Mythic Fighter vs Wizard!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Don't be. There will no doubt be plenty of nitpicking and second-guessing to be had after the fact.

Cuuniyevo wrote:
Don't be. There will no doubt be plenty of nitpicking and second-guessing to be had after the fact.

The other reason I hate builds.

Who cares to be honest?

What kind of outcome are you people hoping to get out of this?

People in "real life" Pathfinder games still play Fighters, have fun playing them and contribute nicely.

Actually I find that to be not true in high level games. I do not run or play games with stupid raw but after about 11th level or so much of the game sessions I run or play in focus finding info and bypassing things so we can skip right to the objective.

The fighter helps during the 30-60 min of game time spent actually killing the boss or doing the thing. The other 2-3 hours he just sits and waits well the spellcaster alter reality enough to let them skip act.
The fighter is like the combat only character in shadowrun at high level, often not needed. The player can take part in the strategy session but his character contributes nothing to it.

Forever Slayer wrote:

Who cares to be honest?

What kind of outcome are you people hoping to get out of this?

People in "real life" Pathfinder games still play Fighters, have fun playing them and contribute nicely.

I'm sure there are people who still enjoy driving their 20 year-old cars and feel it contributes to their ability to get their friends/family/themselves around town just fine as well. The problem is that, while these vehicles might still work, those people would agree the car does fewer things and is worth less compared to newer vehicles. You have less safety and entertainment features, gas mileage is no better if not worse and emissions standards follow suite, etc.

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So I guess all the jerks trash talking anzyr should apologize: 00

The deadline has now closed. I have received two wizards and no martials. I declare Wizard victory by default. Feel free to continue the mad argument amongst yourselves, I am done with it.

Also you can never use schroedinger's wizard as an insult again, because when push came to shove no fighters showed up?

That's hardly a fair assessment, CWheezy, as there are multiple fighter builds already posted in this thread, and Anzyr's has not been publicized. As an observer, I am disappointed that none of the people with martials let us know that they couldn't make the deadline (last I heard they would by ready by Thursday? what happened?). I was assuming it was being handled, or I would have been willing to put up a build of my own, just for fun. That being said, I do not support trash-talking from either side, and it is my position that either side could have won, with a little luck on their side.

Anyway, since andreww's bowed out in disgust (I don't blame him), anyone actually interested in putting their fighter forwards will need to find a new 'neutral' GM.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cuuniyevo wrote:

That's hardly a fair assessment, CWheezy, as there are multiple fighter builds already posted in this thread, and Anzyr's has not been publicized. As an observer, I am disappointed that none of the people with martials let us know that they couldn't make the deadline (last I heard they would by ready by Thursday? what happened?). I was assuming it was being handled, or I would have been willing to put up a build of my own, just for fun. That being said, I do not support trash-talking from either side, and it is my position that either side could have won, with a little luck on their side.

Anyway, since andreww's bowed out in disgust (I don't blame him), anyone actually interested in putting their fighter forwards will need to find a new 'neutral' GM.

Anyone who's really obsessed with that question, can always create two characters and run the scenario themselves.

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LazarX wrote:
Cuuniyevo wrote:

That's hardly a fair assessment, CWheezy, as there are multiple fighter builds already posted in this thread, and Anzyr's has not been publicized. As an observer, I am disappointed that none of the people with martials let us know that they couldn't make the deadline (last I heard they would by ready by Thursday? what happened?). I was assuming it was being handled, or I would have been willing to put up a build of my own, just for fun. That being said, I do not support trash-talking from either side, and it is my position that either side could have won, with a little luck on their side.

Anyway, since andreww's bowed out in disgust (I don't blame him), anyone actually interested in putting their fighter forwards will need to find a new 'neutral' GM.

Anyone who's really obsessed with that question, can always create two characters and run the scenario themselves.

Which I did in this thread.

Wizard can win. Fighter will win against wizards with too much hubris.

Rhedyn wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Cuuniyevo wrote:

That's hardly a fair assessment, CWheezy, as there are multiple fighter builds already posted in this thread, and Anzyr's has not been publicized. As an observer, I am disappointed that none of the people with martials let us know that they couldn't make the deadline (last I heard they would by ready by Thursday? what happened?). I was assuming it was being handled, or I would have been willing to put up a build of my own, just for fun. That being said, I do not support trash-talking from either side, and it is my position that either side could have won, with a little luck on their side.

