did not mention blink because I don't think it is a common spell. The only way I see it being prepped is if the caster knows you have greater blind fight.

Now 10% is still not good for the caster, but at level 15* you have the problem of getting to him. As a player getting to the caster brings its own problems.
*The level needed for greater blind-fight.

However if you can get to him you can likely kill him, once you get past the concealment, unless he pulls some other stunt.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
wraithstrike wrote:

It should be 10% not 4%.

It allows you to treat 50%(your eyes are closed) concealment as 20%.

However since you get two rolls that 20% drops to 10%

That's not how the math works. You have a 20% chance to fail the first roll, and a 20% chance to fail the second roll. Therefore it's 0.20 * 0.20 = 0.04, or a total of a 4% miss chance.

Bandw2 wrote:
this archetype(or any of the other packs even) might be interesting, replace spell casting on an inquisitor, and get spell breaker.

agree. two levels of inquisitor allows you to roll will saves twice (spell breaker). of course you could level up until you get the VERY versatile BANE ability.

take fighter lore warden for extra skill points, allowing you to have the knowledge to take down your opponent (especially those with spell-like abilities).

some ranks in spellcraft would help you identify spells on the caster or spells the caster lobs at you.

lastly, ninja with shuriken or bow. swift vanish, lay into the filthy caster with your ranged sneak attacks.

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

It should be 10% not 4%.

It allows you to treat 50%(your eyes are closed) concealment as 20%.

However since you get two rolls that 20% drops to 10%

That's not how the math works. You have a 20% chance to fail the first roll, and a 20% chance to fail the second roll. Therefore it's 0.20 * 0.20 = 0.04, or a total of a 4% miss chance.

You are right.


So now the miss chance is out of the way for the most part.

There is still the problem of getting to him especially if he knows you are coming, and each caster has a lot of possibilities to cover which a melee type without magic can not match all in one build.

Sovereign Court

wraithstrike wrote:

There is still the problem of getting to him especially if he knows you are coming, and each caster has a lot of possibilities to cover which a melee type without magic can not match all in one build.

Very true. Much depends how crazy/perfect you let divinations be. (I generally houserule away divinations entirely. They ruin too many potential storylines - and they're much of the caster/martial disparity.)

I'll restate my original premise, because I see some people missing the point. Special thanks to wraithstrike whose been tuning in essentially from the start.

My original character was a Human Superstitious Mounted Fury Barbarian.

I came to realize that Superstitious grants you Blindsight at lvl 19; eliminating the need for the blind-fighting chain.

All of the favored class points would be spent to increase the superstition rage power, leading at end game to 7 + 6 (+13) to all saves vs Spells, Su, and Spell-likes.

The mount would be a flying griffon earned through Boon Companion, Monsterous Mount, and Monsterous Mount Mastery. I Changed out the blind-fight chain for: Mounted Combat, Skill Focus: Ride, and Indomitable Mount.

The griffon also has the Bodyguard archetype (Though I'm considering not, to get Evasion/Improved evasion instead)

Beyond that hefty chunk of investment, the build is undecided. I'm considering a 2 lvl dip into Rogue or Martial Artist monk to secure Evasion, maybe a bonus feat or two.

The character has a complete hatred of magic, and would want to avoid ALL reliance on magic, in any form. Essentially, if Anti-Magic Field can turn it off, or it's a spell, he doesn't want it.

(obviously this experiment goes against....essentially all of the patterns established by Pathfinder (Rely on items as you level, linear warrior, quadratic mage, etc)

I'm not EXPECTING it to work perfectly, and am even skeptical to it working at all; but it's my current obsession.

The biggest impacts to the build have been Maze on the mount, and Scintillating pattern on the mount. Otherwise, I tend to see saves around 24 for all (without items, cloak of resistance, tomes, etc.) for the character, while his mount can get protected from touch spells with a high ride roll, and it's first save/ round can be a ride check as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

At that level +24 is really not enough. You can expect to routinely be facing DC36+ spells and are likely to be forced to roll multiple times to save, even assuming your opponent uses something that even allows a save.

