SilvanOrion |

Hey there everyone. I'm playing an online game with some friends soon and I'm running the healer for us. After a bit of looking, I decided I wanted to give Oracle a shot, and the DM has approved me running Aasimar.
The idea for this character is going to be nothing too new, they want to redeem who they can and will slay as a "last resort". Therefor, as the main healer/buffer of the group I'm wondering if anyone on here can offer advice for things I should get.
Feats and multi-classing are my main focuses of questions, though spell advice is (of course) always welcome.
I'll thank everyone in advance for your helpful tips and advice. I haven't played the healer of a group for a while, so anything you got helps.
Things I'm considering already:
Heavy Armor Proficiency
Tower Shield Proficiency
Cure spells (obviously)
Burned Curse (since not meant to be melee offensive anyways)
Azata-Blooded (for Dex boost for ranged spells)
Agathion-Blooded (for Con boost to HP)

Isil-zha |
Selective Channeling and Quick Channel, maybe even an Extra Channel would be feats I'd consider before thinking about shield and armour proficiencies.
Edit: if you are not trying to double as a tank I'd stay away from them completely - and if you plan on using life links tanking might be a very bad idea

Breiti |

1st Life Link
3rd Channel
7th Combat Healer
1st Fey Foundling
3rd Selective Channeling
5th Quick Channel
7th Extra Channel
Fey Foundling is good for life oracle because you heal you allies via Life Link Mystery. So it's like every one gets Fey Foundling for free.
Grap yourself a Mace, heavy and a shield and some good med armor thats it.
You will be a primary caster and the HP battery for all ;)

HaraldKlak |

I've played an aasimar life oracle that was dedicated to healing.
The best advice I can give you, is to use Shield Other as much as possible (and to a lesser degree Life Link). Healing in combat is often frowned upon compared to offensive acts. However, when you shift the damage around, you get situations where 2-3 character is going to get most of the benefit of your channels.
This makes constitution your second most important ability score.
You should consider Alignment channel, if you expect to run into more than a few evil outsider.
For spell choices I would suggest Admonishing Ray (if allowed) and perhaps burning disarm, as spells that are non-lethal. You could even take the feat Merciful Spell to go the 'peaceful' route of knocking people out.

Blueluck |

I love Fey Foundling, but it's a human-only feat, so you would need the alternate racial feature "Scion of Humanity" to qualify for it.
Scion of Humanity
Some aasimars' heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.

Breiti |

I love Fey Foundling, but it's a human-only feat, so you would need the alternate racial feature "Scion of Humanity" to qualify for it.
Scion of Humanity
Some aasimars' heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.
On d20pfsrd it is not a human only feat.
Is that a mistake?
Breiti |

Remember the Aasimar Oracle favored class bonus, that gives you +1/2 level for calculating the effects of one of your revelations. If you do that with your channeling, you can get more d6's even faster.
That is not the case:
Oracle Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation
You get a 1/2 on the effect the revelation gives you. But the ravalation gives you the ability to channel and it gives the ability at 1st level and at level 20th. So this does not work. The revalation does the same on every level.
Edit: After rereading i think this can be RAW in each way. Is there a office faq or someting about this ...

asthyril |

Blueluck wrote:I love Fey Foundling, but it's a human-only feat, so you would need the alternate racial feature "Scion of Humanity" to qualify for it.
Scion of Humanity
Some aasimars' heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.On d20pfsrd it is not a human only feat.
Is that a mistake?
no, blueluck is wrong. inner sea world guide states the only requirement is you must be 1st level.
Prerequisites: You may only select this feat at 1st level.

