A Collection of Cool Things You Want Your Kineticist to do

Occult Adventures Playtest General Discussion

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Kinetically enhanced form:
A form that provides bonus similar to elemental form but without polymorphing the kineticist. Could be used by aether to enhance his physical actions/defenses as well.

Quicken blast
Element: universal
Type: none
Burn: varies
Prerequisite: Level 8
Associate blasts: any
Saving throw: none
By accepting 1 burn per attack beyond the first, you may utilize the full attack action. Note; this talent allows the use of rapid shot.

"A Collection of Cool Things You Want Your Kineticist to do"


Luminokinecist: being able to create and manipulate light, talents based on undead-killing spells

Tenebreakinecist: being able to create and manipulate shadows and darkness, necromancy talents... and take a page or two from the Shadowcaster from WotC's Tome of Magic.

In short, add Light and Darkness to the mix.

Also, add Wood/Plant (to counter Metal), Time, Poison and even Blood to the mix.

As for talents:
- The ability to create an elemental construct, akin to the Animate Breath spell from Draconomicon.

- The ability to heal using energy; you know that ability to convert any damage above a resistance into healing? That basically. For telekinecists, that would apply to force damage.

- The ability to deflect/reflect the key energy; you have such control of your element that you can divert its trajectory.

I like the idea of gaining fast healing after being exposed to your element. Like gaining fast healing when standing on solid ground(earth), in a strong wind or outdoors(air), etc. Though absorbing your energy type as healing would be cool as well.

I agree, the ability to deflect/reflect your energy type would be awesome. It would be cool to redirect magic missiles back at the caster if you were an aether kineticist.

I agree with adding light, darkness, wood/plant, time, blood, and poison to the mix.

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Heladriell wrote:

Kinetically enhanced form:

A form that provides bonus similar to elemental form but without polymorphing the kineticist. Could be used by aether to enhance his physical actions/defenses as well.

Actually I'd be happy if this replaced Kinetic form >.> <.<

Does anyone remember the energy form ability the life oracle gets were you gain the elemental subtype with all it's immunities. That would be a good start on how kinetic form could work.

Insain Dragoon wrote:
Heladriell wrote:

Kinetically enhanced form:

A form that provides bonus similar to elemental form but without polymorphing the kineticist. Could be used by aether to enhance his physical actions/defenses as well.
Actually I'd be happy if this replaced Kinetic form >.> <.<

I think kinetic form would be perfect as is, if it didn't force you to shrink or burn.....

But an aetheric form would be cool, either as armour of force or as telekinetically making armour out of objects from your surroundings.

Milo v3 wrote:
Insain Dragoon wrote:
Heladriell wrote:

Kinetically enhanced form:

A form that provides bonus similar to elemental form but without polymorphing the kineticist. Could be used by aether to enhance his physical actions/defenses as well.
Actually I'd be happy if this replaced Kinetic form >.> <.<

I think kinetic form would be perfect as is, if it didn't force you to shrink or burn.....

But an aetheric form would be cool, either as armour of force or as telekinetically making armour out of objects from your surroundings.

Do it like the movie Push.

A Once a day Limit break/finisher.

Maybe have a tree of generic apply to any element sets. One AOE enemy only focused, one AOE destroy everything and one Specific Target focused sorta lines..

Where it's power is a factor of the current burn you have on you. Something with tons of damage like that finger of death spell, or disintergrate or something.

Something really nifty once a day as an extra oomph due for taking a ton of burn.

maybe even restrict it to when you have maximum burn for the day

Didn't read all the talents (late here) so excuse me if this a repeat. Something based on Magneto's twin metal spheres, a talent that gives you an orbiting thingy that grants you the Duelist parry ability until it succeeds, can burn to get additional units.

Favored Talent or Talent specialization.
The kineticist can chose a talent to deal 1 less burn and have CL+1 or 2.

Glutton wrote:
Didn't read all the talents (late here) so excuse me if this a repeat. Something based on Magneto's twin metal spheres, a talent that gives you an orbiting thingy that grants you the Duelist parry ability until it succeeds, can burn to get additional units.

that would make for a pretty cool concept for a Aetherist defense actually.

