Sub-Creator |

Dreaming Psion wrote:The War of the Skies adventure path! Aerial combats, dirigibles, gryphon riders, cloud castles, dwarven Sky Citadels, etc.This sounds fantastic.
And it would be even more fantastic if they gave us a three-dimensional map to be able to pull off the combats easier!

NorthernOkie |
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A quick note to say that Haladir's list is excellent:
1) Moons of Barsoom/Jungles of Amtor: Sword-and-planet adventures to Akiton and Castrovel, in the style of Edgar Rice Burroughs.2) Revenge of the Runelords: Sorshen and/or Xanderghul return from their millennia-long slumber! (A sequel to Shattered Star.)
3) The Red Revolution: PCs try to finally bring lasting stability to Galt.
4) The Way South: Exploration adventure in Southern Garund.
5) The Andoren-Chelaxian War: A sequel to Hell's Rebels. With the fall of Kintargo, rebellion sweeps across Cheliax. Andoran siezes the opportunity to strike, and finally bring an end to Infernal Rule in its former Imperial overlord.
HOWEVER, as evidence in Posts 1, 6, 20, 22, 24, 28, 38, 63, 177, 182, 222, 234, 285, 322, 335, 354, 371, 380, 454, 455, 533, 536, 538, 589, and 598:
(please, please, please, please, please!)
A return to Tian Xia! Either Kaiju oriented or something inspired by Wu Xia films
Tian Xia: Dangit I want a proper Tian Xia story!! Draw from Wuxia films.
Tian Xia.
Written by writers who are knowledgeable about things chinoiserie, and actually have a real story to turn into adventures, not adventures to ram into a chinoiserie-type of story.
I strongly hope the writers will consult the three Master Li/Number Ten Ox novels written by Barry Hughart. These books should be an absolute must for anyone attempting to write adventures based in this genre.
Tien Xia / Minkai (We need a 100% eastern flavor AP where the PC's can start out as Samurai, Ninjas, etc... Sort of some L5R flavor to it would be awesome)
1) Tian Xia campaign that actually starts in Tian Xia. As in being about playing as natives instead of people from inner sea trekking there.
- Tian Xia, especially after Yoon's awesome backstory.

Mr. Bubbles |

Hey, so when are we getting a proper Nordic romp through Ulfenland?
Land of the Linnorm Kings could really use a martial-heavy AP in the same vein as Giantslayer.
Buxom blonde women, big burly men, Valkyries, all the Fae and ultra-violent wildlife you could slay, all with an established backstory of Sveinn Blood-Eagle seeking out a King that could slay Fafnheir and unite the lands (unless the party seeks to just kill a Linnorm themselves and become Kings.)

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Hey, so when are we getting a proper Nordic romp through Ulfenland?
Land of the Linnorm Kings could really use a martial-heavy AP in the same vein as Giantslayer.
Buxom blonde women, big burly men, Valkyries, all the Fae and ultra-violent wildlife you could slay, all with an established backstory of Sveinn Blood-Eagle seeking out a King that could slay Fafnheir and unite the lands (unless the party seeks to just kill a Linnorm themselves and become Kings.)

Mr. Bubbles |

Mr. Bubbles wrote:This is my theory.Hey, so when are we getting a proper Nordic romp through Ulfenland?
Land of the Linnorm Kings could really use a martial-heavy AP in the same vein as Giantslayer.
Buxom blonde women, big burly men, Valkyries, all the Fae and ultra-violent wildlife you could slay, all with an established backstory of Sveinn Blood-Eagle seeking out a King that could slay Fafnheir and unite the lands (unless the party seeks to just kill a Linnorm themselves and become Kings.)
Wouldn't that be a waste of a potential AP? Taking a place with as much story potential as the Land of the Linnorm Kings and turning it into yet another campaign about the Runelords just feels wrong.

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Kalindlara wrote:Wouldn't that be a waste of a potential AP? Taking a place with as much story potential as the Land of the Linnorm Kings and turning it into yet another campaign about the Runelords just feels wrong.Mr. Bubbles wrote:This is my theory.Hey, so when are we getting a proper Nordic romp through Ulfenland?
Land of the Linnorm Kings could really use a martial-heavy AP in the same vein as Giantslayer.
Buxom blonde women, big burly men, Valkyries, all the Fae and ultra-violent wildlife you could slay, all with an established backstory of Sveinn Blood-Eagle seeking out a King that could slay Fafnheir and unite the lands (unless the party seeks to just kill a Linnorm themselves and become Kings.)
I didn't say it was the best idea. ^_^
I would love to see a proper Linnorm Kings campaign; there could be cultists of Ragadahn, an audience or epic battle with Fafnheir, etc. I just think this fits in with their track record/evidence. Fafnheir was an advisor to Xanderghul, after all.