Anyway, since andreww's bowed out in disgust (I don't blame him), anyone actually interested in putting their fighter forwards will need to find a new 'neutral' GM.

Anyone who's really obsessed with that question, can always create two characters and run the scenario themselves.

Which I did in this thread.

Wizard can win. Fighter will win against wizards with too much hubris.

So basically it comes down to tactics?

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Cuuniyevo wrote:

That's hardly a fair assessment, CWheezy, as there are multiple fighter builds already posted in this thread, and Anzyr's has not been publicized. As an observer, I am disappointed that none of the people with martials let us know that they couldn't make the deadline (last I heard they would by ready by Thursday? what happened?). I was assuming it was being handled, or I would have been willing to put up a build of my own, just for fun. That being said, I do not support trash-talking from either side, and it is my position that either side could have won, with a little luck on their side.

Anyway, since andreww's bowed out in disgust (I don't blame him), anyone actually interested in putting their fighter forwards will need to find a new 'neutral' GM.

There have been 4 builds in this thread.

2 by Marroar Gellentera (Griffith page 1, and Hawkman page 4). The first is illegal from way too much gold, the second isn't mythic.

1 by BigDTBone (Mythic Johnny Bowman page 3), and BigDTBone said himself, I quote : "Built for one purpose: defeat Cthulhu. Runs at the site of 17th level wizards (and still dies.)".

1 by Bradley Mickle (Unnamed Hero page 4), that have much more WBL than allowed.

That's it. There are no more builds from page 4 to 25 (there was a troll by Lemmy, the "Strongest Fighter ever", that is Fighter 1/wizard 19, without a build at page 6, but that isn't a fighter and doesn't have a build).

So no, not even 1 legal mythic fighter build has been posted in this thread. Andreww wrote that there has not been any that has been sent to him.

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Cross-posting from other thread:

Fine just gonna post it here:

And yes... that is a 78 Initiative. Not a +78. Just 78.

Arkalion, Ruler of the Grand Cycle

N Half-Elf Foresight Diviner Wizard 20 (Prohibited Schools: Evocation, Enchantment)

Harbinger Daemon Body -
NE Large outsider (daemon, evil, extraplanar, fire)
Initiative: 78 (20 +10 (D1) +13 (Dex) +2 Trait +4 (II) +4 (F) +4 (HA)* +5 Insight* (AP) + 3 Luck + 1 Competence (FPGIS)
+4 (GH+C(+8 MoG))* Morale +4 Enhancement (Dueling))

Senses: Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft., scent, true seeing
Aura - Unholy Aura, Protective Aura
DR 10/evil


AC: 63 (10 + 6 Armor + 13 Dex + 7 Shield* (MV) +5 Deflection* (SoF), +2 Luck* (US) +20 Natural +1 Insight -1 Size)
HP: 540 (24d10+408)
Fortitude: +37(39) (6 +17 Stat +4(6) Resistance +6 Morale +3 Luck +1 Competence)
Reflex: 33(35) (6 +13 Stat, +4(6) Resistance +6 Morale +3 Luck +1 Competence)
Will: 42(44) (12 +9 Stat, +4(6) Resistance + 6 Morale +3 Luck +1 Competence +2 DM +4 Insight)
Immune: Magic Sleep, Fear, ability damage, acid, blindness, critcal hits, charm and compulsion effects, deafness, death effects, disease, drowning, electricity, fire, acid, cold, petrification, poison, stunning, all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration; Resist cold 30, electricity 30; SR 32
+2 v. enchantment spells and effects

Str: 44 (33 +6 Enhancement +5 Inherent)
Dex: 36 (21 +6 Enhancement +5 Inherent +4 Profane)
Con: 45 (32 +6 Enhancement +5 Inherent +2 Profane)
Int: 43 (18 +2 Race +3 Age +5 Level +6 Enhancement +5 Inherent +4 Profane)
Wis: 30 (14 +3 Age +6 Enhancement +5 Inherent +2 Profane)
Cha: 21 (7 +3 Age +6 Enhancement +5 Inherent)

BAB: +10; CMB: 27; CMD: 40

Active Spells, Greater Angelic Aspect, Magic Vestments x2 (Solars), Shield of Faith (Solar),
Unwilling Shield (linked to 1 Solar), True Seeing, Extended Aroden's Spellbane
(2 days ago, 56 hour duration), Extended Aroden's Spellbane (1 day ago, 56 Hour duration)
Spellbane spells: Antimagic Field, Aroden's Spellbane, Mage's Disjunction, Greater Dispel Magic, Mage's Magnificent Enclosure.
Extended Magic Jar (Cast 2 days ago 56 hour duration), Extended Magic Jar (cast 1 day ago 56 hour duration)
Extended Ice Body, Greater Heroism, Moment of Greatness (Efreet), Heightened Awareness, Anticipate Peril,
Extended Fickle Winds, Invisibility Purge (Solar), Death Knell (Duplicated with Limited Wish) on a failed spawn.

