Your Ban List

Homebrew and House Rules

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Silver Crusade

Pickles I ban pickles

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SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:
I ban face-to-face and real-time interaction. Play-by-post is the one true play-style!

Bah, you kids* and your interwebs. Everyone knows the only true play-style is play by mail! Handwritten** too, no fancy typewriters.

*says the 26 year old
**says the person who can barely read his own handwriting half the time.

Dark Archive

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137ben wrote:

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I ban mysel

Good thing you didn't ban yourself!

I think he got banned before he could finish the sentence.

sowhereaminow wrote:

I banned the following feats:

Sunder Underpants
Improved Sunder Underpants
Flower Attack
Combat Malpractice
Extra Character
Hamatulu on Strike
Dudley Aim
Sh!# on the Run
Improved Complaining
Greater Complaining
Combat Gardening
Razor Sharp Turkey Leg
Furry-ous Focus
Weapon Misplacement

Will post more when I find my list...

So you ban Giraffe charge?

Some of the funniest lines are when someone takes everything literally.
Also, Wonderlanders are from limbo so they use gag items, powers, and spells.
Rather than starting a new topic and crowding out everyone's favorite topics, I will tell you I seriously ban fumbles and fumble decks. A one is an automatic miss. A one on a crit confermation roll is a normal hit.

I ban banter. This thread is now illegal.

Ivan Rûski wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

PDK's ban list:

- create pit spells
- anything more advanced than emerging guns
- herolabs
- actions that take more than 20 seconds to decide when it's your turn

What is, "herolabs" ?
Herolabs™ Adventurer Cloning Facilities. Bringing you Drizzt clones since 1988.

"Okay, so ... I want to play a drow. A good drow..."

sowhereaminow wrote:

I banned the following feats:

Sunder Underpants
Improved Sunder Underpants
Flower Attack
Combat Malpractice
Extra Character
Hamatulu on Strike
Dudley Aim
Sh!# on the Run
Improved Complaining
Greater Complaining
Combat Gardening
Razor Sharp Turkey Leg
Furry-ous Focus
Weapon Misplacement

Will post more when I find my list...


Die Harder
Improved/Greater Faint (fall prone as a move/swift action)
Weapon Noblesse Oblige (as long as you are closer to 0 hp than your target, you are obliged to attack)

Liberty's Edge

Do you allow commoner flaws?

Silver Crusade

Oh, I also ban 'that guy'. Y'know, that guy!

Grand Lodge

Flaws, Certain Traits like Finding Your Kin, evil alignments (unless it is appropriate for the campaing), and depending on the campaign certain races and classes.

Wagons. I ban wagons. Everyone always wants to jump on one.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Do you allow commoner flaws?

They're not FLAWS! Peasant Hat is a FEATURE, not a BUG! (Just look at my pickture there!)

It's a ROLE-PLAYIN' AID to keep the hat with the -20 Dippomancy modeefieer on or else ta ravens will come and peck out yer brains!
Mmm, mention of rolls is makin' me a scootch hungry!

bookrat wrote:
I ban the CRB.

But muh Power Attacks... Muh freedom...

I ban the French.

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I ban orcs at my table. One stole my bike once and I haven't trusted them since.

Sovereign Court

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Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
I ban the French.


The_Superior_Dudemeister wrote:
137ben wrote:

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I ban mysel

Good thing you didn't ban yourself!

I think he got banned before he could finish the sentence.

Uh, actually, I already made that joke! Yup, I got in before you. I—hey, wait a second...

DungeonMasterCal wrote:
No Ninjas


*Disappears in cloud of pretentious smoke*

That's it. I'm rolling out the 21st amendment.

I ban all previous and subsequent bans.


Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
I ban the French.

What is America's issue with the French? You do realize that you owe the bloody existence of your very country to their intercession? That without them you wouldn't be frying your bloody freedom fries?

LazarX wrote:
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
I ban the French.
What is America's issue with the French? You do realize that you owe the bloody existence of your very country to their intercession? That without them you wouldn't be frying your bloody freedom fries?

