What is the worst roleplaying / backstory you have ever seen?

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FuelDrop wrote:
...Naturally, this didn't end well. Becoming pineapple Batman in a game built around being criminals generally doesn't.

On the other hand, Pineapple Batman, my new band, will storm the country as the next big thing in Rock 'n' Roll. Who wants to join me?

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Technically I think you guys are talking about
Fruitbat Man!

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FuelDrop wrote:
Sorry, I just can't get beyond thunderdome.

I'll never be over Macho Grande.

Larkos wrote:
On the other hand, Pineapple Batman, my new band, will storm the country as the next big thing in Rock 'n' Roll. Who wants to join me?

I'll gladly call the rest of Ten Ton Nuclear Wombat to be your opening act.

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equinoxmaster wrote:
my brother has a pathfinder character who is a self-obsessed egotistical gladiator named Mr. Cool

Sounds like an ass, on the other hand, sounds like a perfect character for X-crawl

Shadow Lodge

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The Indescribable wrote:
equinoxmaster wrote:
my brother has a pathfinder character who is a self-obsessed egotistical gladiator named Mr. Cool
Sounds like an ass, on the other hand, sounds like a perfect character for X-crawl

his goal is to become the god of ego and he wants somebody to make a spell that enhances his ego so much that everybody is revolted by it so much that they decide to run away in fear and disgust

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... Okay, now this character sounds like he needs to die in a comically hilarious way so that his name goes down in infamy and his egotistical nature is only a footnote at best.

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equinoxmaster wrote:
The Indescribable wrote:
equinoxmaster wrote:
my brother has a pathfinder character who is a self-obsessed egotistical gladiator named Mr. Cool
Sounds like an ass, on the other hand, sounds like a perfect character for X-crawl
his goal is to become the god of ego and he wants somebody to make a spell that enhances his ego so much that everybody is revolted by it so much that they decide to run away in fear and disgust

It's pushing me back!!!

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Te'Shen wrote:
Quark Blast wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I had a player name his swashbuckler Monterrey Jack and his sidekick Sharp Cheddar.
Hey, we're starting Skull and Shackles and this idea just got yoinked! At least until the GM puts the smack down on this type of badwrongfun.

Monterrey Jack must be a ratfolk. No exceptions. ;)

Don't forget the Ghoran Bard that goes by the name "Gouda Thimes". Alternate build: Alchemist. Alternate build 2: Ghoran Cleric named "Gouda Gourd"

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Playing with two mouse-folk. Alternates of Ratfolk

Assiago Jones and Lara Kraft

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Tinkergoth wrote:
Malachi Silverclaw wrote:

Someone on these boards recounted a time when a friend was at a loss for a character name, so opened the PHB at random, closed their eyes, and pointed. Whatever word(s) they pointed to would be the name.

Thus, Don Hastily was born.

I followed the example and found my next character, Miss Chance.

The 2nd Ed group I played in for a while had a tradition of naming characters after random brands of homewares that we'd fine rummaging through the host's house. Thus was my mighty warrior Westinghaus Sharpe born, and gifted with his greatsword Wusthof the Cleaver. His companions included Mistral (the magic user), Tupper the Wary (the thief) and Avanti Phillips (the elf)

Complete opposite of this: My friend named his Sorceress Fiora, we were in the store not too long ago and found a toilet paper with the brand name of Fiora. We just about died laughing.

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Artemis Moonstar wrote:
phantom1592 wrote:
Artemis Moonstar wrote:

Seriously. My memory (or lack thereof) for films I've seen less than twice seriously hurts by geek cred.

What the heck are you all referencing now?

Some are from "The Gamers"

Some are from here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-leYc4oC83E

I got magic missiling the darkness, I'm an avid 8-bit fan(atic?) xD.

"The Gamers" and it's apparent sequel, however, I'm unfamiliar with. I'll have to check out if I can find it on netflix or youtube, lol.

The gamers is hilarious. And yes, I think I was referencing two things actually. One was the movie and the other is from the 8-bit thing. I can't remember what comes from what half the time since they are so entwined in my brain.

"Are there girls there? I want to DO them!"
"I have a +10 Sword of Ogre decapitation." ... "Dude, you aren't even there."
"I steal his pants."

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Malachi Silverclaw wrote:

I like to fool around with the names of (traditionally nameless) mooks, instead of, say, 'mook #1'.

Bob & Weave.

Ace, Deuce & Trey.

Cough & Drop.

Meaty, Beefy, Big & Bouncy.

If anyone's got any more ideas...? : )

I was being ridiculous the other day and wrote up a list of "Name suggestions" for my 7 Deadly Sins Module. Most are groan worthy. :) Have at!

