Player wishing for an invulnerability


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So he want to become invulnerable? I'll go with:

''The sword slash your skin, revealing a flesh now made of iron.''

Each X damage prevent, remove -1 dex as he become stiff. With no possiblity to restore them. When reaching 0, he become a Iron Statue.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Turn him into a pillar of adamantine.

Roll up a new character.

(Yes, my evil GM nature is coming out...)

Silver Crusade

I have dealt with a similair issue in my game:

Player A wishes "to be completely immune to any attack by NPC B".

"Ok, your dead. Not undead, just plain dead." No attack can harm you if you are already dead.

In keeping with the path of least resistance I would grant the player the invulnerability armor enchantment which is basicly DR 5/magic.

Depends on how "evil" you want to be as a GM.

How about every time he would take damage, he compltely resets to an interval of time bofore he took damage, with any appropriate changes (lack of knowledge of the intervening time, any xp or items that he had gained in the meantime are lost, so on). You could decide the interval (for example 1 hour or one day), or you could roll each time (like 1d4 rounds).

Make the invulnerability come with a price. If he were a good character I would suggest that he be given unlimited HP but can only heal through killing innocent children.

Making the price difficult to pay for an evil character is harder. Give him unlimited negative HP, but make it so he feels everything he does to his victims. He suffers any and all conditions that he inflicts on other including being staggered stunned, frightened, Etc. . Also include any mental anguish like sadness and despair and he is messed up. Having his character permanently sickened while any of his victims are suffering would work.

If you make it so that every good act he does reduces his pain it would be a fitting punishment. Kind of like a reversed vampire where he is driven by the pain he feels to do good deeds. This will probably end up changing his alignment over time.

If you're able to retcon the invulnerability at all, why not borrow from the character Max Damage (Incorruptible comic series). He has a varying degree of invulnerability, depending on how long he's been awake. The longer he's awake the more damage he can absorb, but after a couple of days he starts suffering the mental issues associated with sleep deprivation. If he sleeps his invulnerability is reset, giving him a couple of hours each morning for things like shaving.

So give your player a stacking DR bonus that depends on time elapsed since he woke up. Maybe +1 DR every two hours. If he stays awake for a certain interval of time apply the Fatigued condition. If he's awake too long, apply the Exhausted condition. Maybe add some additional levels of fatigue into the mix.

This could make for some interesting game play. At what time of the day does the party carry out a mission? Later in the day and Invulnerable Character can absorb a lot of damage, but other characters may be low on spells / abilities. Does this character have limited use per day abilities, if so, does he want to rest to refresh them, or stay awake and pump up his DR?

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Spoilers for the first book of the Xanth series:

The main character's magical ability was to be completely protected from any magical harm, but by pure coincidence. Also, his ability tried to hide itself. For an example, someone was using magic to try and turn him into an animal that couldn't speak (to silence him), but a fly flew in the way and was changed instead. For another example, someone tried to poison him with poison gas, and he tripped over a root, avoiding the cloud.

This could be played as messing him up every time he provokes an AoO or is attacked, shoving him around the battlefield, knocking him over, and generally making it hard for him to do anything that puts himself in danger. It doesn't punish the player with death, but it does make things... interesting.

gees, guys... a bit heavy handed here.

Well, the wish was intended to be twisted.

I suggest:
- PC is immediately teleported 1000 ft away to the closest safe space. Withot equipment.

- PC turns ethereal. But not his equipment.

- PC just gains DR 5/magic. It's a joke.

- If teh translation is "Cannot be wounded", then... PC gains fast healing 1 BUT it applies only to the 1st HP of a wound. (prevents Bleed damage but nothing else)

- Or... all damage received in non-lethal. And he vains a vulnerability to non-lethal (+50%).

- He can still be killed through non-hp damage and affected by conditions. ()Paralyzed by a ghoul and chewed on... forever)

- He get put out of combat fast, this way.

There was a villian in an early X-Men comic called UNUS.
He had the power to erect a force field that made him invulnerable to harm.
He eventually died because he was not able to deactivate the field to eat, drink, breathe, etc.

