The Ukraine thingy

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Flying fish also do exist, but it doesn't mean you've to consider fish flies!

Got to Portugal, Spain and Greece my dear Anklebiter. Even if your first motive will be to support the cause of these beautiful countries I can guaranty you'll have wonderful holidays. You already know they are nice people but (maybe) you'll discover all the delicious different dishes and food they have. Culturally they are all old countries with wonderful monuments, very modern hotels (or houses if you're hosted) and impressive beaches.
Most probably you'll meet there people from all countries of EU and it'll be for you not only a wonderful experience but the opportunity for you to see if they starve.

Really, it not a joke, take a flight to Portugal and from there by car go up to Greece.

Angstspawn wrote:

Flying fish also do exist, but it doesn't mean you've to consider fish flies!

Got to Portugal, Spain and Greece my dear Anklebiter.

I'd love to. Could you lend me $1,000? I'll pay you back, I swear.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Angstspawn wrote:

Flying fish also do exist, but it doesn't mean you've to consider fish fly!

Got to Portugal, Spain and Greece my dear Anklebiter.

I'd love to. Could you lend me $1,000? I'll pay you back, I swear.

It's the main difference between bankers and banks, bankers don't lend money.

Now, I suggest you to contact Ukraine separatists and make that trip part of infiltration operation. You should add that to avoid being detected you should move through luxury hotels (only because it's necessary) and ask for $100,000. It's very cheap considering the price of military equipment and the promotional support you'll give them.

Otherwise, maybe a Greek bank can lend you $1,000...


That's too bad. I guess I'll just have to keep relying on New York Times pictorials:

In Spain, Austerity and Hunger

Nice photos but nothing more; you could take the same in any of the five richest countries of the world.
I saw a documentary about the US a few month ago, people were coming from hundreds of mile to be able to access to free medical care or dentists. I was amazed! In France medical access is almost for free and homeless have access for free to dentist.
If someone was taking photos, some people could think France is richer than the US, but no...

I've no doubt you've got a lot of nice books describing the world Anklebiter, but really, you should travel. The world is not perfect but it's nicer than what you can usually read.

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Angstspawn wrote:

Nice photos but nothing more; you could take the same in any of the five richest countries of the world.

I saw a documentary about the US a few month ago, people were coming from hundreds of mile to be able to access to free medical care or dentists. I was amazed! In France medical access is almost for free and homeless have access for free to dentist.
If someone was taking photos, some people could think France is richer than the US, but no...

I've no doubt you've got a lot of nice books describing the world Anklebiter, but really, you should travel. The world is not perfect but it's nicer than what you can usually read.

I wonder if you have lost track of the exchange, Citoyen. You said "nobody starves in EU," hence the pictorials.

I'm not really sure how pointing out that there is poverty and hunger in even richer countries is a counterpoint, but, then, I rarely understand what you're saying.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Angstspawn wrote:

Nice photos but nothing more; you could take the same in any of the five richest countries of the world.

I saw a documentary about the US a few month ago, people were coming from hundreds of mile to be able to access to free medical care or dentists. I was amazed! In France medical access is almost for free and homeless have access for free to dentist.
If someone was taking photos, some people could think France is richer than the US, but no...

I've no doubt you've got a lot of nice books describing the world Anklebiter, but really, you should travel. The world is not perfect but it's nicer than what you can usually read.

I wonder if you have lost track of the exchange, Citoyen. You said "nobody starves in EU," hence the pictorials.

I'm not really sure how pointing out that there is poverty and hunger in even richer countries is a counterpoint, but, then, I rarely understand what you're saying.

I know, pointing at the Moon there's still a risk some will focus on your finger...

I just make a difference between poor people, someone checking in garbage, homeless and... starving. Which mean not only eating badly or being hungry, but risking to die because you can't (over a significant amount of time) eat anything.
There's nothing great depending on social help but starving is something else.

I won't again take the flying fish example, but I tell you again people aren't starving in the EU.

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Focus on this finger: [Makes obscene American gesture]

I'll leave to the pedants whether they feel it is worth arguing about "starvation" vs. the following:

“'He had eaten almost nothing at home,' Mr. Nikas said, sitting in his cramped school office near the port of Piraeus, a working-class suburb of Athens, as the sound of a jump rope skittered across the playground. He confronted Pantelis’s parents, who were ashamed and embarrassed but admitted that they had not been able to find work for months. Their savings were gone, and they were living on rations of pasta and ketchup."


