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Xpltvdeleted wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:

she can not use it one handed, but may use it two handed. Without the feat she would not be able to do so. She also still suffers the penalties.

With the feat a bastard sword is one handed, so you can use a large one handed weapon as a two handed weapon.

It just seems like a game-mechanics technicality to me. You have to have a feat allowing you to use one size of weapon one-handed so you can use a slightly bigger version of that same weapon two handed?

EDIT: I guess I should say that I do get why you have to take the feat, but when you sit down and think about why you're taking the feat and what you're accomplishing by taking the feat it's just silly.

CRB page 141-144 i had to read it about 5 times before it sunk in.

ikarinokami wrote:
Snowtiger wrote:
ikarinokami wrote:
Snowtiger wrote:

here is what i got from it.

Jotungrip (Ex): At 2nd level, a titan mauler may choose to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand with a –2 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. The weapon must be appropriately sized for her, and it is treated as one-handed when determining the effect of Power Attack, Strength bonus to damage, and the like. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.

with this a M character could use a M greatsword with one hand.
the only reason i could see this is if someone wanted to use the greatsword with a shield...

Massive Weapons (Ex): At 3rd level, a titan mauler becomes skilled in the use of massive weapons looted from her titanic foes. The attack roll penalty for using weapons too large for her size is reduced by 1, and this reduction increases by 1 for every three levels beyond 3rd (to a minimum of 0). This ability replaces trap sense

With this a M character could use a L Greatsword with 2 hands. and i dont think its limited to just large.

PS. im guessing the looted part is just for flavor but you can simply ask your DM i dont see anything along the lines of "They must be looted"

also if you want to use both then carry a great sword your size and a greatsword 1 size larger and decide which one to use.

your size = 1 handed larger = 2 handed

your not looking for an eather or wep its a bigger or your size wep because Jotungrip says the wep must me your size to do this and a large bastard sword is not a M characters size.

its pretty much show off by using a greatsword like a longsword at -2 or use a big ass greatsword like a greatsword

this is incorrect. you cannot by rule use a large great sword, the archtpe does not allow you to wield one. all it does it reduce the penalities if you were able to wield one, but since by rule you can't, it has no effect, because it does overule that rule, it only lessens the penalies if you could wield such weapons. hence all it does

ahh i see it now my mistake. and they will probibly fix this At at some point because i really think its intention was to make it so people can make that anime character with the 100lb blade of death. it seems like something a dm can hand wave or make over complicated. because even with the large bastard sword you would still need a M one for J grip which if you wanted to do that you can just take a feat on a different barb...

ikarinokami wrote:
Snowtiger wrote:

here is what i got from it.

Jotungrip (Ex): At 2nd level, a titan mauler may choose to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand with a –2 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. The weapon must be appropriately sized for her, and it is treated as one-handed when determining the effect of Power Attack, Strength bonus to damage, and the like. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.

with this a M character could use a M greatsword with one hand.
the only reason i could see this is if someone wanted to use the greatsword with a shield...

Massive Weapons (Ex): At 3rd level, a titan mauler becomes skilled in the use of massive weapons looted from her titanic foes. The attack roll penalty for using weapons too large for her size is reduced by 1, and this reduction increases by 1 for every three levels beyond 3rd (to a minimum of 0). This ability replaces trap sense

With this a M character could use a L Greatsword with 2 hands. and i dont think its limited to just large.

PS. im guessing the looted part is just for flavor but you can simply ask your DM i dont see anything along the lines of "They must be looted"

also if you want to use both then carry a great sword your size and a greatsword 1 size larger and decide which one to use.

your size = 1 handed larger = 2 handed

your not looking for an eather or wep its a bigger or your size wep because Jotungrip says the wep must me your size to do this and a large bastard sword is not a M characters size.

its pretty much show off by using a greatsword like a longsword at -2 or use a big ass greatsword like a greatsword

this is incorrect. you cannot by rule use a large great sword, the archtpe does not allow you to wield one. all it does it reduce the penalities if you were able to wield one, but since by rule you can't, it has no effect, because it does overule that rule, it only lessens the penalies if you could wield such weapons. hence all it does is it allows you to do is use a large bastard sword or...

Weapon Size: Every weapon has a size category. This designation indicates the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed.

A weapon's size category isn't the same as its size as an object. Instead, a weapon's size category is keyed to the size of the intended wielder. In general, a light weapon is an object two size categories smaller than the wielder, a one-handed weapon is an object one size category smaller than the wielder, and a two-handed weapon is an object of the same size category as the wielder.

