Best Choices for Amulet of Mighty Fists Enchantments


I'm currently playing a wild shaping druid and was wondering what are some of the PFS players favorite enchantments to put on their Amulet of Might Fists? Remember that they need not be +1 enchanted to grant a melee weapon special ability.

So give me your opinion at each of the following slots:

+1 (4000 gp):
+2 (16000 gp):
+3 (36000 gp):
+4 (64000 gp):
and +5 (100000 gp):

And thanks for your input!

Liberty's Edge

Flaming Burst

"We are fwaming dwagon! WATA!"

Grand Lodge

+1 = Agile
+2 = Holy
+3 = Agile & Holy

Liberty's Edge

+1 Planar
+2 +1
+3+ will be Brilliant (literally and mechanically)

Holy every time. Take eldritch claws feat for the magic bit.

stuart haffenden wrote:
Holy every time. Take eldritch claws feat for the magic bit.

Agile and then straight plusses.


+1: Agile, or even better (but not available in PFS)...Guided
+2: Holy

I really wouldn't bother with anything else. Normal enhancement bonuses nor other properties. The amulet's so wildly expensive. Buy other stuff instead.


also if peeps want to give suggestions for ones they would pick for an unarmed strike melee combatant rather than a wildshaped druid

well then that would just make me as pleased as punch

Sovereign Court

I like Corrosive or one of the other elemental attributes for a +1. When you've got 4+ attacks, making each one deal 1d6 extra damage really adds up. Holy at +2 is probably the right choice in most campaigns. +3 could be Speed, but you're probably better off with a combination of other abilities. +4 has gotta be brilliant energy - never miss an attack again!


Surtyr wrote:

I'm currently playing a wild shaping druid and was wondering what are some of the PFS players favorite enchantments to put on their Amulet of Might Fists? Remember that they need not be +1 enchanted to grant a melee weapon special ability.

So give me your opinion at each of the following slots:

+1 (4000 gp):
+2 (16000 gp):
+3 (36000 gp):
+4 (64000 gp):
and +5 (100000 gp):

And thanks for your input!

As a Monk/Druid, I choose(eventually when i get the time and gold) to create an AoMF with Guided and an otherwise +4 enhancement. The higher my attack rate, the better I feel - Regardless of good or bad damage. I like to control the field, and if I can't hit anything, it plays out rather poorly.

+1 (+1)
+2 (Don't bother)
+3 (+3)
+4 (+4)
+5 (+5)

This allows you to overcome DR, which is the biggest issue you'll have as a wildshaping druid.

My PFS druid is currently rocking a +3 AoMF and I feel pretty fantastic when I tell the GM I overcome Cold Iron/Silver. I'd love to overcome good, but high level things often have DR Something AND good, which makes at least overcoming things that have cold iron or silver make me feel better.


Vicious! (You can heal yourself as necessary.)

Do you tend to go with 4 small attacks on a pounce or one whopping bite/tail slam?

If you go with the bite magic fanging yourself is a cheap way to get magic dr and a nice +to hit. Its doable with 4 attacks, but a lot harder.

The amulet of mighty fists +3 goes through dr cold iron and silver, which i've found very handy a few times on my raptor.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I actually like an Agile Furyborn amulet for +3 cost (36000). Lets you get up to +5 and defeat DR by focusing on one target and unleashing a lot of attacks.

Helps to have someway to have one attack be magical to get in that first hit but once you get the sequence going on a target you can be rocking +5 to hit and damage in a round or two.

Grand Lodge

Ghost Touch.

Grand Lodge

I got a +one furryus amulet. It lets me get even madder when I'm mad! So I hit people really hard even harder!

Liberty's Edge

I've been considering a Menacing amulet for my eidolon. He doesn't have too many problems hitting or doing damage on his own, but he has a huge threatened area so menacing could really help out the rest of the party.

Great Advice everyone. Thanks for your granting me your experience.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

As I also use Cornugon Smash, I'm fond of the cruel amulet, myself.

Four years of rest.

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That which is not living cannot truly die,
something something something, more advice here guy.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

That's really weird, for some reason it was linked on the box on the store page, that should only show the most recently updated threads, so I assumed it was recent and didn't think to look at the dates.

Oh, well, I guess I'll have to get a nice shovel and embrace my grave digger identity.

HammerJack wrote:

That's really weird, for some reason it was linked on the box on the store page, that should only show the most recently updated threads, so I assumed it was recent and didn't think to look at the dates.

Oh, well, I guess I'll have to get a nice shovel and embrace my grave digger identity.

It's possible that someone posted in the thread then erased their post. The thread would have been treated as a recent update even though that post no longer existed.

Shadow Lodge

Furious (or Agile if not an unchained rogue3)

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
HammerJack wrote:

That's really weird, for some reason it was linked on the box on the store page, that should only show the most recently updated threads, so I assumed it was recent and didn't think to look at the dates.

Oh, well, I guess I'll have to get a nice shovel and embrace my grave digger identity.

It's possible that someone posted in the thread then erased their post. The thread would have been treated as a recent update even though that post no longer existed.

You mean, like, a secret Necromancer?

It could be any of us... No one can leave until we find the culprit! Call the Investigators.

Also, Sapping is a new favorite of mine for non-lethal builds. I'm going to pick it up on probably two characters. Doesn't much help a shapechanging Druid or a Beast Totem Barbarian, but for an Enforcer build Brawler and a grappler, it's nice.

Sir Thugsalot wrote:


Main reason why Barb or Bloodrager is soo crazy good for Natural Weapons or unarmed strikes.

Getting to that precious +3 costs only 16k!

Bane is the best enchantment for AoMF. You can have 4 bane amulets for the price of single +2 amulet.
Also, don't bother with flat +X enchantments, you can always have that in form of Greater Magic Fang.

My favorite are anchoring aomf, great for a Druid who uses multiple natural attacks. One of your attacks may be holding them in place but your others can maul your now stuck opponent. It's basically a free grab ability without the CMB checks

One of my favorite items is my Holy Guided Bane Outsider (Evil) - along with a permanent GMF - great for my monk who has maxed up wisdom and tanked strength. I realize PFS doesn't include Guided, but none of my groups are Society. The Holy lets me get past the DR/Good which is one of the few things that Ki Strike does not include.

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