If you would could chose to be 1 level any thing in real life what would it be and why?

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So bestially the title and if you could get 1 magic item what would it be and why?

I would be a Sorcerer think becose of the spontaneous casting or my be a druid becose they get spells on there list.

and the item would be ring of sustenance. All the times you are thinking that you would need a couple more hours to study.

Ring of sustenance definitly. I would go wizard; all the "find your class" quizes I take point me in that direction. My stats fit anyway. I'd probably take conjuration (teleportation), just for the heck of teleporting. And when I'd get myself high enough in level, I would make myself a demiplane fortress with my magic.

Edit: I might also prestige into loremaster, I'm an engineer so crafting magical items would be right up my alley.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Core? Bard or Sorcerer.

Expanded? Vanguard for the force blast. :-)

For me I'll live without the ring, but give me boots of teleportation. With my family scattered across the country, being able to instantly travel to a sick family member would be a G_dsend.

Wizard or cleric. Probably cleric. Magic items are too tricky, are we talking something reasonable for a level 1 character to have, or any item in the book?

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Level 1 dragon. Because all I need to do to level up is.. wait.

Bard, for their spell list.

Druid. Becuse:
My cat Kamrat would make a kickass kompanion.
Healing people.
Entangle is cool.
As is summon monster.

For the item, yeah the ring. Basiclly my lifetime increases by 1/3.

You did say "anything" at Level One, so I'll pick Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Unlimited.

Elan Psion (Nomad) with the Automatic Talents option.

- Ring of Sustenance becomes a psionic racial trait
- extremely long-lived (1,000 years)
- psionic powers from the Psion/Wilder list

Magic Item: Boots of Teleportation for the obvious reasons

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Obligatory Commoner joke here.

Anything? Right. I'll just be a paragon leShay bard 1.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

jhpace1 wrote:

You did say "anything" at Level One, so I'll pick Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Unlimited.

Elan Psion (Nomad) with the Automatic Talents option.

- Ring of Sustenance becomes a psionic racial trait
- extremely long-lived (1,000 years)
- psionic powers from the Psion/Wilder list

Magic Item: Boots of Teleportation for the obvious reasons

First hundred years would be the hardest.

One level of some casting class that has access to both prestidigitation and some cure spell. Prestidigitation would make most daily life so fun it would be sick. And being able to heal people when I or they are hurt would be great.

And an item of permanent unseen servant is what I would want. Do all that annoying house cleaning and cooking so I can spend more time goofing off.

Pearl of power

Gilfalas wrote:

And an item of permanent unseen servant is what I would want. Do all that annoying house cleaning and cooking so I can spend more time goofing off.

You could replicate this with some money, while giving people jobs (yay for those). I mean it'd be nice, but don't you want something otherwise unobtainable?

Liberty's Edge

Wizard with Guidance. Enchanter Specialty with high diplomacy. I'd get a Luck Blade for wishes.

I assumed the "one magic item" was intended to be of the sort a first level character might actually have some shot at obtaining.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


Matthew Morris wrote:
jhpace1 wrote:

Elan Psion (Nomad) with the Automatic Talents option.

- Ring of Sustenance becomes a psionic racial trait
- extremely long-lived (1,000 years)

First hundred years would be the hardest.

You speak as a man of experience, sir. :)

Summoner for sure.

ANY magic item? Or a low lvl magic item?

ANY: well , ofc something that grant wishes lols.

Low lvl: ring of sustenance.

Shadow Lodge

tetori monk...

wait i already am /flex

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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jhpace1 wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
jhpace1 wrote:

Elan Psion (Nomad) with the Automatic Talents option.

- Ring of Sustenance becomes a psionic racial trait
- extremely long-lived (1,000 years)

First hundred years would be the hardest.
You speak as a man of experience, sir. :)

I've ran enough immortals to give it a lot of thought. You'd see everyone you know die around you, friends, family, their kids... After a hundred years pretty much everyone who knew you would be gone, and you'd be a bit more isolated/used to it.

I played an immortal character 1K+ years old once. Realized as I developed his personality, that he looked on spending the rest of her life with a normal woman as a 'short term engagement' He'd love, truly passionately, deeply, but when she was gone he'd morn and move on. For her it would be the rest of her life. For him? A weekend.

Elans are cool with the 3.x fluff. Played in a party with a young copper dragon PC. She was always going on about how she was so superior to the humans in the party. Finally I said, "You are what you are, by an accident of birth. By two creatures rutting and dropping you in a nest. I have been rebuilt from humbler origins into what I am now. Because of who I am. You are a lucky coincidence. I am truly a self made man."

