Guurzak wrote: Well, if you build a Temple for cleric training, that only allows you to offer training based on one deity's portfolio. Even if you commit a large plot to a Cathedral, that only gives you 3. And assassin training will require you to build support for an NPC assassin faction- either Red Mantis, Skinsaw, or Daggermark- those skills won't be trained at the regular rogue trainer. Ditto for bandit training although we don't know which named factions will handle that. And quite possibly ditto again for necromancy specialists.
As a TN settlement with interests in supporting players on all 4 sides of the alignment chart, I think you may run into major problems with managing limited supplies of real estate and DI.
I have a personal leaning towards Daggermark myself but may end up aligned with one of the other factions depending on how things progress. I have always been up front about being an assassin and The Veiled is my Company. We aren't all assassins but there are plenty of us who are not nearly as neutral as most may suspect. Also, we will need some balance to those who lean more towards good.
Assassins won't be the main focus of Phaeros but we will be sure to support them or I will make arrangements with those that do focus on them for the needed training. Currently we will be trying to support them as well as as many of the other roles as possible.
Nihimon wrote: I've added your Company to the Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links list alongside Phaeros. If you have a brief description you'd like to appear there to let people know about your guild while they're browsing that list, please PM me.
Good luck!
Thanks Nihimon! PM sent and looking forward to EE!

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Chartered Company: The Veiled
Planned POI: Tavern - The Veiled Distillery
Affiliation: Phaeros and The Seventh Veil
Theme: Gather together, have a good time, drink some brews, have some brawls, help the settlement party. The free wheeling, free spirited rough riders of Phaeros and most importantly: The Darker side of The Seventh Veil.
Alignment: NE, LN, TN, CN
Roles: All non-good roles.
Patron Gods: Any non-good
The darker and mysterious part of The Seventh Veil, The Veiled are those of us who handle the jobs others in T7V are uncomfortable doing. We aren't afraid to get our hands dirty, and welcome all roles for those who want to play the darker side, such as assassins, necromancers, thieves, and crafters of death.
Roleplaying: The Veiled is a sponsored company intent on having a good time no matter the outcome. Of course we love our home that lets us do what we do so we want to ensure it is safe and prosperous. Grab a good drink and come brawl with us while we work on controlling Towers in the wars for Phaeros, fight monsters and do some brewing with a bunch of like-minded folks who don’t mind doing what needs to be done. This group will be PvP centric and we will help our members to become PvP enabled while also handling PvE, whether that be stamping out those encroaching on our settlement or escalating the issues around our enemies. The Veiled is devoted to ensuring the freedoms of the River Kingdoms, and then some. We advocate self expression, fun and merriment even if someone "loses an eye". When it comes to defeating our enemies, we enjoy honest PvP combat. We aren't afraid to bring the fight to the enemy, be it lowly goblins or high level PvP. We intend to make our home in one of the controlling Towers surrounding Phaeros though we will roam throughout our lands. For us, the neutral and evil alignments we are associated with, are more about freedom than sadism.
Who can join: The Veiled seeks those who want to have fun, set fire to a goblin or three, enjoy life as it comes and be the sort of folk that your parents warned you about. If you are an individual looking for a good time while not worrying about being a goody two-shoes, looking for a good group of buddies to go out drinking and do some old fashioned brawling and don’t mind getting your hands dirty with all that brew please register on The Seventh Veil's Website then apply to The Seventh Veil here and then join The Veiled here.

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@ Andius
What about all the people in TEO/T7V that had nothing to do with this? Some of whom I'm sure you recruited and weren't there for the decision? We are all lumped together in this hatred when there were but a few who did things that hurt or upset you. I don't think I have personally ever really had a conversation with you, even though I joined T7V before you left TEO. I am still KOS because I associate with people that upset you. I don't actually have a problem being KOS to anyone but T7V and TEO as a whole seem to be the wrong targets for your KOS policy. You know there are good people in both groups. Why not just keep your anger to those you feel directly wronged you and not try to create an "open season" view on all who are a part of these groups?
You are of course welcome to do as you wish, it will be your game to play just as it is ours but, it's a game to have fun in, hopefully not hold grudges in RL about. What you have said about TEO/T7V members just sounds like someone who intends to grief anyone with that tag or affiliation in game. By all means fight with us in game if there is a legitimate reason, but don't use your passion and emotion generated by your loss of your guild against all us others who never harmed you. Don't make it your mission (as it seems to be) to ruin the fun for all T7V/TEO members when it is just a few who you hate.
