Your Favorite DnD / Pathfinder Jokes

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Shadow Lodge

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Hello all.

I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I thought it may as well be General Discussion. The basic purpose of this thread is to post your favorite Pathfinder or DnD jokes, be they in or out-of character.

My favorites are

"If a rogue stands tries to fight in a party, and no Bard is around to laugh, is he still underpowered?"

GM:I honestly have no idea what is supposed to be here. This AP is very rail-roady and doesn't give any description. You find nothing.
PC:I start heading to town to warn them about the black hole that formed here.
Me:I stop your PC and say "Guys its OK, I've heard of these. They're called "plot holes", and mean that we should ignore this place.

So, what are your favorite jokes about or in PF/DnD?

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the Crane Wing debacle?

8 people marked this as a favorite.

So our Fighter was awoken by an assassin holding a crossbow to his face. Told to stand back and drop his weapon, he seriously contemplated doing so before the wizard shouted "don't worry! Crossbows only do like 1d8!"

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A fighter, rogue, cleric, and wizard walk into a bar.

You would have thought they would have passed their Perception roll.

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I think THIS belongs here.

Dark Archive

This is one of my favourites.

One of the players in my group was trying to map out the part of the world we were adventuring in, and he asked, "So, is this part of the Empire of the Pedal Throne?".

A paladin walks into a bar...
Hang on, is this the one about Mount?
No, it's the Lay on hands one.

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How many Beholders does it take to change a lightbulb?

This is Pathfinder, Beholders are WotC IP.

How many Paladins does it take to change a lightbulb?
Is this another "can I make the Paladin fall" thing?

How many Chaotic Neutral characters does it take to change a lightbulb?
I attack the lightbulb *rolls initiative*

How many Rogues does it take to change a lightbulb?
One. It keeps him out of the way and busy so the rest of the party do the important stuff.

How many Monks does it take to change a lightbulb?
One, but he keeps missing so it may take a few rounds.

How many Halflings does it take to change a lightbulb?
Twice as many.

Not quite pathfinder, but in keeping with the theme...

How many DBZ characters does it take to change a lightbulb?

Just one, but it takes him 6 episodes.

PS: I think this also belongs here.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I used to place "Easter Eggs" in my games

2nd edition: A PC finds a dark, bat winged helm of fear. Command Word: "I'm Batman".

Eberron: No matter where the heroes went, they kept running into the same four goons, originally nameless thugs working for the Emerald Claw (good pay and health benefits). The poor guys always got beat up. They finally proposed working for the party. It was less painful.

Eberron: Pump-action repeating crossbows as martial weapons. (Rule of Cool).

Eberron: Running gag. The party rogue/swashbuckler was first attacked by a plant creature. Thereafter, he ALWAYS got attacked by plant creatures first. Even charging through the party to get to him.

Related gag: The group's warforged got a weird houseplant popular among warforged, from X'endrik. No one noticed it was sentient except the rogue. Because it kept trying to eat him when no one was looking/around. They thought he was nuts.

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I've had a running gag with Goblins in my game, that the PCs just aren't quite sure how to handle yet, and have run the gamut from just smushing the poor goblin to trying to adopt the Goblin as a minion.

Basically during the first fight of the campaign, goblins and orcs laid siege to the town the PCs were in, and were winning at first, but the tide turned against them, with most of the orcs and goblins being killed off. Soon three goblins ran past the front line to run amok in the city, leaving a lone goblin fighting a magus and fighter, both of whom the goblin had hit with a short sword in rounds before. The goblin looked at its compatriots running away, dropped his sword and started to walk away saying "I Quit."

The Magus hesitated, and looked at the fighter, "I....don't know how to react to that."

The dwarven fight looked at the Magus and said "Dwarven Diplomacy." and cleaved the goblin with his axe.

Scarab Sages

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Succubus in a grapple.

"If you're silly enough to grapple a succubus, you deserve to get screwed."

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Oh oh oh... the 'Tom & ses Chums' movie... I love that one too!

It's a classic at our weekly table too :-)

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Sorry, sorry... Couldn't resist...

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I feel like these classics belong here.

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In before ro...dammit, Lemmy!

Mr. Welch's big-ass list of things he can no longer do in an RPG. Not all DnD/Pathfinder, but the majority applies and a lot of them are just funny.

