![]() One of my favorite items is my Holy Guided Bane Outsider (Evil) - along with a permanent GMF - great for my monk who has maxed up wisdom and tanked strength. I realize PFS doesn't include Guided, but none of my groups are Society. The Holy lets me get past the DR/Good which is one of the few things that Ki Strike does not include. ![]()
![]() As the post says I wondered if bracelets for this spell used up a magic item slot? Further, as a caster only wears one for each recipient, would they be limited to 2 active Sacred Bond spells? Using 2 different set of bracelets? One on each wrist? Not sure if this has ever been addressed in rules as these are not magic items (per say) but rather normal items enchanted for a short duration. Thanks for any input! ![]()
![]() lbxzero wrote:
I would not require the check if there was straight flight movement between each 45 degree turn. try this with a figure on a map -
The truth is I have found no clear place for rules on this so I made up house rules. I used this system based upon a medium creature and as a GM I require one more square of straight movement between turns for each size bigger than medium (so a huge dragon would need to travel 3 squares between each 45 turn)...
Hope this is not too confusing .. I find for those who use fly often it becomes understood quickly. ![]()
![]() I have to side with those who debunk this as an infinite loop. As a GM my call would be that by using your mythic point (which per the last line you are choosing to use before you roll) you are choosing NOT to roll. You cannot take advantage of the Su trickster ability in this case, as it only applies when you choose to roll (per its last line "when you roll"). Not a loop. Nice try though ... and as a GM I always enjoy players trying to sneak past me. ![]()
![]() In Bestiary 3, page 48, the Caulborn has premonition listed as a Defensive ability. Yet, I see no description of this ability. I did find a 3rd party spell Premonition - which does such things as you do not lose dex when flat-footed (but the bestiary stats clearly show a loss of the +4 dex for flat-footed). Any help or knowledge about this would be appreciated. Thanks! ![]()
![]() I'll try to address all concerns posted on this thread based upon original post. Hopefully it will add some perspective and/or food for thought. tsuruki wrote:
![]() You would not have to change back into your original form, but when you changed back from your second form it would be into your first chosen form. Example: Arni the 6th level Orcish Druid (Wild Shape 2x/day) dives into the water on a move action and wild shapes into a dolphin (nice for a swim speed of 80), but in swimming quickly along the coast encounters a series of nets too looming to leap over, so he uses Wild Shape on a leap out the water to become an eagle (keeping up the pace with an 80 fly) to fly over the hazard. As he approaches a certain castle he does not want to be spotted as an eagle can make a noticable presense. When changing "back" from an eagle he must change into a dolpin first, so chooses to make the change while still above the water. The dolphin swims up to the shore, changes BACK into Arni the Orc, walks up the beach. Time should be tracked as total time for each form is 6 hours. So he could swim for 4, fly for 6, swim for 2 ... ![]()
![]() Flashohol wrote:
I can't see how DC would ever be effected. You should just double each phase .. so 2 rounds of warm, 2 of hot, 6 or searing, 2 of hot, and 2 of warm ... for a total of 14 instead of 7 rounds. ![]()
![]() Chris Wojcik wrote:
None and No Chris Wojcik wrote:
No, as the Lycanthrope template mentions nothing about alignment change, but the player should have no control when the disease kicks in and he becomes an animal. Look at Bestiary description for Lycanthrope and appendix 4: monsters as PCs Chris Wojcik wrote:
Energy Attacks: Energy attacks deal half damage to most objects. Divide the damage by 2 before applying the object's hardness. Some energy types might be particularly effective against certain objects, subject to GM discretion. For example, fire might do full damage against parchment, cloth, and other objects that burn easily. Sonic might do full damage against glass and crystal objects Ta![]()
![]() Diego Rossi wrote:
Thanks ![]()
![]() Erethrin wrote:
Yes it would negate the effect of the torch, but not extinguish it. For the duration of the spell or unless the object with darkness becomes covered.![]()
![]() Grumpus wrote:
Not sure if you've had the session yet. As they need their Cleric, let someone else run him.If he dies, have the party wake up from the "dream" they all just had together - except for the cleric who remains comatose until the real player returns ... maybe he stayed in the dream longer and learned something to help them out later? You can play on this however you like. I used this tactic once following a TPK - your job as GM is to sell the idea that it was planned that way all along ;) Have fun - that's what it's all about! ![]()