I personally am totally fine with you treating me as KOS, that is fun for me. I like PVP and hope to improve through interactions like that but I know there are a lot of others who it won't be anything other than you trying to ruin their fun because of the settlement they live in and who never even knew about what happened.
My 2 copper.
Only a little more than half of the Backers from the Kickstarter are EE. A slight bit less than half are actually Adventurer level OE and can't vote in the Landrush. Maybe with the Guild and Crowd Forger Buddy levels this is a little more skewed but still several thousand who will not be able to vote.
Kitsune Aou wrote: OMG GOT EMAIL. *reads* You gunna stream? Link?
Eagerly awaiting link to live stream Decius!
Congrats UNC! Moving up the leader board well. Putting Aragon on the Map!
+1 yeah, I did it too. Now I really should have gone to sleep like 2 hours ago...

8 people marked this as a favorite.
I personally think that while a lot of people think that Ryan has some special power as the CEO of GW to say something and have it done, if he had done so, made a statement that was for or against Golgotha being in the Landrush, said just about anything at all (and he did say things), someone would have torn him up for it. He is the CEO of the game company making the game we all want to play. He talks to us, he does care greatly about us, and he is here listening to us every day. He may not always make what everyone sees as the right choice (no one can do that), but he says something and sticks with it even though some of us tear him a new one for being vague or saying something we don't agree with. He has no choice. Some would ignore him even if he did take a side. He has to be the epitome of TN in these matters but is also a person with 1 view and 1 voice and inevitably if he says anything at all someone is going to disagree with it, read into it, feel different about it than another would. He doesn't have the power to control this forum, only turn it on or off. At least we have his voice and his updates and his views and that gives us some insight into what his plans for PFO are.
I would just say leave him out of it and be happy he cares enough to talk with us. He could just stop talking to us. I'm sure with more manpower, more funds and more red tape the Landrush could have been setup smoother, but GW is juggling making the game and dealing with us before it's even out! I don't see many if any other companies out there that you will ever get to talk to the CEO of the company making your ideal game, that even would listen to a forum poster. In the end, he has a ton of pressure put on him, and we don't make it any easier but he is still here working for us, making our game and taking our $#!7 by the bucket daily.
Well, I'm not sure that all made sense and it's late but give the guy a break, it's 11pm for him and he is still here answering us. If that doesn't show he cares, I don't know what does.
Thanks for the replies Kard and Areks. I was hoping more people would reply as well because the matter is settled (and I'm happy for Golgotha) but the future is not, and I personally as a member of one of the 3 that won, am interested in how the community thinks we all should proceed based on how this matter was settled. Plus I want to see who gets the 1k post!

I have some questions:
1: If the Pax Community is so adamant that they are not the same guild, why is Pax Fidelis not in the Landrush 2?
2: When Pax was awarded a settlement in Landrush 1, did the entire Pax community put in input as to where the location chosen would be or did only 1 Division have any input or authority over what happened with the settlement?
3: If T7V or TEO were to want to open another settlement and "Guild" within our own communities and have them as part of the Landrush 2 as they have members who have always planned their own Guilds/CCs that won't work out of the currently aligned settlements, would the community and Pax see this as wrong?
4: If this same situation had happened to T7V or TEO, such as half of TEO splitting off with Andius within TEO for a different settlement location (had that situation gone down that way) would Pax or any of its divisions seen this as cheating?
5: Would Pax Golgotha honestly hold everyone who was confused, felt cheated, or just disagreed with them as enemies? What if the situation was reversed?
6: What should Pax, T7V and TEO do now that this standard has been set?
Gorram Reavers! They'll be taken over the whole place we let them in…But it could be fun!

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Here is my personal view of things. I read the entire thread and have not commented for or against anything. I am in the T7V so that may make people think I have a biased viewpoint but I'm not stating this as a member of T7V, just as a person wanting to play PFO.
