Boon Trading Thread

Pathfinder Society

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Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Hubris Coil

SFS boons - entertain me :-)

2/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Spain—Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Have: Season Explorer (seasons 4-5), Haven't I been here before, Goblin Patronage, Mortic Transformation, Duskwalker.

Want: Suli, Vyshanka, Dhampir, Catfolk, Ratfolk, Tiefling, Aasimar or Grippli.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Aspis Defector

Mounted Tradition
Freedom's Champion/Argent Knight
Trophy Hunter
Scholar of the Sages/Model Agent
Alchemical Versatility
Genie Grudge
Psychic Dilettante
Aspis Slayer
Ley Line Access
Loci Spirit Ritual
Pathfinder Apprentice
Martial Tradition
Brutal Reputation
Elemental Voyager
Arcane Ammunition
Professional Reputation
Subtle Reputation
Former Crusader
Lingering Resonance
On The Job Training
Sky Citadel Scholar
Adopted Weapon Training
Expedition Manager
Magaambyan Dilettante
Numerian Dabbler
Mendevian Weapon Training
Prophetic Dream
Against The Consortium
Niche Specialist

4/5 **

Going through my PFS boons, I realized I have a lot that I probably won't use, so it's time to trade along for what I'd like to have:

Dhampir/Grippli/Ratfolk/Samsaran/Vanara (any 2)
Season Explorer Boons - I have 2-3 and 4-5 and would like to collect the rest of them.

Aquatic Elf / Gillman / Merfolk boon
Sapphire Guardian
Research Specialist
Celestial Traveler
Mortic Transformation
Extra Hours


Joe Bouchard wrote:
Mortic Transformation

What does this one do?

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Joe, are you working on the RSP boon? Gm reward this year is dhampir. If not, I could trade my extra one.

4/5 **

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Joe, are you working on the RSP boon? Gm reward this year is dhampir. If not, I could trade my extra one.

Yeah, I'm working on it, just not sure how long it'll take to get there. That's why I said 1-2 of those boons (trying to make a mermaid character).

4/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
shalandar wrote:
Joe Bouchard wrote:
Mortic Transformation
What does this one do?

I noticed the full write-up wasn't listed on the master Google Sheet, so here it is:

Mortic Transformation:

{This boon has 4 check boxes}

The Whispering Tyrant grows restless in the depths of his Gallowspire prison, and negative energy has begun to infect the mortal beings who inhabit the Inner Sea region. While you have avoided the dreadful transformation into a mortic, living mortals infected with negative energy, you still have a small fragment of their necromantic power to draw on. You may check a box next to this boon as a swift action to gain one of the following special abilities for one minute:

Death Gasp (Su): You can hold your breath to suspend the majority of your biological processes. While holding your breath, you gain a +3 bonus to saving throws to ability drain, energy drain, and sleep effects. While holding your breath you also suspend the effects of ongoing bleed damage, disease, and poison. This doesn't cure any damage that the bleed effect, disease, or poison has already done, but the suspended rounds count toward the effect's duration. If you speak, cast a spell with a verbal component, or otherwise stop holding your breath before 1 minute has passed, you lose the benefits of this ability at the beginning of your next turn.

Negative Energy Affinity (Ex): You react to positive and negative energy as though you are undead--positive energy harms you, while negative energy heals you.

Paralytic Saliva (Su): You gain paralytic saliva that paralyzes any creature you bite for 1 round unless it succeeds at a DC 13 Fortitude save. Elves are immune to this effect. If you do not currently possess a bite attack, you gain a bite attack as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d6 damage (1d4 for Small creatures) for the duration of this effect.

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Have: Duskwalker
Want: Catfolk

4/5 ****

Aquatic elf/Merfolk/Gillman
Vine Leshy x4 (happy to trade multiples)



1 person marked this as a favorite.


for reference here's Michael's Boon List of what's mostly out there...