Inappropriately Sized Weapons: A creature can't make optimum use of a weapon that isn't properly sized for it. A cumulative –2 penalty applies on attack rolls for each size category of difference between the size of its intended wielder and the size of its actual wielder. If the creature isn't proficient with the weapon, a –4 nonproficiency penalty also applies.

The measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon (whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed, or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder's size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. For example, a Small creature would wield a Medium one-handed weapon as a two-handed weapon. If a weapon's designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can't wield the weapon at all.

Pathfinder core rulebook page 141 and 144. i am right... stop thinking greatsword = bustersword (cloud ff7 google it if your lost)

also on page 144...

Weight: This column gives the weight of a Medium version of the weapon. Halve this number for Small weapons and double it for Large weapons. Some weapons have a special weight. See the weapon's description for details.

so if the great sword for a M wieghs 8 lbs a large is 16 and the next size is 32 and so on... so like it says a M character using a L takes -2 the next size up they take -4 but hey look because of...

Massive Weapons (Ex): At 3rd level, a titan mauler becomes skilled in the use of massive weapons looted from her titanic foes. The attack roll penalty for using weapons too large for her size is reduced by 1, and this reduction increases by 1 for every three levels beyond 3rd (to a minimum of 0). This ability replaces trap sense

so a lvl 6 human titan mauler using a L greatsword like a greatsword takes no penalty at 9 they can take no penalty on a wep 2 sizes too big and so on as long as they can lift it.

now the Jotungrip only works on weps made for your size S=S M=M L=L and so on. the only thing i can see for this is flavor like someone dual wielding greatswords for god knows why or a greatsword and a shield or some other anime Dynasty warriors combination.

They kind of clash and should probibly be on different At's but are on this one and the only way to use both is to gave one of each wep you want to use or pick one and go with it.

Id rather keep uncanny dodge but massive weapons sounds like a fun flavor. Im sorry but the huge rock on a stick the barbarian has in the corebook in no way is only 8 lbs. as for trapfinding why not trade it for bigger weps thats the rogues job anyway and 9 times out of 10 a barbarian is going to walk through a trap and say ow and keep walking unless you have a dm that just loves killing people with traps.

a great sword is a two handed martial weapon.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A barbarian is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

S-M-L... a great sword is still a 2 handed martial weapon

Show me proof I am wrong and i will admit it.
in short

greatsword or 2 handed weapon of your size
1 hand = yes but at a -2 (massive weapons dose NOT effect this number)
2 hands = yes

greatsword or 2 handed weapon of bigger than your size
1 handed = no
2 handed = yes and for every 3 lvls your penalty is reduced by one untill it reaches 0

Ps. Im sorry my spelling sucks but I do believe I am correct where it counts. I am about 90% sure this At was created for flavor and that should be taken into account when trying to crunch numbers. if you wanna play cloud or [insert giant sword badass here] or a guy that swings around a greatclub efortlessly with one hand and a small shield this is the right place.

If you want something closer to realaty go to one of the other MEDIEVAL FANTASY BARBARIAN builds lol.

here is what i got from it.

Jotungrip (Ex): At 2nd level, a titan mauler may choose to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand with a –2 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. The weapon must be appropriately sized for her, and it is treated as one-handed when determining the effect of Power Attack, Strength bonus to damage, and the like. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.

with this a M character could use a M greatsword with one hand.
the only reason i could see this is if someone wanted to use the greatsword with a shield...

Massive Weapons (Ex): At 3rd level, a titan mauler becomes skilled in the use of massive weapons looted from her titanic foes. The attack roll penalty for using weapons too large for her size is reduced by 1, and this reduction increases by 1 for every three levels beyond 3rd (to a minimum of 0). This ability replaces trap sense

With this a M character could use a L Greatsword with 2 hands. and i dont think its limited to just large.

PS. im guessing the looted part is just for flavor but you can simply ask your DM i dont see anything along the lines of "They must be looted"

also if you want to use both then carry a great sword your size and a greatsword 1 size larger and decide which one to use.

your size = 1 handed larger = 2 handed

your not looking for an eather or wep its a bigger or your size wep because Jotungrip says the wep must me your size to do this and a large bastard sword is not a M characters size.

its pretty much show off by using a greatsword like a longsword at -2 or use a big ass greatsword like a greatsword

Marthkus wrote:

I was thinking of playing a rogue with 18 dex and 16 int with 10s in all the other stats as a human. I plan to use my rogue talents for weapon finesse, fast stealth, a combat feat, weapon focus, and skill mastery twice. I'm only planning out to lvl 12.

