Star Shadow's page
33 posts. Alias of RHauglin.
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I can finally write up those Crystar (Marvel comics) characters I always wanted.
I would like to see a 100' lizard rampaging down the streets of Peijia. Or two 50' golems/ clockworks, one Tian and one Avistan, battling it out for supremacy in the crowed city Peijia.
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An echo of what happened to Tekumel, in the Empire of the Petal Throne rpg (1974).
Our PvP started out as PvGroup.
While playing AD&D, one player, playing the only cleric, withheld cures from the group. He decided he wanted to get paid for his spell use. So the fighters refused to fight the next monster unless they got paid beforehand.
A fighter withholds a piece of a map he had found from the group. The thief sees him do this, so he pick-pockets it, reads it, and puts it back. The player knows this, of course, and runs a thief in the next game.
In the new game, the thief (who was the fighter in the previous game) fumbles his roll to pick-pockets the fighter (who was the thief in the previous game). The group, taking lessons from a Dragon Magazine cartoon, held the thief by his ankles and shook him out.
After this, the group decided that it was a law of the Universe that you can not steal from PCs.
The Crusader wrote: I must have a bad definition for these terms. My understanding of "rollplay" is that it is the absence of "roleplay".
I have never equated it with the mechanics of the game. It's merely someone who rolls dice with no corresponding descriptive dialogue.
"I attack." *rolls* "I hit." *rolls* "X damage. I'll move here and end my turn."
I think everyone takes that kind of action from time to time. So, I'm not trying to shame anyone who does that. Some just do it more than others. Occasionally, you find someone who does it almost exclusively. That is what I would term a "rollplayer".
In the 1980's, "rollplayer" was applied to someone who treated a roleplaying game like a board game with zero role playing to the PCs / NPCs. It had nothing to do with number crunching or the love of rolling dice.
Ah, how things have change.
James Jacobs wrote: My favorite one to point out as a way to combat folks who get too wrapped up in applying the rules PRECISELY AS WRITTEN is this:
Being dead does not make you fall prone.
Fortunately the game is run by people who are capable of applying common sense and logic to things, and so when you die you do fall down, and so you CAN see the moon despite its distance.
That said...
I'm also amused whenever someone gives the Run feat to monsters without legs. ;P
Is there official Pathfinder information on becoming a vampire?
When a PC becomes a vampire:
Do their eyes turn red? Do their skin turn pale? The Bestiary 1, Vampire, says, "They look much as they did in life, often becoming more attractive, though some have a hardened, feral look instead." Nothing about red eyes or pale skin.
Do they have to sleep in a coffin? The Bestiary 1, Vampire, Creating a Vampire, says in an example, "If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, a vampire assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed." Does this mean that all vampires must have a coffin? What if they were made into a vampire on the road and no coffin was used?
Can a vampire drink mammal (animal) blood and not human blood? The Bestiary 1, Vampire, Creating a Vampire, says that a vampire can drink blood to heal itself. But, it does not say that a vampire must drink blood daily or that they must drink human blood.
Can a vampires eat "normal" food?
Thanks in advance.
Is there any way of getting 5 ranks of stealth before 5th level, to become an assassin?
Is there any race, class, feat, talent, etc. that would give me one or more ranks of stealth?
Thanks in advance.
[Sorry for the poor grammar. It was cut and paste from Tekumel RPG from 1975.]
The Supreme Principle of Stability, the Lord Whose True Name May Not Be Known, Master ofLight, Foe
of Change, The Illumination of All the World.
Lord Hnalla seeks Light without Darkness, the refulgence the God must hold the letter "k" in the heart and mind,
of Essential Glory, and the ultimate presence of while gazing upon a diamond or pure transparent crystal.
Changeless Radiance throughout the cosmos. He is the final goal towards which the other Lords of Stability Costume
strive, each in His or Her own less-perfect fashion. Lord Priests and priestesses of the God of Light garb
Hnalla aids those who serve Stability, rewards those who themselves in vestments of purest white and skullcaps of
establish and maintain the order of things, and provides silver. Their robes are adorned with polished silver
for those who are industrious, pious, temperate, and of plaques; golden medallions, glittering diamonds, and
dignified mien. such pure crystals as will turn the light into a spectrum of
Like a battlefield fought over by two ancient foes, the a myriad hues. All colors are produced by Lord Hnalla's
Universe is the focal point for the conflict of the two light passing through the world, and hence the spectrum,
Great Principles: Stability and Change. The former the rainbow, and the colors of the universe themselves
strives for continuation, peaceful cycles of being, and are but the twisting and turnings of Light as it passes
continuing development to the final goal of utter through the substance of the material cosmos.
changelessness. The latter seeks change, rebirth, violent Each of the fifty-one Aspects of the mighty Lord requires
alteration, and the ongoing destruction and rebirth of all different garments, ornaments, and headdresses. Some
that exists. This opposition is fundamental, eternal, and require the priest or priestess to go nude, save for
unforgiving; there can be no compromise. Should a necklaces, anklets, bracelets and ropes of crystals hung
balance occur, it is but for a moment, a teetering upon the about their person. Others require the wearing of
brink of still more change, and even mightier conflicts elaborate costumes, with gleaming helmets, set with gems
along the path to the Goal . and adorned with the spectrum-like plumage of the
Those who serve the Stability of Endless Light claim to beauteous Kheshchal-bird, and still more designs too
have already won; Change, they claim, can alter all things numerous and grand to describe in words. The glyphs of
but must in the end subside and become Stable. the Aspects vary as well, each symbolizing the wondrous
Darkness gives way to Illumination . The Supreme Being and Substance of Lord Hnalla's forms.