--- NonRace PFS Boons --- (1 removed)
2015 #1 Ley Line Access (Lake Encorthan, Osirion, Varisia, Cheliax & Nidal)
2015 #2 Loci Spirit Ritual
2015 #5 Against the Consortium
2016 ACG Ritual of Wrath
2016 #8 Elemental Voyager
2016 #9 Arcane Ammunition
2016 #12 Expedition Manager
2016 #13 Share the Wealth (Companions)
2016 #14 Hypnotic Therapy
2017 Addt'l #1 Mounted Tradition
2017 #4 Freedom's Champion(LEdge), Argent Knight(SCrusade)
2017 #5 Share the Wealth (Equipment)
2017 #13 Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthropy)
2017 #14 Spontaneous Mutation
2017 #15 Alchemical Efficiency
2017 #16 Ley Line Access (Darklands & Taldor, Mwangi Expanse & Sargava, Andoran & Galt & River Kingdoms, DtangMa & Minata & Nagajor & XaHoi)
2017 #16 Master Herbalist
2018 #7 Seasoned Archivist(DArchive), Taldan Courier(SCourt)
2018 #11 Recalled Knowledge
2018 #13 Blakros Agent(Blakros Museum), Elemental Charm(CoElements), Follower of the Way(Way o/t Kirin)
--- Race PFS Boons --- (2 removed)
2014 GM Elemental Ancestry (Air): sylph, Paragon of the Society, Elemental Dilettante.
2015 GM Elemental Ancestry (Water): undine, Paragon of the Society, Elemental Dilettante.
2016 GM Character Rebuild, Exotic Heritage: Vanara, Skinwalker, Changeling.
2016 GM #2 Elemental Ancestry (Suli), Paragon of the Society, Elemental Acclimation.
2017 GM #1 Rodent Heritage: ratfolk I have enough ratfolk/vanara to empower the Aquatic Agent below.
2017 GM #2 Simian Heritage: vanara
2017 GM #4 Born to the Sea: aquatic elf, Inheritor of Azlant: gillman (req aasimar or tiefling), Aquatic Agent: merfolk (req 3 of grippli/ratfolk/vanara/dhampir/samsaran race boons).

Want: hmmm... I'm kinda full up now but Samsaran's or Dhampir's welcome.


zauriel56 wrote:


Alchemical Versatility x2
Elemental Ancestry (Fire) (Ifrit)/ Paragon of the Society/ Elemental Dilettante
Extended Travels
Fighting Off Corruption (Ghoul)
Genie Grudge
Missing Mentor
Mounted Tradition x2
Numerian Dabbler
On-the-Job Training
Seen It Once
Spontaneous Mutation
Sapphire ooze familiar boon(I forget what it’s called)

Formian/Ikeshti race boons for sfs
Mystical upgrade (I think is what it’s called)

Knights of Golarion
other SFS race boons (nothing specific except maybe Nuar), make an offer with this one
If you see something you want pm me with what boons you have and maybe we can work something out.

actively looking for nuar and aphorite,as well as knights of Golarion but if you see something u like send a message with what you are Willing to trade

Looking to trade two Vanara boons for something different that would work well with a Musketeer type build, and a Shifter build. My son and I are trying to build a duo for an upcoming gaming convention at the end of the month and we aren't really sold on playing as monkeys.

Any offers out there?

Looking for SFS Nuar
Have PFS Aphorite / Ratfolk / Vishkayna

Silver Crusade 4/5

Not certain if anything I have is worth what I want, but may as well see.

Want: Dhampir

Have: Duskwalker
Celestial Traveler
Haven't I Been Here Before?
SFS Formian/Ghoran/Pahtra
Traveler In An Unstable Timeline

Really want to part with the SFS boon, neutral about everything else.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Francia

comccl wrote:

Not certain if anything I have is worth what I want, but may as well see.

Want: Dhampir

Have: Duskwalker
Celestial Traveler
Haven't I Been Here Before?
SFS Formian/Ghoran/Pahtra
Traveler In An Unstable Timeline

Really want to part with the SFS boon, neutral about everything else.

PM send

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I have a few old and minor boons that I've no use for:
Mounted Tradition
Personal Physician

In trade I'd like something flavorful - maybe Ley Lines? Emotional Aura? Spirit Loci? Or anything useful to a Core archer. I'm open to suggestions!


Jay Heinrich wrote:
Looking to trade two Vanara boons for something different that would work well with a Musketeer type build, and a Shifter build...{for two players}

just some advice -

the vanara or ratfolk work well with gunslinger class. Ratfolk has a good 'multiple characters in one square getting flanking' feature. Tails are handy for getting objects (action economy).
I haven't seen a changeling/lycanthrope shifter build which seems thematic but requires a GM GenCon boon.

Archers - there are boons out there with small lots of ammo etc.