"Last year, an estimated 10 percent of Greek elementary and middle school students suffered from what public health professionals call 'food insecurity,' meaning they faced hunger or the risk of it, said Dr. Athena Linos, a professor at the University of Athens Medical School who also heads a food assistance program at Prolepsis, a nongovernmental public health group that has studied the situation. 'When it comes to food insecurity, Greece has now fallen to the level of some African countries,' she said."


"Now, several of Evangelia’s classmates are frequently hungry, she said, and one boy recently fainted. Some children were starting to steal for food, she added. While she does not excuse it, she understands their plight. 'Those who are well fed will never understand those who are not,' she said." (all from the first NYT article).

In the meantime, I shall amend my original statement that irked Citoyen Banker's Mouthpiece so:

No, I've never been to Portugal, but I am wondering how wise a choice it is to join the EU when so many of their member-states' populations are being given the choice of emigrate or be evicted, go dumpster diving and risk passing out from hunger which, of course, isn't anything like starvation.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

hunger which, of course, isn't anything like starvation.

You see,comrade,in Soviet Russia land belonged not to wealthy landowners,but to the people.Which,among other things,translated to ability of average citizens to claim about a thousand of square meters of land for themselves.

And because they were able,they did so.
This translates to situation where most families in the country are owning land with substantial ability to produce their own food.So no hunger!:)
Mine's also have old WW2 command post.

Which is probably good,because,according to...somebody,Russia just invaded Ukraine.
In one city.Undefended.
These two armored columns?
The problem is,of course,that it existed only in reality,russian and ukrainian massmedia.

You know what also does not exist except in reality?
Civil unrest in the Kiev because of war casualties.

The hysterics are amusing.

"A top UN official told the Security Council further violence in Ukraine marked a dangerous escalation, but that the international body had no way of verifying the latest reports of a Russian invasion, during an emergency session Thursday afternoon."

So, they're outraged at Russia's vicious, criminal invasion of Ukraine but have no actual proof it's happening. Yes, that sounds very much like the UN doing what it does best - nothing.

Also, to any Ukrainian shills: if Russia did invade, you and everyone else would know it, trust me. There'd be smoking craters where your neo-nazi formations once were beating hasty retreats, twisted burning rubble where your air force once flew, and Porkyshenko would be found dead, drowned under one of his own chocolate fountains, before the protest mobs in Kiev could get a hold of him.

EDIT: the preview for the video on CBC's site is hilarious - looks like one truck is about to mount the other for some hot wartime lovin' :-)

EDIT: from RT - "Whenever there was any mention of someone actually seeing Russian tanks, it seemed a mobile phone was never on hand to take a photograph." Funny how that works, huh? We have more evidence of ghosts and UFO's than of Russian invasions.

Liberty's Edge

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Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

For the record, I also don't have a mobile phone even though the comrades keep telling me to get one. Apparently, it's easier to plan picket lines and paper sales with one. I prefer e-mail.

You should get one, we ...I mean they, totally won't use it to track you come the revolution!

Liberty's Edge

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

hunger which, of course, isn't anything like starvation.

You see,comrade,in Soviet Russia land belonged not to wealthy landowners,but to the people.Which,among other things,translated to ability of average citizens to claim about a thousand of square meters of land for themselves.

And because they were able,they did so.
This translates to situation where most families in the country are owning land with substantial ability to produce their own food.So no hunger!:)
Mine's also have old WW2 command post.

Wait, really? Where are AndrewR and dingo? Add a few shanty homes and this was their prescription for ending homelessness and hunger.

Usagi Yojimbo wrote:
Add a few shanty homes and

you will have lots of dead bodies after first winter.Russia and shanty homes don't match well.

JohnLocke wrote:

The hysterics are amusing.

"A top UN official told the Security Council further violence in Ukraine marked a dangerous escalation, but that the international body had no way of verifying the latest reports of a Russian invasion, during an emergency session Thursday afternoon."

So, they're outraged at Russia's vicious, criminal invasion of Ukraine but have no actual proof it's happening. Yes, that sounds very much like the UN doing what it does best - nothing.

Also, to any Ukrainian shills: if Russia did invade, you and everyone else would know it, trust me. There'd be smoking craters where your neo-nazi formations once were beating hasty retreats, twisted burning rubble where your air force once flew, and Porkyshenko would be found dead, drowned under one of his own chocolate fountains, before the protest mobs in Kiev could get a hold of him.

