MightyJim |

So, it's hopefully only another few weeks before the Class Decks appear, and I still can't make up my mind which ones to get - part of the issue is the question of what to actually use them for.
Organised play isn't going to be a thing round here- although there's still the option to buy the OP scenarios a month later.
Alternatively, we might mix some of the boons in with the existing APs- fill a few short-falls.
Lastly, just the option to take some different characters might be nice (although with S&S imminent, that's less pressing than it might be).
Playing through RotR, we've felt like the Dexterity-weapons have a far poorer selection as you go through than the strength ones - so Rogue or Ranger seems like a good starting point.
The new Fighter also sounds like good fun (I forget the name, but it's the picture that Tanis has on the forums, and there's a thread somewhere referring to it) - a fighter trying to be a wizard.
A wizard with blessings would be nice too...
On top of that, there's the question of whether it's sensible to run a 2-character party (Our Ezren and Merisiel attempt at RotR has really struggled, and may need to bump into a few end-of-adventure-six companions to survive the last few scenarios).
This has basically just turned into a musing - I'd be interested to know though, what others have planned for these.

Zoltán Mészáros |
Mostly I have the same thoughts on the matter as you. :)
OP won't be a thing here, so I have to consider thr class decks for normal play.
Currently my not finalized plan for 1st turn purchase is :
- Wizard deck (I'm a big fan of spellcasters, and the necromancer sounds too fun to pass)
- Cleric deck (so the spell deck won't be arcane-heavy with the above, and my brother likes the class)
- Ranger and/or Rogue deck. Both dex based weapons, and a bigger selection of items. Ranger deck has a 2-weapon fighting character and animal allies to help out Lini a bit. On the other hand Rogue is the favorite class of my girlfriend, and it has poisons as a theme too.
- any other deck could possibly end up on my wishlist, based on actual content
But most likely I wait with my final decision until we get some more information about the content.
I hope they will upload the character sheets for the Class Deck characters before the release. Also, I hope to see some previews.

Klandestine |

I hope they will upload the character sheets for the Class Deck characters before the release. Also, I hope to see some previews.
I heartily agree with this. Like you guys, OP play is not relevant to me so it will come down to characters that I'd like to take through a replay of RotRL and future S&S games (once I've played with those in the base set+add on).
More info and sneak peeks at some of the upcoming cards and characters would be great. At the moment I'm very undecided what Class Decks I would want to purchase as I don't think I can justify buying them all. Rogue and Bard are early contenders for my money.
EDIT: Gunslinger679 makes a very good point! I never thought of that. I have a first printing set, so I guess mixing in the cards is going to be a waste of time. Oh well...

Zoltán Mészáros |
Well, most likely all future releases - including the S&S set - will be the same as the 2nd edition. I can only recommend sleeves to solve the issue, if you want to use the Class Decks with 1st printing of RotR.
For me the RotR Base, Character Add-On and Skinsaw are 1st printing, others are second printing.

ChaoticBlue |

You don't have to put the class deck cards into the base set if you don't want to,just use the OP rule. Don't add the cards to the base set, when it's time to rebuild your deck after the adventure replace any boons with the equivalent from the class deck (ex. A deck 1 weapon for a weapon marked 1 from the class deck you are using).

MightyJim |

MightyJim wrote:Hadn't thought about the card-backs issue.What do you mean by card-backs issue ?
If you don't have a problem with your current 1st-2nd edition mix, then you will be fine with the class decks too.
I do have a problem with the current 1st / 2nd edition mix. It's a real pain trying to decide whether to explore again, and trying notto allow your decision to be influenced by knowing for certain that the next card is (or isn't) the Villain/Henchman. It's also a nuisance having to find blessings of Abadar to shuffle into other decks when an adventure 2 or 5 villain escapes, in order to avoid it being blindingly obvious where they've gone.
[as an aside, I understand how/why we've got to this situation, and think Paizo have made the right decisions regarding printing, but the outcome is still annoying for me as a player]
I'd just been looking forward to a happy world where everything was US printing, and S&S, Character decks etc, could all be intermixed at will. Now remembering the issues of card backs is making me re-think the options before taking character deck boons back through RotR.

elcoderdude |

Vic said there are 1033 single-sided cards in RotR, including promos, and 130 double-sided cards, in this thread.

