New Character Option - Is this option a one time use or does earning an Admittance boon for a race allow for the creation of an unlimited number of characters of the Admittance Race?
Existing Option - My understanding is you can create a new character with the new character option, then if you earn a second copy of the same exact boon, you can stack for the Existing Race for the ability score benefit?
Player wants to make a second character of admittance race and I'm not sure what to tell him since you use a "Copy" of a Chronicle and player is saying, " doesn't say I cannot make 10 copies and make 10 different (race)...from boon I got for playing 1-XX once..."
Fedor Checherov wrote: Scenario is yet to come, but in event reporting form there is its option - and there are still no such options for Dead Suns IV and V. How is that? My assumption is that if Dead Suns was SFS legal, players would be able to attain level 9 before GenCon and thereby be unable to play Scoured Stars Invasion...
Just a guess thou.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
My understanding is the only way you can replay a non-Replayable scenario or AP is by using a GM Nova.
Is there a plan to allow us to recharge them similar to PFS Expanded Narrative?
Pretty Please?
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While I'm glad most of my players got the Barathu, I'm still a little disappointed that the boon seemed to punish GMing.
Perhaps another way to unlock Barathu for GMing will be made in the future...
Culture: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Kali looks about the room, "Um, guys, I remember a little bit about Kasathan culture; the crew looks to have left these items on the bunks behind for someone to get back to their families. I think we should gather them up."
Day Job check...I Hope
Day Job: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 This is a dice expression.
Testing...sorry if it looks weird...
Cannot seem to find answer, correct my assumptions:
Question 1: Player plays 3 parts, then other 2 at later date gets full credit if they did not play anything else with character between, correct?
Question 2: GM gets full credit for running 5 parts; GM can get full credit even by running the same part 5 times, correct?
Question 3: Weird example that came up; Player (701) played first 2 parts but didn't finish. Made new character (702) and played several times now. They want to GM Quest now. GM wants to know if they can apply their credit to finish the original (701) characters Chronicle by running 5 parts.
Advise / clarification welcome!
Noticed that prices for Starfinder maps all seem to have gone back to $15... Musta been a glitch then, whew!
Are 24 x 30 flip maps going up to $19.99?
So, pushed back a month and swapped with February Scenario? Guess I need to rethink the final slot at FlintCon 2018 now =/
My table credit changed three times today, but they look to be accurate now. PFS dropped and SFS went up. Thanks for the update, it was bothering me with all the SFS I had counted as PFS
I noticed my table credits have been tweaked somewhat since I last checked.
Out of curiosity, is an AP supposed to be two table credits for SFS as it is with PFS?
Tripwire wrote: I was reporting Incident at Absalom Station for SFS credit, following the provided information in the download for XP, Reputation, and Fame.
When I added 5 Reputation in the box on the reporting screen (for all characters), then Saved the Session, the Reputation was changed to 4.
I could not get 5 Reputation points to stay in this field despite changing it several times.
Seems the field is maxed-out at 4?
Any ideas?
None of the reputation seems to be showing up for AP1, nor does GM table credit.
There is nothing in this post that does not make me extremely excited for the next several months....
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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote: Volunteer to be a Venture Agent!
There is someone ahead of my that's been trying to get approved for nearly a year at my favorite store...
Don't think it would go over well if I applied when someone else is already waiting to get approved.
So what does one do if there is no regional support program option in ones area due to the lack of venture agents at the stores one plays at?
Nice price! Assume it's a typo?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
GenCon50 tables being sorted out (for a friend, I'm cool).
A Venture Captain in my region (our 5 star stepped down) [verysadface].
A Venture Agent in my stores.
Regional support in my area (or boons not linked to it).
Time for few more tables so a few of my players can unlock their Barathu PC (totally on me).
Reporting credit for APs for GMs and Players alike.
A repeatable tier 3-6 scenario.
My Nova to show up on my ID card.
A Strawberry Machine Cake T-Shirt.
Thanks, and happy holidays to all!
Freedom Snake wrote: Incident at Absalom Station reporting only awards the GM 2 "prestige" (I'm sure it means fame), not the full 5. Similarly, players are capped at receiving 4, not 5 points. Similar issue but not counting as a table credit for me
I am not seeing if this has been addressed or not, but when I report AP1 for Starfinder, the system does not allow 5 reputation to be reported (autocorrects to 4) and does not show any GM credit. I understand that ultimately the Chronicle is what counts, but do APs count for GM credit?
It showed up in my downloads after the maintenance this morning.
