![]() Yiroep wrote:
How are you getting a +3 bonus from Swift Aid (defensively)? Does it stack with the bodyguard? A more specific question might be, does Aid Another from the same character stack with itself? As in, if you use a Standard Action to Aid another, Bodyguard to Aid another, and Swift Aid to Aid another. Can you break down the offensive bonuses a bit more? EDIT:: Swift Aid wrote: Benefit: As a swift action, you can attempt the aid another action, granting your ally either a +1 bonus on his next attack roll or a +1 bonus to his AC. I suppose that Swift Aid is an "Aid Another" action, but slightly modified. So Helpful won't work (it's base is not +2, so it can't change it to +4), but wouldn't the Cav - Honor Guard 3rd level Intercept ability work on it to raise the AC bonus +1 (total of +2 AC), then the benevolent Armor bonus add +2 (now a total of +4 AC total). Offensively the Swift Aid will get base +1, then +2 from benevolent weapon? ![]()
![]() Flurry of Blows wrote: A monk applies his full Strength bonus to his damage rolls for all successful attacks made with flurry of blows, whether the attacks are made with an off-hand or with a weapon wielded in both hands. This says to me that they get the full strength bonus (or 1x), and makes no mention of 1.5 times the STR bonus a two-handed weapon normally gets. Power Attack wrote: This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This might be a grammar issue, but I think the idea is to give the 1.5 times (or 3:1) bonus to power attack when you are using something that normally gives 1.5 times the STR bonus. ![]()
![]() I would like to chime in here. If this is for PFS, don't try it. You'll eventually run into a GM saying, "no", and then you'll get frustrated. I took the shield spike off the shield on my Shield Bashing fighter because it caused some similar issues. Mine was having the agile enchantment as a weapon enchantment on the shield, and then using the spike. Anytime you are relying on something that has someone from Paizo suggesting it doesn't work, even James Jacob (he's not official for rules but is very active in the forums and gives great advice), a GM can and will make his decision that it doesn't work. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the responses guys. @ Blakmane, that makes perfect sense the way you explain it. I'm worried that my group won't get to Mikmek in the Sycamore, or if they do, they won't even bother trying to talk to him for me to introduce the, "Death to tartuk!" line. They have been pretty much kill first with most things so far, and the party has no social skill characters anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't get the statue to Tartuk after he gave them the quest. I'll probably do it as written and have Tartuk betray the PCs once they hand it in, and then he'll attempt to escape. ![]()
![]() In the Old Sycamore Section it gives the The Sacred Statue quest and goes on to say that Tartuk will reward the PCs and let them out of the caverns without a hitch. Stolen Lands Page 34 wrote: Reward: Delivering the statue to Tartuk wins the PCs safe passage out of the kobold lair as well as a shiny 500 gp topaz and (if the PCs ask for it) Svetlana’s wedding ring from the shaman. This gets contradicted in the Tartuk's quarters section a few pages later. It explains that Tartuk will order the kobolds to attack the PCs. It then says that Tartuk will just try to sneak out and not fight, and that the kobolds will fight on as long as tartuk is alive. For a creature that can cast invisibility, I don't think it will be that hard for Tartuk to get out of dodge. So do the kobolds give up after round 1 when Tartuk goes invisibile? Stolen Lands Page 41 wrote: if the PCs successfully return the statue, he’ll order the Sootscale kobolds to attack the PCs at once for daring to defile Old Sharptooth with their soft, scaleless fingers. The kobolds follow this order, fighting to the last as long as Tartuk lives—but if the PCs defeat the sorcerer, the remaining kobolds (Chief Sootscale included) flee the region. Tartuk, of course, hopes the PCs simply kill off the rest of the tribe and spends the battle not helping but trying to sneak away, leaving the tribe to its fate. And then we get to Tartuk's stat block and his morale section. This seems to also disagree with the proceeding text. This says he fights to the death, "almost as if on some level he seeks it." Stolen Lands Page 41 wrote: Morale Tartuk fights to the death, almost as if on some level he seeks it. So, what is Tartuk supposed to do? (obviously I can make him do whatever, but in that case, which is the most "fun" based on your experiences?) ![]()