(And that last line is why David Xanatos is awesome.)

Dark Archive

Summonwr, have someone else do the work for me.
Boots of haste so when things get down to crunch time, I could go double time, or triple with a summon.

I'd be a Wizard, because I love to try all sorts of reality-warping tricks. for my item, I'd get a Ring of Sustenance. It's simply the best choice for everyday life.

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For class? 1st level bard from 1st. edition D&D. Picked because that class requires one to be a 5th level Fighter and 5th level Thief. Alternatively, a 1st level Mystic Theurge will give me access to third level wizard and cleric spells per the prerequisites- having Cure Disease will be vital in my plan to gain immense power and wealth.

As for the magic item, that's's simple: a 1st. edition D&D Ring of Three Wishes, as that doesn't have the limitations that later rings do. Admittedly it's extremely risky, and it'll have to have the wording of the legalese involved in the wishes gone over by several contact lawyers and science fiction writers I know. It's a major start up expense, but it will be worth it.

As for the wishes, the legalese will boil down to three commands:

Teleport anyone else subject to this offer naked into intergalactic space. Eliminate any competition or potential heroes before they become a problem.

Second wish, wealth. This can go a number of ways; even the weak Third Edition Rings can produce 15 million dollars worth of wealth, and a properly worded 1st. edition Wish could give me free-and-clear control over an industry.

Third, something useful, like a permanent transformation into an AD&D lich, including all powers and all spells. 18th level magic-user abibylities and immortality should give me the resources to reshape the world as I please.

As for the rest of you, there is no need to worry. I shall be a wise and tolerant monarch, dispensing justice fairly and only setting nightmares to rip out the minds of the evil and wicked. Or anybody I don't like.

Gotta be bard or wizard, I think, and although wizard characters are my favorite to play, I'm thinking that given the life I lead and the things I actually care about, Bard would suit me better. Great cantrips I could use all the time, unseen servant, charm person, comprehend languages, clw (just think what you'd save on bandaids!), silent image, a fabulous skill list, and all-around knowledge bonuses, and probably good social skills! I don't think I'm going to need a wizard's offensive spells too often in my real life. Yep, bard.
And for a magic item, man how I'd love a handy haversack. But a hat of disguise would be nice to have around too!

I would choose cleric, mostly because of the healing spells and channeling

alternately: witch (brew potions + healing + free feather fall and underwater breathing) (I do like me some Extra Hex)

item: probably a crystal ball
or boots of teleportation
or an adamantine golem :D
or amulet of adaptation (free space suit)

Probably a Bard

0-level Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Mending
1st-level Abundant Ammunition, Cure Light Wounds

Magical Item - Ring of Telekinesis

Think about how much fun you could have with that guy in the modern world. If you were in the army, cast Abundant Ammunition on the clip in your gun, shoot like an action hero!

Cure Light Wounds could save the lives of many people.

The 0-level spells could have so much utility use, both in a fight and in normal life. Plus, as a Bard, after you retire from fighting, you can go on to be an amazing actor/singer/performer.

With a Ring of Telekinesis, you can levitate yourself, levitate others, throw crap around when you're angry, knock people over if they annoy you, lift up the skirts of pretty girls as they walk by and pull their panties down...

Yeah, definitely Ring of Telekinesis, so much you can do with at-will Telekinesis.

Seriously, your life is made.

I'd be a paladin cause that way if you f with me you be f'ing with GOD

Illusionist Wizard (cause eventual lich rocks, and invisibility > rogue)

Attainable Magic Item: Ring of Sustenance (just because it's like the best utility low end item ever)

Dream Magic Item: Ring of Wishes (I mean, cmon, unless you're going after Artifacts, probably the most useful of the crazy items out there.)

Of course, if I was worried about it's ability to handle everyday "Modern" life, I'd probably go Cleric. Healing magic and resurrection are too good to pass up. You'd be exceptionally wealthy and loved by millions.


If I could choose to be a "1 level anything" in real life...

I'd probably be a medium sized human-looking Solar who had their "maximum" racial hit dice (66 in 3.5, which meant they were 64th level divine casters), who had "rolled" all 18s in ability scores and the advanced rebuild template and the Arcane Adept, Divinity, Doomwatcher, Dragon Touched, Fey Spirit, Graced from the Outside (all of the domains and spells), Gravetouched, Lifemate (my wife), Past Life (all of the classes), Poisonlaced, Prodigy (all ability scores), Prophet, Stormtouched, and Unearthly Beauty Unique Abilities from the 3.5 DMG 2, the 3.0 epic Paragon template (granting a +28 or +29 to all their listed stats), 21 divine ranks (so I don't need worship; this also effectively forces my stats to be even higher), and 10 mythic ranks (in Heirophant, if nothing else) as well as all of the generic Mythic templates, and maybe a few other templates besides (I'd have to go shopping).

