She was your standard run of the mill farmer's daughter, well except for the fact she was blind. Then the slavers came and captured them all. Most of the outlying farms had been raided. The slavers were transporting them to the selling markets when she heard a man nearby saying he was a traveling wizard. Calling out to him she begged him to buy her and her family. She told him she would do anything; endure any hardship if he would. This stopped the wizard and he moved over asking if she would endure even experiments that would transform her beyond being human. She agreed hastily. So he bought them and told her parents to farm for him to pay off their debts.
For a couple of years she endured the painful transmutations and experiments. When it was over all there was just her and the disappointed wizard. He couldn't figure out how to cure her blindness nor did any of his experiments with her ever last more than a month or two. The only thing that had permanently stayed with her was the strange teeth she had grown in one of the last experiments. They were a set of elongated paired canines on the top and bottom of her mouth. Dissatisfied he told her to go farm with her parents to pay off her debts.
Another thing about the experiments was the side effect of the hunger. It was slight at first but it kept growing. She was able to keep control of it. She found herself preferring raw meats more often. Things were going fine until something attacked a local a village while she was visiting with her parents. At this point the hunger had gotten almost beyond her control. Running with her parents she tripped over something she couldn't see and the next thing she knew she was being bitten by something. Her reaction surprised even her and she bit back with a snarl her teeth sinking through hide and fur. She kept her teeth in the creature and something else took over, her hunger. Her teeth stayed in the creature as she held onto it as she drank from it similar to a vampire, only she didn’t actually swallow the blood. The blood funneled through her teeth to a new organ her body had acquired unknown to them. The beast eventually broke free and ran away its owner having been run off by villagers and its own strength drained. Feeling satisfaction and her hunger satiated she laid there injured but not caring. That gnawing feeling finally having been satisfied, she stood and licked her lips suddenly realizing what she was doing. Immediately she threw up but no blood came up. The whispers soon surrounded her and she heard the word monster and accusations. She reached out calling to her parents. Soon they came to her but she could tell they hesitated touching her and soon they were leading her home. Over the next week she felt her parents wariness and she heard them talking in whispers about what had happened in the tower and how she had changed. She had started to feel pain but didn’t want to tell them. Her head was throbbing; mostly her sinus’s and ears. One morning she walked out for breakfast smelling the food cooking, it smelled better than it ever had before. Her mother screamed in horror nearly deafening her. Her ears had always been fine-tuned but this was even more so. Covering her ears she heard her father come in and he shouted also. It seemed her ears had changed, becoming more like the beasts she had bit and though her eyes had always been blind, now they didn’t look human, but instead, beastial in nature.
Within a week the local priest was there insisting she was possessed and demanded an exorcism. Two weeks passed and her parents, with pressure from the town agreed. Problem was, she wasn’t possessed, she was hungry. The exorcism went and nothing seemed to work. The priest in his anger struck her and she bit him. Unlike before she was able to control her hunger but the large holes in his flesh made him shout and condemn her as a monster that had to be put down. She was locked up to be burned the next day. Her father and mother helped her escape, saying they know this was the wizard’s fault and didn’t blame her. They gave her the little savings they had and an old cloak telling her to run. So she did, blind, beastial, with only her sharp hearing and scent the first clue to what was happening to her, she ran for her life. This now cursed existence, on the run, trying to hide what she is even as the hunger grows inside of her, ever gnawing at her to consume more, to evolve….to become something more. If only she could come across a creature that could let her see, or end her hunger….something to stop all of it.