
T7V Avari's page

749 posts. Alias of avari3.


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Arachnofiend wrote:
Wait, why the Falcata? You're not going to get to use your dexterity with it. Seems very counterintuitive to a build that seems to want as much dexterity as it can get.

Yes, after some great feedback in here and more search I found the Elven curve blade. Weapone finesse, DEX build with a dip in slayer or rogiue later.

Thanks guys!

Cult of Vorg wrote:

Urban barbarian 1 for dex rage, the new WMH falcata swashbuckler 1 would make it finessable and give prof, & un-rogue 3 for dex damage that works 2hand or 2weapon unlike slashing grace, then either back to Barb or anything more fun for the rest?

If ok taking h-elf trait to get prof, any swash would give you dex to hit. If not going dex, then I'd avoid the rogue and go for static damage and skills elsewhere..

This sounds like what I was looking for thanks, what's the WMH?

edit// weapon master handbook, got it thanks.

If I could find a sufficiently flavored sneaky barb I'd do it.

Goblin Squad Member

The 7th Veil is the largest meta guild exclusively playing Pathfinder Online. We are dedicated to playing the game as the designers intended it to be played. Our membership has created spreadsheet tools like the Goblinary. Our capital city is Phaeros, but we can be found throughout the Everbloom Alliance and its allies.

We PvP, PvE, craft and RP. Join today!

Goblin Squad Member

I'd echo what Thod is saying over in our neck of the echo woods. Some turnover as expected after the 4th month but overall no dip to slight growth.

Goblin Squad Member

Good luck Aragon!

Goblin Squad Member

Savage Grace wrote:
So, how's this working out, so far? ;-)

Splendid, thanks for asking.

Goblin Squad Member

Awesome to see it up, I know first hand that TONS of work was put into this.

Goblin Squad Member

I don't spite Bludd for doing whatever he feels he has to do on the forums to keep his Unactive Company relevant. Misquotes, half truths and policy posts of biblical proportions, by all means, continue Blud. Better than having you leave the game.

Goblin Squad Member

PFU Hoffman wrote:
T7V Avari wrote:

Absolutely Omni. EBA is Neutral Good and I believe the the term confederacy fits us a bit better. Aeonian League from my understanding is a bit more of a "United States" and more centralized. EoX is an empire and the Highlanders are more like the greek city states. All fascinating stuff, huh? We should do a seminar at PFU together ;)

I will gladly host and be the moderator if you are all interested. Next Wednesday 3/18, 8PM Eastern. Politics in the River Kingdom. Who is representing each of the groups? :)

I believe it would be "governments in PFO". I'm sure a round table from the different blocs could be brought in for that if people are interested in it.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Tigari wrote:

And Avari, again your just reiterating my point. A claim was made against a member of Phaeros, and then a recommendation of action (an action of itself) was brought to the EBA level. No actions were desided. So by KP and BH saying they will not engage hostile actions against EL if they get their stuff from Hammferfall, does not mean Phaeros won't.

So going back to Thods question, can he expect hostilities if he attempts to retrieve his stuff? Or is Phaeros going to continue to skirt the question?

Tigari, with all due respect, unless Thod has officially declared you his forum lawyer, who the hell are you to be demanding an official Phaeros response on his behalf?

We are talking to Thod and an official response may or may not happen at a settlement level. Preventing Thod from picking up his stuff seems unlikely, since there is no EBA wide sanctions against EL, it would have to come from Hammerfall to deny access to EL. As far as I know Hammerfall is still a trade partner of EL's.

Goblin Squad Member

omnipotentseal wrote:
T7V Avari wrote:
Cheatle, who I guess you could sorta call the "president" of the EBA council, very clearly tells Thod that he is fed up with the extortion and that he will RECOMMEND to the EBA council, actions at the EBA level.

This is one of the big differences between confederacy implemented in the Everbloom Alliance and confederacy implemented in the Aeonian League. The caucus votes on alliance level topics, like an embargo against Emerald Lodge, then the League Scribe (who's identity is anonymous) publishes our decision on the relevant forums. The Scribe makes clarifications as needed. Settlement represents relay these decisions on their respective message boards for their citizens to review. The League speaks with a unified voice, EBA does not.