You take that back! Everybody knows that the archangel Washington himself came down from Heaven and sent those damned Lobsterbacks back to the Hell they came from! The French just sat around making pithy remarks and eating weird cheeses. Plus, Anglophones not liking Francophones is basically a law of nature. Just look at Canada. I'm not even convinced that Anglophones and Francophones are the same species.

Also, French Fries are Belgian. We just call them French Fries to annoy the French.

The French think they're so cool with their fancy cuisine. Well, they may have invented french fries, but we invented the secret sauce you dip 'em in! Check. And. Mate.

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Umbral Reaver wrote:

If pants were powerful, people would want to sunder pants.

Sunderpants. Do you want that in your game? D:

It is now my character's mission to sunder pants whenever he or she can in all games I play from here on out.

One game, I banned all classes until level 2. You had to be an Isgerian commoner first. :D

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DM Under The Bridge wrote:
One game, I banned all classes until level 2. You had to be an Isgerian commoner first. :D

That's nothing! I banned all classes until level 20.


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LazarX wrote:
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
I ban the French.
What is America's issue with the French? You do realize that you owe the bloody existence of your very country to their intercession? That without them you wouldn't be frying your bloody freedom fries?

Unlikely, loosing (as it would likely be called) the Colonial-American Civil War, would likely have delayed westward expansion and left most of what we now call the U.S. with arbitrary lines just like South America, Africa, and the Middle East; but independence would have been achieved through declaration (Canada, Australia, etc) by the middle 1900's. It would be (granted) a VERY different country. It's up for speculation if that is better or not.

edit: I ban historical analysis at my tables.

And crunchy salty snacks! You are too delicious! What are you up to?!?!?

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Your Unwashed Messes wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Do you allow commoner flaws?

They're not FLAWS! Peasant Hat is a FEATURE, not a BUG! (Just look at my pickture there!)

It's a ROLE-PLAYIN' AID to keep the hat with the -20 Dippomancy modeefieer on or else ta ravens will come and peck out yer brains!
Mmm, mention of rolls is makin' me a scootch hungry!

I think he might be referring to Chicken Infested, from Dragon Magazine when Paizo had control over it.

CommandoDude wrote:

That's it. I'm rolling out the 21st amendment.

I ban all previous and subsequent bans.

Nuh uh! 21st Amendment Bans only ban whatever the 18th thing to be banned was!

Treefolk wrote:

Oh come ON! Really? There's nothing overpowered about potatoes that's anywhere near as crazy as cucumbers!

BigDTBone wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
I ban the French.
What is America's issue with the French? You do realize that you owe the bloody existence of your very country to their intercession? That without them you wouldn't be frying your bloody freedom fries?

Unlikely, loosing (as it would likely be called) the Colonial-American Civil War, would likely have delayed westward expansion and left most of what we now call the U.S. with arbitrary lines just like South America, Africa, and the Middle East; but independence would have been achieved through declaration (Canada, Australia, etc) by the middle 1900's. It would be (granted) a VERY different country. It's up for speculation if that is better or not.

edit: I ban historical analysis at my tables.

And crunchy salty snacks! You are too delicious! What are you up to?!?!?

Well at least it means he read part of the thread beyond the title:)

Indagare wrote:
Wagons. I ban wagons. Everyone always wants to jump on one.

In my experience Orchestra Wagons are a lot more dangerous than Band Wagons. And they are even more likely to show up, what with not having "ban" in their name.

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Gark the Goblin wrote:
Do you allow commoner flaws?
Your Unwashed Messes wrote:

They're not FLAWS! Peasant Hat is a FEATURE, not a BUG! (Just look at my pickture there!)

It's a ROLE-PLAYIN' AID to keep the hat with the -20 Dippomancy modeefieer on or else ta ravens will come and peck out yer brains!
Mmm, mention of rolls is makin' me a scootch hungry!

137ben wrote:
I think he might be referring to Chicken Infested, from Dragon Magazine when Paizo had control over it.

