Ninja - How to do damage?


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I'm a Ninja!

Halfing, level 5 Speed 30 Feet

STR 8 DEX 18 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 10 CHA 16

Feats:W Finesse - W Focus Wakizashi - Outflank
Tricks: Vanishing Trick - Smoke Bomb


Acobatics 5
Bluff 5
Climb 1
Craft Alchemy 4
Disable Device 5
Escape Artist 5
Local 4
Perception 5
Sleight of Hand 5
Swim 1

To be honest if I'm not flanking I'm not doing danage and only if they're not immune to Criticals.

Are there any ways to do consistent damage even if I can't flank or get SA?
I have given up on Ranged Damage, so the only source of damage left I have is melee.

My master will allow Dex to Damage weapons eventually. I only have 4 DEX, so I'll be doing 1D4+4 if I ever get a weapon like that.

Should I go entirely for 2WF? So far I'm using a buckler, having a total AC of 23, if I drop it I'll be at 21.

I'm listening to your advices! Thanks.

well presumably someone will come and drop more info
i do think that 2wf is a very bad idea. ninjas are 3/4th bab so you simply don't have the to hit to support that line ofpenalties.

I think the two major choices are two handing-but your dex so nope
and dealing and changing your weapon types to possibly katana via exotic prof.
but you've already used weapon focus on it

So I guess stay the course for what your doing with getting dex to damage somehow. There aren't a lot of other damage increaes I can think of. Not many static bonus adding you can get via feat choices..

Zwordsman wrote:

well presumably someone will come and drop more info

i do think that 2wf is a very bad idea. ninjas are 3/4th bab so you simply don't have the to hit to support that line ofpenalties.

I think the two major choices are two handing-but your dex so nope
and dealing and changing your weapon types to possibly katana via exotic prof.
but you've already used weapon focus on it

So I guess stay the course for what your doing with getting dex to damage somehow. There aren't a lot of other damage increaes I can think of

Yeah, I believe we're on the same page lol. I will eventually start using UMD, right now I'm the only one with that skill, so virtually I'll be doing the Mage's Work, because we have none.

Problem is... it's expensive. I don't like 2WF on Ninja, but if I can get more than DEX to Damage (which I'll get with weapon enhancement), I'll also need other sources. I was thinking about +Fire +Cold stuff, but maybe there are some cool spells that I could be using, either via Wands, Staves or Scrolls.

Very few creatures are immune to critical hits/sneak attacks. Is your GM throwing lots of oozes, elementals, incorporeals, or swarms at you? Keep in mind that in Pathfider, undead and constructs are sneak-attackable.

If retraining is an option: change the wakizashi out for a one-handed finessable weapon and pick up Dervish Dance, Fencing Grace, or Slashing Grace as appropriate. That, alone, will be a +5 boost to damage at your current setup. There's no reason to wait for Dex to Damage if it's a feat or two away.

Well... The strength of 8 doesn't help you at all, but you should be dealing damage by using sneak attack. You should be flanking at every opportunity you can, and talk to your team mates about helping you pull that off. Sometimes an ally needs only use a move action of 5 foot step to strategically place themselves in a position where you can in turn get to a flanking position. When this is not possible, then use vanishinng trick as a back up. Teamwork.

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
Very few creatures are immune to critical hits/sneak attacks. Is your GM throwing lots of oozes, elementals, incorporeals, or swarms at you? Keep in mind that in Pathfider, undead and constructs are sneak-attackable.

Wait, what? You can SA undeads and constructs?? Where? What about plants?

Grand Lodge

You chose to dump Strength, and now you're trying to figure out how to do damage? That's what Strength is for ...

The historical art of Ninjutsu teaches skill-and-strength based weapon combat, with a heavy dose of deception. I've sparred many times with Ninjutsu black belts, sometimes with swords, often to my detriment. Many people who are unfamiliar with actual combat seem to confuse highly skilled fighting with dex-based fighting. Hollywood promotes this incorrect view. Real Earth ninja-style sword combat relies on strength and skill to inflict damage ...