T7V Avari wrote:

The price of freedom, is very often a little chaos ;)

Might be the LN in me, but our member settlements are free because of inter-governmental centralization. There are no possibilities of overlapping jurisdictions or contradictory messages. They can relax knowing somebody has a plan.

Canis Castrum, however, has not experienced shady trade deals with Keeper's Pass or Phaeros. Gold & Steel Trading Company is even on Erian's trusted merchants list. :)

Absolutely Omni. EBA is Neutral Good and I believe the the term confederacy fits us a bit better. Aeonian League from my understanding is a bit more of a "United States" and more centralized. EoX is an empire and the Highlanders are more like the greek city states. All fascinating stuff, huh? We should do a seminar at PFU together ;)

Goblin Squad Member

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Gol Tigari wrote:
Actually you guys made this an EBA matter by bringing the option of revoking EL's privilege to EBA TERRITORY. Thod just made a post calling out Decius, then EBA responded. Not one entity my butt. And nice try trying to change subjects, that means I'm hitting the right spot

Nope, go back and read Cheatle's statement. Cheatle, who I guess you could sorta call the "president" of the EBA council, very clearly tells Thod that he is fed up with the extortion and that he will RECOMMEND to the EBA council, actions at the EBA level. At that point some talks happened at it doesn't appear anything at that level will happen.

That's the political challenge of running a loose alliance that EBA and all the other "free association alliances" in the game will have to deal with constantly. The price of freedom, is very often a little chaos ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Tigari wrote:
That's exactly my point Avari. I'm on my phone so not able to quote, but if this is being handle on a settlement level, both Brighthaven and Keepers Pass have chimmed in saying they are not going to be hostile (yet) to Thod (per his question if his members are no longer allowed in EBA territory, and if he's able to get his stuff from Hammerfall), BUT Phaeros has not, meaning they could treat Thod and EL with Hostilities until stated otherwise

Yes, that is correct. There was a price put on the head of one of our leaders and I don't believe we have a an official response to that yet.

Goblin Squad Member

I find it pretty awesome from reading this thread that an invader like Tigari thinks we are a unified Nation, while our trade partners in the south think we are just a loose group of friends.

That's the confederacy working as intended. For the most part you can trade and even skirmish with us at a settlement level. But kick the hornet's nest and you will feel the full wrath of the largest alliance in the game.

That's how it was drawn up, people can try to poke holes in the rationale but it sure seems to be working just fine.

Goblin Squad Member

Kadere wrote:

Erian has hit the nail on the head, I think. There seems to be a lot of confusion about what the EBA is, and what function it serves. As I understand it, the EBA is just a casual alliance of friends, rather than an entity that can exercise control over any settlement.

Contrast to the Aeonian League. For the most parts, our member settlements are independent in policy and behavior. However, we do have certain agreements that all settlements are required to uphold. These are enforced (although without teeth, but this has yet to be an issue). Thus, you CAN deal with the Aeonian League at a diplomatic level, and expect all it's member settlements to comply with that agreement.

It is a key difference. The EBA is barely more than words and smiles between friends. It is not an entity unto itself.

EBA is best described as a confederacy. We bandied the idea of using the word in our title but chickened out because of the connotations it has for US players. But that's what we are.

War, of course, makes the confederacy tighten up and do things on an alliance level a little bit more than we normally like to, but come peace time (and there will be peace time in the SE and war time everywhere else) we will loosen up as planned and continue with our plan of self-run city-states with common defense and favored trade.

I hope that sheds some light on the question of how and why EBA would react in concert against a sustained attack by a common enemy powerful enough to destroy us like EoX, but then turn around and deal with a minor scuffle with EL on a settlement level.

Goblin Squad Member

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Skorn wrote:

I am reminded of the king in Robin Hood claiming he owns all the deer in the forest.

I understand that in the real world resources are typically owned. And I was unaware that we are getting "laws". That is interesting. In a game where everyone pays the same thing to play I would think that everyone could harvest resources. I guess I have much to learn about this game and where it is heading.

It is a territory warfare game and all nations and settlements will be claiming territory and its resources to varying degrees of zealousness. However it is also a sandbox game, which means you can actually play Chaotic Good Robin Hood stealing resources in the forest.

