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The Roseblood Accord is a group of sovereign player organizations united not under central authority, but in our agreement to promote by example the goals of positive gameplay and the mutual success of its members. It is our belief that positive gameplay improves everyone’s experience, and we are dedicated to providing a place in Pathfinder Online where players who seek such an experience can find it. Towards that end, we have come together to announce our intentions to the community, and to invite all who share these goals to join us.
The name, Roseblood, stems from the symbol of Milani, a minor Goddess who is well revered in the River Kingdoms. While we do not necessarily worship her, nor advocate her alignment, we venerate her stance against oppression; specifically when we make the metagaming step of equating negative game play to oppression. In homage, we choose to use her sigil as inspiration, a beautiful yet thorn laden rose, rising up from bloodstained cobblestones.
If your group is interested in joining the Roseblood Accord, simply state your intent below. If you have any questions, please send a private message on these forums to Lifedragn or Nihimon.
If you are an individual interested in joining the Roseblood Accord, please see below for a brief description of each accord member and how to contact them. For a complete and up-to-date list of current accord members, please see the Roseblood Accord list.
The Empyrean Order (Brighthaven) and The Seventh Veil (Phaeros) have already been granted our Settlement locations at [04,11] and [00,17] in the southeast corner of the Early Enrollment map. Strictly as a matter of logistics, accord members who establish themselves in this area can expect the most support. Members who choose to settle elsewhere are welcome to join, but should be aware that support may be more difficult to provide.
Audacity: Lawful Neutral - A group of specialists for hire.
Deepforge Company: Lawful Neutral - A community of dwarves based in the River Kingdoms.
Koinonia Emporou: Lawful Neutral - A society of merchants, traders, and other tradesman.
The Empyrean Order (TEO): Neutral Good - Community betterment, protection of the weak, and promotion of justice.
The Seventh Veil (TSV): True Neutral - Seekers of knowledge and understanding.

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Agreed! I'd also like to thank everyone who made the turnout to work on the Accord, from T7V, to Arcadia, and all my fellow members in the Keepers of the Circle to successfully hammer out the terms and everyone else who contributed to the discourse.
I expect to see many great thing spring from this.

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Alexander_Damocles wrote:The Roseblood Accorded Association of Federated Independent Sovereign City States in a Bond of Fellowship has finally launched! Glad we got *that* cleared up.I think you forgot Conglomerate Affinity Sovereignty Organization in there somewhere ROFL
I tried!

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Alexander_Damocles wrote:The Roseblood Accorded Association of Federated Independent Sovereign City States in a Bond of Fellowship has finally launched! Glad we got *that* cleared up.I think you forgot Conglomerate Affinity Sovereignty Organization in there somewhere ROFL
Conglomerate Honorable Affinity Organization of Sovereignties has a better acronym. Or worse, depending on which side you're on.

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Carbon D. Metric wrote:Alexander_Damocles wrote:The Roseblood Accorded Association of Federated Independent Sovereign City States in a Bond of Fellowship has finally launched! Glad we got *that* cleared up.I think you forgot Conglomerate Affinity Sovereignty Organization in there somewhere ROFLConglomerate Honorable Affinity Organization of Sovereignties has a better acronym. Or worse, depending on which side you're on.
Pretty sneaky sis!

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The later, the Accord does not define a kingdom or even an alliance. Each member has decided beforehand, without any coercion on our part, that they want to "promote by example the goals of positive gameplay". Since each of us has decided this for ourselves prior to signing the Roseblood Accord, there is no need for centralized powers that would be necessary to enforce decrees as in a kingdom or alliance; each of us retains our full autonomy and our original level of dedication to the cause.
So what then is the purpose of the Accord? That is up to each individual member. Speaking strictly for myself, membership has large repercussions. Since I want to promote positive gameplay, I will always provide what support I can to assist a member of the Accord in either defending or expanding the Accord's sphere of influence. In a conflict between two (or more) members, where the Accord's influence is not impacted, I will act upon other concerns.
Externally, the Accord identifies those associations that have publicly declared that they want to "promote by example the goals of positive gameplay".

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Ravenlute wrote:So is this an in-game alliance or an out of game group working on fostering a good community of players?A little bit of A, a little bit of B. If you're interested exclusively in one or the other, then I'm somewhat confused already.
An in-game alliance would be something like a nation where you all trade with each other and make nice and lead by example and such.
Out of game means that Companies and Settlements that might be at war with each other in-game agree to fight those battles and interact in a manner that displays positive player action. Ex. Not ganking each other, slandering, unnecessarily horrid name calling, and the general toxicity that comes from two warring factions.

