OmegaZ |

Figured I may as well get the ball rolling with some character ideas I've got.
-Half-orc rogue (Shoanti on father's side). Lived with Shoanti tribe until they exiled him (famine was making food scarce). Took to skulking around the old Thassilonian ruins where he lost an eye to a magical curse (not sure what kind of curse yet. Found and rescued by some Pathfinders (the Heidmarch's?), who brought him into the Society. Very gruff, but dedicated to the Pathfinder Society.
-Varisian sorcerer from Ustalav. Secretive and suspicious, is under the impression the Pathfinders are a SUPER SECRET SOCIETY. Will be shocked to find them operating in the open in Magnimar. Probably arcane, destined, undead, or shadow bloodline.
-Elven diviner (scrying subschool) from Magnimar. Learned wizardry at the Stone of the Seers, very patriotic towards his city. Joins the Pathfinders to increase Magnimarian standing and out of curiosity.
-Halfling duid (reincarnation archetype) from a druidic circle that protects deposits of sacred white clay. This clay has restorative properties and can be used in healing magics (basically just something to have in a spell component pouch, unless my DM is feeling generous). He joins the Pathfinders to discover more about geomancy and rid the world of vile aberrations. Friendly and helpful to all, thoroughly NG.
-Chelish/Varisian crossbowman. Crackshot member of the Magnimarian guard, but very lazy and sleepy. Signed up with the Pathfinders as a way to avoid guard duty, but disappointed to find its more exciting than he had anticipated. Plan on having him develop a close relationship with the individuals in the party as well as the Heidmarch's.
-Born into a Sczarni clan, he was always very quiet and observant. During one of his burglary attempts (actually robbing an Aspis Consortium agent), he opened a small chest that held a puff a smoke/shadow. This minor night spirit promised him power in darkness as long as he obeyed. Of course he said yes, but our boy isn't a fool. He went to his father and explained everything. His father recognized that something funny was going on, so he sent our boy the those Pathfinders, they know everything about weird stuff. Possibly witch (shadow patron), sorcerer (shadow bloodline), illusionist (shadow subschool), and maybe a level or two of rogue.

OmegaZ |

-Osiriani cleric of Nethys (magic/rune domains). Sees the Pathfinders as honorary members of the temple, so he joined the Society. Has developed a taste for Varisian music, food, and stories, as well as they're style of magic. Very interested in different styles/forms of magic, including Thassilonian. Possibly Scroll Scholar archetype, but only if the party is lacking Knowledge skills.

Ice Titan |

Qlippoth-spawn paladin that hides his hideous tiefling deformities behind an iron mask. Wears heavy armor all of the time and lives in the convent of Sarenrae in Magnimar (in our game, there is one!). Oath Against Fiends and Oath of Vengeance, so he's not someone to mess with, especially if you're an evil outsider.

Ghostalker |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Qlippoth-spawn paladin that hides his hideous tiefling deformities behind an iron mask. Wears heavy armor all of the time and lives in the convent of Sarenrae in Magnimar (in our game, there is one!). Oath Against Fiends and Oath of Vengeance, so he's not someone to mess with, especially if you're an evil outsider.
I am playing a very fearful DM

OmegaZ |

-Human gladiator from the Serpent's Run. Undiagnosed ADD (gonna try not be a problem player), but has a bubbly personality and is a thrill seeker. Joined the Pathfinder for "better action" and to break people's perception of him as a "big, stupid fighter". Self conscious about what he feels is a lacking intellect (in actuality he'll have Int 10), so he's going to start hanging around all these wizards and archaeologists to fix that. Lay worshipper of Cayden Cailean, gets creeped out by most oozes and abberations. Mobility fighter, going to start with a spear, shield, and sword.

nighttree |

I have two idea's on the table....just waiting for more details to make a choice.
Bladebound Magus: Her sword is actually meant to be an Alara'hai that will slowly wake from a long dormant period.
She is also fascinated by Thassilonian/Azlanti lore, and Lissalah, and believes the ancient goddess is still in existance, but believes that she was LN.
Ranger: Odd build, I wanted a factotum/Sherlock Holmes/Tessa type skill monkey. took the trapper and infiltrator archytypes....leading into the Student of War PrC.
Wiped out most of the "wilderness" feel in favor of a more "urban" ranger feel.
High Int/Wis build with dex based fighting....catch off guard, agile maneuvers, weapon tricks etc...etc...
Her goal is to become a member of the Decemvirate.