My normal feats would be ones that added bonuses to skills like stealthy and skill focus.

Can this character function and contribute to the party in an effective way regardless of the campaign situation?

it really depends on how creative you and your party are. also if your DM has alot of role play and problem solving situations. the skill monkey is pretty good at it.

but if your dm just keeps you on a combat grind he may not seem worth it and every dm is different so you may get one that lets you do the work in the shadows thing while the party is in town.

also dmg isint an issue if the skill monkey can sneek up on something while its sleeping.

the real question you need to ask is will i have fun playing this character? because you can power game the hell out of a class and be very bored or have lots of fun it depends on your play style.

... my brain... it hurts...

jtokay wrote:

There is an oracle PC in one of my games, who has taken the “haunted” curse:

Haunted: Malevolent spirits follow you wherever you go, causing minor mishaps and strange occurrences (such as unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises). Retrieving any stored item from your gear requires a standard action, unless it would normally take longer. Any item you drop lands 10 feet away from you in a random direction.

Normally, I’m one of those GMs that has no problem “filling in” details and expanding phrases such as “minor mishaps and strange occurrences” to take their appropriate place on the stage. However, with this campaign, there is a lot going on that I’m keeping track of and trying to stay on top of. PCs, NPCs, attitudes, machinations, etc. etc. etc. etc.

With all of that, this “haunted” curse has become not much of a curse at all except when the oracle retrieves something or drops something in combat (which there isn’t much of). That’s where I turn to you all for advice. Now, I don’t want this to monopolize the campaign, but I would like this PC to feel “haunted.”

Any suggestions?

could have it start a bar fight *bottle flies off shelf and pegs some thug in the head*

also could randomly have it mess with rest full sleep due to nightmares ect

or maybe the ghost unties someones top there are many ways to mess with the oracle and party maybe a to small flame gets put out at random.

dont forget visions

Hector Gwath wrote:

but if their power comes from the gods... why do the gods grant such power if the character never uses it to further the gods goal?

IN the above example, why would Desna grant powers to a character if all that person does is scout for an army? IF the cleric doesn't act like a cleric or give credit to the god (where admittedly, credit is due) what is the point?

on the other hand...

Clerics make for poor pickpockets and burglars, so what of thief gods? Their clerics venerate them, but are unable to imitate.

I imagine Erastil's Clerics make poor hunters too.

It seems like Clerics get pretty well shoehorned into being priests, no matter their occupation.

scouting = travel

scouts travel a lot.

also a deity granting powers to someone that dosent know they exist is pretty much an oracle.

divine magic dosent always need to come from a god but usually dose. druids and rangers get theirs from nature. a cleric could pretty much function off his belief in chivalry, death ect... the core book says they dont really need a diety if i remember right but most dms will say pick one so it depends on the dm

i like the amnesia idea. the thought of a drow that thinks its a human would be really funny.

catfolk also have claw blades they can use

Claw Blades: These subtle blades can only be used by catfolk with the cat's claws racial trait. Bought in a set of five, they fit over the wearer's claws on one hand. The blades grant the wearer a +1 enhancement bonus on claw attack rolls with that hand and change the weapon type from a natural weapon to a light slashing weapon. Catfolk with the cat's claws racial trait are proficient with this weapon. The claw blades can be enhanced like a masterwork weapon for the normal costs. The listed cost of the item is for one set of five claws for one hand.

I dont know if they can be masterwork or enchanted tho but it would save you a feat.

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Set sail for one piece!

I'd say kill it with fire...

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Kimera757 wrote:

a fight involving a blind monk and a large changeling.
How did that work? Aren't blind monks weaker than regular monks, who are ... weak? And what is a large changeling?

It was Lee Sin The Blind Monk...

chaoseffect wrote:

It's pretty unreasonable to ask the DM to retcon something by email after the session has ended. There's a statute of limitations on these things and now it's passed. The only thing I would consider is giving him one turn before he hits the water to see if he could come up with some way to not take all 20d6.

maybe flip a coin to see if one cushions the others fall but i'd say no... its 500 feet maybe the coin toss and if he can use his wings to slow the fall if so theese should be high rolls and make him roll with everyone watching his dice

Master_Trip wrote:

( Actual questions last paragraph )

So I have a player in my RotR campaign that got grappled by a revenent. He failed his CMB check to escape the grapple. Wizard cast grease on him to get +10 to his CMB check and failed again. Revenent continued to deal damage to the point where he asked the wizard to cast aquitic orb and hurl them both out the window 300 ft to the crashing waves below. Both went hurling out the window and he took the 20d6 falling along with her.

