I Just Got Through Hall of the Flesh Eaters

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge

It was all true. It was as bad as everyone on these forums has said it is.

Final Damage Results:
We powered through the cannibals, but then my druid had to leave his snake companion at the surface, we got through the leaches, and then our reach cleric powered through the first wave of ghouls. Said cleric then prompted us to dig out the collapsed room, at which point we were ambushed by the boss. I got paralyzed and eventually killed and eaten by the hungry ghoul, our reach cleric was killed, and then our Heavens Oracle played cat and mouse for several rounds before sealing off half the room with the boss on the other side. Our Zen Archer Monk that had gone down stabilized with use of a character folio reroll, was healed by the oracle, and then they were able to pull some holy waters off my body after killing the ghoul that had been eating me. The oracle and monk proceeded to kill the boss, with the oracle making it with the last alchemist fire after the monk went down.

At the end of it, 20 Prestige points and 1280 gold for Raise Dead and Restoration spells for my druid alone.

I'm just glad that the scenario is out of the way, and it seems like my druid's Pathfinder Career is prompting them to absolutely loath and despise the undead.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/55/5

Mr slinky has a climb speed. He should have been the first one down the hole. Well, second, after someone made sure it was safe for him.

The ghast is supposed to stay in his room and wait for you

There is a ghoul (Baeleen) in the rubble that ambushes you, but one ghoul shouldn't have done all that.

Grand Lodge

Who's Slinky? And the GM said that the ghast comes out if the rubble leading to the orb is cleared.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Response to the response:
That's MISTER Slinky, your druid's snake animal companion.

Grand Lodge

DesolateHarmony wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

The snake was large, too big to make it through the crack.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/55/5

scenario on crack:

This is the entrance to Sevenfingers’s tomb. Though
mostly shrouded by the strangler fig’s entangling roots,
a Medium creature can easily squeeze past them as a
full-round action, and a Small creature simply treats the
opening as difficult terrain. A Large creature must hack
away at some of the roots (hardness 5, 50 hit points, Break
DC 26) to create a large enough opening. A Huge or larger
creature cannot fit through the crack. With a successful
DC 25 Escape Artist check, a creature can move through
the roots as though it were one size category smaller.

A Large creature must hack
away at some of the roots (hardness 5, 50 hit points, Break
DC 26) to create a large enough opening. A Huge or larger
creature cannot fit through the crack. With a successful
DC 25 Escape Artist check, a creature can move through
the roots as though it were one size category smaller.

Carry companion is handy for those situations though

One ghast waits in the room... and will even talk to you if your party is so inclined. One Ghoul is in the rubble room.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Flutter is talking about the pathfinder animal companion union member, that is his job as union rep.
Be advised that he might inspect pet owners, if they follow the proper health and safety standards.

Grand Lodge

Flutter wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Tier 4-5, so Stinky had buddies. And the GM only asked for escape artist checks, which I couldn't get high enough.

Seems rather cheesy that Carry Companion is in a book centered around non-spellcasters. I could have prepared Reduce Animal if the party had waited, but they all refused.

Silver Crusade 1/5


That...is weird. As Flutter said, one Ghoul is behind the rubble and always alone. The Ghast waits in another room, and while accompanied by Ghouls and Festrogs should not attack you unless you piss him off or attack him.
It's explicitly stated that he waits until the party removed the rubble, hoping they become fatigued in the progress before he talks to them.
Though knowing pathfinders, this behaviour will probably result in a fireball to the face in most groups.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I found this to be a pretty tough scenario myself, but we played with a level 3 alchemist (mine, fairly optimized), level 3 fighter (not optimized), level 4 barbarian (well-built) and a Lem 4 pregen (tragically unoptimized). So we played high tier with 4 player adjustment. Also we cleared the entire dungeon in a single day, rather than the three days that the mission briefing gives you.

It was pretty dicey for us. We were one attack roll of the boss away from TPK when I finally managed to turn things around. It's pretty rare that I go through all my vast stacks of consumables.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

For us it was an level 4 brawler (not optimized), a level 4 barbarian/cavalier (a fighting monstrosity), my level 4 rogue/wizard/snakebite striker (going towards arcane trickster) and pregen Kyra level 4 (the only reason we survived).

We went through with relative ease, except for the final battle. Paralysis, a couple of failed saves and a coup de grace cost us all the money we earned from the scenario. Luckily it was only the one death. Also, leech swarm ... ugh. We went through in 1 day as well, not the 3 days from the mission briefing.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ah, my Occultist is an archaeology nerd and diplomacized his way past that final scenario since OH GOSH THIS IS SO COOL YOU ARE SO COOL YOU MUST KNOW SO MUCH.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

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When I ran it it was for a newly created lvl 1 rogue, a lvl 2 oracle, a lvl 2 sorceress and a pregen swasbuckler.

In the end the oracle died in the big room. But her body was put to good use...

They offered the body Rajin Vol, who had never tasted Aasimar before and tought it was a good gourmet deal, ensuring the rest could make a deal and escape

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The last fight was incredibly dicey with half the party paralyzed at any particular time. My sorcerer drawing his attention with a hail of magic missiles kept the rest of the party from being paralyzed and eventually wore away enough to kill him. One missed save against paralysis would probably have been the end of Able (again).

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

My halfling sorc/iroran paladin almost died during the final fight, due to being mobbed after a failed diplo check - this I will not deny.

Taking home a kuru to 'civilize' was worth it. WORTH IT I TELL YOU.

