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Grue wrote:K177Y C47 wrote:Take a 1 level dip into monk to get wis to AC, focus on buffing your Wis and Dex as top priority, then go in and play as a Bad Touch cleric with more fun spells xD.
An armored bad touch cleric is still going to outpace the AC of a monk\cleric counterpart without taking a hit to his spellcasting and class features. Breastplate with shield with magic vestment on both.
It is like comparing the dex Kensai to the heavy armored strength magus. In the end, the dex Kensai actually has a higher AC than the magus because you become more SAD, allowing you to pump up your dex and int (or in this case Wis) to some really rediculous levels...
Definitely - I routinely can achieve the highest AC in the group, even with a Kensai Magus around.
I'm just trying to figure out how the divine bond ability would work with my Consecrated Trident.

Grue |

Why do I feel like the Blessing of the Faithful ability is an AC increasing ability... like adding Wis to AC or 1/2 level or something like that... It just... FEELS like that kind of ability...
Given the fluff text it probably was ("Eschewing physical armor for protection via the strength of his faith,..."). It probably snagged something from Warpriest ('Blessing'...).
My players will probably love this book (new toys) and I'll have to see how it plays but I can't say I'm especially thrilled with the hybrid class concept and the end results of most archetypes (far too many are either traps, would be better served as a new PRC, or would work better as a feat modification). To be honest I'm a bit annoyed when I do see something like the Ecclesitheurge that does have a new focused role in concept but is knee-capped in execution.
If it was just a few cases it wouldn't bother me, but it's systemic with quality in design decisions\editing varying significantly and too often inelegantly. I ran across a piece written by Alex Augunas recently who writes for Radiance House and other 3PPs at Everyman Gaming that I think addresses the multiclass\hybrid class issue fairly well.

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I don't mind the Archtype. Not for me, but I know there's a vocal minority that's been asking for the White Mage Cleric for a while. My beef is that this was the one and only Cleric Archtype in the book. What the hell Paizo. Cleric spells kind of suck, (kind if is being kind), and we get the this in a book that was supposed to give us options to tweek the base classes to get some of the toys of the Hybrid class they where part of.
I do have to agree, it's a bit light, (but then 90% of the Cleric Archtypes are due to the Cleric's poor design and so many dead levels), even if it's not one I'm personally all that interested in, but it should be playable.

Silver Surfer |

A decent archetype would have been easy to do.... the 3PP - Priest, Theosophist and Ascetic have all shown the way with a minimum of fuss... the Theosophist in particular being a good design.
Paizo have no excuses its a half assed attempt that is plain to see. Baring in mind these arent really new classes as such but quick tweaks of the cleric base class.
I hear moaning about "things taking up space in the book".... but the ridiculously fluffy bonded item and domain mastery could have very easily been replaced with...."the Ecclesitheurge receives 3 domains and can prepare the spells from one of those domains in non-domain slots, also it receives 4 skill points per level"...... off the cuff and lacking in imagination definitely, but at the very least more balanced with the removal of weapons and armour.... AND taking up a whole 2.5 sentences!
I know Paizo cant stand clerics (COUGH.. SPLUTTER...NO CAPSTONE!!)... as further indicated by only providing 1 measly archetype but you would think even they could spare 2.5 sentences!
As I said I really wish they hadnt done this archetype at all.... all its done is hindered massively any proper development in the class.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
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Ive found about 30 lines already of either redundant or unneeded text.
A two-page spread or "one topic per page" layout occasionally requires padding to avoid white space. Removing the padding from one page (or spread) does not allow you to add additional words to any other page (or spread).

Scavion |

Scavion wrote:Ive found about 30 lines already of either redundant or unneeded text.A two-page spread or "one topic per page" layout occasionally requires padding to avoid white space. Removing the padding from one page (or spread) does not allow you to add additional words to any other page (or spread).
Ah shenanigans.
I'm pretty sure room could have been made as it's hard to believe that this product is quality from all the typos, poor wording, and other errors made within the product.

Squiggit |

Scavion wrote:Ive found about 30 lines already of either redundant or unneeded text.A two-page spread or "one topic per page" layout occasionally requires padding to avoid white space. Removing the padding from one page (or spread) does not allow you to add additional words to any other page (or spread).
Dumping the ugly ass dwarf to add a few more lines of text (or simplfying the divine bond text. Or adding a second cleric archetype so it's two pages worth of content) would have been trivial though.

Scavion |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, since it seems we seem to be at the point of armchair editing, time to hide the thread. Ciao!
Sorry that it was a complete waste of space.
Well I don't believe it was your fault, I imagine you had quite the vision in mind for the Ecclesitheurge.
Though calling it "armchair editing" is a bit of a misnomer. The ACG simply isn't a polished product. It was rushed and suffered heavily for it.

tomorrow |
How would "Pyxes of Redirect Focus" and the Scribe Scroll feat (or Craft Wand/Staff for that matter) work with an Ecclesitheurge?
Would the Pyxes allow the Ecclesitheurge to swap a spell from their secondary domain spell list for the day with a spell from the primary domain prepared in a normal spell slot? (once per day)
What about scrolls/wands/staves... can an Ecclesitheurge scribe/craft an item for spells with his variable secondary spell list? Would he be able to use scrolls he scribed himself on days when he does not chose to have a secondary domain spell list that includes the spell so scribed?
I'm almost sort of feeling like the Ecclesitheurge is an old school 3.5ed throwback in that is good if you are looking prestige out as soon as you can due to it being so front-loaded (not so much so as like 3.5ed Wizards and Clerics... but more prestige friendly than usual for Pathfinder, IMHO).
You don't lose higher level domain slots/spells when you prestige out so long as you pick a full casting prestige class. Your primary ability is versatility about what spells you can have each day (plus being able to prepare as many instances of your primary domain spells as you have regular slots). This isn't affected by prestiging out, as far as I can tell (which to me makes you more prestige class friendly than a standard cleric). Your bonded holy symbol beyond remaining cleric long enough to be able to enchant it (like level 3 in most cases) does not appear to be hampered by prestiging out either (again, prestige class friendly). So that leaves channeling (which you've already took a hit to, so if you don't prestige out, its still worse than normal) and domain powers (not all of which are terribly hit by prestiging out, or are really that great to begin with).
Ecclesitheurge sort of feels like its meant to be a prestige class foundation. I mean, what does an Ecclesitheurge realy lose by prestiging into "Insert Full Caster Prestige Class Here"?

Nicos |
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The ability Blessing of the Faithful was in fact removed in Development, I believe to make space for all the rules necessary for the Divine Bonded Object and the example necessary for Domain Mastery. I know this because I wrote the archetype.
And the nice picture, don't forget the space for the nice picture.

Pupsocket |

Cheapy wrote:Well, since it seems we seem to be at the point of armchair editing, time to hide the thread. Ciao!
Sorry that it was a complete waste of space.
Well I don't believe it was your fault, I imagine you had quite the vision in mind for the Ecclesitheurge.
Though calling it "armchair editing" is a bit of a misnomer. The ACG simply isn't a polished product. It was rushed and suffered heavily for it.
Amen to that.

blahpers |

Scavion wrote:Amen to that.Cheapy wrote:Well, since it seems we seem to be at the point of armchair editing, time to hide the thread. Ciao!
Sorry that it was a complete waste of space.
Well I don't believe it was your fault, I imagine you had quite the vision in mind for the Ecclesitheurge.
Though calling it "armchair editing" is a bit of a misnomer. The ACG simply isn't a polished product. It was rushed and suffered heavily for it.