Now that it is all said and done with he has sent me numerous emails complaining that he did his math wrong and wasn't denied his Dex bonus counted the CMB wrong ect ect. He is being a pain in the butt and I would normally make a more than fair call if he wasn't such a whiner and calling me unfair. So now he's claiming that he gets another 3 rounds to break the grapple on the way down 300ft to activate his wings and even out.

Any other member would have accepted an epic hero dieing in an epic way and I wouldn't have to make this decision because they would just reroll.

1:I assume falling 300 ft. would take about 5 seconds (less than a round) is it true he would get a turn every 60ft like he says?

2:Does grease apply +10 to escape artist check only or CMB to escape grapple as well?

3:Would aquatic orb wash away the grease?

4:If he said he failed but later recalled saying he would have just barely made it, would you recall it?

5: Being grappled he loses -4 to dex does that give him -2 to escape grapple?

its his fault he did his math wrong and his fault he said hey throw me out the window i got this...

so no he is dead make a new character at least he had an epic death also if the party can recover the body or afford a true rez there is that.

its not the DMs job to remember your characters every bonus that is you as a players job.

thats like telling a cop its not my fault i ran the red light its my cars for not stopping on its own

Star Shadow wrote:

You are all thinking too deep...

The first player did not state in his wish what he wanted to be invulnerable to. The jinn could make him invulnerable to sunlight. The jinn is happy that a mere mortal did not pull one over on him. The DM is happy that the player is not on his way to becoming a combat monster. The player feels cheated, as he should be, for thinking he could beat a jinn.

The second player did not state in his wish for how long the servitude would last. Next time the player in deep **** and he calls for his servant to show up, nothing happens. Times up. If he's lucky, PC are never lucky, the jinn might tell him why. Naaahhh, just leave him hanging...

i love it... so and so help! why? because you serve me... oh that yeah your time is up as of 3 days ago. what?! why are you here then? i got bored and this is entertaining?

power gaming is setting up your stats where only the ones your character uses are maxed and everything else is dumped then arranging feats traits and items to a degree where your character is a result of a math formula instead of a character concept. Example you pick the weapon with the best stats instead of what you like. My first few characters where more or less like this.

Now I’ve gotten to the point where I think up a character and its personality and will set up stats according to that. Maybe I want a half Orc wizard. Really not the best race for it but that’s an rp set up character. Where a power-gamed wizard would probably be an elf with no STR high dex low-ok con int as high as it can go low-med Wis and the cha of a rock.

My fave character to date is an oracle bard I just started playing. I decided on an oracle of life since the party had no heals yet the dip in bard was not planned. here's pretty much how it happened I decided on a cat folk for the dex/cha boost the - to wis didn't bug me much since casters get great will saves.

Now my view of this character was rescued or freed slave and I pictured it as a khajiit (if you live under a rock and have never played an elder scrolls game Google it)

Now in my DM's setting if you’re not a human you are going to run into a racial conflict at some point and elves tend to have hidden cities and don't bug anyone. (This is why I figured the slave background would be best)

I chose a female (I always tend to play what the party has less of to balance things)

I think my DM was attempting to troll me but ended up trolling himself because he looks at my stuff and goes ok you were a sex slave and treated like crap your slave master was a twisted elf and you are the result of selective breeding to make a cat folk that is appealing to humans. (He pretty much turned my Khajiit into a neko with fur with an amazing body because my Cha was 20...) Who was bought by the cavalier to function as his squire and toy I guess. (Also because my friend owns me he is looked down on by the rest of his order but his boss trusts his judgment.)

I gave a dirty look and the party swapped some jokes but I decided ok ill play your game (and im going for over kill) so first I asked if we could have traits answer yes. So I got the low light vision of elves because I took the cat folk scent trait. Then gave her a birthmark of the symbol of Desna on her lower back. (So yes now it’s an anime cat girl with a butterfly tramp stamp)

Then I described a skimpy outfit and fur pattern that once I had said it the girl playing the mage of the group sketched out this over the top character in a skimpy oracle outfit with a bow on its tail and a bell on its neck. And started passing it around and everyone was laughing and when I got it I was like yes!

Lol I showed it to the dm and he looked at it then was like you can’t have a bell!!! Then I argued why not do bells not exist? And he says they exist...

I said ok I want one. then he gives me a look and says why would you wear a bell?... and I look at my friend that owns my character and say because master told me to... and my friend not missing a beat goes do you know how f*#!ing scary it is to have a 5 foot tall cat girl sneak up on you and yell master every time she finds something that interests her! Then he fakes a shiver and mutters terrifying... so I put a bell on the b**@+ so she couldn’t sneak up on me.