Well there is an old 3.5 prestige class called the forsaker I gets boons for destroying magic items and thematically the class disdains magic in all forms


I'd say the Magus class is just as Anti-Caster as the Inquisitor, if not more. Apart from the Disruptive and Spellbreaker Arcana (which the Inquisitor does NOT have access to), the Magus can also select the Arcana, "Lingering Pain" to turn damage done by their weapon into a buffed concentration check for whomever they hit. Plus they get Counterstrike, to attack casters who DO manage to cast defensively. Last but not least, access to both Disrutive and Spellbreaker allows them to take goodies like Ray Shield (which only a Skirnir can use effectively) and, more importantly, Teleport Tactician.

They do suffer from much lower, not as easily boosted saves, but when they get access to the Reflection Magus Arcana (immediate action spell turning) it matters a heck of a lot less. Did I mention access to all sorts of other delights, like Dimension Door (by strict RAW, you can even use it with Spell Combat and get all your iterative attacks!) so they can always close distance. If you're a Kensai Magus, you can even win in Initiative! Win Initiative, Dimension Door next to caster and hit them with your phase locking whip and said caster will have a hard time escaping you unscathed.

That said, a lot of this only works on a caster without buffs (not very likely at high levels). If the wizard has even an ounce of prep time, no other class really stands a chance at taking them out.

Actually, the Inquisitor CAN get the Disruptive ability from the Spellkiller Inquisition. The Spellbreaker archetype for inquisitors has the ability to increase concentration DCs in ways that stack with Disruptive, improve their saves against various schools of magic, and as a capstone can completely no-sell an entire school of magic, gaining complete immunity to every spell in the game of that school.

The Magus does get access to Spellbreaker, though, which the Inquisitor does not that I am aware of, and as you mentioned some other abilities that help them fight full mages. It's pretty much just them or an Arcane Duelist Bard for making effective use of the whip as an anti-caster weapon.

Of course, once you're getting into magic-using anti-magic options, the Arcane Bloodrager's another option that must be considered.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Oakbreaker wrote:
Well there is an old 3.5 prestige class called the forsaker I gets boons for destroying magic items and thematically the class disdains magic in all forms

And was completely non-functional and unable to be used in a party. Stay away from this.


andreww wrote:
At that level +24 is really not enough. You can expect to routinely be facing DC36+ spells and are likely to be forced to roll multiple times to save, even assuming your opponent uses something that even allows a save.

For a character completely eschewing magic items and spells, it was pretty good. I'm curious to see what other means of non magical saving throw enhancements can be set up

If you combine it with Vow of poverty... it's still bad, but hey, it's a combo.

Sovereign Court

Aelryinth wrote:
Oakbreaker wrote:
Well there is an old 3.5 prestige class called the forsaker I gets boons for destroying magic items and thematically the class disdains magic in all forms
And was completely non-functional and unable to be used in a party. Stay away from this.

In a standard world it was very bad. But if you're already playing in a low-magic world - it could be cool. (I could see a cool world where magic is rare because of an order of Forsakers hunt down anyone who dares to dabble in such blastphamy.) In a world where magic items are rare - +10 to abilities, fast healing 3, energy resis everything 20, DR 5/-, slippery mind, fast movement 20, nat armor, and all high saves is nothing to sniff at.

But no - in a standard game world the magic you are giving up was FAR more valuable than the class.

Never played it just knew it was out there and might be worth looking at.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

What? The forsaker?
His best class abilities relied on him toting around magic items to destroy in combat for short term buffs. That's exactly like dragging around potions to drink, except it pisses off the other players.

And those are Inherent bonuses. They stack up to +5, and don't replace the enhacement bonuses he is NOT getting.

With VoP, he could technically be playable...except those are supernatural, magical buffs, and he's going against the code of a forsaker to rely on this magical vow.

The class was just ugh.


Issac Daneil wrote:

I'll restate my original premise, because I see some people missing the point. Special thanks to wraithstrike whose been tuning in essentially from the start.