Same principle.
Because he has a uber powerful force field around him, this character cannot touch anything to eat, drink, use touch spells on himself, remove his armor to sleep, cannot be touched by others as in heal spells, and so on.
He will eventually weaken and die (unless the wish ends before it)

Madclaw wrote:
Bill Dunn wrote:
Shin Bilirubin wrote:
Have any damage he takes given to his nearest allies, so he never takes damage, but others take it for him.
This is my favorite suggestion so far. This puts the rest of the party in the position of wanting him fixed and fixed fast!
Problem is the PC is CE and may not care.

But the rest of his party most likely will.

I guess most here don't want to hear it but people who kill a pc for a wish are bad GMs.

Liberty's Edge

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Roberta Yang wrote:
I recommend you kill him for making a wish oh man I am so clever

No, that would be cruel. Tell him to take it back and wish for more wishes. Or better yet, just that the players always instantly win, forever! Because that will totally make the campaign fun for everyone!

Hurray I am the mostest cleverest!

He wished to invulnerable but didn't say invulnerable to what. So make him invulnerable to something. But nothing is said about side effects. So make him invulnerable to fire but vulnerable to cold. No damage from fire but double damage from cold seems cruel enough. Don't mention that part though and let him find out the hard way.

Oh I'd go all over the "you are invulnerable to harm" angle - especially since the effect takes it out on his ancestors, family, childhood friends, etc. If he has Leadership, the followers start buying the farm as each effect that his invulnerability ignores nukes a follower.

How the efreet/genie gains power is simple - it gains the life force of those slain by the character's wish as additional racial hit dice (with attendant increases in CL) as a genie. When it gains enough HD to break CR 20, it is unshackled from the lamp, taking the invulnerability with it - and instead the character enjoys a nigh-unbreakable version of unwilling shield with the genie he helped empower and free.

Naturally, the genie very much wants to keep the character alive. It would be ecstatic to grant this boon to the rest of the characters, especially once they see it working "in the field". Of course, the horror should be profound when they return home and the messages start coming in, the followers / cohorts are mourning their lost comrades...

let the damage spread to the last friendly person the character talked to that isn't in the area when the damage was done, soon word spreads of how everyone the character talks to dies a mysterious and horrible death and the towns start to turn on the party. Not only do they need to remove the curse but they also have to clear there name, if they take to long perhaps have the genie who granted the wish break free and the pc's are also responsible for sending it back to it's home plane before it does more damage in there name.

The character has a combo of DR and shield other.

The party takes half damage from anything he takes, his DR resists the rest.

He also has 0 AC and NO saving throws.

He has a constant ire effect that makes everyone and anyone feel threatened by him and attacked.

So he always gets hit, and EVERYONE of his companions takes half damage.

the other PCS will find a way to lock him up out of harms way until they can get it reversed.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

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Umbranus wrote:
I guess most here don't want to hear it but people who kill a pc for a wish are bad GMs.

...or played 1E/2E AD&D and remember what curses Wishes really could be.

Judge not lest ye be judged.

I can see a couple of differet methods to deal with this. The first would be Invunerability is a set enchantment in the game so you could just give him that (DR5/magic) with the twist that he is alaways considered to be wearing heavy armor.

Second make him remake his character as an invunerable rager barbarian or swop out his favorite class feature for the DR of one.

Third as magic is obviously the greatest threat in the the world make him immune to all forms of magic including the ability to activate or cast it.

ciretose wrote:
Roberta Yang wrote:
I recommend you kill him for making a wish oh man I am so clever

No, that would be cruel. Tell him to take it back and wish for more wishes. Or better yet, just that the players always instantly win, forever! Because that will totally make the campaign fun for everyone!

Hurray I am the mostest cleverest!

Yes, clearly "kill the PC for ever making a wish" and "make all PC's win everything forever" are the only two options. I know some people have spread rumors that there might be some middle ground where people can, you know, actually play the game, but that's just a myth.

Silver Crusade

Every injury that he doesn't take gets inflicted on some one else. He could be causing hundreds of people to die. Have there be a rash of murders. Eventualy have him get attacked with a very disinctive weapon like a branding iron. And then they find a corpse of some one with that injury. Eventualy have this injury thing happen to a party member.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Some of the ideas given *have* been in that middle ground. Amazingly it's an evil character asking for a wish from an evil monster. And yet it shouldn't go wrong...