Our dm pretty much head desks and we all laugh I think at this point we all decided to milk this. (also I’m seeing how far I can push this because he is amused and loves the role play but you can tell he’s like oh god what have I done....)

The first game as her consisted of her chasing a dancing light around a room with the sorcerer laughing her ass off. Some cat god appearing to my character like an imaginary friend and scaring the crap out of her since she had never seen anything that looked like her. (I think it was a made up god) I ended up giving her a sling and after the first battle she launched a magic stone at the lead Orc and killed him before the fight started. Then skipped her next turn because she was jumping around going yay I did it I got one did you see that? got a second repeated and the fight ended 5 orcs where asleep and 4 frozen the rogue killed 3 of the frozen and was about to kill the last when my character deciding she didn’t need the last stone was walking away and tossed it over her shoulder it flew through the air and shattered the last Orc by accident covering the rogue with nasty stuff. He made faces and was like here kitty kitty kitty... she backed away slowly.

Later as the rogue was talking about cleaning himself off she said I can help! And drenched him with create water. The player was amused the rogue was not. Then got a 27 on a preform sing at level 1 for the children and refugees that night. the next day the rogue walks up to her and says hey smell this and blows cat nip in her face pretty much putting her on extacy for a few hours. So far the group doesn’t know she has holy powers and she doesn’t really know yet. They just think she’s weird but has uses like her mending spell.

She is NG with lawful and chaotic tendencies (obeys master without question and is prone to chasing butterflies)

I never thought I’d use a sling on any character but I love it.
Also until this character I had always been the quiet thoughtful monk or cleric type so the group now is like holy crap he can role play lol.

Now she’s an oracle/bard and I’m going to try and start a rave at some point lol. also the character that is her master pretty much has the power to walk up to someone knock there groceries out of their hands and fine them for littering lol so... can’t touch me I’m property of a knight lol.

But this character was pretty much a series of accidents and is quickly becoming my fave and I think everyone else's

She is in no way a power-game character but she is so fun she’s pushing my others out of the way. My smart ass cleric is giving her a run for her money though.

I seem to have gone off topic but my point was make something you and the rest of the group will enjoy and remember not the answer to a math problem because you will end up bored after like 5 games or the party will get annoyed that you kill everything before combat starts.

Power-gaming is a play style though and can be fun in the right group but tends to make a dm go oh god...

To me it just sounds like your group is smart and you are a good support player (which I enjoy) barbarian + bulls STR + enlarge person = go grab some popcorn at low levels


Summon Scooby Doo tell him its jello.

first off i would of turned him into an unbreakable shield or armor that cant move. maybe it can talk but that's it. for being so careless in wording a wish.

and i got one hes immune to all pain and feeling whatsoever he cant taste or feel good or bad you run with that for a while...

he cant get drunk he cant enjoy anything physical he cant taste food.
he cant feel pain and cant die he can be knocked out and if brought to numbers that would kill him he instead revives some time later. he will never age and has to go on forever never able to enjoy anything more than a joke or music. can you see what torture this would be?

you could cut off his head and it would not be dead but it couldent do anything unless you re attache it....

god im evil....

RumpinRufus wrote:
Shin Bilirubin wrote:
Have any damage he takes given to his nearest allies, so he never takes damage, but others take it for him.
This is great, but I think I can make it even better - instead of the damage going to his nearest ally, it goes to whoever he cares for most in the world. Baby sister is first to go, then mommy, then Francine (he never cared much for his father...) Only after everyone he loves in the world is dead, does he start taking damage himself.

he is CE tho what if he killed his family for power?

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Mark Hoover wrote:

Whoa there. I do not want hack n slash and have worked my butt off for an engaging and multi layered plot. I've also presented tough fights before that the party's talked their way out of:

1. Level 1 they encountered a patrol of hostile dwarven soldiers (CR 4 encounter) that they used diplomacy to reduce their mood all the way down to friendly and got an armed escort into the next town; they're now heroes there.

2. Level 2 they encountered a full pack of wild dogs in the midst of thick fog (CR 4 encounter) and used Entangle Handle Animal and Intimidate to drive the things off

3. Level 3 they came across a fey garden filled with angry leshys that they had to pass through in order to cross a bridge protected by a topiary guardian (CR 5 encounter). The use of Knowledge and Diplomacy skills calms the leshys enough to earn the party a side quest which, when successfuly completed gets them passage AND an NPC boon.