Unless of course, they're trying to influence the outcome without being blatantly obvious about it.

But no regional power would ever do that.

Only the evil imperialist West would ever use such tactics.

thejeff wrote:

Only the evil imperialist West would ever use such tactics.

Or evil imperialist East!

Hell,Russia is big,it can be both!)

thejeff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:

The hysterics are amusing.

"A top UN official told the Security Council further violence in Ukraine marked a dangerous escalation, but that the international body had no way of verifying the latest reports of a Russian invasion, during an emergency session Thursday afternoon."

So, they're outraged at Russia's vicious, criminal invasion of Ukraine but have no actual proof it's happening. Yes, that sounds very much like the UN doing what it does best - nothing.

Also, to any Ukrainian shills: if Russia did invade, you and everyone else would know it, trust me. There'd be smoking craters where your neo-nazi formations once were beating hasty retreats, twisted burning rubble where your air force once flew, and Porkyshenko would be found dead, drowned under one of his own chocolate fountains, before the protest mobs in Kiev could get a hold of him.

Unless of course, they're trying to influence the outcome without being blatantly obvious about it.

But no regional power would ever do that.

Only the evil imperialist West would ever use such tactics.

Sure Jeff :-) I'm sure you're tired of all the maligning your noble USA has suffered in this thread, just for trying to be the good guys. I'm sure the US just wants to help the good, robust peasants of Ukraine. Did those backwards fools in Crimea and the two eastern oblasts really think they could VOTE their way out of Ukraine? Uh-uh! The US knows how an election should be won.

I understand that as moral superiors, the US feels it has to reach out and help. All around the world,the US does what it can to help. And all I've done is piss on that. I'm so sorry, comrade Jeff. I know the US is a beacon of justice and hope around the world. If my words have done even a little to take the shine off that beacon, I'm sorry.

JohnLocke wrote:

So, they're outraged at Russia's vicious, criminal invasion of Ukraine but have no actual proof it's happening. Yes, that sounds very much like the UN doing what it does best - nothing.

Also, to any Ukrainian shills: if Russia did invade, you and everyone else would know it, trust me. There'd be smoking craters where your neo-nazi formations once were beating hasty retreats, twisted burning rubble where your air force once flew, and Porkyshenko would be found dead, drowned under one of his own chocolate fountains, before the protest mobs in Kiev could get a hold of him.

EDIT: the preview for the video on CBC's site is hilarious - looks like one truck is about to mount the other for some hot wartime lovin' :-)

EDIT: from RT - "Whenever there was any mention of someone actually seeing Russian tanks, it seemed a mobile phone was never on hand to take a photograph." Funny how that works, huh? We have more evidence of ghosts and UFO's than of Russian invasions.

Are you so naive (or worse) to think the USA or other major countries have no satellites over Ukraine?

Is it possible Russia ignores there are satellites? Just impossible.
It means Russia (Putin??) doesn't care what others countries think, it wants total control over Ukraine and doesn't care about any democratic issue.
As Russia was attacking several European countries over the last years, Western countries will consider Russia will continue after Ukraine. So they won't give up Ukraine, they'll make the conflict last, the time for NATO to reorganize its troops in Europe.

I envy your happiness JohnLocke, most probably you loved Cold War and regret it. I don't.
Russia is a great country and most Russians are nice people, that's sad for me to have to consider we'll have, again, to poison each other's lives.
I'm sad but I know on which side I'll stand.

Angstspawn wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:

So, they're outraged at Russia's vicious, criminal invasion of Ukraine but have no actual proof it's happening. Yes, that sounds very much like the UN doing what it does best - nothing.

Also, to any Ukrainian shills: if Russia did invade, you and everyone else would know it, trust me. There'd be smoking craters where your neo-nazi formations once were beating hasty retreats, twisted burning rubble where your air force once flew, and Porkyshenko would be found dead, drowned under one of his own chocolate fountains, before the protest mobs in Kiev could get a hold of him.

EDIT: the preview for the video on CBC's site is hilarious - looks like one truck is about to mount the other for some hot wartime lovin' :-)

EDIT: from RT - "Whenever there was any mention of someone actually seeing Russian tanks, it seemed a mobile phone was never on hand to take a photograph." Funny how that works, huh? We have more evidence of ghosts and UFO's than of Russian invasions.

Are you so naive (or worse) to think the USA or other major countries have no satellites over Ukraine?

