Confessions That Will Get You Shunned By The Members Of The Paizo Community

Gamer Life General Discussion

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Simon Legrande wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

You'll notice I only do it when it's a light hearted topic and people interject politics or social issues :-)

And if you're using the word Ironic in a sentence aren't you legally required to link it to Alanis Morrisette:-D

No, because she used it wrong in almost that entire song.

In any case, I'm surprised you don't have some Galactus the thread-eater or J Robert Oppenheimer destroyer of threads alias yet.

I confess, no idea who those are :-)

Don't give 'em any ideas.

Doki-Chan wrote:
I sing in a Ladies Barbershop Chorus...

Do you wear the spiffy hat, vest and bow tie, because that would be awesome :-)

TheAlicornSage wrote:
Don't give 'em any ideas.

I can massage your brain for you, if that helps...

I leave the toilet seat up.

I'll be back.

Liberty's Edge

RDM42 wrote:

Except you don't 'decide' what is normal normal is a statistical fact. Statistical facts aren't biased.

It doesn't make the people, who aren't normal or standard worth any less but they are not standard or normal by definition. Part of the problem a lot of people have is the insistence on certain shibboleths on what you are allowed to say or call things which constantly keep changing. As soon as you get used to using one the entire quiltbag is dumped over, the words changed and you become a bad person again unless you learn whatever the new term of the moment is. Most people aren't going to bother to keep up with that. Sorry, however much you might want them to, it isn't going to happen.

Getting rid of blatantly offensive terms is one thing starting to declare everything offensive and trying to wholesale change the language is something entirely different.

First off, old line: Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

Second, it depends the sense of normal you are using.

Take being a southpaw. The norm is to be right hand dominant. That does not mean that being left hand dominant isn't normal.

The word normal is heavily overloaded, and that is part of why the norm is more commonly used than normal in statistical contexts.

Liberty's Edge

Soilent wrote:

I've got a great idea, how about we give them all symbols to wear on their clothes, so you can identify your "nonstandard" folks from a distance?

How about we round them up into their own special section of town, so you can know where they all are?

Better yet, how about we take all the "nonstandards" and ship them off to a camp by train, so you don't have to deal with them at all?

Hell, while we're at it, how about we gas them, shoot them, work them to death, experiment on them, and torture them?


We've heard talk like that before.

Never again.

Thank you for Godwining the thread.

I hope you're prod of yourself, you monster.

Liberty's Edge

captain yesterday wrote:
I flagged you all, you all should be ashamed of yourselves:-(


Although the people bringing serious real life issues into this thread are missing the fscking point and shoul be ashamed.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Doki-Chan wrote:
I sing in a Ladies Barbershop Chorus...
Do you wear the spiffy hat, vest and bow tie, because that would be awesome :-)

Fake mustaches all around, I hope.

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Hah! They thought I was mad for preemptively shunning the conversation back when religion was first brought up! Fools! Who's mad now?!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
mourge40k wrote:
Hah! They thought I was mad for preemptively shunning the conversation back when religion was first brought up! Fools! Who's mad now?!

Just because you're insane doesn't make you wrong.

And just because you're wrong doesn't make you insane.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hate when the GM changes the AP after I've already read it. I was looking forward to that part...

Krensky wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Doki-Chan wrote:
I sing in a Ladies Barbershop Chorus...
Do you wear the spiffy hat, vest and bow tie, because that would be awesome :-)
Fake mustaches all around, I hope.

And a few rounds of "Sweet Adeline"

Silver Crusade

TheAlicornSage wrote:
Rynjin wrote:

Y'all is a legitimate contraction y'all.

Even some language experts agree the English language needs a proper 2nd person plural.

What about thee and thine? English has a 2nd plural pronoun, "you" and the older "ye," but for some odd reason "you" has stolen the spot for 2nd plural subjective and two forms of 2nd singular, "thee" and "thine."

So why not put them all back where they belong?

English had different words for singular and plural 2nd person, much like many other languages.