Hawkmoon269 |

I'm going to get all the class decks, starting with the Fighter deck first. But to be followed by all the remaining decks.
I hope organized play picks up in my area. I've had a brief conversation with, from what I can tell, is the one and only game store in northern Delaware. (A new comic/game store opened in Bethany Beach this year. Stopped by while on vacation. They had what seemed to be the Pathfinder RPG core rulebook and a few others as well as Deck 2 of PACG:RotR. They said it was the only one they could manage to get in stock.) The owner showed some interest in discussing the possibility more. So we'll see.
But, even if OP doesn't take off, I'm mostly after the characters. They alone seem worth the price of the deck. I know I won't ever play them all (in organized play or at home) but having all those choices is too good to pass up.

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I'm getting all of them. My addiction to this game is strong. Plus there are 6 of us playing in one slot at Gencon and I'm expected to bring the decks for our group. So all but one of them will be used a day after I buy them.
My plan is that a first playthrough of any AP should be with the characters included, for flavor reasons. Subsequent playthroughs will be much more "anything goes."

JBiggs78 |

I've got all of them on order... As far as what my intentions are, I'm not completely sure. I know I wanted access to all the characters and any unique boons that are out there. I plan on playing through the OP path at home and will use the decks as intended for that. Other than that I could see doing a number of things. Most likely at some point I will attempt to use a combination of everything available to home brew something or other if I get the necessary ambition. Or I'm just turning into a collector if everything PACG related....

pluvia33 |

My situation is probably a little different compared to most fans of the PACG. When it was announce, I was very interested in it and got in on the initial playtest. My wife and I really liked it, but when it came out money was a little tight. One of our friends got a copy and we played with them, so it continued to be no rush to get our own copy. Then even after our friends lost interest in the game, we filled the void with the S&S playtest. Throughout the release of the first set, seeing all of the issues with rules and printing, we kind of felt like we dodged a bullet with not getting RotR and probably never will pick it up at this point. With promises of more consistent printing, tighter rules, organized play, and some really fun mechanics, S&S is looking to be a much better set to get into.
Anyway, to the question at hand, ever since the initial playtest I've loved Lem. I really like the versatility of being able to reliably use both arcane and divine spells. I continued to play him when we were playing with our friends, but when the S&S playtest stated, I fell in love with Damiel. But since there is no Alchemist deck yet, it is Bard all the way for me.
My wife, likewise, started playing Merisiel during the initial playtest and has been using her ever since, even in the S&S playtest, so we'll be getting the Rogue deck for her.
I might get an extra deck or two so that we'll have some other character options and so we can let other people try out organized play before committing to buying their own decks, depending on how much money I can get when I sell a bit of my anime/video game collection off to pay for the game. I'm leaning towards the Cleric and/or Fighter decks if I do get extras. May eventually try to get one of each just to have them and to be able to play the OP scenarios with lots of different characters, depending on how fun they are.
And yeah, we're planning on using the character decks for organized play. We don't have any organized play for the RPG at my local store, but I'm not letting that stop us from having OP for the card game. I bugged the store owner to make sure he got registered on the Retailer Locator and I'm going to get registered to run the sessions myself. Hopefully the OP system works really well and maybe I can get more people to play at the store other than me, my wife and one or two friends.

Nefrubyr |

My plans mostly seem to overlap with other people's. I have definite plans to start with two class decks:
- Wizard, because I'm interested to see a wizard with blessings (assuming there is one!)
- Cleric, because with presumably four different gods represented there's huge scope for variety
I'll use the extra characters, but not boons, with RotR. My first play of S&S will be "pure" but after that I'll mix in the class deck boons. And while I'm unlikely to join actual organized play, I'll probably try the OP scenarios with the separate-class-deck system, to see how it plays. In which case I'll get the Ranger or Fighter deck to round out the party.