Is it possible Russia ignores there are satellites? Just impossible.
It means Russia (Putin??) doesn't care what others countries think, it wants total control over Ukraine and doesn't care about any democratic issue.
As Russia was attacking several European countries over the last years, Western countries will consider Russia will continue after Ukraine. So they won't give up Ukraine, they'll make the conflict last, the time for NATO to reorganize its troops in Europe.

I envy your happiness JohnLocke, most probably you loved Cold War and regret it. I don't.
Russia is a great country and most Russians are nice people, that's sad for me to have to consider we'll have, again, to poison each other's lives.
I'm sad but I know on which side I'll stand.

Sure they have satellites. What they don't share is as interesting as what they do.

As for the enjoying the cold war comment: don't think, for a second, that you know me, Mr. 45 year-old taxpayer. I've seen active combat in Afghanistan, I've seen people die for no good reason other than the Wests big imperial ambitions. If not one more single young person was sent off to die for someone elses' ambitions I'd be overjoyed. But Russia isn't going to be walked over by the US, the EU, anyone. Keep pushing them, and they'll push back, hard. Do you even know what the larger strategic issues at play here are? How will you know where to stand when you're so ignorant of basic issues?

JohnLocke wrote:

I've seen active combat in Afghanistan, I've seen people die for no good reason other than the Wests big imperial ambitions. If not one more single young person was sent off to die for someone elses' ambitions I'd be overjoyed. But Russia isn't going to be walked over by the US, the EU, anyone. Keep pushing them, and they'll push back, hard.

How will you know where to stand when you're so ignorant of basic issues?

It's your problem if you engage yourself in a conflict without knowing why, I can only be sorry for you if your parents considered brains as an optional extra.

Many years ago I also volunteered and been part of a conflict, I knew why and still have no regret about it.
It was the first time I saw Russian hobo paratroopers, forgotten by their bankrupted country the pitiful guys were selling the gas from their vehicles to buy food!

Angstspawn wrote:
to think the USA or other major countries have no satellites over Ukraine?

It's a scientific fact.

They are flying over,periodically,but specialized and deployed to provide constant surveilance?
None of that.They are stupidly expensive and have very fast decaying orbit.
Also,what's this BS about russia attacking anyone?
Georgia,FYI,started the war.It's the aggressor.And you know what Russia does with the aggressors.

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
And you know what Russia does with the aggressors.

So far, after Cold War the score is 1-0 for us...

But don't worry we're gallant enough to take great care of your widows.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Angstspawn wrote:
Vlad Koroboff wrote:
And you know what Russia does with the aggressors.

So far, after Cold War the score is 1-0 for us...

But don't worry we're gallant enough to take great care of your widows.

Who is "us", angsty one?

As for the brains comment - whatever. I have a conscience, which apparently you do not. I can regret what I did when I was younger, and try to live my life by a new set of moral guidelines. Afghanistan was a colossal mistake, just like all the rest of the imperial wars. I do regret my part in it. If that makes me stupid, as you seem to think, then so be it. Which french retreat/defeat were you involved in, my 45 year old taxpayer pal?

angstyspew wrote:
I'm 45 Anklebiter and paying taxes for the last 25 years.

Heehee. What were you doing for the first 20 years of your life, THIEF? As a good capitalist knows, you ain't entitled to any handouts, boy. Weren't you paying sales tax on shower soap or anything? Oh wait. You're French. My bad :-) Baguettes and cigarettes?

JohnLocke wrote:
I have a conscience, which apparently you do not. I can regret what I did when I was younger, and try to live my life by a new set of moral guidelines.

Drama queen! You should subscribe for Eurovision you'll get good a chance to win...

JohnLocke wrote:
What were you doing for the first 20 years of your life, THIEF? As a good capitalist knows, you ain't entitled to any handouts, boy. Weren't you paying sales tax on shower soap or anything?

I was studying and working part time in a RPG store. But I'm not sure someone raised in Soviet Union might understand the concept of work or productivity...

And you, what were you doing in the 90s? Selling the remains of your country to buy used shoes from West?

Angstspawn wrote:
So far, after Cold War the score is 1-0 for us...

I wasn't aware that Cold War was won by anyone.It ended,and Russia joined the free world,insert""if needed.

Angstspawn wrote:
Russian paratroopers were selling the gas from their vehicles to buy food!

And now these bastards are selling surplus MRE's to buy a new smartphone.

That's just inhuman.
But well,who am i to say no to daily rations at less than 5 bucks each?
Angstspawn wrote:
But I'm not sure someone raised in Soviet Union might understand the concept of work or productivity...