My original character was a Human Superstitious Mounted Fury Barbarian.

I came to realize that Superstitious grants you Blindsight at lvl 19; eliminating the need for the blind-fighting chain.

All of the favored class points would be spent to increase the superstition rage power, leading at end game to 7 + 6 (+13) to all saves vs Spells, Su, and Spell-likes.

The mount would be a flying griffon earned through Boon Companion, Monsterous Mount, and Monsterous Mount Mastery. I Changed out the blind-fight chain for: Mounted Combat, Skill Focus: Ride, and Indomitable Mount.

The griffon also has the Bodyguard archetype (Though I'm considering not, to get Evasion/Improved evasion instead)

Beyond that hefty chunk of investment, the build is undecided. I'm considering a 2 lvl dip into Rogue or Martial Artist monk to secure Evasion, maybe a bonus feat or two.

The character has a complete hatred of magic, and would want to avoid ALL reliance on magic, in any form. Essentially, if Anti-Magic Field can turn it off, or it's a spell, he doesn't want it.

(obviously this experiment goes against....essentially all of the patterns established by Pathfinder (Rely on items as you level, linear warrior, quadratic mage, etc)

I'm not EXPECTING it to work perfectly, and am even skeptical to it working at all; but it's my current obsession.

That's pretty cool. But I do think I also got your wizard's number in my post on the first page of this thread.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Ultimate Clarity is a Barbarian's best friend.

In-class True Seeing that isn't blocked by Mind Blank? Yes please.

That, Superstious w/ FCB, and Spell Sunder make Barbarians the best anti-caster martial bar none. When all other classes are taken into account, only the properly built Magus is a better anti-casting character (not including other 9 level spell casting classes of course, lesbi-honest).

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Issac Daneil wrote:

I'll restate my original premise, because I see some people missing the point. Special thanks to wraithstrike whose been tuning in essentially from the start.

My original character was a Human Superstitious Mounted Fury Barbarian.

I came to realize that Superstitious grants you Blindsight at lvl 19; eliminating the need for the blind-fighting chain.

All of the favored class points would be spent to increase the superstition rage power, leading at end game to 7 + 6 (+13) to all saves vs Spells, Su, and Spell-likes.

The mount would be a flying griffon earned through Boon Companion, Monsterous Mount, and Monsterous Mount Mastery. I Changed out the blind-fight chain for: Mounted Combat, Skill Focus: Ride, and Indomitable Mount.

The griffon also has the Bodyguard archetype (Though I'm considering not, to get Evasion/Improved evasion instead)

Beyond that hefty chunk of investment, the build is undecided. I'm considering a 2 lvl dip into Rogue or Martial Artist monk to secure Evasion, maybe a bonus feat or two.

The character has a complete hatred of magic, and would want to avoid ALL reliance on magic, in any form. Essentially, if Anti-Magic Field can turn it off, or it's a spell, he doesn't want it.

(obviously this experiment goes against....essentially all of the patterns established by Pathfinder (Rely on items as you level, linear warrior, quadratic mage, etc)

I'm not EXPECTING it to work perfectly, and am even skeptical to it working at all; but it's my current obsession.

That's pretty cool. But I do think I also got your wizard's number in my post on the first page of this thread.

Unfortunately not; the Inescapable grasp ability is a Supernatural ability, as is Ki pool gained at level 4. As it stands, for the purpose of my goal; it doesn't meet the prerequisites.

For what it's worth though, I believe that could be very good for someone who says; "Su's are okay, but just no spells or magic items"

I've also recently found: er-substances#TOC-Blightburn-Paste

I'm bad at linking. Blightburn paste requires a caster to make a Dc 30 Caster level check for teleportation to work in a radius of 60ft. It's essentially a slanted coin toss against me, but it's something.
As for the radiation; atleast my mount and my saves are fort focused.

Neurophage wrote:
Path of War, bro.

Nope. Ex maneuvers just hit things really hard and maybe replace a save. All utility stuff is in Su disciplines.