Goblin Squad Member

KotC - Erian El'ranelen wrote:
The Keepers of the Circle intend to move our Market actions to Hammmerfall in support of it being our primary external-facing market. I will also be using it as the meeting spot for transactions, unless folks just want to go to Keeper's Pass. I believe that will drive up activity.

Pretty much this. Hammerfall had quite a bit going on as the EA's external trade hub but was momentarily "abandoned" for that use when full loot went in and there were no Thornguards. Expect increased action going forward.

Hammerfall per se is an active, low pop settlement led by some really great people. If you are a trader or gatherer with the cojones to make your riches in a frontier town with its own unique terrain resource grid, you should consider Hammerfall. The opportunities are there for the taking and full EA military support is available.

Sorry for threadjack, back to you regularly scheduled program.

Goblin Squad Member

<kabal> Bunibuni wrote:

Love you guys! Keep it up! Bang those drums! Make sure everyone is watching you and Golgatha fight it out for control of the map.

Meanwhile ... we quietly continue to gather and do PvE and slowly, oh so slowly, expand OUR territory in the NW.

Just waiting for the map expand so we can grab ... er ... settle everything to the West and North of us. :-)

Exactly. Anybody thinks this is a land grab should check out Stoneroot and its TWENTY towers. There is reason they call this stage of the game the "Land Rush". It's like early America where there is just more land than settlers. Anybody willing to make the trek into the corners of the map can find cheap land.

Goblin Squad Member

Lets not cry for Golgotha. They are the 2nd most successful group and have cornered what will be a very popular play style in this game.

Wipe your bloody nose with your bloody hand. You're just losing this round.

Goblin Squad Member

I'd rather not name, names, but I wasn't talking about you. I think you have generally lived up to your CN promise, sometimes taking in CE's as you said you would.

Goblin Squad Member

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You guys are acting like there isn't an empirical statistic that measures this, reputation. We don't have the alignment system in yet but we have already seen for months now:

1. EA strives to keep its reputation high, mostly killing only in sanctioned PvP, just like the good guys are supposed to do in this game.

2. Golgotha methodically times its reputation hits. They burn their rep, call off the dogs and then get back to burning rep once they have it back. Just like a Lawful Evil group is supposed to in this game.

3. We have already seen a few chaotic evils burn through their rep and get bored and leave the game when they realize they have to chill out or suck. That's exactly the behavior CE is supposed to have in this game.

The meta game has nothing to do with this. Playing evil or good in PFO doesn't make you a bad or good person its called a ROLEPLAY game folks and so far I think everybody is doing pretty much exactly what they advertised they would.

Goblin Squad Member

I think Golgotha has, for the most part, been perfectly Lawful Evil.

Goblin Squad Member

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I'd just like to chime in that another of the reasons we picked to be tucked away in our corner is so that we wouldn't have to deal with as many newbies gathering our stuff and wandering into our area without knowing what's what. Most people that make it down to EA territory know that they are in EA territory. It was a meaningful choice that we made a long time ago to sacrifice a little bit of recruiting advantages in order to be able to enforce a policy like this one with minimum grief.

Yes we have a plan, and yes we still like our plan.

Goblin Squad Member

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Saiph wrote:
T7V Avari wrote:
It's chaotic evil that's supposed to be hard. Lawful Evil is supposed to be a powerful alignment. All very cryptic until we know exactly which actions pull you chaotic and which pull you evil.
Chaotic evil is supposed to be hard(est).

Ryan's also said he expects LG to be difficult to maintain because its constricting to PvP.

I dunno, I'm still not sold on alignment as more than a faction wheel (Fallen Earth style) with Reputation doing the all the heavy lifting for "arsehat funneling". We shall see.

Goblin Squad Member

It's chaotic evil that's supposed to be hard. Lawful Evil is supposed to be a powerful alignment. All very cryptic until we know exactly which actions pull you chaotic and which pull you evil.

Goblin Squad Member

Thod wrote:

Communication goes two ways. And I know how difficult it is if someone doesn't listen. I have two kids - sometimes they need to experience something goes wrong before they will start listening.
But I know from my adult experience that something will go wrong. So it then depends how dangerous or costly it is if I allow it to happen.

And before you complain - nobody I think did expect it to go so bad so quickly.