![]() Demoritas wrote:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat/space-reach-threatened-area-te mplates ![]()
![]() I've come to the conclusion that the size penalty to attack rolls is not included in the combat maneuver bonus calculation because it would always cancel out with the size bonus to combat maneuver checks, and that's not how it is intended. (As Macgurcules pointed out). I'm still looking at the -5 penalty to a secondary natural attack and I'm convinced that the intention of combat maneuvers that are performed with weapons (in this case the tail slap) should apply all appropriate modifiers and penalties relating to the attacking object/limb. If it was a grapple attempt by a creature with the grab ability, then it would in fact get the +4 from grab, and a -5 if performing the grab with a secondary natural attack. Conversely, if the grab attempt was on a limb with a primary attack, it would just get the +4 from grab and no penalty obviously. (unless the grabbing creature did not have two free hands/limbs, then it would get the penalty via grapple rules) So the Tail Slap of the Whiptail in the original post making the trip attempt after a successful hit should be at +3 [+3 bab, +7 str, +2 size, -5 secondary, -4 squeezing]. ![]()
![]() I had an incredible amount of fun with a Maneuver Master Monk (4), Lore Warden (X). Maneuver Master Monk gives: lvl 1: Flurry of Maneuvers, bonus maneuver feat, Stunning fist, +2 to all saves
I went with a STR build and suffered with AC even though I had mithral brawling kiko armor. Others have mentioned how terrible dex builds are with damage potential, and they are more feat intensive. I love dex builds, but in society you never know who you are playing with so being able to do some amount of damage is very useful. The maneuvers you want to perform aren't always practical, so it's nice to just have straight DPS as a fallback. You might consider the Dueling enchantment, dusty rose prism ioun stone slotted in a wayfinder, Bred for War Trait (shoanti), and brawling armor to help certain combat maneuver bonuses. With a ki Pool, Ki throw is pretty amazing. I found that walking around with a potion of enlarge person helped to keep the ki cost down for most modules. If something is gargantuan, it's not something you can trip (for the most part, check the bestiary). Many things are going to be large sized or smaller, with a fair amount of huge sprinkled in. After drinking the potion of enlarge and getting into position, you can toss pretty much anything toss-able with 1 ki point or less. Even though a combat maneuver focused build is lots of fun and you can try to act as a battlefield controller, don't expect to be better than a caster. ![]()
![]() The more I look at this, the more I think the trip maneuver would be calculated with a +1 bonus. [bab 3, str 7, size -2 (for attack), size +2 (for cmb), -5 secondary, -4 squeeze] In the rules for Natural Attacks it goes to say: Quote: Secondary attacks are made using the creature’s base attack bonus –5 The Paizo blog for Combat Maneuvers it says: Quote: Disarm, sunder, and trip are normally the only kinds of combat maneuvers in which you’re actually using a weapon (natural weapons and unarmed strikes are considered weapons for this purpose) to perform the maneuver, and therefore the weapon’s bonuses (enhancement bonuses, feats such as Weapon Focus, fighter weapon training, and so on) apply to the roll. This leads me to believe, that modifiers apply to the roll, whether negative or positive "bonuses". Since the tail slap is a secondary weapon, it gets a -5. Since the centipede is squeezing, it gets a -4. Since it is a trip attempt off of an attack with a limb, it gets a -2 for size. Since it is a combat maneuver, it gets a +2 for size. As has been quoted: Quote: When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects. These bonuses must be applicable to the weapon or attack used to perform the maneuver. When it says bonuses does it mean strictly positive bonuses? Then that wouldn't include the squeeze, but i'm certain the squeezing condition would apply. So it goes to follow that the -5 from a secondary attack should apply also. The final calculation is: +1 [+3 Base attack bonus, +7 Strength Mod, -5 Secondary Natural Attack, -2 Size attack modifier, -4 Squeezing, +2 Size CMB modifier] Anyone with more rules knowledge able to chime in to confirm or deny my rules interpretations? ![]()