Pax is a guild. It has many divisions to meet all it's members needs. PFO doesn't allow all members of extremely different alignments to work from the same settlement. This means they will have to have different settlements to meet all their members needs and depending on what a given player's needs are they are funneled to the correct division that will meet those needs. They are 1 guild though or they would not be Pax gaming and there would be no confusion.
At this point all members of Pax in any division just want to play the game and have a settlement to do it from if they can (and they can with the numbers they have). What I would propose is to release the restrictions on all LR1 winners (as far as allowing them to help other guilds/divisions win a settlement with new members, but not have those that already voted for them in LR1 re-vote) and take Pax out of the NAMES on the Landrush leader board. Then if any of the winners of LR1 who have members that haven't voted, want to help other guilds win a settlement (that they will be part of because of alignment needs and possibly make a new nation), they can use their votes for that and all divisions of Pax can participate (even Fidelis) as individual entities as far as needs of a settlement go, and so can the others. It is fair for all and will just breed more people playing the Landrush game, more people helping others to build the community and no one loses anything. Would GW accept this as a possible solution? All that has to happen is the PAX gets removed from the NAMES on the leader board and the confusion goes away. Then let all be equal and make devisions and play the game!
I personally see it this way (and it may only be me), CE and CG can get along great. There are CE individuals who are loyal,loving, helpful and good friends with those they consider family, or a part of what they have decided to protect. You also can have bloodthirsty, violent and friendless CG individuals. Alignments are such a narrow definition of actions when the actual action preformed by a CE individual can in fact be viewed as LG at times, even though using the narrow definition they are still CE. There are so many ways for CE, CN and CG to work well together as well as all the other alignments, even in a single group that it's not even possible to list them. I do know that PFO will only be able to track certain actions to indicate alignment but will miss others that could show the other side of the coin.
Welcome and most happy to have you. And I don't light a candle or curse the darkness, I welcome it and pull it around!
Just so everyone is clear on this, I am not tainted by shadow even though I tend to stay to them most of the time. Saiph and I have an understanding so I won't have to constantly beware!
My kind of party! Looking forward to it!
I love it when a plan comes together! Although on this pub crawl I specifically was hoping for some entertainment of the more brutal fashion and some friendly bets as well! But I'll still be there even if there isn't a brawl or fight to watch or participate in!
That sounds like a blast. Gladiator style, no holds barred! I could get into a circuit like that.
I'll be sure to show, sounds like quite a bit of fun! I do miss a good bar brawl. Do you plan to have a pit (arena) in your tavern for "Playing"? Maybe even a little gambling event now and then?
Things are really cooking! Land Rush 2 is up. We have our settlement already but it is exciting to see who will be close to us. Who will take AB, Y, Z, U, S and AD? Hopefully friends or future allies in some and competition in others, but we won't know for weeks!
This is quite true and hopefully things settle out before then. As the darker side of T7V I figure that I will run into the UNC quite often and had hoped to start off on a better foot than "kill on sight" for being T7V. As you say, maybe after the first measure of revenge is taken (if things don't change before then), it won't be a problem and no grudge will be held. Things do change and for us of the CN persuasion that can be very often.

Free Bump.... But also just want to say as a T7V member who is also an Assassin, and who does understand the UNC, your purpose, how you operate and as someone who has stuck up for the UNC even being a member of T7V, and from what I can remember never had bad relations with any UNC member including Andius, I hope that the UNC and Andius in particular does not treat their disagreements with individual members of our guild or even Roseblood Accord members as all the same. We are all individuals and as such, even though part of a possibly hated antithesis of a guild to your own, I hope that you, as the UNC don't take it out on all of us, if you have a problem with a set of individuals. We are not all the correct target for this anger or revenge and the community and settlement we hope to build is not the correct target for this. Sure, attack us as a whole as you would anyone in the game for the right reasons, but don't specifically target everyone who is a member or ally and ruin our enjoyment or participation in the game, for or against the UNC. Do it in it's proper place.
I personally hope to on occasion play alongside your company and learn some of the PVP ropes both with and against you all. I may even have to work with you to further my skills in my chosen profession (as these most likely will not be available in my settlement). I'm hoping to have good relations with you all and have a lot of fun.
I am just hoping to have this pre-game situation of constantly having members at each others throats done with so we can the best time possible in the game and not take revenge on each other's members. I know that isn't that purpose of the UNC as stated so hopefully it doesn't become the focus.