Actually "Peasant Hat" was another flaw in the same April First publication. It was an ugly hat that gave a penalty to diplomacy (was it -20? I don't recall) but if the commoner ever took it off, it would expose your brains and birds (was it ravens? it's been a while) would come peck your brains out, killing you.

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I ban Bane. This is D&D not DC.

Dark Archive

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I ban my self for being a rabbit

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Tacticslion wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Do you allow commoner flaws?
Your Unwashed Messes wrote:

They're not FLAWS! Peasant Hat is a FEATURE, not a BUG! (Just look at my pickture there!)

It's a ROLE-PLAYIN' AID to keep the hat with the -20 Dippomancy modeefieer on or else ta ravens will come and peck out yer brains!
Mmm, mention of rolls is makin' me a scootch hungry!

137ben wrote:
I think he might be referring to Chicken Infested, from Dragon Magazine when Paizo had control over it.
Actually "Peasant Hat" was another flaw in the same April First publication. It was an ugly hat that gave a penalty to diplomacy (was it -20? I don't recall) but if the commoner ever took it off, it would expose your brains and birds (was it ravens? it's been a while) would come peck your brains out, killing you.

That was such a good issue. Those flaws, wow.

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lord of rabbits wrote:
I ban my self for being a rabbit

Rabbit Season!

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Packer fans.

Liberty's Edge

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I ban banned wagons, bandwagons, bad waggins, bilbo baggins, bad dragons, XBox laggins, empty flagons, and clowns. Tieflings are cool, though.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Actually "Peasant Hat" was another flaw in the same April First publication. It was an ugly hat that gave a penalty to diplomacy (was it -20? I don't recall) but if the commoner ever took it off, it would expose your brains and birds (was it ravens? it's been a while) would come peck your brains out, killing you.

Oh, right. Guess I'd forgotten about most of the Dragon stuff:P

born_of_fire wrote:
I ban Bane. This is D&D not DC.

But how can you make saving throws or skill checks without DCs? I Marvel at how much some people can remove from the game!

Dark Archive

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I ban things dealing with metamagic used to create sentient bananas. Occasionally other fruit is allowed

What about animate non-sentient bananas? (You know, INT 2-type stuff.)

Generally I try not to ban anything.

I do toss out the masterwork transformation spells, but that's more to keep crafting being useful than anything else.

Depending on the game world, I might ban specific things. In my own world, psionics only exist on continent B, katanas & kikko armor on continent C, etc. So not banned, just not generally available if the campaign is taking place in the backwoods.

Dark Archive

What about animate non-sentient bananas? (You know, INT 2-type stuff.)

Totally fine. Had a druid with one as an animal companion (I wish)

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I ban combat. All that dice rolling cuts into the time where we are sitting around eating snacks and getting fat(ter).

Liberty's Edge

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I ban all weapons that are some variation on a pointed stick.

Sovereign Court

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lucky7 wrote:
I ban all weapons that are some variation on a pointed stick.

I smell a troll attempt to restart the improvised weapon flaming wars!

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Liberty's Edge

There was a what now?

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11 out of 10 cartwrights recommend fixing broken bannedwagons with BANNED-AID, the spray on anti-bloat! With BANNED-AID, you'll feel like your own Gamemaster!

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The_Superior_Dudemeister wrote:
137ben wrote:

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I ban mysel

Good thing you didn't ban yourself!

I think he got banned before he could finish the sentence.

Nuh-uh, that's not how it works! I should know, I have first-hand experience.

What'd you'd HAVE to say is, "I ban CANDLE JACK!" Oh, whoo

I just saw the new Spongebob movie so you had better ban spoilers.

Goth Guru wrote:
I just saw the new Spongebob movie so you had better ban spoilers.

this is a spoiler:
Seriously, this is a major spoiler:

Nope, I'm not banning spoilers!

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Ad In News' Clothing wrote:


11 out of 10 cartwrights recommend fixing broken bannedwagons with BANNED-AID, the spray on anti-bloat! With BANNED-AID, you'll feel like your own Gamemaster!

11 out of 10?!? Overpowered! Banned-aids are now banned!

Liberty's Edge

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I ban all who ban banned-aids!

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