Short of the statue or non-corporeal ideas, DR 15/Bludgeoning would allow for injuries without 'wounds'.

One thing I *would* do. No XP for the character. Basically if he/she can't be hurt, then the encounter should be considered "greater than 10 below the character's level"

So invulnerable and unable to gain XP. Sounds like something to remove.

(Aside years ago I had a GM whose sister made a similar wish. His actions were like those above.)

Matthew Morris wrote:
No XP for the character. Basically if he/she can't be hurt, then the encounter should be considered "greater than 10 below the character's level"

This may be just a tiny hair more cruel than I'd be willing to go, but that being said its easily my favorite of the above ideas listed other than my own. It has the advantage of both giving the character exactly what they asked for, while throwing a completely legitimate pre existing game mechanic at the scenario. Two thumbs way up.

Shadow Lodge

Here's how I would do it:

Every time he's struck, the area where he would have been wounded turns into solid adamantine. The percentage of his body transformed would equal the percentage of his hit points he would have otherwise lost. He would not revert to flesh over time, so any HP lost are permanent until the Wish is reversed. If you're not using hit location tables, have the first wound land someplace convenient, like his chest. He'll probably think it's pretty cool at first.

Eventually, it will spread elsewhere, costing him the use of an arm, leg etc. You could then use this as an adventure hook as he looks for a way to reverse the wish before he's totally immobile.

RumpinRufus wrote:
Shin Bilirubin wrote:
Have any damage he takes given to his nearest allies, so he never takes damage, but others take it for him.
This is great, but I think I can make it even better - instead of the damage going to his nearest ally, it goes to whoever he cares for most in the world. Baby sister is first to go, then mommy, then Francine (he never cared much for his father...) Only after everyone he loves in the world is dead, does he start taking damage himself.

he is CE tho what if he killed his family for power?

I hang my head in shame, because I can't resist being "that guy." I'm very sorry, in advance. See, what I'm not clear on is why you'd give a low-level character access to a wish that intentionally exceeds the boundaries of the spell of the same name (i.e., is of godlike power) without first thinking through what the outcomes were likely to be, and how to cope with them?

Yes, I understand, sometimes the GM gets in over his/her own head, based on the PCs doing things he/she didn't anticipate. That's expected, and it's half the fun of GMing, for me. But to intentionally put yourself in that situation, without the improvisational moxie to deal with the inevitable aftermath? Until I can get a grip on that, I'd counsel with the adage, "until you know all the rules inside and out, it's probably a good idea stay within them, just for now."

first off i would of turned him into an unbreakable shield or armor that cant move. maybe it can talk but that's it. for being so careless in wording a wish.

and i got one hes immune to all pain and feeling whatsoever he cant taste or feel good or bad you run with that for a while...

he cant get drunk he cant enjoy anything physical he cant taste food.
he cant feel pain and cant die he can be knocked out and if brought to numbers that would kill him he instead revives some time later. he will never age and has to go on forever never able to enjoy anything more than a joke or music. can you see what torture this would be?

you could cut off his head and it would not be dead but it couldent do anything unless you re attache it....

god im evil....

Give him DR 5/magic or DR 10/magic, i am leaning more to DR 10/magic myself.

What if he is dazed, whenever he gets successfully hit.

On the 2nd or 3rd hit some other effect (sickened, blinded, fatigued, etc)

It gets worse every 2 hits or so.

So the party uses all their spells just to keep him effective. I'm sure they would love that.

Ross Byers already has your answer

A lot of people in this forum are assuming a wish is powerful enough to grant all these abilities (turn into adamantine statute when attacked, teleporting to another plane,ect)..

Look at the PATHFINDER Wish spell

Its very limited... and while the wish was said in another language the wording is key. Efreets are extremely LAWFUL Evil..

Did the wisher wish for no more WOunds? Then the wish does Stoneskin casted at 11 level (Spell Like ability power of the Efreet means Stoneskin lasts for 110 minutes).

Did he wish it Forever? Then I would just grant a Belt of Stoneskin but perhaps cursed in that any Efreet that attacks the wearer of the belt takes double damage or since its a 60,000 Gp item and I believe a Wish cannot grant that high of an item (perhaps take 30k from the player in addition).

