Level 12 Character list

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 5/5

Assembled in this room are four of the Decemvirate's seekers - Giacomo diAngelo, paladin of Sarenrae (16), serving to found a new lodge in the Stolen Lands in spite of the collection of gnomes living there; and Menkhe of Sothis, senior Professor at the Academae in Korvosa, a wizard (17) rumored to command an exorbitant salary due to his non-academic knowledge; there sits Lord Peck, the halfling polearm master, renowned for his skills at giant slaying, even when knocked prone (12th), which is why no one asks where his supposed title originates; and the monk Yong Chen (12), whose mastery of the dungeons of Bonekeep has come with a fearful price. They are calm now, but it wasn't always so...

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 ***

Hello, Kaw. This is Krawford, Kaw. I have explored the world and learned much in my long and illustrious career. Kaw. I have now, Ka, attained the status of Seeker among your Pathfinder Society. Ka.

The Exchange 5/5 *****

It is with great pleasure that I, Caleban Gallonica, mightiest (in girth) Mage of all of Absalom, announce my elevation to the rank of Seeker following the

defeat of the hated Aspis. I shall now retire to focus my effort on perfecting the finest pastry glaze. I understand there may also be a vacancy for the role of Master of Spells which I assure you I could most amply fill.

Grand Lodge 4/5

It would seem that the Ten have decided that I am in need of a title and have thus granted me the honorific Seeker. All I did was go forth and collect a couple shards of something called a Sihedron Star. I thank them and now await the call to go forth and collect more.

Male Dwarf, Level 12 Fighter, Grand Lodge Faction.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Now, well lookie here. Gots us all some Seekers that seem ta be standin' around, doing even less wit their skills. While you all play about, I'll jus be tendin' ta my pigs. That is, when I'm not about a mile unner ground, involved in this green tower thing.

Dwarf 13 (11 Barbarian / 2 Fighter) Grand Lodge, still waiting on the final floor of the Emerald Spire, and hopefully the Siege of the Diamond City will push him to 15.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 **

Orion the Starbound, God by his own accounts, has gained the title Venture-Captain, the least of his many titles.

Choosing to not lock himself down to one area, he travels with his loyal companion and worshiper Venture-Captain Hrolfir, Fury of Clan Blackros, to many other Pathfinder Lodges, using his 'skills' to 'convince' Pathfinders to take dangerous missions that he can't be bothered to do.

If you see a tall Varisian man with a large banner bearing his face, and a scarred, charismatic, noble barbarian clearing his path, he would appreciate you kneeling, as he probably has a mission for you.

Venture-Captain Orion The Starbound, level 13 (Playtest) Mesmerist
Venture-Captain Hrolfir Blackros, level 13 Scarred Rager Barbarian

Scarab Sages

Dishiir Wer-Horus, Oread Inquisitor of Horus (7), Living Monolith (5), has been given leave as a newly promoted Seeker to settle in Ustalav and finally dedicate himself fulltime to his quest of preventing The Whispering Way from unleashing an ancient horror upon the land. In the shadow of his newly raised statue outside the opera house in Karcau, the stoic, stone-man from Osirion hopes he proves as resilient as his newly sculpted twin.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Validorn, a faithful monk (12) of the Silver Crusade is most humbled and grateful that his devotion to Irori has blessed him with the title of Seeker after aiding in the Sky Key solution. He could not have done so without the help of his trusty companions, the two Smash Brothers, Boldston the Sunderer and Edric the Frustrated, just Olav "two-skills", a well-intentioned warpriest (sorry Mike!), and the newly met and quite entertaining Jules the Traveler with his rather vocal imp, Vince. Vince's addition of a drawn ketchup heart helped transform Validorn's freshly prepared breakfast offering into an omelet filled with love, bringing peace to a very troubled lady. It was an honor to help redeem so many creatures via face punching; in reshaping their bodies, Validorn prays he has helped reshape their minds.

Liberty's Edge

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Hail and well met, Validorn! It is good to see that Edric and Boldston are not lying idle! Congratulations! Soon, I hope to join you at such illustrious ranks!

Scarab Sages 5/5

A 6-5 250 lb man lumbers into the Grand Lodge, readjusts the flail amulet on his breast and shakes out his blue hair (with just a tinge of black at the roots). And states, "well apparently there's no gnome quite like me among the ranks of the Seekers, and I'll be stuck here for a while before going out to adventure while they figure out what to do with me. Don't they know a gnome has to keep on adventuring and moving."

Sense Motive DC 10:
You'll notice he talks a bit louder than strictly necessary and his speech also has a slight accent. He also stares at people's mouths when they speak. He is in fact deaf.