Mr. Bubbles |
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Mr. Bubbles wrote:Kalindlara wrote:Wouldn't that be a waste of a potential AP? Taking a place with as much story potential as the Land of the Linnorm Kings and turning it into yet another campaign about the Runelords just feels wrong.Mr. Bubbles wrote:This is my theory.Hey, so when are we getting a proper Nordic romp through Ulfenland?
Land of the Linnorm Kings could really use a martial-heavy AP in the same vein as Giantslayer.
Buxom blonde women, big burly men, Valkyries, all the Fae and ultra-violent wildlife you could slay, all with an established backstory of Sveinn Blood-Eagle seeking out a King that could slay Fafnheir and unite the lands (unless the party seeks to just kill a Linnorm themselves and become Kings.)
I didn't say it was the best idea. ^_^
I would love to see a proper Linnorm Kings campaign; there could be cultists of Ragadahn, an audience or epic battle with Fafnheir, etc. I just think this fits in with their track record/evidence. Fafnheir was an advisor to Xanderghul, after all.
It's really one of those regions that has all the things you'd want in a campaign, wrapped up in a historical region that sparked the imaginations of so many culturally-significant writers throughout Western history. It's Fantasy Scandinavia, why not ham it up with inspiration from the likes of Beowulf, Sigurd the Dragonslayer or Ragnar Lodbrok?
But I agree it would be great to at least mention there's even more going on than the players realize, although I do not agree that Runelords or First World shenanigans should necessarily be the focus. Hint at a world beyond the world given, it's what made Jade Regent so magical and it could surely make a red-blooded Linnorm Kings AP magical too.

Dale McCoy Jr President, Jon Brazer Enterprises |
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Something I realized over the weekend: paizo hasn't really had an undead-themed AP yet. Yes, there was carrion crown, but 3 of the adventures didn't have anything to do with undead and the first one was more or less kind of loosely undead based. Haunts are essentially traps that you have to do some kind of story-based action to get rid of them.
The second was about frankenstein's monster and other golems. The third was all werewolves, all the time. The forth was lovecraftian monster. We don't really hit a genuine undead theme until book 5 with vampires and book 6 is liches.
There were a few zombie scenes, but no wights, ghouls, ghasts, etc. It was a classic horror themed AP, not an undead one. Heck, IIRC, we don't actually meet anyone from the cult itself until like the end of adventure 3.
Just something I noticed.

Aurelio 90 |
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I want...
* Taldor: the main villains are rakshasas from Qadira, and they want induce a war between the two kingdoms.
The PCs are, in spite of themselves, involved in the intrigues of the antagonists, and must act not only to prevent a new and bloody war in the Avistan but also to find evidence of their innocence (a rakshasa, with its human agents, he did murder a political figure of Taldor, and he framed the PCs)
* Jalmeray: the main villains is an unique and powerful asura, defeated centuries ago by a Vudrani hero - but it is awakened and freed from some Aspis agent (they had discovered the ancient ruins and have explored in search of a possible treasure, but instead have awakened the fiendish, who them enslaved then). Now, the asura seek revenge againts the Vudrani - he wants to bring ruin their companies , urging them to embrace a false religion that will destroy them. It intends to use the Aspis enslaved agent a drug that weakens the minds of those who take, and one of his creature (a disguised half-asura?) that is proclaimed as a saint and a healer operating fake miracles, and spurs people to destroy their " false gods ".
The PCs are in Jalmeray to participate for the Challenge of Sky and Heaven , but the event is interrupted by the murder of a priest of Irori.
*Isger: An high priest of Urgathoa rise a dead hobgoblin warlord as a graveknight, giving it a necromantic artifact with the ability to create and control undeads. In this way, the graveknight can increase the ranks of his army after each battle, while necromancers cause epidemics and infections to weaken the kingdom. However, the graveknight decides to betray his allies and conquer Isger for its own benefit!
The PCs begin the campaign in a town put under quarantine, and unfortunately they are afflicted with a magical disease that is killing the population. A woman comes to their rescue, saying that will help them escape from the city and heal from the terrible disease. Later, to repay the huge favor, she offers to them to join a clandestine group that will deal with the undead distrusting Isgerian authorities - but this "undead slayers" is Urgathorian cultist. They want to destroy the traitor graveknight and regain possession of the artifact. The PCs , therefore , are manipulated by evil individuals who want to stop another evil being! Obviously the PCs may later discover the truth, and it's up to them to decide how to act (be faithful to Urghatoa? Destroy the artifact? Or claim the possession ?)
*An AP with an alternative Golarion? I don't know, maybe.. the Thassilon is not divided into seven kingdoms, but is governed by a single individual - Xin, or his son. However, this Azlant is corrupted by power and declared war on the elves. Seeing Kyonin invaded by Azlanti, the elves escape through Sovyrian - but something goes wrong, and generates a wormhole connecting the original Golarion with this Golarion!
Sorry for my bad English, but i love The Inner Sea setting, and I'd like to give my support ;)