While it's possible to get DEX to both to hit and damage in Pathfinder, it's quite sub-optimal. You must spend multiple feats and buy an expensive magic weapon just to keep up. You can never match the damage of 1.5x Strength and 1.5x Power Attack. You miss out on the most effective weapons. Two weapon fighting won't help - if anything it will reduce your average damage output, except when you sneak attack - at the cost of another feat.

It sounds like you've already figured out your best options, and have realized they're inadequate. I'd like to help, but really have no useful suggestions. Sorry, but you caught yourself in this Chinese finger trap. Sneak attack is probably your best way to deal significant damage.

One useless suggestion: Do verify exactly what is, and is not, immune to crits. A lot of things that were immune in 3rd edition are not immune in Pathfinder. Make sure your GM is following the Pathfinder crit rules for your Pathfinder ninja, else you may be getting the short end of a certain stick.

Letric wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
Very few creatures are immune to critical hits/sneak attacks. Is your GM throwing lots of oozes, elementals, incorporeals, or swarms at you? Keep in mind that in Pathfider, undead and constructs are sneak-attackable.
Wait, what? You can SA undeads and constructs?? Where? What about plants?

Unless something specifically says it's immune to crits, it isn't. Nothing in Undead or Constructs say they are, so they are not (indeed, there are some construct abilities dependent on being hit by criticals).

Hmm.. H ave you considered trying for arcane trickster? No mage at all with a lil sorcery it could mesh well with ninja abilities and offere limited spell choices for some ranged and some aoe moments.
It would afford a few ways to increase damage.
Might consider Eldrtich Scion. Granted i has some weird issues.. like the blood raging spel lcombat thing.. Its a bit hard to use at low level.. which you'll be admitidly stuck at due to how arcane trickster would work.
If your allowed to retrain. You could retrain the last two levels into eldrtitch scion or sorcerer or bard (I might look at the self buff centric ones.. you own't have the rounds per day to benefit. In fact. Thundercalling or sound striker might be amusing. It gives you small amuont of useful abilities Thundercalling a small aoe. and sound striker gives you a target (therefore valid for sneak attack) su abilities. Not many or much damage but still nifty. I think sound striker's is sonic damage? it doesn't say but it says sonic charged.. so I asssume. So that would be good for resistance issues.

So that would be an option. While your at it retraining to a one handed fineese able weapon.. off hand I can only think of rapier and that sawtooth saber? but there are ways to get dex to damage with those feats. If you in a home game you could ask for a refluffing the rapier (best choic to me for your build) into a more ninja weapon if it bothers you.

still Teamwork is a big useful thing for any sneak attacker
in either choices above I would suggest thorough reading first and probably search the boards for some info on them

Scarab Sages

TWF can work, but it's extremely feat dependent and you have to squeeze every possible bonus to hit out of your magic items. You also need to maximize opportunities for sneak attacks, which will be the case for any Dex build ninja.

I have a TWF ninja that uses Two-Weapon Feint to help ensure at least one sneak attack per round, even when no flank is available. I was able to do that at third level. You trade your main hand attack for a feint roll. Against most intelligent creatures, it's easy enough to get Bluff to a point where you'll almost always succeed. By 9th level I had Improved Two-Weapon Feint, and will often get 3-5 sneak attacks off even when no flank is available. (Counting a Ki attack and haste attack). When I have a flank, it's as many as 6 attacks, 4 of which have a good chance of landing. On a good round she can do upwards of 150 points of damage. Other classes can do more, but if you go into running a ninja expecting to keep pace with the damage a THW Barbarian can do, you'll end up disappointed. It ate up most of my available feats to be able to pull that off, though, including the human bonus feat.

A more traditional build would use Improved Feint, which works a little better at low levels. When you don't have a flank/flat-footed opponent, feint then take one attack. When you do have a flank, full attack with two weapons. At 10th level you'll get Hidden Blade and be full attacking from Improved Invisibility more often than not.

First of all, your BAB is +3. You need +4 to take Outflank. (Unless houseruled or there's something about your character taht allows you to ignore this.)

If allowed, get Piranha Strike. Just don't try to combine it with TWF or your won't hit anything.