A comment about the sandbox. It isn't the problem that they have been in a sandbox. The problem is where in the sandbox they were. The exact same playstyle next to Forgeholm and we wouldn't be here and have this long thread.

I do agree with the sentiment on communication. I will sleep well at night knowing we had best interests at heart but that doesn't mean that we don't have anything to learn from this.

I will also however issue a stern warning to any who think this only happened to BWG because they were on the "front line". We've had plenty of griefing stories from other parts of the map. GW even had to put an order down to stop it Marchmont.

And don't let Golgotha's generally chivalrous attempts at arch rivalry with EBA fool you. When the REAL arsehats come into the game, they will be preying on the weakest settlements they can find.

Goblin Squad Member

Al Smithy wrote:
Yes, I'm sure Mourn would have been completely transparent with you guys about him having talks with other groups. You'll never believe that it happened, though it did, but then that's how the world works sometimes.

I have never and will never speak for Mourn. I do speak on behalf of Phaeros, and in this particular situation the EBA, as to what we did in respect to trying to keep BWG in the game and with a settlement.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Tink wrote:
How does T7V respond to ongoing rumours that Tink is actually their super secret leader, and this has all been a ruse? It's all anyone is talking about.

The genius of the ruse is how we say it publicly and nobody believes us ;)

Goblin Squad Member

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Al Smithy wrote:
You could always ask Mourn if he asked other alliances and groups if they wanted BWG to join them, or to move there, because that is the word that has been going around. From what I heard, one of his complaints was that EBA partitioned away his towers without him really having much of a say in the matter.

Yeah, that never happened. There was an offer on the table to merge with Hammerfall. Mourn didn't take the offer, so it didn't happen. The EBA never had a top down order to take away BWG towers, BWG had full towers up until Mourn left the game.

Goblin Squad Member

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Al Smithy wrote:
I heard rumors that EBA was pretty much throwing BWG under the bus and they were talking to other groups and alliances for help.

I am pretty certain that the EBA has been as or more proactive with our struggling settlements as anybody else in the game.

We haven't attempted half arsed coupes in game or out, we haven't taken "administration" of any settlement and we most certainly haven't thrown anybody under the bus since BWG up until last week still had full towers allocated to it.

What we HAVE done is give free sets of gear, proactively get people in a room to suggest mergers, purchase with real money settlements that don't wish to play and provide a road map to folding in an organized manner WHEN AND IF leadership of that settlement decides its time to do so.

All the while patrolling the entire SE from roaming bands of bored PK'ers who are looking for PvP just challenging enough that they don't have to take their left hand away from where it usually is.

This isn't rumor, I know because I was THERE.

Now, I triple dog DARE you to say you have done anything close to that for anybody in this game before you open your pie hole again with this kind of Grima Wormtongue-mud grenade-horse doodoo.

Goblin Squad Member

Sad to see you go Mourn. Wish there was more we could do for you.

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A sterling defense of Ryan Dancey and the price of freedom (8 faves) from everybody's favorite forum war:

Ryan was very, very clear from the beginning that he was going to referee the debate but he wasn't going to judge it. I dare anybody to find a quote to the contrary. It is up to the community to fight and settle disputes, it is up to GW to make sure it doesn't get toxic and to steer the punches "above the belt".

A precedent has been set. We will police ourselves and GW will step in only if we get out of hand or if somebody has flat out broken a rule (Pax did not). Bending rules, pushing fine lines and interpreting the gray areas is going to be up to us to police.

So, boys and girls, stop crying in your milk. Freedom isn't a bowl of ice cream. These tough and sometimes painful debates are the price of being given the power to set community standards amongst ourselves. If you don't feel comfortable with this public "voting process", find a representative to air your concerns, learn to be more vocal, or just stick to RP events...

But don't blame Ryan Dancey.

Goblin Squad Member

I believe the Emerald Lodge concept is "doable", hence why I signed off on it when originally put forth. Nobody said it would be easy though, as I guess you already know.

I still want to see it work.

Goblin Squad Member

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With our 3 year anniversary around the corner the 7th Veil has kept its promise to the PFO Community to provide knowledge and be a beacon of positive game play.

We are set up in a sweet spot, are a major cog in the game's largest alliance and have collected an excellent group of human beings who play this game really damn well.

