What AP would you like to see next? 2016 / 17 edition

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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First World
Arcadian PCs repelling the colonists
anything Absalom

Silver Crusade

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Steel_Wind wrote:
Lose the 's' and we can talk.
9 Months after this APs completion we'd see a lot more Half-Orcs on Golarion that's for sure.
One volume has to be titled "Blooming On A Battlefield".


Volume 1: Orc Men are from Akiton, Orc Women are from Castrovel.
Volume 2:
Volume 3:
Volume 4:
Volume 5:
Volume 6: Blooming on a Battlefield

Volume 1: Orc Men are from Akiton, Orc Women are from Castrovel.

Volume 2: Tusks by Dusk
Volume 3: Expedition to the Bara Peaks
Volume 4: Through Green Valleys
Volume 5: Merging in Urglin
Volume 6: Blooming on a Battlefield

Silver Crusade

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An "okay I'll behave" answer:

Planet-hopping Distant Worlds AP where you gather alien allies to stand against the Dominion of the Black!

Pure high fantasy, dreamlike, Gaiman-esque First World-centric AP!

Painful, classic-Gundam-esque-in-scope Nirmathas vs. Molthrune AP with no pure good or bad side, with plenty of heroes and villains on both!

Paizo Employee Developer

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Would it be cruel if I mentioned that we pretty much already know what the AP after Hell's Rebels is going to be?

I think we already knew that. Doesn't stop people from asking/guessing. If nothing else, it might affect the one after the one after the one after the one after that.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Adam Daigle wrote:
Would it be cruel if I mentioned that we pretty much already know what the AP after Hell's Rebels is going to be?

Cruel? Yes.

Unusual? No.

So I guess you avoid the Hague again Daigle!

Adam Daigle wrote:
Would it be cruel if I mentioned that we pretty much already know what the AP after Hell's Rebels is going to be?


Silver Crusade

Adam Daigle wrote:
Would it be cruel if I mentioned that we pretty much already know what the AP after Hell's Rebels is going to be?

Only if you mentioned it without spilling ALL THE DETAILS.

Also, thanks again for picking up my tab! It was great meeting you guys! :)


That's the sound of various parts of James Jacob's brain exploding in opposition to this idea. Can't hurt to post it though. Plus I like odd sounds and James' brain has fast healing 0.01. So everything is good.

Anyways, I was thinking it would be cool to play an AP across the various ages of Golarion...Age of Legends...Age of Destiny...you get the idea.

Except you play each age as a different character or rather a different incarnation of your first character(and doesn't have to be the same race). I guess a kind of Cloud Atlas type thing. Oh and I've never seen that movie. *weak smile...heh*

There could be some kind of mechanic like the weight of souls or whatever where what you do along the law-chaos & good-evil axis nets you rewards and punishments. By that I don't mean good and lawful are win and evil and chaos are fail. I mean the more you deviate from neutral the more you get in terms of a positive and a negative. These rewards and punishments are applied to your next character in the next age/book. So you will have to use the rules for creating higher level characters...duh.

I guess another idea of that would be to play it in reverse and go backward in ages, then the mechanic wouldn't make sense but you could end at the age of creation and use mythic rules. I favour the first idea more.

Regardless, I suppose that this would be too much of a chore for the writers.

Oh well maybe a home game. :)

Scarab Sages

Fist World problems bleeding into Golarion.

Whatever chased off the gnomes is expanding its influence.

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Hehe fist world

Artanthos wrote:

Fist World problems bleeding into Golarion.

Whatever chased off the gnomes is expanding its influence.

If I was a gnome I'd run from "fist world" too. ;)

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1. Galt - Finding themselves targets in the newest wave of terror, the players attempt to lead another revolution against the Gary Gardeners themselves.

2. Nirmathas/Molthune War - Molthune launches a new offensive to reclaim Nirmathas. Players are drawn into the war and play a pivotal role.

3. Arcadia - Players establish a colony on Arcadia and build it up. Kingmaker-esque campaign but with a colonial feel.

4. Tian Xia - Campaign set entirely in this area with the players from here.

The whole colonial thing doesn't have to be all that far away from the Inner Sea. The western Mwangi part of Garund is suffering this from Sargava. Serpent's Skull covers this from the Avistani side. Now, it's time to cover it from the Mwangi side.

Dark Archive

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Also I want to see a Return of the Whispering Tyrant AP, it could even have a fair bit of Eox splashed with the bone sages working with the Tyrant

With an 'Occult Adventures' Hard cover announced, I'm hopeful for Vudra in the not too distant future

Distant Worlds, anything less is uncivilized and i won't hear of it!

not Galt, anything but Galt, i'll be very upset if Galt is chosen.