Shadow Lodge

I currently have a brawler archetype fighter in pfs. She doesn't do the most damage or have the best AC or saves, but she destroys every enemy caster she comes across. Disruptive feat plus brawler disruptive stance plus a distracting weapon equals a -13 to concentration checks. The brawler's no escape ability plus step up and spellbreaker means when the wizard 5 foots back to cast a spell he usually fails the concentration and eats two attacks of opportunity. It's not a super powerful build, but it's been a lot of fun to play.

Issac Daneil wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Issac Daneil wrote:

I'll restate my original premise, because I see some people missing the point. Special thanks to wraithstrike whose been tuning in essentially from the start.

My original character was a Human Superstitious Mounted Fury Barbarian.

I came to realize that Superstitious grants you Blindsight at lvl 19; eliminating the need for the blind-fighting chain.

All of the favored class points would be spent to increase the superstition rage power, leading at end game to 7 + 6 (+13) to all saves vs Spells, Su, and Spell-likes.

The mount would be a flying griffon earned through Boon Companion, Monsterous Mount, and Monsterous Mount Mastery. I Changed out the blind-fight chain for: Mounted Combat, Skill Focus: Ride, and Indomitable Mount.

The griffon also has the Bodyguard archetype (Though I'm considering not, to get Evasion/Improved evasion instead)

Beyond that hefty chunk of investment, the build is undecided. I'm considering a 2 lvl dip into Rogue or Martial Artist monk to secure Evasion, maybe a bonus feat or two.

The character has a complete hatred of magic, and would want to avoid ALL reliance on magic, in any form. Essentially, if Anti-Magic Field can turn it off, or it's a spell, he doesn't want it.

(obviously this experiment goes against....essentially all of the patterns established by Pathfinder (Rely on items as you level, linear warrior, quadratic mage, etc)

I'm not EXPECTING it to work perfectly, and am even skeptical to it working at all; but it's my current obsession.

That's pretty cool. But I do think I also got your wizard's number in my post on the first page of this thread.

Unfortunately not; the Inescapable grasp ability is a Supernatural ability, as is Ki pool gained at level 4. As it stands, for the purpose of my goal; it doesn't meet the prerequisites.

For what it's worth though, I believe that could be very good for someone who says; "Su's are okay, but just no spells or magic items"

It had escaped my attention that Inescapable Grasp was disqualified by your criteria. That leaves Greater Grapple + Expert Captor, which is very effective unless your wizard thought to put up Freedom of Movement before combat.

Also, there still is Keen Scent and Blind Fighting coupled with some way to make smoke. the Eversmoking Bottle doesn't fit your criteria, but smokesticks do, but they don't make your opponents Blind the way the ES Bottle and and the Pyrotechnics Spell do. There are other alchemal weapons, flash powder, Skyrocket fireworks can blind or deafen opponents, Starfountain fireworks Blind opponents who fail a Reflex Save.

Or your character could learn Quick, Greater dirty tricks. If Grappling doesn't work, Blind them as a Combat Maneuver. If they have a spell for that, then Deafen them, then Stagger them. Most arcane spellcasters have low CMDs

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

There is still the problem of getting to him especially if he knows you are coming, and each caster has a lot of possibilities to cover which a melee type without magic can not match all in one build.
Very true. Much depends how crazy/perfect you let divinations be. (I generally houserule away divinations entirely. They ruin too many potential storylines - and they're much of the caster/martial disparity.)

Well Divinations can be tricky. Those who favor Casters on these boards (ahem...players as opposed to reasonable GMs) feel divinations will allow you to have a 100 INT which means you can absorb information on the facets of all the millions of individuals in the world (which in theory should blow someone's mind, or it should be more restricted than that).

If one simply asks using some high level divination spell that lets them ask it...who wants to kill me...they suddenly have several 100,000 responses (if they are high level, that's actually NOT an unreasonable thing to have happen). As GM, if they REALLY want to go that route, in order for their mind to figure that all out, I'll simply have them WRITE OUT ALL 100,000 names by hand. If they do that, I can choose one at random that is REALLY their intended target rather than the 100,000 that WANT to do the deed (not that there will really be any difference between them and the others except at that VERY moment they just happen to be the one in the right position as opposed to when the question was asked when it may have been any of the other 100,000)

Divinations can be powerful and useful, but if players REALLY want to do the Spellcaster vs. players thing to prove spellcasters are all powerful...then their spells aren't going to be favorable as they normally get, as the other PC's also have GM fate working for them.

