Tels |

Tels wrote:Of course there is. Its a show about friendship. And friendship is magic.Alexander Augunas wrote:Tels wrote:I was trying to find a video of King Candy talking about his fungeon (fun dungeon) from Wreck-It-Ralph and instead stumbled upon Wreck-It-Ralph meets My Little Pony and... well.. I blame Cosmo.Bah hahahahahaha!I firmly believe that there is some sort of black voodoo magic involved with that show. That's the only logical reason why so many people are enthralled with it. I refuse to watch it because I'm convinced I'll fail my Will save.
As for proof? The magic is so powerful, it made me watch the above video, despite absolutely not getting it at all.
That voodoo magic is strong! It's tempting my curiosity and I just know I'm going to fail one day!
Hopefully, when I do fail, it'll happen in secret so I can deny it until by dying day!

Alexander Augunas Contributor |
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So my family's out on vacation and I've found myself in a surprising lull of writing activity. I've decided to check out two shows that I've head good things about and ... that absolutely no business being mentioned in the same sentence together.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan).
And oh look: Cosmos's got my back. Twice.
Thanks, Cosmo.
— MLP is cute. The writing's usually good and I love how they incorporate a plethora of mythological creatures into their world. Equestria as a setting is also surprisingly fleshed out, and I appreciate it for that. That said, the show is a little too predictable. I'm used to kids cartoons like Adventure Time keeping me guessing, so having a predictable show is both a bit of a shock and a let-down.
And BTWs, Luna is best pony and I'm sick of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
— Attack on Titan, like many Animes, starts off very slow. It gets good fast, though, and it is dark. Oh man, is it dark. I think I appreciate it for its dark attitude. Even when the heroes are winning, you never really feel like they're winning enough. They're capturing a pawn while sacrificing a rook. And there are only two rooks on the board. I like it.

Tels |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So my family's out on vacation and I've found myself in a surprising lull of writing activity. I've decided to check out two shows that I've head good things about and ... that absolutely no business being mentioned in the same sentence together.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan).
And oh look: Cosmos's got my back. Twice.
Thanks, Cosmo.
** spoiler omitted **
I blame Cosmo for thinking that second video was badass...

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Alexander Augunas wrote:So my family's out on vacation and I've found myself in a surprising lull of writing activity. I've decided to check out two shows that I've head good things about and ... that absolutely no business being mentioned in the same sentence together.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan).
And oh look: Cosmos's got my back. Twice.
Thanks, Cosmo.
** spoiler omitted **
I blame Cosmo for thinking that second video was badass...
To be fair, you can make just about anything epic by showing it to the Attack on Titan opening song.

Tels |
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I blame Cosmo for no one blaming Cosmo since Wednesday.
I also blame Cosmo for the 'srs folk' in the comments of this funny video. On that note, I blame Cosmo for someone losing control of the power trowel.

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I Blame Cosmo for in a campaign that we just restarted last night after a 5 year hiatus...of my character getting sneak attack and dropped in the first two rounds of combat...one of which was a surprise round.
I'm not sure you should blame me for you not taking enough ranks in Perception. Just sayin' :)

Drock11 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I blame Cosmo for having to train the new guy at work today. I also blame Cosmo for it being after I was the emergency fill in guy for somebody that quit the day before. Not only does training somebody new suck, but I had to do it for a job I had only worked one day before then myself.
The new guy being there does allow me to go back to my old job now which I like better. Sara Marie gets credit for that though.

Limeylongears |
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I blame Cosmo firstly for my overfilling my cup of tea, leading to potential spillage on precious computer. I then blame him for thinking that the obvious way around this problem would be to get down on all fours and slurp the excess out of the top of the cup like some sort of beast.
My thin veneer of civilisation stayed intact, you'll be glad to hear, and I didn't, but it was a damn' close thing.

John Kretzer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

John Kretzer wrote:I Blame Cosmo for in a campaign that we just restarted last night after a 5 year hiatus...of my character getting sneak attack and dropped in the first two rounds of combat...one of which was a surprise round.I'm not sure you should blame me for you not taking enough ranks in Perception. Just sayin' :)
I Blame Cosmo for him assuming I did not.
I Blame Cosmo the babu rogue creature having more to his stealth roll by at least 10 compared to my maxed out per skill.I Blame Cosmo for the GMing assuming I could not make the roll and not allowing me one.

Ambrosia Slaad |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I've gotten used to the Bhedd'heir Clan of faeries routinely setting up some fly-by-night waterpark on my pillow that is gone by dawn.
(That must be where the damp spot comes from... it's inconceivable that I'm drooling in my sleep.)
But now they've gone too far! I woke up this morning with my hair bespelled as some sort of hairstyle homage to Londo Mollari and Giorgio Tsoukalos! And it wouldn't go down no matter how much I brushed it! To get it to finally lay down, I had to use enough product to make my head a fire hazard, and it still keeps threatening to stand up! Somehow, this is your fault Cosmo!!!