You can also get the Minor Magic rogue talent to qualify for Arcane Strike.

In general, it's very difficult to get decent melee damage without high strength. Sneak attack is one of the few possibilities, but I find it too unreliable. Many enemies are immune to flanking and/or sneak attack or are simply too smart to be flanked. At the very least, you need to make sure that you can sneak attack without a flank. Vanishing Trick is good for that but has very limited uses per day.
For a rogue, I'd go with the scout archetype. Not really sure what you can do with a Ninja. Feint might work, although it limits you to one attack per round. But one attack with sneak damage is probably still better than 2-3 Attacks without.

Blave wrote:

First of all, your BAB is +3. You need +4 to take Outflank. (Unless houseruled or there's something about your character taht allows you to ignore this.)

If allowed, get Piranha Strike. Just don't try to combine it with TWF or your won't hit anything.

You can also get the Minor Magic rogue talent to qualify for Arcane Strike.

In general, it's very difficult to get decent melee damage without high strength. Sneak attack is one of the few possibilities, but I find it too unreliable. Many enemies are immune to flanking and/or sneak attack or are simply too smart to be flanked. At the very least, you need to make sure that you can sneak attack without a flank. Vanishing Trick is good for that but has very limited uses per day.
For a rogue, I'd go with the scout archetype. Not really sure what you can do with a Ninja. Feint might work, although it limits you to one attack per round. But one attack with sneak damage is probably still better than 2-3 Attacks without.

Never actually saw the +4 BAB, gonna tell the GM.

I think I'll go with something like Slashing grace and get DEX to Damage. Then I'll start making my weapon +fire +sonic damage to get more damage even if im not sneaking!
I can't find other ways to add damage, that's all i got.

I really like the ninja class and the flavor, im pretty useful in many situations, i just dont excel at combat, trying to improve that alittle

don't ninja get a vanishing option? get the invisability ki power. when your invisibale you deal sneak attack(for the 1st attack. unles you suprise then 1st suprise attack and if you win initiative then 1st round all attacks you make.)

also. this might cost a bit. but ninja are well know nfor using poison (back in 2ed oriantal adventures they were the only class given the option to do so without loosing honor).
to lower cost go for craft(alchemy)(craft=class skill) and start cooking up ur own poisions.

remmber smoke bombs are great since if you stand at the edge of a smoke screen you have concealment = sneak attack. but you can see normaly into the area without smoke.

zza ni wrote:
remmber smoke bombs are great since if you stand at the edge of a smoke screen you have concealment = sneak attack. but you can see normaly into the area without smoke.

Just to clear this up: Having concealment doesn't automatically allow you to sneak attack. It does allow you to make a stealth check, however, which - if successful - would allow you to get a sneak attack*.

*Yes, I'm aware by RAW stealth doesn't even allow sneak but that's just stupid an I don't think anyone plays it like that.

Agile weapon enchant will be better for you than elemental damage. Really not sure how to help without knowing group mix, if you have a flank buddy or not. Vanish/TWF can work, but as people have said, sub optimal BAB, so really need to find more hit. Might want to get something for movement also, position is everything for rog/ninjas.

Slashing Grace is pretty great for damage, especially since you can get it very early on. For ninja's, another good trick is to double up Vanishing Trick (popping out of invisibility sets you up for sneak attacks) and Flurry of Stars - shuriken deal pitiful damage on their own, but dropping 1-3 shuriken w/sneak attacks ontop of someone in one go will definitely hurt.

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flurry of stars as far as i recall will only allow for 1 snaek attack.

Rhaleroad wrote:
Agile weapon enchant will be better for you than elemental damage. Really not sure how to help without knowing group mix, if you have a flank buddy or not. Vanish/TWF can work, but as people have said, sub optimal BAB, so really need to find more hit. Might want to get something for movement also, position is everything for rog/ninjas.

I can either get Agile Weapon OR a feat for Dex to Dmg, not sure which one is better.

I have another Rogue on the party, a Swasblucker, a Ranged Ranger and a Tank Oracle.

I can get tons of people to flank with, we try to use that tactic as well.

zza ni wrote:
flurry of stars as far as i recall will only allow for 1 snaek attack.