Supposed to be getting as supersubscriber but not in my downloads or showing as pending. Subscription shows 1-06 as my next scenario....
I never got the new SFS scenario for September
4 people marked this as a favorite.
I demand a SMC T-Shirt be available to buy by Christmas!

1 - GM assignments: GMs were assigned a specific Season; most GMs ended up running many different ones. With the prep required to run ACG, I would suggest that all future GMs be expected to run any given slot as demand dictates. I personally ran scenarios from Season 0, 2, 3, and 4 with little difficulty and understand many of the other AGC GMs had similar experiences.
2 - Boons: LOTS of complaints about lack of ACG Boons, which I understand is being addressed.
3 - ACG open: Suggest a deck list to help reorganize/verify all cards get back where they go; A little extra prep time from GMs would help with the class decks (group all the cards to reduce some stress on player franticly trying to build a deck with unfamiliar cards). A standardized score card should be used with each session and verified by players. Boon for playing may be nice too.
4 - Special: I did not play/run, but hung out and helped a little. There were a lot of complaints about time required to reset boxes with a GM running multiple tables. This did not seem to be a major problem in 2016, but heard about it this year. I have no suggestion, other than encouraging players to be more active in prep/resetting boxes, as this is part of the ACG.
5 - HQ: There were many times when HQ staff did not appear to be present. Mustering was often chaotic and purple shirts were often left to sort it out themselves. The ACG section had 20 tables, and excluding the special, the majority of the tables were empty. I often counted 6 or 7 tables launching on average. Not sure how 15-20 tables could have been seated if every GM had a table to run.
6 - GMs playing at tables: My understanding is that GMs were responsible for two tables per slot, but rarely had more than one. This gave GMs the opportunity to play with the players which I have mixed feelings on. if there are a small number of players, by all means a GM should jump in to get the party size to 4, but not sure that a GM should be sitting in on a table of 6. Part of what GMs should be doing is teaching and clarifying rules. This is much easier to do observing play instead of leading play.
7 - Season of the Goblins: MANY disappointed players wondering why this was not offered.
8 - I had a blast helping out with ACG this year. ACG is a niche product. With 150+ tables running, Paizo has to best utilize their resources and gaming space where demand is needed. I would like to see a lot of effort put into improving ACG, but not at the expense of a PFS and now SFS. While it would be nice to offer everything, it may not be the best use of Paizo's resources. Was it worth offering Season of Shackles and Righteous every slot? Thanks for a great GenCon50 and looking forward to next year!
I have 8 slots of "ACG: New Season (To be determined). I have yet to get my scenario, but last year think it was a week before gencon that I got them. Hold on tight, gonna be a crazy GenCon!
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Launch with an adventure path, 3 scenarios, and quest. That looks to be about 40 hours of game play AT LAUNCH. I'm frankly quite pleased with the amount of material that exists. If you need more than that, consider yourself fortunate to be able to get a group together that frequently. Also, write your own adventures if needed.
So I went from 9 tables to 75 this week. I ran 60+ ACG table that are now counted as credit to my star rating; I assume this is a glitch being worked out as updates are made to make way for StarFinder reporting?
I assume I'm not actually a 3-Star GM...
Any clarification on what's up?
I have Runelord Character Add-on and Adventure Path 3 and 4 that are substantially darker (almost orange) on the back, all of which are 1st printings.
My Runelord base set and Adventure path 1 & 2 are 2nd prints and much lighter (or the same tan as all other sets, paths, class decks, promos, and drivethru cards I own).
I just assumed it was just that Paizo changed printers from the 1st editions of Runelords. I tend not to mix the character add-on into the box anymore as the cards are basically marked - actually had a player say, "...well I know that's not the villain because it's the wrong color..." Likewise, I had a player later in the path choose not to close a location after defeating a henchman as the next card was darker and he was thinking it could be an upgrade. I just started putting a deck protector on top of each location deck so the players couldn't see the color until they drew the card...
Not an answer, but just an experience and work-around.

Vic Wertz wrote: Anaba Boeska wrote: I don't understand why the clause in the revised Guild Guide under the Earning Scenario Rewards indicates rewards are to be Class Decks when so far the first four scenarios explicitly contradict this by stating to use "the Game Box". In games like this, it's the job of the cards—especially scenarios—to break the rules. That's the point of the very first sentence of the Golden Rule: "If a card and this rulebook are ever in conflict, the card should be considered correct."
