A solution for PCs that sleep around?


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Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In our Kingmaker campaign we had a character like this. After the

Gynora cult encounter when ahe, and the rest of the party recognised many of his exes amongst the scorned women

the other party members asked me how much it would cost to have the academy create a belt of opposite gender for him. They never went through with it, but the question was occasionally raised thereafter.

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I wonder what the frequency is for "that girl you're hitting on just happened to be a vampire/succubus/Sil/shapechanger spider looking for a place to nest her eggs" in the typical Pathfinder home game. Judging by this thread and the Paladin one-night stand thread I'm guessing... One in three? It's a miracle anyone tries to have kids!

Seriously, don't "punish" the character by giving him bizarre STDs or introducing an incredibly unlikely pairing unless he goes out of his way to find poor and/or risky matches. If it makes you uncomfortable to have sex in your game (which is a perfectly legitimate opinion), talk to the player about it outside the game. If you find it distracting, just gloss over it and keep the game moving. Unless you have players that are looking for an extraordinarily unusual Pathfinder game, no one is expecting you to narrate erotica at the table.

Bizarre STDs are funny, especially since they're actually curable in this reality instead of a horrible heartbreak that ruins your life forever and ever. I recommend them just for that.

The rest, as was said before, is only relevant if the player is being "That Guy" who is acting out severe and creepy issues with sex, women, and the social ineptitude.

Even that is a bit specious, since the line where "creepy" starts is a bit subjective.

Just add angry dads and/or husbands for some fun. If he does it long enough they might band together to form a lynch mob or if the news spreads he might be disallowed from entering other towns to keep the townswomen safe. That is IF you want to give him incentive to stop.

Party thug: Args, another set of angry fellows wanting Casanova's hide. And I've not yet gotten around to buying some nonlethal weapon.
Party mage: If we're lucky they're low enough my sleep works. *casts* one is still coming!
Angry dad: You defiled my daughter! Now marry her!
Thug: He doesn't want to kill him? Then I'll stand aside. *puts down weapon*
Mage: Good point
Cleric: I can do the wedding.

Shadow Lodge

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Lycanthropes make great bed partners.

Also deception along the lines of--

"You told me you were a widow!"
Angry husband knocking on the door.
"Well, I would be if he were dead!"


"You told me you were a widow!"
Angry husband knocking on the door.
"I am, he's dead."
Angry husband starts to knock down said door. Partially dressed pc faces combat unprepared.


"You told me you were a widow!"
Angry husband knocking on the door.
"I am, he's dead."
(widow to undead hubby) "Honey, dinner's ready."

Ah, clerics of Urgathoa. Remember she is against divorce, but not killing your spouse and raising them as an undead.

Grand Lodge

None of you have the right solution. This is a role playing, so obviously the right answer is to add in some role play. Next time he takes a character to bed don't stop there. Instead start explaining every little detail. If he doesn't stop after the first, then each encounter keeps getting more weird and more detailed. At some point he'll have to stop (if he doesn't then ew) or the rest of the players will want you to stop as it's incredibly awkward and a waste of time. At that point you can address the character and ask him to stop or just all-of-a-sudden no one wants to sleep with him anymore because you've said no. (and no means no)

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Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
So, you have a problem with someone playing a character that just has to sleep with every female (or male) or whatever they come across.

No, I don't.

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You've got a problem with the player's behavior, not the character's.

Act accordingly.

Having a fictional character be promiscuous is totally normal, nay, common. And often entertaining.

Having a player drag a group narrative to a place where not everyone is comfortable implies a lack of communication and respect for your friends, as well as the medium.

Take no in-game action. Talk to this player about what everyone's boundaries are. This is a talk between friends. Don't bring the power politics of GMing into it.

If you can't get him to see the issue, then you need to think about what you would do with this person outside the game context. Would you invite him to a party* where this outlook would almost certainly make others uncomfortable?

Hats and streamers, not dungeon crawling.

I did play a character who slept arounda bit but in a deciedly creepy way. But then he was decidely evil. Basically a very unpleasant person in many ways, and that was part of the way his evil expressed itself.

Th GM thought it was a bit over the top but when he mentioned it to his GF she commented that yes, she had met people just like that (he preyed on traumatised women that he would seduce and sleep with).

Basically if it's and adult party and it's part of the chracter and it's a realistic part of the character then it's fine. So long as the PC is fine with developing a repuation as "that kind of person" which can sometimes have campaign effects then it's all good.

You don't punish the player for it any more than you punish a player for their background story. But the Player also has to recignise that the GM is entitled to use it as a story hook.

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You know, " someone playing a character that just has to sleep with every female (or male) or whatever they come across." is a problem. Not a character that wants to seduce a barmaid or flirts with a party member, but "THAT GUY" who upon meeting the Queen wants to know "Is she HAWT? I wanna do her." is immature.