Gars DarkLover |

Something I realized over the weekend: paizo hasn't really had an undead-themed AP yet. Yes, there was carrion crown, but 3 of the adventures didn't have anything to do with undead and the first one was more or less kind of loosely undead based. Haunts are essentially traps that you have to do some kind of story-based action to get rid of them.
The second was about frankenstein's monster and other golems. The third was all werewolves, all the time. The forth was lovecraftian monster. We don't really hit a genuine undead theme until book 5 with vampires and book 6 is liches.
There were a few zombie scenes, but no wights, ghouls, ghasts, etc. It was a classic horror themed AP, not an undead one. Heck, IIRC, we don't actually meet anyone from the cult itself until like the end of adventure 3.
Just something I noticed.
Mummy's Mask :-)
That, Mummy's Mask has lots of undeads.
But I would like an Undead heavy AP which isn't kinda Construct/Golem heavy as well.

ParagonDireRaccoon |
I would like to see an AP making heavy use of templates. Let players play half-dragons, half-celestials, half-fiends, etc. It could involve travel to distant worlds or other planes or faraway lands in search of an answer to where the half-templates came from. 3e had rules for adding a half-template over several levels, so at 1st level players would be standard races and parts of the template get added over five or six levels.

Marvin Ghey |
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I'm terribly interested in Galt. So much potential there for intrigue and action alike.
A spacefaring AP would totally blow my mind. Team Spelljammer 4ever.
I'd also like to see more delving into the Mwangi Expanse and points south.
And even more so points east--Nex and Geb are dream locations.
(Are there any solid Galt or Nex/Geb modules?)

Grond |
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I want to see the following:
More evil APs. I know Hell's Vengenance is coming but I would love to see:
Underdark campaign pitting various cities/kingdoms/faction at war with each other. PCs could finally have a reason to use advanced races like duergar, drow, deep gnome, etc. in a normal campaign and not risk GM intervention.
Taldor: this is such an interesting nation and I would like to see an AP exploring it. The big bad could be a noble trying to usurp the throne to lead Taldor back to greatness.
Hobgoblins: I want to see an AP dealing with them. They are, imo, the most interesting of goblinoids and their ability to fight coherently and as a militaristic society lends itself quite easily to an AP. Have the big bad be a hobgoblin king emerge and unite their clans against the nations in Golarion where they are most easily found: Isger, Andoran, heck Molthune would be great because their constant hiring of hobgoblin clans could lead to this by having one hobgoblin king decide to take over the nation.

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Hobgoblins: I want to see an AP dealing with them. They are, imo, the most interesting of goblinoids and their ability to fight coherently and as a militaristic society lends itself quite easily to an AP. Have the big bad be a hobgoblin king emerge and unite their clans against the nations in Golarion where they are most easily found: Isger, Andoran, heck Molthune would be great because their constant hiring of hobgoblin clans could lead to this by having one hobgoblin king decide to take over the nation.
Apparently the hobgoblin city of Hongol in Tian Xia will be in the "Distant Shores" book.
The hobgoblin capital of Hongol in Tian Xia has been confirmed.

Grond |

Grond wrote:
Hobgoblins: I want to see an AP dealing with them. They are, imo, the most interesting of goblinoids and their ability to fight coherently and as a militaristic society lends itself quite easily to an AP. Have the big bad be a hobgoblin king emerge and unite their clans against the nations in Golarion where they are most easily found: Isger, Andoran, heck Molthune would be great because their constant hiring of hobgoblin clans could lead to this by having one hobgoblin king decide to take over the nation.Apparently the hobgoblin city of Hongol in Tian Xia will be in the "Distant Shores" book.
Marco Massoudi wrote:Distant Shores discussion link
The hobgoblin capital of Hongol in Tian Xia has been confirmed.
That is awesome. Makes my AP idea using Hobgoblins as the big bad even better.