Sense Motive DC ?:
No matter how high the roll you detect no lies about the statement. He was in fact raised by gnomes and believes himself to be one as well, if questioned he'll tell ask "what you've never heard of double gnomes, we're very rare." In fact he's a kyton-blooded tiefling found in the Varisian forests by a gnomish sorcerer and raised in Osirion.

Knowledge Religon DC 10:
He's a follower of Osiris, Lord of the Living

Sir Samson "the Gullible", it's an ironic nickname no one can lie to me, Del Bosque Paladin 8/Oracle 4 (Life) has attained the rank of seeker.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Just reminding everyone that there is a level 12 character list google Doc for everyone to use

Grand Lodge 5/5

"Woohoo! I just got promoderd! I'm a adventure captin now! Now I just gotta choose where to put my lodge. Maybe in Tolguth, I liked the people there."

Scarab Sages


Valtyra Godspeak (Female Idyllkin Life Oracle) has now reached level 16 after completing Wardens of the Reborn Forge. She is the protégé of V-C Brother Harsk the Constant, level 18 dwarf monk). She has brought him great honor.

Sovereign Court

Enoch Volcani, Human Bloodrager (Destined Bloodline) Level 12, son and protege of Venture-Captain Thadius Volcani, has won The Ruby Phoenix Tournament in the name of the Pathfinder Society and been elevated to the ranks of the Seekers. He looks forward to a short vacation home to Tolguth to visit with his family, but has already heard he may be needed as part of a team exploring Beyond the Doomsday Door...

Grand Lodge 5/5 5/55/55/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Kuurus, Oni-Spawn Tiefling and Decemvariate cleared PFS Assassin is now a Seeker, awaiting EOTT, although amazed at surviving almost 50 pathfinder missions and accomplishing exactly one Assassin Death attack (non-lethel vs a rogue PFS Venture Captain, returning the miscreant back to Absalom.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/55/5 *

Validorn wrote:
Validorn, a faithful monk (12) of the Silver Crusade is most humbled and grateful that his devotion to Irori has blessed him with the title of Seeker after aiding in the Sky Key solution...

Congrats, Validorn! I salute you.

Silver Crusade 4/5

I just hit it, and going right into the Eyes of the Ten. (Did add to the Google List, too).

My last venture into the Mwangi Expanse was interesting, but I struck more than a one mighty blows against evil and corruption, burning the ever loving crap out of a massive idol to Sifkesh, the Demon-Whore directly responsible for the deaths of countless thousands, and ensuring that her thousand even stones where turned to nothing but slag. I saved the entire Society from making the mistake of taking even a single cursed piece back for study, thus unleashing a new wave of terror and death they where simply not able to deal with.

Grand Lodge 1/5

After a long travel into Kyonin and defeating one of the demons residing there, I am now officially a seeker, Eyes of the Ten is planned in October with 11 other seekers for a full length weekend of EofT here in the Netherlands :)

looking forward to it!

Silver Crusade 3/5

"Ahem, I'm not very good at these sorts of things, as I don't really see the point of this sort of self-aggrandizement, but I was told that my announcement might inspire newer Pathfinders to greater heights.

"So there it is, may it show on the record that I, Tural Oathkeeper, have become a Seeker. Now I must return home to Tian Xia, and attend to personal business. Should the greater threats come to rise about the Inner Sea, do not hesitate to contact me. Xuen and I are always looking to make sure that all is safe and well in the world."

Tural Oathkeeper: Tian-Min Aasimar Paladin 11 / Mammoth Rider 1 (and his faitful steed Xuen, Huge Celestial Tiger)

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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A creepy little Wayang wearing a belt of rat tails around a set of grey silken robes scampers into the room, and after failing to climb atop the table he simply floats up into position to address the crowd assembled. He smiles and nods at Tural Oathkeeper appraisingly.

"My name is Baku, The Risen. I hail from the Shadescar in Magnimar. I am a Student of Philosophy, esteemed friend of the Blakros, and dedicated Riftwarden of Osirion..."

An equally creepy four-winged Raven wearing a clay mask appears from out of Invisibility. It appears to be transcribing everything the Wayang is saying. After noticing it's visible it quickly disappears again.

"...I seek to understand the mysteries of Time, for Time itself has a way of revealing, and concealing, all mysteries. After extensive research I believe I have finally discovered the Sky Key Solution! Perhaps now I can take that vacation to Nidal I've always dreamed of..."

Baku Shadescar, 12th Level Wayang Witch, Time Patron, originally of the Osirion Faction, with his Psychopomp (Nosoi) Familiar and personal scribe, Yana.