![]() Dandara wrote: Having just played a PFS game with a bomber style alchemist I have to agree that it is powerful but please be careful, we almost had a tpk because the alchemist critically failed his attack roll which hit most of the party, then our only source of healing got one shotted by a sneak attack... then the alchemist missed an attack roll and it bounced in the middle of the party... this was the level one introduction session that is supposed to be very easy and it was 3 hit points between 2 characters away from tpk (5 character party) That's hysterical! ![]()
![]() Adjuring Step needs review:
I think you underestimate the tactical advantage of being able to take 2 5-foot steps AND cast without provoking AoO! ... Some examples:
I could go on .. but this spell is EXCELLENT. IMHO ![]()
![]() I like Muleback Cords - As most characters tend to outfit themselves with an encumbering amount of gear .... especially non-fighters. For the price, these rocks. And perhaps for a Cavalier ... put them on your horse! Charge! How about a shadow takes you down to 0 strength, but the cords keep you at 8 for purposes of carrying yourself outta there?! Never tried that .. but just thought of it. Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd Slot shoulders; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 1/4 lb. Description
Construction Requirements
![]() DooM1982 wrote:
Your interpretation is not wrong. Removing a shield from the arm and dropping it is only a move action. That means dropping it on the ground, which if he has a BAB+1 can be done as part of a normal movement so he could drop it anywhere along that movement, but it is still on the ground. Removing a shield and storing it would take more than a move action, which would leave him unable to take the standard action of an attack. If he did choose to remove and drop, he could still get his 2-handed attack.BUT to regain his shield he would have to 1) pick it up (a move action which provokes an AoO), and then use a second move action to DON his shield again. DooM1982 wrote:
EDIT - Thx Stynkk for pointing out Quickdraw Shield in APG. Quickdraw Shield, Light Wooden or Steel: This light shield is specially crafted with a series of straps to allow a character proficient in shields to ready or stow it on his or her back quickly and easily. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may don or put away a quickdraw shield as a swift action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw a light or one-handed weapon with one hand and a quickdraw shield with the other in the time it would normally take you to draw one weapon. If you have the Quick Draw feat, you may don or put away a quickdraw shield as a free action.This would read that with a Quickdraw Shield and the Quick Draw Feat, the maneuver would be possible with all bonuses. DooM1982 wrote:
False life does not heal. In your example, when False life wears off, he would still be at 4 HP (needing to heal his 5 points of real damage by either magic or resting). ![]()
![]() The easiest way is to check the TARGET description of the spell for plurality: Does it say creature (Singular, as Cure Light Wounds and Bear's Endurance), or creatures (Plural, as Dimension Door and Teleport). As to the Touch rule above, you may find the 6 creatures a limiting factor, as spells like Water Walk allow the caster to affect the Target of: 1 creature/level, but a 7th level caster would still be limited by the "up to 6 willing targets as part of the casting". ![]()
![]() I'm also curious on how you can get Divine Power as it is a Cleric only spell with a Range of Personal, and wouldn't Versatile Weapon only be +3 at 15th (+1 per 4 levels, max +5)? Also agree with Mabven in that you've made a fun character ... and I'm guessing the GM tries to NOT give you the time to prep if possible. ![]()
![]() SmiloDan wrote:
Could you break down the damage here for me? 6d6+12? Meaning what stats/feats are giving her this kind of damage? I get adding +6 to that with your +3 Aura of Power for each arrow.Thanks ![]()
![]() Thought I'd just agree with many of the previous posts. Just finished running a group through Rise of the Runelords. One of the dangerous players was a Ranger/Sorcerer with an Acidic bow. She would move and cast True Strike, and follow with a full attack round of LOTS of acidic arrows, first shot being the +20 to hit for her 2 arrows for one pull. Even without the True strike, she rarely missed with all the buffing the party regularly went through.... and when damage reduction would make me ignore most of the real damage, the acid damage would still quickly add up against almost every foe. NASTY and fun character to run! ![]()