Martial Tradition X2
Mounted Tradition X3
Freedom's Champion (Liberty's Edge)/ Argent Champion (Silver Crusade) X2
Seasoned Archivist (Dark Archive) / Taldan Courtier (Sovereign Court)
Fighting Off Corruption (Ghoul)
Subtle Reputation
Seen it Once (Knowledge Checks)


Share the Wealth (Equipment)
Share the Wealth (Companion)
Traveler in an Unstable Time


- Celestial traveler-> [various benefits, access to planar infusion feats]

- Catfolk

If anybody is interested please PM me please.


Stephen Ross wrote:


for reference here's Michael's Boon List of what's mostly out there...

--- NonRace PFS Boons --- (1 removed)
2015 #1 Ley Line Access (Lake Encorthan, Osirion, Varisia, Cheliax & Nidal)
2015 #2 Loci Spirit Ritual
2015 #5 Against the Consortium
2016 ACG Ritual of Wrath
2016 #8 Elemental Voyager
2016 #9 Arcane Ammunition
2016 #12 Expedition Manager
2016 #13 Share the Wealth (Companions)
2016 #14 Hypnotic Therapy
2017 Addt'l #1 Mounted Tradition
2017 #4 Freedom's Champion(LEdge), Argent Knight(SCrusade)
2017 #5 Share the Wealth (Equipment)
2017 #13 Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthropy)
2017 #14 Spontaneous Mutation
2017 #15 Alchemical Efficiency
2017 #16 Ley Line Access (Darklands & Taldor, Mwangi Expanse & Sargava, Andoran & Galt & River Kingdoms, DtangMa & Minata & Nagajor & XaHoi)
2017 #16 Master Herbalist
2018 #7 Seasoned Archivist(DArchive), Taldan Courier(SCourt)
2018 #11 Recalled Knowledge
2018 #13 Blakros Agent(Blakros Museum), Elemental Charm(CoElements), Follower of the Way(Way o/t Kirin)
--- Race PFS Boons --- (2 removed)
2014 GM Elemental Ancestry (Air): sylph, Paragon of the Society, Elemental Dilettante.
2015 GM Elemental Ancestry (Water): undine, Paragon of the Society, Elemental Dilettante.
2016 GM Character Rebuild, Exotic Heritage: Vanara, Skinwalker, Changeling.
2016 GM #2 Elemental Ancestry (Suli), Paragon of the Society, Elemental Acclimation.
2017 GM #1 Rodent Heritage: ratfolk I have enough ratfolk/vanara to empower the Aquatic Agent below.
2017 GM #2 Simian Heritage: vanara
2017 GM #4 Born to the Sea: aquatic elf, Inheritor of Azlant: gillman (req aasimar or tiefling), Aquatic Agent: merfolk (req 3 of grippli/ratfolk/vanara/dhampir/samsaran race boons).

Want: hmmm... I'm kinda full up now but Samsaran's or Dhampir's welcome.

PM Sent.

Looking for Catfolk boon for Pathfinder
Can offer Starfinder for Damai/Quorlu/Verthani boon


Azothath wrote:


for reference here's Michael's Boon List of what's mostly out there...

--- NonRace PFS Boons --- (1 removed)
2015 #1 Ley Line Access (Lake Encorthan, Osirion, Varisia, Cheliax & Nidal)
2015 #2 Loci Spirit Ritual
2015 #5 Against the Consortium
2016 ACG Ritual of Wrath
2016 #8 Elemental Voyager
2016 #9 Arcane Ammunition
2016 #12 Expedition Manager
2016 #13 Share the Wealth (Companions)
2016 #14 Hypnotic Therapy
2017 Addt'l #1 Mounted Tradition
2017 #4 Freedom's Champion(LEdge), Argent Knight(SCrusade)
2017 #5 Share the Wealth (Equipment)
2017 #13 Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthropy)
2017 #14 Spontaneous Mutation
2017 #15 Alchemical Efficiency
2017 #16 Ley Line Access (Darklands & Taldor, Mwangi Expanse & Sargava, Andoran & Galt & River Kingdoms, DtangMa & Minata & Nagajor & XaHoi)
2017 #16 Master Herbalist
2018 #7 Seasoned Archivist(DArchive), Taldan Courier(SCourt)
2018 #11 Recalled Knowledge
2018 #13 Blakros Agent(Blakros Museum), Elemental Charm(CoElements), Follower of the Way(Way o/t Kirin)
--- Race PFS Boons --- (2 removed)
2014 GM Elemental Ancestry (Air): sylph, Paragon of the Society, Elemental Dilettante.
2015 GM Elemental Ancestry (Water): undine, Paragon of the Society, Elemental Dilettante.
2016 GM Character Rebuild, Exotic Heritage: Vanara, Skinwalker, Changeling.
2016 GM #2 Elemental Ancestry (Suli), Paragon of the Society, Elemental Acclimation.
2017 GM #1 Rodent Heritage: ratfolk I have enough ratfolk/vanara to empower the Aquatic Agent below.
2017 GM #2 Simian Heritage: vanara
2017 GM #4 Born to the Sea: aquatic elf, Inheritor of Azlant: gillman (req aasimar or tiefling), Aquatic Agent: merfolk (req 3 of grippli/ratfolk/vanara/dhampir/samsaran race boons).