Note that critical word "every". Not just when it's appropriate or when it's good roleplaying- but "EVERY". It gets old fast if you have to run a campaign for THAT GUY. THAT GUY who asks if any of the orc prisoners are female, cause he "wanna do them". That guy who will hit on every female PC, every female NPC, and many monsters.

It's rude and immature, and *IS* a problem. And no, it's not "roleplaying" as I dont really know anyone in real life like that- and if I did I wouldnt pal around and trust my life to them. And if you do put in IC solutions, "THAT GU" will just say "I was only kidding" which is as bad as it takes things out of the moment to have a serious diplomatic talk with the Queen interrupted with constant sniggering comments.

It's also a PLAYER problem so all the IC suggestions like VD, etc are bad ideas as they will just encourage him.

Sure adventurers often have to kill monsters. But "THAT GUY" would be the PC who tries to kill EVERYONE, city guards, peasant, shopkeepers, whatever.

In my 40 years as a DM I have occ run into "THAT GUY" and it's not fun, and it has to be squelched.

Indeed, "That Guy"-isms are often subtle distinctions.

It's worth noting that OP is not looking for help with a problem player, but rather seems to be describing her own characters in a game where relationships and healthy sexuality are natural parts of the campaign. While I certainly get the impression that sex is important for her characters, I don't really get the impression that she's being immature about it.

Do you only play in PFS games or do you also have games with a regular GM? If it's the latter, it might just be that he's reluctant to "go there" - I certainly wouldn't add something as character defining as an unexpected pregnancy into my game without talking it over with the player first and making sure he/she is OK with it.

Silver Crusade

I see no reason to punish a player for something like this.

Sovereign Court

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I think there are more ways to have fun with this than suprise love childs and giving PCs VD. How about PCs wander into an unknown town. Rico Suave the fighter does his usual routine and goes looking for tail at the tavern. Rico flirts with a local gal (lets call her sarah) and takes her to the inn for the night.

Flash forward the PCs are invited to the Mayor/Baron/some rich well to do's place for diner/ball/adventure request. While there, sarah is also there, but is really (lets say Shayla) the well to do's daugther/wife/what have you. The other PCs can get a chance to recongize shayla as sarah from the tavern (perception/sense motive) but Rico definitely knows its her. You can take it from here.

This to me seems like a lot more fun. Especially, since curing dieases is so easy. You can do alot better than filth taint fever.

Sovereign Court

Show them the consequence of their actions. If they use deception to sleep around, have it get back to them that one or more of their former lovers are depressed and brooding because of what they did. Perhaps even have a scorned lover make it their mission in life to get revenge.

If they don't use deception, are open about hooking up just to hook up, what's the big deal? I mean, personally I'd have regrets if I did that, but that's because at some point in my life I learned I need more than just bumpin' uglies with strangers to feel fulfilled in my love life.

Dark Archive

Definitely check that the player is good with exploring that side of things and cool with the roleplay (hopefully so, but some people have unusual feelings on it). If so, mine this thread for some great ideas!

The obvious STD angle, from minor (not feeling well) to awful (creeping crud slowly growing all over them!), the angry partner (husband/wife/demon) who can range from shouting and yelling to full on psychopath stalker, etc.

I'd definitely venture that you mix in the good with the bad, someone smitten enough they send the player off with an extra heal potion or two, "so you survive to come visit next time you're passing! <3" or someone who turns out to be powerful/useful and NOT a dick about it when they meet the character again, "Ah, let them through the gate, it's fine." But Captain, it's past curfew!" "Trust me, they can handle themselves. /smirk."

If all they ever get for chasing physical comfort is disease, pain and assorted awfulness it's going to paint rather a one sided picture. As a aside, it's actually not an awful idea to mine the cartoon Archer for some plot hooks, a staple of that series is the main character sleeping with almost every good looking female he meets (or trying to) and there are numerous episodes driven entirely by the results of this.

Grand Lodge

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
I see no reason to punish a player for something like this.

Have you even read the thread? The op is trying to have some in game, appropriate response to a characters actions. Why is this, in your book, punishment? By this weird logic, the gm should not punish his players with combat because they have to go into every tomb and every sewer/dungeon/etc. How dare he punish the players by making them take damage. Or worse face problems based off decisions they've made! *gasps*

Seriously guy?

These line of comments (being repeated after the op already clarified what his stance was) smells a bit of player entitlement opinions seeping into a GM's style of running. I don't like that smell. Reminds me of allergy season.

Silver Crusade

Mayhem Havocrain wrote:

These line of comments (being repeated after the op already clarified what his stance was) smells a bit of player entitlement opinions seeping into a GM's style of running.

I also clarified I am most definitively female...

This is the kind of loaded topic where I think the burden is on the OP to make it exactly clear what the issue is.

Nothing to be upset about. Just remember that pretty much everyone reading has at least one negative experience in this regard, so if you're looking for player advice vs. character advice, it would be nice to spell that out in the initial question.