The Exchange 5/5

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After a start as pathfinder exploring the Thornkeep dungeons, Shamira and her loyal mammoth companion Libi have been promoted to seeker status. Their final mission was to secure a base camp for the exploration of Jormundun in their homecountry, the Realm of the Mammoth Lords.

Shamira and Libi have decided to stay with a following near the basecamp in case assistance is required.

Shamira is a Kellid hunter 10/Mammoth Rider 2, with as mount and companion a huge mammoth wearing noqual fullplate named Libi.
Eyes of the Ten will be run in the first weekend of october here in the Netherlands, with 2 groups going through.

Dark Archive 1/5

Shamira wrote:

After a start as pathfinder exploring the Thornkeep dungeons, Shamira and her loyal mammoth companion Libi have been promoted to seeker status. Their final mission was to secure a base camp for the exploration of Jormundun in their homecountry, the Realm of the Mammoth Lords.

Shamira and Libi have decided to stay with a following near the basecamp in case assistance is required.

Shamira is a Kellid hunter 10/Mammoth Rider 2, with as mount and companion a huge mammoth wearing noqual fullplate named Libi.
Eyes of the Ten will be run in the first weekend of october here in the Netherlands, with 2 groups going through.

Libi can trample a shambling mound... good times!

Dark Archive 4/5

Justicar Jendraza Krull, Hellknight of the Order of the Nail, Member of the Golden Watch, and Babysitter of Paracountess Zarta Dralneen, having won the Ruby Phoenix Tournament with her team of Pathfinders, has prepared to retire to a quiet townhome on the shores of Varisia. "Quiet" meaning, "away from that thrice damned Paracountess" and "Retired" meaning, "seeing what this Reborn Forge mess is all about."

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Saa Basara, Cleric of Gozreh, gardener by trade (which is really hard to do if you're from Osirion) and part of the Scarab Sages became level 12 after he defeated multiple Cloud Giants and appointed himself as Storm Lord.

Speaking of that Shambling Mound, he becomes level 12 as well if I stick that last GM credit on him. He's the un-Elfiest Elf on Golarion, with 12 DEX and 14 CON. He got kicked out of Kyonin because the other Elves found him weird, with his unusually good health, yet lacking the reflexes Elves are known for. A Sapling Treant found him and taught him the ways of the Treesingers. He eventually joined the Grand Lodge when he was looking for work.

It's a shame Saa never met Samandriel, he'd have a field day just pruning him and Hazelscar.

(Psyblade, you're never going to let that go, aren't you?)

Dark Archive 1/5

Quentin Coldwater wrote:

Saa Basara, Cleric of Gozreh, gardener by trade (which is really hard to do if you're from Osirion) and part of the Scarab Sages became level 12 after he defeated multiple Cloud Giants and appointed himself as Storm Lord.

Speaking of that Shambling Mound, he becomes level 12 as well if I stick that last GM credit on him. He's the un-Elfiest Elf on Golarion, with 12 DEX and 14 CON. He got kicked out of Kyonin because the other Elves found him weird, with his unusually good health, yet lacking the reflexes Elves are known for. A Sapling Treant found him and taught him the ways of the Treesingers. He eventually joined the Grand Lodge when he was looking for work.

It's a shame Saa never met Samandriel, he'd have a field day just pruning him and Hazelscar.

(Psyblade, you're never going to let that go, aren't you?)

I will... in due time.. it's still one of the best moments I saw in a fight... besides my fighter getting ripped apart in seconds.. :P

5/5 5/55/5

Lt. Tatiana Orlov of the Taldorian Secret Police has now retired. A Jadwiga Winter Witch whose family was displaced from Irrisen due to refusing to eat children.

She has spent her career in the Pathfinder society working secretly for the Taldor government spying on fellow citizens in the Pathfinder Society. In her entire career she has only found 1 traitor to Taldor. And is now happy to say the Pathfinder Society members do not harbor plots to overthrow the Taldorian government.

She will be happy to give away her family recipe for Children Noodle Soup if you ask.

Level 12 Winter Witch

Faction: Taldor/Sovereign Court.

The Exchange 5/5 *****

roysier wrote:
In her entire career she has only found 1 traitor to Taldor. And is now happy to say the Pathfinder Society members do not harbor plots to overthrow the Taldorian government.

What on earth would be the point of overthrowing a decaying old relic which shall collapse under the weight of its own corruption and ineptitude in due course.

Quite simply not worth the effort.

5/5 5/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Signifier Antonius Gallonica wrote:
roysier wrote:
In her entire career she has only found 1 traitor to Taldor. And is now happy to say the Pathfinder Society members do not harbor plots to overthrow the Taldorian government.