I GET IT that the primary problem was the 2 big bads, back to back. I didn't want a hack n slash. Since I DIDN'T want that, but if I DID want the ghost there, right next to the "Wolf", should I have used different tactics, given stronger clues, or what?

Per the examples above plus other situations, I guess I just took it for granted that, when the thing stopped to talk to the party, they'd respond in kind. When they took that opportunity to dog pile the thing, I feel like that was the tipping point at which I should've changed tactics but I didn't.

It sounds like the group just got too cocky and then found out wait... we can die? *background* my kitty! noooooo spot don't! *sound of spot being mauled* ... s-spot?... *ranger starts crying*

A mountain that eats people... I want one... -Richard LFG

Ravingdork wrote:
Blueluck wrote:
I have one suggestion of my own to add. Have your players written up Articles of Agreement yet? I suggest that they do, that you get them started with some suggestions, and that the structure of the crew should accommodate player preferences as well as character behavior.

Yes, we wrote up our own set of Articles of Agreement. I started with the info from Pirates of the Inner Sea, and then made several revisions with the input of the other players, particularly UP, who put a lot of time into researching real world pirates and offered quite a bit of useful input on the matter (being captain and all).

** spoiler omitted **...

one i have not used the word noob since i was like 12 or making fun of people that use it.

two if he steps down i vote for the rogue as captain...

three logic question. all candles must be put out at sunset? who needs a candle in daylight?

Psion-Psycho wrote:
Snowtiger wrote:
Rynjin wrote:

Leave 'im alone.

As long as he's not going "MUHAHAHAHA MY EVIL PLAN IS FINALLY COMPLETE!" and killing/stealing from party members, who gives a flying f&$! what his alignment is?


A Lawful Evil Monk

lol pretty much. its almost always a good pc whos player goes he's evil?! I must kill him! which imo is evil if the evil character did nothing wrong. If he is playing Richard tho... He probibly wont last long...
I want to make a character who's alignment is Richard. lol

don't we all...

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this player is being childish. if they just quit because things don't go there way why are they playing a game where anything can happen at any time? this player would piss me off and if i was a dm and they had a fit like that i'd first sit them down and tell them to work it out before the game starts or end up kicking them if they simply refuse because they don't seem to like the players in the group to be talking so bad about them.

its just a game and i want to say she (due to that talk sounding like the female im right your wrong and im pissed talk if you have had a girlfriend at some point you would know what im talking about) needs to lighten up and be more mature about this and the other player needs to stop egging her on. figure out who the problem is get them to stop or kick them because that back and forth fighting(out of character) makes the game un fun for everyone. and if a character(especialy a rogue) is told to do something it may be in character to not listen.

Edit: i also don't like this man vs woman stuff because i know girls that react to problems like it says men do and i know guys that react the way it says females do. i know i have reacted both ways depending on what the problem is.

darkorbit wrote:

My GM is saying that my character is overpowered...Is it? I created my own race, so stats might be extreme.


Level 4 character: lv2 Magus/lv1 Barbarian/ lv1 dragonrider.

AC:25( lower than others in my group)
Since it is large, it deals more damage., but weapons cost more...


Cmd:28(locked gauntlet lol)
Speed with armor: 40 ft.

my head hurts... if everyone is new you should be sticking to books. it sounds like everyone is trying to be a superhero in this game and id have no fun in it.

as for the op most things have already been said. palis are strong thats part of why they have so many rules. but they have weaknesses read up on them but your goal isint to kill him just to challange him and if hes stupid he will probibly die.

Rynjin wrote:

Leave 'im alone.

As long as he's not going "MUHAHAHAHA MY EVIL PLAN IS FINALLY COMPLETE!" and killing/stealing from party members, who gives a flying f&$! what his alignment is?


A Lawful Evil Monk

lol pretty much. its almost always a good pc whos player goes he's evil?! I must kill him! which imo is evil if the evil character did nothing wrong. If he is playing Richard tho... He probibly wont last long...

they can get along if they agree too they are lawful they will keep there word and being lawful evil he shouldent be doing evil stuff for fun or if he gets bored he would usualy have some reason for it. randomly killing people or attacking the party would be CE. if hes lawful he could be a character like dexter where he loves killing but has a strict set of rules he follows (only killing serial killers). if he agrees not to hurt the party then he shouldent unless attacked its the CG that may attack him because a LG would not attack someone unwilling to fight unless given a good reason but a cg could. there is also the LG and LE team up because something is wrong with the order of things in the world ect. ive bin in a game where a pali and antipali teamed up and where great and they played the part well.