Speed: 30 ft. 60 Ft. Fly (Perfect)

Traits: Reactionary, Fate's Favored

Feats: Scribe Scroll (W1), Improved Initiative (1), Spell Focus (Evocation) (3), Fast Study (W5),
Craft Wondrous Item (5), Sacred Geometry (Quicken, Dazing) (7), Extend Spell (9), Quicken Spell (W10),
Spell Penetration (11), Greater Spell Penetration (13), Sacred Geometry (Persistent, Empower) (15),
Opposition Research (Evocation) (W15), Greater Spell Focus (Evocation) (17), Maximize Spell (19), Immortality (W20)

Skills: 20 Ranks in:
Acrobatics +40 / Bluff +32 / Disguise +32 / Diplomacy +32 / Escape Artist +40 Fly +40
Knowledge (Arcana), (Dungeoneering), (Engineering), (Local), (Nature), (Planes), (Religion) +43
(20 +16 Int +3 CS +3 Morale +3 Luck +1 COmpetence) / Perception +44
Sense Motive + 37 / Stealth +33 / Spellcraft +43 / Use Magic Device +32

Languages: Common, Elven, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic, Undercommon

Special Qualities: Dual-Minded
Permanent Spells: Arcane Sight, Tongues, Darkvision, See Invisibiliy, Read Magic, Telepathic Bond (Tzitzimitlx5)
Telepathic Bond (Solar)

Weapons: +1 Courageous, Dueling Living Steel Large Spiked Gauntlet (22,010 GP)
Staff of the Master (Necromancy) x2

Armor: +1 Deathless, Ghost Touch, Heavy Fortification Living Steel Haramaki (100,506 GP)
Clawhand Shield

Items: Headband of Mental Superiority +6, Belt Of Physical Perfection +6, Otherworldly Kimono, Handy Haversack,
Orange Prism Ioun Stone, Flawed Orange Prism Ioun Stone, Pale Green Prism Ioun Stone, Flawed Pale Green Prism Ioun Stone,
Wayfinder (Clear Spindle Ioun Stone), Iridescent Spindle Ioun Stone, Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone,
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone, Greater Ring of Inner Fortititude, Ring of Freedom of Movement,
Lens of Figment Piercing, Quick Runner's Shirt, Necklace of Adaption, Goz Mask, Eversmoking Bottle,
Minor Cloak of Displacement, Glove of Storing, Bead of Karma x2, Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend x3, Blessed Book x2
Rod of Absorption (0/50 stored levels), Blood Reservoir of Physical Prowess, Spellguard Bracers, Featherstep Slippers,
Spirit Jars, Amulet of Natural Armor, Stone of Alliance, Lantern of Revealing, Eyes of the Eagle, Bag of Holding I,
Concealing Pocket, Pearl of Power 9th x2

Greensting Scorpion Familiar. In Concealing Pocket.

Spell Component Pouch x 30
10,000 Sheets of Paper
100 Vials of Ink
100 Vials of Glowing Ink
100 GP worth of Sacks (for Rune storage)

Gold: 3,371

Spells Known (Level Up): Starting Spell Book (Up to 6th level) (Also in both Blessed Books)

1st: Anticipate Peril, Snow Ball, Ear-Piercing Scream, Blood Money, Blood Rage, Alarm, Heighten Awareness,
Infernal Healing, Ant Haul, Shield
2nd: Rope Trick, Create Pit, Summoner Monster II, Mirror Image
3rd: Haste, Summon Monster III, Tongues, Paragon Surge
4th: Summon Monster IV, Black Tentacles, Animate Dead, Eyes of the Void
5th: Teleport, Summon Monster V, Magic Jar, Permanency
6th: Planar Binding, Summon Monster VI, True Seeing, Greater Dispel Magic
7th: Greater Teleport, Summon Monster VII, Simulacrum, Limited Wish
8th: Greater Planar Binding, Summoner Monster VIII, Maze, Clone
9th: Greater Create Demiplane, Wish, Time Stop, Gate, Aroden's Spellbane, Mage's Disjunction