What on earth would be the point of overthrowing a decaying old relic which shall collapse under the weight of its own corruption and ineptitude in due course.

Quite simply not worth the effort.

I got my eyes on you.

Dark Archive

roysier wrote:
Signifier Antonius Gallonica wrote:
roysier wrote:
In her entire career she has only found 1 traitor to Taldor. And is now happy to say the Pathfinder Society members do not harbor plots to overthrow the Taldorian government.

What on earth would be the point of overthrowing a decaying old relic which shall collapse under the weight of its own corruption and ineptitude in due course.

Quite simply not worth the effort.

I got my eyes on you.

What my esteemed colleague meant to say was that Cheliax will be more than happy to help guide the Taldane people back towards greatness after the inevitable war of succession brings the remnants of your empire to its knees.

When Taldor starts looking too much like Galt for your tastes, you'll know where to find us.

Dark Archive

My Mistress, the Lady Imperia, also wishes to take this opportunity to announce, somewhat belately, her acquisition of the rank of Venture Captain within the Pathfinder Society. She will be taking a leave of absence to spend time with her family in Egorian and focus on her work at Citadel Enferac, but looks forward to returning to Absalom as soon as she is able.

5/5 5/55/5

Imperia Korva Marcello wrote:
roysier wrote:
Signifier Antonius Gallonica wrote:
roysier wrote:
In her entire career she has only found 1 traitor to Taldor. And is now happy to say the Pathfinder Society members do not harbor plots to overthrow the Taldorian government.

What on earth would be the point of overthrowing a decaying old relic which shall collapse under the weight of its own corruption and ineptitude in due course.

Quite simply not worth the effort.

I got my eyes on you.

What my esteemed colleague meant to say was that Cheliax will be more than happy to help guide the Taldane people back towards greatness after the inevitable war of succession brings the remnants of your empire to its knees.

When Taldor starts looking too much like Galt for your tastes, you'll know where to find us.

You have been added to the Taldor Criminal watch list. Watch your back especially in Taldor you might find yourself "Disapeared"

--Lt. Orlov

The Exchange 5/5 *****

roysier wrote:

You have been added to the Taldor Criminal watch list. Watch your back especially in Taldor you might find yourself "Disapeared"

--Lt. Orlov

You might try but only if you really want to see Opparra reduced to a smoking devil haunted ruin.

Do not judge us by the incompetence of that strumpet.

5/5 5/55/5

Signifier Casomir Gallonica wrote:
roysier wrote:

You have been added to the Taldor Criminal watch list. Watch your back especially in Taldor you might find yourself "Disapeared"

--Lt. Orlov

You might try but only if you really want to see Opparra reduced to a smoking devil haunted ruin.

Do not judge us by the incompetence of that strumpet.

I only report what I see and leave it to others to do the dirty work. You too are now reported to the spymasters of Taldor.

Threatening to burn down Oppara gets you on the watch list.

-Lt. Orlov

Dark Archive

roysier wrote:

You have been added to the Taldor Criminal watch list. Watch your back especially in Taldor you might find yourself "Disapeared"

--Lt. Orlov

Imperia smirks at the thought of threatening an active Hellknight from modern, post-Thrune Ascendancy Cheliax with "disappearance" at the hands of a secret police force.

How very quaint.

All the same, I think I'll take my chances. It appears my brother may well be marrying into the Blackros family in the near future, and it would be quite improper of me not to attend the wedding.

Kindly keep your nation stable until then, if you can.

Sovereign Court 3/5

"Naturally, as a benevolent force in the world, the Pathfinder Society would swiftly repair any instabilities that may crop up in Cheliax or Taldor, either now or in the future. Am I correct in mentioning that? I believe the third mantra is still 'cooperate.'"

Best wishes,
Lady Gabrielle d’Apcher

Silver Crusade 4/5 **

He has, perhaps, one more set of missions to go on as a pathfinder. Then he shall lay his bow "Justice" on the mantle once and for all and return to protect Isger as a sheriff.

Thereus, Silver Crusader
Fighter (Weapon Master) - 7
Divine Hunter (Paladin of Erastil) - 4
Sorcerer (Celestial) - 1

Dark Archive 2/5

"Look, people, we are all Pathfinders here, and there is still need to cooperate even at the higher levels of the Society." The man steps back then and rolls his eyes just a bit. "Oh the fun that She must be having, riding herd on the disparate groupings." he thinks to himself.

"Oh, and by the way, I, Marcellus, have made my progression. If anyone would like assistance with martial tactics from the Swords, I am happy to assist. Or is just some sparring is needed, come on down to the Training Grounds. I, too, will be investigating the happenings at the Reborn Forge."