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I wouldn't mind seeing aether getting DR like a barbarian built into the class if not force resistance.

I think the physical blast could use an enhancement bonus. Starting at 4th for +1 and increasing by +1 for every 4 levels maxing out at +5 for level 20.

Kinetic fist and kinetic blade should be built into the class at no cost unless you are getting more then one attack per round.

- Fine-control levitation. Unlike the spell, this lets you horizontally a foot or two off the ground. You can recline in the air, or orient yourself how you like. None of the attack penalty business.

- Maelstrom of tiny-size objects around you. Telekinetically create a swirling barrier of objects around you. Plenty of options for the effects- maybe it's minor physical damage for anything adjacent to you, or maybe it imposes a 20% miss chance on attacks.


A sorcerer bloodline archetype would be awesome. You would gain the 1st, 3rd, 9th, 15th, and 20th level sorcerer bloodline powers. Maybe some bloodline feats as well. Maybe gain the sorcerer's bloodline spells as spell like abilities ether 1/day, or by using burn, or both. All abilities(hit, damage, DCs) based on Cha except burn still based on Con.

A archetype that uses a rage mechanic but increases Dex and Con, hit, damage, range, etc. with kinetic abilities. But instead of fatigue could also get effected by other effects like confusion or sickened.

An archetype that uses Int for hit, damage, DC's and maybe even burn. Maybe it can use psychic magic items as if it had them on there spell list like wands, scrolls, and staffs.

Heladriell wrote:

Some ideas:

-Physical enhancing force field "tactile telekinesis".
-Radial repulsion.
-TK wielding weapons.
-Instant force shield.
-TK shooting bullets.
-Lifting really massive objects at high level (current cap is about 1 ton, can't lift a small car).
-Crushing piercing and slashing blasts.
-Crushing enemies throats or vitals (you have failed me for the last time!).
-Throw a weapon and have it return on the same round.
-Feel stuff from the aether, like basic telepathy and precognition;

-Cauterize wounds- Turn lethal damage into nonlethal, no effect on nonlethal.
-Heat up one's own body - "Endure elements".
-Dispel cold effects with flame.
-Create explosions that deal half physical/half fire damage.
-Pyrotechnics, as the spell.
-Extinguish fires.
-Ignore fire damage caused by one's own powers.

-Create earth/stone pillars;
-Remove and levitate stone blocks;
-Open holes/doors/tunnels in stone/earth surfaces;
-Attack creating stone spikes from the floor.
-Immediate action barrier;
-Ride an earthwave.
-Cause tremors/earthquakes
-Fabricate crude objects from stone/metal

-Charge tech;
-Jump really high;
-Whisper at distance to someone;
-Call lightning
-Suffocate/silence someone.
-Ignore altitude;

-Create a frozen path on water;
-Fabricate temporary detailed objects from ice;
-Freeze someone in a block of ice;
-Make the target unable to move;
-Create/purify drinking water;
-Extinguish fires/ dry wet stuff.
-Deflect fire attacks.

I love your ideas.

Also. Possibly "Earthsight" if it's not already allowed. Don't have my PDF handy and just wanted to toss this up while the idea was hot. An innate ability to look through stone, dirt and metal sounds awesome. Even if it were limited in ways for balance sake.

Air should be able to get Electrolocation like a platypus.

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.More kinetic defenses like: Incorporeal or semiincorporeal forms (force, sand, wind, flame, water); [elemental]Skins giving elemental resistances/immunities or maybe an ability to absorb [elemental] damage and reduce the Burn currently suffering; environmental bubble to resist gravity, deepwater pressure, space void, low/high temperature

.tricomposites (no idea sorry!)

