I can handle format errors to an extent, but more than a couple spelling/grammar mistakes are the kiss of death for me. Sorry everyone.
I don't think I even glance at pricing, pre-reqs, or similar unless I'm looking for a tie breaker.
Also, I'm having flash-backs to old creative writing classes. Minimum standard: good enough that I forget I'm reading contest contributions.
Finally, I think I'm liking shields better than any other class of items, rods the least. Weapons and armor have been mostly meh, and staffs and rings are all over the place.
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Drejk wrote: I like rods that are +x maces.
Time to sleep.
This is exactly why you put the magic part first in magic items, you make Drejk fall asleep because he's bored reading the non-magic portion of your magic item's description! Stop making Drejk fall asleep!
I have seen some really awesome weapons, most were meh
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I'm pretty sure a competence bonus isn't worth six figures of gold. Just sayin'.
First impressive rod, and a keeper.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ally vs. Ally.
Kramer vs. Kramer.
Spy vs. Spy.
You decide.
How long is the voting list?
I've been voting for hours and yet there's more coming every time lol, Even seen some items 6-7 times now.
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I'm surprised that I've only seen two entries that used hyperlinking so far.
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WHOOT! Found an over +10 weapon!
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
This [redacted] looks like [something entirely different redacted].
But it's totally a [redacted], not a [something entirely different redacted].
Okay then.
super situational item vs item only good for very specific group. Decisions, decisions.
Just got my first double repeat. I may be done for tonight.
Ugh too tired to continue. Will resume tomorrow. 'Night all. :)
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Okay, marriage-themed items are officially a trend.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kermit the grippli staff magus wrote:
The lovers, the dreamers, and meeeeee...
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nkerklaan wrote: Okay, marriage-themed items are officially a trend. I've seen a couple.
(Boo! Hiss!)
Now I'm really going to bed...
I think scythes are the most underrepresented weapon. I thought I'd see at least one Scythe of Death or whatever.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Use this. Go ahead — it's only half likely to curse you!
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Just because you call it something other than a Wondrous Item, doesn't keep it from being a Wondrous Item.
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Bear in mind, that if I'm snarking on formatting issues, or grammar, or the like, that doesn't mean I've downvoted what I'm complaining about. I look at the concept and creativity first. If I can't see the concept and creativity because something is so poorly written that I have to reread the item to get the idea, well...format and style is important.
As for the template being too hard to understand, I don't buy it. Just cut and paste the template and replace the words in it with your words, leaving the bracketed format codes. When in doubt, look at the freaking Core Rulebook. It's all there in black and white, exactly how you're supposed to do it.
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Items that use the names of cultures/countries/real people in our world do not belong in RPGSS items.
To repeat what others have written... someone like bards^^
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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
nkerklaan wrote: I think scythes are the most underrepresented weapon. I thought I'd see at least one Scythe of Death or whatever. Do sickles count?
This one sword keeps showing up, and it's formatted so terribly, but its abilities are so fun...
That save DC is way to low for the cost of that item. Otherwise it would have been really cool.
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Hey! A rod that doesn't function as a +X mace.
pH unbalanced wrote: nkerklaan wrote: I think scythes are the most underrepresented weapon. I thought I'd see at least one Scythe of Death or whatever. Do sickles count? I'm not sure, but come to think of it I haven't seen very many of those either.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
mamaursula wrote: WHOOT! Found an over +10 weapon! Thought I'd found that, but it was just short of the limit.
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"Yeah, I know what it looks like. Yeah, it is disgusting, but it's not evil and neither am I, to be honest. I'm just an adventurer and this thing has some hella cool abilities...what? Well, what if I wrap it up and lock it in a chest while I'm in town? Hey! Don't close the gate!"
This item could cause an infinite loop of sorts, but it would be an amusing one. Voted!
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
This confused me on the first, second, and third reading.
So I stopped reading and voted for its competition, which did not confuse me any of the times I read it.
Well, isn't that cute? BUT IT'S WRONG!!!
Also, stop naming things with names that already exist in the game. That gets confusing. I can't believe its happened more than once.
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I admit it, I'm a sucker for Weird Ideas.
If your format is wrong but you hyperlink a lot, it does not impress me. In fact it makes me want to vote for the other guy...
Wth, neither item has a price!
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I personally like items that enable some new character concept or make a lackluster option more viable, not "here's way #13287529857 to do ______" or "let's make something already good totally broken."
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Bubber balls. That is all.
Pretty sure just hit an item with the exact same name as another...
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Good work everyone! I now can say I have seen at least one of each category that was really awesome.
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That costs how much???!!
I'll take a dozen!!!
6 people marked this as a favorite.
If on the other hand your idea is slick, your prose is evocative, your formatting is perfect, and you used hyperlinks in an appropriate way... Well a cookie for you good sir.
thunderspirit wrote: mamaursula wrote: WHOOT! Found an over +10 weapon! Thought I'd found that, but it was just short of the limit. I had to recount this one and it is actually not above 10, but it has other clerical issues that keep it from being correct.
I found a well price, tightly written staff...something I would actually buy and add to my campaign. ^^
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Bleh. Definitely hitting a wall of "I don't care about either of these items", for several pairs in a row now. Time to call it for the night and pick it up again tomorrow!
eta Haha, and apparently the last vote got me over the line to Star! Even better place to call it for the night.
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This particular weapon is actually not this particular weapon at all, but is instead something else.
Still have not seen my item...