I won't say 7th Veil is the best choice, but I will say it's a great one.

Goblin Squad Member

Absolutely Thannon. That's exactly why it takes a good amount of people to run a settlement. Recruiting is its own beast, asking people who already have too much on their plate to do it is just asking for burn out.

Goblin Squad Member

The DT's being sold like hot cakes is another indicator (where are the people who decried the game's death when they weren't selling now?).

I'd like to see ~15 healthy settlements break from the pack and start absorbing the no shows. The sooner we have 12-15 settlements with ~50+ players, the sooner this game takes off.

Goblin Squad Member

Everything, like, everything? Unless you went really nuts it shouldnt be that bad a deal and you'll be using most of the stuff you bought eventually.

Goblin Squad Member

Short answer is yes. Because its a group game try to find a group that has people on during your play times and you will not only have fun but make meaningful contributions while you do.

Goblin Squad Member

The graphics and limitations at this stage of the game can be somewhat jarring, but have faith that things have improved vastly in the last few months alone. The complexity of the systems is an acquired taste, but once you "get it" you will enjoy the endless learning process. PFO is a mocking joke of a game if you plan to play alone, but in a healthy sized group it is addictive.

Goblin Squad Member

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That was funny Audo, really it was. But I'm having too much fun playing the game to care.

Goblin Squad Member

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TEO Cheatle wrote:

I think the problem is in fact the Roleplaying, it is the root cause of a lot of problems and misconceptions in this game.

Most if not all open world pvp games, RPing is done in RP threads away from the actual political threads. A lot of people are going to take what you post here at face value, whether you meant for that to be the case or not.

Personally, I dislike all the RPing going on, because I constantly have to ask myself in what light was something meant. In this cause you did separate it out somewhat, but others didn't catch on at all.

I hope the GW forums will have an RP section, separate from the community section for just these reasons.

It's actually very simple, if someone RP's "against you" then they are against you in game. It also means they don't necessarily hold anything against you OOC.

That's why they call it Rp-PvP. It is an extremely positive force I hope is used often in this game because it takes a lot of the "personal" player to player bad feelings out of winning and losing.

Goblin Squad Member

<Tavernhold> Locke wrote:
Working T'giving weekend is real dedication. Thanks for the effort.

Queue the in-law jokes.

Goblin Squad Member

I expect a natural ebb and flow to crowdforging. There will be times our voices are heard more and others, like 2+ months delayed for EE, that GW has to bunker down and make the decision internally.

Goblin Squad Member

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Freeholder is a bit sexier. I'll always vote for sexy.

Goblin Squad Member

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Pyronous Rath wrote:
even better if you could sit in the Grass

The good thing about repetition humor is you just keep doing until the other person breaks. I finally laughed, good show.

Goblin Squad Member

I do agree that it's harsh to put in encumbrance while auto loot is on. It can turn adventuring into an inventory nightmare pretty quick.

Goblin Squad Member

Kadere wrote:
Our party once found a dagger of reincarnation - anyone killed with it immediately reincarnated as a monster of the DMs choosing. Needless to say, we all immediately fell on it. Our party for the rest of the campaign was a Nightmare, a Formian, a couple less interesting ones that I forget, and a were-badger.

He's a nice guy. I would a been like Stench Kow, Stench Kow, Stench Kow, Jelly Cube and...Stench Kow.

Goblin Squad Member

KotC Carbon D. Metric wrote:

I've always interpreted time itself as being more a perception sentient being experience as a consequence of change and entropy. We know that change and any given chemical process requires a time to catalyze but as we begin to approach sub-molecular understanding our basic conceptions of what "when" means has begun to fail us, requiring us to pair down further and further near infinity to try and label or measure the observed changes. To me the idea of time springs from our analysis of what we've come to understand as measurement of units; something of an artificial concept comparative to the relative nature of relationships between what we perceive as independent bodies. All matter was once part of what we understand as a single point/unit/entity, and through rapid (Or not) expansion and change we define the changes as having been either further away from our present observations or closer to our own point of observational origin (Which is really itself an illusion owing to the fact that "Now" paradoxically has no frame of reference aside from a swelling mass us assigned units our scientists have invented).

I hate you.

Goblin Squad Member

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Mind blown dude.

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