In the vast majority of those languages, the use of one or the other (or both) took on additional connotations. French, for example, uses 'tu' if the speaker is talking to a friend/child/pupil, but 'vous' if talking to a (singular) adult superior, social 'better', stranger, etc. The use of the two terms stops being merely about singular/plural and gains all sorts of other meanings.

In England, calling an adult 'thou', despite being the correct singular term, became a pejorative. In a court case, the sentence, "I 'thou' thee, thou traitor!", was used to Sir Walter Raleigh, to make it absolutely clear that he was worthy of insult.

So the singular form eventually died out, though at different times in different places. In Sheffield, within a generation ago, a mother might beat her child for saying 'thou' to her, even though she says it to him. "Tha's not 'thou' me! Tha 'you's me!"

So, I guess I shun those who wonder why English 'doesn't have a 2nd person plural', and wants to invent one.

Its kind of sad that everyone seems to want to discuss their topic du jour on every thread, even when the thread has nothing to do with what they want to talk about. Maybe we do actually need "on topic police."

OT: I really dislike the art style in the core books. Especially goblins.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tormsskull wrote:

Its kind of sad that everyone seems to want to discuss their topic du jour on every thread, even when the thread has nothing to do with what they want to talk about. Maybe we do actually need "on topic police."

OT: I really dislike the art style in the core books. Especially goblins.

Not on every thread, but this thread is particularly prone.

Someone says something they think they'll be shunned for and other people want to discuss it. Shouldn't be surprising. It's barely even off topic.

I'm not fond of the art style either, though the goblins don't particularly bother me. The character designs especially are too busy for me.

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I bought the core rule book specifically for the art :-)

I originally bought the Tunnels and Trolls rule book for the cover art

(Now, I love me some T&T, but to be honest, I've never successfully pulled off a game. Getting people to accept the bizarre combat system was always tricky, but the ability score based save system was brilliant)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Simon Legrande wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

You'll notice I only do it when it's a light hearted topic and people interject politics or social issues :-)

And if you're using the word Ironic in a sentence aren't you legally required to link it to Alanis Morrisette:-D

No, because she used it wrong in almost that entire song.

In any case, I'm surprised you don't have some Galactus the thread-eater or J Robert Oppenheimer destroyer of threads alias yet.

I confess, no idea who those are :-)

For this, you ought to be shunned until the end of your days. There is no excuse for this.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

The fun of this topic isn't reading a dull list of shunning ideas. No the fun thing about this thread is the mini debates that spring up in the wake of each shun. Even a moderator joined in. THAT is what the topic is all about.

1) I like Playing none core classes

2) I like Playing none core races

3) I don't think the Gunslinger is broken

Sovereign Court


Aranna wrote:

The fun of this topic isn't reading a dull list of shunning ideas. No the fun thing about this thread is the mini debates that spring up in the wake of each shun. Even a moderator joined in. THAT is what the topic is all about.

It would actually be more interesting if it didn't always lead to someone saying "Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Now you see the violence inherent in the system!"

Edit: I don't know if you can rightly call two groups of people screaming at each other a debate.

Doki-Chan wrote:
I sing in a Ladies Barbershop Chorus...

That's actually pretty cool.

Shadow Lodge

Blackvial wrote:
3) I don't think the Gunslinger is broken

It still amazes me that people call other classes broken, when the Wizard was broken in the Core Rulebook, and every book since then has broke it even futher.

The gunslinger isn't even remotely broken using those standards. Nor are 99% of 3PP products.

Simon Legrande wrote:
Aranna wrote:

The fun of this topic isn't reading a dull list of shunning ideas. No the fun thing about this thread is the mini debates that spring up in the wake of each shun. Even a moderator joined in. THAT is what the topic is all about.

It would actually be more interesting if it didn't always lead to someone saying "Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Now you see the violence inherent in the system!"

Edit: I don't know if you can rightly call two groups of people screaming at each other a debate.

