bishop083 |
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*drops a bunch of gear in the water*
I need to scavenge? Okay!
*Picks up the gear from the water*
And that is the story of how I cleared Eventide Island without sacrificing my desire to do as much as possible with magitech options. Also, Urbosa's Fury was useful.
What.That works? How does that work? And why have I never heard that solution before? What happens to the stuff when you finish the island?
That is genius! And Urbosa's Fury was definitely useful. Just like always because Urbosa is the best. Mipha is my favorite, but Urbosa is the best.
Oh right, I'm supposed to be blaming Cosmo for something, not just having a BOTW chat. Umm...
I also blame Cosmo for Eventide Island, and for not having heard of that trick and doing it the hard way twice.

Pontiff Rysky, of Cult of Cosmo |
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bishop083 wrote:Breath of the Wild Addict wrote:I blame cosmo for my lack of earbuds which will cause me to go to bed before my three hours of zelda tonight.
Thus giving me extra sleep...
Ok, so it isn't awful, but... But...
It was breath of the wild, ok? So... Still evil!!I know right?
Along this line, I have 4 shrines left to find, I "know" where one of them is, but I have been scouring the map for those other three, and I refuse to look them up online. I thought I had been EVERYWHERE, and I can't find them. I may have to work with a more fine toothed comb to find them all. Although there are those two stretches of beach I need a check. But they aren't big enough to hide 3 shrines...
I blame cosmo for my inability to find them so far. And because I have no idea how far the shrine detector actually reaches, so I don't know if I've been thorough enough, or just left a bunch of shrine-detection-radius-sized holes in my map.I blame myself for Eventide Island...
Ooooo, I Blame you too! That place was fun ^w^
(Magnesis is your friend)

Deacon Teddy, Cult of Cosmo |
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Blame be unto Cosmo that yesterday I found out a major project at work that I am a part of and was scheduled to begin in April has been moved up to February, which is when other major projects that I am part of are scheduled to be worked on and now I do not have time to work on all of the projects. Not only that we're going to have less time to work on the project than was originally scheduled and budgeted for. My poor manager now had to some serious resource allocation on a team that is already half as big as it needs to be. All because someone decided to ignore what was already scheduled.

The Sideromancer |
The Sideromancer wrote:*drops a bunch of gear in the water*
I need to scavenge? Okay!
*Picks up the gear from the water*
And that is the story of how I cleared Eventide Island without sacrificing my desire to do as much as possible with magitech options. Also, Urbosa's Fury was useful.
What.That works? How does that work? And why have I never heard that solution before? What happens to the stuff when you finish the island?
That is genius! And Urbosa's Fury was definitely useful. Just like always because Urbosa is the best. Mipha is my favorite, but Urbosa is the best.
Oh right, I'm supposed to be blaming Cosmo for something, not just having a BOTW chat. Umm...
I also blame Cosmo for Eventide Island, and for not having heard of that trick and doing it the hard way twice.
It's removed as is normal for gear taken during the sidequest at the end...
If it's not sitting on the beach when you put the final orb in.

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Oh right, I'm supposed to be blaming Cosmo for something, not just having a BOTW chat. Umm...
I'd be ok with that. It would be really off-putting for all the people who have not/cannot play BotW.
I've gotten all the Beasts squared away at this point, and I have 11/12 memories. I figure this means it's time to look towards heading into the castle to finish off CG. So should I try to get that last memory inside the castle before I make my run to finish off CG, or should I expect to spend some time in the castle and get it along the way?

bishop083 |
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Good news! I found those missing shrines!
Unfortunately, my despair drove me to the breaking point, and I looked them up. One was a shrine quest that wouldn't have pinged, so I don't feel too bad. The other one made me sad. I am SO MAD AT MYSELF over it. It was at the bottom of a cliff that was too tall for the shrine detector to catch, or maybe I had the detector focused on something else at the time. But it was so close to places I had been to repeatedly, and I cannot believe I forgot to head over there and look. I even had a regular side quest to do that would have pinged that shrine for me if I had just done it.
Clearly, Cosmo must have done something, because I never thought I would have broken that way. DARN YOU COSMO!!!
Now I just have the Trial of the Sword from the DLC. Which is INSANELY difficult. It's amazing how much you rely on your armor in that game without realizing it. I might not finish that thing. Although actually finishing it would probably give an amazing sense of accomplishment.