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

I'm currently running a similar character.
I am currently in love with the spells pilfering hand and chain of perdition.
When the archer riding a bat was flying over the party sniping us, I stole his bow.
A super fast outsider half dragon was supposed to dash in for a single attack then run away for fast healing to cure. Rinse and repeat. I tripped him so he couldn't run away then the paladin was able to close and finish him.

mplindustries |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, as a lover of Oracles of Life, I can tell you that the entire point of your Mystery is Channel+Life Link+Energy Body. Everything else is just extra.
If I were you, I'd try and grab those three things ASAP, even if it takes taking the Extra Revelation feat. Personally, I'd start with Channel and the Selective Channel feat. At level 3, grab Life Link and use either your 3rd or 5th level feat to take Energy Body. At 7th, you might as well take Combat Healer (it almost makes casting a Cure in combat worth it!), and then Lifesense at 11th.
Healing Hands is obviously garbage.
Delay Affliction is situational, but in a typical game, it's not very good. It's benefit is seriously dulled by the fact that Delay Poison has such a ridiculously long duration as is.
Enhanced Cures seems great, but it's actually awful. First, it does absolutely nothing until Caster Level 6, and then it only affects Cure Light Wounds. It won't affect Cure Moderate Wounds until CL 11, Cure Serious Wounds until CL 16, and Cure Critical Wounds unless you can push your CL above 20 (and even then, only a tiny number of points). If you're a high level, it can make your CLWs more efficient, but for most of your career, you'll be using a wand for that anyway, and saving your spell slots for other things like buffs or utility.
Safe Curing is far less helpful than it seems. See, you can always just cast the spell before moving to your ally, then deliver the touch. That should keep the AoOs down. Many, many Oracles go for Eldritch heritage, which can net you a familiar to deliver heals with, too. Oh, and by mid level, Concentration checks are super easy, so there's no reason not to just Cast Defensively. Further, you're not going to be using Cure spells as your main healing in combat, as I will explain. You'll mostly be using Supernatural abilities for that. Still, it's not awful, and if you have to take something, you could do worse.
Spirit Boost is...difficult to quantify. It doesn't really help at all until you're a high enough level for the temporary HP to last awhile. It also favors healing via spells in combat, rather than via Supernatural abilities, so it's another hit against it. Still, a Mass Cure as a pre-combat buff isn't terrible. Might be a good pick after Life Sense.
Anyway, the trick is, Channel is normally inefficient healing unless you're healing multiple targets. You, however, have the unique ability to ensure that you're always healing multiple targets.
Put Life Link on your entire party (or early on, the ones most likely to need healing). Not only will it keep everyone from bleeding, it will ensure the damage gets spread around.
For example, at level 1, you can Channel for 1d6, or 3.5 average healing. If you heal one guy, it heals 3.5. If you heal two, it's worth 7 healing. If you heal 3, well, you get the idea. So, let's say your party of four gets into a fight. The Fighter takes 10 damage, and is in trouble. Nobody else takes any damage. If you Channel, you'd need to channel twice to even have a chance at healing all that damage. if you Life Link first, you split that 5 damage between him and you, so you have a 1 in 3 chance to heal all of the damage in one channel. (pro-tip: You can also use Shield Other to help share damage).
Energy Body just makes it all even better. With Energy Body, you can heal yourself as a move action, so you can take damage from everyone with Life Link, heal it on yourself as a move action, and Channel to heal everyone in the same round--it's just crazy efficient.
Oh, and you end up a total stud against undead.
And if you're nervous about taking all that damage, don't be. Life Links can be severed as an immediate action, so if you're going to take too much damage from it, just cancel it.

chaoseffect |

This is kind of a general Oracle suggestion: Always take Dual Cursed. Seriously. Misfortune is just that good (plus extra Revelations). If you do go that route, you might want to pick up Wrecker as your secondary curse, as it won't really hurt you as a caster focused Oracle, and that plus Burned makes Oracle's Burden a potentially nasty debuff for any humanoid weapon users you face.