![]() Table 8-2 (page 183 Core book)lists a variety of actions. While this table is most often used to determine whether an action warrents an AoO, it can also help you determine what kind of action is involved. You will find that all Extraordinary (Ex), Supernatural (Su) and Spell-like (Sp) abilities do indeed fall in the STANDARD ACTION list ;) ![]()
![]() Mir'Cael wrote:
Simple answer: b) Longer answer is this spell would be cast at 13th level (or answer b) ... because the spell effects are based upon the writer of the scroll, not the person reading it. Unless specified, the writer of a scroll is presumed to have only the minimum level required to cast the spell, although a Decipher Scroll check should tell you right away if this scroll was made by a caster at a higher level.I think I understand the reason of your question in that Limited Wish lets you duplicate another 5th level or lower spell where the level is important (like what level is the fireball I just used my limited wish to cast), but again it comes down to the writer of the scroll not the "user". Hope that helps answer "Your" question ;) ![]()
![]() Pathfinder says energy attacks do 1/2 damage to MOST objects, but also says some energy types might be effective against certain objects, subject to GM discretion. As to the case of the Gray ooze, its acid attack actual states that it dissolves metal and organic material, so a GM would be within rights to allow full damage. With a d6 big deal vs. metal with hardness 10, but any hafted weapon like a spear or axe would only have a 5 hardness of the wood handle so might take a point ... and while the right weapon choice might help players, leather armor only has a hardness of 2. Of course, that's only for the extra d6 acid damage. If you read further in the ooze attack you'll see that it gets scary for players as it gets a grab attack and if it maintains a grapple for a full round its constriction starts doing 12 points of acid damage per round with no save to all metal and wooden objects, so now even your metal weapons, armor and rings are taking 2 points (12-hardness 10). Last to gfvelastegui, magic items always get a saving throw, which is a bonus of 2 + 1/2 caster level of item (or the owner's saving throw - whichever is better). ![]()
![]() Each group will handle this differently, but as a GM most of the time I have always let the party be in total control of treasure distribution. You can make some suggestions to them but let them know that HOW it is divided (and/or sold) is totally in their hands ... This encourages role play which is what the game should be about.... As Talon so nicely said in his first few words.
![]() Ice Tomb (Su):... If the target fails its save, it is paralyzed and unconscious but does not need to eat or breathe while the ice lasts. It would seem unconscious is the key. Paralyze impedes movement, but unconscious means "knocked out" so removes thoughts of movement and awareness of your surroundings. ![]()
![]() I think you have a fun alternative here. Vivisectionist is also your best choice of alchemist archetype so you can keep the sneak attack bonus climbing. I just finished as GM in 2 different Pathfinder campaigns and in both the rogues who could just tumble through for their flanking attacks were a great nemesis, as the sneak attack damage eventually blows past most levels of damage reduction.
![]() As a GM, I would have to question your level progression. Vivisectionist and Preservationist are 2 different classes.
Unless I'm missing something ... ![]()
![]() What "makes sense" to me is that if it is 2 on 1, the 2 have to be flanking their opponent to get a flanking bonus. Whereas, having the Gang Up feat and a 3 on 1 allows you to bypass actual flanking because the extra (3rd) ally is enough of a distraction for you get that "as if I was really flanking" bonus. ![]()
![]() I think your query has been a good one, Jodokai, but I'm inclined to agree with Bob. As a GM I would likely rule that at sixth level, instead of gaining an additional wild shape, you gain Improved Empathic Link because you now have the experience to take your companion "link" to a higher level. I think I could support that argument more strongly in that at each Druid level you have to divide up your Pack bond, but each companion should have at least 1 level devoted to it. The Improved Empathic Link starts by stating:
This seems to imply you already have more than one companion, therefore you are higher than first level.... I'm just sayin'. ![]()
![]() Ok let me play out this possibility, assuming both Curridge and Chainy have combat reflexes, 16 dexterity, and not enough intellect to have improved Trip or Improved Disarm.