List o'Names:

Graybin Goled
Ava Rice
Rapa Siti
Myna Monet

Essi Lay
Taec Minou
Hank Erring
Desi Ayer

Unby Taybell
Inaca Reddabel
Erro Ganse
Narci Sissim
Igor Tisam

Eedi Tall
Goda Hafmor
Gorman Dizer
Corm Orant

Udonde Servit
Isla Geddit
Jella Seay
Ynvi Dious

Maxdi Amaje
Indi Gnashun
Vexa Shan

Aydel Ness
Letha Argie
Lakka Dasykle
Laz Inez

NO! never print a whole list of those again!

KenderKin wrote:
NO! never print a whole list of those again!

LOL Did you get to it before I remembered to add the "Spoiler" button? or are you just trying to scratch your eyes out because of the bad puns? ;)

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I made a gnome journalist name Ally T. Rations. Ally's articles tended towards wicked wordplay and alliteration.

blood_kite wrote:
Ally T. Rations.


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This is quickly derailing into the "Character Names Made from Wonderful Puns" thread.

I approve.

Ok so officially it is the character whose name is made with a non-clever pun, and has a backstory and title that is the same.....

KenderKin wrote:
Ok so officially it is the character whose name is made with a non-clever pun, and has a backstory and title that is the same.....


Dark Archive

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I don't know how I forgot Ca$h Daddy. That was his name and yes, you have to spell it with the dollar sign. A girl from the office I worked in started up a D&D game (one of the worst I've ever played in). We invited this guy who another guy knew and he made a Barbarian named Ca$h Daddy.

When asked by the DM to write a back story he literally wrote that he was just out for hos.

He spent the opening sequence of the game trying to find cocaine, offering cocaine to some other characters and then trying to seduce a king's daughter the moment he met her.

Our terrible DM allowed all of this and even slipped a DMNPC into the story who she presented as another traveling adventurer who we found to be having sex on top of an altar when we met her.

After three sessions Ca$h Daddy quit. But not before he managed to kill a whore and burn a bar down. It was kind of sad because the game was boring without him and the DM couldn't run anything. She couldn't run combat and kept shoehorning in stuff about furries and otherkin. Then she would do anything that she could to make the game go in the direction that she wanted. I think I made it six sessions (which is five longer than I should have) before I quit.

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Deirdre "Dee" Sarini wrote:

I don't know how I forgot Ca$h Daddy. That was his name and yes, you have to spell it with the dollar sign. A girl from the office I worked in started up a D&D game (one of the worst I've ever played in). We invited this guy who another guy knew and he made a Barbarian named Ca$h Daddy.

When asked by the DM to write a back story he literally wrote that he was just out for hos.

He spent the opening sequence of the game trying to find cocaine, offering cocaine to some other characters and then trying to seduce a king's daughter the moment he met her.

Our terrible DM allowed all of this and even slipped a DMNPC into the story who she presented as another traveling adventurer who we found to be having sex on top of an altar when we met her.

After three sessions Ca$h Daddy quit. But not before he managed to kill a whore and burn a bar down. It was kind of sad because the game was boring without him and the DM couldn't run anything. She couldn't run combat and kept shoehorning in stuff about furries and otherkin. Then she would do anything that she could to make the game go in the direction that she wanted. I think I made it six sessions (which is five longer than I should have) before I quit.

I think you may have won the thread in terms of sheer horror.

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KK here.....I forgot about this alias of mine.

Now I need a terrible backstory and I will see if anyone accepts him into a play-by-post game!

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Deirdre "Dee" Sarini wrote:

I don't know how I forgot Ca$h Daddy. That was his name and yes, you have to spell it with the dollar sign. A girl from the office I worked in started up a D&D game (one of the worst I've ever played in). We invited this guy who another guy knew and he made a Barbarian named Ca$h Daddy.

When asked by the DM to write a back story he literally wrote that he was just out for hos.

He spent the opening sequence of the game trying to find cocaine, offering cocaine to some other characters and then trying to seduce a king's daughter the moment he met her.

I think you're in the wrong thread. The thread for Best Roleplaying/Backstory You've Ever Seen is that way!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Deirdre "Dee" Sarini wrote:

I don't know how I forgot Ca$h Daddy. That was his name and yes, you have to spell it with the dollar sign. A girl from the office I worked in started up a D&D game (one of the worst I've ever played in). We invited this guy who another guy knew and he made a Barbarian named Ca$h Daddy.

When asked by the DM to write a back story he literally wrote that he was just out for hos.

I wonder if he knows Kanye the Giant...

"Where the club at at Isildur, yo? Kanye the Giant orders Alizé."

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Splode wrote:
Deirdre "Dee" Sarini wrote:

He spent the opening sequence of the game trying to find cocaine, offering cocaine to some other characters and then trying to seduce a king's daughter the moment he met her.