Dragonchess Player |

So far, I'm looking at:
Dwarf paladin (stonelord) taking the Deep Warrior and Loremaster alternate racial traits; probably Monument Scholar and Tunnel Fighter for trait selections. Main party tank with some minor healing from Lay On Hands. Interested in what dwarves can learn from Thassilonian engineering/stonework.
Half-Elf bard (archaeologist) taking the Drow-Blooded and Drow Magic alternate racial traits; probably Ruin Raider and Vagabond Child for trait selections. Main party skill-monkey (including dealing with locks/traps) and utility caster (including buffs and some healing). Wants to become a full-on member of the Pathfinder Society (possibly a venture captain, eventually).
Human (Chellish/Varisian) sorcerer (imperious bloodline) with the Silver Tongued alternate racial trait; probably Alabaster Outcast and Scholar of Ruins for trait selections. Main party control/damage caster and diplomancer. Belief in descent from Azlant/Thassilon nobility.
Human (Varisian) inquisitor (Desna; Exploration domain) with the Heart of the Wilderness alternate racial trait; probably Nontraditional Native and Starchild for trait selections. Second party skill-monkey and buff/healing/utility caster with some tanking/damage ability. Associate/local guide of the Pathfinder Society.

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I'm playing with these ideas:
-Beastbrood female tiefling bard (Chelish diva or Dawnflower dervish) Alabaster outcast. Received her tiefling heritage at teenage, managed to fool his family with makeup (his cosmetic alterations are minor, weird skin and eyes). Trained Diva, who wishes to be adventurer. Had pathfinder boyfriend, who then vanished. Joined the society, revealed her true self and was exiled from the family. Buffer-melee fighter.
-Gnome Alchemist(O. Researcher)/Bard (Geisha) with "mad hatter"-vibe going on. Heavily inspired by the antics of the Jervis Tetch from Batman the Animated series- very classy. Has sometimes troubles separating dream from reality due to heavy use of dreamtime tea. Buffer/long-range combatant. Enchantment spells to max.
-Pitborn-Sorceress (Abyssal), Ex-Sczarni who was mainly trained to be a killing machine. Anger-management issues and exploding personality.

CloakedInSmoke |

Samsaran oracle of lore (LG): an Exchange Agent from Goka in Tian Xia who has come to Magnimar to both live up to and get away from the reputation of his previous reincarnation, a CG human rogue in Cheliax who helped a group of now very grateful halflings escape slavery. While he's proud of the good she did, he takes offense at her flouting of authority and is frankly bamboozled as to how she achieved the necessary harmony in life to be reborn as a samsaran. Has the Lame Oracle curse, so he walks with a sword cane and makes up for his lack of Dexterity with Strength and Charisma of 16 (while using a Lore revelation to apply his Charisma and not Dexterity to AC and Reflex saves). Party skill monkey, buffer, and healer.

Marthian |

"Manipulative" Witch (she doesn't do the fighting, others do... She will, however, buff and debuff, that's not really dirty work :P )
Skulking Slayer Scout Half-Orc Rogue. CHARGE SNEAK ATTACK WITH A GREATAXE!!! I'm actually considering Sap Master and Bludgeoner as well as a Great Club to do ridiculous damage (Think 1d12+18+6d8 Nonlethal Damage!)

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Half Varisian (mother's side), Half Chelaxian (father's side) Ranger/Fighter/Student of War. Grew up in Varisia with two Pathfinder parents, one of which died on an expedition, the other who has retired to run a stabling service for adventurers and exotic mounts. I grew up in my parent's shadow (even occasionally going on some "expeditions") and now I feel it a matter of pride to continue the family name in the chronicles.
The character will be a tomb exploring first and foremost who happens to wield a sword and board.