Liberty's Edge

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I’d imagine people are reacting in this way because the OP seems to be suggesting that the character’s actions should prompt some sort of negative response. Does the dwarf needs to roll checks versus liver failure due to his alcohol consumption? Does the wizard slowly go blind from reading his spellbook too often? Why should the bard/barbarian/whatever need to deal with STDs and vengeful/murderous lovers? Does any of this sound especially fun?

Why is the dude/girl sleeping around the only one required to ‘deal with the consequences of their actions’?

Again, I highly recommend the OP (and anyone else in the OP’s shoes) talk to your players before you start up a narrative that involves humiliating their character.

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DrDeth wrote:
It's rude and immature, and *IS* a problem... [snip] and it has to be squelched.

For many people, sure. Maybe even for most people. Personally, I still think Porky's and Animal House are hilarious, so, as long as no one else at the table was offended, I'd be fine with THAT GUY -- especially if he's a friend of mine and we enjoy a cheap laugh and probably a few beers on the weekend or something.

Maybe that makes me immature. Maybe it makes me a problem, in some sort of hypotehtical societal manner. But as long as THAT GUY isn't bothering anyone else at the table -- and that is most defintely an important "if," don't get me wrong -- then I'm not seeing him as some kind of horrible scourge that "has to be squelched."

Liberty's Edge

Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:

This is the kind of loaded topic where I think the burden is on the OP to make it exactly clear what the issue is.

Nothing to be upset about. Just remember that pretty much everyone reading has at least one negative experience in this regard, so if you're looking for player advice vs. character advice, it would be nice to spell that out in the initial question.


Is this:

A) I have a character I want to write a fun storyline for involving his/her habits sleeping around.
B) I have a character that sleeps with everyone and I want to teach him/her a lesson.
C) Something else.

Silver Crusade

Feral wrote:

I’d imagine people are reacting in this way because the OP seems to be suggesting that the character’s actions should prompt some sort of negative response. Does the dwarf needs to roll checks versus liver failure due to his alcohol consumption? Does the wizard slowly go blind from reading his spellbook too often? Why should the bard/barbarian/whatever need to deal with STDs and vengeful/murderous lovers? Does any of this sound especially fun?

Why is the dude/girl sleeping around the only one required to ‘deal with the consequences of their actions’?

Again, I highly recommend the OP (and anyone else in the OP’s shoes) talk to your players before you start up a narrative that involves humiliating their character.

Pathfinder description of Alcohol-

Just like drugs, alcohol can be abused and have significant negative effects. In general, a character can consume a number of alcoholic beverages equal to 1 plus double his Constitution modifier before being sickened for 1 hour equal to the number of drinks above this maximum. Particularly exotic or strong forms of alcohol might be treated as normal drugs. Those who regularly abuse alcohol might eventually develop a moderate addiction.

I'd say that if he drinks something like 10x his con, he might pass out, and going above that things would get dangerous, like drinking 20x his con score in very strong booze is going to do damage, even to a dwarf.

Reading too often doesn't hurt your eyes that's an old wive's tale. So this not even an issue.

Liberty's Edge

That's totally not my point.

Silver Crusade

Feral wrote:
Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:

This is the kind of loaded topic where I think the burden is on the OP to make it exactly clear what the issue is.

Nothing to be upset about. Just remember that pretty much everyone reading has at least one negative experience in this regard, so if you're looking for player advice vs. character advice, it would be nice to spell that out in the initial question.


Is this:

A) I have a character I want to write a fun storyline for involving his/her habits sleeping around.
B) I have a character that sleeps with everyone and I want to teach him/her a lesson.
C) Something else.

A bit of A a bit of C

I don't have a character like that, but there is plenty of opportunity for romance. And I want to cover all my bases in case something happens.
One of my players is playing a lesbian catfolk, but she's very fond of a single NPC.

So far, no PCs who sleep around, but we have some new people coming in. And there are PCs who likely won't be above sleeping with random NPCs. (the Vanara Druken Brute Barbarian is one of them) but he hasn't had the chance yet.

Nakteo wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Don't give them any screen time for it. If they want to sleep around fine, whatever. But as a GM or player I wouldn't be interested in hearing the other player role play out their sexual fantasies. As long as it isn't otherwise negatively impacting game play just let it happen and ignore it otherwise.

If you don't let the player get any screen time with it they will eventually just stop wasting their breath on it.


Sometimes that is fairly difficult to do. Some few (rather creepy) players try to insist on describing everything and continually asking for details about all their conquests.

I finally had to take one person aside and say "Look I am not going to role play out your whoring. We just don't care to listen to it. You can say 'Gorvinald is looking to make a hook-up' but that's as far as it goes. Your creeping-out all of us. It will stop one way or the other. If you can't stop it then you can find another group."

He was honestly shocked. He thought it was funny RP and all the people telling him to stop were just joking along with him.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
DrDeth wrote:
It's rude and immature, and *IS* a problem... [snip] and it has to be squelched.