Anaba Boeska wrote: Vic Wertz wrote:
Actually, that's a deliberate template change. We have determined that there are no cases where we want to stop you from choosing to move while allowing you to be forced to move, or vice versa, so "move or be moved" is simplifying to just "move." As in, at Junk Beach, you can't move, for any reason, until it's closed. If "for any reason" was included in the text it would completely clarify the intent. Well, there is actually a way that you can move, and that's if you use a power that lets you ignore movement restrictions. I shouldn't have said "for any reason"—I should have said "whether you want to or not, whether other things want you to or not."
Anaba Boeska wrote: Not sure why there seems to be pushback implying the text in the scenarios is fine and needs not be changed. We don't have the room to load our game full of hand-holding reminder text. It's a game that often has complex card interactions that reward a solid understanding of the rules. In this case, if you remember that the Golden Rule says "...if one card tells that you cannot do something and another card tells you that you can, comply with the card that tells you that you cannot," then the statement "you cannot move" tells you exactly what you need to know.
(And if you're wondering why you can use powers that let you ignore movement restrictions, that's also in the Golden Rule: "if a card tells you to ignore something, the... Dear Mr. Wertz,
A solid understanding of the rules is required to play a game meant for 13-year-olds according the the game packaging. The golden rule states that it applies to card, but also applies to scenarios, fine. Card (which would apparently also mean scenarios) don't have memories, and players are asked to finish things before they start something else per the Things to Keep in Mind. Following this guide in conjunction with the Turn Overview so clearly laid out on the back of the game manual, you Move after advancing the blessings deck and optionally giving a card. In scenario 2-1D while following the turn order, you cannot move during the move step per the special scenario rules, understood. Next, you explore, and if you find a Goblin trait, you roll 1d6. If you roll a 3 the scenario requires the player to move to a random other location. Cards don't have memories, the move step has passed, you have finished something and started something else, now the scenario (card) without any memory tells you to move. BUT, you state that you cannot move as in the case of a conflict between can and cannot, comply with the cannot, even though the conflict was in a different step of the turn, and therefore a different action, only not. Then again, you can ignore the cannot if a power lets you ignore movement it, I move, or don't, but can, but cannot, unless i can ignore, which I cannot, um, what?
Okay, sorry, I guess I need to have my hand held to play this game; thank you so much for pointing out this mental deficiencies I was previously unaware of as I am incapable of follow instructions that are clearly meant for a 13 year old. Cheers.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Actually, that's a deliberate template change. We have determined that there are no cases where we want to stop you from choosing to move while allowing you to be forced to move, or vice versa, so "move or be moved" is simplifying to just "move." As in, at Junk Beach, you can't move, for any reason, until it's closed.
If "for any reason" was included in the text it would completely clarify the intent. Not sure why there seems to be pushback implying the text in the scenarios is fine and needs not be changed. Further, the golden rule is stated as applying to cards prioritization. If it applies to scenarios as well, then what about the "card's don't have memories" clause?
Or add, "reroll 3's if Junk Beach is open" to the Goblin Trait chart?
Overall I am enjoying Season of the Runelords, but 2 of the four scenarios have serious need to be clarified. Further, I don't understand why the clause in the revised Guild Guide under the Earning Scenario Rewards indicates rewards are to be Class Decks when so far the first four scenarios explicitly contradict this by stating to use "the Game Box".
At first, I felt that the rules were being cleaned up for the Adventure Card Guild, but there seems to be a significant problem with either playtesting or proofreading, possibly both.
During scenario, all players start at "Junk Beach" and cannot move until closed.
When you encounter a bane with Goblin trait, roll 1d6 - Roll a 3 that states, "After you act, move to a random location"
Do you move or does scenario rule prevent this?
If you do move by rolling a 3, can you move back to Junk Beach to help close it?
Testing scenario out, 3 players, first two both rolled a 3 on the Goblin Raiders on top of the Junk Beach Deck and we played that they moved then didn't know if they could move back to Junk Beach to help close it...
Keith Richmond wrote: For reference, I've already submitted a ticket to get this clarified in the pdf. Thank you! I was in the middle of writing my last post at the time you left this note =)

elcoderdude wrote: I did ask on that thread for confirmation that each party member only gets a single deck upgrade, rather than two, which is usually the case when you draw cards for a scenario award.
Vic's response implies that you only get a single deck upgrade from the scenario. This is such an unusually poor reward, it would be nice to get explicit confirmation this is the case.
My point is that the reward text is unclear.