Don't screw the player into an unplayer character. But don't reward the player for grievous or extremely selfish or greedy wishes either. Find the EASIEST and SIMPLIEST method for handling this situation.

Lord Tsarkon wrote:

Ross Byers already has your answer

A lot of people in this forum are assuming a wish is powerful enough to grant all these abilities (turn into adamantine statute when attacked, teleporting to another plane,ect)..

Look at the PATHFINDER Wish spell

Its very limited... and while the wish was said in another language the wording is key. Efreets are extremely LAWFUL Evil..

Did the wisher wish for no more WOunds? Then the wish does Stoneskin casted at 11 level (Spell Like ability power of the Efreet means Stoneskin lasts for 110 minutes).

Did he wish it Forever? Then I would just grant a Belt of Stoneskin but perhaps cursed in that any Efreet that attacks the wearer of the belt takes double damage or since its a 60,000 Gp item and I believe a Wish cannot grant that high of an item (perhaps take 30k from the player in addition).

Don't screw the player into an unplayer character. But don't reward the player for grievous or extremely selfish or greedy wishes either. Find the EASIEST and SIMPLIEST method for handling this situation.

It says right in the spell description:

You may try to use a wish to produce greater effects than these, but doing so is dangerous. (The wish may pervert your intent into a literal but undesirable fulfillment or only a partial fulfillment, at the GM's discretion.)

Invulnerable as in withstanding any damage that can hurt or kill you.
BOOM, you are a pile of ash.
Cannot take more damage and cannot be killed if you are already dead and cremated.

If you want to go into more detail.
Reduced to subatomic particles.

Bill Dunn wrote:
You could make him react to attacks like a superball reacts to hitting something. In this case, his invulnerability to wounds would translate to him bouncing around the room at high speed, a menace to everybody around him.

I actually rather like this method. And there's already a framework for making it work! Start with Roll With It, but he doesn't get a choice about it, automatically bounces off of every hit (including when impacting creatures and objects from previous bounces) and doesn't get to choose which direction he goes in.

Certainly not as subtle, insidious, or vicious as most of the suggestions here, but it'd be hilarious for at LEAST one fight :P

I don't intend to kill the player character for making that wish, or make him unplaybale. Though this thread has given me some thought on how his wish will manifest, and I believe I'll probably end up going with DR 15/bludgeoning, with severe vulnerability to blunt damage. Basicly his skin is hard to penetrate, but his bones shatter easily.
(also being suspectible to all magic damage, as normal)

The character in question is a fighter, so I'll let him have his short moment of glory fighting against slashing / piercing opponents, and then throw some strong dude with a 2h-hammer at him.

Its up to him if he wants to keep his invulnerability, or to revert it. I won't harass him constantly with these bludgeoning guys, but once in a while remind him of his brittle bones.

Besides its not like I really need to screw over the player's character too much, he accomplishes that pretty much himself. Before getting that wish, he picked up cursed berserking sword, and will have to use that in the next fight. I'm guessing the other party members will find it hard to appreciate this berserking, invulnerable half-elf.

Anyways, thanks for the suggestions all.

Liberty's Edge

Roberta Yang wrote:
ciretose wrote:
Roberta Yang wrote:
I recommend you kill him for making a wish oh man I am so clever

No, that would be cruel. Tell him to take it back and wish for more wishes. Or better yet, just that the players always instantly win, forever! Because that will totally make the campaign fun for everyone!

Hurray I am the mostest cleverest!

Yes, clearly "kill the PC for ever making a wish" and "make all PC's win everything forever" are the only two options. I know some people have spread rumors that there might be some middle ground where people can, you know, actually play the game, but that's just a myth.

Odd that you started out on the extremes then. Sorry, was I not supposed to join you?

ciretose wrote:
Odd that you started out on the extremes then. Sorry, was I not supposed to join you?

I didn't start the extremes. "Just kill him" is literally a suggestion several people have made.

Liberty's Edge

Roberta Yang wrote:
ciretose wrote:
Odd that you started out on the extremes then. Sorry, was I not supposed to join you?
I didn't start the extremes. "Just kill him" is literally a suggestion several people have made.

