![]() ![]()
![]() My group is new/late to PF2e but *loving it* so far as we are using the *Age of Ashes* Adventure Path. Our GM played Crink Twiddleton with such charismatic "used car salesman" vibes that he has become a favorite around the table! So much so that a jingle started and one of my great table-mates took it and made a whole song out of it!
"Come on Down to Quarters & Bits!"
![]() My group is new/late to PF2e but *loving it* so far as we are using the *Age of Ashes* Adventure Path. Our GM played Crink Twiddleton with such charismatic "used car salesman" vibes that he has become a favorite around the table! So much so that a jingle started and one of my great table-mates took it and made a whole song out of it!
"Come on Down to Quarters & Bits!"
![]() Touc wrote:
My group has been playing ST slowly and steadily for the first time ever in 2020 (some 12 years after publication date!) and are having a BLAST! We use PF 1e in Golarion. Our Sasserine is some 100 miles further south from Port Freedom, on the coast with the three tributaries that come out of the "Jungle of Hungry Trees" near the Mwangi Expanse. We have finished "...Gambit" and, in an odd turn of events based on character backstory, they will have to decide between going to the Isle of Dread OR heading to Bloodcove (off the rails and probably using a PF module or PFS scenario for that) where they think the Pearl detonated at Kraken's Cove came from.... ![]()
![]() Astute1 wrote:
These are great mini-scenes. I cringe at their deaths, especially that last one! My group has been playing ST for the first time here in 2020, steadily but slowly. We use PF 1e in Golarion are having a BLAST! We have finished "...Gambit" and no deaths yet, although if they hadn't stocked-up on some healing potions there would have been at least one death both in the caves at Kraken's Cove and almost 3 deaths at the Manor. ![]()
![]() Hey Gang,
(I know that *other*, long-running RPG company made ones for their "Tyranny" and "Rage" campaigns.) Our high school Tabletop club starts up again on the 20th (whoo-hoo! year #4), and I'd love to play a Paizo "promo" video at the opening of the 2016 organizational meeting. ![]()
![]() A quick note to say that Haladir's list is excellent:
Haladir wrote:
HOWEVER, as evidence in Posts 1, 6, 20, 22, 24, 28, 38, 63, 177, 182, 222, 234, 285, 322, 335, 354, 371, 380, 454, 455, 533, 536, 538, 589, and 598: WE WANT TIAN XIA !!!!! (please, please, please, please, please!)
Coridan wrote:
J-Bone wrote: Tian Xia: Dangit I want a proper Tian Xia story!! Draw from Wuxia films. Killer_GM wrote:
Shroud wrote: Tien Xia / Minkai (We need a 100% eastern flavor AP where the PC's can start out as Samurai, Ninjas, etc... Sort of some L5R flavor to it would be awesome) CorvusMask wrote: 1) Tian Xia campaign that actually starts in Tian Xia. As in being about playing as natives instead of people from inner sea trekking there. Iphigenia von Saltz wrote:
![]() My group has been enjoying *Reign of Winter* immensely, and as most of us in the USA know, the weather this past winter has been
At the depth of our bitter temperatures, as we were stepping up to the gaming table and taking off layer after layer of winter gear, one of the players said: "You know, THANK GOD we didn't decide on the AP with the demons...." <Wrath of the Righteous> ![]()
![]() Lanathar wrote:
Ayanzo wrote:
One quick comment first: My group plays once a week for only a couple of hours each time, so we've been on this adventure path for about 9 months. They ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. :-) In answer to Ayanzo and Lanathar: What about folks just magically appearing inside The Dancing Hut whenever it "teleports" ? In my description to the PCs the room gets blurry and disorienting as it shifts to its new configuration. As a result, the characters always have to make a DC 18 Reflex Save to keep their balance or fall down and a DC 15 Fort Save to not become nauseous and vomit (yes, borrowing from Harry Potter and Doctor Who a bit here). [BTW, this has created some terrific interactions with Zorka who appears to clean-up and then harasses said PC from then on about their stamina, heroic-ness, cleanliness, or whatever is most annoying for that PC.] OF COURSE, what has happened twice now is that as the PCs get their bearings any "new/replacement" PCs are suddenly in the room with them. Sometimes the PC has a backstory for being "nabbed" by the hut and the other time the PC had entered The Hut to explore it and has been in limbo/stasis ever sense. If The Hut has already teleported, but the PCs are still exploring inside, it is possible that they open and door and find a nabbed/trapped/stasis PC in a particular room or area. And, for outside, what if someone had stepped-up on the Front Porch just as The Hut started to teleport? Just a few ideas. Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Another MODIFICATION Note: I didn't have Ultimate Combat (and not so sure that I wanted to introduce Gunpowder weapons just yet---saving that shock for Rasputin Must Die! :-> ) so the accompanying weapon to the Ballistas are the cannon-equivilent of a Magic Wand that does 8d6 damage. It also gives me opportunities in the future for different kinds of Magic Cannon energy weaponry (fire by the Allies, cold or electricity by the Drakelands, acid, etc). The party's sorcerer is seriously trying to figure-out how to get one home and/or craft his own when the time comes. It fits the other-worldly style of magic and weapons on my vision of Triaxus. "Their" ballistas and all crossbow weapons are designed more like a cross between an atlatl and a style of mini-trebucet that flings from around one's shoulder. ![]()