Book of Harms (900 GP): (Also in both Blessed Books)

3rd—fireball, lightning bolt

2nd—acid arrow, darkness, ghoul touch, gust of wind

1st—burning hands, color spray, corrosive touch, hydraulic push, hypnotism, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement,
shocking grasp

Tome of the Transmuter (2,635) (Also in both Blessed Books)

4th—beast shape II, calcific touch, confusion, dimension door, stone shape

3rd—arcane sight, dispel magic, explosive runes, lightning bolt, greater magic weapon, slow

2nd—alter self, flaming sphere, knock, pyrotechnics, resist energy, see invisibility, whispering wind

1st—animate rope, charm person, color spray, erase, floating disk, mage armor, magic missile, protection from chaos,
unseen servant

0—standard plus drench, spark

Blessed Book(s): All Above, in addition to:

1st (100 GP): Air Bubble, Identify, Grease, Obscuring Mist, Mount, Summoner Monster I, Comprehend Langauges,
Detect Secret Doors, See Alignment, True Strike, Disguise Self, Magic Aura, Silent Image,
Vanish, Crafter's Fortune, Expeditious Retreat, Gravity bow, Liberating Command, Feather Fall, Reduce Person

2nd (500 GP): Arcane Lock, Protection from Arrows, Glitterdust, Stone Call, Detect Thoughts, Locate Object,
Continual Flame, Contingent Action, Shatter, Blur, Invisibility, Command Undead, False Life, Spectral Hand,
Limp Lash, Make Wole, Masterwork Transformation, Sculpt Simulacrum, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom,
Bear's Endurance, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, Aram Zey's Focus

3rd (1035 GP): Magic Circle Against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Nondetection, Protection from Energy, Aqueous Orb,
Mad Monkeys, Phantom Steed, Stinking Cloud, Seek Thoughts, Heroism, Wind Wall, Displacement, Deathwine,
Marionette Possession, Vampiric Touch, Beast Shape I, Blink, Fly, Monstrous Physique I, Shrink Item,
Undead Anatomy

4th (1040 GP): Dimensional Anchor, Stoneskin, Solid Fog, Scrying, Locate Creature, Charm Monster, Terrible Remorse,
Contingent Scroll, Greater Invisibility, Enervation, Symbol of Slowing, Emergency Force Sphere, Ball Lightning

5th (2125 GP): Mage's Private Sanctum, Siphon Magic, Cloudkill, Lesser Planar Binding, Contact Other Plane,
Telepathic Bond, Geyser, Symbol of Sleep, Symbol of Pain, Waves of Fatigue, Angelic Aspect, Fabricate, Fickle Winds,
Overland Flight, Planar Adaption, Absorb Toxicity, Echolocation

6th (1620 GP): Greater Heroism, Symbol of Persuasion, Chain Lightning, Contingency, Symbol of Fear, Flesh to Stone
Battlemind Link, Unwilling Shield, Sonic Form

7th (3610 GP): Spell Turning, Plane Shift, Greater Arcane Sight, Greater Scrying, Vision, Symbol of Stunning,
Waves of Ecstasy, Hungry Darkness, Project Image, Symbol of Weakness, Waves of Exhaustion, Ethereal Jaunt,
Ice Body, Circle of Clarity

8th (2880 GP): Mind Blank, Protection from Spells, Trap the Soul, Discern Location, Moment of Prescience,
Symbol of Insanity, Symbol of Death, Greater Angelic Aspect, Polymorph Any Object

9th (4860 GP): Symbol of Vulnerability, Summoner Monster IX, Teleportation Circle, Foresight, Winds of Vengeance,
Astral Projection, Energy Drain, Soul Bind, Mass Suffocation, Etherealness, Shapechange, Dominate Monster

Components & Focuses x2 (10420):
1,000 GP Diamond - Protection from Spells
1,000 GP Cold Iron SCepter - Aroden' Spellbane
500 GP Forked Metal Rod - Greater Create Demiplane
100 GP Crytal Lens - Circle of Clarity
1,500 GP Ivory Statuette of Self - Contingency
1000 GP Silver Mirror - Scrying
100 GP Platinum Quill - Contingent Scroll
10 GP Minature Shovel - Create Pit

What are the asterisks for?