Icyshadow |

Figured I may as well get the ball rolling with some character ideas I've got.
-Half-orc rogue (Shoanti on father's side). Lived with Shoanti tribe until they exiled him (famine was making food scarce). Took to skulking around the old Thassilonian ruins where he lost an eye to a magical curse (not sure what kind of curse yet. Found and rescued by some Pathfinders (the Heidmarch's?), who brought him into the Society. Very gruff, but dedicated to the Pathfinder Society.
...Shoanti on father's side.
Wait, the human had a kid with a female orc?
Was this one of those super-rare "love between human and orc" cases?
Just wondering since the Shoanti don't usually let orcs live if they can help it.

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Dwarven Musket Master sent as an exchange agent from the Five Kingdoms to learn the ways of Varisia and open the city of Maginimar to further trading.
Party members are a Elven Wizard, a Human Fighter/Tactician/Smart fighter, an Aasimar Oracle, an Elven Burglar and a Kitsune Archaeologist Bard.
All y'all are so dead. Like, might as well roll up replacements now dead.

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sveden wrote:All y'all are so dead. Like, might as well roll up replacements now dead.Dwarven Musket Master sent as an exchange agent from the Five Kingdoms to learn the ways of Varisia and open the city of Maginimar to further trading.
Party members are a Elven Wizard, a Human Fighter/Tactician/Smart fighter, an Aasimar Oracle, an Elven Burglar and a Kitsune Archaeologist Bard.
'Tevs! See you next Wednesday.

The NPC |

For our game after RotRl one player is going to play either a paladin or monk and I am going to play a CG human summoner with the aberrant heritage feats from Lords of Madness whose eidolon is shaped like a like tantacled thing from Beyond who will eventually float everywhere (Its name is Shela). He also worships Desna and Yog-Sothoth.

Archoth |

We've got a "misfit group" consisting of:
1. A gnome bard designed in the vain of Tyrian Lannister. He has wives scattered across Varisia, and is constantly hitting on our groups only female.
2. A female human barbarian. She is completely literal, and has no time for subtly. When asked to "intimidate" a prisoner into being more open to our interrogation, she raised her great sword and chopped off the prisoners leg, killing them.
3. A human caster focused druid with a low strength score. He often makes references to obscure locations, and is constantly trying to dispense wisdom to the group. Is the "bonded mate" of the barbarian as they are from the same tribe. Sacrificed the animal companion for the domain. The designated leader of the group.
4. A swashbuckler rogue who patterned his personality after Westley from the Princess Bride. Duel wields light crossbows for round one, then duel wields short swords.
Needless to say a fun group personality wise, and tactically holding our own so far.

Pendagast |

OmegaZ wrote:Figured I may as well get the ball rolling with some character ideas I've got.
-Half-orc rogue (Shoanti on father's side). Lived with Shoanti tribe until they exiled him (famine was making food scarce). Took to skulking around the old Thassilonian ruins where he lost an eye to a magical curse (not sure what kind of curse yet. Found and rescued by some Pathfinders (the Heidmarch's?), who brought him into the Society. Very gruff, but dedicated to the Pathfinder Society.
...Shoanti on father's side.
Wait, the human had a kid with a female orc?
Was this one of those super-rare "love between human and orc" cases?
Just wondering since the Shoanti don't usually let orcs live if they can help it.
maybe dad was blind?

Laetan the Collector |

Thaddeus Thawne, N male human Conjurer (either creation or teleport subschool).Orphan, Ex-student of the Arcane circle of Kaer Maga, who was expelled because he missed too many classes and lectures and such because he had to take care of his adopted daughter Mirana. In a need of cash, driven to the gang called "the Wonderland" and became a small-time crook-until he was used as a scapegoat and Commerce league tried to kill him. He took Mirana to safe with his friends and went exile from the city. Thaddeus is trying to find a way to get Mirana back and get his revenge to the Wonderland gang. But, Commerce league is always on his tail and pathfinders seems like a good way to gain powerful allies and a way to get Mirana back.
Loves clockwork-things and is a heck of a tinkerer.