I am real happy that they added "The Box" clarification on page 9 of the version 3.0 rules and further state on page 9 regarding Scenario Rewards that you, "...take a random card of the same type from you CLASS DECK BOX." Per the rules document, rewards don't come from the "Game Box" but then in the 2nd scenario to be release this season, it breaks this rule if that is the intent.
And, mathematically, taking a "Reward" from "the Game Box" is likely to be useless as 90% of the cards drawn in adventure path 1 will be Basic. Well, other than Blessings, as there seems to be a total lack of blessings to be gained so far...

Theryon Stormrune wrote: Thanks, zh, I was worried you were combining them (upgrade and reward).
To clear things up a bit. That last bit that zeroth_hour quoted is what you should be doing with scenario rewards.
In Season 0: Season of the Shackles, any loot gained should be added to the pool of acquired cards for the (standard) singular upgrade. Scenario and Adventure rewards (from all seasons) that allow you to draw (or choose) from the box are additional upgrade potentials outside the standard 1 card upgrade.
The question is that the reward wording for Season of the Runelords Scenario 2-1B seems a bit unclear whether:
(1) Your party can divy up the six upgrade potentials. (Since you don't keep cards from the game box, these cards represent card types with associated adventure deck numbers. P=B=C=0)
(2) (Or) Each player of your party can pick one of the six cards pulled as an upgrade potential.
(3) Do these count as an additional upgrade like other scenario rewards (2-1A)?
(4) (Or) Are these cards to be treated as additional acquired cards for the original upgrade pool? (In this case, not much of a reward compared to most scenario rewards.)
Anyone wanna give a clear answer to this without a bunch of "The way I understand it..." or "...according to such-and-such..." pretty please? 5 players in our group came came up with 3 different interpretations.
Considering there are an additional 10+ comments after it was "clarified" and given that the answers given are preceded by caveats, someone really needs to clearly spell out in one syllable words what the intent of the reward is.
I don't mean to be sarcastic, but when there were 5 of us reading this after playing the scenario with a combined seven college degrees and were unable to figure out what it really intended, the wording is terrible.
Likewise, the last post on the link has not been clarified after two weeks...
Thanks for the link, however it doesn't clarify anything. If the intent is to add one of each boon at the end for additional choices, that's not what it says to do, and quite frankly, 1 card for that scenario is a real crappy reward...
It would be awesome if someone could actually clarify or errata the reward, as it's not at all clear what to do.
"The party draws one of each type of boon other than loot from the game box."
Okay, then what? Do players just get the typical deck upgrade, but no actual reward?
This does not make sense to me, since every scenario I've played to date gives you a card or unlock beyond the deck upgrade.
Please clarify and thanks!
Thank you Theryan for all the insight and clarification. I'm transitioning from a regular RPG player to ACG. We just started doing PFS ACG this year and now that several of us are 6+ scenarios in a lot of questions are coming up and we want to get it right. The game is fantastic so far and does a great job with making class decks feel like the class they represent. We have a monk that completed 5 scenarios in SotR adventure 1 (but not ever one due to a repeat) as well as the the first four parts of SotS adventure 1. He figured he could tier up (twice actually) but was not sure if he would tier himself out of the rewards for completing the adventures. I will let him know that his best choice would be to finish the last two parts of SotS and the missing WofR scenario to get the rewards as if he tiers up voluntarily he will end up too high to gain the perks for completing the adventures...he has a rogue deck and wants to unlock Jirelle...thanks again!
So, if an adventure has 5 scenarios, you could do the first 4 and tier up then complete the adventure and tier up again ? Doesn't seem right that you could get to tier 3 after just 5 scenarios... Can someone clarify this as that seems to be how the rules state it.
I read that after 4 scenarios you have the choice to advance. My question is are there times that it is mandatory, such as completing an adventure ? The question came up as a character in my group wants to attempt SotR and SotS - do adventure 1 in each then advance to tier 2, do both adventures #2 etc. My thought is that you must tier up after completing an adventure, otherwise the character could end up with 12 deck upgrades for instance....please advise!
Carrion Crown - Would love to see this, with Quinn as an Iconic (even though he didn't exist then, but seems to me to be a perfect fit to a CC Adventure Path).
Orange Prism (Ioun Stone)
Cracked: Wearer adds one cantrip or orison (determined when the stone is created) to his list of spells known or spells prepared. Price: 1,000 gp.
Question, can a non-caster (Investigator) use one of these to learn a cantrip such as read or detect magic?
Trying to avoid buying wands...