.ash themed wild talents to create ashstorms, ashcurses, blighted ash spawn or other Morrowindesque effects

.move earth and stoneshape powers and heat manipulation so I don't have to wait a turn for solarbeam to recharge

.acid attacks, because missing the green guy of "Castle Crashers" as well as other corroding effects and rust

.wild talents to create Totems made of element to gather more energy or to obstruct other kineticists energy/elemental gathering. Also the "totem" reinforces the element is made of and weakens opposing elements

.glass and crystalline spell-like abilities, maybe creating mirrors to confuse enemies (working like some illusion spells) and crystal geodes working like "totems" to increase potency of earth spells or other effects with earth descriptor

.[elemental] sustain to eat/drink your element to survive and a sort of rope trick usable

.photokinesis attacks to blind and damage undeads, fungi and oozes and also to travel fast much like Solar Oracular Mistery

.Damage Over Time effects: lava pool, shockfield or a minor polar midnight

.melee touch buffs to transfer effects like kinetic defenses or transfer Burn from others to the kineticist

.anti-radiation aura, maybe absorbing in exchange of Burn points and Radioactive skin (maybe working like abundant ammunition spell) to recharge futuristic weapons

.use fire wild talents to fuel vehicles, for crafting and forging time reductions and illumination

Ranged untamed strike. :-)

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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For aether, I'd love to see an ability to shatter that scales into disintegrate. Also, the ability to telekinetically manipulate multiple objects at once, maybe as determined by dividing up your maximum load (as modified by telekinetic haul, if you have it) between a maximum number of discrete objects as determined by your Con modifier (or Int modifier, if need be).

I think that for those kineticists who want to and focus on one element, they should get some ability to overcome damage resistance and immunities vs their type, much like the Winter Witch PrC does.

Only as an option for single-element Kineticists though. I always felt that that kind of focus should get it's own unique rewards.

Some other ideas... and yeah, kind of wacky, but one thought I had for an Earth/Air composite ability: Kinetic POWER ARMOR! With guns that propel pebbles with lightning, and hover and mecha-punch... and stuff!

*Clears throat*

More seriously, my ideas for Air:

- Magnetic infusion could be expanded to optionally target metallic armor, to make movement for the wearer difficult, perhaps also rendering the wearer flat-footed?
- An enhanced sense of the Aerokineticist's surroundings. Being so in-tune with their element that they can extend their senses much farther out with increased sensitivity, feeling even the tiniest vibration in the wind. Effectively I suppose this would translate to being a sort of blind-sense.
- Bonuses to agility and speed. I suppose speed could be considered to be handled by flight, but I have this 'dancer on the wind' image in my mind whenever I think of the aerokineticist. Basically something more acrobatic.
- The ability to adjust air-pressure within an area, to create explosions and vacuums?
- An air wild talent that allows one to suck all the air out of an area, or directly from a specific creature's lungs? Suffocate and incapacitate?

That's about all I have thus far. Will post as ideas come.

Here is a visual representation of many of the things the air kineticists should be able to do.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Perhaps by sending out a weak pulse of aether, telekineticists can see invisible creatures and detect secret doors, etc. like the 3.5 psionic power touchsight?

a line in foe throw that says if your throwing an ally you may avoid doing damage to them XD so you can move your allies

or a new talent that lets you tk your allies to help and support htem

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Mikael Sebag wrote:
Perhaps by sending out a weak pulse of aether, telekineticists can see invisible creatures and detect secret doors, etc. like the 3.5 psionic power touchsight?

To clarify, I know that there's a talent with that name already, but the application is so very, very limited. :(

I know people hate exploding dice.

I still feel it holds a special place else in the whole psychic magic motif, and is especially apt for aetherkinesis. Perhaps, without a means of shot-gunning projectile debris, it does slightly less raw damage, by itself; when burn is applied, however, it tears at reality, as cascades of overwhelming aetheric power resonate from the kineticest, becoming in all ways an unstoppable tide of power that might threaten to overwhelm the user themselves.

Not sure if it's been suggested, but I'd love there to be an option for a flurry of blows-type effect as a wild talent, albeit with a change so that the damage die or something is decreased. Hurling 6 fist-sized chunks of rock at a dude would be awesome, or clearing a room of goblins with ice baseballs.