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These are very exciting times. I keep clicking refresh like it is a Wednesday blog post and we already have a settlement. Giddy as a school girl, boy, whatever!
Yes, thank you fair Lady.
Wow, I'm already all set with a guild and a settlement and don't match up on most of the points but that would have sold me. Great job!
I personally have to say you were as good as in the moment you applied. I mean, they let me, a nomadic, houseless Assassin, who barely spoke a word here before joining in, and I don't have nearly the mind or tongue that you have. I was able to offer some darker ways to gain knowledge but for T7V these will only be used as a last option. You my good sir are a first option.
@ Lhan Thanks, usually it isn't so much that I don't have something to say as that I don't have time to say it and often don't think my voice is loud enough or sound enough to say it well. I really appreciate your responses though and am happy and proud to be part of T7V and the Roseblood Accord. I will also happily take up those obstructions and remove them for us ;).
@ Forencith We do hold our own secrets, but while I may not share them all, I know I can trust T7V with their keeping.
BTW, I'm really not a spy from UNC and have never even talked to their members directly although I seem to be defending them, I'm really just trying to include everyone who wants to work and play with us and they seem to.

I know Bludd knows how to ruffle feathers better than most and I knew his post was going to, but I'm an bit of a Diplomat and Assassin (do those contradict each other?), and while I don't agree with how Bludd says what he says often, as stated in my long winded posts above, I still think they can be a useful and are a needed part of the game and think if we can welcome them into this accord, it would be much better than shunning them for the aggressive way Bludd responds to most things. He is a bandit first and foremost and having him as a friend is better than an enemy.
I'm fairly certain everyone knows that although Nihimon posted this thread, he is only one of many who took a part in it's making and I think there is bad Bludd (haha, I made a funny) between Bluddwolf and Nihimon. It almost seems like they are brothers who always fight because that is just what they do. I try to see through the aggression Bluddwolf displays in his writing style and purposely abrasive responses (as is his way) but I think his feelings may have been hurt a little at being rebuffed by those in the accord not seeing that he is trying to be a part of it (in his own way) as I described above. And when you put his fur up, he attacks as most wolves do. Maybe he is really just a pup on the inside and needs some affection and has been nipped a little too much…..
Maybe I've stayed up too late and need to go to sleep…..
Where was I….Oh, we all know Bludd talks a mean talk and is very firm in his opinion of Banditry and it being a positive game play experience and good for everyone and while I don't agree with the way he says it most of the time, I do agree with the principle if we can make friends and play nice.
No more fighting kids!… (points a finger at everyone fighting)
( I really think i should just shut up and go to bed but I've come this far and guess I should finish trying to say something clearly)
So, maybe the GoodFellow can speak up for UNC and work out how they can be a part of this accord and work with us in game to provide content when we need it and back off when we don't for those in the accord. If everyone in EE ends up being part of the accord then something else may have to be worked out for UNC as then they won't have much to do but as I've said before, lets have them as friends as players and enemies as characters for a better game for all, eh?
Did I just get taken over by some sort of possession? Bludd very well may take offense to some of the things I've said here, and so may others but I'm too tired to care much and just want us all to get along out of game and have fun in game (once we can actually play). I'm all for fighting some bandit friends! Who's with me?
(Looks around and sees he's ten talking to himself and promptly walks off running into a tree knocking himself out cold)
(Maybe he was drunk?)
The End.
Thanks Bane! I hope to be one of the first Assassins in the game, period, but being T7V I want to have the purpose for the evil I do be balanced by the good and knowledge it brings everyone through T7V. A hard road to walk, one I am not sure is even possible yet, but still I will try, and hope to be a loyal, stable, valuable and trusted member of a great group who knows I put them first even if my actions are evil and dark at times. Most of the time I will sit in the CN band, but I'm willing content for those who need to test their mettle in or out of T7V when I push that line over into evil at other times. I hold true to all contracts and T7V is my first and always held contract, never to be broken or betrayed, as their vassal, to do what must be done.

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"The Goodfellow" wrote: @wexel, I don't recognize your name so you have either been quiet or are relatively new to the forums and I welcome you either way. I would also like to thank you for wording exactly what our intent has been since Bludd first posted on this thread, actually even before that. Maybe coming from someone not associated with UNC will make it more clear or easier to understand.