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Isn't the easiest way for the fighter to beat the wizard is to take levels in archmage so they can cast any spell?

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bookrat wrote:
What are the asterisks for?

An * indicates that the effect requires a buff spell. The () stuff is an abbreviation for what effect I need to generate that.

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Undone wrote:
Isn't the easiest way for the fighter to beat the wizard is to take levels in archmage so they can cast any spell?

No. Not every spell will work, and even the ones that do work will likely be at a lower power level than the wizard. It certainly puts the fighter on better footing, but doesn't guarantee a win.

Lantern Lodge

I was thinking of posting in aandrew's tournament, but then SRD? Really? PRD.

@anzyr Your character is illegal, multiple necklaces, and multiple eye-pieces....

bookrat wrote:
Undone wrote:
Isn't the easiest way for the fighter to beat the wizard is to take levels in archmage so they can cast any spell?
No. Not every spell will work, and even the ones that do work will likely be at a lower power level than the wizard. It certainly puts the fighter on better footing, but doesn't garuntee a win.

While true with magical knack or an orange ioun stone you'd get a caster level which would make this a method of keeping up with the wizard unless I'm mistaken.

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FrodoOf9Fingers wrote:

I was thinking of posting in aandrew's tournament, but then SRD? Really? PRD.

@anzyr Your character is illegal, multiple necklaces, and multiple eye-pieces....

I see eyes of the eagle and lens of figment piercing, and I'm not even sure if that is illegal. What necklaces are illegal?

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FrodoOf9Fingers wrote:

I was thinking of posting in aandrew's tournament, but then SRD? Really? PRD.

@anzyr Your character is illegal, multiple necklaces, and multiple eye-pieces....

Those are owned, not equipped. Depending on the outcome of his Communes and Contact Other Planes, he can switch to different items. In particular, in his Harbinger Daemon form he has no need for his Greater Ring of Inner Fortitude, but it is required for my preparations.

Lantern Lodge

Anzyr wrote:
FrodoOf9Fingers wrote:

I was thinking of posting in aandrew's tournament, but then SRD? Really? PRD.

@anzyr Your character is illegal, multiple necklaces, and multiple eye-pieces....

Those are owned, not equipped. Depending on the outcome of his Communes and Contact Other Planes, he can switch to different items. In particular, in his Harbinger Daemon form he has no need for his Greater Ring of Inner Fortitude, but it is required for my preparations.

Except thats not explained at all? I'm not going to post more in these threads, simply due to thier nature, but characters coming into this need full explanation of gear status:

What gear is worn (under what circumstances is fine) needs to be defined.

A -total- gold tally needs to be kept.

Any spells cast or items used that affects the characters current state, regardless if the effect is permanent or not, needs to be explained (such as your inherit bonuses to stats, I assume those come from wish spells?).

This might seem directed at you Anzyr, it's not, I just came late to the party and haven't seen the other builds. So, it's a little unfair to you, I'm sorry!

The two necklaces are Amulet of Natural Armor and Amulet of Adaption.

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FrodoOf9Fingers wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
FrodoOf9Fingers wrote:

I was thinking of posting in aandrew's tournament, but then SRD? Really? PRD.

@anzyr Your character is illegal, multiple necklaces, and multiple eye-pieces....

Those are owned, not equipped. Depending on the outcome of his Communes and Contact Other Planes, he can switch to different items. In particular, in his Harbinger Daemon form he has no need for his Greater Ring of Inner Fortitude, but it is required for my preparations.

Except thats not explained at all? I'm not going to post more in these threads, simply due to thier nature, but characters coming into this need full explanation of gear status:

What gear is worn (under what circumstances is fine) needs to be defined.

A -total- gold tally needs to be kept.

Any spells cast or items used that affects the characters current state, regardless if the effect is permanent or not, needs to be explained (such as your inherit bonuses to stats, I assume those come from wish spells?).

This might seem directed at you Anzyr, it's not, I just came late to the party and haven't seen the other builds. So, it's a little unfair to you, I'm sorry!

The two necklaces are Amulet of Natural Armor and Amulet of Adaption.