With the goblin on the floor, and Mr. Chainy spotting a shiner, the rest of the party falls prone on their rounds with laughter, and Mr. Chainy gets flustered and angry at them, so Curridge grabs his dagger and runs away, because Mr. Chainy refuses to get involved anymore. Would that work? Or does your turn end if you fall prone? ![]()
![]() Lady Melo wrote:
Wow my mistake. Thanks for making me see that Errata! For the rest I think you hit the key in whether or not it is Intimidate to demoralize, or not, such as Antagonize Feat which has no fear effect whatsoever. Lady Melo wrote:
I think I would have to play the Antagonize Feat as its own DC as it is Intimidating to ANTAGONIZE instead of Intimidate to DEMORALIZE. I would not count this check toward having tried Intimidate to Demoralize attempts at all. (as those are fear effects and antagonize is not). Lady Melo wrote:
No apology necessary. Good questions. I would have to argue that panicked trumps, as it states on 563 Core "They flee from all other dangers that confront them rather than facing those dangers." (which would include an antagonist). Regarding whether to add +5 to the DC on the try again for the antagonist Feat, as a GM I would make it a straight "try again" roll, as it is special case that is particular to the Antagonize Feat, with no technical "retry" allowed for 1 day...meaning it is really a one shot deal that can last only 1 or maybe 2 rounds. That, along with the Sense Motive check is a swift action (allowed once per turn and it is not your next turn yet), so you would not be able to add that insight bonus on your second attempt. ![]()
![]() The Enforcer Feat DOES use the Intimidation Skill directly as it allows an intimidation check as a Free Action following non-lethal damage. The +5 DC only applies to each individual "attacker" on successive attempts to Intimidate (Demoralize) checks against an opponent. Meaning 3 different people could each try to Demoralize 1 opponent with NO +5 DC applied, but if any of those 3 tried again within less than an hour of their first attempt, a +5 DC would be applied, and again for another attempt. and so on. This level of fear does stack, per Core book Rule on page 563 "Becoming even more fearful", so your 3 "Enforcers" could each make a successful attack, followed by Free Action Intimidate checks, and take one opponent to the panicked state, assuming that the opponent didn't move between the attacks and flee out of "melee" range, as Enforcer is for melee attacks I believe. This fear stacking applies regardless of source, same or different as long as one condition is still active as another is applied, so a Fear Spell cast on a shaken opponent from an Intimidate Check (who makes a saving throw from the fear, but because of it still has "Shaken" applied for 1 round) is instead "Frightened for that 1 round, then returns to the shaken status for the duration of the Intimidate Check, if any duration still remains... BUT no +5 DC would be applied to the Fear spell, as it is not an intimidation check. Last, I agree with Archaeik, meaning if 2 nagas got a constriction in the same round, that character would be frightened until the beginning of its next turn instead of just shaken. Hope that clears up your question. ![]()
![]() slacks wrote: Why is there such a thing as a "monster" feat when anyone can take them? If you looks at Monsters by type (appendix 8 Core book) you will find animals listed, but none of the core races (Elf, Dwarf, Human, Half-Orc, etc), so not "anyone" can take these feats, but animals can. slacks wrote: What is the point of listing animal companion feats if an animal companion can just "select other feats"? These are the feats an animal is limited to ... unless they have an intelligence of 3 or higher and are physically capable, in which case they can choose another feat. slacks wrote: What is the point in saying INT 3 animal companions can "select any feat they are physically capable of using"? RAW it seems like having INT 3 limits the feats available from "other" to "physically capable" although this obviously isn't RAI... The point is that after Int 3, they are not limited to a specific list, because they are no longer technically "animals". "No creature with an intelligence score of 3 or higher can be an animal." (Core book creature types), although they are still an "animal companion" .. yes that is kind of weird. slacks wrote: INT 3 is also confusing when considering the gnome ability to speak with animals, what exactly are they saying if they are too dumb to understand speach? I'm not sure why this is so far fetched. We are so willing to understand someone on the 18 side of 3-18, but not the 3? And the GM must play animal intellect as it was intended, more as instinctual impressions than elaborate conversations, one would think. slacks wrote: It seems like animal/player interactions are just not fleshed out well at all in the RAW, maybe I should just talk to the GM. Yes, talk to the GM ... with a sufficient intellect ;) ![]()