Principle of Change, Lord Hru'ii, cannot gain victory. Rituals
His transitions, meaningless flickering, and
displacements cannot be Eternal by their very definition! Within the Temple of Hnalla are performed the most
If Change is eternal, then it is a Stable phenomenon, the grandiose of all ceremonies, with bright white robes and
very antithesis of what Lord Hrii'u preaches! Thus Lord crystal candelabra-style ornaments and lights. Many
Hnalla seeks no other end but the maintenance of All ceremonies are held out of doors, where sunlight striking
That Is until the inevitable end of the One Light. the crystal ornaments and jewelry casts rainbow patterns
all about.
Theology The priests in their white robes pray in unison, marching
The Outer Doctrines
out in the nave of the temple, burning the special palbnincense
reserved only for this Temple and singing songs
Color of praise.
Lord Hnalla's color is a brilliant white, and clear There is no hymnal and the common folk do not
substances and silver are also common. participate in the song, choirs sing elaborate choral
arrangements in ancient languages, such as Thu'nsa,
Astrology Engsvanyali, classical Tsolyani, etc.
The heavenly body associated with Lord Hnalla is There are six basic daily ceremonies in the Temple of
yellow-white Tuleng, the Sun. Hnalla. These are of course "outer" ceremonies, there
Numerology being a wide variety of other rituals: those observed only
on certain days, those observed only by certain temples,
Lord Hnalla's number is one, signifying unity, power and inner ceremonies, miscellaneous doctrinal rites at various
the unification of all. One who would Harmonize with times, etc. Do not succumb to the belief that the Temple
of Hnalla ever rests! There are ceremonies at any given
moment during the day, and even rituals throughout the endorse newly-revealed Prince Taksuru Tlakotani, a
night. fellow Ksarul-worshipper, in his renegade bid for the
Nonetheless, the Tunkul-gongs ring six times throughout
Petal Throne.)
the day to call the faithful to prayers. These ceremonies Following the interment, the High Priest of Lord Hnalla
take place at sunrise (The Coming in Glory), four Kiren leads the High Council of the Priesthoods in the rites of
after sunrise (The Expansion of Light), at midday (The the Kolumejalim. The Council Hall itself is within the
Victory of the Master of Light), at the hottest part of the Temple of Hnalla in Bey Sii, where it remains sealed and
afternoon (The Ceremony of Brilliant Light), at sunset silent until the death of a sovereign causes it to be used
(The Encroachment of the Dark), and upon the rise of once again.
Gayel during the evening (The Viewing of the Creatures
of Night) . The Rite of Choosing, the Kohimeafm, was established to strengthen and secure the Empire. Hereditary rule
The ceremonies of sunrise and midday are the most always fails because the children of a sovereign tend to
elaborate and joyful, and those at sunset and mid-evening become weak, foolish, and sapped by luxury and easy
the most somber, but all are grandiose in a manner living. The Tsolyani hold that an Empress or Emperor
characteristic of this mighty Temple. must be the strongest, cleverest, wisest, most ruthless,
The times of these ceremonies will differ from city to city
and most politically aware of all of the candidates.
by season and latitude, but all revolve around the rising All of the candidate heirs are summoned to the Temple of
and setting of the sun and the bright light of the day. A Lord Hnalla in Bey Sii where they take up lodging and
few of the more common names for these ceremonies are gather their champions. Each is allowed a champion in
given, but these will vary from place to place: sometimes as many as three contests since no one can be an expert in
the names used are in Bednalljan or Engsvanyali, all skills .
sometimes the names are worded differently, etc.
Worshippers of Lord Hnalla from distant cities will know On the date chosen for the Kolumejalim, each candidate
by the time of day which ceremony is underway. Also, proceeds to the Temple of Hnalla in grand procession .
most local priests will understand if visitors refer to a Cohorts of troops, legions of musicians, contingents of
ceremony as it is called in a foreign city. priests and priestesses from each Temple, foreign
ambassadors with their entourages, high nobles and
Death Rituals notable persons, huge Chlen-carts bearing Imperial
The Temples of Lords Hnalla and Thiimis bury their dead symbols on tall poles, choirs of children, and all of the
recumbent, with the body's hands crossed over its inhabitants of the city join these processions according to
stomach. their choices.
The Kolumejalim The Tunkul-gongs roar, the crowds cheer, the trumpets
shriek, and the gates of the Temple close as the
It is in Bey Sii, the Center of the World and Capitol of candidates are taken inside. None may view the
the Cosmos, where the Kolumejalim "The Rite of Kolumejalim save the officials and priests appointed to
Choosing of Emperors" takes place. Lord Hnalla plays a do so ; else there would be chaos. Singers, mimes,
major role, and many of His Aspects are concerned with dancers, and sorcerers performing illusions and other
specific rites and celebrations ofthe Kolumejalim. tricks entertain the masses outside. Within, all is silent .
Imperial funerary rites involve Lord Hnalla's Temple The candidates stand upon the central dais in the Hall of
only to a minor extent . Since the previous God-Emperor, Choosing, one by one, in order of their ages. Each
Hirkane Tlakotani, was a worshipper of Lord Hnalla, the declares his or her intention to accept the Gold, then lays
Temple was called in grand conclave to perform certain a sword, a book, a white headband, and one purple D10-
final rituals for His burial, but had He worshipped fruit upon the altar. One by one each candidate faces
another, that Temple would have been called instead. toward each cardinal point in turn, beginning with the
north, and summons his or her rivals to appear.