Want: hmmm... I'm kinda full up now but Samsaran's or Dhampir's welcome.

Message Sent


Thanks for the 3 messages about the same boon (everyone goes for the big gun). I'm thinking about it. I'm an original paper only by snail mail trade and I don't do trades very often. I un-spoilered my list as people don't read spoilers and it's a thread search thing, lol. Some posters here have many boons (not me, but that's just my opinion).
General advice -
While there is this thread, I find many people don't post on these boards. Ask your local GMs and Venture officers about trades. See who goes to GenCon, PaizoCon, and Origins as many of the better boons drop there. The trade is local and faster with originals trading hands. With PF1 new releases coming to a close people may let go of some of their PF1 boons.

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Sapphire Guardian


Silver Crusade 1/5

Want: Ratfolk


Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5

I just finished organizing my boons.  Here is my entire list:

Family Tradition x2
Magaambyan Dilettante 
Prophetic Dream
Seen it Once
Professional Reputation
Elemental Slayer
Horror Resistance 
Elemental Voyager
Arcane Ammunition 
Genie Grudge
Inheritor of Ghol-gan (Grippli)
Season Explorer (6&7)
Contemplative Traveler
Traveler in an Unstable Timeline 

And if SFS is of any interest 

Hauler-Bot 6000
Alien Association

I'm looking for Duskwalker and hoping to have one by Saturday if possible. Send me a message if you are interested in trading.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Still looking, if anyone has it.

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:


Aspis Defector

Mounted Tradition
Freedom's Champion/Argent Knight
Trophy Hunter
Scholar of the Sages/Model Agent
Alchemical Versatility
Genie Grudge
Psychic Dilettante
Aspis Slayer
Ley Line Access
Loci Spirit Ritual
Pathfinder Apprentice
Martial Tradition
Brutal Reputation
Elemental Voyager
Arcane Ammunition
Professional Reputation
Subtle Reputation
Former Crusader
Lingering Resonance
On The Job Training
Sky Citadel Scholar
Adopted Weapon Training
Expedition Manager
Magaambyan Dilettante
Numerian Dabbler
Mendevian Weapon Training
Prophetic Dream
Against The Consortium
Niche Specialist

5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Spain—Madrid

Jeff Teig wrote:

I just finished organizing my boons.  Here is my entire list:

Family Tradition x2
Magaambyan Dilettante 
Prophetic Dream
Seen it Once
Professional Reputation
Elemental Slayer
Horror Resistance 
Elemental Voyager
Arcane Ammunition 
Genie Grudge
Inheritor of Ghol-gan (Grippli)
Season Explorer (6&7)
Contemplative Traveler
Traveler in an Unstable Timeline 

And if SFS is of any interest 

Hauler-Bot 6000
Alien Association

I'm looking for Duskwalker and hoping to have one by Saturday if possible. Send me a message if you are interested in trading.

What is the text of

Inheritor of Ghol-gan (Grippli)
Season Explorer (6&7)
Contemplative Traveler


they don´t appear on the boon list.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5

Miguel Madrid del Ama wrote:
Jeff Teig wrote:

I just finished organizing my boons.  Here is my entire list:

Family Tradition x2
Magaambyan Dilettante 
Prophetic Dream
Seen it Once
Professional Reputation
Elemental Slayer
Horror Resistance 
Elemental Voyager
Arcane Ammunition 
Genie Grudge
Inheritor of Ghol-gan (Grippli)
Season Explorer (6&7)
Contemplative Traveler
Traveler in an Unstable Timeline 

And if SFS is of any interest 

Hauler-Bot 6000
Alien Association

I'm looking for Duskwalker and hoping to have one by Saturday if possible. Send me a message if you are interested in trading.

What is the text of

Inheritor of Ghol-gan (Grippli)
Season Explorer (6&7)
Contemplative Traveler


they don´t appear on the boon list.