mplindustries |

This is kind of a general Oracle suggestion: Always take Dual Cursed. Seriously. Misfortune is just that good (plus extra Revelations). If you do go that route, you might want to pick up Wrecker as your secondary curse, as it won't really hurt you as a caster focused Oracle, and that plus Burned makes Oracle's Burden a potentially nasty debuff for any humanoid weapon users you face.
DON'T! Wrecker is way worse than that, since it affects Wands/Staves/Rods (double charges required) and even basic stuff, like lockpicks or crafting tools, etc.
If you want to go Dual-Cursed, the least impactful curses are:
1) Haunted (oh no, don't get disarmed, I guess)
2) Legalistic (just don't break promises)
3) Tongues (Costs your party 1 rank of Linguistics, and makes Language-Dependent Spells tricky, but otherwise does nothing)
4) Lame
5) Wasting (If someone else has a good Charisma, you don't need to be the Face)
I wouldn't ever take Wrecker at all, but I will admit it not scaling is pretty irrelevant. There's even a thread up now about how much it sucks. At least it's not Consumed--holy crap is that bad (50% more damage!), especially for Life Oracles whose thing is taking damage for other people.
Personally, I desperately want my Oracle of Life to be Dual-Cursed, but due to his concept, I can't figure out a second one I could stand taking.
He's a charming former con man. He needs to be able to lie (so no Legalistic), he's the Face (no Wasting), I want to be able to trick people in combat and use Language Dependent Spells (so no Tongues), I can't picture him limping (no Lame), and he already has Haunted for background reasons (he's a reluctant hero driven towards a holy quest by the haunting entities).
I'm tempted to go for Blackened at this point, and dump my melee support backup function, but then, I don't know what I would actually do in combat for the first two levels (before I had the opportunity to get Misfortune at level 3).

chaoseffect |

The issues you brought up with Wrecker are play style dependent, so they might be an issue and they might not; if you don't make heavy use of items with charges and don't plan on using weapons then it seems pretty solid (thought armor might count as broken, that seems unclear, but even if it does you have ways around it and you probably aren't going to be toe to toe anyway). As for crafting tools, that only matters if you plan on crafting and lockpicks are a moot point with Wrecker as the base benefit it gives (which you get even with Dual Cursed) lets you make Disable Device checks just by touching things. The main issue that thread seemed to have with it was that a melee centered Oracle took it =p
For your guy though, mrlind, I think I'd go Clouded Vision and always wear sunglasses at night for the extra coolness factor (or perhaps to make it more challenging if you really want Haunted to be your primary). Blackened could work too; I could see a smooth conman getting his hands scorched to near uselessness for "things" he shouldn't have been touching (if u c wat i waz implying thur ;o).

SilvanOrion |

First, I want to thank everyone for all the help with Oracle tips. Some of these are things I never would have thought up :D
Given that the main way for healing it seems would be channeling (really didn't think it would be so strong with that life link thing. holy crap!) what are some spells people would suggest?
As I understand, I don't need to worry about choosing cure spells since I get them guaranteed each time I gain a new level of spells (based on alignment). Please correct me on this if I'm wrong :)

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Rod of Extend, Lesser and Shield other. This keeps the range on shield other identical to life link, so you don't have to micromanage gauging distances to allies.
I dipped 1 level in Unbreakable fighter to get diehard, also had fey foundling and fast healer with an 18 starting CON. The character's ability to heal was obscene, plus a high con helps mitigate the fact oracles get crappy fort saves.
Bless, Blessing of Ferver, Resist Energy (Communal), magical circle against evil, unbreakable heart, delay poison, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Freedom of movement: all spells I found to be useful.

Arizhel |

Fey Foundling
You were found in the wilds as a child, bearing a mark of
the First World.
Prerequisites: You may only select this feat at 1st level.
Benefit: Your strange connection to the First World and
the fey infuses you with life, and whenever you receive
magical healing, you heal an additional 2 points per die
rolled. You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against
death effects. Unfortunately, you also suffer +1 point of
damage from cold iron weapons (although you can wield
cold iron weapons without significant discomfort).
ISWG P. 286 (Copied and Pasted)
I see no Human Only requirement. Unless it has been errata'd.
Level 1 Feat: Fey Foundling
Level 3 Feat: Selective Channel
Level 5 Feat: Extra Revelation
Level 7 Feat: Extra Revelation
Level 1 Revelation: Channel
Level 3 Revelation: Energy Body
Level 5 Revelation: Life Link (via Feat)
Level 7 Revelation: Safe Curing, Combat Healer (Via Feat)

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

As I understand, I don't need to worry about choosing cure spells since I get them guaranteed each time I gain a new level of spells (based on alignment). Please correct me on this if I'm wrong :)
It is not really based on your alignment. You make the choice at first level. Are you going to get the cure or inflict spells for free?