Anytime I try and describe the physical robustness of a creature without using diminutive, fine, tiny, small, medium, large, huge, gargantuan, or colossal. My group snickers when I start to use any of them and stall.

I overuse massive. I admit it.

Silver Crusade

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Mr. Welch's list! An excellent contribution.

"Javelin to the nipple!"

Rogues, javelin traps plus the rogue's nipples. Started with a character several years back at our table, who's trapfinding rogue kept finding javelin traps...with his torso. Which invariably would crit. And the cleric kept rolling absolute minimum to heal him. This happened some 6 or 7 times in a row, even with multiple levels gained and months of playing, every javelin in existence would hit him, and only him, for a crit.

It might be Call of Cthulhu instead of PF, but another favorite is Old Man Henderson.

Hellsing Abridged. 'Nuff said.

My character Caldax Godelyl, Drow 'adventurer' wanted for numerous acts of crimes against sentient beings, property damage, piracy, theft, banditry, unrepentant blasphemy against the most holy church of Asmodeus, murder, attempted murder, gambling, aiding and abetting enemies of the states, arson, and wanted for questioning for numerous other acts that can't quite be connected to him.

All that from level 4 to 6 too! And he was a rogue!

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.

What song do they play when a Pharasman cleric graduates seminary?

Psychopomp and Circumstance

Seth Parsons wrote:
...wanted for numerous acts of crimes against sentient beings, property damage, piracy, theft, banditry, unrepentant blasphemy against the most holy church of Asmodeus, murder, attempted murder, gambling, aiding and abetting enemies of the states, arson, and wanted for questioning for numerous other acts that can't quite be connected to him...

... and jaywalking.

Kazaan wrote:
Seth Parsons wrote:
...wanted for numerous acts of crimes against sentient beings, property damage, piracy, theft, banditry, unrepentant blasphemy against the most holy church of Asmodeus, murder, attempted murder, gambling, aiding and abetting enemies of the states, arson, and wanted for questioning for numerous other acts that can't quite be connected to him...
... and jaywalking.

...and lollygagging.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

A running gag at my gaming table is that only humans understand puns; none of the other races understand the suggestions implied in a pun. Whenever a pun is now made at the table, the players groan, roll their eyes, and say, “Human jokes…”.

Silver Crusade

Venture-Captain Drendel Dreng is the ongoing joke in PFS at least at my local chapter...It is annoying and every time someone mentions him I roll my eyes...

My favorite joke happened recently in the newer season 5 scenario Destiny of the Sands part 1:

In the scenario you are tasked with getting a lot of items for Grandmaster Torch who basically screwed over the pathfinder society and betrayed a lot of people last season. He is a pretty significant information dealer so you have to acquire these items in exchange for information while under strict orders not to kill him. The VC tells you that if you can find away to fulfill his requests but in a way that causes him trouble then all the better. Anyways, I was the GM and my party was fidgeting after they got the no kill order and spent the entire season attempting to screw Torch over as much as possible.
At one point you have to leave the city and get a magical rod and bring it back to him. The city is surrounded by customs inspectors and to avoid a heavy fine for a new item one of the characters stuck it up his anus. Not only did the party get through customs but they told the customs inspector that all of the trade caravans coming in that day were at the behest of Grandmaster Torch and he would be footing the bill for any taxes. Skip ahead a bit and they are delivering the items to Grandmaster Torch, the character with the Rod drops trou, turns around, bends over, and I quote "I let it turtle head out just a little bit and tell him that if he wants it he will have to pull it out". If we hadn't of been right there at the end we would have hit our time limit because the laughter went on for close to 30 minutes.

So the ongoing joke in Part 2 has been pretty much any reference to "turtle head"

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Yo mama's so fat, her Speed is listed as, "Hell no!"
- Roy Greenhilt, Order of the Stick

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

In a Eberron Kingmaker conversion I'm currently playing, we kept defeating groups of bandits, while taking some prisoner and having some other die from the combat. For a while we had a bit of a dark running gag of making the prisoners dig graves while not being entirely clear if they were digging their own graves or not. Every time we just ended up exiling the survivors(and burying the actual dead). Except for one pair, who now run a gravedigging/manual labor business in our capital.