Yep.Champions of worker class somehow would not understand concept of work.

Some goblins may say that championship part was not especially successfull.
But it's all worker class got in 20th century.
Possibly biggest benefit that USSR provided is being the scarecrow to capitalists everywhere.
And then it was gone...

Angstspawn wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
I have a conscience, which apparently you do not. I can regret what I did when I was younger, and try to live my life by a new set of moral guidelines.

Drama queen! You should subscribe for Eurovision you'll get good a chance to win...

JohnLocke wrote:
What were you doing for the first 20 years of your life, THIEF? As a good capitalist knows, you ain't entitled to any handouts, boy. Weren't you paying sales tax on shower soap or anything?

I was studying and working part time in a RPG store. But I'm not sure someone raised in Soviet Union might understand the concept of work or productivity...

And you, what were you doing in the 90s? Selling the remains of your country to buy used shoes from West?

Sure, Angsty, anyone who regrets their choices earlier in life (your parents, for example?) is a drama queen.

I'm not sure you know what country I'm a citizen of, my friend...

Shouldn't you be applauding the Russian soldiers selling their extra gas, my capitalist pal?

Angstspawn wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
I'm not sure you know what country I'm a citizen of, my friend...
And which country are you from, my friend???

My money is on the Australia,land of awesomeness.

JohnLocke wrote:

Shouldn't you be applauding the Russian soldiers selling their extra gas, my capitalist pal?

I know i am!Market price for said MRE's are well over 25$!

And spawn,it seems,mistaken you for a russian.This is positively crazy,because i'm the only russian in this topic.
Hell,there was the time when i was the only RPGA-sanctioned GM in Moscow!

In other news,Dark One asks rebels to be merciful,more or less.
It seems to me that Dark One is Ukraine's best friend.

JohnLocke wrote:
I'm not sure you know what country I'm a citizen of, my friend...

And which country are you from, my friend???

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
Angstspawn wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
I'm not sure you know what country I'm a citizen of, my friend...
And which country are you from, my friend???

My money is on the Australia,land of awesomeness.

JohnLocke wrote:

Shouldn't you be applauding the Russian soldiers selling their extra gas, my capitalist pal?

I know i am!Market price for said MRE's are well over 25$!

And spawn,it seems,mistaken you for a russian.This is positively crazy,because i'm the only russian in this topic.
Hell,there was the time when i was the only RPGA-sanctioned GM in Moscow!

In other news,Dark One asks rebels to be merciful,more or less.
It seems to me that Dark One is Ukraine's best friend.

That's very impressive, Vlad! How long ago was that (the RPGA thing)?

Angstspawn wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
I'm not sure you know what country I'm a citizen of, my friend...
And which country are you from, my friend???


JohnLocke wrote:

That's very impressive, Vlad! How long ago was that (the RPGA thing)?

In 2003,and i've never ran a single RPGA session:)

How's that for organized play?)

At the same time,russian-suggested statement calling for ceasefire was blocked by UN security council

JohnLocke wrote:

I heard about it, it's a former French colony, isn't it?

Angstspawn wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
I heard about it, it's a former French colony, isn't it?

Before the brits drove them out in one of France's many, umm, let's call them "strategic withdrawals".

JohnLocke wrote:
Angstspawn wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
I heard about it, it's a former French colony, isn't it?
Before the brits drove them out in one of France's many, umm, let's call them "strategic withdrawals".

Canada, like all of North and South America, had inhabitants before Europeans (Spanish, French and British) came and murdered many of them and drove the rest into oppression for the greater glory of the homeland.

JohnLocke wrote:
Before the brits drove them out in one of France's many, umm, let's call them "strategic withdrawals".

Actually after sending there our convicts and prostitutes we considered it wasn't a real loss to give it to British to erase a war debt. It seems we were right as the Brits dropped it later when they understood it was worthless.

Pink Dragon wrote:
Canada, like all of North and South America, had inhabitants before Europeans (Spanish, French and British) came and murdered many of them and drove the rest into oppression for the greater glory of the homeland.

I've to admit it was very impolite!

Pink Dragon wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
Angstspawn wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
I heard about it, it's a former French colony, isn't it?
Before the brits drove them out in one of France's many, umm, let's call them "strategic withdrawals".
Canada, like all of North and South America, had inhabitants before Europeans (Spanish, French and British) came and murdered many of them and drove the rest into oppression for the greater glory of the homeland.