Point, point. I may have been thinking about the Invisible Blade trick he can pick up at Level 10 (which you totally should! It's AMAAAZING!)

Either way, Vanishing Trick will still let him get into whatever position he wants against most enemies (sans those with inherent true sight or scent.) Can help guarantee a surprise round, and makes getting that flanking you wanted a cinch.

Mister Fluffykins wrote:
zza ni wrote:
flurry of stars as far as i recall will only allow for 1 snaek attack.

Point, point. I may have been thinking about the Invisible Blade trick he can pick up at Level 10 (which you totally should! It's AMAAAZING!)

Either way, Vanishing Trick will still let him get into whatever position he wants against most enemies (sans those with inherent true sight or scent.) Can help guarantee a surprise round, and makes getting that flanking you wanted a cinch.

Tbh never thought about using Vanishing Trick to position myself... thanks for giving me new ideas, usually are way too careful on wasting my resources and most of the time I end up not using them.

Will start using Vanish Trick for that, position freely in combat!

Risky striker is a Nice halfling only feat that Can give more damage.

Tengu besides fitting the theme of a ninja, can be a good race to try for a natural attacker, at least lesser feat requirement for multiple attacks from the get go, and all made at your highest attack bonus.

And an Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists can be gotten earlier than any other magic weapons. Not too sure if Piranha Strike works with natural weapons though.

Pathfinder gave Sneak Attack and critical hits a boost by reducing the number of creatures who can't be hit by it. Nearly anything that isn't completely amorphous or homogenous throughout is susceptible. If you look through the creature types and subtypes, you'll find that the only type that is immune is oozes, and the only subtypes that are immune are elementals and swarms. Specific individual creatures may be immune (worms that walk, for example), and a sufficient number of Rogue or Barbarian levels can give a creature uncanny dodge, but for the most part, if it's not one of those three things, you can probably sneak attack it.

If your GM doubts it, show him how it says that oozes are immune to critical hits and precision damage, and then show him how that entry is missing from the undead, construct, and plant types.

If you have a party spellcaster, consider purchasing a wand of Invisibility for them to use on you when you have a chance to prep for a fight.

Are your wakizashis magical? If not, use a whetstone to sharpen them for +1 to the first successful hit after being sharpened. It's like having +2 strength! You can carry a bunch of them, all sharpened for use in subsequent fights. You can also do this with throwing daggers, though probably not with shuriken. Ranged sneak attack is harder, but don't discount it. If you get to move first in a combat, which will often happen since you have high Dex (take improved initiative if you get a chance) and high perception (make sure you're giving yourself the halfling Keen Senses bonus, and max out ranks in that skill), you can throw a dagger or a shuriken to get a sneak attack against anything that hasn't moved yet; sometimes twice if you get a surprise round.

Smoke bomb is kinda meh. It's useful for the things that require it, notably Choking Bomb, so if your campaign is going for several more levels you probably could keep it. If your GM is running it according to the rules as written, he's not letting you sneak attack from within it, since any creatures within the cloud have concealment from each other. The feat Shadow Strike (APG) can allow this.

Agile weapons are often better than spending a feat to get dex-to-damage, especially at higher levels. However, at level 5, a +1 agile wakizashi is about 4/5 of your WBL, so if your GM will allow Slashing Grace to work with a light weapon as well as a one-handed weapon, or some other such dex-to-damage feat, you may want to take that. Possibly retrain smoke bomb for it?

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:

Pathfinder gave Sneak Attack and critical hits a boost by reducing the number of creatures who can't be hit by it. Nearly anything that isn't completely amorphous or homogenous throughout is susceptible. If you look through the creature types and subtypes, you'll find that the only type that is immune is oozes, and the only subtypes that are immune are elementals and swarms. Specific individual creatures may be immune (worms that walk, for example), and a sufficient number of Rogue or Barbarian levels can give a creature uncanny dodge, but for the most part, if it's not one of those three things, you can probably sneak attack it.

If your GM doubts it, show him how it says that oozes are immune to critical hits and precision damage, and then show him how that entry is missing from the undead, construct, and plant types.