For many people, sure. Maybe even for most people. Personally, I still think Porky's and Animal House are hilarious, so, as long as no one else at the table was offended, I'd be fine with THAT GUY -- especially if he's a friend of mine and we enjoy a cheap laugh and probably a few beers on the weekend or something.

Maybe that makes me immature. Maybe it makes me a problem, in some sort of hypotehtical societal manner. But as long as THAT GUY isn't bothering anyone else at the table -- and that is most defintely an important "if," don't get me wrong -- then I'm not seeing him as some kind of horrible scourge that "has to be squelched."

Every single encounter, no matter how serious or inappropriate?

I though Animal House was hilarious too, but when we're trying to do a scene from a drama, that sort of humor isnt appropriate.

Have you ever had a Player that liked to kill things? Sure. But "You meet a powerful wizard"= "I kill him". "The Queen allows you to approach" = "I kill here". "A crippled beggar calls for alms" = "I kill him".

A player that likes to steal? But "You meet a powerful wizard"= "I try to pick his pockets". "The Queen allows you to approach" = "I steal her crown". "A crippled beggar calls for alms" = "I roll him".

So a player that likes to hit on NPCs? But "You meet a powerful wizard"= "Is it a girl, if so i wanna do him". "The Queen allows you to approach" = "I try to do her". "A crippled beggar calls for alms" = "I offer money in exchange for sex".

Grand Lodge

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
Mayhem Havocrain wrote:

These line of comments (being repeated after the op already clarified what his stance was) smells a bit of player entitlement opinions seeping into a GM's style of running.

I also clarified I am most definitively female...

That you did. I meant to change it but was growing annoyed that people were completely missing the poing- as though they have never sat down at a table and role played before. Also seems like some people are missing the spirit of your post and failing to make any natural leaps of understanding. The responses seem reactionary and entitlement based and I wanted to point that out and maybe, just maybe, they'd stop and actually respond more in line with your issue and not their personal entitlement issues which don't belong at your table.

But yeah, sorry for not correcting that you were femalez. :)

@Feral, you missed her point or my point or are intentionally exaggerating. If the dwarf just drinks normally or frequently, no problem. It woildn't be noticeable enough of a character trait for a good dm to even try to build any in-game effect around. It would just be tedious and the player would have trouble understanding. This makes sense. But if said dwarf drank excessively, flaunted his drinking and otherwise did things to make it defining then it stands to reason that a fun gm might actually use that for something- with or without the players permission. This is common sense. Does your character set fires in every city he visits? Maybe that will get back to you somehow, some way. It's not necessarily a punishment. Yes, it is a problem to a degree but all in good fun. You're just stretching the believable into the realm of what isn't believable to support your point. If you have ever role played before I would imagine that you've run into the kinds of situations the op is discussing and therefore why are we debating like this?

I guess it is possible you have not been at a table where GMs play off the characters at their tables. I blow things up every where I go. My gm took notice. If he posted a thread about it like this would your arguments still be as inane? I would hope not! I expect my (any) gm to eventually do something in game (and maybe have an out of game discussion possibly if it is disrupting his plans or the story) to address that every city I visit has a fire department- even if they didn't have one before my visit.

Shadow Lodge

Abyssal gonorrhea

Kthulhu wrote:
Abyssal gonorrhea

Ha! The Pathfinder version of Wasteland herpes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DrDeth wrote:
when we're trying to do a scene from a drama, that sort of humor isnt appropriate.

If I'm running a game with THAT GUY, I'm going to be sure the other participants in that particular Saturday game aren't trying to produce some high drama -- they'll be into "inappropriate" humor as well. All the staid old nannies can come to the Wednesday evening game instead (or whenever it is).

And, yeah, sometimes a repetitive joke, with the same response replied to increasingly more outrageous starting points, can be quite funny.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

blahpers wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Abyssal gonorrhea
Ha! The Pathfinder version of Wasteland herpes.

I had a character in my Legacy of Fire campaign be talked into sleeping with Undrella.

He caught Harpies.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

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I had a Raltaisian (my homebrew French analog) swashbuckler who slept with (or at least attempted to) a large percentage of the female NPCs they encountered. In a city temple dedicated to the three-fold goddess of love, he had a very willing partner in the junior cleric, a lovely young woman fresh out of whatever training clerics get. He was slightly worried about offending the head priest of the temple. I told him that her training ensured that he had a very enjoyable evening. A couple days later, the party returned to the temple, and the character, we'll call him Sebastian (because that was his name), encountered the pretty cleric again. She was overjoyed to see him.

Cleric: Sebastian! Oh, it's so good to see you!
Sebastian: And you, ma cheri!
C: Our union was a poem to the Goddess!
S: I know, ma petite chouchou, I have never had such a glorious night!
C: And the father is happy for me!
S: I am glad to hear it, my beauty! So he does not mind!
C: Not at all! He is coming here later to bless us!
S: Fantastique! Then we can...?
C: Oh, yes, Sebastian! Yes!
S: Let us at once--
C: The father says we can get married today!
S: .....