ChaoticBlue |

I've ordered all the decks(except bard for now). I might use them for OP if my flgs decides to be part of it, but I am certainly going to use them to play Runelords. As of yet I'm not sure if I'm going to add all the boons to the box or follow the OP rule at home ( replace boons found from the box with same number class deck ones).
I know what I want to do first is make a 3-4 character (shady/evil) party who hear about the legends of the Runelords and seek to take their places, their power, and their riches.

Oroniss |

Pre-ordered all 7.
I don't think there is going to be OP here, but anything that gives more variety to the character choices is good in my book. Extra boons will be nice, especially for areas where there aren't as many good options (ranged weapons, etc as others have mentioned).
Regarding the card difference, once the play-case comes out so I can actually store it, I'll sleeve them all up and it won't be noticeable. As it stands, some of my early RoTR cards are getting pretty worn, so sleeving will be good anyway.

Kalvit |

Me? I've got my eyes on a couple of the first ones. Either Bard or Cleric will be my starting place. Likely a Fighter later on.
As for what I'll do with them? I'll possibly use them for regular runs of the various sets, but it's mostly going for OP. I plan on running it at a local store, so I plan to have a few class decks for players to try out if they are interested in it. Kinda like having the pregens in regular PFS play.

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I gravitate towards divine characters. I am currently playing the Druid in RotR. That means for Organized Play Season 0 definitely the Cleric and possibly the Bard. I am wondering how many other divine characters there are hidden within the other decks. I would hate to get the Cleric and Bard Decks and find out there is a really cool divine character hidden within one of the other class decks. Is that possible?

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I gravitate towards divine characters. I am currently playing the Druid in RotR. That means for Organized Play Season 0 definitely the Cleric and possibly the Bard. I am wondering how many other divine characters there are hidden within the other decks. I would hate to get the Cleric and Bard Decks and find out there is a really cool divine character hidden within one of the other class decks. Is that possible?
I wouldn't count on any other divine casters beyond Cleric, Druid, Ranger and Bard classes. The class decks will include 4 variations of the base class but probably won't step out of the guidelines of that class (you won't see a sorcerer with divine casting.) But you might see variations on how much or little casting those other classes will do.

Jorsalheim |
If I didn't get every one of them at once I would probably try out the wizard first. I'm just very curious about the necromancer and how he works.
Then maybe the rogue because I wan't to see how the poisonous character plays, and Olenjack, the posterboy for the announcement of these packs.
Then the clerics would be next. Because I always love having a healer in the group. And Kyra was one of my favorites from the RotR-set. And when i googled the word "carouser" I just knew I needed this pack.
Then it's Valeros time. And the rest of the fighters. A magic-dabbling fighter sounds a bit interesting to play with.
Then probably Bard, Ranger and Sorcerer. This order will probably be a subject of change as we get to know more about the characters in these decks.

Zoltán Mészáros |
There should totally be ways to win playable versions of Poog and other goblins in the organized play scenarios! Kind of like how racial boons work in PFS. And of course have them made open for people to play without restrictions in their home games.
This is totally a terrible idea, as it would make these characteers unaviable to anybody without OP. Yes, lets punish those people without OP... :-/
It would be similar to releasing a small expansion to the RPG which is only available in PFS. Racial boons are meaningless outside PFS, characters for the PACG are not.

pluvia33 |

pluvia33 wrote:There should totally be ways to win playable versions of Poog and other goblins in the organized play scenarios! Kind of like how racial boons work in PFS. And of course have them made open for people to play without restrictions in their home games.This is totally a terrible idea, as it would make these characteers unaviable to anybody without OP. Yes, lets punish those people without OP... :-/
It would be similar to releasing a small expansion to the RPG which is only available in PFS. Racial boons are meaningless outside PFS, characters for the PACG are not.
Um, did you miss how I said, "And of course have them made open for people to play without restrictions in their home games."
What I meant by that is, shortly after they're released as boons, the new characters would be made available to the general public to do with them what you want, much like how the new OP scenarios will be made available online a week after the local store release. Considering Paizo's tendency to make PDF character sheets available for all of the PACG characters, it would be likely that any extra characters are made available to everyone, including in this purely hypothetical situation.

