Your Ban List

Homebrew and House Rules

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So, there's been a lot of talk the the boards lately* about having too many rules in Pathfinder and needing to ban** a lot of content. Hence, I thought I'd make a thread for people*** to share which content they currently ban.

Without further ado, I present my ban list:

--Weapon Specialization
--Electronic character sheets
--Bull Rush
--Summoning spells
--Ultimate Combat in its entirety
--Paper Character Sheets****
--When using Ultimate Campaign, the entire Mana resource
--Nonracial Hitdice
--Spell Component Pouches
--Dice for which I can't easily see the numbers
--Spell Focus
--Greater Spell Focus
--Dazing Spell
--Animated Objects
--Metamagic cost reducers******
--Participants of the "would you rather" thread on this forum
--Chain Lightning
--Anyone who posts serious responses to fun and/or silly threads********

*Constantly for at least the last five years.
**With various arguments about whether banning is the Correct word to use or whether it should be called "not including"
***Along with bots and any other nonperson entities capable of posting on this thread
****Paper refers to wood pulp, papyrus, and clay tablets
*****But not Fire Elves, Aquatic Elves, or Arctic Elves (from UA)
******Some of these are true
*******But not his clones
********Which, in case you hadn't noticed, includes this thread.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Almighty Dollar does not count as a patron deity.

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I ban the CRB.

Grand Lodge

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I ban players, not rules.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I ban players, not rules.

All of them?

Grand Lodge

Do you ban Pathfinder then?

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I ban outright bans.

I would much rather adjust something than ignore it. One way gives me a new option, the other gives me nothing.

Edit: I just noticed this was a silly thread. So: dancing poodle with a party hat.

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I ban the OP

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Do you ban Pathfinder then?

Only the fun parts.

Grand Lodge

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So you ban nothing.

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I ban things for thematic reasons.

If I'm running a bronze age game based on classical grace, obviously there are no gunslingers.

If I'm a desert game I ban Create Water and some ice-themed spells.

If I'm running a horror themed game I ban cure spells.

Other than thematic bans, I'm pretty much open to anything. When it comes to player options I'm extremely liberal. I don't understand arbitrarily playing ban-hammer whack a mole through the rules.

Edit: Just noticed I am banned. Will played, OP.

Player's Companions and Campaign Setting Sourcebooks, if only because I'd rather everyone play with all the same easily-accessed source (that being, the PRD).

The PRD is more than enough to create just about any character you could want (6 books of player's options, 1 Equipment book, and the Monster Codex provides a few more Alternate Racial Features for certain races like Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Gnolls), and if you still can't, then just ask me on a case-by-case basis for a houserule.

So I guess it's less a case of "banning" and more a case of "these books are all 100% legal without question, but content from 32- or 64-page booklets needs my approval first".

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I ban bananas
And banananananas.

Can't trust the bananastards.

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A lot of Paizo's FAQs.

Oh, and temper tantrums. Can't have those messing up my games.

Mine: ______________________________

Oh, wait, I ban banners. Man, I hate those banners.

Verdant Wheel

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137ben wrote:
--Dice for which I can't easily see the numbers



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I ban pants. They're so powerful that you can't even find a basic magic item of pants. Just imagine the horror they could cause!

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If pants were powerful, people would want to sunder pants.

Sunderpants. Do you want that in your game? D:

Liberty's Edge

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Underpants. Much more deadly.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Oh, wait, I ban banners. Man, I hate those banners.

While I don't ban banners, I do flag flags. I flag any post containing a flag as "just wanted to try the flagging system". Any players who are flagged and want to play in my campaign must where a flag as a cape during play.

Nocte ex Mortis wrote:
I ban pants. They're so powerful that you can't even find a basic magic item of pants. Just imagine the horror they could cause!

Actually Magic Pants are now a thing in Pathfinder:) ******

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Damn I was hoping this was a super serious thread that I could bomb with "Everything but the Commoner class, Daggers, and Wands of Magic Missile(1 Charge). COMMONER DEATH ARENA!!!"

The second I saw weapon spec I knew my plan to be foiled.

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My table is popcore only
Ban list:
potato chips

Arturus Caeldhon wrote:

Damn I was hoping this was a super serious thread that I could bomb with "Everything but the Commoner class, Daggers, and Wands of Magic Missile(1 Charge). COMMONER DEATH ARENA!!!"

The second I saw weapon spec I knew my plan to be foiled.

I had to read the whole thing.

Honestly, I could see Weapon Spec being banned by someone. It's the internet, and it's a D&D forum, so I put no levels of idiocy past people.

I've heard neckbeards honestly argue about how the FIGHTER in 3.5 was utterly BROKEN.

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UNLESS it can elicit a groan from at least 3 other people at the table.

Getting the other players to throw things at the punners head grants them extra xp proportionate to the amount of damage said thrown things do.