The last great Seal, "The Stone upon Which the Universe
Rests," wished to be interred in Bey Su, rather than in The sequence oftests is arbitrary and selected by lot, as is
the catacombs below Avanthar. All of the Temples the order and pairing of the heirs. The contests then take
joined in transporting the sarcophagus to the Portal ofthe place before the Council. If a champion is called, they
Land Beyond Life beneath the Necropolis of Bey Sii on alone may enter the chamber to stand for their candidate.
the eastern side of the river, and so it was immured to All others are excluded : no servants, no courtiers, no
await the End of All. spouses or children. Only the guards of the Omnipotent
Azure Legion are allowed. The tests are conducted with
(Rumors have it that this circumstance was crucial to the efficiency and speed to prevent rioting outside. Each
escape of Prince Mriddbu Tlakotani from the fortress of candidate must enter all of the tests, using their three
Avanthar. Thwarting then-Prince Dhich'une's champions as best they can (in one or as many as three
assassination attempt, Prince Mridobu allegedly secreted different contests).
himself within the very sarcophagus of the deceased God-
King, having drilled concealed air-holes in the gilded When a candidate has completed a test, they leave the
exterior. Certain trusted supporters later freed him, or so room by another door and are escorted, alone and unable
the rumor has it . It is undeniable that after long absence to speak to their rivals, to a private chamber to wait. Two
Prince Mrid6bu surfaced in Bey SO in time to publicly
new candidates are then selected and provided with who could be mean-spirited enough to dampen the
weapons, books, or whatever is needed . revelry and the joy?
A loss in one trial does not mean that the Ko1umejdlim is Upon reaching the village of Avanthar, on the eastern
lost. Unless a candidate is slain or is so severely bank of the river, all disembark, and the new Ruler is
wounded that they call for the executioners, the contests escorted across the water by corps of soldiers from the
continue . No physicians or healers are permitted, and a Omnipotent Azure Legion . The Prelates, Legates, and
wounded candidate may have to endure many more tests other high persons of the State come down to greet the
with nothing but a simple cloth to stanch the blood. A new Ruler, who is escorted up the many stairs into the
candidate can declare themselves defeated at any time, of Great Hall of the Petal Throne, where the Synod of the
course, and is then executed by a speedy and relatively Court of Purple Robes awaits . The Sovereign greets
painless method. these functionaries, advances up to the speaker's station
just beneath the solid wall of translucent, carven petals of
The Council secretly records its scores for each test . delicate-veined jade that make up the outer enclosure of
When all of the contests are completed (usually 9, 10, or the Petal Throne itself, and bows to the memory of their
12, depending upon the astrologers) the results are departed parent . No light bums behind the screen .
compared, and the heir who has won a majority of the Indeed, the Emperor's own hand will be the first to set
contests is declared the winner. Abstention is not flame to the lamp there.
allowed. If there is a tie, the vote is taken over again.
The contests themselves are never repeated . Should a tie The Supreme Commander of the Omnipotent Azure
persist, each council member draws lots against all the Legion then comes forward to divest the Emperor of all
rest, and the winner then casts the deciding vote. worldly garments, and He or She is led naked to the tiny
All of this is done with unutterable solemnity and dignity.
door in the north wall . This leads into a labyrinth of
The fate of the Empire may hang upon an unguarded
passages and on into the Golden Tower itself. Here the
word, a faulty choice, a parry when one should have
Last Rites of Being Human are performed, and then the
Servitors of Silence advance to escort the Emperor
struck, or some mistake in calculation. within . Once that door shuts, the Emperor is no longer a
Members of the Council cannot leave the chamber, sleep, mortal, having become one with the Gods.
or consume more than a loaf of Dna-grain bread and a Sacrifice
cup of water until a winner is chosen . When all is over,
the winning candidate is quietly conducted back into the Lord Hnalla is held in special reverence for He is the
Council Hall ; the losers are led out one by one to face mightiest of the Gods of Stability. He accepts sacrifices
their doom. Most go bravely, singing their death-songs, of white flowers, clear crystals such as quartz or
but some have been known to require a squad of burly diamond, and white stones.
guards to bring them to their fates. Champions may
The Temples of the "Gentle Deities," Lords Hnalla,
choose to join their candidate, and many follow this
noble path, but none are bound to do so. No one speaks Belkhanu and Thumis, have neither blood sacrifices nor
until all of this has been finished, and the executioners carousals.
have departed by another door. Then the hall explodes in Food Taboos
applause, cheering, and shouts of "Long live the Seal!"
The Temple of Hnalla ordains fasting as a penance for
The Tunkril-gongs sound again, and continue their wild "ignoble" actions. Instructors usually order such penance
outcry throughout the night and into the following day. for their students ; by priests for penitents; and by
Men and women dress in white - even those of faiths individuals who seek absolution for themselves. These
other than Lord Hnalla's - and there is feasting, fasts can range from such simple measures as abstaining
drinking, and revelry on a scale no one could imagine. from "treats" to going for long periods with only a little
Usually five days and nights are passed while the water.
sovereign-to-be makes final arrangements, says farewells,
and prepares for the journey to Avanthar. Then the Some particularly religious individuals seek ascetic
Temple's great, gilded palanquins are brought out of their spirituality through long periods of fasting and prayer.
storage chambers . A thousand slaves are selected to TheAfterlife
carry them, and on the morning of the sixth day the
procession sets offtoward the Citadel. All along the way Lord Hnalla promises His worthy devotees immediate
folk stand to see their Emperor or Empress as He or She translation into the Supernal Light of His Being, while
passes, high up like a God, dressed in Imperial finery and His enemies are consigned to a Plane of Utter Darkness
the colors of the Temple of His or Her faith. Thousands and Torment. Beyond these basic philosophies, one is
stand upon the hills behind, and the river is filled with advised to seek out a priest of Belkhanu for a thorough
boats and swimmers. Legion contingents march with the lecture concerning the Isles of Teretane and the Planes
procession, each bearing its resplendent Kaing-standard. Beyond.
