looking for way of the wicked game


this character has gone without a Way of the wicked game for 13 different applications.

any will GM's out there looking to bolster their evil doers ranks in a "Way of the Wicked" campaign let me know...

the info is in the alias profile.

prefer to start at the beginning. but if there is an opening mid game - I could make it work without any PvP

if there are none out there then such is life...

also been looking for a jade regent game for almost a year for this guy. been passed up several times as well..

@Cyx: your backstory has a flaw that may detract GMs from selecting you. You say that you were sentenced to Life in Talingarde prison - even though the players guide, all the traits, and everything else, says you are sentenced to death. It might seem a small thing, but when there are usually 20+ applicants for a WOTW game, you gotta try and do your best to follow specifications in character building AND background.

Just something to mull over.

dunebugg wrote:

@Cyx: your backstory has a flaw that may detract GMs from selecting you. You say that you were sentenced to Life in Talingarde prison - even though the players guide, all the traits, and everything else, says you are sentenced to death. It might seem a small thing, but when there are usually 20+ applicants for a WOTW game, you gotta try and do your best to follow specifications in character building AND background.

Just something to mull over.

If there is a flaw in that, it is minor enough that it can be corrected easily. the fact that during the recuitment process No DM ever has a question for me nor points that out. which is indicitive that the character is not one they are interested in in the first place.

at least you would not be one to send me a PM to invite me to a game then after I accept the invite it gets recinded (already happend in one of my 13 rejections).

and twice I got a basic "I don't like monks" tone of a response.

Well I hate to say this, but applying to a PbP is just as much about creating a character the GM will like as it is creating a character YOU like.

I am looking for a way of the wicked campaign as well. I have been selected previously with this character, though other iterations I have created failed to be selected. Even more unfortunately, the time I was selected everything was going well until first one player, then soon after the DM vanished...

we got as far as outside our initial cell. :(

Any GM's willing to run a way of the wicked campaign, please let me know.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Also looking for a wotw game, since the one I was in seems to have folded at the gatehouse.

dunebugg wrote:
You say that you were sentenced to Life in Talingarde prison - even though the players guide, all the traits, and everything else, says you are sentenced to death.

Not all of them. Extortion, forgery, fraud and high theft all have a sentance of 'life of hard labor in the salt mines.' The first book says that the guards will execute the whole party regardless of their sentance, though.

Of course, Cyx's crime is sedition, which does carry a sentance of death, so your point stands.

As for advice to give, I will say that it is my experience, and apparently others as well, that it is not a common thing for a premade character to get picked, especially if you point out that it is a premade character. I think I've only ever had one premade character picked for for a game here, and that was because they were looking for something specific that that character happened to be. That is why I am very hesitant to make an alias for a character before the game has started.

I usually am like that about aliases but I made the alias because a couple of time no alias meant no selection.

also Cyx's crime had changed a few times in the 13 times I remade him for each game application.

It is true. A lot of recruitments require you to make an alias and the character to even have a shot of recruitment. Personally, I'd like it much more if all they required were concept, envisioned role, and background.

I understand it is a let down when you do not get accepted but how do you expect someone to choose if you do not put some real effort into your character. Its a real crap shoot as a GM anyway, you have hundreds of people on the board, you can only hope the players you pick will be engaging and keep the game going. Personally, I am thinking about running one or two more games soon, I may do WOTW or Zeitgeist... and then something from DSA... not sure if I want to convert it or not...

@Cyx as a DM, the first thing I noticed was the con dump.

Second is that your 'knowledge' of the tunnels and secret passages looks like an attempt, and I would be concerned about future use of, to have knowledge beyond what your Know:local of +0 would imply. In other words, your background does not reflect your skills. Especially with the described knowledge of the criminal underworld. If you are sneaking around, where's your stealth?

Your intention was to blackmail, but instead of intimidation, you have diplomacy.

Another minor grammatical gaph: "he was taught the martial arts of unarmed combat."

Where is a 3-step bonus for silver tongue coming from? I found several references on d20pfsrd, none provide the bonus you listed.

My unasked advice would be to try to tone down the degree of secret underground tunnel knowledge to something appropriate a 1st lvl character. Look at your feats, traits, and skills and work them into your background.

This toon has been in several recruitment's for WotW as well. And I would welcome suggestions and comments as well.

Did you notice JAFO's post on the Thralls of Thrune recruitment thread?