![]() HolmesandWatson wrote:
I just want to say that I have waited since Kara-Tur for a quality setting like Tian Xia! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!This flood of resources, adventures, and materials makes me sooooo very happy to be a part of the Paizo Community. "A gaming company run by gamers"---amen! ![]()
![]() Here's a Re-work that we've used with very successful Balance. Most of it is patterned after the "Power Levels" of the Gnome's Racial Traits, although the Stat bumps and Spell-like Abilities still cause the Half-Nymph to have the +1CR. (Sometimes, you have a QUALITY player with a great idea and you just want to find a way to reward her....) HALF-NYMPH (HouseRule) • +3 to any TWO of the following abilities: Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma
• Low-Light Vision: Half-Nymphs can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light • Nymph Magic: Half-Nymphs add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against Enchantment spells that they cast. • Half-Nymps with a Charisma of 13 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities:
• Half-Nymphs with a Charisma of 16 or higher also gain ONE of the following spell-like abilities 1/day - barkskin, flame blade, resist energy, or tree shape
• Charm Resistance: Half-Nymphs get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against Enchantment spells or spell-like effects. • Influential Charm: Half-Nymphs receive a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy skill checks. • Languages: Half-Nymphs begin play speaking Common if they were raised by their Human parentage OR with Common and Sylvan if raised by their Nymph parent. Half-Nymphs with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Sylvan, Aquan, Elvish, Gnomish, Halfling, Giant, or Draconic. ![]()
![]() With the right mix of Kara-Tur fluff, the 3.0 Oriental Adventures creates some WONDERFUL adventure opportunities "in the East." One of the reasons I'm *Soooooo* excited about Tian Xia is that the folks here at Paizo seem to have captured (re-discovered?) that classic "Grubb-ian" (BTW, what a great adjective, KnightErrantJR) feel of great tabletop fun mixed with "serious" fantasy; add Monte Cook to that list also. If the Design Teams here at Paizo can bring the same creative magic to Tian Xia that they've created in Golarion then it should be a tremendous boon to the whole system! TO: KnightErrantJR and Rathendar:
To J.J.
![]() I love the "feel" of the Pathfinder Samurai; however, I'm definitely getting the feeling that there is a little more to the Samurai that is "waiting in the wings" (additional orders? maybe a KI power of some type?). In a random, 5th level "arena style" encounter of my own making (and just myself rolling/strategizing both sides---which, like playing chess against oneself, may tend to skew the results) the samurai destroyed the Gunslinger 4/5 times and held his own 2/5 times against the Ninja. If the samurai could close-in, then a single opponent with no "frontliner" to help him could be in big trouble. Granted, these were not "fair" fights of ability vs ability or hp vs hp (as in comparing rogue v rogue or tank v tank). HOWEVER, as a side note, I was impressed/surprised that the ninja did so well against the Samurai. TWO BIG CONCERNS:
Will Saves: For a class that has such powerful dedication and devotion, the Will Save progression is contradictory at best and unacceptable at worst. The rest is mostly DITTO but they are comments that I truly hope the design team considers. Elias Alexander wrote:
ciretose wrote:
Merlin_47 wrote: I could see different orders focusing on different styles of combat. I hope to see something like that in round two of the testing. slayer_of_gellcor wrote:
Yes! Definitely a way to answer the "different visions" of a Samurai without giving up on any of them. As much as I personally despise the samurai clans from Rokugan, the idea of *individual* samurai being specialized/dedicated in certain "styles" may have some merit. Nitpicky (and out of thread) Preference Comment:
![]() austin thomas wrote:
This is AN EXCELLENT idea. Although Ronin are "by nature" rebel/independent (for lack of a better word/concept) it does not immediately mean that they are dishonorable in all things. IMHO, the above idea is EXACTLY the flavor of a Ronin. ![]()
![]() Hey, guys, it's not OA itself; however, check-out what was said in one of the other threads about Paizo's GameMastery module possibilities: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>.