What he said in that long post is a very good interpretation of what we at the UNC have in mind and are trying to do, from the beginning mind you. From our first post, this is what our intent was. To be the bad guy and be the content for everyone else, while making everyone our content. However, this wasn't a decision we made over night or on a whim. We wanted to still be members of the community, a Positive role model for any and everyone that wanted to follow our lead in being other people's content on purpose.
The whole reason we looked into the treaty of ravagog, and now this accord, is with that same mentality and those same intentions. We want to help the community be great and a place where people come and stay and enjoy themselves. We want everyone to have fun and have epic stories to add to the "great experiences" thread and so on.
Coming from one of your own, I hope it is received better than posts from us. It is the same message. Even in other threads, the message is the same. We argue and fight for things we feel will help us, or you, to make the game more enjoyable and fun for the greatest number of people. The SAD mechanic is designed to be an alternative to only being able to kill to gain loot and inflict loss on our opposition.
I could go on but I'm tired and ready for bed. The point is that Wexel isn't the only non-UNC member to see what we are trying to do and what we stand for. If more could see that we are not the "enemy" and just the other side of the same community coin, maybe we can stop the bickering and hostilities between us and achieve this goal we all want.
Thanks Goodfellow, I have been on the boards since before the first Kickstarter as I am a P&P PFS player. I didn't use this alias and never posted much so no one had heard of me but I've always been shadowing the boards and pretty much been here from the start. I don't post all that often but have more over the last few months since I officially joined T7V. Suffice to say I read just about everything though and have seen what the UNC has been trying to do and be even if I don't always agree with you, Bludd or Xeen.
I also hope that coming from someone outside your group that I could help settle the waters and welcome the UNC into the fold, maybe even eventually have the UNC as real allies if it works out that way (not my decision though as I am only a member and have no rank in T7V). Even if never allies, I truly hope to have many encounters with the UNC both as friends and enemies to hone skills, give me something to fight for or against and just add to the game world. I'm willing to be content for others, I'm willing to be the bad guy for the good guys to kill, to make their experience more fun, challenging and entertaining or flip the coin and fight the bad guys, and I hope the UNC are the best bad guys in EE, a group for us all to have fun fighting against, as our characters, not as players. As players I hope to go up against you and yours and lose (or win) and learn and afterwards have a nice chat and laugh about it. Have fun with it as it is a game and to be enjoyed even when you lose as you gained greater understanding in that loss.
Very few may share this view, but as I've said, I welcome the UNC and the diversity you bring while still trying to be the best bad guys (and OOC good guys) out there for all the good guys to go up against. Honestly, I think there will be so many good guys that you may have trouble just keeping up and may not be enough content for us all.
So, hopefully I have reached out to those on the opposite side of this argument as well and shown that while the UNC may not be helpful or beneficial in an in character sense, and Bludd may be one of the most stubborn in always keeping to his views as correct or what have you, the real purpose they have is the same as ours, to have fun in an PVP MMO by being content as we will all be, and promote positive game play while at the same time playing that hardest of roles by being the bad guys (and we need bad guys!) while still being, as players, good guys who we can work with. OF course if they don't actually play that way, we will all see it and easily agree that is the case but if we welcome them, work with them, and in game have someone to fight, send our new players to learn the ropes of what the bad guys will will do and learn from them, I think they can be a real part of this accord. We can send our new recruits, knowingly through UNC areas (once trained) to learn from their battles, with both sides as players working together to make things better. Sure in game someone loses, and someone wins, but thats what a game is, and what better way to play than have it be a game between friends? To me that is Player Assisting Player (PAP) but Character vs Character (CVC) and the best option we have instead of outright enemies in game and out.
So, what do you all think of my ramblings?

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This is not the opinion of T7V or anyone in the Roseblood Accord, it is mine and mine alone.
The way I see it is that UNC is a bandit group in game, they will do all the things Bandits do, take from the rich or pour and give to themselves and that is their purpose. I truly feel the game will need this, it needs the bad guys to have something to fight against, a challenge to go up against that isn't full blown war or feuding but just your every day PVP action in a day of playing. Of course they will try to build systems up to make their gameplay more fun and give them options, that is what the game is for them and I truly feel it has a place in this game.