I allow Ultimate Psionics, some of my homebrew, and the PRD in my games. Everything else has to be ran by me.

I am very close to out-right banning the Summoner and the rogue.

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Rhedyn wrote:

I allow Ultimate Psionics, some of my homebrew, and the PRD in my games. Everything else has to be ran by me.

I am very close to out-right banning the Summoner and the rogue.

Quick! Everybody make fun of the guy that doesn't get it!

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The only thing I've ever banned is Elephant Stomp.

So OP.

Silver Crusade

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Left handed dice. I swear they always end up in my bag, and I don't find out until I fail that important save. And of course the GM never believes me it's because I used the wrong handed dice. They don't pay attention to what hand I use to roll. Better to just ban them entirely.

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Keith Richards has been banned at my table for abusing Paragon Surge. I'm sorry, I don't have 45 minutes a session to argue about an FAQ with a member of the world's oldest British boy band.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't believe in ban lists.

It's more of a matter of what I generally ALLOW for my campaigns, and for all of them, that list is custom and unique to each one.

I don't generally ban overall. I love lots of options and have more 3rd party classes, spells and such than Paizo produced ones. Not much banning here.

However, if we want to do a theme campaign, I will talk over with the players and want to ban certain things to reinforce tone.

The current one I am pondering is a game that bans all Paizo classes (well CRB for sure, maybe all) and instead use a number of classes from RGG, DSP, Kobold, Ammora, LRGG, Drog Dead Studios and Interjection Games. I think that would make for a really cool change of pace - core combat rules, but not really using much of the core mechanics for classes (vancian casting, focus on mutltiple attack (initiators have a different focus) and similar).

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LazarX wrote:

I don't believe in ban lists.

It's more of a matter of what I generally ALLOW for my campaigns, and for all of them, that list is custom and unique to each one.

Oh Lazar, skipping over the OP and missing the point since 2008.

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Crappy players who misuse the stuff people ban.

Wait, is this a silly thread? Oops.

*Is banned from OP's game*

Summoners, Limp Lash, Traits from APs other than the one I'm running...I think that's about it.

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Jerks. This includes jerking on equipment, especially that which doesn't belong to you. Show some respect!

...and that other type of jerking should be done in private you filthy minded buggers.

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I ban people who don't properly roleplay their characters.

If you play a wizard and you don't bring a bag full of bat poop to the game, you're out. I also expect people who want to play an oracle with the deaf curse to cut their ears off. Much more immersive that way.

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Ivan Rûski wrote:

Jerks. This includes jerking on equipment, especially that which doesn't belong to you. Show some respect!

...and that other type of jerking should be done in private you filthy minded buggers.

What do you have against seasoned dried meat?

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Scythia wrote:
Ivan Rûski wrote:

Jerks. This includes jerking on equipment, especially that which doesn't belong to you. Show some respect!

...and that other type of jerking should be done in private you filthy minded buggers.

What do you have against seasoned dried meat?

Though delicious, it gets stuck in my teeth.

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- Deranged maniacs*
- non-deranged maniacal types
- The entire Forgotten Realms, twice
- wrought iron beds used in only one hand (I hate that kind of power gaming and no jotungrip cheek!)
- Cries of "Bloat", especially if employed by Power Creeps
- editions
- non-psionic Githyanki (unless female)
- dwarves, gnomes and halflings
- dice (runestones, yarrow sticks, cards and rare coins allowed on application)

There's more, but I'm yet to make them up.

* except ones named "Ben"

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
- The entire Forgotten Realms, twice

A double negative, is proof-positive, I'm afraid: YOU'RE a closet 'Realms fan!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I ban mysel

Dark Archive

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I ban him too!

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Tacticslion wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
- The entire Forgotten Realms, twice
A double negative, is proof-positive, I'm afraid: YOU'RE a closet 'Realms fan!

So you agree the Forgotten Realms is a negative!

If I'm such a Realms Fan, how come I've never read any R.A Salvatore? Just because I know how to spell Zhentil does not a Realmser make me.

Because Salvatore, while a decent author, is also only an okay author, especially on many of his Drizz't works?

And FR is indeed a negative: a negative to all who fail at AWESOME! ;P

(And the evidence is adding up...)

You are banned TL. Unless you repent. Nothing but fried zhentils three times a day, and four on Frogmort. Thence ye are unbanned. Not before.

- Pointless posts are also now banned. This post is exempt/survives because REASONS.

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One GM I knew banned Eric Bana and Bruce Banner, and that made me angry. He didn't like me when I was angry.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

You are banned TL. Unless you repent. Nothing but fried zhentils three times a day, and four on Frogmort. Thence ye are unbanned. Not before.

- Pointless posts are also now banned. This post is exempt/survives because REASONS.

Too late! I've already repented! ('S'why I'mma Christian. Duh.)


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I also banned bands, so bards have to work solo!

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