Grand Lodge 3/5

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When I played...:
My Dhampir character kept one foot in the negative energy goo and took the last boss down in 3 rounds. He also failed his will save and ate one of the decaying corpses, but apparently has an iron stomach.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Wow, it must be much harder on tier 4-5. On tier 1-2 we had no problems with any of it.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

It was a cake walk when I ran it:
The party I GMed for had both a Fire and an Air Kineticist.

They blew away everything feasting on the tumor, and quickly realized it was susceptible to the infinite amount of fire damage they could dish out.

They RPed with the Ghast through the door, which the two Fighters kept shut while the Kineticists went to town.

I figured the Ghast couldn't just sit idly by while they destroyed their food source, so I was forced to fight through a bottleneck.

One person did get paralyzed, but literally everyone in the party was of a class with a good base Fort save.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My 5th level aasimar life oracle went on full offense for this one.

Scarab Sages 4/5

When I ran it at 1-2, it was pretty easy for a less than optimized group, though they were just under the APL average to keep them low tier. 4-5 looked like it could be much worse. Especially some of the tactics.


My 4th level Oracle of Bones just took over enough of the monsters and tag teamed the boss. Might've helped that he was a dhampir and was being healed by the necro polyp.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

The higher tier of this scenario is quite difficult, however the lower tier is about standard in terms of difficultly.

It is definitely an action packed scenario (it has many encounters) which will make table time at conventions tight, but I have thoroughly enjoyed both playing and running this scenario.

1/5 **

Paralysis is nasty.

I'd like to run this scenario again, though...I rather enjoyed it.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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I ran this scenario last week at our FLGS and I was kind of shocked at how easily the group handled things, actually.

Granted, this was in the low tier, but when I saw the group make up on Warhorn... Level 2 Barbarian, Level 1 Bloodrager, Level 1 petless hunter and Level 2 Swashalier... I thought they might be in for a rough time, but the session turned into a fun, exciting romp style action adventure, in the vein of many gore/horror/action movies or video games.

They fought everything... set off every trap... fell into the water. I mean, if something could go wrong, it did, but they still finished everything in a single day of in game time, and very quickly real time.

I enjoyed it thoroughly and the players all seemed to as well. I found it to be a great opportunity for a fun, gory, splat-fest and it certainly lived up to that. Our session would have made an awesome B movie or SyFy exclusive.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Played this at low tier with 2 level 1 first characters (Barbarian and Summoner), a level 4 character (Barbarian), and a GM run level 1 Kyra. Got a little scary in the beginning, but oh how things became like whack a mole when it came to the polyp room..... So many squishies

Grand Lodge 1/5

I ran this back on the 19th for a group of 6 players in the low tier. Party of a level 1 Half-orc Barbarian, a level 1 Nagaji Oracle(of metal I believe), a Level 3 Human Brawler, a Level 3 Half-Elf Magus(blackblade), a level 1 Merisiel pregen, and a level one Lirianne pregen. They demolished the encounters. They even coordinated against the "feasters" and took out 4 in the surprise round. I am pretty sure the boss fight was over in a round. (they refused the "generous" offer that was made)
Since I knew I was running for a low tier I did not look over the differences in the high one. After hearing about some of the others experiences I am thinking I would like to actually play through this one on the high tier if I got the chance.


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Woran wrote:

In the end the oracle died in the big room. But her body was put to good use...

** spoiler omitted **

Re: Spoiler.

<slow clap>
<Thunderous applause>

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Level 3 Ninja in a well-balanced party on high tier. First encounter was very dicey. My character went unconscious from heavy damage. I was fine with that. I would even have been fine with dying, if it had come to that. But I initially failed my saving throw against permanent death, and only succeeded because of my folio re-roll. Honestly, I didn't think that was cool. It's unfair to expect a 3rd-level character to have access to resurrection.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Germany—Rhein Main South

Yes i hate some of the tactics in the higher tier, the use of one spell in the first encounter in particular.

The scenario seems to be very dicy indeed and very ugly at some points.
When I ran it at a local gameday i had the worst possible Group tier wise: only 5 lv1s with no XP and i expected a TPK. But the group did manage it by a very interesting Combination of Sneaky ambush (first encounter) and oldscool Trap disarming to survive inside the tomb. There it went very well, they got to the hall and critted very well in the first rounds and they got to the final encounter immediately after destroying the Polyp so thy had an way too easy endfight

I rolled 6 for every stun duration...

If it wasnt for good rolls i would expect a TPK for sure. It may have helped that the party was pretty optimised builds with 2 zen archers, 1 Cleric, 1 Alchemist and 1 druid but it was still much too close for a lowtier 1-5 scenario. I pitty those who must run it in between tiers. In my Opionion this is a scenario that should almost never played up.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

My party did fairly well, until the squishy DPS got stunned in the doorway, leaving my bloodrager alone in a room of undead. At which point she happily went to town, and I am soooo taking Cleave later...

I also got an evil mark for telling the boss that if he let us leave I would bring him a boatload of Chelaxian slaves as offerings (it wasn't a bluff). At which point the Liberty's Edge character got offended, and since he couldn't Scorching Ray me, he Scorching Rayed the boss. The discussion went downhill from there.

Sovereign Court

Hmm, our party managed to blitz the boss, our Paladin (I think) moving up to it and taking it out in 1 or 2 turns while the rest of us dealt with the other enemies. The ghast/ghoul in the secret room was tougher due to the more cramped conditions meaning that only 2 of our 3 or 4 melee characters could get in and help out.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Loved this scenario but it was a huge challenge. One of my groups only survived because of the sacrifice of their familiar which turned the tide by drawing a round of attacks. It was awesome and the stuff of legends. 5 of a party of 6 were unconscious or paralyzed but they prevailed.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Petitions for the familiars name to go on the wall

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

He actually got knocked to -9 or something but miraculously survived to bite another day!

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