So when monks gets his first Ki Spell he decides to what tradition he belongs - either occult or divine.
On other hand, Sorcerer does the same at lvl 1. Can you detect which tradition he belongs to if you only uses multi-traditional spells?
So if someone casts a spell before your party and noone has this exact spell memorized they don't immediately know which spell is cast.
Example: Some NPC Bard uses Charm. Party wizard makes Recall Knowledge action to recognize it. Which skill should GM use?
Balkoth wrote:
You forgot about Ability Score increase. Normal NPCs have elite array for abilities, which corresponds PB15. Generally, PCs have higher abilities - 20 or 25. (20 being the norm)So, unless you are playing PB15 or lover compaign, your PCs should have another +1 CR bump for exceptional ability scores.
Balkoth wrote:
Nope. If you totally clone your player characters than it would be at least APL+5 encounter, because PC Wealth is CR+1 modifier, and PC-level abillity array is also at least CR+1 modifier.
Garbage-Tier Waifu wrote:
To be honest, my BlockBuster Wizard once almost one-shotted a boss. spoiler to RotRL:
it was when fire dragon/giants attacked sandpoint.
I made my Knowledge check so I knew that dragon was vulnerable to cold. It was cold-admixtured intensified empowered specialised fireball. He failed the save and I was awarded with "F@#$ You!" praise from my DM when I rolled the damage. Dragon survived that blast and tried to escape, but died round or two later due to lingering Icy Prison damage. But, honestly, the most deadly tools of that wizard were Icy Prison and Mydriatic Spontaneity.
Balkoth wrote:
First, IGMS and FA deal the maximum possible single target spell damage in the game. Even more than Epic Hellball (which is, actually, a joke spell, if you ask me). Yes, IGMS is split when there is more than 1 target, but you simply don't use is against the horde, you use it when everything else is already dead. Killed by your Firebrand.Sure you can nerf it in you custom campaign (actually, can you? I remember spells being somewhat hardcoded inn NWN). But doesn't make it less broken. Being able to fix things doesn't make them good (i.e. "balanced"). Second, Firebrand is not a Chain Lightning. Chain Lightning is a level higher and deals only half it's initial damage as AoE. Firebrand deals full. Also, Firebrand will not kill Deekin, as Fireball and Cone of Cold would. It also totally will not kill you when enemy horde swarms you.
Third, there is no Intensify Metamagic in NWN. Your point is invalid. Fourth, when you talked about NWN, you were referencing lvl 40 characters. But now you suddenly switched to low levels (15 and below). Why so?
To be honest, NWN is not even close to be representative of dnd rules. Not even 3rd edition it is based on.
Claxon wrote:
This is the part of Grab (Ex) description: A successful hold does not deal any extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as well (the amount is given in the creature’s descriptive text).This means that Grab doesn't deal damage immediately, but it will deal damage each time you succeed a grapple check after you have established hold and it stacks with constrict. Djelai wrote:
I feel lazy today, so I just answer your questions without proof quotes. 1. It does not. Rules state that you have X attempts to maintain grapple and you must succeed only one of them.2. You do not get a retry, you simply have more "grapple attempts" just by the fact that you have necessary feat. 3. No, you don't. But you really don't have other options once you start grappling - you can't move unless you do so as maintain grapple option, you cannot attack, unless you release your opponent first. Really, you only choice is either grapple the foe to the maximum of your ability, or release him and do something else. 4. You do need to succeed maintain grapple as a move first.
How tetori does damage: at level 8 you get Grab.
So, unless your target is immune to criticals or nonlethal damage your course of action is the following:
Second and subsequent rounds:
It is debatable, but I believe you can also use Power Attack when you grapple to boost your damage. Damage estimation:
Derrick Winters wrote: Blightburn paste costs 5.000gp, not 4.000gp; is labeled as "alchemical tool" and -as far as I can comprehend from its text- definitely not an *consumable alchemical item*, which is required for Full pouch. There is no such category as "Consumable alchemical item". Every alchemical item that is of single use is labelled as something else: - alchemicst's fire is alchemical weapon- hound's blood is alchemical tool ...and so on. So either this spell is of very limited usability (like, it can't even dupe alchemist's fires), or Blightburn paste is totally qualified for it.
To make blasting work you need to make it do more damage per spell.
Things you need to blast:
About enemy caster one-shoting entire party:
Ghoul Sorcerer Bloodline gives you power to grow claws which paralyse on hit. But it never states what is the paralysis DC. Almost every other Bloodline power states how to determine it's save DC. (The only one other I know that doesn't state it is Beguiling Voice from Maestro Bloodline) Most of such powers have 10+1/2 Sorc level + Cha mod for DC. But I found that Serpent's Fangs from Serpentine Bloodline bases it's save DC on Constitution Mod. And ghoul's original ability is Con based. So, how do I determine DC for Ghoul Sorcerer paralysis?