If you have a party spellcaster, consider purchasing a wand of Invisibility for them to use on you when you have a chance to prep for a fight.

Are your wakizashis magical? If not, use a whetstone to sharpen them for +1 to the first successful hit after being sharpened. It's like having +2 strength! You can carry a bunch of them, all sharpened for use in subsequent fights. You can also do this with throwing daggers, though probably not with shuriken. Ranged sneak attack is harder, but don't discount it. If you get to move first in a combat, which will often happen since you have high Dex (take improved initiative if you get a chance) and high perception (make sure you're giving yourself the halfling Keen Senses bonus, and max out ranks in that skill), you can throw a dagger or a shuriken to get a sneak attack against anything that hasn't moved yet; sometimes twice if you get a surprise round.

Smoke bomb is kinda meh. It's useful for the things that require it, notably Choking Bomb, so if your campaign is going for several more levels you probably could keep it. If your GM is running it according to the rules as written, he's not letting you sneak attack from within it, since any...

Excellent suggestions. Wasn't aware of the sharpen option.

I went one handed+shield because I highly deslike the penalties you get for 2WF as Rogue, our BAB is low already.

So far I haven't been using Smoke bomb a lot, it's quite hard to use and its duration could make combat harder for our party. I'm going for the Poison+Choking Bomb.

I have also taken into consideration the fact that I can't SA from inside bcs the enemy will have concealment. Have many items that will solve that:

Goz mask See through any fog
Goggles, Sniper Goggles SA from any distance
Sword of Subtlety +1, when SA +4 (maybe)
Headband of the Ninjitsu SA with concealment and Total concealment

It would seem Goz Mask solves any problems regarding SA, but I'm not sure

Goz mask would, correct. Would also be helpful with things like obscuring mist, and would in fact let you SA at range from within the cloud. Another frequently chosen option along those lines is a 1 level dip into Flame or Waves oracle for the Gaze of Flames or Water Sight revelation, respectively. The former lets you see through flames, fog, and smoke (but apparently not mist -- what the difference is between mist and fog is unclear), while the latter lets you see through fog and mist.

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
Goz mask would, correct. Would also be helpful with things like obscuring mist, and would in fact let you SA at range from within the cloud. Another frequently chosen option along those lines is a 1 level dip into Flame or Waves oracle for the Gaze of Flames or Water Sight revelation, respectively. The former lets you see through flames, fog, and smoke (but apparently not mist -- what the difference is between mist and fog is unclear), while the latter lets you see through fog and mist.

Though I do like to maximize certain things in my builds, I never liked dip level in another class, I just find it way too cheesy honestly XD

I'm guessing with Gaz I should be able to avoid all kind of visibility problems

Just so you know you can't really use Slashing Grace. It has to be a 1-handed weapon, and you're using light weapons. So without a house rule you're stuck going Agile.

You could take a level of Swashbuckler, get the Exotic Weapon Prof. for Sawtooth Saber, and ask your GM if he'll let you change Weapon Finesse to Slashing Grace. This would let you TWF with Sawtooth Sabers, and give you a couple of nice CHA based abilities.

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Basically, without a totally different build you simply need to SA more. Without party support your only real option is feint. To do this usefully you need improved feint, which needs Combat Expertise. So without re-training you are 2 feats away.

Other stuff can help around the edges, but your class is designed to get combat damage from SA.

Don't forget poison. I know it isn't always optimal, and it can be expensive, but my ninja is built around using poison. Can be frustrating when they make their saves all the time, but when it works....

Constantine wrote:
Don't forget poison. I know it isn't always optimal, and it can be expensive, but my ninja is built around using poison. Can be frustrating when they make their saves all the time, but when it works....

So, 20% of the time it works 90% of the time?

Haldrick wrote:
Basically, without a totally different build you simply need to SA more. Without party support your only real option is feint. To do this usefully you need improved feint, which needs Combat Expertise. So without re-training you are 2 feats away.

And an Int of 13 for Combat Expertise, which he hasn't got.