![]() I want to make sure I'm going to run this right. The Giant Whiptail in question is squeezing so it has that condition, giving it a -4 to melee attack rolls. The tailslap in the stat block looks like a secondary weapon because it's at -5 compared to the creature's main bite attack. The CMB bonus of this creature is +12. If the Whiptail attacks with his tail slap, the attack will happen at -1 in his current situation. (Bab 3, Str 7, size -2, secondary -5, squeeze -4). If the attack hits, his trip roll will be a d20 + (?). I'm thinking since it is a free trip on a normal attack, it should go with the same bonuses he's getting for the attacking limb. So it should be at -1? How does the size benefit play into this calculation? Should it be +1 [bab 3, str 7, size -2 (for attack), size +2 (for cmb), -5 secondary, -4 squeeze]? Stat block below:
Spoiler: Centipede, Giant Whiptail
An elephantine centipede scurries about, its double tail lashing angrily behind it. Centipede, Giant Whiptail CR 3
Bite—injury; save Fort DC 17; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Dex; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based. Tail Slap (Ex) A giant whiptail centipede’s tail slap deals nonlethal damage and gains no bonus from its Strength score on damage dealt. ![]()
![]() Hamatula Strike does indeed have poor wording. I like musing on the thought you could use it via RAW for a Mortal Kombat Scorpion style, "get over here move". Quote: If you successfully grapple a creature that is not adjacent to you, move that creature to an adjacent open space (if no space is available, your grapple fails). You get the lunge feat, enlarge, use a reach piercing weapon, and you tag someone 25' away. Due to the rules of grapple they get pulled adjacent. ![]()
![]() You are probably going to try to get most of your damage from full-bab shots via AOOs, so TWF probably isn't going to be a game breaker for you damage wise. Plus when you move around trying to provoke AOOs you only have a standard action left, so no full attacks. It's a tough choice, especially since you are going to have weapon training, and presumably gloves of dueling, to add that static damage to each attack; also your unarmed strikes will do full STR damage due to the monk dip, so you aren't getting hammered by the typical 50% str bonus to offhand attacks. The decision should be based around how you want to play the character more than anything. Do you want to try and provide some battlefield control and remain mobile? Or, do you want to get setup and start wailing on your targets for damage? I'd probably go with trip if you have other characters in the party that use melee and provide solid damage. If you are the only melee damage dealer I might go TWF. ![]()
![]() Byrdology wrote:
You need Dodge before you can take Crane Style at level 3. The unarmed fighter only lets you skip the pre-reqs for the bonus feat gained at first level. It does not say anything about subsequent bonus feats. ![]()
![]() Thanks to everyone for your ideas! I also found Distilled Terrap Sap from Adventurer's Armory, but I did not see the Potion of Negate Aroma. I'm not sure if it can be made into a potion because it doesn't have a range of "touch". Please tell me what page it's on in the Adventurer's Armory if it is indeed a potion. Terrap Sap wrote:
![]() That's up to the GM. But the grapple rules are written with biped's in mind. If you don't have two free hands, then you take a penalty on checks made to start a grapple. The ooze obviously needs some GM fiat, but if the GM deems that the Ooze can hold onto more than one person, (and i would in this case), then that is totally legit within the rules. Bipeds can grapple multiple people as long as they have the free limbs to do so, oozes could also if the Gm rules that they have 'free limbs' too. ![]()
![]() I've set up the first book of the Kingmaker AP, The Stolen Lands, in roll20.net . The game is starting January 29, 2013 at 8pm Eastern time and I plan to run for 4 hours ending at midnight. I'm looking for players that can attend weekly sessions every Tuesday. Hopefully we can play through several books for a long running campaign. Roll20 is a browser based virtual table top (VTT) that requires an HTML 5 browser. Google Chrome works beautifully but Internet Explorer might have some problems. Voice will be handled via Google Hangouts. Between game discussions will be in a facebook group. Characters can start with 1 Kingmaker Campaign trait, and 1 other trait of the players choosing. 