Trumpeters, drummers, and dancers accompany the History
march, and caravans of carts laden with gifts and goods
trundle along behind all. Even those who do not favor One of the most legendary emperors of Tsolyani history
the Temple of the new Ruler join in the celebrations, for worshipped Lord Hnalla. The fifth Seal Emperor,
Trakonel 1, "the Blazing Light," ruled from 139 to 195
A.S . (After the Seal). Emperor Trakonel sacked the cities across broad floors; stairways rise in stately grandeur to
of the One Other, repelled the fanatics of the Pariah balconies and mezzanine floors, all the way to the dizzy,
Goddess, and drove the Hliiss from the southern shores arching domes of the ceiling, decked with murals in all of
of Tsolyanu . He laid the foundations of the shrine of the hues of the artist's palette. At the far end, the great
Lord Hnalla in Bey Sii, and expanded the priesthood nave ends before the altar dais . Stairways carpeted with
tremendously. Under his rule, monasteries, academies, white lead from either side up to the double-circle
and libraries were constructed all over the land . This symbol of the God at the highest point in the chamber.
same Emperor also developed the custom of Imperial Worshippers attired in white kneel here and there upon
seclusion within the fortress of Avanthar . mats ofcarded white HmOu-wool, adoring the Person of
the Godhead. Silence is ordained for all, unless it is time
The Inner Doctrines for one of the six daily ceremonies. Then there is the
Soul sweet sound of the priests' chanting, the harmonious
antiphony of the choir, the mumbling response of the
Of the Five Portions of the Soul, the Temples of Hnalla devotees, and over all the deep, thunderous booming of
and HriAi share an interest in the Chusetl (the Shadow- the Tunkul--gongs from on high in their mighty tower.
Self) and the Baletl (the Spirit-Soul), and their eventual Thus it is from one day to the next, from one century to
dispositions in the Perfect Light of Hnalla (or the another, for the many millennia since the founding of the
Ultimate Darkness of Hrii'ii) . The journey itself does not Faith by the Beatified Pavar.
matter, thus little of the theology of these Temples
focuses upon particular behaviors on this Plane, Secular Activities
excepting the overall desire for 16n (noble) behavior as a
means to the eventual end. Businesses
Language With its focus in the central valley of the Empire along
The Temple ofHnalla has no "secret tongue" (as does the the Missuma River, the Temple of Hnalla also has
Temple of Ksarul), but it does employ Thu'usa, as an interests (through its faithful clans) in shipping along the
argot and as a "high tongue" (just as noble Engsvanyali is Adashtra and Missuma rivers, trade between cities in the
the "high tongue" of the culture at large.) area (particularly Bey Su and Jakalla), and the
bureaucracy of the Empire (such as couriers and
Thu'nsa is a language originally spoken by a semi-tribal dignitaries traveling to and from Avanthar.) Economic
society in the Kurt Hills in Tsolyanu during the Time of changes affecting these interests would quickly come to
No Kings. It has been resurrected by the Temples of the attention of this powerful Temple.
Stability to write innumerable magical texts. Knowledge
of Thu'usa is usually limited to the higher clergy of the Public Works and Services
Priesthoods of Stability, but it is by no means "secret." The Temple of Hnalla's interest in shipping and trade in
Its peculiar text is written vertically and is referred to the Central Empire makes it an advocate on behalf of its
colloquially as "ladder writing." clans urging the upkeep and enhancement of the S6kbe
Rituals roads in the area, and the maintenance of the rivers
(dredging, etc.) . Additionally, the sect called the Light of
While the Temple of Hnalla has no "secret" language, it Wisdom Society employs the Temple's many shipping
does have inner ceremonies and inner rituals that are and mercantile contacts to distribute texts to distant rural
elaborate, lengthy (another characteristic of this Temple), areas. Otherwise, the Temple of Hnalla does not engage
and feature great amounts of sacrifice offered by the in many public works, leaving to Lord Thumis His
highest clans. People come for ritual blessings upon the schools and to Lady Avanthe Her care for the indigent .
new year, sacred relationships, clan contracts, and
Imperial business, all of which are favored by the temple. Cities ofBroad Influence
All are brought within the temple for special The Gods Hnalla, Karakan, and Avanthe are esteemed
consideration and blessings. throughout the land, but are strongest in the central
As with most of Pavar's Temples there are "inner rituals," regions ofTsolyanu along the Missuma River.
and there are "Inner Rituals." The former are the private In any sizable city there will be more than one temple to
ceremonies conducted for the wealthy and powerful a given god. In Bey Sil, for instance, there are more than
patrons of the temple, the latter are the purview of the half-a-dozen temples to Lord Hnalla In such a city, there
priesthood alone. will be a central, or largest, or most respected temple of
all the temples to that God in the city . This is the temple
Temple Layout referred to when reference is made to "the" Temple of
The temples of Lord Hnalla are tall, high-arched, set with Hnalla in a given city . Such temples are almost always
windows of colored glass and precious stones that traditional, conservative temples, devoted to the God or
Goddess, and possibly one very popular and traditional
transmit the Light in patterns and hues unimaginable to Aspect . The smaller temples might be more "liberal" in
most mortals. Incense smokes upon high braziers of their interpretation of doctrine (adhering to philosophies
silver and filigreed gold; draperies and tapestries only five hundred or a thousand years old), and might
depicting the triumphs of the God hang from the pure
white walls; mosaics of crystal and white marble swirl
Bey Sii
i Hasanpor
NewYear's Day
3 Langala
Summer Solstice ; The Feast of the Lighted Path
1-10 Halir
Harvest Celebrations
Tsolyanu, Mu'ugalavya, Salarvya and Livyanu celebrate
the beginning ofthe harvests with feasts and celebrations .