I'll get you better details after I get home from slaying some jinsul tonight but from memory:

Inheritor of Ghol-gan has 12 boxes that you check off each time you receive a chronicle worth at least 1 xp. If the scenario takes place in the Mwangi you can check 2 boxes. Once all 12 are checked you can make a grippli.

Season Explorer has you check off a box per scenario that you have played on any character that takes place in season six and 7. Depending on the amount of boxes you get minor or major boons. The season six boon let's you recharge time worn items and the season seven boon is the ability to take the aspis agent prestige class.

Contemplative traveler I do not remember atm but I'll post it when I get home.

4/5 **

Since it's been asked:

Inheritor of Ghol-Gan:

Note: This boon has 12 boxes
The grippli tribes from the area surrounding the fallen city of Kadoddi, an ancient ruin from the lost cyclops kingdom of Ghol-Gan, have long been allies of the Pathfinder Society. While some of the more prominent gripplis like Mother Bogwynne and Purpurrup have essential duties that require them to stay in the Kaava Lands, other gripplis have listened with great interest to the stories of the Pathfinders who have befriended them and begun to contemplate adventuring into the wider world. Each time you receive a Chronicle sheet for a scenario whose primary success condition was completed, check one of the boxes below. If that adventure took place in the Mwangi Expanse, check two boxes.
Once you have checked all twelve boxes beneath this boon you may play a grippli character --(Pathfinder Campaign Setting Inner Sea Races 244, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 190, or Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 149)--beginning at level 1 as normal. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as outlined in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. This Chronicle sheet must be the first Chronicle sheet for the given character, and you must bring a copy of the rulebooks listed below to all sessions in which you play this character as if access to this race selection were granted by the Additional Resources list.
Allowed Race: Grippli (Pathfinder Campaign Setting Inner Sea Races 244, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 190, or Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 page 149)

Season Explorer (Seasons 6-7):

Without its diligent agents' efforts, the Pathfinder Society could not have overcome so many threats to historical treasures, Golarion, and the Society itself. Your integral role in these exploits has earned the Pathfinders valuable experience and connections.
Check the box below for each of the Pathfinder Society scenarios below that you have played with any character or run as a GM, earning 1 XP in the process. If you have checked at least 10 scenarios, the character which this boon is assigned gains the basic boon reward associated with that season. If you have checked at least 20 scenarios, they also gain the elite boon reward.
Season 6
Note: The scenarios listed are 6-00 through 6-23, 6-98, 6-99, and Silverhex Chronicles.
Sky Key Explorer (Basic): You gain Knowledge (engineering) as a class skill.
Sky Key Explorer (Elite): You discovered a generator from which you can siphon energy into your timeworn technological devices. Check a box below (10 boxes total) this boon to restore 1 charge to a timeworn weapon, timeworn armor, or another timeworn device. If you have the Technologist feat (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide 7), you instead restore 1d2 charges every time you check a box. This boon can only restore charges to a technological item that has at least 1 charge remaining.
Season 7
Note: The scenarios listed are 7-00 through 7-29, 7-98, 7-99, and Phantom Phenomena
Counter-Consortium Explorer (Basic): You gain Bluff as a class skill.
Counter-Consortium Explorer (Elite): You have learned some of the Aspis Consortium's tricks by studying its agents or even by collaborating with an Aspis agent following the truce between the Consortium and the Pathfinder Society. The character that receives this boon can now select the Aspis Agent prestige class (Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide 30 or Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige 8) as if this prestige class were a legal option on the Additional Resources list. After taking a level in the prestige class, you must bring a copy of one of the rulebooks listed above to all sessions in which this character appears.

Contemplative Traveler:

The eventual fate of souls fascinates you. You never forget that life is finite, and you are eager to share your experiences with others. Select either Planar Guide or Vessel of the Boneyard, crossing the other off your Chronicle sheet.
(One box)Planar Guide: When you travel to a plane during the course of an adventure and successfully complete at least one encounter on that plane, you can record the plane's name below and write your PC's character number on the Guide line below. You can check the box that precedes this boon and spend your Downtime to send the PC on a return journey to the plane, along with another one of your PCs. Write the name and number of this second PC on the Visitor line below. Treat the visitor as if she had visited that plane during the course of an adventure for the purposes of qualifying for the Planar Infusion feat (Pathfinder RPG Planar Adventures 31). Include a copy of this Chronicle sheet with the visitor PC's records.
Vessel of the Boneyard: You may spend your downtime and 4 PP to travel to the Boneyard or the Maelstrom. If you do so, you may select one of the following benefits. After using one of these benefits, cross the other off your Chronicle sheet.
...(One box)Spark of the Grave: You carry your experience in the Boneyard with you always. You gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against death effects. Additionally, you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant your armor and all weapons you wield the ghost touch property for 1 minute.
...Planar Conduit: You have infused your body, mind, and soul with the plane's essence. You gain access to the Planar Infusion, Improved Planar Infusion, and Greater Planar Infusion feats for the Boneyard (Pathfinder RPG Palanr Adventures 31) as if the feats appeared on the Additional Resources page.