20 point buy. Core races only. For the most part we'll stick to the same resources used in Pathfinder Society. The Kingmaker players guide is available for free: http://paizo.com/pathfinder/adventurePath/kingmaker Please personal message me if you are interested! (18 or over, there will inevitably be some mature language) Kingmaker The land rush is on! Sent south by Brevoy, the heroes have the unenviable task of venturing into the infamous Stolen Lands and annexing the territory, facing down monsters, bandits, and worse. It's hard enough to conquer territory—but does a ragtag band of adventures have what it takes to found and defend a burgeoning kingdom from the terrors of the wild? The Kingmaker Adventure Path takes the heroes from encounters with mysterious bandit lords and barbaric raiders through the trials and tribulations of developing and defending their new settlement in the notoriously lawless River Kingdoms. Yet when war comes to the Stolen Lands in earnest, it's up the heroes to take up a mystical blade and stand tall against the horrors of man, beast, and strange creatures more dangerous than either... ![]()
![]() Diego Rossi wrote:
But there is no such language in Dance of Blades: Quote: Dance of the Blades (Ex): Your base speed increases by 10 feet. At 7th level, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with a metal weapon in any round in which you move at least 10 feet. This bonus increases by +1 at 11th level, and every four levels thereafter. At 11th level, as a move action, you can maneuver your weapon to create a shield of whirling steel around yourself until the start of your next turn; non-incorporeal melee and ranged attacks against you have a 20% miss chance while the shield is active. You must be wielding a metal weapon to use this ability. There is also nothing in the lame curse that says you can't take the fleet feat or take a level in barbarian. ![]()
![]() MC Templar wrote:
It's not blithely ignored. You have to be a level 5 oracle with the wasting curse as your progressive curse to mitigate the impact. Your reasoning is unduly harsh because you seem to be implying that negative effects cannot be mitigated. The game revolves around getting better abilities, shoring up weaknesses, and improving in effectiveness as you level up. ![]()
![]() Purplefixer wrote: The ally provides soft cover and inflicts a -2 penalty to hit. Use the d20PFSRD and have a look at the rules for cover, and attacks with reach weapons. I used to think soft cover was -2 to hit also, but it says in the d20pfsrd: d20pfsrd wrote:
I believe the it's "partial cover" that gives the half cover bonus. And that is applied when there is cover, but more than half the creature is visible. d20pfsrd wrote:
![]() Rod of Extend, Lesser and Shield other. This keeps the range on shield other identical to life link, so you don't have to micromanage gauging distances to allies. I dipped 1 level in Unbreakable fighter to get diehard, also had fey foundling and fast healer with an 18 starting CON. The character's ability to heal was obscene, plus a high con helps mitigate the fact oracles get crappy fort saves. Bless, Blessing of Ferver, Resist Energy (Communal), magical circle against evil, unbreakable heart, delay poison, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Freedom of movement: all spells I found to be useful. ![]()
![]() In the rules it says, "Regardless of the shape of the area, you select the point where the spell originates, but otherwise you don't control which creatures or objects the spell affects. The point of origin of a spell is always a grid intersection." Please refer to the picture. Are either the Red or Purple cones legal? http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/9959/15ftcone.jpg ![]()
![]() Grick wrote:
In the post you referenced you mentioned standing up, not Greater Trip. I think that Greater Trip could be resolved after you successfully make the trip maneuver (as in you roll the die and tally your bonuses and the GM says, 'that trips him'), then you get the AOO before he actually falls prone. I see the feat as going either way, (either provoking the AOO before he falls prone, or after), but I'd like to point out that it might be granted before the target actually lands in the 15' square. ![]()
![]() The more I look through the rules the more I think this would work. And if the character takes off the belt, the feat is not lost: edit: what i mean is the character would just have to put the belt back on again, but would probably lose access to the benefits of the feat while it was off. I would prefer that the character didn't, obviously, but I wouldn't complain if the judged ruled that the character did lose the benefit. From the d20pfsrd
Quote: A character can't use a feat if he loses a prerequisite, but he does not lose the feat itself. If, at a later time, he regains the lost prerequisite, he immediately regains full use of the feat that prerequisite enables.
