Your Ban List

Homebrew and House Rules

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Arturus Caeldhon wrote:
Rhedyn wrote:

I allow Ultimate Psionics, some of my homebrew, and the PRD in my games. Everything else has to be ran by me.

I am very close to out-right banning the Summoner and the rogue.

Quick! Everybody make fun of the guy that doesn't get it!

I banned getting it a long time ago.

Now to read over all this meaningful discussion!

I'll ban anyone’s ass. I'll ban your ass. I'll ban your dog’s ass. I'll ban my own ass.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

- Deranged maniacs*

* except ones named "Ben"

Hah! Safe!

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evil_diva wrote:
I'll ban anyone’s ass. I'll ban your ass. I'll ban your dog’s ass. I'll ban my own ass.

What do you have against donkeys?! You're a terrible donkey-hating GM, and I ban you from banning my best friends!

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I do a lot of Cali bans. (<--Tempest reference.)



... nice.

Silver Crusade

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I banned the following feats:

Sunder Underpants
Improved Sunder Underpants
Flower Attack
Combat Malpractice
Extra Character
Hamatulu on Strike
Dudley Aim
Sh!# on the Run
Improved Complaining
Greater Complaining
Combat Gardening
Razor Sharp Turkey Leg
Furry-ous Focus
Weapon Misplacement

Will post more when I find my list...

Liberty's Edge

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I personally ban Rogue and Monk. They're so OP that no-one at my group can even bring themselves to play them; it just wouldn't be fair to the rest of the table. I've considered banning Fighter, but people have been good about only using it with archetypes that appropriately reduce its power.

I also ban Banners, which leaves the Cavalier without its most powerful ability, but that's fine.

Oh, and I ban any character not based on anime. If you can't point to an anime character that's similar to your character, you're not allowed to play. And smart-asses that point out that anime covers all genres and periods get stabbed. To doom.

StabbittyDoom wrote:
Oh, and I ban any character not based on anime. If you can't point to an anime character that's similar to your character, you're not allowed to play. And smart-asses that point out that anime covers all genres and periods get stabbed. To doom.

Name one D&D character concept that is not represented by DBZ's Mr. Satan.

Liberty's Edge

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Rhedyn wrote:
StabbittyDoom wrote:
Oh, and I ban any character not based on anime. If you can't point to an anime character that's similar to your character, you're not allowed to play. And smart-asses that point out that anime covers all genres and periods get stabbed. To doom.
Name one D&D character concept that is not represented by DBZ's Mr. Satan.

Commoner. Nothing about Mr. Satan is common.

StabbittyDoom wrote:
Rhedyn wrote:
StabbittyDoom wrote:
Oh, and I ban any character not based on anime. If you can't point to an anime character that's similar to your character, you're not allowed to play. And smart-asses that point out that anime covers all genres and periods get stabbed. To doom.
Name one D&D character concept that is not represented by DBZ's Mr. Satan.
Commoner. Nothing about Mr. Satan is common.

Or maybe the commoners we run across in D&D are secretly the strongest fighter's in the WORLD.

They just pretend to need our help so we can feel special. Meanwhile they are off befriending the primordial evils of the world.

Sovereign Court

I ban daids.

Ermph. Painful.

I ban my homebrew material.

I typically ban the "Dodge Ground" feat.

Even though, RAW, it was designed for characters to be able to roll an Acrobatics check to avoid hitting the ground from a fall of any height, I know some @$$hole is going to try to use it to automatically dodge any attacks from Earth-based creatures (elementals, golems, etc.).

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I ban RAW. I like COOKED!

Scarab Sages

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I don't ban Ban. Gamers tend to need deodorant.

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I ban players who do not try to bribe me, as their almighty, all-knowing and generally benevolent GM (although benevolence is optional, pending suitable bribes)

I also ban bribes, because obviously, bribes are bad and make it look as if I'm not impartial. Instead, I accept graciously offered gifts, given without expectations of recompense.

I occasionally ban myself, if I'm feeling pony and not able to give my players a 100% effort. This ban is not permanent and usually only lasts the exact duration of 1 GS (Game Session ... the standard unit of time-keeping in my world)

Sometimes, I ban the whole world. On general principle. Unless bribes.

Mmmh ... bribes ... erh, I mean gifts.

I Ban Lagg, all kinds of not getting cookies, i ban puppies cause kittens are way better. Also, should i be GM'ing i ban the notion of me not being infallible.

My friend Rez is banned from playing wizards. I'm not altogether fond of the wizard class in general (I'd much prefer someone play an Arcanist instead), but Rez is just not allowed to play wizards.

He can't be given that much power. It would destroy us all.

Liberty's Edge

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Big Lemon wrote:

My friend Rez is banned from playing wizards. I'm not altogether fond of the wizard class in general (I'd much prefer someone play an Arcanist instead), but Rez is just not allowed to play wizards.

He can't be given that much power. It would destroy us all.

Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all!

On an entirely unrelated note: I ban saying the same thing more than 7 times in a row. Or more than 10 times out of any sequence of 15 phrases. Punishment is character death via a nuke that gets a 100x "I don't understand how nukes work and they scare me" damage multiplier.

Unfortunately that nuke will, in fact, Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all!

I banned alter self, disguise self, and hats of disguise ... what's the point of playing the Rouge class with all of those over-powered options, after all?