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The UNC intends to provide a positive gaming environment. You may add our company to the list if you wish.
To be more specific, since there seems to be a lack of specificity in the description of this accord:
We (UNC) will adhere to the following:
1. We will not corpse camp or respawn camp a recent victim of anyone's attack, unless that victim is a feud or war target and it is in our best interest to prevent that character from returning to the battlefield.
2. We will not prey upon new players, in the starter area, unless they are feud, war, bounty or assassination targets. The only other exception is if it is our member(s) that are also new and attempting to learn the mechanics of the game.
3. We will never use the chat channel to mock or ridicule our victims.
4. We will be helpful to new players or those who ask for advice, including and perhaps in particular those who we have defeated in combat.
5. This one is tricky and takes much thought and walking a tight rope: We will try our best that no company or settlement feels that it has been "singled out" for our predation, without our having declared them a feud or war target.
Furthermore, there will always be an avenue for mending relations with the UNC if relations have been soured to the point that both sides are not gaining any enjoyment from it.
Even though I have not run these five points through the UNC council, I fully expect that they would be approved. I am therefore making the executive decision that these can be accepted as UNC policy, and quoted verbatim in the future.
* Note that Faction and Faction Targets are not mentioned, because these would eventually become "passive" or "default" targets, requiring no further declarations on our part.
If you would, list the UNC as:
The UnNamed Company: Chaotic Neutral. Raiding, Banditry, Assassinations and Small Gang PvP specialists and trainers.

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The Roseblood Accords do not make specific policy statements about what positive gameplay is, since we all know it when we see it but cannot create a usable written definition.
Everyone is welcome to provide specific written definitions and policy statements regarding specific actions that they intend to take to promote positive gameplay.
In the future it is expected that many signatories to the Roseblood Accord will pin down specific mutual obligations and form some kind of more binding alliance for mutual in-game support.

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In the future it is expected that many signatories to the Roseblood Accord will pin down specific mutual obligations and form some kind of more binding alliance for mutual in-game support.
Key word there being mutual, the idea being to not bind anyone down to things that benefit one group but hurt another.

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A more binding alliance, especially one that is expected to last more than a few minutes = chains.
What we promise is what we stand by. What you promise is what you stand by. Each has no bearing on the other, they are stand alone promises.
What you see as chains that bind others see as bridges that build. That is an example of the positive outlook that the Roseblood Accord is all about.

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"... to promote by example the goals of positive gameplay and the mutual success of its members."
I'm not sure that achieving mutual success can be possible when the goals of one party include robbery from the second party. That seems more of a win-lose condition than win-win. Perhaps UNC just isn't a great fit with the rest of the crew, despite their dedication to positive gameplay. There are undoubtedly others who won't fit in, for one reason or another.

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"... to promote by example the goals of positive gameplay and the mutual success of its members."
I'm not sure that achieving mutual success can be possible when the goals of one party include robbery from the second party. That seems more of a win-lose condition than win-win. Perhaps UNC just isn't a great fit with the rest of the crew, despite their dedication to positive gameplay. There are undoubtedly others who won't fit in, for one reason or another.
Thank you Urman, I neglected that part from my previous post...I apologize for any misconception it might have caused.

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The UNC intends to provide a positive gaming environment. You may add our company to the list if you wish.
Bluddwolf, I am very grateful that you have made clear what you and UNC will forswear.
Before I list your group, I would ask some questions of you in particular and of the community in general.
1. Is it "positive gameplay" to prey on the weak and inexperienced?
2. Would players seeking a "positive gameplay experience" feel fulfilled if they were robbed by bandits who had promised to provide that "positive gameplay experience"?
3. Would robbing members of their valuables or raiding members' Outposts contribute to "our mutual success"?
4. Is Banditry compatible with Milani's stance against oppression?
I've done some research on your more recent posts about target selection and the common theme I see is that, for UNC, it will always be a matter primarily of risk vs. reward.
If your interest is genuine, I will gladly list UNC and encourage you to take refuge in the lands we hope to make safe. I would ask only that you add an explicit commitment that UNC will not initiate hostilities against anyone in the area in and around the southeast mountains.

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A more binding alliance, especially one that is expected to last more than a few minutes = chains.
What we promise is what we stand by. What you promise is what you stand by. Each has no bearing on the other, they are stand alone promises.
That's correct. While I expect that many signatories to the accord will later join an alliance, but the alliance would be based on mutual interest and benefit.
I'm also not quite clear on your five points of concurrence. The first three of them would seem to fall entirely into 'not griefing', number four is simply standard politeness, and the fifth doesn't say anything substantial.

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This alliance is both the realization of the dream that I set forth to create when I founded Great Legionnaires which later became The Empyrean Order, and the death of it.
It is the realization in that it is a great portion of the community coming together to create the idea of positive gameplay. This is a line up of faction with the potential to do something truly great, and really turn PFO's community into something which has never been seen before in a major Open World PvP title. A virtual community which while presenting danger and excitement from some of the more violent elements of the community is still a place that the average person can engage in interaction with the majority of the rest of community without expecting their skull to be bashed in.
It the death of that dream in that you have taken every single group with that ideology, and placed it in the south east, with plans to continue expanding south and east, while every starter town this game is going to see for the first 18 months (should any of the future towns even be starter zones) is to the north west of you, leaving those of opposing viewpoints the fill the power void you have created to the north-west. And you plan to continue dragging all groups of similar ideology down there with you to ensure that void is never filled by those who would make positive gameplay their organization's primary aim.
Right idea, wrong location. A newb's first experience of leaving the starter zones in these types of games is generally found in the area right outside of the starter zones, and you've ensured a massive percentage of those who would try to make that a positive experience will be far enough away that their impact on those regions will be infrequent and therefore minimal. I realize your intent is to drag every newb down to this safe haven you believe you've created in the SE but that is simply not a realistic goal, especially for a group so far detached from the roads.
So I while I am glad to see the turn out, I cannot say I believe this bodes well for PFO's future, or that I can characterize your accomplishments as positive.