OP, my best advice is to read some of the newer rogue guides. I'm guessing you haven't since you didn't know about the "sneak attack works on lots of stuff" thing. .html

I don't know how the rest of your party cooperates or how optimized they are, or how open they are to that kind of thing. If no one else knew about the sneak attack revision, my guess is they aren't all that performance-oriented. Its harder to rogue it up if no one's supporting your efforts.

I'm told that a combat expertise/butterfly sting rogue with TWF and high crit range weapons is nasty when paired up with a guy who hits for big damage and have been itching to try that. If your group was like mine, though, and specialized in acting like the cast of the 3 Stooges, that's hard to pull off.

I'd ditch your aversion to multiclassing, too. The better rogue builds often dip, usually to grab feats.

As someone else said you can't use slashing grace with a wakizashi, you can dip one level into swashbuckler, take weapon focus and slashing grace for katana.

I'm always saddened how much trouble rogues/ninja seem to have getting team support to set up sneak attacks. PF is a social game. Why do so many who play it not want to be team players?


I'll have to see what benefits I'd gain from multiclassing, I don't see much benefits from doing a Dip in Swashblucker, but I'll have to check if it's worth, if I'm doing it, I should do it for at least 4 levels I think so I can get 4 attacks at level 20.

I was aware of the changes to SA, but sometimes I forget it. Problem is my DM doesn't remember that all the time, so I have to act as reminder.

My party is not really optimized except for 1 or 2. I'm usually the one running clerics/magic users because I'm more familiar with the system.

Our party is aware of our need to set up flanking, but sometimes space, aerial combat or underwater combat makes it harder to pull of.

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If your party is trying to help you set up flanking, then consider the delay action. If you are only a few initiative points away from getting a flank, then delay till you get that flank.

Would the gang up feat help you at all?

(edit. Bugger. that needs combat expertise as well.)

I'm not sure why you took Smoke Bomb. It saves on gold and action economy, but it just never hit me as being that much better than smoke pellets. Swift action Vanish is hard to beat, though, mostly or positioning and fast escapes after landing a full boat of sneak dice.

You don't seem to have any initiative boosters, either, and that's important for rogues. Did you swap out any racials on your Halfling? Swift as shadows is pretty hip.

Are you more concerned with damage or would debuffing and harassment work better for you? Rogues usually work a lot better with partners - with them setting you up for success or vice versa. I pretty much refuse to play one if I can't make that happen, either via a pet of some kind or a reliable team mate.

Lastly, you might think about grabbing a level in Maneuver Master monk. If you can spam dirty trick (blind) effectively on your full attacks you'll land a lot more sneak attacks. That's one of the few ways I can think of to make a rogue "work" even while solo.

I am trying out a ninja in PFS and try to find someone who will be a flanking buddy every game. With your constant group that should be easier for you to do. Get vanishing trick and go invisible to get into flank and maybe get a sneak attack off. If your Acrobatics is high enough you could trust that to get you there.

If you can rebuild and go strength, I was in a group with a Brogue. A rogue with a greatsword. It worked sometimes and was very amusing to watch her do this.

Scarab Sages

Experiment 626 wrote:
Haldrick wrote:
Basically, without a totally different build you simply need to SA more. Without party support your only real option is feint. To do this usefully you need improved feint, which needs Combat Expertise. So without re-training you are 2 feats away.

And an Int of 13 for Combat Expertise, which he hasn't got.

He's got an Int of 12. As long as he didn't use his 4th level stat bump to get his Int to 12, he can use retraining to retrain the 4th level stat bump to Int. Whether or not that's worth it depends on where that bump actually went. If it was to Dex, he'll be taking a bigger hit than if it was to Charisma. Unfortunately, counting up point buy, it looks like it was probably in Dex.

Make use of your Ninja Tricks to increase your number of feats. With a few rare exceptions, a feat is more valuable than a trick. If a feat is available as a trick, do that and spend your actual feat on something more useful.