Worshippers of Lord Hnalla join others in celebrating 4 Trantor
with feasts, gift-giving, and political pageantry.
Festival of the Shining Sun (southern)
On festival days of Lord Hnalla's Second Aspect,
Chirdshin Tulengkoi, "The Shining Sun", thousands of
Residents of all the Five Empires celebrate the Summer widows, widowers, and those whose Skeins have become
Solstice with ceremonies appropriate to their various tangled and sorrowful march in procession to His shrine
temples. and pay Him worship. Many miracles occur, souls are
healed, and hearts are filled with joy.
This longest day of sunlight is celebrated by the Temple
of Hnalla in Bey Su with the Feast of the Lighted Path . 12 Trantor
Rural celebrations take place all over the Empire from The Circle ofLife-Giving Light
dawn till dusk, with much ceremony when the sun
reaches its zenith . There are free foods and beer. Crops In Bey Sii and Avanthar, the worshippers of Lord Hnalla
are laid on altars or in circles in fields . Flowers are celebrate the Circle ofLife-Giving Light.
floated down rivers . There is an underlying rural stratum
of pre-Pavar beliefs which persists across all the nations, 9 Firastil
and many of these beliefs are reflected in these Festival ofthe Shining Sun (northern)
celebrations . One element present around Ormish
involves squeezing the juice of many fruits into a bowl Theologically identical with the celebration observed on
from which everyone sips, and this is said to fertilize the the 4th ofTrantor in the cities of the southern empire, the
land . The fruit of this time is not quite ripe, so one does different dates for this celebration are the result of a
not wish to drink too much. doctrinal dispute now lost to history. As a result,
however, the cities in the eastern and northern parts of
Tsolyani, such as Tsuru, Sokatis, Paya Gupa, and
Khirgar, observe this festival on the 9th of Firasf l.
Mitlanyal Hnalla C 2001 Bob Alberti
9 Lesdrim 9) Parsh6lmokoi hi Elitlayal
Emperor's Birthday (former) "The Teller of Skeins"
Formerly the Birthday celebrations for the Seal Emperor To Him come those seeking omens and advice. His
Hirkane. Emperor Dhich'une has not to date reinstated clergy specialize in the interpretation of His signs, which
this celebration on his own birthday. are usually misinterpreted by the laity as mundane
10 Dohala
Accession Day (former)
10) Nektulen
Formerly the day of the celebration of the Accession of
"He Whose Eyes are Fixed upon the Light"
the Seal Emperor to the Petal Throne. Emperor The clergy of Lord Nektulen devote themselves to the
Dhich'une has not to date reinstated this celebration. worship, rituals, and praises of Lord Hnalla, and are
composed largely of Ritual priests and priestesses. The
Chitlasha, Intercalary Days Administrative clergy of Lord Nektulen often act as
Joyous Singing of the Praises of the Emperor liaisons to the Temple of Lord Hnalla's Cohort, Lord Drd.
In Bey SO and Avanthar, the lntercalary Days begin with 12) Bajan Ke'un
the Joyous Singing of the Praises of the Emperor, "The Guardian of the Imperium and Patron of its Armies"
including religious rituals and public pageantry.
Pictured as a stern-faced man ofmany years in white robe
Aspects and cowl and bearing a mighty sword. He is favored in
Jaikal6r, where each month begins with celebrations and
Unlike most Temples, each of Lord Hnalla's fifty-one worship to this Aspect .
Aspects has a shrine in the temple, although in the
smaller facilities these shrines may be no more than a 13-26) Aspects of the Stations of the K61umej61im
candlelit sconce in a white stone wall . Celebrations, These obscure Aspects seem to have no other functions
festivals and commemorations are held for Their worship, beyond Their tasks in the lengthy Rite of Choosing
and differ from city to city and region to region . A few Emperors. At such times as this takes place, their images
of the more commonly known aspects are listed below. are brought out, anointed with perfumed Puni-oil,
2) Chirashin Tulengkoi dressed in costumes of the richest materials, adorned with
gems, and paraded through the streets for the crowds to
"The Shining Sun" admire .
This Aspect only accepts offerings of diamonds, crystals, 32) Jermochusiun
and purest gold . He gives His devotees surcease from
cares and freedom from fear and grief. His priests and "The Illuminator of the Dark"
priestesses go nude, save for necklaces, anklets, bracelets, A militant Aspect that supports campaigns against the
and ropes of crystals hung about their persons, which dwellers in lightless places, such as the Worm Lord and
make each motion glitter and flash. On his festival days, His Minions.
the 9th of Firasul and the 4th of Trantor, thousands of
widows, widowers, and those whose Skeins have become 40) Mentukoi hijer
tangled and sorrowful march in procession to His shrine
and pay Him worship. Many miracles occur, souls are °The Crown ofLight"
healed, and hearts are filled with joy. On certain days the sunlight shines through a special
7) Markh6m window-shaft in this Aspect's shrine in Sokatis,
illuminating the crystal of the Fortieth Aspect .
"Tikhkoi hiWadhO Pekh6sun (The Master of Priestesses bring small children who are in need of
Transcendent Contemplation)" healing or solace to bathe in its rays and be blessed.
His halls are filled with those who wish to meditate and
consider the patterns of Reality. Each year the clergy of Demons
Lord Markhom publishes volumes in the series titled The Entities ofLight
"The Perfect Compendia ofAnswers to Questions of Life
and Existence Most Vexing to Humble Beings ." These These beings appear as great spheres of dazzling,
tomes are filled with solutions to such riddles as "Why insubstantial white light some three meters across . They
Misfortune?" and "Is Free Will Necessary?" and the like . are said to "speak without words" and do not bear
Those of a philosophical bent can swim in a veritable weapons or tools. They accept offerings of magical
ocean ofwisdom . items.
