Boon Trading Thread

Pathfinder Society

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The Exchange 5/5

Magabeus wrote:
Note that selling boons is discouraged, see this post by Tonya. In my opinion trading a boon for a paizo gift card is the same as selling it.

But not in mine.

Both items were given out at the same time after all... If someone had won a Splat Book, or even a Hardback, would you feel the same way about it?

My wife won a copy of Ultimit Intrigue when it was new - If she had traded it away for a Race Boon, would you feel she had "bought" a Boon? How about if she traded it away for two or three of the "ten dollar" gift certificate boons? Would that count as "selling" Boons? Which time? When she traded a book for a Race Boon, or when she traded it for a gift certificate Boon?

But to each their own.

4/5 5/5

@Nosiq, I would not feel the same way about it. I also know that not everyone agrees with my stance.

It is up to the people who trade to make up their own opinion about Tonya's post. I posted it so that newer people here are aware of that.

5/5 *****

Looking for: Rebuild Boon

Have: Vanara, Samsaran, Dhampir

2/5 *

Have: Vanara, Samsaran and... Aasimar.

Looking for: pathfinder core race for starfinder.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Looking for: Rebuild
Have: $10 Paizo credit

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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While it is technically not illegal to trade gift certificates for boons, it is an "iffy" practice that borders on problematic. If someone wants to buy a boon from someone, rather than sending cash, they could buy a gift certificate and send that instead. Either way, the boon was "sold." That is really not the intent of the boon trading program. The reason why boons are tradable is so players who get one that does not work with their characters, is unwanted, etc. can be traded with another player for a boon they prefer, and vice versa. Both parties are expected to be trading boons for boons. That was and continues to be the intent of the allowance for boons to be transferable. I can easily see using trading gift certificates for boons to be abused and a way to skirt the line between trading and selling. I advise against the practice as it could put the entire boon program at risk if/when it gets out of hand.

Sovereign Court 1/5

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As has been mentioned earlier in this thread, people often get gift certificates at cons instead of the boons they're trying to get. I see nothing wrong with people then trying to trade those gift certificates for the boon they actually want.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Wayne Bradbury wrote:
As has been mentioned earlier in this thread, people often get gift certificates at cons instead of the boons they're trying to get. I see nothing wrong with people then trying to trade those gift certificates for the boon they actually want.

That should not happen, without knowing the all the details, it is hard to comment, but distribution of gift certificates and boons are not supposed to be linked.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Ditto, the two things should be kept separate. Going from exchange of boons to pay to win, this is a thin line. I don't have to go far to compare with some MMOs...

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 *

Messaged - have the core race boon from a con and would like aasimar. If not already sorted and willing.

Gayel Nord wrote:

Have: Vanara, Samsaran and... Aasimar.

Looking for: pathfinder core race for starfinder.


are gift certificates given to players or gms at conventions ?

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

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ronkay wrote:
are gift certificates given to players or gms at conventions ?

The organizer has some liberty how they are bundled, but players and GMs have the same chance to earn a gift certificate (usually per slot).


Debt to Society

Psychic Awakening
Expedition Manager
Alchmeical Versatility
Expanded Narrative
Custom Order

Sadly, I'm fairly new to PFS, so I don't have much to trade away...hoping someone takes pity on me :)

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Wayne Bradbury wrote:
As has been mentioned earlier in this thread, people often get gift certificates at cons instead of the boons they're trying to get. I see nothing wrong with people then trying to trade those gift certificates for the boon they actually want.
That should not happen, without knowing the all the details, it is hard to comment, but distribution of gift certificates and boons are not supposed to be linked.

Nobody said distribution of gift certs and boons were linked. Just that they're both things that happen at conventions, and sometimes people get a gift cert, but don't have access to a boon they really wanted.

As for the "pay to play" complaints, the fact is that already happens. People who can pay to go to conventions get things that aren't available to those who can't pay to go. Letting people buy gift certs to trade for boons may balance that out a little in favor of the poorer people who can't afford to go to cons.

I'm opposed to outright cash for boons, but I'm not going to quibble about where someone got a gift cert that they want to trade. Maybe they won it at a con and didn't want it, or maybe they're trying to buy access. Either way, if any cash did get paid, at least it went to Paizo, not just paying directly to a person who sold a boon.

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a number of gift certs that I have been awarded during the "Boon Award" Process at Conventions.