JAF0 wrote:

Haryn - I highly recommend Doomed Hero's Guide to pbp gaming for players new to pbp...

I'm not applying for this game btw - It sounds interesting but I'm already playing in a SUnless Citadel pf game - just trying to be helpful :)

Good luck to all applying.

Cyx wrote:
dunebugg wrote:

@Cyx: your backstory has a flaw that may detract GMs from selecting you. You say that you were sentenced to Life in Talingarde prison - even though the players guide, all the traits, and everything else, says you are sentenced to death. It might seem a small thing, but when there are usually 20+ applicants for a WOTW game, you gotta try and do your best to follow specifications in character building AND background.

Just something to mull over.

If there is a flaw in that, it is minor enough that it can be corrected easily. the fact that during the recuitment process No DM ever has a question for me nor points that out. which is indicitive that the character is not one they are interested in in the first place.

at least you would not be one to send me a PM to invite me to a game then after I accept the invite it gets recinded (already happend in one of my 13 rejections).

and twice I got a basic "I don't like monks" tone of a response.

I play a monk in a Way of the Wicked game. They're a lot of fun, but I don't think I could recommend playing one for this campaign.

Vysin Blynde wrote:

@Cyx as a DM, the first thing I noticed was the con dump.

Second is that your 'knowledge' of the tunnels and secret passages looks like an attempt, and I would be concerned about future use of, to have knowledge beyond what your Know:local of +0 would imply. In other words, your background does not reflect your skills. Especially with the described knowledge of the criminal underworld. If you are sneaking around, where's your stealth?

Your intention was to blackmail, but instead of intimidation, you have diplomacy.

Another minor grammatical gaph: "he was taught the martial arts of unarmed combat."

Where is a 3-step bonus for silver tongue coming from? I found several references on d20pfsrd, none provide the bonus you listed.

My unasked advice would be to try to tone down the degree of secret underground tunnel knowledge to something appropriate a 1st lvl character. Look at your feats, traits, and skills and work them into your background.

This toon has been in several recruitment's for WotW as well. And I would welcome suggestions and comments as well.

I wonder why she was turned down. She seems fun to me, and I can't see why she'd be passed up. She is an aasimar and I've known GM's to dislike races not from the core. And that she is level 2, and not 1. However, the concept and back story is neat.

It seems that certain characters have a better chance to get picked. The big two are.

1.Cleric(Unholy Barrister)

Cyx, are you wanting a GM to play this character or are you wanting feedback to make changes to the character to help your chances of getting in?

Forgot about this thread i started

I was hopeing for both think if i had mre feedback before i probably would have done better.

It seems i go the feedback it was harsh but needed i just need to work on it thats all

Well, if you're looking for some advise, then Vysin has a good start on it. Ask yourself if your character could have done some of the things in his background with how he's built.

Also, as a monk, I think you have to accept that you may be less 'needed' for a party. I'm not saying monks will never get in, but more GMs see them as add-ons to the basic party, I think.

Your background could use some work too. You've got some cool things in there with the number/name, slave work in the tunnels, blackmail, and betrayal. They're a bit disparate though, and shows you've already had quite a journey. What if, instead of escaping to learn to fight, you learned it from a fellow slave in the tunnels? Then you wouldn't have had to escape. You learn to use the time in the tunnels to start your own criminal network even while appearing as a normal slave. Who would suspect a slave of being a criminal mastermind? Maybe you take over the slave trade eventually and your crime is slave-trading. This way your entire background revolves around being a slave and the slave-trade. It's tighter.

Another thing would be to plant a hook for Asmodeus. It's a large part of the Way of the Wicked, so GMs might be looking for how and why you would join a group devoted to Asmodeus. What would appear to Cyx about joining such a group? Why would he be picked to join rather than someone else?

Lastly, I've found that some of the better backgrounds will take a single, pinnacle moment in the character's life and expand on it. Maybe this is the moment Cyx is betrayed and realizes it's Nien. Maybe it's when he escapes the tunnels. Expand on that moment and give a detailed account of it, showing us the play-by-play, and allowing the GM to get into the story of Cyx. It's a trick I've seen people do and I've tried it myself a few times. It brings the character to life more than a simple narration will. You can tell us Cyx escaped, or you can show us how. A personalty/description paragraph could help too.

That turned out longer than I expected, but hopefully it helps. No guarantees it will get you in, but I think it will make you a more attractive submission.

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