Claxon wrote:
Valid point. But! (mostly for the sake of the argument)1.Monk's unarmed strike states that it counts as both natural and manufactured weapon for thing thats enhance or improve it. I don't see why it shouldn't count as natural for this purpose. 2. Natural Attacks entry states:
Quote: Most creatures possess one or more natural attacks (attacks made without a weapon). These attacks fall into one of two categories, primary and secondary attacks. So every natural attack is either primary or secondary. There are no "simply natural attacks". Quote: If a creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and adds 1-1/2 times the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls. This increase does not apply if the creature has multiple attacks but only takes one. If a creature has only one type of attack, but has multiple attacks per round, that attack is treated as a primary attack, regardless of its type. This clearly identifies monk's attack as primary. And since it is a primary attack that add 1.5 Strength bonus (due to Dragon Ferocity) it should apply for +50% damage bonus from Power Attack. Where am I wrong?
GM Rednal wrote:
I think you don't understand what I'm trying to tell here. It's not about stacking Strength bonus. It's about Dragon Ferocity changing unarmed strike formula so it qualifies for PA +50% damage bonus (i.e. +3 damage for each point of penalty).Please read once again, but pay more attention this time. And please don't do this again. Java Man wrote: The "new wording" for power attack is straight from the CRB, and has been that way as long as I have played PF. Wow. I guess I never actually read it. ha-ha. Than it changes question to "Was this a Dragon Ferocity's intended feature from the start?"
But today I suddenly realized one little combo: Power Attack states:
You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. and if you go Dragon Style feat chain, than you can get Dragon Ferocity feat, which states:
While using Dragon Style, [b]increase your Strength bonus on unarmed strike damage rolls by an additional one-half your Strength bonus, to a total of double your Strength bonus on the first attack and 1–½ times your Strength bonus on other attacks. And monk's unarmed strike is specifically states that it is counted as both natural and manufactured weapon. Thus, Dragon Ferocity qualifies monk's unarmed strike for +50% damage increase from Power Attack. So, if I'm reading this right, monks with dragon style should enjoy 1 to 3 exchange ratio for their Power Attacks. Am I right? Do I miss something?
This is probably a dumb question, but I still need to ask it xD Normal Monk's Flurry of Blows and Brawler's Flurry specifically state that you can substitute attacks for some combat maneuvers, but Unchained Monk's Flurry of blows doesn't say that. What exactly does that mean? Can monk use combat maneuvers that substitute an attack (trip, disarm, sunder) or using combbat maneuvers with FoB is no-no for Unchained Monk?
Ok, a little more info about his druid.
don't read it if you play my game:
First of all, he's not a simple druid, he is Reincarnated Druid with Vulture Domain. And we are playing Way of the Wicked, so he is basically the evil Doctor with a nature twist. He's not using Wildshape right now because he doesn't have it. He'll get it later though. I've tinkered a little with some of his class features so he can spontaneously cast his Domain spells and I'm thinking to let him wildshape into his past incarnations. We also made a custom Reincatnate table expanding options and adding some random thing like plants and oozes. He pumps his feats into saves: he already has Great Fortitude and Improved Great Fortitude and he said that he plans to get Iron Will chain as well.
Also I should point that I started this thread not because someone is not having fun or disappointed with his character. It's simply because I know that build without some battle plan tend to fall into "I do nothing" pit. Right now he deals OK damage with his quarterstaff and produce flame, but I'm kinda concerned that he can fall into it later (Yes, I know that casters are still overpowered, but druid's spelllist is kinda tricky - I'm not sure if you can simply pick a random spell and be good by using it) Anyway, he seems to be very defensive when I try to talk about his build, so I think I have to back off for now and see what happens next.
From what I can see he has no build plan and his current build is mostly eared for survival. I want to be able to give him some build advices (especially about what to do in combat) when the need arises (and I believe it will). Aside from buffing and healing (which is boring) I don't see readily available options for him. He has moderate strength (16) and low dexterity (10),so I was considering "bad touch" rote for him, but I'm not sure if it is viable for druid. Party level is currently 4
DM Livgin wrote:
This looks like what I imagine this should work. But there are people who say that Grab only works this way if you choose to take -20 penalty because Grab ability says about dealing damage only when you maintain the hold. Which is than linked to earlier sentence from Grab description: Quote: The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on its CMB check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself. Another question - does bonus damage comes online only if you initiate grappling through grab ability or it works no matter how grapple started?
Thanks! Quote:
No, I'm not. Grab has this part (at least at in the description:Quote:
And I'm not sure if it only concerns second option, or it is a free damage every time you grapple someone. And is it an extra damage, similar to constrict, or it simply replaces every other grapple option available?