The most common method used for distribution of Boons at the Conventions that I have gone to in the last couple years has been to hand out "raffle thickets" at the game table. Each game table will receive a set of "tickets", one for each player (and often one for the judge). Each ticket will have a printed number (normally 6 digits long) and have a matching "ticket" that is dropped into the box from which "Boon Awards" are drawn each slot. The Convention Staff will then award "prizes" each slot by drawing the "Winning Tickets" from the box, and post the "winning" numbers on a Notice Board where players can stop by and check to see if they won something. If the Player has one of the winning numbers, they bring that ticket to the Staff table (maybe 2 steps away) where they are given their prize. These prizes can be...

Gift Certs (printed at the same time the Boons were, and often on the same watermarked paper)
Swag (splatbooks, hardbacks, Pathfinder Tales novels, etc.)
Something else ...

so... as the players get their "Prizes" they go to their next game table and everyone there asks to see what they got.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 *

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shalandar wrote:



Expanded Narrative

Sadly, I'm fairly new to PFS, so I don't have much to trade away...hoping someone takes pity on me :)

not able to help with actual trading but the expanded narrative is now open to everyone here:

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Fromper wrote:
As for the "pay to play" complaints, the fact is that already happens. People who can pay to go to conventions get things that aren't available to those who can't pay to go. Letting people buy gift certs to trade for boons may balance that out a little in favor of the poorer people who can't afford to go to cons.

Its important to note that is your opinion and not the intent of the program. The message from campaign coordinators has been consistent since the convention support program began. If they see a trend of people "paying" for boons instead or trading boon-for-boon, it puts the program at risk. Until/unless the OPM (Tonya) changes that intent, using gift certificates to "buy" boons in lieu of cash is no different than using cash itself which is against the intent of the program.

Individual players have to ask themselves when trading for boons if they are following the intent of the system or breaking it. If it is reported that a player is repeatedly violating the guidelines of the program, it can put their status in the society at risk. We have suspended players from participating for violating the "no selling" clause of the boon program. Local and online communities will have to decide if they are uncomfortable with the actions of a player and take appropriate action as is the process for all perceived and real violations of the Society Guidelines.

That being said, gift certificates are cash in Paizo's pocket, so I doubt they will come down hard on this particular issue since realistically anything that would hinder their revenue stream is unlikely to be restricted.

1/5 5/5

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In addition, depending on what is being asked for, sometimes it is even possible for folks to *gift* Boons to parties.

I'm not suggesting begging.

Explaining one's circumstances goes a significant way to enlightening folks to these situations.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Fromper wrote:

Nobody said distribution of gift certs and boons were linked. Just that they're both things that happen at conventions, and sometimes people get a gift cert, but don't have access to a boon they really wanted.

As for the "pay to play" complaints, the fact is that already happens. People who can pay to go to conventions get things that aren't available to those who can't pay to go. Letting people buy gift certs to trade for boons may balance that out a little in favor of the poorer people who can't afford to go to cons.

I'm opposed to outright cash for boons, but I'm not going to quibble about where someone got a gift cert that they want to trade. Maybe they won it at a con and didn't want it, or maybe they're trying to buy access. Either way, if any cash did get paid, at least it went to Paizo, not just paying directly to a person who sold a boon.

One kind of coin, one kind of trade, I don't see the problem like the gift certs are for purchasing content on the website when boons are for boons of various quality or rarity.

I don't see the convention things as a pay to play, it's only a fair enough request. At worse there are always VTTs or hosting at homes where GMs are often more lenient about the lack of sources. Do we really expect bigger events being free of charge ?

What I was targeting was the risk of players buying boons for gift certs, it's the same as direct cash. More leeway on that point will open Pandora's Box, it should only be done on a case-by-case basis.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:
Fromper wrote:
As for the "pay to play" complaints, the fact is that already happens. People who can pay to go to conventions get things that aren't available to those who can't pay to go. Letting people buy gift certs to trade for boons may balance that out a little in favor of the poorer people who can't afford to go to cons.

Its important to note that is your opinion and not the intent of the program. The message from campaign coordinators has been consistent since the convention support program began. If they see a trend of people "paying" for boons instead or trading boon-for-boon, it puts the program at risk. Until/unless the OPM (Tonya) changes that intent, using gift certificates to "buy" boons in lieu of cash is no different than using cash itself which is against the intent of the program.

Individual players have to ask themselves when trading for boons if they are following the intent of the system or breaking it. If it is reported that a player is repeatedly violating the guidelines of the program, it can put their status in the society at risk. We have suspended players from participating for violating the "no selling" clause of the boon program. Local and online communities will have to decide if they are uncomfortable with the actions of a player and take appropriate action as is the process for all perceived and real violations of the Society Guidelines.

That being said, gift certificates are cash in Paizo's pocket, so I doubt they will come down hard on this particular issue since realistically anything that would hinder their revenue stream is unlikely to be restricted.