Going for reverse psychology now cap?

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Cryptic wrote:
3. Arcadia - Players establish a colony on Arcadia and build it up. Kingmaker-esque campaign but with a colonial feel.


How about Arcadians establishing a colony in the Inner Sea region instead?

A Kingmaker style campaign set in the Darklands would be highly cool.

Orthos wrote:
Going for reverse psychology now cap?

of course:)

it worked in Looney Toons:)

It would have made more sense to me to have a political AP in Galt then the one we are going to get later next year.

captain yesterday wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Going for reverse psychology now cap?

of course:)

it worked in Looney Toons:)

Duck season?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Mikaze wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Gladly! It was great getting to hang out.
Shadow Lodge

something lovecrafty, something involving CG fetchlings, something open-world, something planar. something involving defeating zon-kuthon (ties in with the CG fetchlings)

Shadow Lodge

Reginald Peabody IV, esquire wrote:
Distant Worlds, anything less is uncivilized and i won't hear of it!

Ello guvna, shine ya shoes?

Liberty's Edge

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Dustin Ashe wrote:
Cryptic wrote:
3. Arcadia - Players establish a colony on Arcadia and build it up. Kingmaker-esque campaign but with a colonial feel.
How about Arcadians establishing a colony in the Inner Sea region instead?

I'll take it *in addition*, because meeting Native Americans *anywhere* is cool.

But "instead", no thanks. I want to see their awesome cities and pyramids and puebloes. Incas high up in the mountains, Aztecs with floating cities, plainsrunners and buffaloes.

In other words, Arcadians coming to Avistan doesn't scratch the same itch. Seeing Native America isn't *just* its people, it's a whole lot more -- it's their environment, their civilization, their monuments and their ecosystems. Your idea is cool on its own, but it's not the same thing.

Just out of curiosity -- since I see you repeatedly protesting whenever someone mentions an Arcadia AP -- do you also have the same reaction whenever people mention a Vudra AP, or whenever people mention Jade Regent? Because other civilizations than Native America have also been screwed over by the Europeans.

How about a Dark Tapestry AP? Not that there would be a ton of travel through it but maybe dealing with those from it?

Could have a corruption mechanic for the pcs.

Or maybe this might be better as a Campaign or Chronicles book than an AP?

You know you want to James! ;)

On another note I was looking through Lords of Madness recently. Damn Neogi have crazy stats for a character. Anyways, that book was awesome. :)

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Another vote for wanting Arcadia and an extra vote for it avoiding putting the Arcadians on the other side of an "us vs them" colonial AP like the plague.

I really want Arcadia.

But I absolutely would not want it like that.

Bonus points if Arcadian PCs get bonuses to punch NPCs that use the word "skraeling" in the mouth.

Liberty's Edge

Is this like a real fear? That we're going to get an AP where we're out driving Indians from their lands, selling them booze and infected blankets, raping their squaws and throwing their papooses off cliffs? Story awards for bringing back ten Indian scalps? This is what you expect Paizo would do? Really?

I don't know what kind of world you people live in that you even consider this a 0.00001% possibility. I'm suddenly very thankful that I've grown up in an environment where that sort of treatment would never even come to mind.

Silver Crusade

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Samy wrote:

Is this like a real fear? That we're going to get an AP where we're out driving Indians from their lands, selling them booze and infected blankets, raping their squaws and throwing their papooses off cliffs? Story awards for bringing back ten Indian scalps? This is what you expect Paizo would do? Really?

I don't know what kind of world you people live in that you even consider this a 0.00001% possibility. I'm suddenly very thankful that I've grown up in an environment where that sort of treatment would never even come to mind.

It's definitely not a fear of what Paizo would do, but rather a mention of just why a colonial approach to an Arcadian AP would be a very uncomfortable thing.

Of course I'd never expect Paizo to go down that route. But there are some truly dark corners of this hobby... :(

Personally, I want an Arcadian AP that features Arcadian cultures still going strong and not treated like an "other" to some sort of Inner Sea colonial audience surrogate. (ie: avoiding the presumption that audiences can't care about people from other cultures without a white representative to act as a go-between(see: The Last Samurai for just one example of many))

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:
Of course I'd never expect Paizo to go down that route. But there are some truly dark corners of this hobby... :(

Yes, I certainly understand that there are some truly messed up individuals there. But Paizo would never listen to them. I am 110% convinced that they'd never write a kill-the-Indians! AP. So that's why I don't understand the pleading for them not to do it. It's like pleading Superman not to torture. I don't get it. It makes no sense.