The Sideromancer |
Good news! I found those missing shrines!
Unfortunately, my despair drove me to the breaking point, and I looked them up. One was a shrine quest that wouldn't have pinged, so I don't feel too bad. The other one made me sad. I am SO MAD AT MYSELF over it. It was at the bottom of a cliff that was too tall for the shrine detector to catch, or maybe I had the detector focused on something else at the time. But it was so close to places I had been to repeatedly, and I cannot believe I forgot to head over there and look. I even had a regular side quest to do that would have pinged that shrine for me if I had just done it.
Clearly, Cosmo must have done something, because I never thought I would have broken that way. DARN YOU COSMO!!!
Now I just have the Trial of the Sword from the DLC. Which is INSANELY difficult. It's amazing how much you rely on your armor in that game without realizing it. I might not finish that thing. Although actually finishing it would probably give an amazing sense of accomplishment.
Just remember, you have more defences during Trial of the Sword than a section of the second DLC.

bishop083 |
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bishop083 wrote:Just remember, you have more defences during Trial of the Sword than a section of the second DLC.Good news! I found those missing shrines!
Unfortunately, my despair drove me to the breaking point, and I looked them up. One was a shrine quest that wouldn't have pinged, so I don't feel too bad. The other one made me sad. I am SO MAD AT MYSELF over it. It was at the bottom of a cliff that was too tall for the shrine detector to catch, or maybe I had the detector focused on something else at the time. But it was so close to places I had been to repeatedly, and I cannot believe I forgot to head over there and look. I even had a regular side quest to do that would have pinged that shrine for me if I had just done it.
Clearly, Cosmo must have done something, because I never thought I would have broken that way. DARN YOU COSMO!!!
Now I just have the Trial of the Sword from the DLC. Which is INSANELY difficult. It's amazing how much you rely on your armor in that game without realizing it. I might not finish that thing. Although actually finishing it would probably give an amazing sense of accomplishment.
If you are talking about what I think you are, then that is technically true, but you still had all your stuff. Including all the arrows, and the really good bows. This is like starting the game over, and then trying to beat combat shrines with a pile of wooden sticks. And no pants.
because it WILL come up.
EDIT: Forgot to add, I blame Cosmo for this. Especially given what he blamed himself for, I absolutely blame Cosmo for this.
Double Edit: BTW, I also want to say thank you, Cosmo. I know this whole thread is all in good fun, but part of that is because you chose to allow it to be that way. It's nice to have a completely silly way to vent about things, and I appreciate that you allowed this thread to form rather than crushing it.

Ensign 5th Account |
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Souls At War wrote:I blame Cosmo this thread is still a thing!It warms my charcoal heart when folk like SAW speak up, practically begging He Who Must Be Blamed for "special attention." I blame Cosmo that more sentients don't do it.
I have a reason for that "blame Cosmo". ;p

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The local radio stations I listen to on the way to and from work have some sort of hive-mind thing going on. Normally I don't mind hearing the exact same obscure '80s rock (like After the Flame, by Cheap Trick, or Monkey on Your Back, by Aldo Nova) on three different stations, but Huey Lewis and the News?
Really Cosmo? That's gotta be in violation of the Geneva Conventions...

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And then I went grocery shopping, and they were playing 'The Power of Love' at the store.
Oh Cosmo, you're just messing with me now!
If there weren't like 48 radio stations within close listening range of Redmond, I'd go to their websites and request that they all play Olivia-Newton John songs to get my revenge, but gosh, that's a lot of radio stations...

Hunt, the PugWumpus |
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I blame (♫♪ ...But the) Cosmo (heart of) that Set (rock and) has proven (roll, heart) unusually resistant (of rock) so far (and roll) to HueyPool infection (is still beating... ♫♪).

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The local radio stations I listen to on the way to and from work have some sort of hive-mind thing going on. Normally I don't mind hearing the exact same obscure '80s rock (like After the Flame, by Cheap Trick, or Monkey on Your Back, by Aldo Nova) on three different stations, but Huey Lewis and the News?
Really Cosmo? That's gotta be in violation of the Geneva Conventions...
Their early work was too new wave for my taste, but when Sports came out in '83... I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically.