Mitlanyal Hnalla ©2001 Bob Alberti
The Fulguration ofImmanent Grandeur
This ritual fires a powerful bolt of light that damages
only its target.
The Globe of Distant Discernment
This psychic spell allows the spellcaster to project his or
her vision across distances and through objects.
The Inimitable Defender
This ritual spell creates a crystalline dome that impedes
the passage of magical energy .
This ritual spell teleports the caster elsewhere.
The Negation of Instability
This ritual spell disenchants illusions
Peaceful Repose
This ritual spell wards offmagical nightmares .
The Power ofUltimate Perfection
This ritual dispels demons summoned by agents of
The Ritual ofthe Purified Sphere
Renders an area impassable to demons and, in some
cases, priests of Change. The higher levels of this spell
violate the Concordat when placed upon public spaces .
This variant is thus reserved for private sanctuaries of
Lord Hnalla such as Inner Libraries, monasteries, and
other areas where Priests of Change should never be.
Each faith, indeed each individual temple, has its own set
of traditional roles and ceremonies for the outer and inner
rituals. Even within so venerable and powerful a Temple
as that of Lord Hnalla, there is no one creed or ceremony
which all of the Temples celebrate with uniformity .
Local traditions and influences render each service within
each temple quite unique. One could no more expect a
"Blessing Upon the Mountains" ceremony in TJnnish
upon the Flats of Tsechelnu than one would expect a
"Celebration of the Returning Schools of Fish" in desertlocked
Fasiltum . Yet such ceremonies are deeply
important to those living in the mountainous or coastal
regions ofthe Empire, respectively.
Within each temple, however, the various rituals require
celebrants. From the High Ritual Priest, who stands
amidst a crowd of attendants beneath the emblem of the
God during the most grand celebration, to the acolyte
lamp-lighter scurrying to avoid the swift switch of her
instructor, every ceremony requires the coordinated
efforts ofmany people. Over time, such duties have been
assigned a place in the hierarchy, and suitable individuals
are identified to fill each role.
For example, the role of "Illuminator of the Face of
Light" is a part of the morning rituals within the Temple
of Hnalla. The role is fulfilled by a Second-Circle Ritual
Priest or Priestess of middle to middle-low clan status,
for it requires a facile tongue but also a familiarity with
the kind ofmanual labor which might not be suitable for
a member ofa higher clan .
Every morning the "Illuminator of the Face of Light"
walks up to the temple's statue of Lord Hnalla and
polishes its face, then waves incense before it while
reading or reciting ritual lines appropriate to the day and
The "Illuminator" does not select the incantations ; these
are chosen by more senior priests based on their
knowledge of the philosophies of the temple, the
astrological signs, and other circumstances. The
"Illuminator" does not polish the rest ofthe statue, this is
done by other persons in other roles in the hierarchy.
Should the "Illuminator" be always prompt, well-spoken,
thorough, and conscientious, then he or she may be
promoted to other positions within the temple's Ritual
Such humble beginnings are the source for great
achievements . Today's "Illuminator of the Face of Light"
doubtless dreams someday of becoming the temple's
High Celebrant. More likely, however, diligence and
hard work might be rewarded with one of the important
traditional roles of the high annual ceremonies, such as
the "Joyous Singing ofthe Praises ofthe Emperor." Such
roles are envied and respected, for only the best Ritual
clergy are selected to fulfill them, and once appointed do
not usually surrender these posts until they retire. While
responsible for ordinary duties, appointees to roles in the
larger ceremonies set aside their day-to-day tasks for a
few weeks each year . They are accorded perquisite
dignities and comforts as they prepare, and are borne
upon splendid litters in the grand processions preceding
Mitlanyal Hnalla ©2001 Bob Alberti
the actual ritual . Upon the conclusion of each year's
celebrations the priest or priestess returns to his or her
regular duties, elevated in status and respect among his or
her peers.
Of such labor and rewards are whole careers well
constructed, and such are the dreams of the Second-
Circle "Illuminators of the Face of Light" dozing upon
their dormitory mats at the end of the day's duties.
The Uncaring, Singer ofthe Hymns ofthe Gods
Lord Dra is perhaps the most difficult Deity to Priests in the temples of Lord Dra carry out very simple
comprehend . He represents the total disinterest of the rituals: incantation is followed by the sacrifice of flowers
Perfect Light in the phenomenal things of this universe. and other offerings, and then by a quite philosophical
This almost mystical Deity believes that what occurs in discussion of the characteristics of the God and His
this world has no Reality and the true goal must not be worship.
obscured by the tawdry veils of sense perception. His
followers affect complete indifference to this world, and Sacrifice
His most ardent adherents, the "Perfect Ones," train Lord Dra accepts sacrifices of flowers and fruit, and gold
themselves to care nothing for their surroundings or even with which to support the Temple, but He does not care
for their lives. They sit or lie as they are placed by the about these things at all. Sacrificing to Lord Dra in order
priests within the temples, are force-fed, and ignore to gain His favor is as absurd as praying to Him in time
hunger, thirst, pain, and all of the sensations of this of need .
existence. The Afterlife
Lord Dra does not care enough to aid His worshippers,
and He does so rarely, carelessly and sloppily. He Those elevated to Lord Dra's paradise join the Eternal
counterbalances the glorious and ever-advancing Chorus, singing the praises of Lord Hnalla, never
Perfection of His supernal Master with passive and flagging or lacking for words or requiring sleep, but
utterly devoted worship. singing continuously forever.