On the otherhand, if they are reasonable in their use, I try not to be the jerk GM and give them what they want. I have no problems with Divination, but then I normally don't have players wanting to abuse the spellcaster rules like you see on these boards quite a bit. In fact, at early levels, sometimes I am VERY favorable towards spellcasters in order to help them survive to live to see the next level.

Talking about 3.5 (heh, that can bring back memories) wasn't there a class that could actually absorb spells cast against them? I believe it was the spell thief and they could absorb the spell at 20th level (don't have the book with me at this moment, so can't actually verify that). Would that be enough to nullify a caster momentarily (saying one allows the 3.5 classes)?

Of course, that doesn't have anything else optimized to do the deed, but it's something that came to mind.

GreyWolfLord wrote:
Charon's Little Helper wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

There is still the problem of getting to him especially if he knows you are coming, and each caster has a lot of possibilities to cover which a melee type without magic can not match all in one build.
Very true. Much depends how crazy/perfect you let divinations be. (I generally houserule away divinations entirely. They ruin too many potential storylines - and they're much of the caster/martial disparity.)

Well Divinations can be tricky. Those who favor Casters on these boards (ahem...players as opposed to reasonable GMs) feel divinations will allow you to have a 100 INT which means you can absorb information on the facets of all the millions of individuals in the world (which in theory should blow someone's mind, or it should be more restricted than that).

If one simply asks using some high level divination spell that lets them ask it...who wants to kill me...they suddenly have several 100,000 responses (if they are high level, that's actually NOT an unreasonable thing to have happen).

That's not how Contact Other Plane (or Commune) works. You can't even ask "Who wants to kill me?" (since you only get 1 word answers like Yes/No/Maybe.. from CoP) leading me to suspect you are not fully aware of how divining your way to victory works. You have to ask Yes/No questions, such as:

Will I have more then 2 encounters tomorrow?
Will I have less then 8 encounters tomorrow?
Will any of my opponents tomorrow be immune to X.
" to Y.
" to Z.
Do any of my opponents have X.
" have Y.
" have Z.


That's how the spell works. And yes it is ludicrously powerful used properly.

Shadow Lodge

Anzyr wrote:
Issac Daneil wrote:

Hey guys, I'm looking to make a Martial only character (No Su, SP or Spells) who is skilled at defeating magic users.

That's like asking for someone with no ability to do anything of consequence, to be good against someone who can tell reality to sit down while the adults are talking. In a word, this concept simply is not possible unless "skilled at beating magic users" is reduced to something that doesn't at all suit the concept.

Not true at all!!!

You can make a very powerful caster killer using a solid fighter. Step up line with teleport tactician and ready actions to stop casting can be enough of a lock down to stop just about any caster. I'm a fan of sword and shield for the ability to go shield master and gain shield bonus to touch ac (tower shield spec).

My caster killer feat build ( changed to include no su)
Teleport tactician feat line
Step up feat line
Stand still/pindown if feat retraining is an option
Combat patrol feat line
Improved iron will

Then focus on hit and touch ac.
I've played it and with a few magic items (assuming you will use magic items) you can ruin casters and still be a viable tank for no casting npcs.

TheSideKick wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
Issac Daneil wrote:

Hey guys, I'm looking to make a Martial only character (No Su, SP or Spells) who is skilled at defeating magic users.

That's like asking for someone with no ability to do anything of consequence, to be good against someone who can tell reality to sit down while the adults are talking. In a word, this concept simply is not possible unless "skilled at beating magic users" is reduced to something that doesn't at all suit the concept.

Not true at all!!!

