Once, my players asked a group of very small fey to transfer an enchantment from, a "boring and ugly" cloak of protection, to an elven gold torc with an amber clasp. After a pizza runs worth of inspiration...no DM can resist PIZZA! I announced their price. A riddle, a song, a dance, a story, and a snack that they had not had yet. As I sat waiting expectantly, my players realized they were...on stage so to speak. Hilarity ensued!
*engage rant mode* I know it's role playing...but to do selfish evil acts and then go "It's just my character...I'm doing what my character would!... Come on dude! YOU ARE YOUR CHARACTER!...don't try to wipe out your DM's and other players game time...kill of random people in the game and laugh saying..."but my character is evil!1!11!!! he just wants POWER!!11!!1!..." Play Morrowind...there you can kill anyone you want without killing off your DM's hard work and the other players game time...I hear ESO has some PVP zones. I ban players from my table for this kind of CN...I'm sorry NE...kind of "look at me fellas...aint I cool" kind of disruption. *exit rant mode* sorry bout that...God do I feel better!
Every time I get to the Paizo home page I see the lovely graphics for half a second, but then get bumped to a white loading screen....for ever... I end up having to go to other websites and try to get to Paizo from there...success! Half a second later...Hello white screen! Clicking refresh just stops the loading and leaves me with the lovely white screen. I now have to do all the above steps repeatedly for about 5 minutes before I am able to get to Paizo. This does not happen to any other websites...just Paizo. Whats happening? It's been this way for 6 months with it getting worse each week...to now each day.
I went way back to 1st edition...hardened gamers cut and ran from the iron golem that was only harmed by +3 weapons...they got it in the end, but their initial panic was very heart warming. They were indeed safe from most 1st ed. critters with +2 weapons as they will hurt quite alot of my rank and file beasties...but not all of them... Bwa! Ha! Ha!
I did the switch myself last session...the group went off to save the old cliche...virgin from dragon... Rescued an hog tied male wood elf sorcerer...the looks of "what the hay??" made it all worthwhile. The group's female mage was particularly effective in both her spells and roleplay...on a whim I had the captive related to nobility. Yup, she rescued the handsome prince!
When Unearthed Arcana first came out for 1st. every one promptly rolled up a drow female...And each one was for what was just described...quite correctly...as "Cheese Lording". I too, promptly acted...dropped all drow "special abilities" up too and including the 15" movement rate for females... And what do you know...all the drow were rerolled as normal pc's...well as normal as gamers get! 3 out of 5 gamers all had some version of Drizzt...some special snowflake huh?
My players have long realized that by house rule, I foolishly allowed haste/slows to stack...even with the hastes needing a system shock roll for each haste spell and multiple years aged [as my players are pretty much elf/dwarf meaning the age penalties did not faze them...system shock and a dwarf's con meant an easy roll. I favor a style of if you do it...I do it too! So after they stacked 3 slows on a choke point of enemy knights and I ended up with ground round by my turn...they were hit by 2 stacked slows and a double hasted group of 6 berserkers later down the road so to speak... It worked to cut back on the abuse of haste/slow spells...They keep it for endgame scenarios, or if it's a use it or die...and I have a moderately well behaved group of gamers.
My gamers asked me to let them run their high levels against Razmir... I agreed and told them to bring their A+ game. It was another epic fight with heroes dropping like flies and Razmir's minions doing likewise. But in the end they won...took his ivory mask as a trophy even. Resurrected their fallen and relaxed...then the now endless atacks of Razmir fanatics...plus Razmir still seemed to be there, alive and well. Silly heroes, death is not a career ending event for an archmage...and an ivory mask plus a few spells means you may not have even killed the right one...or could tell the difference. Perhaps, as UnArcaneElection stated, maybe he died long ago...who did they fight, anyway?
I had a player build a wooden liner for his portable hole, complete with dividers, bins, and all sorts of organizers. He stated that if he really needed something, he didn't want to waste time digging for it. Another player kept his wizard's library in his, complete with a comfy reading chair and snacks.
Ever since adventure path number one I have never used/downloaded any of the free pdf's. Gods Above, I must have well over a hundred of the little things...somewhere...in the dark depths of the internet...being ignored...crying out endless tears...forever never downloaded... Old School to the core...PAPER FIRST...LAST...ALWAYS!!!!!
About AlliaI DM, I have played some but mostly, I like exclusively DMing, because I never found a campaign that I found completely satisfying other than my own, even when it's a module, there I always wind up feeling that the DM/GM could have done so much more to bring out the characters and the story. I'm equally as hard on myself when I DM as well thus my standards are high, and I judge every campaign by those standards. |