I know! My mom was descended from aboriginal inhabitants of the land now known as Canada. My dad, for the record, is Egyptian (Coptic).

JohnLocke wrote:
thejeff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:

The hysterics are amusing.

"A top UN official told the Security Council further violence in Ukraine marked a dangerous escalation, but that the international body had no way of verifying the latest reports of a Russian invasion, during an emergency session Thursday afternoon."

So, they're outraged at Russia's vicious, criminal invasion of Ukraine but have no actual proof it's happening. Yes, that sounds very much like the UN doing what it does best - nothing.

Also, to any Ukrainian shills: if Russia did invade, you and everyone else would know it, trust me. There'd be smoking craters where your neo-nazi formations once were beating hasty retreats, twisted burning rubble where your air force once flew, and Porkyshenko would be found dead, drowned under one of his own chocolate fountains, before the protest mobs in Kiev could get a hold of him.

Unless of course, they're trying to influence the outcome without being blatantly obvious about it.

But no regional power would ever do that.

Only the evil imperialist West would ever use such tactics.

Sure Jeff :-) I'm sure you're tired of all the maligning your noble USA has suffered in this thread, just for trying to be the good guys. I'm sure the US just wants to help the good, robust peasants of Ukraine. Did those backwards fools in Crimea and the two eastern oblasts really think they could VOTE their way out of Ukraine? Uh-uh! The US knows how an election should be won.

I understand that as...

No. I'm fully aware the US does a ton of bad crap. I've protested some of it. I really was just commenting on your claim that Russia couldn't and wouldn't any motivation to invade in a more subtle fashion than all out war.

thejeff wrote:
motivation to invade

And here we have a problem.Why now?

Rebels are good.Dark One Himself asks them to show mercy to defeated enemy.
Why ruin all and invade?

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
thejeff wrote:
motivation to invade

And here we have a problem.Why now?

Rebels are good.Dark One Himself asks them to show mercy to defeated enemy.
Why ruin all and invade?

Sigh. To rephrase "motivation to in a more subtle fashion, if they were going to invade at all".

Please do not snip sentence fragments out of context.

Liberty's Edge

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Vlad Koroboff wrote:
Usagi Yojimbo wrote:
Add a few shanty homes and

you will have lots of dead bodies after first winter.Russia and shanty homes don't match well.

Didn't say that it was a *good* idea. :)

Besides, some of the folks from that thread would say that the shanty-dwellers should generate heat by pulling harder on their bootstraps!

Liberty's Edge

Angstspawn wrote:

And you, what were you doing in the 90s? Selling the remains of your country to buy used shoes from West?

Dude, he's from Canada.

Vlad is the one from Russia.

I've heard there have been protests in Kiev regarding this upcoming policy change. It's funny that Yanukovich ended the practice, and now Porkyshenko is bringing it back. Social progress?

A great article that helps explain the shrill accusations of a Russian invasion in the media.

In other news,rebels claim 4 shot down Su-25s,of which 2 is more or less confirmed.
Also they are captured two Scarab-B ballistic missile launchers,but i hope they are smart enough not to use them.This thing,with Ukrainian maintenance can't hit target the size of a city.Holy Collateral Damage!
A few interesting thoughts.
But,for the record,i'm not sure RF even accepts east ukraine now.Not until they rebuild and more or less acceptable standard of living is introduced.
As is,it's pricy.
VERY pricy.
But then,of course,there are some stupid ideas in this article.
Like russia's territorial ambition.
Territory is good when it's populated by russians,or by something that can pass as russian.No-one needs Lithuania or Latvia,for example,in this day and age they are not only not worth a war,but even the cost of occupation.

Between Angstspawn and Vlad, I think we have a full set of the various kinds of lawful evil.

"We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." - unnamed White House aide, circa 2004.

Gaberlunzie wrote:
lawful evil.

That would be true neutral.I'm a keeper of thousand arcane secrets,and each one would drive you mad!MAD!

IDK about Angsty,though.He looks like a nice guy,who watches too much propaganda.For the last 20 years.

Evil is a harsh assessment, joking or not. I've never seen Vlad espouse any sort of evil philosophy - and simple disagreement doesn't make your opponent evil. Angsty - well, he just seems to like trolling.

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I usually hate dogs and horses, but...

[Clenched fist salute]

Loukanikos, the Greek anarchist dog photo gallery

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Huh. There's even a wiki page about him/her:

Riot dog

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