You can make a very powerful caster killer using a solid fighter. Step up line with teleport tactician and ready actions to stop casting can be enough of a lock down to stop just about any caster. I'm a fan of sword and shield for the ability to go shield master and gain shield bonus to touch ac (tower shield spec).

My caster killer feat build ( changed to include no su)
Teleport tactician feat line
Step up feat line
Stand still/pindown if feat retraining is an option
Combat patrol feat line
Improved iron will

Then focus on hit and touch ac.
I've played it and with a few magic items (assuming you will use magic items) you can ruin casters and still be a viable tank for no casting npcs.

You know high level casters have "no save just lose" spells right? And will be going first ya? High level casters like the gods they are don't roll dice. They say you lose and it happens. No saving throw. No attack roll.

Shadow Lodge

They have artifacts that are player accessible , anti magic field? Yeah, always a counter to everything. And if you were referring to wish... Good luck, I hope you have a wonderful gm.

I can't find the item to stop geas, and once he tries the geas and fails it's game over for him.

What rule gives players default access to artifacts? Mythic doesn't count since it is an optional ruleset. Also not all artifacts are all that great so you are going to have to be specific with your claim.

Also wish is a good enough spell just using exactly what is in the book. Hoping the GM lets you have something special is not needed.

The one item I can find that casts antimagic field is Equalizer Shield. That's it. And it's not a great option. It's also pointless to this discussion as the OP wants a "no magic whatsoever" character.

The fighter "caster killer" is great... assuming that you can reach the caster in the first place. Overland Flight starts at level 9 and really should never expire. Withdraw completely ignores it. And again, all of it is pointless to the OP as they're a barbarian, not a fighter, so the earliest they can get Teleport Tactician is level 13 well past the time when everything flies. You probably don't get it that early as a Fighter either since it's like 8 feats at a minimum. And again, assuming you can actually reach the casters through their minions/walls/Emergency Force Sphere, actually hit them through mirror image/displacement/invisibility, and so on and so forth. More feats to throw on a fire forever just to counter stuff a spellcaster gets to do every day and change up whenever they want.

TheSideKick wrote:

They have artifacts that are player accessible , anti magic field? Yeah, always a counter to everything. And if you were referring to wish... Good luck, I hope you have a wonderful gm.

I can't find the item to stop geas, and once he tries the geas and fails it's game over for him.

Aroden's Spellbane makes many high level casters immune to antimagic field. Antimagic field is generally speaking a terrible option to try and top casters as thanks to instaneous conjurations they, calling spells, and animated minions, they can attack you while you are at your weakest. Not to mention you now need an (Ex) means of flight to even get close to the caster. And using Wish to duplicate Geas is within the power of a Wish and isn't subject to corruption. And again, thanks to Contact Other Plane/Commune the caster already knows if you are immune to Geas and will simply use a different no-save-just-lose option.

Issac Daneil wrote:

Hey guys, I'm looking to make a Martial only character (No Su, SP or Spells) who is skilled at defeating magic users.

I've got my own build, centered around a Mounted Fury Barbarian w/ Boon Companion/Monstrous Mount (Griffon)/Monstrous Mount Mastery, and Greater Blind-Fight + Keen Scent. Add in all the expected Superstition, Witch Hunter, etcs.

But, I'm looking for any ideas people have to try and defeat spellcasters with some sense of reliability.

I imagine Flash Damage is one of the best, by attempting to have massive damage, and a huge initiative, but I'd like to see if we can generate ideas that work past round 1, after the mage has somehow survived the first hit.

So, any ideas for surviving: Touch spells (Melee or range), Invisibility, Flight, Teleportation, Save or Sucks, etc.

My barb turned out okay by the standard my group games at, but I'd like to hear other ideas, because I've always been so enamoured with the idea of a magic-less warrior against the magical. (Batman amongst the justice league is the best comparison)

Remember, my only additional request is: No magical abilities what so ever. I don't like to consider magical items as part of builds as well, so let's not assume a character automatically has and relies on an Agile weapon, for example.