Aside from His One Task of singing the Hymns of Lord It is not agreed that Lord Dra bothers to punish those
Hnalla in the Halls of Paradise, Lord Dra has no part to who fail in His worship, although some claim His hell is
play in the interactions ofthe Gods. a place of perpetual distraction, of the desire to
accomplish great tasks while being eternally interrupted
by petty, mundane and stupid matters.
The Outer Doctrines
For those who seek the Perfection of Dra, there is
Color actually more to His worship than lay people initially
White and Tan. perceive . Worshippers of Lord Dra seek to join with
their God in the Hall of the Gods and join the Eternal
Costume Chorus in praising Lord Hnalla .
The priests and priestesses of Lord Dra wear parti- This is best achieved through obedience, and the
colored robes of white and tan, and a variety of turban- adoration of light. The role ofthe individual, of the self,
like headdresses. The true ascetics of Lord Dra, known of anything apart from Lord Hnalla Himself is to stand
as the Perfect ofDra, wear nothing at all. and reflect His light, giving glory to the light itself. Lord
Rituals Dra's philosophy is that His beauty is only visible
because of the light of Lord Hnalla, so being the place
The Temple of Dra is not prone to ceremonies of any the light strikes is a way to worship.
kind, although there are occasional gatherings of nonadept
worshippers. . These are regular folks who, like The Perfection of Dra, to which His devotees aspire, is to
many Tsolyani, base their worship on the tradition and worship and reflect the Light as does their Lord.
heredity of their clans and do not aspire to the devotions
of the Ascetics . Lord Dra is rarely the primary God of a Temple Layout
clan (most Tsolyani favor a more active Deity), but There are very few temples to Lord Dra, and these are
tradition calls for Him to be worshipped, and so He is. funded by Lord Hnalla's Temple and the donations ofthe
The clans offer support to the adepts of this Temple, who clans. They are usually separate buildings within the
are those devotees striving for "The Perfection of Dra." precincts of the compound of a temple to Lord Hnalla,
Insofar as they fail in "perfection," these adepts maintain located on the southwest side and away from anything
the Temple and support their more-perfect brethren with which might block the sun.
their labors .
I just received my kickstarter Emerald Spire minitures. They look better than I thought they would. I do not collect the prepainted plastic minitures, due to them being poorly painted. These are nicly detailed.
Even if it is not official, I still would like to see the test.
My group just finished book two of the Second Darkness. I have a few questions about the noqual:
1) How much noqual does it take to build a longsword sized weapon? Should I just let each player have one weapon? The noqual golem is mostly iron with very little noqual.
2) Would the weapon/ armor look lime-green alike the noqual golem?
3) What would a weapon/ armor special abilities be, without additional magical added? Pathfinder wiki says noqual is as strong as iron but half as heavy and it is spell resistant.
Thanks in advance.
In all of the role playing games that I have played, a wizard needs two hands to cast magic. I now have a player who says a wizard only needs one hand free for the material spell components.
I can not find a ruling in Pathfinder. Can someone help?
I have a player who would like to have a summoner with a spider eidolon, over time/ levels make his eidolon into a drider.
First question: can you save unused eidolon pool points?
Second question: can you create a drider-like eidolon? If you can, how do you work out torso?
It would work.
The sorcerer class, dragon bloodline, says that there is a dragon in your family tree.
So if a shape-changed dragon can have sex with a PC humanoid race and eventually produce you; then a shape-changed PC having sex with an animal should produce a similar animal.
My vote is for #1,2, and 6.
My daughter is in the band Candy Warpop. They are doing a Kickstarter to put out there first album. If you are interested, here is the link: ngth-album
Some suggustions.
Talents: alertness, athletics, brawl, dodge, intimidation, Streetwise, subterfuge.
Skills: drive, firearms, melee, security, stealth.
Knowledges: academics(Tremere clanbook revised), computer, investigation, law, occult, politics.
You are all thinking too deep...
The first player did not state in his wish what he wanted to be invulnerable to. The jinn could make him invulnerable to sunlight. The jinn is happy that a mere mortal did not pull one over on him. The DM is happy that the player is not on his way to becoming a combat monster. The player feels cheated, as he should be, for thinking he could beat a jinn.
The second player did not state in his wish for how long the servitude would last. Next time the player in deep **** and he calls for his servant to show up, nothing happens. Times up. If he's lucky, PC are never lucky, the jinn might tell him why. Naaahhh, just leave him hanging...
In VTM everyone has two faces: the one that the sire/ clan/ vampire society sees; and the one that you see when you look in the mirror.
Always ask your ST if your approach fits what he has in mind for the game.
You could do both, your sire/ clan/ vampire society might have you investigate vampires/ crimes that the MO fits a vampire/ cover up vampire crimes; and you want to do this to learn more about vampires.
How long have you been a vampire? Up to 50 years for a newbie vampire.
Your background chooses will help you here. If you have a lot of allies/ contacts, this might be why you were made into a vampire. So they, through you, have control over these people. If you were a vampire for awhile and they trust you, you might have one dot in status, you are "known" and therefor ask to investigate/ clean up after vampires.
Internal affair: young vampires are taught not to question the doings of the older vampires. As so many writers have put it: Dreams within dreams. Circles within circles. Plots within plots. Unless they are using you for their games, they usually do not want you near them (you might ruin their fun). This is how we played our game. When something happens, are you thinking too deep? Or was it a simple event? Again, this is how I ran my games.
In between clans: in the books, most clans are not lovey-dovey. They are neutral at best and paranoid/ hateful at worst. Our group played together because of the human need to bond with others of alike kind, vampires in this case.