The look on the player's face was priceless. Alas, they left town a couple hours later.

Nakteo wrote:

*Spoken seriously*

"Roight! So we're in town for the next week? Imma spend tha' entire week spreadin' me seed around to all the women in town! How many do I impregnate?"

~Former PC in a game of mine.

Were they a Cleric of Lamashtu?

As for the potential things that could become problematic for the character, there is the always classic succubus, disease, or pregnancy, among the other things discussed. But I always see so few GMs look to the Mother of Monsters for inspiration for things to do.

"I sleep with the woman."
"Okay, you're pregnant."
"That... But I'm male!"
"Doesn't matter, you have a colossal centipede egg in your stomach!"

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
Feral wrote:
Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:

This is the kind of loaded topic where I think the burden is on the OP to make it exactly clear what the issue is.

Nothing to be upset about. Just remember that pretty much everyone reading has at least one negative experience in this regard, so if you're looking for player advice vs. character advice, it would be nice to spell that out in the initial question.


Is this:

A) I have a character I want to write a fun storyline for involving his/her habits sleeping around.
B) I have a character that sleeps with everyone and I want to teach him/her a lesson.
C) Something else.

A bit of A a bit of C

I don't have a character like that, but there is plenty of opportunity for romance. And I want to cover all my bases in case something happens.
One of my players is playing a lesbian catfolk, but she's very fond of a single NPC.

So far, no PCs who sleep around, but we have some new people coming in. And there are PCs who likely won't be above sleeping with random NPCs. (the Vanara Druken Brute Barbarian is one of them) but he hasn't had the chance yet.

I had wondered if you were one of my players from the adult Skulls & Shackles game I'm GMing on a different website, but we don't have any lesbian catfolk. =^.^=

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
Feral wrote:
Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:

This is the kind of loaded topic where I think the burden is on the OP to make it exactly clear what the issue is.

Nothing to be upset about. Just remember that pretty much everyone reading has at least one negative experience in this regard, so if you're looking for player advice vs. character advice, it would be nice to spell that out in the initial question.


Is this:

A) I have a character I want to write a fun storyline for involving his/her habits sleeping around.
B) I have a character that sleeps with everyone and I want to teach him/her a lesson.
C) Something else.

A bit of A a bit of C

I don't have a character like that, but there is plenty of opportunity for romance. And I want to cover all my bases in case something happens.
One of my players is playing a lesbian catfolk, but she's very fond of a single NPC.

So far, no PCs who sleep around, but we have some new people coming in. And there are PCs who likely won't be above sleeping with random NPCs. (the Vanara Druken Brute Barbarian is one of them) but he hasn't had the chance yet.

I had wondered if you were one of my players from the adult Skulls & Shackles game I'm GMing on a different website, but we don't have any lesbian catfolk. =^.^=

and they say pathfinder players don't like anime.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

So, you have a problem with someone playing a character that just has to sleep with every female (or male) or whatever they come across.

Anyway, would it be okay for them to end up with either strange spots in interesting places, or one day being introduced to their son or daughter?

You don't need a solution because its not a problem - what it is is an opportunity. You know the PC's weakness, exploit it with a memorable NPC who uses sex (or rather, the PC's weakness for sexual gratification) as a tool to advance his/her own agenda...

Mayhem Havocrain wrote:
These line of comments (being repeated after the op already clarified what his stance was) smells a bit of player entitlement opinions seeping into a GM's style of running.

I'm entitled to my entitlement.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That is what Hags are for.
Have him sleep with a Hag that is trying to get pregnant and then let the player know he has a changling daughter

Liberty's Edge

This can open up many different plots and avenues for role playing. For example, what if the NPC bed partner is actually a spy, a thief, or the wife/ husband of an important and influential NPC ? What if the affair becomes common knowledge/ town gossip. How will this effect the group's reputation in the community ot the community's willingness to cooperate with the group? This doesn't even take into consideration the consequences of an affair with a non human, magical, or demonic being.Go with the flow as it can lead to a more interesting game.

Degoon Squad wrote:

That is what Hags are for.

Have him sleep with a Hag that is trying to get pregnant and then let the player know he has a changling daughter

The player's reaction when he makes the Knowledge: Local check and gets the background information on changelings... Oh, now that might be interesting.

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my current character is halfdrow bard, who was banished from his village after being caught bedding the town elder's daughter. He's a flirt and charmer not a player.
So our GM made it simple +1 bluff & diplomacy when dealing with beautiful women, -2 to perception
Unless it's going to be plot involved, he goes to bed, fades to black, then wakes up.
Keeps in character, without taking up all the GM's time

Kydeem de'Morcaine wrote:
Nakteo wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Don't give them any screen time for it. If they want to sleep around fine, whatever. But as a GM or player I wouldn't be interested in hearing the other player role play out their sexual fantasies. As long as it isn't otherwise negatively impacting game play just let it happen and ignore it otherwise.