And you would grant him invulnerability?

ciretose wrote:
Roberta Yang wrote:
ciretose wrote:
Odd that you started out on the extremes then. Sorry, was I not supposed to join you?
I didn't start the extremes. "Just kill him" is literally a suggestion several people have made.
And you would grant him invulnerability?

Are you saying that the only options are to grant actual invulnerability or to just kill him? Again?

Grant the wish... for one minute. He didn't specify how long he wanted to be invulnerable, now did he? ;)

Please consider doing this, find some way to throw in some cursed items into the mix of this, and either make it a Bag of Devouring, Necklace of Strangulation, Girdle of Opposite Gender, Helm of Opposite Alignment, or a Scarab of Death. These are awesome to watch how the PCs react!

Scarab Sages

You are all thinking too deep...

The first player did not state in his wish what he wanted to be invulnerable to. The jinn could make him invulnerable to sunlight. The jinn is happy that a mere mortal did not pull one over on him. The DM is happy that the player is not on his way to becoming a combat monster. The player feels cheated, as he should be, for thinking he could beat a jinn.

The second player did not state in his wish for how long the servitude would last. Next time the player in deep **** and he calls for his servant to show up, nothing happens. Times up. If he's lucky, PC are never lucky, the jinn might tell him why. Naaahhh, just leave him hanging...

Liberty's Edge

Roberta Yang wrote:
ciretose wrote:
Roberta Yang wrote:
ciretose wrote:
Odd that you started out on the extremes then. Sorry, was I not supposed to join you?
I didn't start the extremes. "Just kill him" is literally a suggestion several people have made.
And you would grant him invulnerability?
Are you saying that the only options are to grant actual invulnerability or to just kill him? Again?

Are you selecting the most extreme examples and making sarcastic comments in reference to them? Again?

ciretose wrote:
Are you selecting the most extreme examples and making sarcastic comments in reference to them? Again?

Why yes, I was indeed making fun of the people who said crazy things.

You seem to be interpreting it as me making fun of every single post in the thread, as opposed to, you know, the ones who said the thing I was making fun of them for saying.

Liberty's Edge

Roberta Yang wrote:
ciretose wrote:
Are you selecting the most extreme examples and making sarcastic comments in reference to them? Again?

Why yes, I was indeed making fun of the people who said crazy things.

You seem to be interpreting it as me making fun of every single post in the thread, as opposed to, you know, the ones who said the thing I was making fun of them for saying.

And you seem bothered I selected an extreme example to illustrate the absurdity of your point. Imagine doing that!

Star Shadow wrote:

You are all thinking too deep...

The first player did not state in his wish what he wanted to be invulnerable to. The jinn could make him invulnerable to sunlight. The jinn is happy that a mere mortal did not pull one over on him. The DM is happy that the player is not on his way to becoming a combat monster. The player feels cheated, as he should be, for thinking he could beat a jinn.

The second player did not state in his wish for how long the servitude would last. Next time the player in deep **** and he calls for his servant to show up, nothing happens. Times up. If he's lucky, PC are never lucky, the jinn might tell him why. Naaahhh, just leave him hanging...

i love it... so and so help! why? because you serve me... oh that yeah your time is up as of 3 days ago. what?! why are you here then? i got bored and this is entertaining?

He asked to be "un-woundable"... I'd treat him like the Nemean lion and give him DR <something> /bludgeoning. He won't see any scrapes or cuts, but his internal organs will still take the rap. I'd also treat any bleed damage as internal bleeding so that magical healing is the only way to stop it as opposed to a heal check. Still not a bad trade off for him, but it does have a potential downside.

Just as "Eternal Life" doesn't necessarily entail "Eternal Youth", "Immune to Harm" doesn't necessarily mean "Immune to Pain". So he still looses HP and will pass out when it goes too low, but he can't be bled and he'll never "bleed out" and die. He'll still get sick and he'll still die of old age. He may even be over-sensitive to pain, now, and lose additional HP from each attack because his invulnerable skin reverberates and causes more pain from each blow.

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Make it instead Fast Healing 30, but it's powered by his heart.

His heart, which can be forcibly removed and ingested, giving someone else the same power. Making his heart something rather coveted by numerous entities throughout the planes.

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