Multiclassing is cool, of course.

well... how do you feel about Ki?

one of the most effective anti-caster players ive ever had the honor to play with was a grapple-oriented monk who could traverse a huge battlefield in only a few seconds, and before the poor casters could react he would have them grappled, pinned, tied, gagged, and neutralized, all without having dealt a single point of damage. he carried a temple sword and, leaning on a high wisdom and all-important perception check would consistently sunder everything from Holy Symbols to Belts, robes, cloaks, and headbands of various magical abilities. this kind of build is easily achievable with a Fighter, or without much investment into the Ki side of the monk, but the flavor of the monk just really fit in well with the build.

Soul wrote:
well... how do you feel about Ki?
Issac Daneil wrote:

Unfortunately not; the Inescapable grasp ability is a Supernatural ability, as is Ki pool gained at level 4. As it stands, for the purpose of my goal; it doesn't meet the prerequisites.

For what it's worth though, I believe that could be very good for someone who says; "Su's are okay, but just no spells or magic items"

For brevity purposes, everything they want should work in an antimagic field. So no Spells, SLAs, SUs, nothing in the slighest magical. I forget their opinion on alchemical items.

Bob Bob Bob wrote:
For brevity purposes, everything they want should work in an antimagic field. So no Spells, SLAs, SUs, nothing in the slighest magical. I forget their opinion on alchemical items.

well... good luck with that.

Soul wrote:
Bob Bob Bob wrote:
For brevity purposes, everything they want should work in an antimagic field. So no Spells, SLAs, SUs, nothing in the slighest magical. I forget their opinion on alchemical items.
well... good luck with that.

I already asked about SU, believe me. With SU they can get flight (greater elemental blood electricity), rerolls (eater of magic), touch AC and can hit incorporeal (ghost rager), dispel magic (spell sunder), true seeing (ultimate clarity), and natural armor (beast totem). All without dipping or gymnastics to get what they want. Just Power Attack, Improved Sunder, and Extra Rage Power.

Anzyr wrote:
TheSideKick wrote:

They have artifacts that are player accessible , anti magic field? Yeah, always a counter to everything. And if you were referring to wish... Good luck, I hope you have a wonderful gm.

I can't find the item to stop geas, and once he tries the geas and fails it's game over for him.

Aroden's Spellbane makes many high level casters immune to antimagic field. Antimagic field is generally speaking a terrible option to try and top casters as thanks to instaneous conjurations they, calling spells, and animated minions, they can attack you while you are at your weakest. Not to mention you now need an (Ex) means of flight to even get close to the caster. And using Wish to duplicate Geas is within the power of a Wish and isn't subject to corruption. And again, thanks to Contact Other Plane/Commune the caster already knows if you are immune to Geas and will simply use a different no-save-just-lose option.

If the Anti-mage character wears an Iron Circlet of Guarded Souls then they'll be protected from Commune attempts to discern anything about them, correct?

I made a rogue for a PVP game once and that is because I've missed many sessions so I couldn't use my old cavalier. No special artifacts and gear like everyone else but at least the GM gave me a nice wallet.

Not so nice when I found out the artifacts level up the other PCs. So there I was, a level 10 rogue against level 20s.

Time went on, my team was down and I was alone. I took down the cleric and then there was me against the magus. I was utilizing attrition warefare, made a sniper expecting a BBEG fight. Magus was one of those nightcrawler builds. He was trying to perception my stealth. I was trying to take him down.

Got him down to 3 rounds away from my win then he remembered the MacGuffin. Fixed it up, good team wins (yeah it was all really stacked against those of us who wanted to be evil)

Martial can beat magic characters, but you're going to need the right build and the proper magical items.

Oh wow, I just learnt that the Barbarian can select Disruptive and Spellbreaker as Rage Powers. Don't know how I missed it before, but this gives them access to Teleport Tactician...nice.

Kaouse wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
TheSideKick wrote:

They have artifacts that are player accessible , anti magic field? Yeah, always a counter to everything. And if you were referring to wish... Good luck, I hope you have a wonderful gm.

I can't find the item to stop geas, and once he tries the geas and fails it's game over for him.