And I think why it bugs me slightly is because it casts the aspersion that they *might be* capable of it. In a "have you stopped beating your wife" kind of rhetoric. Paizo would never do it, and by pleading them not to do it, you (general you, not aimed at you Mikaze) are implying that you think they actually might do it.

I find that uncomfortable.

Silver Crusade

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Samy wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Of course I'd never expect Paizo to go down that route. But there are some truly dark corners of this hobby... :(
Yes, I certainly understand that there are some truly messed up individuals there. But Paizo would never listen to them. I am 110% convinced that they'd never write a kill-the-Indians! AP. So that's why I don't understand the pleading for them not to do it. It's like pleading Superman not to torture. I don't get it. It makes no sense.

Well, that wasn't so much pleading to Paizo as it was a hopeful reminder to others. :)

But also, Paizo themselves have said that they always want to improve and avoid nasty pitfalls like that. When people speak up about those concerns, it isn't always about accusations but rather asking "please watch out for this".

Samy wrote:

Is this like a real fear? That we're going to get an AP where we're out driving Indians from their lands, selling them booze and infected blankets, raping their squaws and throwing their papooses off cliffs? Story awards for bringing back ten Indian scalps? This is what you expect Paizo would do? Really?

I don't know what kind of world you people live in that you even consider this a 0.00001% possibility. I'm suddenly very thankful that I've grown up in an environment where that sort of treatment would never even come to mind.

You can be sure that Cheliax would TRY to do something like that, with the Hellknight Order of the Nail, Order of the Pyre, Order of the Godclaw, and Order of the Chain playing especially prominent roles. But if the Arcadian cultures have their own access to Divine (and preferably also Arcane) magic, they would actually be able to put up a sustained fight against the invaders, who thereby would tend to be confined to their initial landing zones.

Player characters would not necessarily be obligated to follow with the p(r)ogram, although the Chelaxian and Hellknight authorities would take extreme measures to attempt to force them to do so.

Silver Crusade

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UnArcaneElection wrote:
Samy wrote:

Is this like a real fear? That we're going to get an AP where we're out driving Indians from their lands, selling them booze and infected blankets, raping their squaws and throwing their papooses off cliffs? Story awards for bringing back ten Indian scalps? This is what you expect Paizo would do? Really?

I don't know what kind of world you people live in that you even consider this a 0.00001% possibility. I'm suddenly very thankful that I've grown up in an environment where that sort of treatment would never even come to mind.

You can be sure that Cheliax would TRY to do something like that, with the Hellknight Order of the Nail, Order of the Pyre, Order of the Godclaw, and Order of the Chain playing especially prominent roles. But if the Arcadian cultures have their own access to Divine (and preferably also Arcane) magic, they would actually be able to put up a sustained fight against the invaders, who thereby would tend to be confined to their initial landing zones.

Player characters would not necessarily be obligated to follow with the p(r)ogram, although the Chelaxian and Hellknight authorities would take extreme measures to attempt to force them to do so.

As I said in another thread, I would greatly favor an opportunity to play an Arcadian or ally thereof who gets a chance to kick Chelaxian Christopher Columbus in the jewels.

Liberty's Edge

UnArcaneElection wrote:
Samy wrote:

Is this like a real fear? That we're going to get an AP where we're out driving Indians from their lands

You can be sure that Cheliax would TRY to do something like that

There's a difference between the *villains* doing that, and what I said, which was *us* doing that, i.e. the PCs of the AP doing that. I *REALLY* don't see Paizo doing an AP where *WE'RE* intended to do stuff like that.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Samy wrote:
Just out of curiosity -- since I see you repeatedly protesting whenever someone mentions an Arcadia AP -- do you also have the same reaction whenever people mention a Vudra AP, or whenever people mention Jade Regent? Because other civilizations than Native America have also been screwed over by the Europeans.

Oddly enough, no one on these messageboards (as least as far as I've seen) has suggested we "colonize" Vudra or Tian Xia. If they did, I would be just as adamantly opposed to that as I am to colonizing Arcadia.

Like you, Samy, I would love to have an AP set in Arcadia. But I don't want to repeat Earth's history. But for some reason I've seen loads of people suggest we go colonize Arcadia a la the Kingmaker AP. It's like many of us can't conceive of any other interaction with Skraelings except to take their land or imagine that Arcadia is so sparsely inhabited that we could do so without resistance.

I prefer to think that Golarion will develop along different lines than Earth did. I mean, this is fantasy. So I can dream.

Liberty's Edge

There's a big difference between Colonial "Cortes" style and say Colonial Dutch style. Establishing a trading outpost (the Dutch were extremely dependent on Native Americans not only for food trades but also for beaver pelts which were their main export) or even just a small settlement free from religious/political persecution is hardly an evil us vs them thing.