A lot of this is covered up my 1 week preparation breakdown. The amulet used in the Harbinger Daemon body is Amulet of Natural Armor +5. There actually is an item that is equipped that is not mentioned on this sheet and only in my preparation sheet, which is a Witch Token off of an Unila (Cabal Devil). Several of the other bonuses are also accounted for there, such as my luck bonus and my insight bonus to will saves. But the gold for everything is that isn't listed is part of the item itself, which can be looked up and seems repetitive to list. I did list the prices for all my focuses, spells, my magical weapon and my magical armor (someone will note that they do not include the masterwork cost, this is because of Blood Money - Masterwork Transformation), so it should be easy for someone who is interested enough to tally.

Lantern Lodge

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It should be plain to see Anzyr, yes, it's repetitive, but thats what spoilers are for, and, it's a common courtesy that everyone should follow O.o. It takes forever to find the prices for everything, and since your already listing them and obviously know the price (how else did you make sure you followed the rules yourself?) you should list it.

Thats for everyone O.o

FrodoOf9Fingers wrote:

It should be plain to see Anzyr, yes, it's repetitive, but thats what spoilers are for, and, it's a common courtesy that everyone should follow O.o. It takes forever to find the prices for everything, and since your already listing them and obviously know the price (how else did you make sure you followed the rules yourself?) you should list it.

Thats for everyone O.o

I used a calculator as I went through and purchased stuff. And since I did it I assume everyone else can. Particularly when any items whose prices require calculations (like the weapons/armors/spells) have already been tallied.

Lantern Lodge

But, its harder for everyone else to do it than if you took just a little bit more time to write down the numbers you used.

It doesn't make your character illegal, it's just a common courtesy to do so.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

the outcome i feel is literally the funniest i could comprehend.

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Bandw2 wrote:
the outcome i feel is literally the funniest i could comprehend.

Mythic Fighters are better.

Wizards are better.

No, mythic fighters. Here's a build to prove it.

That build is illegal.

Well, no one has submitted a wizard build, so fighters win by default.

Fine, lets do a competition with a neutral GM.

Yes! Mythic fighters will totally win because no one ever posts a wizard build. Schrodinger's wizard is the only way they win, because they know they couldn't really stand up to a mythic fighter! Mythic fighters rule, Schrodinger's wizards suck!

Whatever, bring it to the table and let's prove it.

I'll GM, submit your builds.

Here's my wizard build.

Thank you. Mythic fighters? Anyone? Hello? Hello....? Anyone?

*Cricket sounds*

(One week later)

No one has posted or submitted a legal mythic fighter build, so wizard wins by default.

Schrodinger's fighter is now the meme.

CWheezy wrote:

So I guess all the jerks trash talking anzyr should apologize: 00
The deadline has now closed. I have received two wizards and no martials. I declare Wizard victory by default. Feel free to continue the mad argument amongst yourselves, I am done with it.

Also you can never use schroedinger's wizard as an insult again, because when push came to shove no fighters showed up?

I didn't submit my build because of the fighter options that were banned by the person running the bout. Custom items (purchased straight off the chart) were banned, leadership banned, and fighter archmage banned; I didn't see the point after so much stuff got taken off the table.

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BigDTBone wrote:
CWheezy wrote:

So I guess all the jerks trash talking anzyr should apologize: 00
The deadline has now closed. I have received two wizards and no martials. I declare Wizard victory by default. Feel free to continue the mad argument amongst yourselves, I am done with it.

Also you can never use schroedinger's wizard as an insult again, because when push came to shove no fighters showed up?

I didn't submit my build because of the fighter options that were banned by the person running the bout. Custom items (purchased straight off the chart) were banned, leadership banned, and fighter archmage banned; I didn't see the point after so much stuff got taken off the table.

Why would Custom Items be allowed? And how is that a Fighter option? Leadership also isn't a Fighter option. IF you think banning that makes the contest between Fighter and Wizard *less objective* somehow then comparing *just* a Fighter and Wizard, then there's a fundamental flaw in your system of evaluating classes. And the Archmage thing doesn't bother me as RAW your CL is going to be so low it won't matter.

And you failed to mention all my options that got taken off the table. This would have gone much worse if I'd had access to Nocticula.

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I find the complaints by the mythic fighter that the rules were against them to be hilarious considering how many posts there were with people complaining the the rules clearly favored the fighter and hurt the wizard.

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bookrat wrote:
I find the complaints by the mythic fighter that the rules were against them to be hilarious considering how many posts there were with people complaining the the rules clearly favored the fighter and hurt the wizard.