I remember a post from Mike, or someone else on the OP team, stating that trades using Gift Certs and/or product was acceptable. I could be wrong and don't care enough to go looking for it, but I swear I remember seeing a post like that.


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This is the boon trading thread, not the is this ok or not with boons.

With that said

I've got a samsarand, a skinwalker and a legacy race boon looking for cool stuff. PM and we can talk


Custom Order
Elemental Slayer
Fighting off Corruption / Hellbound (PbP Community Multi Table Special II {2017})
Niche Specialist (Chase, Darkness, Haunt)
Play-by-Post Gameday 6 Boon #4 {Liberty's Edge/ Silver Crusade}
Psychic Dilettante
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge


Trying to make a favorite long-time character PFS legal

Have: several samsaran to trade.

Looking for: any race boon I don't have. Skinwalker, vanara, any of this year's GenCon race boons.

Grand Lodge

I don’t live in area with easy access to cons, and for some reason I would to play a Tabaxi so if anyone is willing to give one up that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Nesteruk Thogmarr wrote:
I don’t live in area with easy access to cons, and for some reason I would to play a Tabaxi so if anyone is willing to give one up that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

I had to google that one to know what you're talking about. The tabaxi race was never published by Paizo, so there won't be any boons to make them PFS legal.

Unless you're talking about catfolk. But they're called catfolk - I've never seen the word tabaxi before your post.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nesteruk Thogmarr wrote:
I don’t live in area with easy access to cons

You might be surprised the access you have, though I do not know your particular situation. I would recommend reaching out to Walter Sheppard the RVC for your region and asking about conventions. Not all events are good at advertising and in my experience if you look hard enough, you might find a number of unknown events just waiting for you to attend.

There is also the RSP program which also provides boons to players and GMs at their local GameDay events. If your FLGS is not offering that program, I encourage you again to reach out to Walter for advice. Good luck!

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Have:Starfinder legacy race

Want: aasimar or tiefling

New to pathfinder play. No real chance to go to cons because of life/ kids

Would like grippli

I have nothing to offer in trade in the way of boons.

Scarab Sages 3/5 *

2017 GM boon #3 Reincarnated Heritage - Samsaran race
2017 GM boon #2 Simian Heritage - Vanara race
2016 GM boon #2 Elemental Ancestry - Suli race, bonus racial trait for suli, or energy resistance = 1/2 level
Gen Con 2014 boon #2 Ancestral Ally - bonuses for companion based on core race chosen
Regional Support 2017 boon #2 Lingering Resonance - bonus on DC of spell cast and saves vs one specific spell
Regional Support 2017 boon additional #2 Personal Physician - heal check and condition removals
Regional Support 2017 boon #3 On-the-Job Training - make progress towards making a skill a class skill
Convention 2017 boon #9 Arcane Ammunition - allows purchase of small batch magic ammunition

Can also potentially add my regional support GM incentive boons to give out a Skinwalker race and a Legacy Race for Starfinder if a good enough offer is made.

Interesting Pathfinder or Starfinder race boons, Ganzi immediately comes to mind.
Rebuild boons
Other interesting boons

Something I enjoy doing is making characters that utilize unique lore or mechanics, so make an offer if you have something you think I might be interested in.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Starfinder Legacy Race
Personal Physician
Alchemical Versatility

Offer a boon and I'll consider.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

6 people marked this as a favorite.


The winter boon has finally come out and it is... Merfolk!

♫ Under the sea,
Under the sea,
I have a long tail
A land speed fail
Much hopping for me!

Still as we swim out in the bay
We laugh and sing out all the day
With a bard-like archetype
My oracles are all hyped
Off to the sea ♫

★ --- ★ --- ★ --- ★

Bob, I am so happy that you noted often overlooked local opportunities from RSP and small local conventions. To this, I would like to add that there are online conventions too. Both Virtual Table Top and Play-by-Post offer convention opportunities, and chances to get player and GM boons.

I now return you back to your boon trading! May you all find exactly what you are seeking!


Want a merfolk desperately. Have Samsaran, Ratfolk, Vanara, would trade an aasimar. My fiancé loves merfolk and this would be an amazing Christmas present. Otherwise she'll have to wait for our next con in... February?

The Concordance 3/5

have: samsaran

want: taldan courtier

Scarab Sages 4/5

MrBear - It would be too late for Christmas, but there's an online convention, TPKon, at the end of January, if you want to GM for that. GM enrollment is open now.

I have a level 5 GM blob from running Gallows of Madness. I might just keep that unbuilt until I get a menfolk boon, so I can start at 5th level Aerokineticist and have flight always on. Not only does it overcome the 5-foot land speed, but I can leap from the water dolphin style! :)

If I could figure out a way to make a merfolk swashbuckler work, I'd maybe try that. But I don't know how he'd get around.