![]() Guess I'm mighty slow, but as Gamer Girrl pointed out my gangs are all having a blast (and so am I) so I'll say my pace is good. I tend to weave side adventures in along the PF paths and roleplay a good bit. I'm running 2 groups that each started about a year ago. Each group meets 1/month. One group is a kind of guys night out gang and we play 10-14 hours. They have 10 total class levels and are between Escape from Korvosa and A History of Ashes.(doing CotCT path, of course) The other group is 3 couples in Rise of the RL and we play 8-10 hour sessions. They each have 7 total levels but should make 8th as we start this month. They are just at the end of The Skinshaw Murders - we left off in the middle of the Shadow District battle. As an example of why my game stretches out so long is the additional story lines I weave into Pathfinder's great stories. Long? example: Spoiler:
I added a pre-thassilonian tomb that the group found on their way from Sandpoint to Magnimar .. in the tomb they found a blank spell-book (minor artifact so identify would not really help them). The following is what I paraphrased to the party mage when he paid to have a Legend Lore done at the Seers School in Magnimar:
Master Nivlandis is not high enough level to help you Legend Lore your book, but invites you back to his office when another travelling wizard stops by the school 2 weeks after your arrival. He is Human and offers to Lore your book: for a fee. The Lore takes a good deal of energy and he writes a small journal of the vision as best that he can recall it: I saw 2 Human men in a throne room. The room was not opulent but subtly showed signs and symbols which reminds me of the Ancient Thassilonian structures which surround us today... The star of the schools was visible. The man I can only take for a King had a calm and pleasing face. He wore a robe embroidered with the Feather of the Peacock spirit, a God forgotten since earlier Thassilonian times. The King welcomed the man, calling him by the name Xaliasa and bid him enter and share his time. Xaliasa smiled and greeted him in return as "King Xin", but his face appeared to have something to hide as he spoke. I do not know all they said. Xaliasa presented the King with a gift of your book saying it was from his Lord Alaznist. The King commented about how powerful an empty book was as it portends of all the possible futures and thanked him and his Lord Alaznist....
This is the power of your book: Any Divination Spell prepared from this book is cast at +2 levels. It also will let you enter spells devoted to the Oracle (or Divination) Domain and cast them as if they were Arcane spells. It will draw upon the Peacock Spirit and/or your own Deity to answer these Divinations. The spells are by level:
That's all for now
![]() The maps and the story lines are merely canvas for your own story line, no matter how "old school" you are. My CotCT group actually all started in Toril but I ran them through Dungeon Mag 58 A Bad Batch of Brownies which Spoiler: sucked them into Golarion. I had them arrive east of Korvosa with another Dungeon Mag adventure from the same book .. A Challenge of Champions which was being sponsered by the local Acadamae as they threw the focus of that adventure into a Well of Many Worlds Spoiler:
That adventure involves a team that cheats to win so I made it the Arkonas "cousins" giving my group a reason to be rivaled with the "Arkonas" before they even started the Adventure Path Now my group is headed toward The Cinderlands, but I installed The Caverns of Thracia (an old Judges Guild module) east of Janderhoff where the Mindspan Mountains meet the Storval Rise Spoiler:
I put another piece from Kazavon in the bottom of those caverns Another of my groups playing in the RofRL wanted to play a phraint (and as I am old school David Hargrove fan) it was easy to accomodate by placing a Phraint hive southwest of Wartle in the Mushfens ... I decided that the Thrikreen were part of the hive. I could go on .. but the point being take your canvas and add your own paint or the paint from many other imaginations. You'll find the possibilities unlimited. ![]()
![]() Munin has an interesting point. My situation is different but I agree with his motivation. I love the pathfinder products and have bought every issue as it has appeared on the shelves of my favorite gaming stores. My players (I'm running 2 groups - 1 in RotRL and 1 in CotCT) have gotten into it so much that they have purchased the map folios for me, 2 campaign setting hardbacks, and some accessories - like the crit and fumble decks (very fun). AND YET, I will NEVER get a subscription as I live in a very rural area and have had too much lost via the mail to risk the trouble. Still there are times I'd love to have access to the pdf without having to rebuy my entire hardcopy - just for a picture or 2 to show my players now and then without letting them glimpse any secret stats. Also, this supports my gaming store a bit and I always thought this was a good thing (as many having trouble staying above water). I am certainly not without alternatives - like scanning pictures I want to share .. or retyping letters with twists appropriate to my own campaign story lines ... Good products - keep them coming ;)