I hope this is of some help!

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

Custom Order
Possibly: Daring Traveler, Tapestry Vanguard (Hao Jin Tapestry), Master Experimenter

Arcane Ammunition,
Sapphire Guardian,
Traveler in an Unstable Timeline
New Days, New Choices
Share the Wealth (Equipment)
2019 GM Boon #1: (Child of Axis: Aphorite, Rodent heritage: Ratfolk, Venom-Blooded: Vishkanya)

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Joe Bouchard wrote:

Since it's been asked:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Thanks Joe, that saved me some time!

Grand Lodge 3/5

I'm looking for as many "Traveler in an Unstable Timeline" as I can get.
If you've got other tradable replay boons, that would be cool too.

I've got:
Inheritor of Ghol Gan (Grippli after checking boxes)
Pathfinder's Apprentice
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge
Moment of Glory
Extra Hours x2
Arcane Ammo
Alchemical Efficiency
Loci Spirit
Fighting Off Corruption(Ghoul)
Brutal Reputation
Mendevian Weapon Training
Hypnotic Therapy

Hi all

I have Aphorite/Ratfolk/Vishkanya

I'd like Suli

Dark Archive 4/5

Have vanara, ratfolk

Want: Kobold

4/5 **

Yojimbo1963 wrote:

Hi all

I have Aphorite/Ratfolk/Vishkanya

I'd like Suli

Follow-up to this: I remember the original requirement for a Suli was the 4 planar races as boons, before they were PFS legal (Ifrit, Undine, Sylph, Oread). Is this still the case, or has the requirements been adjusted to reflect the legality of these 4 races?


Joe Bouchard wrote:
Yojimbo1963 wrote:

Hi all

I have Aphorite/Ratfolk/Vishkanya

I'd like Suli

Follow-up to this: I remember the original requirement for a Suli was the 4 planar races as boons, before they were PFS legal (Ifrit, Undine, Sylph, Oread). Is this still the case, or has the requirements been adjusted to reflect the legality of these 4 races?

You can still combine the four elemental boons to make a suli, but there have also been individual boons that allowed one to play a suli.


Do we know what the next quarterly GM con boon will be?

It has been over three months since Hillary posted the aphorite/ratflok/vishkanya boon. Is that still current?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

According to the reporting info email, that is the GM boon for Outpost, yes. I don't know if there has been a quarterly update to the boon, but anyone with recent convention support should be able to tell us.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region

Mimo Tomblebur wrote:

Do we know what the next quarterly GM con boon will be?

It has been over three months since Hillary posted the aphorite/ratflok/vishkanya boon. Is that still current?

That is the boon we received this past weekend.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Looking for:
New Days, New Choices

Season Explorer (Seasons 6-7): with 10 season 6 scenarios played and/or GM'ed, you gain Knowledge (Engineering) as a class skill; with 20, you can recharge a timeworn device (up to 10 charges). With 10 season 7 scenarios played and/or GM'ed, you gain Bluff as a class skill; with 20, you can select the Aspis Agent prestige class as a legal PFS option.

Sapphire Guardian: you may gain a sapphire ooze as a familiar.

Sovereign Court 1/5

I am looking for Tiefling and Vishkanya.

As I am new, there is not too much that I have, but here is what I have scrapped together thus far:
Sarcesian Admittance(SFS race boon)
In-the-Vehicle-Training (Is this even tradable?)

Can I even trade these?
Master Archivist
Clockwork Spy (Gives the ability to gain it as a pet. Module Murderer's Mask)

2/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm looking for Seen it Once.

It's that boon that lets you automatically remember one detail about a fixed list of monsters once you've successfully ID'ed one.

I still have a boon to make the Spinosaur a legal animal companion (as long as your character has access to the full druid list of companions) as well as several Freedom's Champion/Argent Knight boons and some other random non-race boons as well as some SFS things.