Aroden's Spellbane makes many high level casters immune to antimagic field. Antimagic field is generally speaking a terrible option to try and top casters as thanks to instaneous conjurations they, calling spells, and animated minions, they can attack you while you are at your weakest. Not to mention you now need an (Ex) means of flight to even get close to the caster. And using Wish to duplicate Geas is within the power of a Wish and isn't subject to corruption. And again, thanks to Contact Other Plane/Commune the caster already knows if you are immune to Geas and will simply use a different no-save-just-lose option.
If the Anti-mage character wears an Iron Circlet of Guarded Souls then they'll be protected from Commune attempts to discern anything about them, correct?

Nope. That item does not duplicate mind blank. It only duplicates the "nondetection" spell, which helps against spell such as detect evil, detect law, detect magic, and similar spells. A few other specific spells are listed, but commune is not one of them.

Omnitricks wrote:

I made a rogue for a PVP game once and that is because I've missed many sessions so I couldn't use my old cavalier. No special artifacts and gear like everyone else but at least the GM gave me a nice wallet.

Not so nice when I found out the artifacts level up the other PCs. So there I was, a level 10 rogue against level 20s.

Time went on, my team was down and I was alone. I took down the cleric and then there was me against the magus. I was utilizing attrition warefare, made a sniper expecting a BBEG fight. Magus was one of those nightcrawler builds. He was trying to perception my stealth. I was trying to take him down.

Got him down to 3 rounds away from my win then he remembered the MacGuffin. Fixed it up, good team wins (yeah it was all really stacked against those of us who wanted to be evil)

Martial can beat magic characters, but you're going to need the right build and the proper magical items.

Yeah we already told him he can kill some casters, but he wants to be able to take any caster which is not happening. They can counter his options. He can't counter every possible option they can bring to the table.

Silver Crusade

Take a look into the bloodrager(untouchable)

You have no spells, and gain SR. Bloodlines don't have to count as magic IMO. But they are SU. I think it would be a nice compromise.

SR=8+level is nice. (Total at end =12+level)

Flying and Invisibility won’t save a caster alone.
- A cavalier with a flying mount, Order of the sword, should pretty much one shot the wizard with a spirited charge.
- Dealing with Invisibility with 2 pairs of eyes should be doable ( Scent Tracking, Blind fight feats, perception skill focus, etc… )

What is going to be problematic is ensuring resists are stellar.
- The mount saves are easy to boost into the roof with Indomitable mount.
- As mentioned, Fortitude and Will saves for the PC, rerolls.

The hardest will be for the cavalier to prepare for no save spell situations but stopping a diving/swooping Gryphon Rider from reaching you in mid-air is not that easy. It is fast happening for the wizard too and he won’t have the luxury of time in this case, flying invisible or not.

For sport, the cavalier could always force the argument on the wizard with a net to get around concealment/miss chances and drag him for a ride through mountains, hitting every sharp rocks on the way. Good luck on concentration checks 

Kletus Bob wrote:

Flying and Invisibility won’t save a caster alone.

- A cavalier with a flying mount, Order of the sword, should pretty much one shot the wizard with a spirited charge.
- Dealing with Invisibility with 2 pairs of eyes should be doable ( Scent Tracking, Blind fight feats, perception skill focus, etc… )

What is going to be problematic is ensuring resists are stellar.
- The mount saves are easy to boost into the roof with Indomitable mount.
- As mentioned, Fortitude and Will saves for the PC, rerolls.

The hardest will be for the cavalier to prepare for no save spell situations but stopping a diving/swooping Gryphon Rider from reaching you in mid-air is not that easy. It is fast happening for the wizard too and he won’t have the luxury of time in this case, flying invisible or not.

For sport, the cavalier could always force the argument on the wizard with a net to get around concealment/miss chances and drag him for a ride through mountains, hitting every sharp rocks on the way. Good luck on concentration checks 

Maze. Kill Mount. Laugh at your lack of flight when you get back. And how do you think you can manage to sneak up on an Invisible Wizard? Serious question.

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