Leonal |

Leonal, LG Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light archetype)/Oracle (Heavens mystery) gestalt. Native of Sandpoint and eager to get Varisia back to normal.
First session this weekend. :)

Diamond B |
We went a bit non-traditional this time, which may come back to haunt us in a "dungeon-crawl" AP. Our group consists of:
Portia Scarnetti, Human blind Oracle of Sarenrae (me)
Maddela, 1/2 Elven Paladin of Sarenrae
Fallon, 1/2 Elven (Drow blood) Magus (follower of Sarenrae)
Tiberius, 1/2 Orc Urban Ranger
Figit, Gnome Bard

Diamond B |
Tell us more about the half drow magus worshipping serenrae what's the back story on that?
I'll ask the player this weekend, so I can get the story correct. I can't recall which of his parents was human. I do know, like the paladin and oracle, he's very big on the redemption aspects of Sarenrae so I'm assuming something in his story there.

Pendagast |

Magus is my favorite class.
But when we get to playing this, I'm hoping to lean the Pcs in the direction of the "Classic Four"
It seems this was designed with classic in mind. So it would be neat to run it with a Fighter, Cleric, Wizard and Rogue.
I'm hoping we get to do that.
Ranger, Oracle, Witch, and Ninja, just don't carry they same "classic"

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I've been listening to an audiobook of "Atlas Shrugged" on my hour-long commute and it produced an Objectivist Transmuter (Thassilonian Specialist of Greed, naturally). It's also a bit of an homage because Rise of the Runelords was my last major campaign to run. Makes me worry about what running "Way of the Wicked" next year will produce as PC ideas.

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I was kind of unsure about this character at first, since I stole a lot of her backstory, but she's fast becoming a favorite :).
Clara Derexhi - a 15 year old human rogue (trapsmith) with the Alabaster Outcast campaign trait.
I fell in love with the Derexhi family when I read "In the Event of my Untimely Demise." After reading over the players' guide for Shattered Star, I picked up a copy of Blood of the City in order to fit my character into the family somehow. I had all of these great ideas for how I was going to make that work...and then I read the book o.O.
In our version of things, the events of Blood of the City concluded at least six months prior to the start of the game, making Clara no older than 14 during them. She's the quiet, sneaky, "baby" of the family...an oopsie who was so much younger and so consistently ignored by her older siblings that she was completely left out of the events in the book.
While it felt kind of cheaty at first to just hand the GM a copy of the book and go "there's my backstory," dealing with the fallout of events in the book and seeing how it shaped Clara has been really cool.

Urist The Unstoppable |

OmegaZ wrote:Figured I may as well get the ball rolling with some character ideas I've got.
-Half-orc rogue (Shoanti on father's side). Lived with Shoanti tribe until they exiled him (famine was making food scarce). Took to skulking around the old Thassilonian ruins where he lost an eye to a magical curse (not sure what kind of curse yet. Found and rescued by some Pathfinders (the Heidmarch's?), who brought him into the Society. Very gruff, but dedicated to the Pathfinder Society.
...Shoanti on father's side.
Wait, the human had a kid with a female orc?
Was this one of those super-rare "love between human and orc" cases?
Just wondering since the Shoanti don't usually let orcs live if they can help it.
Well women can rape too.

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My party, a.k.a. "The Fecal Four" after a hilarious romp through the "lair" of Natalya.
Shelara - Female elven Evoker (on the run from Kyonin elves for unknowingly aiding drow)
Corduldrum - Old male dwarven Cleric of Torag (199 year old know-it-all paper-pusher who has finally been assigned field work)
Sir Ruis Henderthane - Male human Fighter [2nd cousin to the central Henderthane family, most of whom are now dead. Semi-exiled to Pathfinders as a 'mutually beneficial partner exchange'. Coup de graced an entangled/immobile worshiper of Calistria who was at 0 hp anyway and had sustained a critical hit to the jaw. Can't think of a better scenario for vengeance ;) ]
Alakaide - Female Paladin of Shelyn (looking for ancient pieces of art to protect and serve)
Fun bunch!