its a support roll pretty much cc and be a cheerleader

Rynjin wrote:
The original anime fox guy, yo.

plant druid...


dose the having a large quiver with larg ammo(carried by a horse or something) and using enlarge person work against that?

if you want it to be like a anime fox person i think that would be up tp your dm. im pretty sure there like little 3-4 foot tall fuzzy people with a fox head tail and feet in one of the books similiar to how catfolk look like kajiit just a small fox with a bigger head. but your dm may say they look like ahri from league of legends -8 tails(unless you take the extra tail feat 8 times)

MindLord wrote:
Person E isn't a problem. He generally takes his turn in a relatively short time. Person D is a big worry as often we have to tell him to sit at the table when he isn't rolling dice. He's constantly on his computer, and playing annoying videos for everyone to hear. My personal problem is letting E in but saying no to D, especially since they were both asking at the same time. I said no to both to avoid drama with selectiveness and stuck to a first come first serve basis.

you could let both in and tell the guy no computer hes there for the game he can watch youtube at home or you could stick with sorry your too late

id make a bbeg with ok save or die spell and use it on him and just enjoy the rage quit. usually playing support classes i enjoy making people gods but when they get like that i hate there attitude i like the problem solving and rp outside of combat and i have a guy that pretty much growls when we take too long. and i draw it out if he gives us attitude. oh you want to leave? my bard starts a concert.

its like is it really that fun if all the game is is roll your dice.... good job its dead... 5 steps roll your dice.... look its dead... repeat as needed.

its D&D a table top RPG not dynasty warriors

it could be done but id reccomend against it because you may end up with a pvp situation and if he wants to buy and gamble more have him just roll for lower prices or just flat out charm someone into bed. and for gambeling have him roll to cheat who hes playing.

Ex my party had a bard that would charm people into paying her for sex with different skill rolls. find the rich guy and find out what hes willing to pay then agree or walk away.

also had a rogue at one point that if he lost at gambeling he would go pickpocket the guy that beat him.

but what your player wants to do seems wrong to me and if i had a member of my group pulling that s$*& id roll a pali to get on his case and cock block him at every turn.

rogue could work and being a little sneeky would make sense for a catfolk that sounds good too. decisions...
also feat sugestions would be nice if there are any reccomendations

lemeres wrote:

Well, that might depend on what your level break down would be.

So, what role will you be fulfilling? I ask since some of the oracle mysteries are suited to only specific tasks, and some of the curses can ruin your ability for certain roles. So are you mainly a caster, doing field control/buffs/etc, or do you mix in some combat?

If you take on at least some melee role, I could suggest the arcane duelist archetype? It replaces bardic knowledge for arcane strike (giving +1 to damage at level 1 and another per 5 CL... Might be good if you mystic theurge. You also get a bardic performance that lets your allies use your intimidate check instead of their own save. Useful depending on the situation and if you already have a good intimidate bonus.

mostly heals and utility cc when needed but the party has 2 arcane casters not sure if they are gunna be blasty or not

play on there ego if they refuse give them a fine i suppose if you cant handle the task ill find another group more suted to it... and have the npc walk away and wait.

and if they try and kill him/her have something really bad happen

Pinky: "Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?"
The Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world!"

im familiar with the sorcerer and the cleric and see oracle as the cleric that lvls and gains spells like a sorcerer except it has its curse and its mysteries seem more or less like bloodlines to me not exactly but a similar concept. i havent touched bard yet but ive seen a couple played and was thinking of adding it for some utility and flavor since the character in the rp hasent figured out shes an oracle and was an entertainer type of slave that eather escaped or was purchased by a party member depending on what rp would be more fun lol. i just dont wanna get to a lvl and go aww crap its laughing at me....

i was thinking of a small dip in bard unless mystic would be better. the origional plan was to be a tongues cures oracle with the healing mystery
its prolly gunna be a catfolk since something happened to my sorceress where she thought she was a cat for a while and slowly got better (i touched a shiny thing in a temple of bastet and had to be punished but the dm found it hilarios and said i could play a catfolk if i wanted for my next character because it amused him) and i looked at the race and figured they would make a good bard or oracle and the party didnt have a healer yet

so instead of getting one at 1,3,7,11,15,19,20 how often would i get them?

ya thats what im looking at im trying to find a draw back so far im guessing if i took the channel energy ability it only counts oracal lvls i think.

looks like id lose out on my revolations tho

Party is this sorc maybe 2 cavalier Bow focused fighter Skill monkey rogue and switch hitter ranger and i was going to go oracle for heals and talking to god i randomly had the thought what if i go oracle bard and go full on cheerleader. I’m not familiar with bard and this will be my first oracle but I’ve bin playing other casters sorc cleric and druid so oracle doesn’t seem like a hard thing to learn my question is will i cripple myself if i try this? Both use cha as there casting stat and their abilities so i don’t see a clash. I also don’t want to get to level 10 and go s$#~...