I think you're in the wrong thread. The thread for Best Roleplaying/Backstory You've Ever Seen is that way!

Hey, baby, wanna tune my mandolin?

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David M Mallon wrote:
Deirdre "Dee" Sarini wrote:

I don't know how I forgot Ca$h Daddy. That was his name and yes, you have to spell it with the dollar sign. A girl from the office I worked in started up a D&D game (one of the worst I've ever played in). We invited this guy who another guy knew and he made a Barbarian named Ca$h Daddy.

When asked by the DM to write a back story he literally wrote that he was just out for hos.

I wonder if he knows Kanye the Giant...

"Where the club at at Isildur, yo? Kanye the Giant orders Alizé."

This is exactly what video I was thinking of, but my search was fruitless since I misremembered the name as "Andre the Giant".

Silver Crusade

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From a Shadowrun game... a rather well-connected fixer with a pseudo-Japanese name:

Aino Agai

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Splode wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Deirdre "Dee" Sarini wrote:

I don't know how I forgot Ca$h Daddy. That was his name and yes, you have to spell it with the dollar sign. A girl from the office I worked in started up a D&D game (one of the worst I've ever played in). We invited this guy who another guy knew and he made a Barbarian named Ca$h Daddy.

When asked by the DM to write a back story he literally wrote that he was just out for hos.

I wonder if he knows Kanye the Giant...

"Where the club at at Isildur, yo? Kanye the Giant orders Alizé."

This is exactly what video I was thinking of, but my search was fruitless since I misremembered the name as "Andre the Giant".

Oh Andre the Giant. I love that man. I only ever knew him as Fezzik, but that was enough to have an impact on my childhood.

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Deirdre "Dee" Sarini wrote:

I don't know how I forgot Ca$h Daddy. That was his name and yes, you have to spell it with the dollar sign. A girl from the office I worked in started up a D&D game (one of the worst I've ever played in). We invited this guy who another guy knew and he made a Barbarian named Ca$h Daddy.

When asked by the DM to write a back story he literally wrote that he was just out for hos.

He spent the opening sequence of the game trying to find cocaine, offering cocaine to some other characters and then trying to seduce a king's daughter the moment he met her.

Our terrible DM allowed all of this and even slipped a DMNPC into the story who she presented as another traveling adventurer who we found to be having sex on top of an altar when we met her.

After three sessions Ca$h Daddy quit. But not before he managed to kill a whore and burn a bar down. It was kind of sad because the game was boring without him and the DM couldn't run anything. She couldn't run combat and kept shoehorning in stuff about furries and otherkin. Then she would do anything that she could to make the game go in the direction that she wanted. I think I made it six sessions (which is five longer than I should have) before I quit.

Wow, that'$ ju$t...[$arcasm]$pectacularly and $uperbly awe$ome[/$arcasm]:O

Dark Archive

Ca$h Daddy was pretty much the only character in the game that seemed to be what the person wanted. The DM made us roll and my stats were garbage. So she ended up giving me this sword this sword against my will that was alive and would take me over and control me. I think that was what bothered me more. Honestly Ca$h Daddy was bad, but he was entertaining. The DM was controlling and would get whiny when we messed with her story in the least. And the story didn't make sense. One of the waitresses just happened to be level 20 when we messed with her and she gave our level one Cleric the ability to use three spells from the sixth level spell list.

It was like the game couldn't get anymore unbalanced.

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Deirdre, I have delt with a DM that did stuff a lot. The latest was in a star wars game where, when one player pulled out a blaster on some dock hand NPC, said NPC suddenly had a personal shield generator (Super rare and expensive item) and control over two ship level laser turrets. He had done lots of "I control your character now" and "Don't touch my npc or story" moments over the years. He no longer has a group and is just a player now.

To stay on topic, well let me think. Ok this MIGHT sound kinda offensive here but I was running a game of Call of Cthulhu set in the USA in the early 1920s. Knowing all this, one player insisted he get to play a black female university graduate stunt driver and expected no prejudice from anybody at all even after I asked how accurate they want things to be for history. It was my first game and I let it fly but he kept trying to do things like get a browning machine gun through customs and openly telling the customs agent that he had it to shoot people later.

Another one was someone trying to grind skill points in CoC. See in that game, your skills only increase if you actually use them. He was in his house and kept trying to actively hide from a letter he got in the mail and argued that it should count towards his hide skill.

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My word gurus had a nice name based limerick since people are all into crazy names I thought I would share it:

The king could but scarce hold his mirth
as his sword touched a squire of great girth
it can be no surprise that because of your size
I dub thee Sir Cumference of Earth.