With the exception of Captain Yesterday I certainly didn't read it as two groups yelling at each other. Oh sure some passionate words were used but I read them in a friendly tone.

Aranna wrote:
Simon Legrande wrote:
Aranna wrote:
The fun of this topic isn't reading a dull list of shunning ideas. No the fun thing about this thread is the mini debates that spring up in the wake of each shun. Even a moderator joined in. THAT is what the topic is all about.

It would actually be more interesting if it didn't always lead to someone saying "Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Now you see the violence inherent in the system!"

Edit: I don't know if you can rightly call two groups of people screaming at each other a debate.

With the exception of Captain Yesterday I certainly didn't read it as two groups yelling at each other. Oh sure some passionate words were used but I read them in a friendly tone.

Agreed from the other side of the table.

Edit: In a thread like this, it's best to keep them to a mini-debate, not spiral into a thousand post week long argument.

I confess I read past the first definition in a dictionary, and am capable of identifying that ironic has more than one proper use, regardless of what people may think due to English being an evolving language.

Until I see those exact same people only ever saying prithee, ye, nay, yonder, verily, and every single archaic word that has since evolved into newer ones such as please, yes, no, there, truly, etc, I will continue to use ironic to mean "wryly amusing due to an unexpected poetically just scenario", because it's a lot shorter to type.

Simon Legrande wrote:
[Nitpick]Normal distribution is a statistical term.[/nitpick]

You are correct, my mistake.

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Aranna wrote:
Simon Legrande wrote:
Aranna wrote:

The fun of this topic isn't reading a dull list of shunning ideas. No the fun thing about this thread is the mini debates that spring up in the wake of each shun. Even a moderator joined in. THAT is what the topic is all about.

It would actually be more interesting if it didn't always lead to someone saying "Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Now you see the violence inherent in the system!"

Edit: I don't know if you can rightly call two groups of people screaming at each other a debate.

With the exception of Captain Yesterday I certainly didn't read it as two groups yelling at each other. Oh sure some passionate words were used but I read them in a friendly tone.

Agreed completely.

Confession: I like everybody I've interacted with on the Paizo forums. Without exception. Whether I agree with them in any particular discussion or not.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
thegreenteagamer wrote:

I confess I read past the first definition in a dictionary, and am capable of identifying that ironic has more than one proper use, regardless of what people may think due to English being an evolving language.

Until I see those exact same people only ever saying prithee, ye, nay, yonder, verily, and every single archaic word that has since evolved into newer ones such as please, yes, no, there, truly, etc, I will continue to use ironic to mean "wryly amusing due to an unexpected poetically just scenario", because it's a lot shorter to type.

Bro! Ye need gander hither at the fine lass bringing alcoholic nourishment over yonder, I shall call to her verily and seek carnal discourse... Dude! Prithee! she said nay!...

Kthulhu wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
3) I don't think the Gunslinger is broken

It still amazes me that people call other classes broken, when the Wizard was broken in the Core Rulebook, and every book since then has broke it even futher.

The gunslinger isn't even remotely broken using those standards. Nor are 99% of 3PP products.

What makes you think the wizard is broken?

Because Hulk smash puny Wizard!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
pH unbalanced wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Simon Legrande wrote:
Aranna wrote:

The fun of this topic isn't reading a dull list of shunning ideas. No the fun thing about this thread is the mini debates that spring up in the wake of each shun. Even a moderator joined in. THAT is what the topic is all about.

It would actually be more interesting if it didn't always lead to someone saying "Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Now you see the violence inherent in the system!"

Edit: I don't know if you can rightly call two groups of people screaming at each other a debate.

With the exception of Captain Yesterday I certainly didn't read it as two groups yelling at each other. Oh sure some passionate words were used but I read them in a friendly tone.

Agreed completely.

Confession: I like everybody I've interacted with on the Paizo forums. Without exception. Whether I agree with them in any particular discussion or not.