Any ideas/advice or big red signs that say no you fool don’t!

also ive never really multi classed. if you do and both share a class skill is it still just a +3 or dose it stack im guessing no?

The Knights of the Crimson Flame
Crimson Crusaders
Order of The Red Dragon
Rangers of the Scarlet Dawn
The Slayers (that one is a rip off)

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
GM Elton wrote:
Snowtiger wrote:

if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.

now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard

Could you type that again, and in plain English?

"If my dungeonmaster was like you, i.e. "I don't like cat people, so you can't be one," I'd troll him by being a female warlock with cats eyes (which the description says they can have,) a fur bikini, collar with a bell, fake cat ears and a tail. She would act like Capcom's Felicia and I would passive aggressively attempt to irritate you.

However, if my dungeonmaster said "this cat person doesn't make sense to my story," I would be something else.
However, if you said "I just don't LIKE cat people," I would seek revenge."

I like you...

Yes more or less
It would be funny and hard for me to do cuz girly is something I’m bad at and Felicia is a girly airhead where i like playing smart and sneaky characters.

I have no grudge against this DM I’m just saying pick how you say something as a DM that should be an easy concept in my opinion since every DM I’ve played with just looooves.... when a character says the wrong thing in the wrong place or the wrong way and it ends bad. And we have a member of the group that loves to just blurt out there intentions. If we are here to arrest you (or recover the item you stole) in a bar full of his henchmen when the party had a way to get him alone and capture or arrest him/her planned lol.

Pick Your Words Carefully... <- that is what I’ve bin trying to say this whole time.

I don't like Elves they are stupid and look like girls = a~**&&* DM

Bob I’d rather you play a different race because Elves don’t exist in this world and would be hard for me to explain and may bring unwanted attention to the party. = Nice DM

Bob ok ill play a half elf instead = a@&$~$# or retard....


I feel they got lazy on AC3 they had so much epic build up for a thats it? moment

as for the storys
altier is related to etzio (at least i think thats what that mission in AC2 ment) over a distance and then somewhere else in the family tree is the character is Conner and his dad.

my opinion anyway just make sure you cant kill your players in a flashback because the event already happened. but for cinimatic effect you could let the party whipe in a future vision by useing the concept this is your future change it or die... then apoligise for b!~*&slapping the orical lol

and yes i put 3 instead of 4 and im starting to have some fun while making points :p

GM Elton wrote:
Snowtiger wrote:

if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.

now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard

Could you type that again, and in plain English?

well that was merican. im assuming plain English would be British English or did you want the Australian or maybe the Canadian. Im not sure really but im bad at all 3 sorry

R_Chance wrote:
Snowtiger wrote:

if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.

now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard

So, you don't play a lot?

play like once a week my dm likes me. ive only ever played humans and elfs but my dm pretty much will accept anything if he or the player can find a way for whatever they are to be in his world. only thing he dosent allow is gunpowder and all the stuff that goes with it. which im fine with being a midevil times setting.

that was only an example off the top of my head of something anoying i could do to bug someone. im pretty passive but if someone is like i dont like that its stupid then well its time for me to have some fun. my pet peeve is when a person says i want a character like X and then names them X and just randomly quots the character all game badly.

and yes i just said id do that but that wan an example of if my dm wanted to be a dick and i decided to be one back and im not saying the op is being one its his game if it dont fit in then all you need to do is politely talk about why you dont have them and not say well because i dont like them cuz if that player dose like them or thinks there cool it may anoy them or hurt there feelings whatever the case.

just have a reason that makes sense unless your that dm that walks a party down a tiny hallway to a big open room with a huge dragon in it with no other way in or out and the dragon hasent starved or tunneled out....

sorry if i have bad spelling but if you can understand my point thats all that really matters i dont care if i forgot to cap an i or put a comma im here to talk about a topic not get a grade. nowifitypedeverythinglikethistheniwouldunderstanditbeinganoying.

if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.

now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard

well my opinion is if the race exists and you dont have to have some crazy reason as to how and why its there i like seeing alot of races and dont really care who plays what aslong as we can get along in the group. but it dose give the dm an excuse to pick on the group when the group has something exotic that people may want or want to kill ect.

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