Marcellus, Fighter(Lore Warden) 7, Monk(Maneuver Master 4) just retired from level 11, and I haven't decided where to take him at level 12, but I do intend for him to take my next Arc.

Sovereign Court 5/5

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Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.

The opera house in Averaka never fails to sell out- -especially on a full moon.

Prima Donna Assuluto Violetta la Traviatta del Inifini

Dire Werebear Human Female Bard (Chelish Diva) 12, reported dead.

Sovereign Court 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Silence becomes the Son of a prince,
To be silent but brave in battle:
It befits a man to be merry and glad
Until the day of his death,

The coward believes he will live forever
If he holds back in the battle,
But in old age he shall have no peace
Though spears have spared his limbs

I, Solveig, daughter of Megin Troll-Fury who lies justly avenged, gilt-tongued speaker at Thing, conqueror of Hinojai, Dokeran and Koor, champion of the Ruby Phoenix and luxuriant in friendships many, have slain the orm Venomsilt and taken kingship over Southmoor. With Borgus Boil-Wit I lay the stones of our first lodge and open the gates of Torandey for sages and seers. May they never slam shut.

Also, on my last mission a troll hit me like a fathom of hail. Once Borgus rules Averaka, and rule it he shall, I will personally see Flintyreach's giant-kin driven before me and hear the lamentations of their get. Ahhhh...sweet vengeance

[human Arcane Duelist 6/Urban Barbarian 3/Dragon Disciple 4 after Ironbound Schism and EotT gm chronicles]

Silver Crusade 1/5

It is I Erkanus, Juggernot, dragon slayer, summoner flayer, Paladin of what's her name and seeker.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Validorn wrote:
Validorn, a faithful monk (12) of the Silver Crusade is most humbled and grateful that his devotion to Irori has blessed him with the title of Seeker after aiding in the Sky Key solution. He could not have done so without the help of his trusty companions, the two Smash Brothers, Boldston the Sunderer and Edric the Frustrated, just Olav "two-skills", a well-intentioned warpriest (sorry Mike!), and the newly met and quite entertaining Jules the Traveler with his rather vocal imp, Vince. Vince's addition of a drawn ketchup heart helped transform Validorn's freshly prepared breakfast offering into an omelet filled with love, bringing peace to a very troubled lady. It was an honor to help redeem so many creatures via face punching; in reshaping their bodies, Validorn prays he has helped reshape their minds.

After a boisterous roar of laughter, Edric shakes his head, thumping the monk on the back and says "Just be glad that there were no elementals wieldling huge elven curved blades, my friend!" He pauses, turns and picks up a barrel full of cold frothy ale and promptly dumps it on Validorn, "Congratulations on your achievement!"

Grand Lodge 5/5

Barrister Delaney Jawesome reporting that my Core team, including Trik Jr, Britney, Violet, The Professor, Durge McBane, and Agent K have just reached level 12 after returning from succesfully capturing and negotiating the surrender of Runelord Krune, Sovereign Ruler of Haruka.

We will be enjoying our two weeks unpaid vacation before we report back for duty at Skyreach.


I'm here to announce that William "Kain" Burkhauer is now a Seeker. Mr. Burkhauer is out on deep cover assignment for [REDACTED]. Besides, he doesn't like attention and would most likely refuse to announce his achievement."

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

I have Reached the 12th of levels, and I am working on the path to the 20th of levels.

(Half-Ork BloodRager 4/Paladin 8)


Wraith235 wrote:
Just reminding everyone that there is a level 12 character list google Doc for everyone to use

Just replying to this post as a reminder to folks who might care enough to keep this updated.

Grand Lodge 5/5

The Fourth Horseman wrote:
Wraith235 wrote:
Just reminding everyone that there is a level 12 character list google Doc for everyone to use
Just replying to this post as a reminder to folks who might care enough to keep this updated.

Is there a tab or designation for seekers in the Core campaign?


Not to my knowledge. Not sure there's any use for the destinction, honestly.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

The Fourth Horseman wrote:
Wraith235 wrote:
Just reminding everyone that there is a level 12 character list google Doc for everyone to use
Just replying to this post as a reminder to folks who might care enough to keep this updated.

Thanks for the info.

Should we update this with the new Factions instead of the old nation ones (though so sad about Taldor leaving the fold)?

What about the classes from the Occult book?

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5

My "-1" character just made *coughsurvivedcough* level 12. Azayth, the Elf Magus Blackblade/11, Eldritch Knight/1.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Wasn't aware of the spreadsheet. Added Miyamoto Kosuke to the Silver Crusade tally.

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