Anyway, my "1 level" would be one of:
arclord of Nex, Magaambyan Arcanist (especially useful as it ensures I'm good), or Daivrat, OR Divine Scion.

Totally have access to Epic Spellcasting either way. And simulacra of myself. Loooooooooooots of simulacra of myself. Hee-hee-hee.

The first three would, of course, be to "force" myself to have arcane spellcasting. While I have wish once per day, I don't have third level arcane spells (at least I don't think I do - I'd have to check to be sure).

The last is the most awesome because it forces me to have the same alignment as my God, which, you know, is pretty much the absolute goal of any religious devotee. Even though, technically, it's the "lesser powered" option.

I was originally going to say Genie Binder, but then I realized that my divine caster levels would grant me access to Planar Ally, so I couldn't "force" myself to have lower levels of arcane spellcasting.

Of course, if I just get one level and nothing else (no prerequisites) it could be useless... in which case, I'd choose the Divine Scion.

My magic item wouldn't matter too much... maybe the Moaning Diamond or the Cloud Castle of the Storm King... or maybe a ridiculously potent super-sentient artifact-like ring who's special purpose is to enact my Will while keeping me Good, and that has a whole host of spell-likes to be able to do that.

If I had to choose something more prosaic...

... probably an Elan Psion (presuming I can gain levels).

If it had to be totally official Paizo stuff, it'd probably be an Aasimar (with the longer lifespan) or Half-Elf, and an Arcane Class with Prestidigitation, Cleric or a Paladin.

And a Ring of Sustenance.

Beopere wrote:
Gilfalas wrote:

And an item of permanent unseen servant is what I would want. Do all that annoying house cleaning and cooking so I can spend more time goofing off.
You could replicate this with some money, while giving people jobs (yay for those). I mean it'd be nice, but don't you want something otherwise unobtainable?

Yeah if I was rich I would do that. But they didn't ask what I would do if I was rich and could afford servants. They asked what I would take one level of and what one magic item I would ask for.

I have no need for world traveling teleportation at this point in my life or some sort of super dangerous weapon.

Having my daily drudgery taken care of for me without having to bother anyone is ideal to me. And the money I save not paying some servants I can spend on friends, retirement funds, etc.

Besides, super poewrful stuff means super powerful headaches when others find out. I would much prefer the super useful, no danger items thank you.

Level 1 Inquisitor

Magic item: bag of holding or handy haversack

Kitsune(M) or Dhampir(M) magus with a Intelligent Ring of sustenance if that is allowed. It is nice to always have someone to talk to lol.

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Alchemist. I would get cure spells, buff spells, and make a killing on the pseudoscience circuit selling potions, which very effective, but nobody can replicate them w/o magic. I would grab the Precise Treatment trait (INT for heal) and Student of Philosophy (INT for diplomacy to persuade and bluff to lie). I would also take the Headband Of Ponderous Recollection. I would take the Cosmopolitan feat and add perform(oratory) and bluff to my class skills. Put some ranks into those, and I could run some pseudoscience group or show.

I would choose a level 1 arcane duelist bard.

I would take cure light wounds and vanish at level 1.

My cantrips would be prestidigitation for cleaning and general purposefulness, sift to see things without opening them, mage hand to manipulate small items telekinetically, and mending to fix stuff for free.

I am already proficient with modern weaponry and martial arts, so now the magical bonus will just make me even more awesome at that.

The bardic performance would make life extra awesome, and i'd channel it through dancing.

With vanish I could escape bad situations, make melee fighting viable, and infiltrate anywhere I wanted.

Cure light wounds would be my way to make the world a better place and vastly increase my wealth in an honest fashion.

As for the item, I think I would have to go with slippers of spider climbing if we are talking about the lower end spectrum of things that can be attained.

I would be a ninja. A very sexy ninja...

Sorcerer. Know Charm Person and/or get an item of Hold Monster. Even once per day, guaranteed job.

toascend wrote:

I would choose a level 1 arcane duelist bard.

I would take cure light wounds and vanish at level 1.