A retrained version of the character might look like this:

Halfing, level 5 Speed 30 Feet

STR 8 DEX 17 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 16

Feats: Combat Expertise - Improved Feint - Slashing Grace/Fencing Grace
Tricks: Vanishing Trick or Combat Trick: EWP Katana - Finesse Rogue (Weapon Finesse)


Acobatics 5
Bluff 5
Climb 1
Craft Alchemy 4
Disable Device 5
Escape Artist 5
Local 4
Perception 5
Sleight of Hand 5
Swim 1

Buy a Belt of Dex +2 if you can afford it. Buy a Mask of Stony Demeanor for a +5 to Feint.

It's not too expensive of a retrain, but it would take a while. If your GM is generous and let's you replace the illegal Outflank feat for free, that will help. You're looking at 250gp and 5 days for each item. So two feats, a stat bump, and 1 or 2 ninja tricks. 1,000 or 1,250gp and 20 or 25 days. Take the Weapon Training trick at 6th to pick up Weapon Focus, or take Vanish Trick if you retrain out of it to Combat Trick for EWP. If you're in a high wealth campaign or have someone with Craft Arms and Armor in the group, just get an Agile Wakisashi and skip spending a feat and a trick just to get Dex to damage (Or use a rapier and Fencing Grace).

As an aside, I really wish Paizo would just release a single Dex to damage feat. It still makes no sense to me that you can get a Dex to damage feat with a Longsword, but not a Dagger.

Scarab Sages

Ferious Thune wrote:
As an aside, I really wish Paizo would just release a single Dex to damage feat. It still makes no sense to me that you can get a Dex to damage feat with a Longsword, but not a Dagger.

Yeah. You can get dex to damage with a dagger, but it's a pain. You need either an agile weapon or four levels of whirling dervish swashbuckler.

Instead or Outflank or Gangup (or as well):
Wild Flanking: But seeing as it is a teamwork feat you need to be granted teamwork feats like Cavalier or have ally with it. Also power attack (but it stacks with power attack).

Imbicatus wrote:
Ferious Thune wrote:
As an aside, I really wish Paizo would just release a single Dex to damage feat. It still makes no sense to me that you can get a Dex to damage feat with a Longsword, but not a Dagger.

Yeah. You can get dex to damage with a dagger, but it's a pain. You need either an agile weapon or four levels of whirling dervish swashbuckler.

Which archetype is that? (the whirling dervish)

Scarab Sages

Starbuck_II wrote:

Instead or Outflank or Gangup (or as well):

Wild Flanking: But seeing as it is a teamwork feat you need to be granted teamwork feats like Cavalier or have ally with it. Also power attack (but it stacks with power attack).

Wild Flanking is an interesting feat. I hadn't seen that one before. He's not even close to having the STR for Power Attack, though.

Gang Up is an option if his group has multiple melee combatants besides him. It's an alternative to Improved Feint and requires similar retrains. I feel like Improved Feint will be useful more often, though.

Scarab Sages

leo1925 wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Ferious Thune wrote:
As an aside, I really wish Paizo would just release a single Dex to damage feat. It still makes no sense to me that you can get a Dex to damage feat with a Longsword, but not a Dagger.

Yeah. You can get dex to damage with a dagger, but it's a pain. You need either an agile weapon or four levels of whirling dervish swashbuckler.

Which archetype is that? (the whirling dervish)

It's in advanced class origins. It's not up on Archives of Nethys yet, but here is the d20pfsrd version.

For 1 level dip in swashbuckler you're getting Parry-Riposte, free weapon finesse, and the ability to get DEX to damage with a finessable 1-handed weapon. 1-dip and 1 feat and a feat re-train and now you're dual wielding 1d6+DEX weapons and +1 BAB.

Not that going to 4th level is bad, at 2nd you get to add CHA to saves 3 times per day, at 3rd level Demoralize as a swift, Kip-up, +3 precision damage, +2 to init, +1 to AC. At 4th level your extra precision damage goes to +4 and you get a bonus feat. All of that will certainly add to your damage.

Dumping strength was your first issue. (Ninjas have really good defense on Vanishing Trick, they don't need Finesse desperately for AC).

Your second issue is that you went TWF on a class with no attack boosts and no reliable way to full-attack.

Your third issue is that you spent your early feats on feinting, when early on a round of full attacks is a much better way to finish an opponent.