I played in a very long running 3.0 campaign where we stole a joke from Futurama. There is a "what if?" episode involving Stephen Hawking where he keeps referring to sciency things with "I call them Hawking holes" (or whatever noun). We started doing this to the poor DM every session. Someone would spout "I call it a Hawking (noun)" and the DM would get this somewhat crazed look, especially if it was a serious section of the plot. I'm pretty sure we pulled this off weekly for over two years.

In Carrion Crown you can get a [spoiler]Mi-go gun that shoots frost cones[/i] and we ended up calling it the "Whammo Air Blaster."

Most gaming jokes, I've found, are pretty campaign- or table-specific.

Three from mine:

Group found a dead body in the woods. Rogue searched it, found three iron goblets. One of the goblets animated ... leading the rogue player to panic. After it hit him once, he ran away. The goblet took its attack of opportunity, then chased after him.

Even I (as GM) cracked up over this one. In a short digression, we imagined this rogue running across the land, with the goblet in pursuit.

Fortunately, the party paladin saved the rogue from the deadly chalice.

Dinner is Served:

My group encountered a gelatinous cube. The encounter was set up such that it wasn't immediately obvious they were facing a cube. About two rounds in, the paladin was meleeing it, and I described pseudopods that tried to strike at him. The rogue (same player) quaffed an invisibility potion and said he was going to try to get behind it. (A move that would have put it inside the cube). I gave the Universal GM Signal for bad idea: "Are you sure you want to do this?" The rogue player said, "Yes." I said, "Alright, since you're moving directly into its space, I'm going to rule that the engulf attack automatically hits you. Roll Fortitude save." (Failed roll). "You are now paralyzed and being digested." Other player input helpfully: "And invisible!" Me: "Yes, you are invisible. And being slowly eaten."

After combat ended, we continued to have fun with this. Me to paladin: "You gather up some treasure. Also, there is something kind of heavy, but you don't see anything." The paladin, with no Detect Invisible available, made a big show of poking and prodding the rogue in the ears and eyes until the invisibility and paralysis wore off.

Finally -- Early in the campaign, my group's paladin fell to an Owlbear in a random encounter. The paladin was the party face and semi-official leader, so the owlbear really did change the campaign. Since then, owlbears have been a running joke with the group.

More generally, I've always like the 5 RPG archetypes.

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pennywit wrote:

Finally -- Early in the campaign, my group's paladin fell to an Owlbear...

How did the Owlbear cause the Paladin to fall? Did he present him a moral conundrum?

::slaps knee::

Ah, Human Jokes...

BornofHate wrote:
pennywit wrote:

Finally -- Early in the campaign, my group's paladin fell to an Owlbear...

How did the Owlbear cause the Paladin to fall? Did he present him a moral conundrum?

::slaps knee::

*Groan*. Actually, the conundrum involved some claws, a beak, and Improved Grab.

Desidero wrote:
So our Fighter was awoken by an assassin holding a crossbow to his face. Told to stand back and drop his weapon, he seriously contemplated doing so before the wizard shouted "don't worry! Crossbows only do like 1d8!"

Which is exactly why there should be a rule allowing to ready a coup de grace, even though it's a full-round action.

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Your momma's sooooo fat...

...she gets a -8 size category modifier to AC.

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We have simplified grapple

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Your mammas SOOOOO dumb....

She needs to spend her first stat boost on INT just so she can take feats.

Yo mamma so dumb...

She gets negative skill points and has to distribute penalties to her skills instead of bonuses.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

this applies to 3e/3.5/pf.

GM: Knoc Knoc

Player Who´s there?

GM: You at heaven´s door.

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Yo mamma so fat....

Rovagug said "damn girl! How much you eat?"

Knock, knock!

Crystal: Who's there?


Crystal: Roland Who?
(door opens)
Haley Starshine: "Roland Itiative, and his four friends: Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack, and Sneak Attack!"

Order of the Stick

Dragoncat wrote:
Kazaan wrote:
Seth Parsons wrote:
...wanted for numerous acts of crimes against sentient beings, property damage, piracy, theft, banditry, unrepentant blasphemy against the most holy church of Asmodeus, murder, attempted murder, gambling, aiding and abetting enemies of the states, arson, and wanted for questioning for numerous other acts that can't quite be connected to him...
... and jaywalking.
...and lollygagging.