My cantrips would be prestidigitation for cleaning and general purposefulness, sift to see things without opening them, mage hand to manipulate small items telekinetically, and mending to fix stuff for free.

I am already proficient with modern weaponry and martial arts, so now the magical bonus will just make me even more awesome at that.

The bardic performance would make life extra awesome, and i'd channel it through dancing.

With vanish I could escape bad situations, make melee fighting viable, and infiltrate anywhere I wanted.

Cure light wounds would be my way to make the world a better place and vastly increase my wealth in an honest fashion.

As for the item, I think I would have to go with slippers of spider climbing if we are talking about the lower end spectrum of things that can be attained.

I would be a ninja. A very sexy ninja...

Vanish is 1 rd/level, so a level 1 Bard can vanish for 1 round, or six seconds. A level 1 Bard can have a maximum of 2 spells per day that he can cast, so that would mean you can vanish for up to 12 seconds each day, and then you're out of 1st-level spells.

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Definitely Elf Hexcrafter Magus.

Wpn prof.
Prepped Caster (with access to infernal healing!)
The ability to make ANY weapon magic in my hands.
Strong in the two most important saves.

At 1st level there are so many insta-win spells.

Id be a summoner as I could always have someone to watch my back.

Vanish is 1 rd/level, so a level 1 Bard can vanish for 1 round, or six seconds. A level 1 Bard can have a maximum of 2 spells per day that he can cast, so that would mean you can vanish for up to 12 seconds each day, and then you're out of 1st-level spells.

If my charisma isn't high enough for a bonus spell, which it totally is!

Besides, well-placed 12 seconds of invisibility is enough. The money or items that can be grifted, the trouble caused, that blind corner turned and then gone, it's more than enough to augment a tactically-minded infiltrator or combatant.

There's no 1 level of anything that will provide tremendous endurance, and any endeavor you'd hope to undertake should be augmented by real-world skillful application. But having served as a soldier and spent time hunting among other things, I could see so much benefit out of those short term edges.

Bard or Sorcerer, and it's not even close. Two words: Charm Person.

Bards can cast one first level spell per day. If you have a high Charisma, you can cast two spells per day.

I think I'll actually be different and pick Cleric. There was a discussion in the thread about commoners with 0 level spells about Create Water and Purify Food and Drink- with just two orisons, I could sustain myself for free. Never needing to pay for food or water, I'd never need to work again and I could focus my life on experiencing the world (I guess I'd have the travel domain).

For the magic item I'd pick the Hat of Disguise. No one in the real world is going to have sufficient ranks to see through +10 to disguise. I could appear to be anybody I want, which would make crossing borders a piece of cake.

So that's me- the Meandering Man of Many Masks, faithful devotee of George Harrison.

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Barbarian, because when i get angry i want s%@& to get real.

3rd party wise,avenger from the tome of twisted things. For pretty much the same reasons.

My item...everfull mug

Sorcerer. There are few things more valuable in daily life than prestidigitation.

Nae book nae patron nae spell component pouch! We won't be fooled again!

I would like Racial Heritage: Gnome and Effortless Trickery as my two feats for being human so I can stretch out silent image while doing other things.

And for my item a +5 Tome of Leadership and Influence, because I'm not sure I naturally have the charisma to be a sorcerer.

It's either Sorcerer or Summoner for me.

Hopefully the reason why is obvious to most of you.

I originally posted this in the identical thread - but, like poor old Tom Riker it was deemed to be a duplicate so I'm reposting here.

Bard would be my choice, for the social ability and magic (including a cure).

The thread inspired me to create a level 1 character adapted for the 21st century - I think this smart, charismatic fellow would do well at life.

Level 1 Human Bard
Favoured class: Bard

STR: 10
DEX: 10
CON: 10
INT: 13
WIS: 10
CHA: 20

Profession (Musician): 1 (+4)
Perform (Act): 1 (+9)
Perform (Dance): 1 (+9)
Perform (Sing): 1 (+9)
Perform (String): 1 (+9)
Perform (Oratory): 1 (+10)
Perform (Comedy): 1 (+9)
Swim: 1 (+1)
Perception: 1 (+4)

Extra Performance
Voice of the Sibyl

Ghost Sound
Dancing Lights
Cure Light Wounds
Silent Image

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Well if you're going to go to other editions/non-pathfinder. I'll take my first level of immortal from the BECMI rules, please. :-)

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First level anything you say? Well, then 1st level in one of the epiec prestige classes from Forgotten Realms (elven high mage or netherese arcanist).

Sorcerer or Oracle..

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