If you don't let the player get any screen time with it they will eventually just stop wasting their breath on it.


Sometimes that is fairly difficult to do. Some few (rather creepy) players try to insist on describing everything and continually asking for details about all their conquests.

I finally had to take one person aside and say "Look I am not going to role play out your whoring. We just don't care to listen to it. You can say 'Gorvinald is looking to make a hook-up' but that's as far as it goes. Your creeping-out all of us. It will stop one way or the other. If you can't stop it then you can find another group."

He was honestly shocked. He thought it was funny RP and all the people telling him to stop were just joking along with him.

Unfortunately it does sometimes work that way. If the player is persistent and tries to describe detail even if you give him nothing to work with you may have to directly confront the situation as you suggest.

Silver Crusade

Mayhem Havocrain wrote:
Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
I see no reason to punish a player for something like this.

Have you even read the thread? The op is trying to have some in game, appropriate response to a characters actions. Why is this, in your book, punishment? By this weird logic, the gm should not punish his players with combat because they have to go into every tomb and every sewer/dungeon/etc. How dare he punish the players by making them take damage. Or worse face problems based off decisions they've made! *gasps*

Seriously guy?

These line of comments (being repeated after the op already clarified what his stance was) smells a bit of player entitlement opinions seeping into a GM's style of running. I don't like that smell. Reminds me of allergy season.

Sorry this should have read, I see no reason to punish the player character like that. If a player wants her character to be promiscuous, a self confessed slut, and or chose to live his/her/its sexuality in a way that might deviate from the pseudo medieval standard (that some people assume for some reason), more power to them.

I really really really really really have no problem with that whatsoever, and frankly I don't want to be involved as a GM, since this is usually a decidedly solo event, and that is time taken away from the other players.
I don't argue, that the occasional solo RP doesn't have its place, but I have taken to avoid it as a general principle.

Now to the consequence part:

-Sexual transmittable diseases: I see no reason to handle those differently from any other disease, including DCs to cure or reject them altogether. Yes it the real world this issue is far more complicated, but this is not the real world, this is a fantasy RPG and given the challenges faced by most PCs, this is quite the insignificant issue. Sure sometimes you might get a rash and a minor debuff, but remove disease kills this dead in its tract.

I did a quick search, to find:

Night Tea wrote:

This frothy tea made from the bone-white, triangular leaves of the night tea plant renders a humanoid female sterile if drunk every day. In high doses, it may be able to end a pregnancy.

Source Adventurer's Armory

At 1sp per use easily affordable for the vast majority of pathfinder players. And should offer protection from unwanted pregnancy.

My problem with this topic, is that it usually punishes female characters and that often means female players (actually the vast majority of characters I play is female, over the years I had many explanations for it, but the simple fact is, that most of my concepts come with a female character, and gender swapping that somehow feels wrong) and I can't stand it.

The game and most gamers usually gloss over a lot of stuff, like bodily functions, how often do people remember natures call and go alone into the forest to be brutally savaged by bears? Not that often, since it is usually ignored.
When it comes the female characters I have seem plenty of really nasty stuff, from
My rogue is trying to sneak behind the guard""GM:Ok roll for it, but you get a -4 penalty since you have your period, and dogs will be able to sniff you from a much greater disance"......

To: GM rolls on a table, ok your character is now pregnant, you have to end your adventuring career within a couple of weeks. Roll another character..

The last one actually happened to me. Oh fun times when I was still to young to call BS.


My point is that rules on the subject of bodily functions usually penalize female characters (and as I said usually female players). Add to that the ghastly trope of the magical pregnancy, and you might understand why I am not a big fan of this.


Oh the role playing opportunities: These fall absolutely in the same area as characters with 34 page backstories, detailing their entire family three, the bittersweet story of their first love etc.

Actually this sounds a bit unfair, it doesn't really matter but it is harder on the player if he devoted a lot of time to writing it.
Those things are there as options for the GM to pick up upon, some players hope their back story, the things that made them who they are will influence the adventure.
But more often than not the GM has a story inside that she just wants to let out, and expecting the GM to pick up on it can be quite rewarding, but you should not expect it.

Now the OP wants to shine some spotlight on this aspect of her characters character, and looks for ways to explore this area of storytelling space. Nothing wrong with that, but the GM and the other players need to be on board for this type of game.

There literally thousands of different games played every day, and each one is (hopefully) right for the GM and most of the players (I have given up on the idea to GM the perfect game for every player, they can all be happy and enjoy it, but not everybody leaves the table with a perfect handcrafted experience, dice are involved...)
and there are certainly campaigns where the personal lifestyles of the player characters are of paramount importance, and serve as the centerpiece of the RPG experience. I really don't judge.