How could I forget those? And my stealing candy from babies (though they turned out to halflings <.< )

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Seth Parsons wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:
Kazaan wrote:
Seth Parsons wrote:
...wanted for numerous acts of crimes against sentient beings, property damage, piracy, theft, banditry, unrepentant blasphemy against the most holy church of Asmodeus, murder, attempted murder, gambling, aiding and abetting enemies of the states, arson, and wanted for questioning for numerous other acts that can't quite be connected to him...
... and jaywalking.
...and lollygagging.
How could I forget those? And my stealing candy from babies (though they turned out to halflings <.< )

Aww, did someone steal your sweetroll?

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Taken from Big Bang Theory:

Dungeons & Dragons

(cue 3 minutes of canned laughter)


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Long ago my players for whatever godawful reason attempted to have a high level cleric cast a heal spell on their newest member who was at deaths door...

In first edition the heal spell heals you fully for all except 1d4 hit points...

The newest member was a first level mage with but 2 lone hit points...

I even suggested a cure light wounds spell as it would be cheaper and since the little mageling was only at 0 hitpoints...more practical.

Cue really drunk players...never game and drink by the way..."We want only the best for our little mage!!!"

MMMkay...I roll a d4...get a...4!

Look at the player..."You're now at NEGATIVE 2!

"Did that cleric just KILL ME?"..."With A Heal Spell?!?"

Everyone was lost in laughs and giggles for 5 minutes.

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Love makes the world go round. And has been known to provide a +2 circumstance bonus to certain skill checks.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

GM/Pirate Captain: Men, tonight we shall stuff our hulls with extravagant meat!

Naturally, everyone in the group heard "holes" not "hulls." It was DAYS before we could resume gaming.


GM: Even though the Mournland has been cursed for years, plagued with monstrosity and death, you manage to find a hidden pantry full of fresh food, maintained by some unknown magic.

New Player: It's because of all the preservatives!


Players: I think we should call it. You're too drunk to proceed.

GM: Imma not too dunk. *attempts to stand up* *collapses*

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Donjon's Treasure Generator is really addictive. And funny. I was playing around with it the other day, and it generated a treasure hoard that included 5 longships and a canopy bed. Not funny? Imagine your favorite party of adventurers trying to carry that home.

Liberty's Edge

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So a friend of mine was running a game were he had decided to add random encounters with a ninja goblin. We had just recruited one of the players room mates to join the game. Ironically each session he was the character randomly selected (By a dice roll, the DM even swapped the numbers around). Each time he found the goblin ninja it would yell something Japanese and shoot him with a poisoned dart,putting him to sleep. The goblin would then proceed to pull his pants down and vanish. So the rest of the party would randomly find the new guy asleep and drooling with his bare butt in the air. So in the fifth session the room mate comes across the goblin and IRL groans and simply asks the DM "Can i keep my pants on this time?" we all break out laughing as we see the pain in his face for his characters embarrassment.

Kazaan wrote:
Seth Parsons wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:
Kazaan wrote:
Seth Parsons wrote:
...wanted for numerous acts of crimes against sentient beings, property damage, piracy, theft, banditry, unrepentant blasphemy against the most holy church of Asmodeus, murder, attempted murder, gambling, aiding and abetting enemies of the states, arson, and wanted for questioning for numerous other acts that can't quite be connected to him...
... and jaywalking.
...and lollygagging.
How could I forget those? And my stealing candy from babies (though they turned out to halflings <.< )
Aww, did someone steal your sweetroll?

I used to steal sweetrolls like you .....

Liberty's Edge

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The GM had an assassin-cat try to kill my character. The little critter was coup de gracing me every round, then sending me back to sleep with its magical purring.

My PC finally makes his save and wakes up. There is nobody around but this little cat. I take my bow and shoot at the cat.

- GM : This is pure metagaming.

- Me : Come on. I just woke up because something tried to kill me and all I see is this strange cat that was not there before.

- GM : It's only a cat. Why would your character shoot such a cute little cat ?

- Me to the rest of the group : Guys, you know my character, right ? When Sir Felix walks on the street and sees a cute little cat, what does he do ?

- Rest of the group : He kicks it.

- Me to the GM : See ?

- GM : Ok. Shoot.

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