Pillbug Toenibbler |
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Earlier today, I had the thought "It's a good thing I can't kill people with my mind, because today would be a massacre." But then I immediately realized I don't want that power, because it'd be too merciful. Now I realize I desire the power to give people massive, crippling strokes with my mind. I blame Cosmo for my embracing my inner Neutral Evil.
Today, I again strongly wish I could telepathically make heads a'splode. Still blaming Cosmo that I can't.

Ambrosia Slaad |
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I also blame Cosmo for Selene's friends' utter douchebaginess insensitivity. She deserves so much better.
I also also blame Cosmo that CVS has Altoid mints on sale this week for buy-one-get-one-free. The same clerk has checked me out all four days this week I've been there buying Altoids, and she's starting to give me a weird look.
My blood-peppermint levels are currently high enough to kill Barzillai Thrune at 30 paces.

bishop083 |
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I have a new video game problem to blame Cosmo for. I've been playing Monster Hunter World, and it's been great. The problem I'm having is that I can't figure out how to unlock soft soil in the botanical research center. From what little I have seen online, story progression is not a requirement, beyond needing to get to high rank. Which I did. I know that I need to complete a delivery request. I know the name of the request. I even know who I get the request from. And I know it can be done because my gf did it with her character.
What I don't know is how I get the request to be made available. And neither does ANYONE ELSE ON THE INTERNET!!!
I've checked. There are like 20 articles about unlocking more slots, but not one that talks about unlocking the various fertilizers. And my gf and I follow three different youtubers that are basically MH pros, and not one of them had a video about it, either. It's driving me insane.
I blame Cosmo, because I cannot conceive of any other force that could possibly explain it. Why are you so cruel? I just want to fertilize all my plants in a point efficient manner. Is that too much to ask?

Ambrosia Slaad |
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I blame Cosmo for clicking on a click-bait headline in my newsfeed from a trashy gossip site that just "gotcha!" outed two celebrities (who seem to be wonderful people) in a long-ish term relationship with each other.
I blame Cosmo that even knowing the vile crap that will now surely come their way, I still felt a little happier that (assuming if it's true) they both play for my team.

Hunt, the PugWumpus |
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I blame Cosmo that I don't know what to blame Cosmo for!
Oh my, that's the most karmic-ly unsound utterance I've seen in a long time. That's like painting an Astral Plane bullseye on your soul and then waving Wile E. Coyote signs taunt-mocking Fate.
I blame Cosmo for E5A very soon becoming a literal textbook-example of some highly-improbably act-of-Deity Calamity-with-a-capital-C.
Edit: I also blame Cosmo that my strict adherence to Oxford comma use was, in hindsight, a gateway to my hyphen addiction.

Ensign 5th Account |
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Ensign 5th Account wrote:I blame Cosmo that I don't know what to blame Cosmo for!Oh my, that's the most karmic-ly unsound utterance I've seen in a long time. That's like painting an Astral Plane bullseye on your soul and then waving Wile E. Coyote signs taunt-mocking Fate.
I blame Cosmo for E5A very soon becoming a literal textbook-example of some highly-improbably act-of-Deity Calamity-with-a-capital-C.
Edit: I also blame Cosmo that my strict adherence to Oxford comma use was, in hindsight, a gateway to my hyphen addiction.
But I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
I blame Cosmo I can't tell if it's a good or a bad thing.

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So I just got back from a vacation visit to my mom in Arizona, and was informed before I left that it was hovering around high 70s, low 80s, for the past few weeks, and that it hadn't rained for 135 days (which is not abnormal for there, I guess). As I had been busting my back shoveling snow at least once a week at work (and at home), and the temperature the day I left was a balmy 15 degrees, I was looking forward to this.
I got there and it was sunny and 80 the day I arrived, and the day I left. For the six days in between it was cloudy and overcast and 60-ish (which was still four times the temperature I was expecting, and very welcome, even if the natives were wearing sweaters and muttering about a 'bitter cold snap'), and it even rained, for a day and a half, which was apparently unprecedented (as rain in Casa Grande usually comes down hard for 15 minutes to an hour, causing flash floods in the desert, and then returns to sunny skies).
So I see you've got the orbital weather control satellites of evil online, Cosmo. Good work!
/shakes fist

Cole Deschain |
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I blame Cosmo for the fact that the old water pump in my house died two weeks ago.
I also blame Cosmo for the fact that it took nearly two weeks for the verdammt plumber to get his act together to actually get here and replace the miserable thing.