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The first table top game I played (not counting the like five sessions of a homebrew 3.5 game) was pathfinders RotRL. The group was just getting to know each other so the role play was minimal. We has one guy decide he wanted to play a rouge or a ninja don't remember the first one. But the next character was a ninja that jut started following us after the battle with the Hill Giants. The game is on hiatus while the GM does secret GM stuff. We still don't know the ninjas name or why it is with us. We have even asked him both in and out of game and we get nothing. No backstory not even a name.

And I have played with a sorcerer who wields a greatsword thanks to a random bonus to the backstory that the GM rolled for. The first time he used the greatsword he crit failed and it went out the window.

Oh and the same person the S&S game we just stared is playing a ratfolk Alchemist with three different personalities. He as to roll a d100 each time he takes a mutagen to figure out which personality is in control. the main one is a true neutral who is ambivalent to everyone and only cares for crafting his alchemy, this personality is recently decided it should be a surgeon. Then there is the LE personality that calls its self Asmodous. And the last one is a CG personality called Cayden Cailean.

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Well that would be a little disturbing. "Hey who is that? No idea, he just started following us around and killing people when we got into a fight."

it was weird and even with everyone telling him it was weird he still refuses to say even a name.

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David Neilson wrote:
Well that would be a little disturbing. "Hey who is that? No idea, he just started following us around and killing people when we got into a fight."

The way you said that I couldn't help but think of a particular character I read about on these forums. A serial killer who adopted a group of adventurers and fought alongside them because he didn't want his pets to get hurt.

EDIT: He also stole and wore peoples faces.

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well that sounded interesting until the stealing and wearing of peoples faces. And sadly it would be an improvement for this guy. At least that serial killer is invested in the party. Four different campaigns in and he always makes a PC that doesn't give a damn about the group and is just following along.

I might try to use the crazy face wearing killer to surprise my group with later.

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The Indescribable wrote:
David Neilson wrote:
Well that would be a little disturbing. "Hey who is that? No idea, he just started following us around and killing people when we got into a fight."

The way you said that I couldn't help but think of a particular character I read about on these forums. A serial killer who adopted a group of adventurers and fought alongside them because he didn't want his pets to get hurt.

EDIT: He also stole and wore peoples faces.

Minus the stealing of faces, this is so yoinked. I'll be doing it as a catfolk... Because as cat-lovers know... You don't adopt the cat. The cat adopts you.

Yeah, the story was quite interesting, wish I could remember where it was.

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Malachi Silverclaw wrote:

I like to fool around with the names of (traditionally nameless) mooks, instead of, say, 'mook #1'.

Bob & Weave.

Ace, Deuce & Trey.

Cough & Drop.

Meaty, Beefy, Big & Bouncy.

If anyone's got any more ideas...? : )

Lily, Rose, Iris, and their brother, Herb.

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Justin I...don't think this is the right thread for that.

Ok on topic. Way way back in AD&D in higshcool. We were in a homebrew ravenloft game. Two thieves, a druid, a ranger, and a paladin which was me. At one point my paladin lost his leg so the ranger and thieves decided to leave me in a shack we found with the druid to keep an eye on me. They left me the party ring of regeneration to grow it back but they went on adventuring. The player playing the druid was mad after two days and threatened to kill me since I was holding him up. After he said that, we were called out by a death knight wanting to fight. Well, he jumped at that and I agreed to it. The death knight was apparently honourable and let me get on my horse and strap myself in first since I was one legged. So the paladin and the druid again a death knight and two...I think cloakers? they looked like capes but had faces. If anyone has the AD&D Monster manual please let me know what that is. Anyway, we won even though the druid held back since he wanted me to die. After showing him that even with one leg missing, I could still take on a death knight, he never threatened me again. By the way, yes I had a holy avenger.

The Indescribable wrote:
David Neilson wrote:
Well that would be a little disturbing. "Hey who is that? No idea, he just started following us around and killing people when we got into a fight."

The way you said that I couldn't help but think of a particular character I read about on these forums. A serial killer who adopted a group of adventurers and fought alongside them because he didn't want his pets to get hurt.

EDIT: He also stole and wore peoples faces.

Sounds like a twist on that one guy in Rise of the Runelords. You know the one if you've played it.

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Reminds me of a modern-day supers game where the heroes were searching a terrorist bombing site for survivors and victims' remains...

GM: "After a half-hour's search, you find a face."
Player: "You mean, a head?"
GM: "Nope."
All: *eeewwww*

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"Hello, my name is......."

Scarab Sages

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Have you ever considered piracy?

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Inigo Montoya. wrote:
"Hello, my name is......."
Belabras wrote:
Have you ever considered piracy?

I'm sorry. You are in the wrong thread. This is the "What is the worst roleplaying / backstory you have ever seen?" thread. Even as a rip-off, The Princess Bride references are made of Win.

(... it also makes me think of others who I feel don't have well thought out arguments. I sometimes think... You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think think mean... )

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