I also support suggestions of allowing kineticists to focus entirely on one element and gain some nice resistance-defying abilities. Even if it isn't as powerful, necessarily, as controlling more than one or a combined element, it'd be great for those players that just WANT TO BE FIRE-GUY.

I'd like to see a full-BAB archetype that focuses on melee, too. Having the option to be a character that literally has fire arms, stabs you with an ice blade, or can cover himself in stone and announce a period of clobbering would be cool. I do, however, want the main class to stay as primarily a ranged blaster type with the option to do some melee as needed. I'd also prefer if it had limited healing capabilities.

Gravity would be a really sweet thing to control too. Feels like it could be a subset of a telekinetic though.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Some ideas

Element Any; Type su; Level 4; Burn 1
Prerequisites kineticist level 6th

When this ability is activated, the kineticist remains in an intense focus. As a standard action, the kineticist can increase their constitution by 1 point per class level for a number of minutes equal to their unaltered con modifier. At the end of the ability, the kineticist falls unconscious for an hour.

This one - Not sure on how to word it effectively, but it gets past the fire based kineticist and having everything being just outright immune to fire.
Element Any; Type Substance Infusion; Level 4; Burn 0
Prerequisites kineticist level 6th

Many kineticists are capable of sucking the elemental force out of many elemental based creatures. If the type of creature shares an element with the type of element that the kineticist can utilize, the kineticist can deal an additional 50% damage to that creature, bypassing any current immunity or resistance that creature might have to the kineticists kinetic blast ability.

I think Earth should have an acid / touch attack option for a kinetic blast as well.

So here's another idea. Has anyone played WoW? In WOD, Thrall ends up causing the earth to form a hand and grapple/crush Garrosh Hellscream. Possibly something like that for Earth? Where they can create a hand or structure like that that can grapple enemies?

Archetype idea

Avatar of Nature

An Avatar of Nature is a force to be reckoned with. He focuses so much on an individual element that he ends up becoming the embodiment of that element himself.

At level 1, an Avatar of Nature becomes the embodiment of his element. If the Avatar of Nature is aether, the Avatar of Nature gains +2 enhancement bonus to con and a +2 circumstantial bonus to attack when using a kinetic blast. If the Avatar of Nature is air, he gains +2 enhancement bonus to dex and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and 5 resistance to electricity. If the Avatar of Nature is Earth, the Avatar of Nature gains +2 enhancement bonus to con and +2 natural AC bonus that stacks with other natural armor bonuses and 5 resistance to acid damage. If the Avatar of Nature is fire, the Avatar of Nature gains +2 enhancement bonus to dex and +2 damage per damage dice with their kinetic blast and 5 resistance to fire damage. If the Avatar of Nature is water, the Avatar of Nature gains +2 enhancement bonus to dex and +2 enhancement bonus to con and 5 resistance to cold damage. At level 8, the bonuses to these abilities increases to +4 and the resistance is increased to 10 and at level 15 the bonuses to these abilities increases to +6 and the resistance increases to 20. This ability replaces the Wild Talent gained at levels 1, 8, and 15.

At level 3, an Avatar of Nature gains even more power and incentive to use the burn ability. The Avatar of Nature increases his attack and damage by 2 instead of 1 when using the Feel the Burn ability for every point that feel the burn provides. This ability modifies the Feel the Burn ability

Supreme Avatar
The Avatar of Natures creature type becomes Outsider and gains an immunity to the element of their type. Their kinetic blast deals 50% more damage than normal. stacking with any other damage increasing effects. This ability replaces Omnikinesis at 20th level.

Another archetype idea

The Kineticist can create a bow and arrow out of the elements (Basically an archer kineticist)


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

An idea that Nox posted..

Element Earth; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Prerequisites kineticist level 1st
Associated Blasts Earth, Magma

Saving Throw none
The kineticist knows how to increase the density of his infused blasts. Whenever a creature is dealt damage by your infused blast, that creature suffers a -2 AC penalty until the start of your next turn. At 6th level, this penalty increases to -4 AC. At 10th level, this penalty increases to -6. At 16th level, this penalty increases to -8.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

A way to get kineticists more HP.

