nkerklaan's page
RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. 124 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Running my game yesterday really helped refresh me too.
And also taught me a valuable lesson about designing encounters while keeping in mind the area of effect of the three spells everyone keeps using.
ETA: I accidentally voted for it, that's how gross it was
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I don't think I really understood the difference between "flavorful item" and "item with needless backstory" until voting in this contest.
Right, back to it!
First up: new item, and the most meta thing I've seen so far.
Now I'm worried I have seen the amazing gun but was too burnt out from portal weapons or marriage items to notice how good it was.
GM_Solspiral wrote: There's a wow factor gun, I've seen it Good to know, I'll keep an eye out.
I'm honestly surprised there aren't more guns. I've seen maybe... three, and none were great. THE GUN GAME COULD STILL BE ANYONE'S!
Thunderfrog wrote: I dislike anything empowering gunslingers.
You and my old GM.
Someone hates indefinite articles.
Here's an item that does kind of what the item I almost submitted does, except much less convoluted!
Really could've used running by a proofreader, though.
GM_Solspiral wrote: In my experience most Jeffs are at least a little evil. There are two Jeffs in my gaming group, and I believe this is correct.
Hey, finally, a really cool shield!
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I get why players want items that give them the special abilities of classes that aren't their own, but I think that's exactly why designers shouldn't be giving it to them.
Lots of staffs whose appearance is indicative of what they do in some cool way, wish more items in general had done that.
I'm getting the overall impression that everyone who submitted a staff was trying extra hard. Most are perfectly formatted, evocatively written, free of errors, etc. Way more so than for any other category I've noticed so far.
ETA: By which I mean that such things seem to appear in way higher proportion in that category, not that there aren't equally well-written etc. weapons, rods, shields, armors and rings.
When an item describes itself as being crafted only in really specific, difficult-to-bring-about circumstances/from a really specific hard-to-get thing/as really rare, should that be reflected in the price?
Really want to give this item to an NPC I just wrote up.
ETA: I'd have to convert it to 2nd Ed. AD&D, though, so I won't.
Taking a break to prep tomorrow's adventure. Was hoping to make Dedicated tonight, but I've gotta come up for air.
Are a lot of peoples' GMs letting them play necromancers? Like, roll-through-town-with-six-zombies-in-tow necromancers?
I guess if you're playing an evil campaign, but otherwise these things scream "NPC" to me.
I definitely prefer items that do One Cool Thing.
Clouds Without Water wrote: Never feel bad about voting for your own!
(Unless you left out the construction requirements, then shame on you!)
EDIT- and Dedicated finally!
I didn't, thankfully.
And congrats!
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I guess I'll just drown my misgivings in scotch.
Thunderfrog wrote: nkerklaan wrote: dien wrote: Congrats on finally seeing it, Nkerklaan. :) Thanks!
I felt kind of dirty voting for it. I didn't. Mine was up against an item that didn't even list a price. Mine was against an item that was probably slightly better, but I didn't want to rob my item of the one vote I could guarantee it.
I still feel bad though.
dien wrote: Congrats on finally seeing it, Nkerklaan. :) Thanks!
I felt kind of dirty voting for it.
Just saw mine!
I still like the core idea. It's nothing very complicated, but so far there isn't anything that occupies a glaringly similar design space. And it's perfectly formatted, thank God.
That said, in terms of the actual write-up, I really really wish I'd gone over some of the forum tips before I submitted.
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Alexander Bennett wrote: nkerklaan wrote: Things that turn into trees is another trend, it seems. Hm, interesting item, what's the other choice? Turns me into a tree? I'd rather not.
(more difficult when it was tree versus tree) I actually quite like all the tree items for some reason.
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Things that turn into trees is another trend, it seems.
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You know what, item? You're insane, and I'm not sure anyone else is going to like you, but I love you.
Oooh, just found Keep #9 I think. I would totally use that.
Oh no, 8, I forgot about one I looked at while I was out earlier. So that's 3 weapons.