"I just think it would have been cooler with a merman."

EDIT: I guess for clarity, is merfolk the GM boon, or the regional support boon?

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/55/55/5

So what does one do if there is no regional support program option in ones area due to the lack of venture agents at the stores one plays at?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Volunteer to be a Venture Agent!


Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

Maybe I'll be able to get one or more once my local store reopens in February. I would love to trade for one (or more!), but something tells me that won't work very well. :/

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

@HMM - I might be interested in running something for an online convention. (Apologies in advance to you and the players.)

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/55/55/5

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Volunteer to be a Venture Agent!


There is someone ahead of my that's been trying to get approved for nearly a year at my favorite store...

Don't think it would go over well if I applied when someone else is already waiting to get approved.

Ferious Thune wrote:

MrBear - It would be too late for Christmas, but there's an online convention, TPKon, at the end of January, if you want to GM for that. GM enrollment is open now.

I have a level 5 GM blob from running Gallows of Madness. I might just keep that unbuilt until I get a menfolk boon, so I can start at 5th level Aerokineticist and have flight always on. Not only does it overcome the 5-foot land speed, but I can leap from the water dolphin style! :)

If I could figure out a way to make a merfolk swashbuckler work, I'd maybe try that. But I don't know how he'd get around.

"I just think it would have been cooler with a merman."

EDIT: I guess for clarity, is merfolk the GM boon, or the regional support boon?

I haven't played online in probably with tears, so I'm not familiar with the systems in place or programs used but if I don't find one I'll definitely look into it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Anaba Boeska wrote:

There is someone ahead of my that's been trying to get approved for nearly a year at my favorite store...

Don't think it would go over well if I applied when someone else is already waiting to get approved.

Ah, then there is a VA in place. Just a pending one. The VO approval process has been backlogged for a while. We’re hoping it will clear soon.


Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region

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Kalindlara wrote:
Maybe I'll be able to get one or more once my local store reopens in February. I would love to trade for one (or more!), but something tells me that won't work very well. :/

If you haven't gotten one by mid-January, feel free to drop me a PM. I should be getting one from a con, and I am fairly sure you'll enjoy it more than I will be able to (I'm beginning to run out of low-level material to play).

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

I'll be looking for more than one, for certain; the only reason I haven't mentioned it much was because I never expected it to be available! So definitely keep me in mind. ^_^

1/5 5/5

Have: SamsungSamsaran

Want: Merfolk

...because I already have an Undine in play, a Naiad in formative stages, and why not get another aquatic race for grins, eh?

Yes, I know it's pre-emptive here, but I'm not currently anticipating the chance to run at a local convention for the months of December, January, or Febuary at the current situation, and don't want to leave it to chance.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:


The winter boon has finally come out and it is... Merfolk!

Hey Gang,

I finally got a chance to look at the full text of the boon, and I need to correct this. The Winter Boon is Aquatic Elf, with options for Gillman or Merfolk if you are willing and able to combine it with other boons.

★ --- ★ --- ★ --- ★

Aquatic Elf may be used as is.

Gillman requires that you combine the Aquatic Race character with an aasimar or a tiefling to make a gillman.

Merfolk is EXPENSIVE. It requires the sacrifice of any combination of three other boons from the following races: dhampir, grippli, samsaran, ratfolk or vanara.

So... With the boon you either get an Aquatic Elf, or the option to build towards a Gillman or a Merfolk. This may (understandably) dampen some folk's enthusiasm for this particular race boon.

My apologies for any confusion I unwittingly caused here.


The Concordance 3/5

Holy s$@~ batman! it will be hard to spot that Little Mermaid!!

The Exchange 3/5

I'm always excited to see combined race boon options. Suli, Ganzi, and now Merfolk. Very cool option.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Yes, I know it's pre-emptive here, but I'm not currently anticipating the chance to run at a local convention for the months of December, January, or Febuary at the current situation, and don't want to leave it to chance.

Sounds like you should make room for Winter War in January or LodgeCon in February. I expect the current boon rotation to be available at both of those events. :-)

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

Oh, my grippli boon just increased in value I see.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Merfolk is EXPENSIVE. It requires the sacrifice of any combination of three other boons from the following races: dhampir, grippli, samsaran, ratfolk or vanara.

First impression: Ouch!

Second impression: That's actually a neat way to handle it. Keeps it rarer, while not being totally blocked for the players who really want it. Bit disappointed vishkanya wasn't listed though, as I wouldn't mind using up the three I have for this.

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