2/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Cross-Posting here and in SFS:


SFS GM Boon 2019 Online Region: Dragonkin/Planar Scion

...sadly (for me), I was not assigned any SFS scenarios.


PFS 2019 GM Boon #1: Aphorite/Ratfolk/Vishkanya
PFS 2018 GM Boon #1: Vine Leshy
SFS 2018 GM Boon Online Region: Ferran/Woioko (P.S. Woioko are awesome)
SFS Relics of Golarion
A ton of SFS Free Captain's Affiliations
SFS Mining Laser
...and some other random PFS/SFS boons.

Spinosaurus mentioned above is currently in negotiation, so don't count that in my offerings for this.

1/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

HAVE (will have more soon after upcoming conventions...):
2018 #15 - Aeon Investigator

Since it is not on the master sheet:

The Society has tasked you with investigating fundamental dualities of existences as part of an ongoing effort to understand the enigmatic actions of beings know as aeons. The aeons have recently been witnessed congregating in significant numbers on the plane of Axis, and the Decemvirate worries that this portends either a worrisome change in the beings' behavior, or serves as an indicator that the aeons were never understood as well as scholars of extraplanar lore believed. Choose one of the following duality pairings to research: birth/death, creation/destruction, or fate/freedom. Cross the other entries off your Chronicle sheet. Once you have checked at least one box that precedes the boon, you gain an insight bonus on the listed rolls equal to half the number of boxes checked (rounded down, minimum 1).

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Life/Death: To research life and death, you have been tasked with making detailed observations of creatures in situations where these forces can be most clearly observed. Whenever you cast a spell such as raise dead or breath of life (including from a scroll) that successfully returns a character to life, or whenever you are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points and recover without dying, you may check one box next to this entry. You gain a bonus on Fortitude saving throws made to resist positive energy, negative energy, and death effects.

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Creation/Destruction: To understand the forces of creation and destruction, you endeavor to observe these forces in action. Whenever you witness a piece of magical gear (including weapons, armor, wands, staves, and wondrous item) destroyed by a sunder combat maneuver, shatter, mage's disjunction, or similar effect during a combat encounter listed in an adventure, or when you restore a destroyed piece of magical gear with make whole or a similar ability, you may check a box next to this entry. You gain a bonus on all CMB checks made to perform sunder maneuvers, on Craft checks, and as a bonus to the number of hit points restored when using your spells and abilities to repair objects (such as make whole).

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Fate/Freedom: You have been tasked with recording observations on the duality of fate and freedom. Whenever you succeed at a check to grapple a creature during an encounter in an adventure or whenever you succeed at an Escape Artist check or a grapple check to escape or take control of a grapple, you may check a box next to this entry. You gain a bonus on all saving throws against effects that would cause the entangled or paralyzed conditions, and on Escape Artist skill checks and CMB checks made as part of a grapple check.

RSP4 - Extra Hours

Grand Lodge 2/5

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Amelia Eisenherz wrote:


I am looking for Tiefling and Vishkanya.

As I am new, there is not too much that I have, but here is what I have scrapped together thus far:
Sarcesian Admittance(SFS race boon)
In-the-Vehicle-Training (Is this even tradable?)

Can I even trade these?
Master Archivist
Clockwork Spy (Gives the ability to gain it as a pet. Module Murderer's Mask)

Amelia, welcome to Society Play!

As you guessed, Boons that are from a session chronicle sheet can't be traded away. Of the four you listed, I know that 3 of them came from chronicles, so those are not eligible to be traded away. (I am unfamiliar with Master Archivist.)

Tieflings for PFS are very popular, and might be a little hard to get. I'm not saying you won't be able to get one, just that the demand for those tends to outstrip the supply.

But Vishkanyas are in the current Convention GM boon rotation and are likely much more readily available.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Nomadical wrote:
Amelia Eisenherz wrote:


I am looking for Tiefling and Vishkanya.

As I am new, there is not too much that I have, but here is what I have scrapped together thus far:
Sarcesian Admittance(SFS race boon)
In-the-Vehicle-Training (Is this even tradable?)

Can I even trade these?
Master Archivist
Clockwork Spy (Gives the ability to gain it as a pet. Module Murderer's Mask)

Amelia, welcome to Society Play!

As you guessed, Boons that are from a session chronicle sheet can't be traded away. Of the four you listed, I know that 3 of them came from chronicles, so those are not eligible to be traded away. (I am unfamiliar with Master Archivist.)

Tieflings for PFS are very popular, and might be a little hard to get. I'm not saying you won't be able to get one, just that the demand for those tends to outstrip the supply.