I find the whole "You are letting the Wizard use Blood Money!? And Simulacrum!? What's next? Letting them get Wishes!?" to be hilarious.

Oh yeah that's so unfair, letting them use their class features.

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Pretty much. It always seems to come down to people taking away spells that they consider "unfair" which is kind of hilarious when your talking about the relative power of a thing. If one class can do unfair stuff by design, doesn't that imply that the contest was unnecessary to begin with?

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Thank you for posting your char, Anzyr, and since BigDTBone bowed out, you are indeed the winner of this match. Circumstances aside, the main feature of the fighter class should be that they are ready to stand and fight, no matter the odds against them. To fight and fall short is better than walking away without even telling anyone. ._.

Personally, I'd adjudicate custom items on a case by case basis, and to ban them wholesale does seem unfair, but not enough to invalidate the premise of the fight.

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Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Better to be thought a loser than to show up to the fight and remove all doubt?

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bookrat wrote:

Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Better to be thought a loser than to show up to the fight and remove all doubt?

Seeing as I actually did post a build, AND I said that the fighter would lose I don't feel like I lost any face. I was willing to play the fighter simply as an opportunity for the wizard to win. When fighter options came off the table I didn't see the point of continuing. I actually tried to present a difficult opponent but I had options removed 3 seperate times after the rules were posted.

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I actually had a premise for my character. Basically, he dislikes the present management of the afterlife system so he is going around to Prime material planes so he can incorporate them in what he calls the "Grand Cycle". The Grand Cycle is endless loop of reincarnation governed by Arkalion himself. The main upside (in his opinion) is that by keeping souls endlessly within the cycle, it deprives the planes, outsiders (like devils and demons) and gods from gaining any power from those souls. He believes that the more souls that can be added to the "Grand Cycle", the more powerful the Grand Cycle itself will become as it incrementally gains spiritual strength each time a cycle is completed.

This leads to one of the tactics he was going to use being called "Prison of Past Regrets", but alas it won't see use.

Also, seriously what is up with custom items? They are not RAW and I have certainly never allowed them in games I GM. And how on earth would they help the Fighter of all people? What options are those BigDTBone, because if it's just Custom Items, Leadership, and Archmage for Fighters, the first complaint isn't RAW, the second isn't a Fighter feature and wouldn't help show the result of a Wizard v. a Fighter, and the 3rd isn't very good.

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BigDTBone wrote:
bookrat wrote:

Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Better to be thought a loser than to show up to the fight and remove all doubt?

Seeing as I actually did post a build, AND I said that the fighter would lose I don't feel like I lost any face. I was willing to play the fighter simply as an opportunity for the wizard to win. When fighter options came off the table I didn't see the point of continuing. I actually tried to present a difficult opponent but I had options removed 3 seperate times after the rules were posted.

Considering that you're the only one who posted a legal mythic fighter build at all anywhere in the two threads, I really don't think you lost any face even with your withdrawal. At least not from my perspective.

Plus, you're the one who presented the fighter-archmage thread and I will forever heart you for that.

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Anzyr wrote:
bookrat wrote:
I find the complaints by the mythic fighter that the rules were against them to be hilarious considering how many posts there were with people complaining the the rules clearly favored the fighter and hurt the wizard.

I find the whole "You are letting the Wizard use Blood Money!? And Simulacrum!? What's next? Letting them get Wishes!?" to be hilarious.

Oh yeah that's so unfair, letting them use their class features.

Can't the fighter do this too using the prestige class?

Undone wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
bookrat wrote:
I find the complaints by the mythic fighter that the rules were against them to be hilarious considering how many posts there were with people complaining the the rules clearly favored the fighter and hurt the wizard.

I find the whole "You are letting the Wizard use Blood Money!? And Simulacrum!? What's next? Letting them get Wishes!?" to be hilarious.

Oh yeah that's so unfair, letting them use their class features.

Can't the fighter do this too using the prestige class?

Which Prestige class is that?

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Anzyr wrote:
Undone wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
bookrat wrote:
I find the complaints by the mythic fighter that the rules were against them to be hilarious considering how many posts there were with people complaining the the rules clearly favored the fighter and hurt the wizard.

I find the whole "You are letting the Wizard use Blood Money!? And Simulacrum!? What's next? Letting them get Wishes!?" to be hilarious.

Oh yeah that's so unfair, letting them use their class features.