It is up to the ST to play into the internal affair/ in between clans ideal.
The game color is what the ST puts into it. He could make it into a game of paranoia/ adventure/ redemption/ "good" vs "evil". You will have to ask him what kind of game he likes to run. If he ran White Wolf games before with these players, talk to the players.
Let your imagination run wild!
I used all of the Story-Teller books.
I had a NPC werewolf pretending to be a Gangrel, a nasty surprise for anyone bad mouthing Gangrels.
A power gamer playing an Assamite (Arabic assassin) decided to hunt down a vampire vampire-hunter. The Assamite tried to kill him by sunlight, the hunter saw what he was up to but did not care. The Assamite almost died only to find out that the vampire hunter was a human. Another encounter between the two, and the Assamite realized that not only was he hard to follow (merits) but the hunter's fist blows really really hurt him (fist of god merit). The Assamite asked for help from the local kindred, they would not help him. 1) He is an Assamite (assassin) with, not a chip, but a boulder on his shoulder. 2) The hunter is part of the (name of group), a kindred police force (above even the Justicars) Making him untouchable -- unless you want to die. The power gamer did not want to play with us after that.
A player who had a habit to shoot first and ask questions later, met with a woman who took his bullets and kept coming after him. He never found out that the woman was a mummy with a talisman that allow bullets to "splash off like rain".
All three of these NPCs were done strictly by the rules and could be used as a PC.
BTW, I had to go to work so I could not say what I wanted.
I have only played VTM (Vampire The Masquerade) and not VTR (Vampire The Requiem).
Gangrels are your t-shirt and blue jeans kind and the Tremere more the suit and tie crowd. I would not call that barbaric but a Tremere would.
You could do a detective from any of the clans, less so as a Nosferatu. All of the clans would use skills/disiplines in their detective work. The rest is color.
Is the ST allowing merits/flaws?
Are you a detective to cover up any vampire activity? Expose the fact that vampires are out there (even though your a vampire)? Do you know what you are? Are you seeing that becoming a vampire makes you a better detective? What is you angle? This would help you in deciding which clan to choose.
A Tremere detective would have skills reflecting that he was a detective in his mortal years.
The way I would do it:
7 point mental
5 point social for Tremere, Ventrue, Toredore.
phyical for Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu.
3 point in the left over attributes group.
13 points in knowledge.
9 points in talents.
5 points in skills.
Background: allies, contacts, herd (unless your ST will allow you to have access to hospital blood/blood banks using your detective badge), generation (ask your ST if you can, the lower your generation number the less someone can control you), resource (it is always good to have money), status (as a new vampire, usually just one dot). There are more in other books.
Changing virtues also changes humanity/willpower.
Freebie points: I tend to put them in disciplines then in backgrounds then in abilities. Any extra points I tend to put in virtues.
Your disciplines will very depending on which clan you take. Which ever one you choose, just think how is it going to help him as a detective or protect him.
Merits use up freebie points.
Flaws give you points (up to 7), which are treated like freebie points.
My 2 cents worth.
Even if you are investigating vampire cases, your friend never watched the VTM tv show(see The Pirate Bay.) As a detective I would start as a Gangrel. Take heighten senses.
The players in my old ADD game also DMed. We all agreed to not allow PCs killing PCs.
One player was well known for stealing from other PCs. we inflicted him with that old (and often redrawn) picture of the fighter holding the thief upside down by his ankles while the cleric and mage looked on as the stolen treasure piled up beneath him. He did not do that again, it was a deterrent for the others that the players had enough!
There are so many, more because many singers slur the lyrics.
Queensryche's "The lady wore black", I heard "We sat with Satan, never speaking in words." But the actual lyrics are,"We sat in silence, never speaking in words."
And dare we bring up Hendrix kissing guys?
Oh there it is, the last 4 posts did not have it.
I donated $30 dollars and was supposed to have the goblin icon when I post, but it is not there. Am I doing something wrong?
Yes, my sister would come up with a long background. I, as GM, got a copy of the character sheets. She would create NPCs in her background and they would come calling on her to help them when she did not want them to. Another time, she listed phobias, she got tiered of being told, "you can't do that". She does not do long backgrounds anymore.
The simple games are the best. Master of the Fallen fortress is a lvl 1 game, simply change the monsters for the lvl you want to play. MotFF can be played in an hour, as it is a simple clear the tower type of game.
At the top I put an etheric dragon (which dose not exsist in Pathfinder). I simply used a red dragon and gave it the ability to go etheric. The dragon could not hit the PCs or vice a versa while etheric. On the top floor the floor is weak, a PC steps on the weaken floor, the dragon pops in and down goes a PC. You could be nice and say he only fell to the next lvl down.
Before Paizo did this, we did this (ADD 1st ed) with Orcs. We Be Goblins allows players to be the "bad" guys. Simply use a race that fits your lvl.
When all else fails, Hungry are the Dead. It's a 6th lvl game...
It becomes confusing when Paizo uses Starfall to mean a crashed spaceship and to use it interchangeable with Earthfall.
Have we been mislead? A meteor hit the Azanti, but also in Inner Sea and if you look at the Varisian Gulf. It does say in one of the books that some people believe that more than one meteor hit the world. So maybe the Aboleths had nothing to do with it.
Alot of loose strings. It allows the GM to make his world different than someone elses, by which one the GM decides is true.
This is my first year with Paizo, so the Christmas card came out of the blue. Never had any company send me a Christmas card before, love it. Too bad I missed the Seoni card...
I've only recently ran across Hero Lab. $40 starting package and almost $20 for every book, makes it hard to swallow. Comparing Hero Lab to characters that I've done from the books and I've found the numbers don't always match. Is it worth the hundred plus dollars?