But Vishkanyas are in the current Convention GM boon rotation and are likely much more readily available.

Ah, that means that none of them are available for trade. Thank you for the clarification. I will edit it out.

Yeah, it leaves me super frustrated that all of the PFS raceboons appear difficult to obtain for PFS. I am not very fond of lotteries and do not have enough experience or knowledge yet to attempt GMing.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Amelia, you may be more ready to GM than you might think. You do not need to know every rule in all the PFS rulebooks to GM. You just need to understand the story that your scenario is telling, the special abilities that your monsters are using, and the tactical rules in the core rulebook. Learn as you go, and if you're having fun, chances are your players will too.

That said... I agree with you that I much prefer the way that Starfinder Society opens boons to players. There needs to be more of that in PFS. So... Tell us about this vishanka character that you want to create. Does the character have an interesting story and personality?


Sovereign Court 1/5

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Amelia, you may be more ready to GM than you might think. You do not need to know every rule in all the PFS rulebooks to GM. You just need to understand the story that your scenario is telling, the special abilities that your monsters are using, and the tactical rules in the core rulebook. Learn as you go, and if you're having fun, chances are your players will too.

That said... I agree with you that I much prefer the way that Starfinder Society opens boons to players. There needs to be more of that in PFS. So... Tell us about this vishanka character that you want to create. Does the character have an interesting story and personality?


Yes, there is. It will be a bit lengthy and will mean that I am going to mention a ton of different character names.

We would have to go back to when I first created a character. Now, I should mention that the original desire was to make a common drow, but as that was and remains illegal, I ended up looking for ways to somehow connect and associate.
The result was a drow-descended courtesan elf with Darkvision(as it states that it may be due to drow heritage). I generally enjoy to play character that are somehow related to nobility, but that means very little in PFS and now in hindsight, it matters even less.
This elf's name is Cheonsa, she was born in Kyonin under the teachings of Callistria. Naturally, being a descendent of a drow, had some dire consequences. She never desired or thought that she would be pushed into the role of a courtesan. Over time, she started to study drow culture through the stories and tales of those that visited her for her services. Eventually, she had heard of Drow belief and faith and after some more shunning, she gotten to a point where she begun to despise and dislike society as is. She felt betrayed by the other elves and as Callistria never answered her prayers, she forsake them and started to follow on one of the Drow's religions; that of assassins, shadow creatures, succubi and whores.
Unbeknownst to her, she was born with a birthmark that resembled this demon lady's unholy symbol.
This, was her secret as she became a cleric. Her pretense was to ever be, speak that she would be one of Callistria's while her true unholy magic came from another. As the days of practise and learning of becoming a cleric, came to an end, she signed up with the Pathfinder Society and joined the Sovereign Court, as her family had wished. The idea was that, surely, the pathfinder, or some of them would know of the Dark Fate and what it requires to complete it. Let society think what they want of her, she will prove them right and laugh at them on top of it.

As her adventures accumulated, she was able to open a brothel of her own (Underground Business 5PP) and she was careful to choose the people that would be around. One of them was her older cousin, Venamelia, whom had offered her help.

And this is where the Vishkanya entered the scene. Her name is Scythis. Scythis had approached Cheonsa on one of the days. They had a conversation of their joint profession and after some negotiation, Cheonsa had agreed to take her in as one of the courtesans.

Time passed and they had gotten to know one another more, enough for Cheonsa to share her secret beliefs with this newfound friend, whom, in turn revealed that she believed in the same named deity. Deity, because it is she that is the Redeemer Rueen, Nocticula.

Ever since, Scythis has been building a haven for those of the Redeemer Rueen in this underground business and even though, the belief of the Redeemer Queen is naught but a cult, Cheonsa has been tolerant of her and them. Scythis is a Deadly Courtesan, an assassin and who would she be to judge those that were, outcasts, like herself.

She, whom still believes, will find redemption in her heart. In this, as a fellow outcast, she merely does not know it yet.

This should be the story as it is right now >.<
I would have to get to know Scythis from a roleplaying perspective more, to develop her personality more and to see where things go as time progresses.

Hope it was a good read, even though my writing can be mediocre at times.

Edit: Yeah, some of the passages are really poorly written. The reference to the cousin, to name one. But eeh >.< Not gonna bash my head on it now, will improve it on a doc another time and add it to my story collecions. At least I managed to avert mentioning a ton of character names, as I like to bring all of my characters together somehow ^^"

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