Blueluck |

I love Fey Foundling, but it's a human-only feat, so you would need the alternate racial feature "Scion of Humanity" to qualify for it.
Scion of Humanity
Some aasimars' heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.
Hmmm, my mistake! I'm not sure why I thought Fey Foundling was only for humans.

DrDeth |

Seems to me if you want heavy armor and tower shields, you should dip a level in fighter. It'll save you two feats and throw a bonus in with extra HP for survivability. You can then use the fighter bonus on survivability...toughness, lightning reflexes, Dodge, combat expertise, etc.
Dipping is a trap, and so i heavy armor. As a healer, you need some degree of mobility.
Selective Channel is a must.

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

Well, I have to admit I was wrong.
I have read where many people say that having a combat healer in the party encourages players to use bad tactics. I have always thought that was a bunch of BS. Some players just use bad tactics. Yes, the combat healer will allow them to survive a bit longer. But they would have done the same thing anyway, we would just have a dead companion.
But damn was I wrong!
We have a player that has always used pretty poor tactics. Yeah irritating, but what are you going to do with a guy that doesn't want to change. But he did change. He is now playing his magus like a berserker. He never casts defensive spells, fights defensively, withdraws, retreats, or even repositions to get away from being surrounded. Always charges, ignores whether his actions will generate AoO on himself, and is just being completely reckless.
Since my character is capable of healing well over 1000 hit points of damage if I take my time or even around 500+ when rushed. Well, apparently I am regenerating ablative armor just for him.
I had really created this character to be an undead blaster and condition remover. Not a hit point battery for 1 PC. That was just a side affect of the undead blaster.
But I am now using almost all of my powers just to barely keep him vertical. I was so close to letting him just bleed out last week.
We are now finally in the fight against a powerful lich. Undead! Yes, this is what I'm built for! But all I've got left is energy body and a few 1st level spell slots. So my primary caster build will now be going in to melee with a lich to touch attack for d6+7 damage per round.
[/rant] Ok, thanks I had to get that out of my system.
On a couple of related notes
1) I think it does, but felt I should check. Does Energy Body (Su) bypass Spell Resistance?
2) Can you put a meta magiced spell in a wand? Specifically can he purchase a wand of reach-cure serious wounds for me to use on him?

Lemartes |

Hey there everyone. I'm playing an online game with some friends soon and I'm running the healer for us. After a bit of looking, I decided I wanted to give Oracle a shot, and the DM has approved me running Aasimar.
The idea for this character is going to be nothing too new, they want to redeem who they can and will slay as a "last resort". Therefor, as the main healer/buffer of the group I'm wondering if anyone on here can offer advice for things I should get.
Feats and multi-classing are my main focuses of questions, though spell advice is (of course) always welcome.
I'll thank everyone in advance for your helpful tips and advice. I haven't played the healer of a group for a while, so anything you got helps.
Things I'm considering already:
Heavy Armor Proficiency
Tower Shield Proficiency
Cure spells (obviously)
Burned Curse (since not meant to be melee offensive anyways)Azata-Blooded (for Dex boost for ranged spells)
Agathion-Blooded (for Con boost to HP)
I had a human Oracle lvl 12 at one point that I made into an unkillable tank healbot. So I like what you're going for in your first post. I'd go with Agathion blooded for sure and take toughness as well favoured class bonus drop into hp. Heavy armour and tower shield feats...yes. Selective Channeling. Blow the rest of your feats or most of them anyways on oracle powers. Obviously channel. Energy body is a must as you should be nigh unkillable when it's up. Life link and life sense enchanced cures etc are all winners. Tank healers are the best as you can't heal when you're dead. Items I'd go with periapt of positive channelling, rod of splendor, belt of con and a cloak of resistance. Armour, shields, rings and amulets to boost armour. Get 3 ranks of acrobatics so when you fight defensively or go full defense you get a better AC. Oh and becareful around deep bodies of water and any high above the ground nonsense. ;)