That being said I feel that it is a very good sign that they are planning to be the bad guys (because we will need bad guys to have something to work against) but are yet openly and willingly promoting and trying to be a part of the group that is in agreement with positive game play. They are trying to work with the rest of the community to make the game better but still play their part knowing it will be the hard one. Knowing that they will be the ones that most people point at when someone yells "Griefer!", they are trying to add a needed, even if negative, element, but at the same time make it as positive as possible.
I personally have some empathy for this as my character design is an Assassin, in a group of knowledge seekers (who are mostly neutral or good) and I very much want to be a part of my guild, but also want to be able to play my character as who he is. It is a hard line to follow as Assassins are evil, uncaring and often cruel or unfeeling. Yet I am part of one of the major guilds and initiators of the Roseblood Accord. I will do the dirty work of the guild if there is any to do, I will be the dark side of our group (if I can pull it off), but I am totally and completely behind this accord and positive game play and completely against griefing and anything that makes the game less. We all (including the UNC) want this game to be amazing. We all want to play our part and be part of something bigger, and make this game as much fun as possible for everyone. And it is my belief (and it may not be shared) that the UNC, taking on the position of "bad guys" but trying to do it and work with us to be the good "bad guys", giving us content to work against in game, but working with us out of game to make that as meaningful as possible is the best situation we could have.
They are bandits, avowed and knowingly the enemy of most, in a world where that is needed to create challenges for the "good guys", in a world based on meaningful interactions that has to have Characters against other Characters to make it worth while, but with the players behind those characters reaching out in friendship to try and be part of the positive game play group. I am for their participation if they mean it and work with us. Yes, they may raid us, hold us up, take our things, destroy our POI and so forth as everyone not in a specific alliance with us may do and any PVP or CVC in the game would also do, even if they aren't calling themselves bandits, but at least they are open and willing to work with us to make the game better for everyone in a meta-game fashion. They can work with us and those new to the game to show the positive side to being the bad guys and do their best to show people how to do that without being "griefers".
I hope to be the same in my role. I may not be able to pull it off and instead will turn into a rogue because the game system makes the character concept unworkable, but I hope to at least attempt to be the bad guy who thinks he is the good guy doing what needs to be done, for greater knowledge and fun for everyone.
I also hope that I have not upset anyone in my guild with my opinions in this matter or my difference of view as these are the people I want to play the game with, but I truly feel that we need the UNC and people like them in the game and if they want to be a part of this accord I feel it can only make the game better as they are trying to do it in the most positive way possible while still holding true to their character type.
Anyone out there agree with me or am I off my rocker? (always knew i had some screws loose).
The SBC sounds like a a wonderful addition to the available guilds/clans that are currently available. I look forward to being raided by the SBC ;)
I was able to link my account as far as the Paizo side showed but on the GW side, when I log in, I get under Enrollment: You are not yet enrolled as a Goblin Squad Member. So it looks like even though Paizo thinks it linked the data, the account on GW does not. :(
Other than that the updates are nice. I'm sure a lot more will be coming shortly though.
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Avari! Put the the panda down....ew, I didn't mean like that. No more pandas have to die! Go look at the map instead so you can find where the panda population has been decimated and that will be our new home sadly.
What I want to know is how quickly we will be able to build our own roads from the more off the beaten path back to more "civilized" lands and if we will be able to build those roads in all hex types or just certain types? Makes for transport of those skymetal resources hard to get back to market if you're in no mans land.
Click, click, click… Wish I had more time recently to read the forum…work so busy I just get to barely slip in the Wednesday updates :(. But it's Wednesday so :)….. (<--- That's drool by the way)
Fine with me as long as I am in it 57 times! MAybe throw in a few change ups.

Nihimon wrote: T7V Wexel Daventry wrote: If the randomness of these is high enough then those in monster hexes would just run into them on occasion so farming or camping wouldn't be worth it. I could be wrong, but this seems like the exact case that Ryan addressed some time ago:
Here's what happens in modern MMOs if the game features rare monsters that drop better than average loot:
A group designates some of its members as the Spot the Foozle Team. These players (often multiboxing so they don't lose any time playing their Mains) monitor the area in question 24x7.