With the apparent success of PATHFINDER 1-6 (so far) allowing them to plan out to #7 -12, I think a push for an Asian PATHFINDER would be the way we need to go. Surely possibilities for mixed classes, races, and a continuous Campaign abounds with an "along the Silk Road" theme/setting---perhaps even opening the door for a PATHFINDER Epic Level adventures??? Indeed, surely only Epic Level heroes would be worthy of changing the fates of entire nations [yes, plural!], correct ??? "Team Jacobs" has already shown that they like to create new lands and cultures by introducing Golarion and Varisia, (and they're good at it!) so to create an Asian World framework that Players and DMs could drop their favorite characters into (even if the class weren't from the OGL) would be perfect!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>
Paizo's R&D is one step ahead of you... sort of. There won't be a Tian Xia (Golarion's Asia analogue) AP until there has been at least one successful Tian Xia GameMastery Module. I'm pushing (hard) for a Tian Xia gazetteer, so anyone else who would be interested in that should contact Jason and let him know we'd like to see it on the product list (preferably before, say, 2010). ;D
Woo-hoo! So, get to the keyboard and let 'em know you're interested in an "asian adventure" !!! ![]()
![]() Mike McArtor wrote: ...I'm pushing (hard) for a Tian Xia gazetteer, so anyone else who would be interested in that should contact Jason and let him know we'd like to see it on the product list (preferably before, say, 2010). ;D Excellent! What's the best (get the most results) way to contact Jason-san? :-> ((My apologies for Dumb Question #2187...)) ![]()
![]() With the apparent success of PATHFINDER 1-6 (so far) allowing them to plan out to #7 -12, I think a push for an Asian PATHFINDER would be the way we need to go. Surely possibilities for mixed classes, races, and a continuous Campaign abounds with an "along the Silk Road" theme/setting---perhaps even opening the door for a PATHFINDER Epic Level adventures??? Indeed, surely only Epic Level heroes would be worthy of changing the fates of entire nations [yes, plural!], correct ??? "Team Jacobs" has already shown that they like to create new lands and cultures by introducing Golarion and Varisia, (and they're good at it!) so to create an Asian World framework that Players and DMs could drop their favorite characters into (even if the class weren't from the OGL) would be perfect!!! ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Hmmmm, the core pantheon isn't OGL???....Well, that stinketh! (AND more evidence that Lawful Neutral "is the worst alignment you can be because it sucks the life out of everyone." :-) Thank goodness, I have Chaotic tendancies...)Can Paizo make "official comments" on a submitted conversion chart? (ie. "We see housecreated-god as more closely associated with copywrited-deity #2 than with copywrited-diety #1." ) ![]()
![]() Two thoughts:
<rant off> And, now, THOUGHT #2. Which comes from the civilized, rational side of me..... Mr. West, thank you for your insights and your heartfelt and (it seems to me) true opinions. I am just a "commoner" and have never met any of the "pros" but what you wrote about the various Paizo staff members and editors strikes me as being true. I have always had the impression that they are indeed good people. Thank you for your insights. Could you maybe give me/us one more? Christopher West wrote:
WHY don't they just tell us that??? Is it really such a trade secret, do they really think that someone else is going to beat them to the web-server???? I understand suspense; I understand marketing strategies (a little); but what I don't understand is why they think it's a good idea to yank something away from us (and, ok, perhaps 6 months of issues left is not "yanking") and NOT tell us that they have a great replacement idea coming??? I mean "some content like what you've seen in the past will be available online" (a paraphrase even though I put it in quotes) isn't specific; it isn't sharing an idea; it sounds like a tiny morsel thrown to starving dogs! ![]()
![]() This whole situation stinks to high Heaven of Wizards of the Coast grabbing and reaching for more product and money!!! I don't know much about publication industries, but it seems like to me that WotC is thinking they'll sell online subscriptions and save printing costs and screw the customers! I agree that I'm NOT BUYING ANOTHER SINGLE WIZARDS or HASBRO PRODUCT FOR THE REST OF 2007!!!!!!! No RPG resources, no barbies for my girls, no action figures, no board games, no puzzles, NOTTTTTHING!!!!!!! I'm also going to "reward" PAIZO for the quality of work they've done. (I can't FRIGGIN' BELIEVE THAT MY MONTHLY COPIES OF DUNGEON HAVE FEWER TYPOS IN IT THAN SOME OF MY WotC HARDBOUNDS!!!!!!) I INTEND TO NOT ONLY BUY A SUBSCRIPTION to "PATHFINDER" BUT ALSO TELL AS MANY OF MY FIRENDS ABOUT IT, TOO. We probably can't defeat Hasbro/Wizards. BUT WE CAN STRENGTHEN PAIZO and the Hasbro rivals. (And, YES, I'm mad. And, Yes, this is venting emotion, but don't think for one moment I'm not serious! The decision has been made and when the emotion's gone the decision will still be in force.) ![]()