Incredible Physique
Add 1 hit point per con modifier each level the character gains. This ability is retrospective.

(utilizing maths)

At level 1, I would get the incredible Physique feat with 20 con

I would have 8 + 10 = 18 HP at level 1. Comparatively, the barbarian has 12 + 5 = 17 so the kineticist would have 1 additional HP compared with the barbarian or 3 additional when compared with fighters.

If I use 3 burn, I would then lose 3 HP and be on par with a fighter.

If this is shown to be too potent at low levels, we could add prereqs like toughness...

Assuming level 10,

153 HP by level 10 compared with a barbarian who has 125 HP on avg compared with a fighter who has 114 HP.

This would 'slightly' break a rule where the same stat can't be applied to an aspect of a char more than once, it could solve the issue. Either as a feat or individual ability.

Also this ability OR feat creates a natural curve for the kineticist so that the kineticist doesn't feel like the burn ability is percentile based that stays the same the higher the level..

For example... 1 burn point = Barbarian. 3 burn points = Fighter equiv

At level 10, it's 3 burn points = Barbarian, 4 burn points equals fighter.

At level 20, Fighter has 224. Barbarian has 245. Kineticist has 303 HP which allows the kineticist to sacrifice 6 burn or 8 burn to get down to that of a fighter or a barbarian.

This is assuming no more stats are added, but this allows a clear power curve the higher the level, which fixes the feeling of having a % base when using burn.

Romanus wrote:

So some stuff which came up or observations I made to myself when I playetested my Aerokinesticist:

-Invisibility. If we get the stealth skill and are air-types, why not make it an option.
-Thunderclap. I fell in love with thunder stones with this character, and having the ability to have a sonic attack like a thunderclap would rock.
-Suffocating attacks: Yes, at least one layer asked if I could do that. I'm on the fence with it, but since someone else saw it, I'll add it to my list.
-AoE. Yeah, that's necessary. I can't get it until later levels, but if my focus is an air blast, then I ought to have it sooner to be an effective blaster.

I'll have to double check the pdf for other stuff to make sure I'm not being repetitive. Definitely want to explore more charge attacks, I really like pressurized blast.

Invisibility, specifically, makes more sense as a "Mirage" but they are using that with water (even though a mirage is actually caused by air). In any case, something like that that acts like vanish or invisibility would definitely fit, IMO.

Verzen wrote:

A way to get kineticists more HP.

Incredible Physique
Add 1 hit point per con modifier each level the character gains. This ability is retrospective.

(utilizing maths)

At level 1, I would get the incredible Physique feat with 20 con

I would have 8 + 10 = 18 HP at level 1. Comparatively, the barbarian has 12 + 5 = 17 so the kineticist would have 1 additional HP compared with the barbarian or 3 additional when compared with fighters.

If I use 3 burn, I would then lose 3 HP and be on par with a fighter.

If this is shown to be too potent at low levels, we could add prereqs like toughness...

Assuming level 10,

153 HP by level 10 compared with a barbarian who has 125 HP on avg compared with a fighter who has 114 HP.

This would 'slightly' break a rule where the same stat can't be applied to an aspect of a char more than once, it could solve the issue. Either as a feat or individual ability.

Also this ability OR feat creates a natural curve for the kineticist so that the kineticist doesn't feel like the burn ability is percentile based that stays the same the higher the level..

For example... 1 burn point = Barbarian. 3 burn points = Fighter equiv

At level 10, it's 3 burn points = Barbarian, 4 burn points equals fighter.

At level 20, Fighter has 224. Barbarian has 245. Kineticist has 303 HP which allows the kineticist to sacrifice 6 burn or 8 burn to get down to that of a fighter or a barbarian.

This is assuming no more stats are added, but this allows a clear power curve the higher the level, which fixes the feeling of having a % base when using burn.

...or just make a "Greater Toughness" feat. Pre-req: Toughness and ?? (I'm thinking Con 17 and/or BAB +6), then just have it increase the bonus from toughness by +1 per level.

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