Now to your argument about players entitlement:

I would argue that there is a pretty big chasm, between what is "realistic" to happen, and what usually happens in stories, like having sex only once and it always resulting in a successful pregnancy (happens a lot in movies).

Life means assessing risks and taking some, the same is often true in our hobby of choice, the risk reward ratio is usually in play.
Do I use my potion of mage armor now, or do I risk a higher chance to get hit?
Do I go to the fancy calistrian brothel and enjoy some professional quality service (with the danger to get a dagger in you leg, because your crazy ex told the temple a bunch of lies, and her rich father paid for "an acceptable level of nemesis") or do I go to a local bar and try my luck there (potentially risking to get barfed on by the way to drunk girl during intercourse - she just had a bit too much to drink, to forget about her stupid boyfiend), of course I could always try to get in contact with my former lover... but her roommate hates my guts for some reason I have forgotten...

If a character wants to sleep around, it is certainly ok to recieve the normal "dangers" associated with this, but I would advise GMs not to let their own moral values skew the results.

Taking precautions might fit the character, or they might be totally unreasonable, it really depends on the individual.

However this can't really be compared to adventuring, where well trained professionals (player characters without NPC classes) risk life and limb to a variety of reasons (money, the greater good, glory, revenge...). These kind of scenarios have their own risk/reward ratio, and players are usually aware of that.

They might complain if the risk reward situation of unfairly skewed, trying to pick berries and receiving 9 piercing damage from a failed roll, seems unreasonable. The apparent risk/reward ration seems batty to players. (This actually happens in a Pathfinder adventure ).

Player entitlement has nothing to do, with my suggestion not to punish players unduly for the intention to engage in sexual acts - just because the GM thinks it is a spiffy idea.

And if desiring to get a fair shake and not be penalized for not agreeing with the GM on certain matters, I can live with that.(And I are correct to state that this counts as a straw man argument, I would leave any table with a GM, who lets his irrational hatred of women, homosexuals, minorities .. etc. affect the game. NOT accusing anybody of this! Just my stance on the issue.)

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
Mayhem Havocrain wrote:

These line of comments (being repeated after the op already clarified what his stance was) smells a bit of player entitlement opinions seeping into a GM's style of running.

I also clarified I am most definitively female...

As a gentleman, I believe you. Sorry about that first sentence, I could not help myself^^.

Now as mentioned near the top of this +7 wall of text, I was mentioning, that I was referencing the first character you mentioned a he IIRC).

I can't recall a current pathfinder book, but a loooong time ago The book of erotic fantasy was a rather divisive book on some of the topics you mentioned. That is if you want actual rules for things like rules for pregnancies, STDs, romance, sexual endurance...

I personally am not a big fan of the product (the amount of controversy it created was IMO not good for the industry) and I really abhor adding unnecessary subsystems (not just for this topic, but in general). I can recommend Encyclopaedia_Arcane:_Nymphology, while it glosses over areas, or just doesn't provide rules for them, the nature of the product is decidedly less serious, and some might say immature.
Personally I think that makes the book actually more mature, not treating the subject as something esoteric, but a wonderful thing that is supposed to be enjoyed like good drink and pleasant company.

I think there is potential in dealing with this side of a character, but since this is a cooperative game, the story usually has to fit the group not the other way round. This applies to players adding details to bring color to the world, just like it applies to GMs chosing/crafting adventures for their group.

Now don't worry, I chose the anchored variant for this wall of text, it isn't likely to flatten neighboring villages, but it will deter bands of barbarian invaders.^^

Silver Crusade

DominusMegadeus wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
Feral wrote:
Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:

This is the kind of loaded topic where I think the burden is on the OP to make it exactly clear what the issue is.

Nothing to be upset about. Just remember that pretty much everyone reading has at least one negative experience in this regard, so if you're looking for player advice vs. character advice, it would be nice to spell that out in the initial question.


Is this:

A) I have a character I want to write a fun storyline for involving his/her habits sleeping around.
B) I have a character that sleeps with everyone and I want to teach him/her a lesson.
C) Something else.

A bit of A a bit of C

I don't have a character like that, but there is plenty of opportunity for romance. And I want to cover all my bases in case something happens.
One of my players is playing a lesbian catfolk, but she's very fond of a single NPC.

So far, no PCs who sleep around, but we have some new people coming in. And there are PCs who likely won't be above sleeping with random NPCs. (the Vanara Druken Brute Barbarian is one of them) but he hasn't had the chance yet.

I had wondered if you were one of my players from the adult Skulls & Shackles game I'm GMing on a different website, but we don't have any lesbian catfolk. =^.^=
and they say pathfinder players don't like anime.

I am a pathfinder and I love anime, even the weird ones. Recently watched among others Kill la Kill and it definitely plays with a lot of stereotypes.