Can't the fighter do this too using the prestige class?
Which Prestige class is that?

Fighter Archmage of course.

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The wizard PRC..

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Trogdar wrote:
The wizard PRC..

And what prerequisites would it have?

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Undone wrote:
Trogdar wrote:
The wizard PRC..
And what prerequisites would it have?

Lemmy already showed us that PRC I think. It's called 19 levels in Wizard.

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Anzyr wrote:
Undone wrote:
Trogdar wrote:
The wizard PRC..
And what prerequisites would it have?
Lemmy already showed us that PRC I think. It's called 19 levels in Wizard.

As noted in the linked thread it has no prerequisites.

Because the fighter has no spells it can cast any spell and with an orange ioun stone/magical knack and other CL increases it can have a caster level. Archmage is the best mythic archetype for a fighter.

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Undone wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
Undone wrote:
Trogdar wrote:
The wizard PRC..
And what prerequisites would it have?
Lemmy already showed us that PRC I think. It's called 19 levels in Wizard.

As noted in the linked thread it has no prerequisites.

Because the fighter has no spells it can cast any spell and with an orange ioun stone/magical knack and other CL increases it can have a caster level. Archmage is the best mythic archetype for a fighter.

I'd still rather have the 19 Wizard levels I think...

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It also doesn't reaolve the basic problem from the get-go: the disparity between casters and martials. What we've basically determined is that in order for a martial class to be as good as a caster, they have to become a caster.

I'd much rather have an awesome martial class that does martial things that are as great as casters doing caster things. Perhaps not the same things, but at least just as awesome in their own way.

I want my martial archer/crossbowman/slinger/rock-thrower to be able to do things that make Lars Andersen look like a 3rd level character.

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A high level archer should be able to shoot though total cover and turn wind into a penalty instead of an auto lose with not magic involved

Martials should gain high but reasonable SR and or bonuses to saves.

They should be able to "cast" earthquake with a foot stomp and "fly" with mighty leaps.

They should gain nice energy resistances for free.

Rangers should be able to "find the path" by tracking.

Also my build is a chump compared to Anzer's

I think fighter archmage is neat trick but not enough. Not sure is legal but it might be. It would let you in making planes and maybe free wishes if you could get enough CL.

Leadership is silly to include since it just countered by leadership on the other sheet.

I would not mind the smashing of items together for extra cost part of custom magic items or the changing of slots but brand new effects or abusing the trap rules should not happen.

Traps make the best buffs. I open this chest and 83 spells are cast on me. How nice. Oh and it is at CL 20 and works every time the chest is opened and can add personal spells to the targets. Just silly.

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Anzer, how does wizard deal with undetectable and what is you "kill" shot?

Tactics matter always. A first level commoner can beat a wizard if wizard removes all spells and goes to sleep inside a AMZ. A wizard does not need to rely on the fighter's mistakes to win but undetectable means he is hard to deal with if he will not engage the wizard.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Mathius wrote:

A high level archer should be able to shoot though total cover and turn wind into a penalty instead of an auto lose with not magic involved

Martials should gain high but reasonable SR and or bonuses to saves.

They should be able to "cast" earthquake with a foot stomp and "fly" with mighty leaps.

They should gain nice energy resistances for free.

Rangers should be able to "find the path" by tracking.

Also my build is a chump compared to Anzer's

I think fighter archmage is neat trick but not enough. Not sure is legal but it might be. It would let you in making planes and maybe free wishes if you could get enough CL.

Leadership is silly to include since it just countered by leadership on the other sheet.

I would not mind the smashing of items together for extra cost part of custom magic items or the changing of slots but brand new effects or abusing the trap rules should not happen.

Traps make the best buffs. I open this chest and 83 spells are cast on me. How nice. Oh and it is at CL 20 and works every time the chest is opened and can add personal spells to the targets. Just silly.

woah woah man think about what your doing, making martials interesting? HOW COULD YOU!? (in b4 people saying they don't want their character's to be anime or what ever)

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Well I dislike how Martials are basically animated magical gear.
I'm trying to address that in this thread

Like all these contest. If the Fighter wins, it is only because a caster (or someone pretending to be a caster) made gear for him at some point. It is also a pain since most of us have experienced the GM that doesn't just hand out all the Big 6 items you NEED to stay mechanically relevant.

One of my buddies who only plays casters thought this fighter rewrite was "not boring".

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