DrDeth |

We have a player that has always used pretty poor tactics. Yeah irritating, but what are you going to do with a guy that doesn't want to change. But he did change. He is now playing his magus like a berserker. He never casts defensive spells, fights defensively, withdraws, retreats, or even repositions to get away from being surrounded. Always charges, ignores whether his actions will generate AoO on himself, and is just being completely reckless.
Since my character is capable of healing well over 1000 hit points of damage if I take my time or even around 500+ when rushed. Well, apparently I am regenerating ablative armor just for him.
I had really created this character to be an undead blaster and condition remover. Not a hit point battery for 1 PC. That was just a side affect of the undead blaster.
But I am now using almost all of my powers just to barely keep him vertical. I was so close to letting him just bleed out last week.
We are now finally in the fight against a powerful lich. Undead! Yes, this is what I'm built for! But all I've got left is energy body and a few 1st level spell slots. So my primary caster build will now be going in to melee with a lich to touch attack for d6+7 damage per round.
Have you tried sitting down with him and talking this out? OOC?
I mean, to some extent, if he is better at putting out damage and you are better at preventing it, then to have him attack and you heal is effective. But too much is too much.

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

... Have you tried sitting down with him and talking this out? OOC? ...
I am going to try that tomorrow, but I am not too confident of it going smoothly. From comments he has made. It's my job since I made a heal bot.
... I mean, to some extent, if he is better at putting out damage and you are better at preventing it, then to have him attack and you heal is effective. But too much is too much.
In general he puts out more damage than I do. But not against undead. This is the Carrion Crown AP. We knew the next fight would be against undead and/or necromancers. Besides, last week he was playing so recklessly that he is going down very fast and was not doing significant damage. He went unconsious 3 times in one fight.

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

DrDeth wrote:... Have you tried sitting down with him and talking this out? OOC? ...I am going to try that tomorrow, but I am not too confident of it going smoothly. From comments he has made. It's my job since I made a heal bot...
Well, we discussed it some last night. He did admit he had behaved a bit recklessly, but that was just playing his character. I said that his character had not behaved that way prior to this. He said the character has always wanted to behave that way, but just didn’t feel like he could because there wasn’t a healbot present.
I (clamped down on my exasperation) and said that my character is an undead blaster in an undead heavy campaign, not a healbot. By keeping his character alive in the early intro fights, the undead blaster can’t do hardly anything in the tougher end fights against undead. I had to say this several times before it even seemed to click as a concern. He finally grudgingly agreed that I should be allowed to have something left to affect undead.His tactics were slightly improved last night. He did use the withdrawal action once. But not until every player told him “you are surrounded and might survive the AoO to get out. You will not survive 4 full attack actions form the melee machines by yourself.” Even then, I’m not sure he would have if a healer had been in the area. The group had gotten separated so the oracle and paladin were not there to heal him.
During the modules final fight he was getting visibly irritated with me. “I could really use some healing. I’m getting close to unconscious. Etc…”
I said once, “so pull back until you don’t seem like a major threat to be attacked” then ignored him.
I was being an excellent undead blaster. I was using quick channel to blast the skeletons surrounding the group and searing light to ‘light-up’ the lich. I was doing way more than twice as much damage as he could do, getting us out of the flanked condition, removing the obstacles to movement, and making myself the major threat/target so they would concentrate on me.
He didn’t pull back, but the GM decided I was doing so much damage the lich would attack me instead. Everyone else in the group agreed that me blasting undead was much better tactics than healing him (especially when he still had the fly spell active and could easily get out of line of sight). He didn’t say much more, but did not seem happy with how things went. Even though we killed everything in 4 rounds of combat. The magus and the ranger were the only ones that took significant damage and most of that was in the surprise round.
We’ll see what he does after some time to think about it. But from now on if he goes down from stupidity and it doesn’t seem likely to cause a TPK, I will just stabilize or use a reach cure light on him. Just because I can heal 70-80 hps in a round does not mean I will. At least not anymore.