Papa-DRB |

I am the GM, so I play everything but the PCs. We just finished Kingmaker (with an almost TPK at the end of book 3 and are moving on), so we are taking a holiday break and will start back up January 6th.
So far the cast of characters are:
1) Dwarf fighter (brother/friend of dwarf below) - DM PC *
2) Human? fighter (sword/board)
3) Catfolk life oracle
4) Human? arcanist (probably wizard)
5) Dwarf bard (archeologist archetype) **
-- david
* Yes, I play a DM PC. Please no arguments. My guys want the extra fighting power.
** Yea, dwarf is supposedly the worse race for bard but the player has a concept and wants to run with it!

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Meleni - N human female magus 3/ranger 1 - Dropped out of the Acadamae and worked as a small-time merc until joining up with the Tower Girls, only to leave that life behind, too, to join the Pathfinders. Tends to be very direct, both conversationally and in her approach to problem-solving. Is fairly quiet and succinct, except when discussing an ancient civilization or rare spell, in which case she tends to geek out and talk rapidly and excitedly.
Evander - N human male archaeologist bard 4 - Former Taldan street-rat who wears his unrestricted facial hair with a pride and gusto confusing to anyone unfamiliar with Taldan customs. Has a lucky streak a mile wide (though when he doesn't, he reeeally doesn't), and has been happily using his new-found adventuring wealth to slowly get his possessions out of hock.
Arrol - LG aasimar male cleric 3 (Sarenrae)/paladin 1 - The final word in shining, compassionate do-gooders. An aasimar who doesn't know he's an aasimar, Arrol hopes investigating certain Magnimarian current events may help him repair the significant holes in his own memories. Unwavering in his faith and ready to lay down his life at a moment's notice for a worthy cause, Arrol would be almost terrifying in his intensity, if he wasn't also such a genuinely nice guy.

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The initial party consisted of a Dwarf Fighter, a Human Fighter, an Elf Rogue, a Half-Elf Cleric, a Human Gunslinger and a Tiefling Conjurer.
After a disastrous run in with Wererats Gone Wild, Cowardly Devils, and blasphemous creatures from angled space, the party now consists of the following:
A Halfling Alchemist Staff-Slinger who acts and talks like a sports coach, the drunken half-elf cleric of Cayden (original), the forlorn and melancholic tiefling (original), a tragic, penniless, one-eyed Oracle, cursed and haunted by his ancestors, a Tian Ninja, drawn into the affairs of the Varisian Lodge, and a Shoanti Barbarian bored with Serpents Run, looking for more fame and prestige.
We just wrapped up Shards of Sin and now moving on to Curse of the Lady's Light...
You can read about our shenanigans here...Adventure Log
The Paladin died in last nights session...;(

SwnyNerdgasm |

At the moment my party consists of the following:
Half-orc fighter who is planning on going into the hellknight PrC, who for some reason almost never hits anything, he has been nicknamed "Gerbil" by my inquisitor due to a night of drunken debauchery involving him, myself and Sheila Heidmarch's Gorilla retainer.
An Elven wizard from the Mwangi basin who is searching for some sort of power to enable him to free his people.
Another elven wizard who is for some yet unkown reason masquerading as a bard
A Dhampir ranger who is has been given some sort of divine mission that I know nothing about
My Galtan inquisitor who was summoned to varisia by the Heidmarch's for a reason that I haven't discovered yet
and an Aasimar cleric of sarenrae who has caused some inter party strife with myself after casting a spell that caused an entire tribe of troglodytes to start worshiping her goddess.

ShadowFighter88 |
If a game of this ever comes up on Myth Weavers - I've got a couple of ideas in mind, although one's a bit dependent on a high Point-Buy or good Ability Score rolls.
The Point-Buy/good rolls dependent one is a human barbarian but a relatively smarter one who was fascinated by stories of ancient Thassilon and joined the Pathfinders to learn more. She's also city-raised - the Barbarian class is more to reflect how she was trained to fight; to use her emotions to fuel her attacks rather than trying to maintain a level head.
The other is pretty much the same, but a sorcerer instead of a barbarian.
Reason the former is kind of reliant on good ability scores is that I want to reflect her intelligence by actually giving her a decent INT score but without neglecting the stats a Barbarian needs. Also so that she can afford to take ranks in Know(History) and be able to actually recall various facts about Thassilon when needed.