Record of Lodoss War is IMO the perfect anime for pathfinder fans (since it is heavily based on Dungeons and Dragons) and I would heartily recommend it to everybody. And ... you might not want to watch the Slayers anime (or even worse the movies) before you play^^
it might cause unintended consequences and explosions.

Grand Lodge

@Sebastian Eh. I understand where you are coming from. I just don't think it is so much of a big deal in an actual game, though I admit not every player would appreciate any given thing a gm does. So a player could be offended by a gm having a character get pregnant, etc. But let's be fair. I have had players get offended because I had them attacked, or get lost, or take damage. It didn't matter if said players were rewarded ten seconds earlier. They just didn't trust me and thought I was cheating. When you have players or GM's who are offending you and that you cannot trust in general- you're in the wrong game. It is that simple.

Would I have a player get pregnant or catch an std? If I thought it would make for a memorable moment or story arch in game- heck yeah! I probably would go out of my way to make sure it wasn't a simple curable disease either. That doesn't even sound very fun unless I could keep the player unaware of it. Not likely. No, as gm I want hilarity and jokes and mockery and all of that. He's catching a unique magical disease that slowly does something he rreeally doesn't want but which everyone will find quite amusing. Probably sidequest worthy. Sure, our male harlot is pregnant or our free-spirited female is growing obvious chest hair and face whiskers. Yes, they may have some obnoxious little disease on top of that with penalties to social situations and skills. But my players roll with the punches. I roll with theirs, after all. After 3-12 session, the issue will likely be resolved and everyone will be able to talk about that one time your promiscuous human male caught an std/curse that always made him appear as a thri-kreen with prominent male and female genitalia that couldn't be obscured by any means.

I usually don't gm anything quite that whacky but boy that sure sounds funny. Even the real life scenes of the player being evidently frustrated by the affliction as he tries to role play around it...is that possible? Doesn't matter. It's funny. As long as everyone is ultimately having fun with it, it's ok. I speak from experience. I am going on about two months with negative levels. I have failed so many checks......frustrated in and out of character. But it is also amusing how a little -1 or -2 is slowly eating away at everything I do, big or small. Just failing an important appraise check because the DC was 20 and I got a 19....it sucks....a lot. Failing my third caster level check in a row to beat spell resistance thanks to the negative level....during a boss fight. All bad things. All still amusing when they happen or when I look back. And I only have the negative level because of a character feature that is rather prominant. The op is trying to do similar.

Christopher Dudley wrote:
blahpers wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Abyssal gonorrhea
Ha! The Pathfinder version of Wasteland herpes.

I had a character in my Legacy of Fire campaign be talked into sleeping with Undrella.

** spoiler omitted **

I first read that as "sleeping with an Umbrella."

Silver Crusade

Mayhem Havocrain wrote:

@Sebastian Eh. I understand where you are coming from. I just don't think it is so much of a big deal in an actual game, though I admit not every player would appreciate any given thing a gm does. So a player could be offended by a gm having a character get pregnant, etc. But let's be fair. I have had players get offended because I had them attacked, or get lost, or take damage. It didn't matter if said players were rewarded ten seconds earlier. They just didn't trust me and thought I was cheating. When you have players or GM's who are offending you and that you cannot trust in general- you're in the wrong game. It is that simple.

Would I have a player get pregnant or catch an std? If I thought it would make for a memorable moment or story arch in game- heck yeah! I probably would go out of my way to make sure it wasn't a simple curable disease either. That doesn't even sound very fun unless I could keep the player unaware of it. Not likely. No, as gm I want hilarity and jokes and mockery and all of that. He's catching a unique magical disease that slowly does something he rreeally doesn't want but which everyone will find quite amusing. Probably sidequest worthy. Sure, our male harlot is pregnant or our free-spirited female is growing obvious chest hair and face whiskers. Yes, they may have some obnoxious little disease on top of that with penalties to social situations and skills. But my players roll with the punches. I roll with theirs, after all. After 3-12 session, the issue will likely be resolved and everyone will be able to talk about that one time your promiscuous human male caught an std/curse that always made him appear as a thri-kreen with prominent male and female genitalia that couldn't be obscured by any means.

I usually don't gm anything quite that whacky but boy that sure sounds funny. Even the real life scenes of the player being evidently frustrated by the affliction as he tries to role play around it...is that possible? Doesn't matter. It's funny. As long as everyone is ultimately...

Me and my players were having fun, is pretty much the definition of doing it right, but I am pretty sure most of my players would not enjoy the "curse of the rampaging futanari" (and yes knowing myself... it could happen, I watched to much anime in my time).

There was a recent movie called Contracted, it covers the area of STDs and then ends up in a much for familiar and comfortable area for most players .... dead people ^^

Shadow Lodge

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
There was a recent movie called Contracted, it covers the area of STDs and then ends up in a much for familiar and comfortable area for most players .... dead people ^^

So most players you know are more familar/comfortable with dead bodies than sex?

[Taking out of context]What kind of sick people do you hang out with?[/Taking out of context]

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