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Fey Foundling is good for life oracle because you heal you allies via Life Link Mystery. So it's like every one gets Fey Foundling for free.
sorry for the Necro ... but I dont understand your reasoning on Fey Founding
Your strange connection to the First World and the fey infuses you with life, and whenever you receive magical healing, you heal an additional 2 points per die rolled. You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against death effects. Unfortunately, you also suffer +1 point of damage from cold iron weapons (although you can wield cold iron weapons without significant discomfort).
Life link is a flat 5 ... no dice rolled so the +2 wont help
Plus only you gain the +2 per dice ... not others ... sure you'd Benifit Immensly from Channel energy (5d6+10 to yourself at 5th level)... just not sure how lifelink gives it to everyone
The Chort |

Breiti wrote:
Fey Foundling is good for life oracle because you heal you allies via Life Link Mystery. So it's like every one gets Fey Foundling for free.
sorry for the Necro ... but I dont understand your reasoning on Fey Founding
SRD wrote:
Your strange connection to the First World and the fey infuses you with life, and whenever you receive magical healing, you heal an additional 2 points per die rolled. You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against death effects. Unfortunately, you also suffer +1 point of damage from cold iron weapons (although you can wield cold iron weapons without significant discomfort).Life link is a flat 5 ... no dice rolled so the +2 wont help
Plus only you gain the +2 per dice ... not others ... sure you'd Benifit Immensly from Channel energy (5d6+10 to yourself at 5th level)... just not sure how lifelink gives it to everyone
It may just have been articulated poorly. But basically, you can absorb a bunch of damage through life link, and then shrug it off thanks to channel and fey foundling. So... it's kinda like everyone gets the benefit of that feat? Well not really, but whatever.
At level 10, an Aasimar Oracle of Life can channel for 8d6 (8d6+16 to yourself) and you can do that as a move action (Quick Channel) or a standard action. Then you can heal with combat healer as a swift action, life link and energy body (after starting it) as a free action...
Ah, the Oracle of Life and its nova healing.

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fair enough ...
but I also think your off a bit on your favored class enhanced channel
Cleric gets
1 1d6
3 2d6
5 3d6
7 4d6
9 5d6
assimar adds a full die at each even level
2 +1d6
4 +1d6
6 +1d6
8 +1d6
10 +1d6
far as I can tell you have 1d6/level channeling .. unless Im missing something
edited for formating

The Chort |

fair enough ...
but I also think your off a bit on your favored class enhanced channel
Cleric gets
1 1d6
3 2d6
5 3d6
7 4d6
9 5d6assimar adds a full die at each even level
2 +1d6
4 +1d6
6 +1d6
8 +1d6
10 +1d6far as I can tell you have 1d6/level channeling .. unless Im missing something
edited for formating
If only it were that nice? Aasimar adds half to their LEVEL not half a d6. So at level 10, they're treated as a 15th level cleric, which can channel for 8d6.
They don't channel as a 20th level cleric at level 10.
Oracle: Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation.
EDIT: The progression is like so;
Level 1: d6 (Cleric Level 1.5)
2: 2d6 (3)
3: 2d6 (4.5)
4: 3d6 (6)
5: 4d6 (7.5)
6: 5d6 (9)
7: 5d6 (10.5)
8: 6d6 (12)
9: 7d6 (13.5)
10: 8d6 (15)
11: 8d6 (16.5)
12: 9d6 (18)
...and so on.

Shenwan |
Remember the Aasimar Oracle favored class bonus, that gives you +1/2 level for calculating the effects of one of your revelations. If you do that with your channeling, you can get more d6's even faster.
from what i can se the assimar favored class bonus is 1/6, not 1/2 (Add +⅙ to the oracle’s level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation.) or has it been changed since this post was written?