GentleGiant |

Trailer for the Netflix series is up!
Dark n' gritty from the looks of it.
All episodes available on April 10 (in the same vein as other Netflix series).

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Blindsight 600ft. with Improved Unarmed Strike, Hellcat Stealth, Evasion, Twist Away, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Flurry of Blows (with several levels in Monk), Sneak Attack 10d6, Swinging Reposition via Billy Clubs, Toughness, Endurance, Run, and a lot of Ki stuff. Oh, and Skill Focus: Profession (Lawyer), with maxed ranks in that and also Diplomacy, Acrobatics, Climb.
Still prefer Luke Cage? (i.e. brawler 10 with DR 10/-)? boring... ;)

GreyWolfLord |

So, this guy basically puts on an extra long knit hat over his eyes...in theory someone should unmask him (take it off his face, much less his head, takes all of 1 second in a fight) and everyone knows who he is.
Then they shoot him while he walks and boom....no more guy.
Commercial didn't impress me...if you couldn't tell.

thejeff |
So, this guy basically puts on an extra long knit hat over his eyes...in theory someone should unmask him (take it off his face, much less his head, takes all of 1 second in a fight) and everyone knows who he is.
Then they shoot him while he walks and boom....no more guy.
Commercial didn't impress me...if you couldn't tell.
It wasn't clear to me if this was supposed to be his initial, improvised, hasn't really decided to do this regularly, outfit or if he's going to be avoiding the costume and dressing like that full time.
And, assuming he's actually got the Daredevil supersenses package, shooting him while he walks won't be so easy. Biggest problem would be dodging the sniper while not revealing the id.

Muad'Dib |

I am beyond ecstatic for this. Daredevil is one of my all time favorite characters. And I've always felt he was the perfect character for a TV series due to the fact that his life without the mask has as much drama as his life with the mask.
Looks like they are loosely following the Frank Millar/Jr Jr Daredevil Man Without Fear 1-5 storyline. And that's good because it's as much an origin of the Kingpin as it is Daredevil.
Trailer looks great.

GentleGiant |

The "mask/disguise" shown in the trailer is his initial get-up, he'll get a more proper suit later on. I can't link to where I read it, but it's been described as such a couple of places (along with pictures of him with "hood" down over his eyes).
I'm also very much looking forward to Vincent D'Onofrio as Wilson Fisk/Kingpin (you only see him from behind in the short clip at a gallery).

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Do we know anything about the release dates for Luke Cage / Iron Fist / Jessica Jones / The Defenders, yet?
Given the fact that the movies have given us exactly 0 heroes with a secret identity so far (at least none are springing to mind imediately), the Defenders might end up playing into Civil War.

MMCJawa |

Jessica Jones may be out by the end of 2015, but that's a stretch. Netflix hasn't given formal dates for the series, just a sort of rough idea when they expect it.
They are now just wrapping up the casting for that one (David Tennant as The Purple Man...hell yeah)
I actually don't think we are going to get any sort of Super hero registration act. I think Civil War will have as much to do with the comics as Age of Ultron is an adaptation of the comic plotline of that name.

thejeff |
3 to 25 is a HUGE jump. Fluctuations I'll buy, this is akin to a rewrite.
Yeah, he's had a couple "radiation accidents" over the years.
I've kind of lost track and haven't followed all of it, but at some point he went through the original process again (which somehow also got him an indestructible jacket?) and got the "Power Man virus", whatever that is.It was a genuine upgrade.

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re: Luke Cage's strength:

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My 3am viewing of the first show was awesome. I expect my reviewing of that show at a more reasonable hour will be even greater. Wow this show is really amazing. I want to talk about it but I'll wait....... I'll wait...
Amazing acting and story driven! (And yes this show takes into account what has happened in New York in light of some other previous MCU movie(s) )

ShinHakkaider |

The first episode is pretty solid and starts to set up conflicts to come.
It's just the first episode but I'll just say this as disappointed as I am in POWERS is as excited I am about DAREDEVIL.
I mean they REALLY got this right so far.
The only thing i'm a little disappointed in is the fight choreography and staging. (I'm a big fan of well done fights which is one of the reasons I have issues with the Batman films and really like what they've done in ARROW. Even though they've stolen directly from movies like THE RAID...) They're not bad but not great. It's just the first episode and according to Christos Gage (one of the writers) the fights get better and decidedly more brutal.
So yeah...CAN'T WAIT.

ShinHakkaider |
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Of course movie and TV fights arent realistic. About 75% of the moves used in these fights are impractical and wouldnt work in a real fight. Having boxed and gotten my ass beat in actual street fights trust me I can tell the difference.
But as far as choreographed action for entertainment goes the fights on Arrow arent bad at all. I don't watch superhero movies / TV for realistic fights, I watch them for entertainment. Even MMA and traditional Boxing aren't "real" fights. There's no ref, there's no banned strikes or moves. Most importantly there's no standing eight count or ten count or refs to protect the fighters.
I mean for all that, his level of accuracy is unrealistic for the situations that he often gets in. It's hard enough to hit a moving target at range with a bow in low light under decent circumstances, much less when youre moving, your target is moving and people are shooting at you and youre jumping and or flipping around. None of it is realistic. But it's entertaining. That's why I watch.