![]() For Pathfinder Society: Would wearing Anaconda's Coils give you the constrict ability and qualify you for the Final Embrace feat (assuming 13 str, 3 int, and bab +3)? Also, semi related question, can you apply your 1.5 x str modifier for your constrict damage assuming you have two free hands? Quote:
![]() If a wizard uses his bonded object to cast a spell while he has the grappled condition, does he have to make a concentration check? Under the arcane bond it says it's (EX, SP). I'm guessing the bonded object is SP, or spell-like. So another way to ask it, are spell like abilities subject to concentration? Quote:
![]() GM Jeff wrote:
But the thing is even outside of combat if something happens that surprises you, fore example you fail your perception roll to notice the crack in the bridge, then you are screwed. As father dagon mentioned, emergency force sphere and feather fall seem to be designed to use when flat footed but you can't. ![]()
![]() This is the part that I think is causing confusion: "one melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach" I read that as one attack against each person in reach. Meaning each opponent gets hit by you with a separate attack. It also calls out for separate attack rolls, and makes no mention for a single damage roll. So it's like hitting everyone in your reach one time, (separate attack rolls support this), and you do damage to each individually. Therefore, based on the FAQ about fighting with multiple weapons, you could easily select which weapon you are attacking each valid target with. So if you have a sword in one hand, and a dagger in the other. You can chose which weapon you hit each creature with. You aren't Two - weapon fighting because you aren't gaining any extra attacks. That is also explicitly forbidden in the feat. Furthermore, since you can 5' step in the middle of your actions, you can just use whirlwind attack, roll your attack rolls against the targets you threaten, then 5' step and continue on with your whirlwind attack routine and hit the targets that are now valid. ![]()
![]() Quote: You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round. You can 5' step during an action. So you don't have to wait for it to fully complete. Just 5' step during your whirlwind attack and you are attacking things within your reach still. EDIT: removed some irrelevant text. It's clear that you can 5' step during your actions, including whirlwind attack. ![]()
![]() RumpinRufus wrote:
Is this actually a 1st level wand for PFS? For some reason I don't think you can use low level paladin spell levels for wand purchases. (i could just be imagining things.) If it is indeed a 1st level wand for 750 gold, i'll get one for most of my characters. Too many faction missions need diplomacy. Level bard 2, inquisitor 2, paladin 1 ![]()
![]() This kind of bugs me about feather fall. If the grounds suddenly gives way, technically you shouldn't be allowed to cast feather fall since you haven't 'acted'. So you'd just fall and take a s*!# load of damage. About the only way you could ever cast feather fall while falling, is after you've fallen the... what is it, 200 ft for the round you are surprised? In combat, if you have acted, and then you suddenly fall, you could cast it. But outside of combat you are kind of just screwed. ![]()
![]() I would say yes to all three. 1) You are only making one attack against each opponent within reach right? So you should be able to hit them with what you have available, as long as you have the capacity to make the adjustment. 2) I don't see how the exclusion of gaining bonus attacks applies to Attacks of Opportunity. AOOs are part of the core combat rules and they interrupt the normal flow and are resolved immediately when triggered. They are not "feats, spells, or abilities". 3) You can 5' step in the middle of a full attack action, so you should be able to 5' step in the middle of your whirlwind attack. ![]()
![]() Ki throw can only be done with unarmed attacks. You can't ki throw with your reach weapon. Quote:
![]() Ah, so then he could change his mind once he sees the oracle come up to him. I wonder if on the oracle's turn he could "ready a swift action" in this case the surprising charge. The rules don't actually support readying an "immediate action", but they do support readying a swift action. However it does not equate Swift and immediate actions, it only says they are similar. So it's probably a no -go on strict reading of RAW. Quote:
![]() If a spell caster starts to cast a spell, and a battle oracle uses Surprising Charge as an immediate action, does the surprising charge get resolved before the spell caster even begins casting? The timing is important because I want to know: a) If the oracle gets in range to threaten the spell caster, does the oracle get to make an attack of opportunity? b) After the Oracles Surprising Charge is resolved, does the spell caster now get to redo his action? For example, casting defensively, or just all together changing to a different action like using a supernatural ability (channel to harm). I would lean towards the spell caster not being able to change his action because immediate actions interrupt, and get resolved before the triggering action, so the battle oracle could go up and smack him with an AOO and the spell caster couldn't do anything about it. Thoughts? Quote: Surprising Charge (Ex): Once per day, you can move up to your speed as an immediate action. You can use this ability one additional time per day at 7th level and 15th level.
![]() So you guys are saying a Rogue with Shadow Strike in fog attacking from 10' or more away wouldn't get sneak attack on his target? Even though the target can't see him, (let's say he can see through fog for some reason), but he can see his target, he still can't get sneak attack? EDIT: To further clarify, I think I was reading about a waves oracle/ ninja on the boards before that specifically used obscuring mist and his water sight to nail enemies with ranged attacks that dealt sneak attack damage. So this isn't possible?