Smartphones at the table. Have seven damn minutes of patience when it isn't your frickin' turn so I don't have to explain, yet again, what happened while you were checking your Facebook!

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and to continue with the actual intended theme of the thread, I have to say I ban the South Park character, Towley.

Yep, you are to understand there's been a Towley-ban.

Liberty's Edge

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Smartphones at the table. Have seven damn minutes of patience when it isn't your frickin' turn so I don't have to explain, yet again, what happened while you were checking your Facebook!

Hey, no srs bans!

I actually use my smartphone to look up spells and such when it's not my turn.

I ban DM explanations to catch people up when they weren't paying attention. Not paying attention? I guess this session is now in media res for you.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

, I have to say I ban the South Park character, Towley.

Yep, you are to understand there's been a Towley-ban.

This leaves me scarred. I'll be instituting extra homebrewed security to deal with this towley-ban threat.

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I ban Will Saves.

The Power of Christ compels you!

I wish I could ban you all from life.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I can't take it as a joke because it feels too real. People ban stuff for the silliest reasons. I've seen someone ban the magus simply because he's tired of seeing Dervish Dancers :|

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I ban players, not rules.


No Ninjas or Samurai, as there is no "Oriental" setting in my homebrew and no Gunslingers.

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BigDTBone wrote:
LazarX wrote:

I don't believe in ban lists.

It's more of a matter of what I generally ALLOW for my campaigns, and for all of them, that list is custom and unique to each one.

Oh Lazar, skipping over the OP and missing the point since 2008.

The funnies part is that my second footnote in the OP (**) was added because while writing the OP, I remembered LazarX, specifically, arguing over the semantics of calling something a ban vs "not allowing". He actually got a shout-out (though not by name) in the OP that he didn't read:P

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I ban mysel

Good thing you didn't ban yourself!

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

- Deranged maniacs*

Fine then, I'll just ban Guardian Presses!

* except ones named "Ben"

Oh, uh, except for Forest Guardian Presses

Otherwhere wrote:
I do a lot of Cali bans. (<--Tempest reference.)

Hold on there, you sexually exploit half-devil slaves? You MONSTER! That's it, I'm banning Staves! Now you lost your control over Cali bans!

Oh, that reminds me of something else I ban:
Anyone who intentionally misinterprets words as sexual jokes.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I ban HeroLabs!

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Otherwhere wrote:
I do a lot of Cali bans. (<--Tempest reference.)

Yes! Finally, another guy who hates Californians as much as me! *Hi-Five*

137ben wrote:
Good thing you didn't ban yourself!

He was obviously cut off mid-word.

Actually, I think that was the joke, but pretend I'm clever anyways.

Ciaran Barnes wrote:
I ban my homebrew material.

This one has me laughing hysterically for no particular reason.

Liberty's Edge

I ban Caliborn.

Shadow Lodge

I ban goblins.

I ban Kali Ma, and all heart-based ritual sacrifices.

I ban d20s.

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I have broad banned.

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I ban ban lists. Then there's those who make ban lists, I ban them too. Then I ban those who ban those who ban making ban lists. After that, I ....

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

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I ban whining, chatter that distracts from game when the GM asked people to shut up and focus ten times already, and people who do not provide the GM chocolate.

I ban face-to-face and real-time interaction. Play-by-post is the one true play-style!

Sovereign Court

PDK's ban list:

- create pit spells
- anything more advanced than emerging guns
- herolabs
- actions that take more than 20 seconds to decide when it's your turn

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

PDK's ban list:

- create pit spells
- anything more advanced than emerging guns
- herolabs
- actions that take more than 20 seconds to decide when it's your turn

What is, "herolabs" ?

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
No Ninjas or Samurai, as there is no "Oriental" setting in my homebrew and no Gunslingers.

Samurai are pretty much just less mount focused and slightly better at archery caveliers. Just rename them and change their weapons if you want to avoid weaboos.

BigDTBone wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

PDK's ban list:

- create pit spells
- anything more advanced than emerging guns
- herolabs
- actions that take more than 20 seconds to decide when it's your turn

What is, "herolabs" ?

A character creation program.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
BigDTBone wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

PDK's ban list:

- create pit spells
- anything more advanced than emerging guns
- herolabs
- actions that take more than 20 seconds to decide when it's your turn

What is, "herolabs" ?

Herolabs™ Adventurer Cloning Facilities. Bringing you Drizzt clones since 1988.

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Broadhand wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

PDK's ban list:

- create pit spells
- anything more advanced than emerging guns
- herolabs
- actions that take more than 20 seconds to decide when it's your turn

What is, "herolabs" ?
A character creation program.

I believe BigDTBone was making fun of the fact that the program is "Hero Lab" not "herolabs".

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Broadhand wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

PDK's ban list:

- create pit spells
- anything more advanced than emerging guns
- herolabs
- actions that take more than 20 seconds to decide when it's your turn

What is, "herolabs" ?
A character creation program.

Oh! Hero Lab! Ok!

I have found a strong positive correlation between people who don't like hero lab and people who call it "herolabs."

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
No Ninjas or Samurai, as there is no "Oriental" setting in my homebrew and no Gunslingers.

I ban people who ban ninja, samurai, and gunslinger classes (ok, so just the mechanics, but still).

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