The instant the Foozle is detected, word goes out through the guild's communication channels - private message boards, in-game chat, SMS broadcasts, ventrillo, etc. Within literally minutes, a large group is assembled. This group has been outfitted with exactly the best gear to kill the Foozle. They have killed the Foozle hundreds of times and have choreographed their actions into a flawless ballet - they're fast, and have a low risk of consuming resources beyond the minimum necessary to kill the Foozle.
They move to the location of the Foozle using the fastest and most efficient transport. They know the lay of the land and can take any available shortcuts, the fastest route, the best mount, etc.
Within the minimum time possible given the distance to travel, the team arrives and takes the Foozle down. The loot is extracted and transported to a group storage facility where it will be consumed, or resold in the best possible market almost immediately.
Meanwhile, if you are randomly walking around the area the Foozle spawns in, you may have a chance to spectate at this event, but if you come too close to the Foozle, another team of anti-ninja-looters will respond to kill you or otherwise keep you from interfering.
Still think this sounds fun?
RyanD I would be... I read that thread and was trying to think of ways around Foozle Hunting groups but if there are going to be random dungeons are we going to have this anyway? Dungeon hunting groups? Doesn't matter if there are rares or not in the dungeons, they would get hunted. I think this could be cut down on to the degree that a settlement will be in power nearby and so the Dungeon hunting group may work for the settlement and benefit that settlement's PvE. Not sure of the exact system here but I would think that would cut down on one group worldwide owning all the dungeon/rare/foozle content. Maybe not though. I would just really love a way for rares to work somehow. I do remember that first time I came across one in EQ and it was awesome. Later once they were all camped it was horrible but I would still rather have them here and there (even if camped) rather than not at all.
There has to be a solution. It will probably take playing well into EE before it is found though as we have to really know how all the systems work before fitting something like this into it well.
I fully agree that there should be true neutral as an option, and a powerful one because to a degree it is the most flexible option. In PFO in most cases, because of the nature of the game, people will pick sides, Good, Evil and Neutral…Law, Chaos or Neutral. If you don't give people the option to have a TN settlement you revoke the right of choice. CE may suck to play in the end but you can still decide to play it. I feel the TN as a settlement has the same right. A lot of players may be NE, or NG more because they don't feel strongly in one direction or another but they can still belong to a LG or LE settlement respectively. I think that only those who truly stay neutral or gravitate towards that will want to be part of a TN settlement. Because in most cases people pick sides or get a side picked for them. I hope that made sense.
Welcome my Lady, thank you for joining with us and if things keep going the way they are you will be able to get into the game almost as soon as the rest of us.
+1 Yes indeed. We are making the society from the ground up as we will build in game. So many different views and ideas. Really looking forward to being part of one of the first groups!

Nihimon wrote: T7V Wexel Daventry wrote: Sure you would have people trying to find these dungeons but you will have that anyway if they exist. I think the real question is whether the rare monster is valuable enough to warrant folks farming these kinds of dungeons so methodically that casual users never find them. That's true but i think if they can make them random and then the rare spawn random as well then it would just be people looking for a dungeon anyway and not have much to do with the fact that a rare will sometimes spawn. If the randomness of these is high enough then those in monster hexes would just run into them on occasion so farming or camping wouldn't be worth it. Most likely those monster hexes near a settlement would have the Settlement try to protect that monster hex's PvE content for it's members but you will have that to a degree anyway. I would love to have some rares but understand the downside too.
Another thought is that maybe the rares don't drop anything different but instead change an escalation path or stomp it flat or ARE the way to end an escalation (or stop it's growth) and then they drop the trophy for the settlement.
Nihimon wrote: Gedichtewicht wrote: Horizon - Are You Good or Evil? I remember reading about this a few weeks ago or so. Very interesting story. I've often asked myself some of those same questions, but have generally convinced myself I can't be a sociopath because I have such a strong emotional reaction to some things. I literally got choked up and couldn't talk for a while after watching Disney's Frozen "Let It Go" Sequence Performed by Idina Menzel with my wife. This song gives me goose bumps every time. Great singer and heart touching!
+ 1
I agree that this would be much more productive than assumptions of systems we haven't seen working and won't be immediately available. Focus on the areas that are being worked on for EE.
Right with you Bludd on this. I am extremely happy to have these options and just have alive or dead but ways to interact with that state of in-between with repercussions based on what you do at that time.