It turned out that way eventually in the real world, but there were a LOT of contributing factors, mostly disease, which is why most everywhere else it was attempted (Africa, India, Philippines)the indigenous people are still around in large numbers.

Note: A colonial AP wouldn't be my first choice of Arcadian APs; I would rather more of one where you start in Arcadia, maybe near the Ulfen trading colony, players can be Arcadians or Avistani and you go on a Lord of the Rings like trek across Arcadia and meet a few different cultures on the way. I despised how Jade Regent started in Varisia.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Samy wrote:
Is this like a real fear? That we're going to get an AP where we're out driving Indians from their lands, selling them booze and infected blankets, raping their squaws and throwing their papooses off cliffs? Story awards for bringing back ten Indian scalps? This is what you expect Paizo would do? Really?

No, I think the age of guilt-free superiority syndrome is over (at least in progressive circles). If anything, white privilege would appear much more subtly. Long-ingrained tropes would probably just seep out despite the best efforts of writers.

In that vein, here is a list of things I don't want to see:

* an Arcadia AP that assumes that the PCs are Avistan
* an AP that depicts Arcadia as a vast, resource-rich wilderness only sparsely populated
* an AP filled with "good" Arcadians who welcome the Avistan settlers and learn their ways (see: noble savage trope) and "bad" Arcadians who fight against them
* any depiction of natives' cannibalism (largely a disproved myth created by whites)
* any subtle hint that Arcadians are inherently inferior to their Avistan counterparts
* civilizing the savages (bringing wayfinders, Abadar, and firearms to the masses)
* blanket statements about Arcadians in general

Rysky wrote:
As I said in another thread, I would greatly favor an opportunity to play an Arcadian or ally thereof who gets a chance to kick Chelaxian Christopher Columbus in the jewels.


(Or an Arcadian AP that doesn't have anything Avistan in it at all.)

Mikaze wrote:

Well, that wasn't so much pleading to Paizo as it was a hopeful reminder to others. :)

But also, Paizo themselves have said that they always want to improve and avoid nasty pitfalls like that. When people speak up about those concerns, it isn't always about accusations but rather asking "please watch out for this".

Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself, Mikaze.

Shadow Lodge

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Now that we have investigators, alchemists and gunslingers methinks it is time for a steampunk AP

2 people marked this as a favorite.
equinoxmaster wrote:
Now that we have investigators, alchemists and gunslingers methinks it is time for a steampunk AP

I would be so up for this.

Shadow Lodge

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and because of investigators maybe a noir AP taking place in ustalav with the PCs as members of the sleepless agency

(also I am a huge ustalav fan)

Shadow Lodge

Orthos wrote:
equinoxmaster wrote:
Now that we have investigators, alchemists and gunslingers methinks it is time for a steampunk AP
I would be so up for this.

maybe it would have more on the priesthood of brigh and some new steampunk tech that works similarly to the numerian tech from technology guide

Shadow Lodge

I also want one where you overthrow the umbral court of nidal or razmir (2 tyrants who I would put my CG fetchling arcanist against)

Shadow Lodge

M. Balmer wrote:
A Kingmaker style campaign set in the Darklands would be highly cool.

I've had a svirvneblin in my head for a long time so that would be awesome

Shadow Lodge

Maybe one in Nex where you are a commander of an army against Geb
(using the mass combat rules from ultimate campaign)

Shadow Lodge

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Maybe an archaeology focused one in the sodden lands or near the ruins of thassilon or sarkosis

Dustin Ashe wrote:
Cryptic wrote:
3. Arcadia - Players establish a colony on Arcadia and build it up. Kingmaker-esque campaign but with a colonial feel.


How about Arcadians establishing a colony in the Inner Sea region instead?

Since I seem to have given the wrong impression, let me explain that when I said colonial I meant the whole exploration, discovery, and general aesthetic feel. I was NOT trying to imply subjecting natives.

You can take inspiration from a historical period for your game without putting any of the horrible things that happened in real history. I mean, most fantasy roleplay games including Pathfinder are inspired by the Middle Ages, where countless innocents were routinely killed in wars, plagues, or religious persecution and discrimination by class or sex was accepted as perfectly normal.

Pathfinder, D&D, and other games prove you can take inspiration from a historical setting without showing the atrocities that took place. I agree with you there should be nothing that harkens back to oppression of Native Americans or anything racist.

Cryptic wrote:
Since I seem to have given the wrong impression, let me explain that when I said colonial I meant the whole exploration, discovery, and general aesthetic feel. I was NOT trying to imply subjecting natives.

I like this Cryptic clarification :)

Sorry to assume. In my field of study, colony and colonial have very specific definitions and they are not happy ones. Glad to see you didn't mean them.

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