Well, once again I'm frustrated with grapple rules and how people read them xD First and the most interesting:
Second: Do Grab allows you to do free automatic damage in every situation or only if you choose to take -20 penalty and don't get grappled condition? Third:
You need critical feats at higher levels. And you can stack them because you're kinda fighter.
The worst thing about swashbuckler is that he has no apparent role. Dealing damage is the only thing he can. But he does it not so good. At least worse than other melee fighters.
4mb4r4b4 wrote:
I don't do rays. I do fireballs. Besides, specializing in evocation gives no benefits for ray type spells.Yeah, I'm going to use dazing spell a lot, but I grabbed it only recently, so never actually used it =/ Talking about great target debuffs: none of noteworthy antagonists ever failed SoS/D effect in my current career. I actually begin to suspect that my GM is a cheating bastard. But I respect his choice if he actually is. For now xD Abraham spalding wrote: There is a weapon property for this, phase locking just make a bunch of arrows for the ranger and have him use one a round. This sounds like a plan. Wheldrake wrote: It's 4th level, so just make a wand of it (or buy one) and give it to one of your buddies with a higher dex and a maxed UMD skill. They'll have to spend an action too, but I don't see any way around that. At least it isn't *your* action. <g> hehehe, I like it! xD
wraithstrike wrote:
I feel incredibly stupid right now. I completely forgot that you can easily counterspell anything by dealing enough damage to the caster. Thanks for this advice. It really helps xDThey do different things: one was hiding inside solid fog right besides us, some others simply ran away (carrying my precious loot -__-) and some do run-heal-attack-repeat cycles.
Everything worthy to be a challenge has Dimension Door or some other means of teleportation. What should we do with this? We have: a bard, a wizard and a slayer. Plus pet ranger and pet brawler (via Leadership). We are all level 13 and our 'pets' are lvl 11. I am a wizard. And I know that I can get Dimensional Anchor. But:
Are there any other reliable means to deal with teleporting enemies?
The bard is a full-on caster with nice things like hold monster and domination.
Currently party is lvl10.
I'm as specialized as you can be. I mostly follow Brewer's Blockbuster Wizard guide.
We usually don't have problems with killing things. And we also try to avoid head-to-head combat. Blaster Wizard is actually not that bad. I drop some damage on enemies and everyone else usually pile up and drop them down. And targets with elemental vulnerabilities (like red dragon from book 4) simply melt due to high knowledge checks and ability to switch elements.
And now we have a problem: this AP has tons of strong melee opponents, and underleveled brawler is our toughest melee combatant. So any full attack from our enemies usually brings down anyone caught in it. We need something to improve our melee survivability. I have blur, but it is clearly not enough. Stoneskin has costly component and actually doesn't help much. What non-personal protective spells would you advice me to use?
Similar question were on this forums before, but those threads are confusing, hard to read and generally not helpful. So, here's the problem:
If I get somehow an extra action (like extra move action or extra standard action), can I use this extra action and then also use my full-round action? For example:
Quote: Once per day as a swift action, the wearer can take an additional move action to move on his turn. Can I activate my shirt, take additional move action to towards my enemy, and then make a full attack? Why?
So, is there a way to make polymorph wizard viable? I am talking specifically about spells like Beast Shape, Elemental Body and so on.
Castilonium wrote: So, are you primarily looking for buff and utility spells from the enchantment and conjuration schools to put in your staff? I'd suggest things like glitterdust, fog spells, dimension door, teleport, and summon monster [...] Not exactly enchantment and conjuration - just overall useful spells. I've banned myself from being a 'fog wizard' not to take fog spells through loopholes xD Same with glitterdust and summons.But yeah - dimension door and teleport is a good idea . Dave Justus wrote:
Fair enough. Wasn't going to take magic missile as a backup, but now I probably will.
Hi! I'm playing blaster master wizard (evocation(admixture) school) and I've banned enchantment and conjuration (because I can!). I chose staff as my arcane bond.
My first obvious choice is probably Mage Armor (roleplaying is one thing, but 11 AC is a cruel and painful thing ;P). My goal is to pick overall useful spells, that either too costly for a scroll (assuming I'll use them a lot, like mage armor) or benefit from higher caster level or intelligence score (like phantom steed). What spells would you pick for me?
Question about Arcane Deed: It never says that you use your Magus level as Swashbuckler level for anything. it only allows you to select deed from list that would be normally available for swashbuckler of your level. Was it ever adressed in FAQ or errata?
Why would rapier and/or estoc be any better for str build than 1d8/18-20 weapon? About build:
Second: unfortunately, there is no use for high wis or cha unless you multiclass. Maximum you can get - good perception, UMD and will save. You can still invest in Diplomacy (especially if make it class skill). Third: Tiefling is a great choice for Dex-based magus. For str magus it is still ok, but extra feat from human is probably better.
Maybe I missed it, but has someone proposed to use litany of Righteousness?