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They've stated that there will be some crossover between PFS RPG and PFSACG play. I think you'll see the rewards there instead of bonus cards/boons which they've said won't happen. Cards are printed for the sets but not for Organized Play. However, we might see boons in the form of extra skills or feats or powers that don't happen in the Adventure Path.

Kalvit |

There may, however, be bonus cards given to the stores for OP. The recent announcement that another email will be sent to the stores about this seems to indicate that PFSACG play may receive promos for the program to be distributed at some point within the season.
If that becomes an end-of-season reward for everyone participating in it, I think that's fair. Card games are different enough that there are a few standards for OP.

Kalvit |

I'm uncertain for the Season Zero stuff, but we can provide feedback for this. If I have to ask for a small fee from players ($1-2 tops) at the local store so we can get Paizo to have that kind of OP support, I will. The store will be making money off me and other players anyway, so they won't argue another buck or two for the sessions I'll be running.
While normally OP support for these kinds of things are limited to conventions, I would like to see simple local shops have support available for regular players. I feel it helps to reward the regulars for their continued support.

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There may, however, be bonus cards given to the stores for OP. The recent announcement that another email will be sent to the stores about this seems to indicate that PFSACG play may receive promos for the program to be distributed at some point within the season.
If that becomes an end-of-season reward for everyone participating in it, I think that's fair. Card games are different enough that there are a few standards for OP.
Actually, the announcements have mentioned promotional materials, scenarios and promitional cards. Which means no specific cards just for OP. Vic and Mike already said that there wouldn't be any cards made just for OP. But there will be boons that will cross PFS RPG and ACG. Where did you see that there might be cards just for Organized Play?

Kalvit |

It's more of a speculation thing given a recent announcement of an email involving promos and organized play details. It's likely a coincidence, and is more likely about the new promo for the base set as well as talking about PFSACG. It's just worded in a way that can cause some speculation.
It would be nice if the speculation wasn't just that, but I'm not really going to be surprised either way.

Brin Londo |

So, since they came out I have slowly ordered all of them - however originally I was not sure if I would be able to do that. My method was to roll randomly - so the first one I ordered was the Fighter Pack. Interesting because it was the one I was least likely to want to play - however I opted with the random method because I like to push myself into other play methods. Similarly when I get boons I tend to roll twice for each boon and then select the boon (of the two possible I rolled) that I like the most. (I do have a couple numbers when I roll which are "players choice" but I enjoy creating the story of why the character chose the boon. I'm currently running Lem with Sajan and Kyra and for his third skill boon I got to choose between strength and wisdom. I opted for Wisdom because spending so much time with Kyra and Sajan he started rethinking some of his impulsive choices... also leading him to take the Role Card of Virturoso as he realized the pleasure of creating music with a "flow" of spirit... vs. duping others as a charlatan...

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It's more of a speculation thing given a recent announcement of an email involving promos and organized play details. It's likely a coincidence, and is more likely about the new promo for the base set as well as talking about PFSACG. It's just worded in a way that can cause some speculation.
It would be nice if the speculation wasn't just that, but I'm not really going to be surprised either way.
Yeah, that's the one I was reading. The promotional cards that were mentioned as "door prizes" are the promos that come with the adventure decks (usually as part of the subscription). But there have been plenty of mentions of shared boons between PFS ACG and RPG.
Maybe I'm wrong but we'll see.

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btw, Brin, like the alias. :-)
I have been introducing my friends to the game so I've played the first scenario of deck 1 many times. Harsk is usually my choice to teach with. His helping combat at another location and look-ahead help teach others about aiding other characters and the importance of searching before exploring. So gotta say that the ranger deck is the first on my plate. But I'm going to pick up all of them at GenCon so I can opt to play (or have others play) any class. I don't expect new players starting with organized play to know what class they want to play right off the start. But need to talk to my retail partner about what materials the store will supply.
Also talked to another store that would love if I would host organized play there, too.