False factoids

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Goddity wants this to happen, since he's pulling a Producers plot involving the movie.

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It's Springtime for Ventnor and Cheliax.

But winter for Isger and Galt.

Sissyl wrote the entire score for the song "Springtime, for Ventnor and Cheliax" and used all the royalties to buy a used guillotine for her own amusement, as Galt has a used beheading device lot, very popular round the holidays.

Sovereign Court

That's all thanks to GM_Beernorg for his 'be-head of the competition for Christmas ad'. The wonders of misspelling and misinterpretting things.

AoZK is wet and hysterical, which is what happens to most people after they go into the shower with GoatToucher.

Pulg has been on a waiting list to go into the shower with GT for over 6 years.

Goddity sneaks into the GoatToucher Band Rump Ointment home office to remove all other names, that are not his, from the "shower with GoatToucher" reservation list. By now, he is very, very, very pruned.

GMB scored an "invite only" ticket to GT's New Year's Eve party sponsored by GT's Famous Brand Rump Ointment. This party has their own version of a sparkely ball sliding down a pole at midnight...

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Molten Dragon is the sparkly ball that will slide down the pole at midnight. And GT is going to polish him every day until then to make sure he shines.

They say that punching Goddity in the face brings seven years of good luck.

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They say that punching Ventnor in the face brings seven seconds of screaming in agony.

They say attempting to punch Sissyl in the face causes your hand to be devoured by her angry headdress/hair familiar things, very useful in a row one must admit.

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They say that punching GM_Beernog in the face is therapeutic.

Sovereign Court

Goddity hates punching, kicking is the way to go!

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AoZK tried to kick the habit, but the nuns are just too quick.

KahnyaGnorc can quit any time (s)he likes, simply by putting the clocks forward.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Pulg created a machine that can control the "when" of the universe. Unfortunately he has forgotten where in the universe he left it.

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Alayern made a machine that controls the "why" of the universe and has no idea why he made it.

Goddity made a machine that controls the "who" of the Universe. The machine is very literal though; it only controls the band the Who.

Ventnor tried to use the "who" machine to find out who Doctor Who really is. Upon failing, he made a "what" machine to find out what he is. He was very disappointed to learn that Doctor Who was a time lord.

Scarab Sages

Goddity made a machine that controls the "how" of the universe...but nobody knows how it works.

Liberty's Edge

IHIYC is 1/16th Canadian, 15/16 Bear

Lucky7 is 1/16th Evil un-living wizard, 10/16th dog chew toy, 5/16th bad to the bone

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GMB is 1/16 green foam and latex, 10/16 grouchy old dude and 5/16 related to Pulg (but he doesn't talk about that.)

Molten Dragon is 1/16 drake, 2/16 lava, 7/16 GTs plaything, 5/16 solid, and 2/16 bad at math.

Goddity is 99% potato and 3% concentrate.

Sovereign Court

Ventnor is 60% red dragon, 40% tarn linnorm and 100% awesome!

Liberty's Edge

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AoZK is part man, part bear, and part pig.

lucky7 is 7% lucky, and 93% necromantic energy.

Goddity is a mask.

People like to drape seaweed over Sissyl for good luck.

Pulg enjoys rubbing his feet on the carpet and then releasing a mighty static charge from the end of his finger.

Be sure to stop by GMB's house on new years day for some wunsching. If you are lucky you might get some wunschgelt but most likely it will be hundsfotts.

Molten Dragon made a Growth Ray and pointed it at SoCal, because he wanted to make it big in Hollywood.

KahnyaGnorc made a Shrink Ray and pointed it at the moon, in a misguided attempt to cure werewolves.

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Goddity opened "Goddity's home for miniaturized werewolves" a week later.

Sissyl's brain has been known to leave her head for extended periods of time so that it can meditate in the mountains undisturbed.

Sovereign Court

During these periods, however, Ventnor likes to play the bagpipes and hopes noone will laugh.

Avatar of Zon-Kuthon joins in a duet with Ventnor, except he plays the accordion, thus the hills are alive with the sound of...what almost could be music, if you were tone deaf.

GM_Beernorg often stands on a nearby hill, conducting them with a banana and emitting plaintive squawks at inappropriate moments.

Pulg will meet you by Dun Ringill where you can watch the old gods play.

Molten Dragon is the ball in the old god's favorite sport; Burningball.

Ventnor is the only official judge for the ancient sport of Burningball that's left.

Goddity has the job of rubbing a mixture of Deep Heat, chili paste and napalm on the ball.

Pulg is the special application sponge for the above. It usually gets him in a very grumpy mood.

Sissyl is the one who "prophesied" that Pulg IS the special application sponge for the ancient and noble game of Burningball. Really it was just a joke to get Pulg to apply very spicy and or hot materials to his "special applicator." Every Burningball match kickoff is signaled by cries of intense agony from Pulg, sort of like a more humiliating and painful version of the starting gun.

GM_Beernorg was the MVP in last year's Burningball Championship. He orginally wasn't going to be, but the person who was supposed to be MVP spontaneous combusted for reasons the law has yet to determine.

Ventnor "inherited" a large sum of money from a previously-unknown "relative" right after the said combustion. Coincidentally, GM_Beernorg's accounts were drained of a large sum of money about the same time.

KahnyaGnorc has $3,0000,0000,0000 in confiscated oil money that he needs to get out of Narnia in a hurry, and he can only do it with your help

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