Uncle Teddy |
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I know you are responsible for all this rain that has pounded the Midwest these past several days. Do you have an Ark somewhere in the area and want to test it out? Well, cut it out! I've got a game tomorrow and don't want to commandeer a boat to reach the game. Plus all my books might get wet.
And if you're testing out your new weather control machine there are better places to confirm it works - like making it rain the Sahara or snow in Southern California - places where such weather would be shocking.

Mythic JMD031 |
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I blame Cosmo for JMD taking the "we're not getting each other gifts" thing seriously - nobody ever means that, in my (admittedly outsider-perspective) experience.
The "gift" we were going to give each other was a night out together without children. I wanted to have a moment not a physical item.
I blame Cosmo for JMD thinking it's actually O.K. to not get the wife a gift. It's like asking her what's wrong and she responds with, "Nothing. I'm fine!" If you fall for that, you kind of deserve what's coming next.
Well, the idea was that our gift to each other was to have a night without children.
Aren't you a psychiatrist?
No, I'm a therapist.
I blame Cosmo for my desire to answer these questions.

Ambrosia Slaad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This morning, my dad woke up to discover someone had stolen his bike from just 5 feet outside his bedroom window. They had to have cut the steel cable, taking it and the padlock (and the bike). It was just a well-used three-wheeler, nothing fancy or sentimental, but he needed that bike to keep his mobility up and stay active, because his arthritic hip hurts too much if he tries to walk a full 1-1/2 miles in the morning. I'd like to blame you, Cosmo, but I'm livid about it and would think quite poorly of you if you were responsible.

Ambrosia Slaad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I will happily blame you for waking up this morning with something resembling Dr. Clayton Forrester's hair. I suppose I should expect the Einstein tribute tomorrow.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I will happily blame you for waking up this morning with something resembling Dr. Clayton Forrester's hair.
Frank's probably would have been even worse/weirder/creepier.

Ambrosia Slaad |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:I will happily blame you for waking up this morning with something resembling Dr. Clayton Forrester's hair.Frank's probably would have been even worse/weirder/creepier.
There are many mornings when I think Ilia and Varys have the right idea.

John Kretzer |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:There are many mornings when I think Ilia and Varys have the right idea.Ambrosia Slaad wrote:I will happily blame you for waking up this morning with something resembling Dr. Clayton Forrester's hair.Frank's probably would have been even worse/weirder/creepier.
As somebody who does not have a choice I find the remark insensitive.
I Blame Cosmo for Ambrosia Slaad's insensitivity towards bald people.

Drock11 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I blame Cosmo that my employer decided to cancel the week everybody was supposed to get off for the 4th on short notice after telling everybody they were going to get the time off months ago.
Of course nobody was given a good reason for it.
They also decided to be kind and give us shorter work days during that week, but that's also because they don't want to pay anybody more than usual when the holiday pay kicks in.

Orthos |
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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Orthos wrote:There are many mornings when I think Ilia and Varys have the right idea.Ambrosia Slaad wrote:I will happily blame you for waking up this morning with something resembling Dr. Clayton Forrester's hair.Frank's probably would have been even worse/weirder/creepier.As somebody who does not have a choice I find the remark insensitive.
I Blame Cosmo for Ambrosia Slaad's insensitivity towards bald people.
I blame Cosmo for John getting offended over something that was clearly intended as a compliment.

Ambrosia Slaad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

John Kretzer wrote:I blame Cosmo for John getting offended over something that was clearly intended as a compliment.Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Orthos wrote:There are many mornings when I think Ilia and Varys have the right idea.Ambrosia Slaad wrote:I will happily blame you for waking up this morning with something resembling Dr. Clayton Forrester's hair.Frank's probably would have been even worse/weirder/creepier.As somebody who does not have a choice I find the remark insensitive.
I Blame Cosmo for Ambrosia Slaad's insensitivity towards bald people.
That wavy snakey hair in the avatar isn't far from the reality. Naturally wavy hair + Florida humidity = Pain in the butt
And, as I've said previously:
I blame Cosmo for all the headaches I cause.

Pillbug Toenibbler |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:I blame Cosmo forJohn Kretzer wrote:I Blame Cosmo for Ambrosia Slaad's insensitivity towards bald people.I blame Cosmo for Ambrosia Slaad's insensitivity towardsbaldpeople.Ambrosia Slaad's insensitivity towards baldpeople.
All together now:
I blame Cosmo for Ambrosia Slaad's insensitivity towards bald people.

![]() |
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I blame Cosmo for chainmail bikinis.
Warning! Mildly NSFW!
Mildly?! Those are VERY not safe for work!
It provides no protection whatsoever, pinches, rusts... OSHA would have a field day if that saw a workforce trying to work in uniforms like that!
Silly things.

John Kretzer |

Ah-ha I beat Cosmo today. He tried to get me by 1st a heavy traffic jam making me late for work today...than he turn up the temp and humidity today so when I went to work I would be all sweaty and suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration. Not to mention the muscle cramping tonight.
But I beat him when my supervisor told to to take the day off and agreed to allow me to to take it as a paid day off. Ah-ha take that Cosmo.