Okay, went through my "Hey, that's neat!" list to make an actual Keep list, and it's 7 items (out of, I'm guessing, 300ish votes).
2 weapons, 1 armor, 2 staffs, 1 rod, 1 ring.
Yeah, if I went through my list and decided which I thought would make Top 32, it's probably a lot shorter.
Clouds Without Water wrote: nkerklaan wrote: Wait, no, I take it back, there's two armors in my keep list I really love. 4 of my 12 keeps so far are armors. I have no shields in the keep pile.
3 rods, 1 ring, 2 staffs, 2 weapons.
Whoa, your keep list is a lot smaller than mine. I think I'm pushing 20+.
It's not really my "Definitely Top 32" list, more my "Hey, that's neat!" list.
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I have a real soft spot for items whose primary (or entire) use isn't combat, and I've seen a few great ones so far.
Wait, no, I take it back, there's two armors in my keep list I really love.
Clouds Without Water wrote: Shields were the real hardmode category. I think it's harder to come up with non-obvious ideas for shields than anything else. I haven't really seen that many armors in general that I really liked, to be honest.
I guess it's hard to make armor that actually does something and still have it seem like armor.
Alright, time to do more voting while desperately attempting to cobble together some kind of plan for tomorrow's Planescape session.
Saw a really cool sickle just now.
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Yes, I too have often bristled under the tyrannical yoke of the law of gravity.
Castarr4 wrote: nkerklaan wrote: A lot of items that claim in the description to be made from a specific part of a specific creature, but don't list that thing in the crafting requirements. Is that supposed to be in there? I was under the impression that Flame Tongue didn't have "a masterwork iron longsword" in its crafting requirements, even though it's heavily implied that you need a masterwork iron longsword to make a Flame Tongue. No, I was just confused. I just thought if the material was something outside of the standard of what you'd normally need a craft a thing of that type, that it had to be listed, but I was wrong.
Sorry, everyone! FWIW I haven't down-voted anyone based on that.
Jacob Kellogg wrote: nkerklaan wrote: A lot of items that claim in the description to be made from a specific part of a specific creature, but don't list that thing in the crafting requirements. You're not supposed to list physical materials in the Construction Requirements; do you see any such materials in ANY published magic items? Oh, my bad then. I thought maybe when physical materials were things like monster parts that they'd have to be listed. I blame not having played Pathfinder in awhile.
A lot of items that claim in the description to be made from a specific part of a specific creature, but don't list that thing in the crafting requirements.
Jeff Lee wrote: nkerklaan wrote: I feel kind of bad that I'm starting to be disinclined to vote for perfectly fine items just because they're part of trends I keep seeing. Like, it's not really the designer's fault that umpteen other people like portals too. That's why it's important to focus on that fact that, where the vote is concerned, only those two items on the screen exist, for all intents and purposes. Your only question at that moment should be: Which of these two is the better item? You're right, that's good advice. I'll try to do that more going forward.
I feel kind of bad that I'm starting to be disinclined to vote for perfectly fine items just because they're part of trends I keep seeing. Like, it's not really the designer's fault that umpteen other people like portals too.
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More of my posts in the snarky thread have been "I love this!" than not, I think. I have 23 items in my list of things I really like/would use in a game so far, with a handful of those being things I think will probably make the top 32.
Jeez, I expected to come back to maybe three pages.
You guys are machines.
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Alright, I think that's it for me. Night everyone, I had lots of fun on my first Day of Superstar Voting Ever.
Still didn't see my item but I'm satisfied just knowing other people have seen it. Hopefully it doesn't have any of the same kind of formatting errors I've been occasionally downvoting people for or I'm going to feel like such a jerk.
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Sean Huguenard wrote: Wow, there really ARE a lot of marriage based items. Yep.
It's the weirdest of the trends to me. I can totally see a bunch of people independently hitting on wind-based items, or leaf-based items, but marriage?
That said, I actually liked most of them.