Desperate Battler is a must have feat for Ninjas and Rogues.

Scarab Sages

Secret Wizard wrote:

Dumping strength was your first issue. (Ninjas have really good defense on Vanishing Trick, they don't need Finesse desperately for AC).

Your second issue is that you went TWF on a class with no attack boosts and no reliable way to full-attack.

[omitted, see below]

Desperate Battler is a must have feat for Ninjas and Rogues.

Was that a response to my suggested rebuild, or to the OP's original build? With the exception of dumping strength, the OP didn't do any of the things you list. He doesn't have TWF or Feint. He was thinking about TWF, but he hadn't actually done it yet. My suggestion didn't include TWF either. (My earlier post did mention how to make TWF work, if he wanted to go that way).

"" wrote:
Your third issue is that you spent your early feats on feinting, when early on a round of full attacks is a much better way to finish an opponent.

I don't understand this statement. He has a single weapon and a +3 BAB. He only gets one attack on a full attack. How is a single attack with no sneak attack better than taking a move action to feint and a standard to attack? Unless by early on you mean 8th level, when he'll finally get an iterative?

Desperate Battler is a good feat and worth considering. I might take it before weapon focus, but not as a level 1 feat in the OP's build. Finesse is more important with his low strength.

Jodokai wrote:

For 1 level dip in swashbuckler you're getting Parry-Riposte, free weapon finesse, and the ability to get DEX to damage with a finessable 1-handed weapon. 1-dip and 1 feat and a feat re-train and now you're dual wielding 1d6+DEX weapons and +1 BAB.

Not that going to 4th level is bad, at 2nd you get to add CHA to saves 3 times per day, at 3rd level Demoralize as a swift, Kip-up, +3 precision damage, +2 to init, +1 to AC. At 4th level your extra precision damage goes to +4 and you get a bonus feat. All of that will certainly add to your damage.

I need to check this very carefully:

Parry-Risposte: I have 16 CHA, so I could virtually use this 3 times, but my size is Small, but you're saying it's still a D20 to avoid an attack for free (almost). Wouldn't be Dodging Panace better for a Small Character?

Swash Finesse would get me W Finesse, but I'd still be using Wakizashi, weapon damage is not that important for me.

I see, I'm getting quite a lot of benefits for 1 level dip.

Do I get access to ALL Deeds?

IMO, the true goal of a ninja should be to kill your opponent, and bypass causing damage altogether if you can using the ninja's abilities to work around damage causing through poison use and assassinate. It's like killing with a coup de grace. Understandably, this isn't an easy goal especially in Pathfinder, but when somebody is looking for ways to cause more damage for their ninja, they are not thinking correctly. Ninja like rogues tend to squishy and die quickly if spending too much time in combat, which is why so many ninja abilities are about working around your opponents hit points. You want to ambush your opponent, attacking them with special abilities to bypass their hit points and kill them, then disappear - this is what a ninja should strive to do.

gamer-printer wrote:
IMO, the true goal of a ninja should be to kill your opponent, and bypass causing damage altogether if you can using the ninja's abilities to work around damage causing through poison use and assassinate. It's like killing with a coup de grace. Understandably, this isn't an easy goal especially in Pathfinder, but when somebody is looking for ways to cause more damage for their ninja, they are not thinking correctly. Ninja like rogues tend to squishy and die quickly if spending too much time in combat, which is why so many ninja abilities are about working around your opponents hit points. You want to ambush your opponent, attacking them with special abilities to bypass their hit points and kill them, then disappear - this is what a ninja should strive to do.

I'm all in for that, but in reality it's impossible. I cannot execute enemies, I cannot hinder them in such ways that they become useless nor I can stop them from attacking.

All I can do is do consistent damage, while also being evasive and having access to other abilities that normal damage dealers don't have, like Wands, Scrolls, Skills and Special Abilities.

I've never used Smoke Bomb, why? If I do, the radius is so large, that I'm actually hindering my party instead of helping it. The bombs sound great on paper, but in game, I haven't found them useful.

OK, I have found something interesting, but I need help: o---swashbuckler-archetypes/mouser

How does exactly this work?

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