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If i had a single guess to what it will be:
Nirmathas, which would be a war story with an accompanying set of mass-combat stuff.
If I had a single choice it would be:
a psychedelic space adventure amongst the moons of Bretheda, with enemies from / forays into the plane of dreams and such.

Steven Mitchell 493 |
I would have to say
Occult- i would love that style of rp and political layers in an ap culminating in a trip to the akashic record to rewrite history.
Underdark i would love to see how the underdark unfolds in Paizo world
Planeshift an Ap centered around players plane shifting ( to be fair this could be combined with occult)
Bleached an ap following or touchung on a bleached gnome

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Current random (non AP) things I want to see;
Blood of the Sea (aquatic elves, gillfolk, merfolk, with some discussion of where they can be found, perhaps some underwater gear, spells, fighting styles, etc.)
We've had Goblins, Kobolds and Orcs of Golarion, so perhaps a few other of the more common 'bad-guy' races, like Gnolls of Golarion or Ogres of Golarion or Ghouls of Golarion. (There *might* be enough going on with them to warrant a Hobgoblins of Golarion or Boggards of Golarion or Cyclopes of Golarion as well, but some other races, like Lizardfolk and Bugbears and Derro and Duergar and Centaurs, really haven't gotten as much development yet, IMO.)

Cole Deschain |
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one with time travel :3 or an entire campaign in thasilonian era.
Asked that one...answer's "no, for the forseeable future."

Garde Manger Guy |
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It's a year later or so, but I'm still going to say Gladiators on this one. It could be done and done well I think as long as you manage the expectations of moving from the arena in the first few AP's to ruling a city state infatuated with its love of gladiatorial combat in the final AP's.
An all underwater AP as mentioned more than once would be nice.
The sinking of your ship beneath the cruel waves of the merciless sea was not the end of your journey traveler, but just the beginning!
Other than that a Ulfen/Nordic/Viking themed AP with just the Ulfen represented would be most appreciated.

UnArcaneElection |
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Speaking of anniversaries of early APs, I wouldn't mind seeing Curse of the Crimson Throne Anniversary Edition. Especially if Paizo hires Inspectre to do it.

martinaj |

I would welcome...
Casmaron or Vudra, which could have a nice little gazetteer as a synchronized released.
Wuxia style Dragon Empires would be cool.
Darklands, especially one that focuses on a long trek through the various layers spanning multiple adventures.
Overthrowing Razmir!
Something exploring the Dwarves a little more, maybe focusing on the Sky Citadels.
Land of the Linnorm Kings. Maybe a war between the Linnorm Kings?

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1: Geb. It's arguably the most interesting place in the Inner Sea and almost nothing is set there. Perhaps we simply play as natives or refugees trying to make their way. (As for why someone would be a refugee to Geb... well, several places in the Inner Sea are worse.) Else we could be righteous crusaders unleashing some holy water on them. Either way, GEB!
2: Andoran. Perhaps they need repel an invasion form Cheliax. Perhaps they need repel a different invasion entirely. Better yet, perhaps they need prevent some of their old nobility from taking back power.
3: Cthulhu Rises. Now that most of the Cthulhu mythos is in the Bestiaries, we're really due for an AP where we stop some cultists from raising Cthulhu. If this were made Mythic, perhaps Cthulhu could even be the final boss.
4: Across Space and Time. A newly formed group of adventures go out on their first job, only to be sucked through a portal to another dimension. They wake up in that dimension, an unknown amount of time after they arrived, only to find that the only possible way home requires them to first conquer a dictatorial tyrant who has been plaguing this realm, a man called "Adolf Hitler."

Ed Reppert |

3: Cthulhu Rises. Now that most of the Cthulhu mythos is in the Bestiaries, we're really due for an AP where we stop some cultists from raising Cthulhu. If this were made Mythic, perhaps Cthulhu could even be the final boss.
This would be fun, except... Cthulhu isn't on Golarion, he's on Earth. So does the AP take place in whole or in part on Earth, or are the cultists somehow trying to both wake him and transport him to Golarion? :-)

James Arel |
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An Apsu vs. Dahak themed campaign. Maybe with each character riding a dragon.
A dragon war would be amazing. There's already a big red that could be the big baddy at the end. This could be a continent spanning AP that could flesh our many areas as yet under represented. Evil drakes and dragons rampaging the countryside with good dragons allying in from time to time. So much already there that can be used and expanded upon