You're a better person than I, in more than one way.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I flagged you all, you all should be ashamed of yourselves:-(

You let your freak flag fly!

Don't shun me for being offensive, shun me for liking puns. :)

Shadow Lodge

TheAlicornSage wrote:
What makes you think the wizard is broken?

Not spending every moments since the publication of the 3.0 Player's Handbook in a coma.

I think this thread has lost all of its momentum without the political derails.

Oh well, sometimes good things need to come to an end, or they become the Simpsons.

TheRedbulljackandCokegamer wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:

I confess I read past the first definition in a dictionary, and am capable of identifying that ironic has more than one proper use, regardless of what people may think due to English being an evolving language.

Until I see those exact same people only ever saying prithee, ye, nay, yonder, verily, and every single archaic word that has since evolved into newer ones such as please, yes, no, there, truly, etc, I will continue to use ironic to mean "wryly amusing due to an unexpected poetically just scenario", because it's a lot shorter to type.

Bro! Ye need gander hither at the fine lass bringing alcoholic nourishment over yonder, I shall call to her verily and seek carnal discourse... Dude! Prithee! she said nay!...

My troubles number ninety and nine, but the females be not amongst them.

Goth Guru wrote:

You let your freak flag fly!

Don't shun me for being offensive, shun me for liking puns. :)

It is done.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

*BRETHEREN, THOU NEEDEST gander hither at THINE fine lass bringing alcoholic nourishment over yonder, I SHALT CALLETH to her verily and SEEKITH carnal discourse... Dude! Prithee! She SPOKETH nay!...

*MINE TREVAILMENTS number ninety and nine, but the females be NARY amongst them.

Take it from a dude who's read a lot of KJV, much to his chagrin as a youth.


thegreenteagamer wrote:

I think this thread has lost all of its momentum without the political derails.

Oh well, sometimes good things need to come to an end, or they become the Simpsons.

Yea, verily. Perhaps we must wait until the morn for some good fellow or lass to lay forth a new topic upon which we might heap our scorn.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thou dost speaketh falsitudes, for verily, if we keepeth hope and press onward in this time of trevailment we shalt inherent a promised reward of rebirth, not of flesh, and not of spirit, but yay, of topic and discourse.

Or, should that fall victim to circumstance, for salutorial consulation thine captain of before today shalt not pour his wrath and vengeance upon our people, who are called by Paizo's name.

Here's a new one. The company I work for employs quite a few Indians. They are the nicest people, but their names all sound terribly demonic. I think it's all the Vs and Ks.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Confession: I consider the amount of damage one can do one of many elements of a character, not unlike MPG for a car. It's one of the things I look at, but I don't base my decision solely on that one aspect. Often, I might overlook it entirely for something else that interests me like leather seats or heated drink cup holder.

knightnday wrote:
Confession: I consider the amount of damage one can do one of many elements of a character, not unlike MPG for a car. It's one of the things I look at, but I don't base my decision solely on that one aspect. Often, I might overlook it entirely for something else that interests me like leather seats or heated drink cup holder.

All of my characters have a heated drink cup holder. It's mandatory.

knightnday wrote:
Confession: I consider the amount of damage one can do one of many elements of a character, not unlike MPG for a car. It's one of the things I look at, but I don't base my decision solely on that one aspect. Often, I might overlook it entirely for something else that interests me like leather seats or heated drink cup holder.

And then you can split your heated drink cup holder into heated (drink cup holder) and heated drink (cup holder).

I think Exalted 3e is a better-designed game than Pathfinder in every possible way. Even the crafting rules, which are generally understood to be terrible.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Neurophage wrote:
I think Exalted 3e is a better-designed game than Pathfinder in every possible way. Even the crafting rules, which are generally understood to be terrible.

I think Exalted 1e was better than 2e. Especially Lunars.

Haven't seen 3 yet.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Because the only time he ever really came up for me was in Bill and Teds excellent adventure, that greek philosopher guy will always be So Crates in my head.

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