
Bill, Brain Collector's page

68 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Wrapped up book 3 of Carrion Crown tonight. Say goodbye to werewolves, and hello to Lovecraftian horrors.

Hello! Here, let me hold your brain for you, that looks delicious heavy!

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Orthos, Post-Singularity wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
My old boss told me yesterday that I should spend more time talking to humans. Does this count?
Humanity is more about essence than material.

I disagree!

That brain sure looks awfully delicious heavy, would you like me to hang on that for you?

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See Dan run fast.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:

It's International Kissing Day.

Now, that's a holiday I can get support!

We... see...

Now where's the brain bleach?

Sorry, that was me.

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From underneath the bed.

There's nothing under the bed.

Deranged PETA Protester wrote:

Murderers! Murderers! You re all murderers!

*flails uselessly*

Perhaps I shouldn't have taken his brain...

Oh well, too late now!

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Tacticslion wrote:
Well, I mean, it’s no Florida, but...

Thank Glebnar for that!

Resumes futile effort to extract self from thong.

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I can hold that brain for you, if you want.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

What are you talking about, the Deh-Nolo in Alien Archives is hot!

Just look at it, flaunting it's brains in tentacles.

If that isn't hot, I don't know what is.

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The Game Hamster wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I am worried about you guys. Please move to fresher air if possible. I need you all whole and well.
He can't chocolate cake a dead man after all...

Double checks the cookbook How To Cook Forty Humans.

You'd be surprised, it's a versatile protein.

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Rawr! wrote:

And now like the elusive Brigadoonian Badger, I must depart. First, though, stats for a squirrel! (It's a really cool squirrel)

Do they fit in a Fleshnet Cannon? If so, I'll take twenty! I have a small human infestation and I think this will provide just the psychological damage it needs to really ripen their brains.

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Drejk wrote:
Undead psychic brain...

Is that where it went off to.

I tell ya, you animate one brain to fetch the paper and the little guy thinks it's king of the world.

Come along Fido.

I prefer to think of it as braincentric. Mmm... so many delicious brains...

What do you have against invertebrates.

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Here, let me hold that for you, it must be hard carrying such a big, juicy, delicious brain around all day.

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To be honest, I'm more interested in what happens to the brain during a political campaign.

It's true you know, you can really taste the pain.

I thought we were talking brains.

I'm a bit of a collector myself.

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Make sure to bring your brains to Aucturn.

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It must be heavy, here let me hold that for you.

Very interesting indeed...

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But would it kill him to clean the microwave every once in a while.

Nobody wants a filthy break room, and if we all just chip in a little, it wouldn't get this bad...

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Tangent101 wrote:
Bill, Brain Collector wrote:
Absolutely nothing.
And who are you?

Just your friendly perfectly human Maytag Repairman.

And nothing else!

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Absolutely nothing.

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TOZ wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
In addition, what with the PCs starting in an asylum... they may not have come to Ustalav willingly. ^_^
Pretty sure a few got dropped off there by strange mists...

Uh, yeah mists, they sure can be tricky can't they...

And please, feel welcome to leave your brains with me, they shall be well fed... taken care of.

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Here, keep your brains with me while you work it out.

No it's not.

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Sorry! I was in detox from feasting on a Kardashian on New Year's Eve.

An eerie what now?

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I like what you did with the pancreas, simply marvelous!

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Good luck! I've been using his brain for decades, left a Turnip in it's place, surprised no one's noticed yet.

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I'm not sure I can wrap my head around that.

Just trying to get more brains for my buck.

You know how they get, all mushy and smelly, but yes very good point, politics is no way to harvest brains, perhaps I will get in to television, I hear The Apprentice has an opening...

No votes for Bill?

I don't even know why I joined the Tea (bagging) Party then!

It certainly wasn't for the brains!

way to pick a winner Bill! Guess Mildred was right, I am a loser! Damn it.

Mmm... human brain chips!

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Back off buddy!

This is my mark... er, good friend.

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Would you like me to hold it for you?

Keep it together Bill, keep it together, this isn't the first time a Jester tricked you out of your knickers

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Well i'm not reaching in there if you're going to bite me, i'll just start a Paladin Fails thread in the advice section and roll up some easy marks there.

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Oh what's this, oh yay what a day!

Does it hurt your brain, would you like me to hold that for you?

I'm just in it for the brains.

Zhangar wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Samy wrote:
Why would you guys want the enemies to be neutral rather than evil? I'm a little uncomfortable slaughtering neutrals by the hundreds.
Most lovecraftian entities are beyond the petty mortal concept of morality.

I'll note that intelligent entities that consider themselves beyond morality are normally actually evil =P

"Beyond morality" is merely a justification.

Beyond Morality just means we love Fluffy Kittens, everything else is fair game!

Well i for one an ecstatic, so many tasty brains, so delicious.....

Casper the Brain-Eating Ghost wrote:
Yes, but why do you collect them?

To chew on they're like Rawhide bones or pig's ears.

I had no idea this was here! Finally entities that get me!

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Back off prick I've been working these a&+@*#%s for months now... er, I mean, anyone want a head massage :-)

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If you have a better way of exchanging protein strands I'd like to hear it!

TheAlicornSage wrote:
Don't give 'em any ideas.

I can massage your brain for you, if that helps...

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