Kobold Cleaver wrote: Well...I guess we'll be seeing a lot less traffic here, going forward.
Shoot. And I'd just opened up the street meat stall, too.
Cheer up! We can always just have a massive food fight or something...
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Politics may be gone, but there will always be the rules forum.
And now that they've tweaked the Lore Warden PFS is as contentious as it's ever been (this week).
I believe that there are people on these boards who can get any thread locked, even one about kittens!
Is that a challenge. That sounds like a challenge.
The question is...is it ethical to start a thread about kittens just in an effort to get it locked?
I'm not sure that it is...
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And you didn't think I'd do it.
Outlaw country!!! Who hoo!!!!
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It's funny...the last post I had in here was decrying the ban on politics and James Jacobs Ask a question thread being temp closed.
Half a year later and we are back at the same place.
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What if they were goblin kittens?
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We covered this, FIREBALL!
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What if they were goblin kittens from the Elemental Plane of Fire?
Limeylongears wrote: What if they were goblin kittens from the Elemental Plane of Fire? Step up your game to cone of cold. ;)
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The Mad Comrade wrote: Limeylongears wrote: What if they were goblin kittens from the Elemental Plane of Fire? Step up your game to cone of cold. ;) decanter cardboard box of endless kittens?
Miss Kitty wrote: The Mad Comrade wrote: Limeylongears wrote: What if they were goblin kittens from the Elemental Plane of Fire? Step up your game to cone of cold. ;) decanter cardboard box of endless kittens? Oh come on!
I'm pretty sure i saw a couple of those f~!&ers go through twice.
Dare I ask, what prompted the ban on politics? Was it anything in particular?
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The usual, a bit of [Redacted], some [Redacted], and don't get me started on the [redacted] fiasco, I'm pretty sure someone threw a pie.
Then [redacted] came up and s$!* really hit the [redacted].
However, I recently injured my head so who knows if any of that is true.
Or if Batman is coming back with my burrito.
Miss Kitty wrote: The Mad Comrade wrote: Limeylongears wrote: What if they were goblin kittens from the Elemental Plane of Fire? Step up your game to cone of cold. ;) decanter cardboard box of endless kittens? Dawwwwwwwwww. :)
Snowblind wrote: Dare I ask, what prompted the ban on politics? Was it anything in particular? Trump.

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I don't know anything more then what the mods posted, and can only offer my opinion.
This is not about any individual, or even single category. This is about a generally uncivil atmosphere created by the political threads. In many political threads, things would get insulting towards broad groups of people. Sometimes this would be a single poster making racist comments, other times it would be multiple posters making disparaging comments about people who voted for a specific candidate, or belong to a specific party. In short, people were not discussing ideas, they were demonizing entire groups.
This is just my opinion based on what I personally saw on the boards. It is important to remember that the moderators see, (and delete) many posts that most people never see. These are often the worst of the worst. What we generally see on the boards is the 'cleaned up' version of everything that was posted.
If people want more information, it would probably be best to contact the moderators via private message, or email. Speculation and finger pointing are a little too close to what got the politics threads booted in the first place - again - in my opinion.
I guess we'll never know what the CR of a covfefe is without class level.
I saw where someone put up a link to an anti you know who website.
Schrodinger's box of kittens yields undead kittens half the time.
Good way to make significant others leave the gaming table.
I wasn't sure where to leave this particular link for our AWOL kobold, so I guess here's as good as any:
NatGeo: "Tiny Spiders Devour Lizards Three Times Their Size"
Remember, you're usually within 3 foot of a spider (or even closer) at all times. Pleasant dreams. Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
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Y'all realize I'm getting this thread locked if I ever leave, right? If I'm going, I'm tearing it all down with me. Ain't gonna be nothing but ashes left of these ashes when I'm gone. So get your hits in now!
Street meat stall hours are 11 to 5. At night. As always. Don't ask me about your missing pets.
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I really hope none of us leave.
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OK, I don't see Kobold Cleaver, so I'm gonna leave this 20 sec clip of Lucas here. (link possibly NSFKC)
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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Well, managing to get a product discussion page locked (even temporarily) is a new achievement. And KC wasn't even involved! :)
It happens from time to time.
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Feros wrote: Well, managing to get a product discussion page locked (even temporarily) is a new achievement. And KC wasn't even involved! :) It’s rare achievement but not new ;)
I haven't seen it before, so it must be one of those 'few and far between' things.
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It is, I was worried going in based on number of flags it was going to end up permanently locked, but overall I feel like there’s still hope for it.
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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I said it in the thread, now I will say it here:
This is why we can't have nice things.
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Still got it!
*Tosses aside walking stick and does a cocky jig*
Honestly, I issue one minor correction and everything goes down the tubes turns into polite and civil debate on an unrelated topic. Happy Holidays, Sara Marie! Sorry about this.
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*looks at clock: 11:59pm*
this has been a rough day for the forums, I'm thinking
well at least it's over!
*clock doesn't move*
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It's ok, I use my secret birthday powers to absolve you. :)
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Happy birthday! Mine's in a few days. Some lovely anon gave me Spheres of Power for Christmas, a great gift I definitely didn't earn. ;D
I suspect your modesty is creating a blind spot, and you did in fact deserve it. Happy pre-Birthday, and thanks.
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Me at 3:30: Okay KC, time to get some work done. I really need to finish this commission before I end up in the stickybit.
*Lone Paizonian pokes head out of bushes, gets my gander up*
Me at 3:34: Okay KC, time to piss everyone on this site off.
I'm sorry, the old KC can't come to the phone right now.
Why? Oh! Because he's going to bed!
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Happy Birthday Amby!
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Thanks. I've realized now however that today is only Saturday the 23rd, not Sunday the 24th yet, so I jumped the gun a day early. I guess mixing up days (and metaphors) is part of being an old folgey. All secret birthday absolutions will have to be postponed for a day.
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*begins shoving confetti cannons back under the rug*
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Ambrosia Slaad wrote: Thanks. I've realized now however that today is only Saturday the 23rd, not Sunday the 24th yet, so I jumped the gun a day early. I guess mixing up days (and metaphors) is part of being an old folgey. All secret birthday absolutions will have to be postponed for a day. O well. That'll give your Scarlett Johanssen a bit more time to marinade in her tub of mint choc chip ice cream.
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Kobold Cleaver wrote: Happy birthday! Mine's in a few days. Some lovely anon gave me Spheres of Power for Christmas, a great gift I definitely didn't earn. ;D Actually, today is the day I laid that egg. Your birthday is the day you hatched.
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Happy Birthday, Ambrosia!
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(I'm not sure I can post in here--I haven't gotten a thread locked)
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Well, I have. Never intentionally, unless you count our old black magic friend, but still.
Merry christmas, people!*
* Substitute your favourite holiday that happens around now, with a margin of maximum plus or minus four days difference. I can't take responsibility further away than that.
Also, christmas eve is the big day in Sweden.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber