150 campsite events


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327.) The PCs hear all of the usual nighttime sounds, but they belong to insects that are dire in proportion. Any unprotected food attracts them, but they are unfriendly instead of hostile, but they are hungry. Good examples include ants, crickets and grasshoppers. Of course, they may also attract predatory insects.

328.) An orc of fearsome demeanor and no small amount of notoriety(DC 10 knowledge local) approaches the pcs under a flag of truce and promptly surrenders to the party.

329. The earth trembles and a purple worm explodes forth but ignores the party and descends back into the ground 60' distant. The exit hole reveals many underground tunnels.

330. As the PCs forage for food they find a bush on which grows fully cooked porkchops.

331. As the party is making camp, a group of satyrs approaches and asks if they could join them for an evening of wine and song. The satyrs start off friendly, but take offense if they party refuses, and use their magic to try to make the party indulge in a night of debauchery with them.

332. A bush of edible berries near the campsite is under a permanent goodberry effect; PCs can harvest 3d10 goodberries from it that will stay fresh for 5 days.

333. One of the trees beside the campsite is an indifferent treant, who pretty much ignores the party unless noticed and/or they bother him. He becomes unfriendly and starts berating them if the PCs light a campfire.

334. Two children from a nearby village wander into the campsite. They say that they had been following their father, a woodcutter, into the forest, but they got separated, and are now lost. GM's choice on whether that's what they really are, if the children have been enchanted to lure would-be rescuers into a trap, or if they are some kind of monster in the form of children.

In a forest...

335. As PCs are scouting for a campsite the come upon a modest cottage made of gingerbread. The exterior is adorned with bits of candies, sweetmeats, icing and other delectables. Inside they find nothing but an open oven with a pile of bones and a pair of insane children slowly starving to death.

336. The party comes upon a huge, rustic lodge. If they explore they find 3 of everything; from bowls and cups to beds and chairs. Each is divided by size: one set is Small, one set is Medium, one set is Large. There are also curious gouges all over on the walls and furniture. As the party investigates they also smell a delicious smell from the hearth. They find a huge cauldron of stew there but any amount of stirring reveals a slender feminine hand. Finally the hear a weak whimper from the open door to the larder in the cellar. There they find a young girl with blond curly hair chained to the wall; several other bodies are hung like curing meat and all of them are female with similar hair. The girl sobs and says that the bears will be right back.

337. The party happens upon a small cottage. Inside a man can be seen sleeping while several Diminutive humanoid forms with wings flutter about piles of shoes. Looking closer reveals that the old man in the bed has a nasty head wound and a bloody tack hammer lays on the floor nearby. The fey rip out their own teeth and nail them into the shoes for cobbling tacks. One pair of shoes is being wrangled by a pair of the creatures who snicker impishly. The shoes seem to have a life of their own and appear to want to stomp and caper violently. The sprites are herding the demonic footwear toward the old man. Knowledge: Local reveals that the party remembers seeing many pairs of these shoes in the last town.

Shadow Lodge

338. A missed arrow shot strikes a patch of fetid, damp ground outdoors, and a noxious black substance begins to well up. A DC30 Kn:Nature check reveals that it is a petroleum seep (the oil being a valuable alchemical ingredient). At first, it's just an oozy trickle, but then begins to gush stronger and stronger, eventually becoming a towering fountain 200' high roaring like a cyclone within an hour. There is a 10% chance every hour that it will catch fire through some random means (it will catch fire automatically if any open flame exists nearby to ignite vapors). Any resultant fire is unimaginably intense, compelling all to flee to at least a quarter-mile away. Only a 9th-level aqueous spell will quench it. The pillar of flame will burn for two years until the underground reservoir is depleted.

339. (per previous) A party of extremely wealthy gnomes arrive by teleportation, locate the property owner, and offer a king's ransom to acquire the land. The fire is extinguished and flow stanched. A derrick like structure is then built.

340. (per previous) The PCs are arrested for witchcraft! (Good thing the gnomes show up before anyone loses their head.)

Sir Thugsalot wrote:

338. A missed arrow shot strikes a patch of fetid, damp ground outdoors, and a noxious black substance begins to well up. A DC30 Kn:Nature check reveals that it is a petroleum seep (the oil being a valuable alchemical ingredient). At first, it's just an oozy trickle, but then begins to gush stronger and stronger, eventually becoming a towering fountain 200' high roaring like a cyclone within an hour. There is a 10% chance every hour that it will catch fire through some random means (it will catch fire automatically if any open flame exists nearby to ignite vapors). Any resultant fire is unimaginably intense, impelling all to flee at least quarter-mile away. Only a 9th-level aqueous spell will quench it. The pillar of flame will burn for two years until the underground reservoir is depleted.

339. (per previous) A party of extremely wealthy gnomes arrive by teleportation, locate the property owner, and offer a king's ransom to acquire . The fire is extinguished and flow stanched. A derrick like structure is then built.

340. (per previous) The PCs are arrested for witchcraft! (Good thing the gnomes show up before anyone loses their head.)

When does Mr Drysdale show up?

Sir Thugsalot wrote:

338. A missed arrow shot strikes a patch of fetid, damp ground outdoors, and a noxious black substance begins to well up. A DC30 Kn:Nature check reveals that it is a petroleum seep (the oil being a valuable alchemical ingredient). At first, it's just an oozy trickle, but then begins to gush stronger and stronger, eventually becoming a towering fountain 200' high roaring like a cyclone within an hour. There is a 10% chance every hour that it will catch fire through some random means (it will catch fire automatically if any open flame exists nearby to ignite vapors). Any resultant fire is unimaginably intense, impelling all to flee at least quarter-mile away. Only a 9th-level aqueous spell will quench it. The pillar of flame will burn for two years until the underground reservoir is depleted.

339. (per previous) A party of extremely wealthy gnomes arrive by teleportation, locate the property owner, and offer a king's ransom to acquire . The fire is extinguished and flow stanched. A derrick like structure is then built.

340. (per previous) The PCs are arrested for witchcraft! (Good thing the gnomes show up before anyone loses their head.)

Does the property come with a cement pond?


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341. The PCs find a clearing suitable for camping. In the center of the clearing is a strange sundial-like obelisk made of stone and wrought iron, covered in carved geometric markings. A DC 15 Int check reveals that it is a "pointer" of sorts, and it is pointing to a specific spot on a hillside about a day's journey from here.

If the PCs investigate, traveling to the spot will require a DC20 Survival check. Once there, they will find that clearing has a similar pointer, leading them to another clearing another day's journey away, and so on. It's up to the GM to decide what, if anything, is at the end of this series of pointers.

If the PC's camp at a clearing, upon breaking camp the next morning they will find another traveler who is following the series of pointers. Who this traveler is, what he hopes to find, and how he reacts to the PCs, are up to the GM.

Dark Archive

342. Just after settling down, a racket in the distance reveals itself to be a bedraggled-looking nobleman, clothing rent and tattered, and bleeding from many scrapes and bruises (from falling in the dark and getting caught in thorn-bushes). He is beside himself and distraught, mistaking the PCs for brigands who intend to steal his fineries and / or ransom him off and / or cook and eat him, depending on which level of escalating hysteria he has reached at any given point. When calmed down, he will confess to having become lost on a hunting party, and have been stumbling around 'simply forever!' (hours, at least) and basically prove himself to be utterly incompetent at *everything* that might involve wilderness survival or taking care of himself in even the most rudimentary fashion. Put at ease, Sir Pratly Poncington will regard non-noble-seeming PCs as servants, demanding everything from clean clothing (and complaining bitterly and turning his nose up to any clothing offered to him that doesn't meet his noble standards of cleanliness, worth and style) to 'acceptable' food and drink to more personal help such as dressing himself (which he apparently has never done without assistance) and end up annoying even the most patient rescuer.

If returned to the local community, they will put on forced smiles of gratitude and utter sincere-seeming platitudes, but Sense Motive (DC 12) will make clear that nobody in the community is pleased to see him back and that his own family is disappointed that he has once again returned from their annual attempt at 'losing' him during a 'hunting trip.' Small coin will be given to them by 'grateful' relatives and they will be hastened on their way, that 'the postern gate doesn't strike your posterior on the way out of town.'

If he meets some misfortune instead, and only his body, or his signet ring (and a convincing tale of his death) is returned, his family will put on an egregious display of grief, and reward the party with fineries and invitations to a suspiciously lively 'mourning feast' to honor their dear departed relative.

343. The person on watch shakes their head, feeling as if they might have drifted off for a moment. Looking up, the stars are wheeling in the sky, circling about individually like a thousand glittering dancers switching partners in a stately procession. This may continue for only moments, or for several hours, but if they awaken any of their companions to show them this 'dance of stars' will end, all stars in whatever position they normally occupy, with no sign of anything abnormal.

344. The PCs awaken to see the trees around them [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Monarch-butterflies-pacific-grove.jpg]pulsing with orange life, as hundreds of thousands of butterflies have stopped to rest in the trees around their campsite, softly beating their wings to cool themselves and ignoring the PCs unless disturbed. As they break camp, the butterflies react to the warming light of the sun and begin to take flight, continuing their migration.


Shadow Lodge

345. The PCs set up camp under cottonwood trees, which drop several inches of their fluffy, cottony seeds overnight. This "snow" is highly flammable, and any fire will spread at a rate of 5ft/sec (30ft/round). Fortunately, the fluff burns off so quickly that it's unlikely anything else will be heated enough to catch fire.

355. Racoons get into everything. One will even pop out of the party's Bag of Holding later; any food inside will be consumed and/or spoiled at the rate of 5 lbs/day until the bag is next opened. The 'coon is apparently immune to the breathable air limitations. (If it occurs to a PC to take the raccoon as a familiar, it will retain this characteristic; treat as infinite capacity to hold breath.)

Dark Archive

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356. You've set your campfire over the point where a vampire was permanently reduced to dust in the distant past. The flames take a while to get going, but once started, small insects like moths are attracted to them, and fall in, to burn. The flames turn greenish yellow once they have fed upon life in this fashion, and more insects begin coming out of the surroundings and marching or flying dutifully into the hungry flames, as if compelled. An entire nest of ants marches in file, to its fiery death, carrying struggling pupae and smooth white eggs, like sacrifices to a deathly master. If the fire is not extinguished within 10 minutes of this shocking transformation, larger animals are called, starting with a hapless bat, and a couple of mice, at which point the flames animate as a sickly green small evil-aligned fire elemental with the fiendish simple template that takes damage from positive energy (or holy water) as if undead, and is healed by negative energy (also as if undead). The more life this small elemental consumes, the larger it grows (1 HD for every 5 HD of creature burned) and it rapidly turns into an evil monstrous deathfire elemental, hungering for life, but that will be destroyed by the light of the next sunrise.

357. The Falconer's falcon looks like a chicken to them; the rest of the party definitely sees a falcon.

358. A Gnome plays tricks on the party from behind a barrier (rock, tree, cactus, etc.) When, they're caught, a gaggle of area appropriate animals distract the party with damageless attacks until the Gnome can properly get away. This happens more than once.

359. An anvil lands on the Barbarian's head. Good thing it was paper mache.

340. When the party wakes up, they realize very quickly that they've all somehow lost their voices. In 1d4 minutes, they return... only to be a different party member's voice (control of the voice is under DM discression.)

Shadow Lodge

341. When the PCs awaken in the morning, they discover that, while they slept, the entire campsite has been somehow raised five feet in elevation over the surrounding terrain, with the raise portion being a 20ft radius circle centered on the campfire.

The surface of the campsite is now hard rock (regardless of what it appeared to be the previous evening), and a large pentagram is deeply etched into its surface.

- If there are five PCs, their sleeping positions have been arranged to the points of the pentagram.

- If there are fewer than five PCs, they will discover the skin and bones of a freshly slain and devoured humanoid creature(s) in each of the remaining pentagram points. A DC:15 KN:Nature reveals they were feasted upon while still living; a DC:20 KN:Planes indicates signs of demonic cannibalism.

- If there are six PCs, the one who is either the most helpless, the most good, or most charismatic from the GM's perspective will be found trussed up over the campfire (which is, fortunately, out) as if to be barbecued.

- For more than six PCs, there will be two campfires surrounded by pentagrams. The GM might also include animal companions, familiars and NPCs among those waking up on pentagram points. (He might consider this a way to introduce NPCs to the party as well.)

There is a lingering aura of evil and powerful summoning magic, but otherwise nothing else occurs, and no one is affected or has anything missing.

The campsite will revert to its previous appearance at noon.

-- What it all means isn't clear; and no initial attempts to figure it out will be successful (i.e., no tracks, summoning traces, etc).

The Exchange

342. A hungry bear walks into the campsite at night and starts gobbling all of the Party's rations, going for the sweet stuff first.

343. The party is caught in a heavy downpour, when they see a light in the distance. They approach and find the light coming out from a cottage. Wet and disheveled, they knock on the door only to be welcomed in by an old lady who cooks really delicious stew...

345. The party sees a small burrow in the ground. They hear a growling noise from the burrow. If they are foolish enough to stick their hand in, they get attacked by an angry badger.

346. The party awakens the next morning to find everyone with rainbow coloured hair.

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The Riddling Leprechaun. The PCs will be startled by the sudden appearance (out of invisibility) of a green clad Halfling like man sitting on his own stool around their fire, doffing his hat and holding a pipe, which he then lights!!

Before any of the PCs can react, he says:

‘Greetings travellers. Bofflewiggle. That’s my name. A wager to sprinkle a little fun on this dreary evening. One shiny coin of gold from you. From Bofflewiggle a potion of.....no....not that.....a scroll......yes!.....here it is (pulling out a small scroll from his inside pocket looking at it and putting it back again).....a scroll of glitterdust.... makes visible people blind, invisible people seen......no, that's not it.....makes invisible people blind, visible people seen....no, that's not it!....can't remember...anyway its useful.'

He lights his pipe and puffs. The scent of fine tobacco fills the camp site.

‘Here are three riddles. I like riddling. I riddled constantly with my wife until she left one day and never came back. I don't know why. But Pril the Brownie moved in so that ended well. Or did it, you might ask? Never mind. Riddles! Answer these three riddles. If you do not answer all three correctly, you give Bofflewiggle a shiny coin of gold. If you do answer them correctly, you exchange a shiny coin of gold for this scroll here in my pocket (checks it is there again). Then I leave with a shiny coin of gold to give to my partridge....no, that's not it....the partridge is a plump breast in a pot cooking on my hearth...oh, that's it.....I remember....it needs checking then eating. What you say travellers?

He then riddles:

I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody.What am I?

What is round as a dishpan, deep as a tub, and still the oceans couldn't fill it up?

He who has it doesn't tell it. He who takes it doesn't know it. He who knows it doesn't want it. What is it?

or any riddles from the following site: http://thinks.com/riddles/a1-riddles.htm

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348. A ratfolk walks through the camp asking after their dog, "Pluto".

349. As the players decide to make camp by the road a man leads a donkey, atop which sits a pregnant woman, down the road. When asked where they're going and why. They say they are going to the man's hometown for the census.

350. A family of three tieflings: man, wife and child. Stop by the camp and ask to stay for the night. If refused they continue without incident. If accepted they reveal that their farm was caught in the middle of a battle between hobgoblins and the local guards. Players who follow the directions find the aftermath of the battle, with dead bodies and a burned-out farm, but no remaining live troops in the area.

351. An elf in baggy robes and a halfling meet the travellers. Throughout the conversation the halfling constantly alternates between referring to the elf as "he" or "she".

352. If any player has a cat familiar, a Silvanshee Agathion comes into the camp and offers the players use of its Commune ability in exchange for shelter for the night. The next morning the cat familiar has a note taped to its back, reading: "Sorry I didn't wait until you were awake."

353. A lone pregnant woman travelling down the road asks to make camp with the players. Regardless of watches, she is gone by morning, and inquisitors arrive at the campsite, asking after a worshipper of Lamashtu.

354. While the players cook their meal, an weaponless skeleton approaches the campsite, sits by the fire, and holds out its hands as though for warmth. It does nothing if left alone, but defends itself if attacked. It leaves before players fall asleep.

355. An albino kitsune summoner greets the players. His bipedal, plant-like eidolon constantly announces "I am Fruit!"

356. As players depart camp that day they see two goblins chasing a horse in the direction they are travelling. At midday they witness two goblins being chased by two horses in the opposite direction.

357. Players on watch notice a pale girl at the edge of their vision. If they move towards her, she always appears further away. This continues until the PC(s) are led to the edge of a 50 foot deep ravine.

358. Players travelling along the coast witness a man walk into the ocean, attempting to drown themselves. If he's rescued he tells them a fair mermaid promised he would live with her if he braved the ocean's depths.

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359. Players are soaked during the night with a heavy rain. The air is cold. It's very dark with no stars or moonlight to be seen. Any type of light is reduced to 15ft radius. The trees all sway and droop in the rain. A bear can be heard panting in the near distance, approx 25ft. The bear is never found but tracks can be discovered in the morning.

360. A forest fire some distance away has covered the area in smoke. Visibility is reduced to dim light. PCs are at no risk of of the fire reaching them. The smoke dissipates 1d4 days later when it rains.

361. A Permanencied major illusion Cow wanders into camp. It acts just like a cow, there seems to be no reason for it to be here, and as it leaves no footprints it is impossible to tell where it came from. It will (pretend to) eat grass before wandering away (frustrating to animal companions and hunters).

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This one time at band camp(fire).....

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362) Large standing stones (Menhir) with vague arcane symbols form a rough circular shelter in the middle of a grove. A Kn(Arcana) DC18 reveals this to be a likely Planar layline. In addition to providing more than adequate cover against the elements during the middle of the night the character with the highest Charisma (or party elected representative / GMs choice) rolls 1d10.

On a 1 or 2: The party experiences disturbing dreams, DC15 Will save or fatigued the following day.
On a 3 through 6: The party suffers no effects, rest as normal.
On a 7 or 8: Party gains the benefit of 8hrs of successful Long-term care.
On a 9: As previous plus 'pleasant dreams' (+1 morale bonus to skill checks) the following day.
On a 10: A small elemental (GMs choice) appears at dawn and will tag along as a diplomatic envoy to the Material Plane. It has INT 10 and may teach any planar languages it knows. It returns home via Plane Shift (self only) 1d4+3 days later.

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362. During the night the group is awoken by a strong gust of wind as something flies over the campfire (if applicable) putting it out and soars away into the lightless night. In the morning, the group comes across a Pegasus in a field grazing on grass.

363 During the night any PC on guard duty will notice in the moonlight that a nearby tree has been turned into an ethereal display of light made by hundreds of green and white glow moths having a rest during some unknown migration.

364. Several swarms of bats attack the party in the night (swarms are never fun) and strange amulets are found in the remains of the swarms. The party later learns the amulets bear the emblem of an assassin vampire clan that takes all bounties.

While poking about looking for a flat area to set camp the PCs uncover:

365. a natural spring providing clean water
366. millions of agressive burrowing beetles or crawling insects (treat as Roach Swarm)
367. a false tree stump containing a sack of treasure (appropriate to APL -2)
368. a medium humanoid skeleton with massive claw and bite gouges

369. A pack of extremely diplomatic and strong-willed ghouls happens by, begging for any fresh kills. The Ghouls are willing to trade information with the PCs and will even accompany the party to their next battle to consume the fallen. The ghouls warn however that once the corpses begin to drop there is little difference between friend or foe

370. A hound archon in service to Erastil is on the trail of a villain in the area. She passes through the party's camp at dusk either to gather info on her prey or warn the mortals of the danger.

371. One of the pcs pulls out a guitar and starts playing Kumbaya, my lord That's just sad

371. Camprats! (3e conversion available here) At night a swarm of camprats attack the party's campsite. They burrow into bags and backpacks, damage equipment and may even trigger a magical item (potions for example). Tthey are hard to battle as they are inside the PCs own equipment.

372 - Not my idea but see the thread titled Plot Seed: the Last Girl.

Set wrote:
343. The person on watch shakes their head, feeling as if they might have drifted off for a moment. Looking up, the stars are wheeling in the sky, circling about individually like a thousand glittering dancers switching partners in a stately procession. This may continue for only moments, or for several hours, but if they awaken any of their companions to show them this 'dance of stars' will end, all stars in whatever position they normally occupy, with no sign of anything abnormal.

Does anyone else hear the stars dancing to "Hello, my baby, hello, my honey, hello, my ragtime gal..."

I see quite a few peaceful ogre events. I rather enjoy those. Here's my take:

373: As the party prepares to cook around the fire, an ogre carrying a freshly killed game animal hesitantly approaches the camp, asking in stilted but functional common if he can cook his dinner. While passable at dressing the kill, he has serious trouble figuring out how to cook it, trying to impale the whole animal on a stick too thin to support it.

If the party helps him out in cooking the animal, he's genuinely grateful, and even shares the first bite with the party. It is at this point that he starts sharing his woes. It seems he and his wife had a fight, and she threw him out for the evening, before she even had a chance to cook dinner. (Hence his lack of skill at cooking.) He assures the party that she'll be over it by tomorrow. Though for tonight, if the party has been polite, he asks to stay with them for the evening. (No, they don't have to share a tent.)

Liberty's Edge

374: The party members all awake to find themselves in eachothers personal space/sharing a bedroll/sleeping bag, in positions sugjesting affection. The cause for this is a leprechaun in the nearby bushes who is hiding with the party members spare clothing.

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Devastation Bob wrote:
134.) In the middle of the night, two small humanoids dressed in green and blue motley and carrying large sacks will run around the camp. Attacks do no damage, but for every strike, a red healing potion is knocked from the sack of the green humanoid, and a blue potion is knocked from the sack of the blue. The blue potion will replenish the last spell cast for any spellcasting class, but must be drunk immediately following the casting. They are nimble little buggers though, and will disappear once three potions are distributed. If the players return to the campground or mention the occurance at the next town, Lawyers will appear bearing cease and desist orders.

Now that's old school! I'm inspired by another old Sega game reading this:

375: As it just so happens, the site of the player's campsite happens to be close to, if not right on top of, the final resting place of a great hero from ancient times, and a prophecy heralding his resurrection and return is about to unfold. The players are probably quite surprised when a godly image (Very easy Kn(Religion) to identify, preferably the most well-known 'good' god or chief deity of your pantheon) appears over their camp, announces "RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE!" and a lightning bolt strikes the ground.

Where it struck, a large, powerful looking warrior stands, ready for combat. He exchanges no pleasantries, simply marching off to fulfill his destiny a millenia in the making.


Scarab Sages

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Here's a couple I've used in the past.

376) The person on watch hears a distant crashing sound, as time passed it gets louder and louder till the entire party is awakened by a monstrous snapping and cracking of tress as the earth shakes. Then it stops if they investigate they find a short distance from camp the trees snapped and shattered while monstrous clawmarks mark the ground but not sign of what caused it. Following the road of churned earth and overturned trees takes about a days travel at the end of which is a giant leathery egg that can't be identified by any knowledge check.

377) A number of annoying but harmless animals (I used squirrels) are seen as the party moves through a deep part of the forest. If left alone after an hour or so the party sees one of them get spooked by a passing bird and unleash a 50' wide ball of mixed fire, acid, lightning and cold that devsatates part of the forest. They've found the home of the Armageddon squirrels.

379) A massive thunderstorm wracks the area lightning, pouring rain, cold winds causing the part to spend a miserable night. The next morning after about 15 minutes travel travel the part find a village where the friendly inkpeep wonders why they spent the night out in the open.

380) As the party are planning to camp for the night they come to a walled village where the locals are cautious but good natured. Spending the night in the local inn a chill awakens them. Looking around they realise it's a cold morning and the village is in ruins. An investigation reveals many years ago something terrible happened here destroying the village and killing it's inhabitants. Paranoid party members may wonder what they ate last night.

381) As the party camps for the night they hear crackling, snapping sounds as of breaking bones but searching finds nothing. These sounds continue through out the night. In the morning they find themselves surrounded by a ring of skinned animals their limbs broken and contorted pinned to every second tree.

382) The night passes uneventfully however in the morning whoevers on watch gets to make a perception to check to realise that piece of rag they've been looking at is some small furry animal crushed completely flat.

384) Halfway through the night whoevers on watch here's a muffled thump. If they investigate they find a woodland animal lying on the edge of camp with no head. A perception check will notice another one a but further into the woods and another beyond that.

385) It's a dark, cold, foggy night when whoevers on watch realizes the shape of those two trees branches over looks exactly like a giant human skull. It then shifts a bit to look at them.

386) Toward evening the party finds a cottage the forester inside after assured they mean know harm invites them in and let's them spend the night. Halfway through a muffled sound wakes one of the part members, a Dc 25 perception check let's them realise it's muffled sobbing. Investigation reveals a dozen children in the basement one of which is blind and crying. The others have all been killed and turned into puppets by having glass eyes inserted into their heads and crude mechanical joints used to replace their elbows and knees before being hooked up to a pulley system allowing them to be moved and postured. They are all dressed in pretty part ware and arranged around a table.

387) The party wakes up in each others bodies (stats, appearance etc so a fighter may find themselves in the wizards str dumped body or the wizard may find themselves in the female theifs body with high dex but only enough int to cast 2nd level spells). This state persists till they find the nearby wizards tower and shatter a malfunction magical item in there. The tower is home to a colony of harmless creatures who love the random swapping that occurs every d3 years and have built a culture around it. GMs willing to offer another non morally ambiguous out can up the frequency so the party can wait till they wind up in their original bodies then leave the area. Of course if they wait in the colony they may find themselves becoming something completely different.

388) Towards the end of the day an otherwise sunny evening becomes gloomy, overcast and threatening. The longer the party travel the worse the conditions get whereas if they turn back they find them getting better. A will save will also allow them to realise all this bad weather is just an illusion. Being adventurers if they press on far enough the bad weather vanishes and they find themselves walking in on a Kitsune wedding. Although not pleased strangers have barged in the Kitsune invite them to stay. Any party members in a relationship with each other or failing that pairs of the opposite sex find after the Kitsunes leave a marriage certificate indicating they're now marriedto each other. Depending on gm/party relations this may be either a joke certificate to punish them light for bargain on or a real magically enforced contract. Causing such things as the married couple to wind up sharing a bed roll no matter where they go to sleep.

Grand Lodge

One I used recently:

389) The person at watch over the camp hears someone say "I'm hungry," over and over again until a patient but very hungry otyugh comes to the camp, and asks for help catching food, in this instance either a large animal or even a sentient creature that lives nearby.

Also, Senko, your games sound like great fun if you're using creepy horror elements like that regularly. Where's your game set?

Scarab Sages

Ms. Pleiades wrote:

One I used recently:

389) The person at watch over the camp hears someone say "I'm hungry," over and over again until a patient but very hungry otyugh comes to the camp, and asks for help catching food, in this instance either a large animal or even a sentient creature that lives nearby.

Also, Senko, your games sound like great fun if you're using creepy horror elements like that regularly. Where's your game set?

Not really a set setting ive run games in the modern era, ww2, generic fantasy realms, eberron etc.

390. Near the campsite a strange runestone is found overgrown in the underbrush or half submerged in sand or what have you. The stone is actually a binding spell for an air elemental tethered here centuries ago. It longs for release but its master died off centuries ago.

391. As the night draws to its darkest moments a weeping is heard. Moments later the ground begins to grow warm, as if there is a fire being stoked below. A sound, like that of an eldritch alarm rings out and the perceptions of those on watch begin to twist and decay. The entire campsite has shifted into the Plane of Shadow at the whim of a mortal child bound here and suffering.

392. When the PCs awaken in the morning there are witch hex symbols dangling from the surrounding trees and all liquids carried by the PCs have soured. Food in their bags or suspended from the trees has rotted.

393. An overly large owl (Small size instead of Tiny) perches nearby and glowers at the party as they begin bedding down. If the PCs attempt to communicate with it it responds intelligently. It is capable of understanding their speech (regardless of language), answering yes or no questions with head nods and scratching simple words in the dirt/sand/etc. The owl is a familiar that is hoping the party will release it's master from the torment of undeath in a nearby tomb.

Shadow Lodge

394. Bad oats leads to flatulent horses. Naturally the PCs will have camped downwind of where they picketed the animals.

395. A monstrous dragon of legend cruises the sky far above, over the height of the clouds. Several minutes later, a large yellow block of ice thunders into the ground nearby, emitting a musky fragrance as it melts. (Sadly, it has no useful magical properties as far as the PC's wizard can tell.)


Two words, vampiric squirrels.

I'm pretty sure this is over 150 :p

Last weekend...

We camped in a clearing between ancient oaks. Middle of the night comes a lightning storm and we wake amid standing menhir (stones) aglow with Druidic runes our 'Druid/Wizard' couldn't read. Major 'first' encounter with a Druid cult we've tangled with in the past few weeks. Turns out the site sent us back to the founding of the cult. Or rather to watch the founding. We watched the originals plant the oaks and woke at dawn. A brief inspection found that the oaks had grown to swallow the stones. Interesting twist on a plot hook.

Anyone know how old an oak is that is 23-25 feet around?Might be important Sunday afternoon...

big fat dot

A Pseudodragon which followed the PCs since one or two days comes out during the evening. It has chosen to seek the party out as companions and will follow and support them as long as they dont perform any hostile action against it. After some time it is willing to help even with dangerous tasks.

The Party finds a suitable cave to camp in. Upon further inspection they feel very cold air coming from deeper in the cave. If they chose to seek out the cause, they stumble about the hoard of a silver dragon... complete with ancient(subject to GM) silver dragon, which they wake with their presence. he isnt hostile and was sleeping the last few years/centuries. He is willing to share stories of ancient times, provide the party with information he has and may further their cause in other fitting ways, as long as he is righteous and just. In exchance he wants them to share the lastest happenings in the world with him. (He may or may not act in a "in MY times everything was better" fashion, upon hearing the parties stories)

One of the party members wakes up to find himself alone. All of the others are missing. After a few minutes of trying to figure out what has happened a terrifying monster (subject to GM) appears, killing him after a short fight. He wakes up with a loud scream, waking all the party members and disrupting their sleep.

While camping at some creepy place, the sentinel is hit by a poisoned blowgun dart and falls unconscious. Upon waking up they find grave stones erected at the upper ends of their bedrolls.

After waking up they find that the party has grown, a kitsune sorceress (subject to GM) is sleeping at their campsite. A number of party members has been effected by mind-altering magic, making them believe she has been with them since the beginning and is their old friend. The party has to figure out, if the ones who say they know her, or the ones that say she is new have been effected by memory altering magic. (only works if your players are good roleplayers) If attacked she flees using illusion and charms/compulsions, without hurting anyone if possible. If not attacked she follows and helps the party until she is bored of them.

The Am-bush: is an inter planar traveling bush that appears suddenly and with a loud explosion that sounds like "AMBUSH!!!!". often the bush will appear suddenly right as the players are about to drift off to sleep. the am-bush can appear in any environment and in any temperature.
the appearance of an am-bush is rare. it travels all the planes. the am-bush is the creation of a prankster god. a quick witted fellow with the ability to cast dimensional anker other wise the am-bush will vanish after a set amount of time say 15 rounds to 5 minutes. its berries can be picked and eaten. if eaten it tastes like a tart kick in the mouth flavor wise it is harmless can impart a bonus to stealth. if picked and saved it can be used in stealth like spells and potions there by improving the spells/potions dc. it can also be used as a poison if left to rot and applied to a weapon causing hallucinations and or delusions dms discretion. a dm can also cause the berries to jump off the bush when it appears and have them attack trying to feed themselves to the players in a suicidal rush causing the same effects of eating fresh berries.

a DC 36 knowledge:planes to identify the Am-bush

402. Awakening in the morning, the party discovers that skeletons have appeared and are laying prone with their bony hands around each PC's ankles. The skeletons are lifeless, and no one is injured. The person(s) on watch cannot explain it. Movement is hampered (per difficult terrain) until a full-round action is spent removing the skeletal hands.

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