![]() mothman wrote:
The 1st edition Shou Lung resources have a very Chinese feel to them. Also there have been a couple of adventures in Dungeon that have heavy Asian flavors even though they are not set in OA or rokugan. The topic was just being discussed in another thread by this person: Occam wrote:
Kyr wrote:
Great thoughts, Kyr. (It is truly refreshing when one finds an intelligent poster on a message board.) My earlier post did come off as a rant against the costs; however, that's not what I intended at all. What I hoped to imply was the "flooding of the market" so to speak. I was an avid gamer throughout 1st edition and into 2nd but then it seemed like (during 2e) that suddenly there were all of these supplements and quintessentials and then the TSR financial troubles seemed to start. Nothing happens in isolation, (and it's true that life became very busy for me about tht time, so who really moved away from the table???) but I've always equated that flood of tomes and poorly bound "extras" with the fading of a beloved game. Of course, the good news is that 3rd+ edition has brought the game roaring back. I suppose I see all of the new "extras" and get nervous---I'm not against spending money for something well-done. I just don't want Hasbro to "overexpand" the system again, so to speak. "kyr wrote:
That's a great question....personally, I'd like a "PCs in their home setting" format. however, I have to admit that the "exploring/discovering" backdrop would probably have a much greater audience. Most of us OAers are used to having to manipulate and change things to fit our Campaign views anyway, right? :-) ![]()
![]() ToddGrim76 wrote:
And when one mis-interprets he should have the wisdom to acknowledge it....you are so very correct! It's amazing how one small word in a spell description slipped right by me. <sigh> And here I thought I was understanding this d20 thing. :-) Thank you for a well-documented post! Now, back to the Savage Tide!!! ![]()
![]() Mike McArtor wrote:
Anybody know when/if this came out? What issue? I mean, Mr. McArtor surely wasn't talking about Dragon #315---was he!?!?! THANKS (in advance) FOR ANY HELP! ![]()
![]() I couldn't DISAGREE more with most of what everyone has said. HOWEVER, I have some prejudicial reasons: My campaign world was born in 1st edition. Sharpe wrote: ... just looking through your Dragon back issues should give you plenty of setting info. I hated the rokugan stuff, but loved the rest. HOWEVER, I was also the "OA DM" for our group back in the mid 80s, so it was easy for me to take most of the Kara-Tur (the "official" Asian side of FR) and 1st edition background and use it with the updated material. The 3.5 update in Dragon #318 fixed most things---although I didn't agree with a couple changes (Vanara racial abilities and changing Hengeyokai from the "spirit" subtype). Last but not least, (WARNING: Rant approaching!!)
Any-who, like I originally said. I think it's a GOOD book. For it to be GREAT you'll have to have some background info or a well-thought out Campaign World. And personally, I don't think Samurai, Kensai, Ninja, or Shugenja should ever show-up on a European continent....well, unless their part of an invading army! ;-) P.S.
![]() BigDaddyG wrote:
Perhaps my old 1st edition brain has been wrongly interpreting the 3.5 rule, but I believe it DOES stack. Metal/leather/hide Armor is an "armor bonus" but *Mage Armor* is a "deflection bonus." ((Ie. Deflection BonusA deflection bonus affects Armor Class and is granted by a spell or magic effect that makes attacks veer off harmlessly. Deflection bonuses stack with all other bonuses to AC except other deflection bonuses. A deflection bonus applies against touch attacks.)) So I have always treated *Mage Armor* as stackable with "regular" armor. (And it's my Campaign and that's the way I'll keep seeing it!) :-> ![]()
![]() Lloyd Pitcher wrote: yes i was thinking of using dimond lake as really just a town on the outskirts of it's region, a place for peasents and dishonerable types. the hardest part, i think, will to be converting some of the monsters over. but i think i can manage. and hopefully i can hold the group together long enuf to make it past 3rd level this time. if so, i will post a log So, did you try it? How'd it go? I have an OA group and am trying to decide between *Shackled City* and *Age of Worms*. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote: Lilith and Robert are right. Before we can do anything like an Age of Worms hardcover we need WotC's approval, and so far, we haven't been able to secure that approval.... So, how can we help? Letter writing, bribery, protesting, etc. There's a potential army of us all waiting to...do something (that probably proves we care WAY too much about this stuff). :-)![]()
![]() Erik Mona wrote:
Well, here we are at nearly a year since the original post. OBVIOUSLY the interest is high and SCAP continues to sell well so that seems like a "no brainer" for the guys in the WotC treasury department. What's the word on a publication date for a AWAP hardcover???? ((P.S. This is my very first post on the messageboards, so please be gentle if I've just asked an incredibly stupid question....)) |