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I currently use the Summoner and Pathfinder PFS tracker App on my Optimus. My goals are to upgrade to an iPhone and the new Ipad eventually although I might get seduced by an Android tablet running ICS if I snagg one cheap enough.
I would suggest that the iPod entry be edited to iPod Touch. The non-touch Ipods only applicable use would be to play music.

jtfoto |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Droid X2
IPad 3
I'd like more gameplay apps and less fun apps like the iCrit and iFumble. I'd love to be able to input basic data and track buffs or debuffs on my character.
A mobile character sheet would be incredible.
I use a mobile Spellbook that is the most useful for me. I can "star" my spells I know and have access to all the class spells instantly. It is not a paizo product, but is the best one out there for me. I'd support a paizo app similar to this if it was available.

firefly the great |

In reference to our blog post today, let us know what devices you want to see apps for!
LG Optimus T and a Kindle Fire.

Sir Jeffrey |

In reference to our blog post today, let us know what devices you want to see apps for!
Android phone (Samsung Epic 4G)
Android Tablet (Toshiba Thrive)I have made great use of the Thrive while GMing and previously while playing. You can bring up your pdfs and with wifi access get to the SRD as well. Great tools.
Would love to see some type of Character Sheet/Record app that allows you to track combat - HP, conditions, temporary bonus/penalty, spells, etc.

RonarsCorruption |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

While I use an iPhone, most of my players use Androids, and there's one consistent request around the gaming table: Spellbooks.
All of my players have their spell sheets, and we have the rulebooks, but any time they want to use a spell we can't think of off the top of their heads, they say "you know what I'd love? To be able to write down all my prepared spells in an app so I can reference them really quickly."
That's almost a direct quote, too. There's a bit of a request for a digital character sheet app, as well. Right now, they're using 3rd party apps that sometimes get stuff wrong, and there's all sorts of confusing arising.
So yeah, a digital spellbook tracker for our spell-slinging PCs. Especially for the Android.

Tal_Akaan |

iPhone 3GS
iPad (original)
As far as apps I would like and what I would want them to do...
Combat Tracker:
-Buffs, de-buffs, and conditions. The information that is provided should be bonuses, type of bonus, and source. I should be able to select haste from a list and have its bonuses listed with the initiative slot I designate.
-Encounter saving. I would love to be able to save encounters within the tracker so I can get most of my encounters set up before I even reach the table. Just select the encounter I want from the menu and we’re good to go.
I don’t want the Combat tracker to store and display full monster stat blocks. This just creates too many issues if I want to run a custom monster or NPC.
Character Sheet:
Please note I did not put Character Generator. I do not need or want a character generator. My group plays with enough house rules that a generator would be very hard, if not impossible, to use. Or time intensive to alter if it was set up like Hero Lab.
-Math. I would like the sheet to do math for me, not because I can’t, but because it would be a big pain to have to touch 2-3 input boxes for every entry every time I level. Things like saves, skills, AC, and possibly attacks (if this can be done in such a way that you can modify if you need to).
-Notes. Every line should have a collapsible notes area so you can denote where your numbers are coming from, reference pages from books, or full descriptions of abilities if desired.
-Resource Management. The more help I can get keeping track of my resources, be they spells, class abilities, daily use items, or potions the better.
-Buffs, de-buffs, and conditions. This would be amazing. If all I had to do was select a condition and it changed my numbers on my sheet until that condition was unchecked I would be in heaven. I realize this one might be a little hard to do but it would be amazing.
Spell Management:
There are a few spell book apps out there but I think they can be done better. It would be nice if they actually helped you track your spell usage and maybe even help with applying metamagic feats.
-Multiple Spell Books. Obviously you should be able to save multiple spell books/known spells lists with an app like this.
-Calculate damage and effects based on caster level. It would be nice if I could input a caster level for a spell book/spell list and have the app calculate the effect and damage for me. Maybe even have alternate caster level fields that you can apply if you caster level is considered higher for a specific type of spell.
-Custom Spells. This would be nice, but for me not anywhere near a necessity for the app.
Here's a big one:
The more these apps can work with eachother, if that's even possible, the better.
There might be more ideas floating around in my head somewhere. If I think of anything else I’ll post it up.

Sarrion |

Ipad 3 and Iphone 4
I would love to see a character sheet app for the tablet (ipad), from what i heard it was in development and 99% done but then it dissappeared.
It could be modular so we would need to buy content (ala Herolab) but please provide a complete product when you release those modules. Herolab has flopped in this regard because of software limitations they created.
Here's looking forward to what comes out!

MetalPaladin |

Droid Incredible
Toshiba Thrive
Character sheet app would be awesome, especially if it allowed me to add buffs, debuffs, etc on the fly. Also have a spot to indicate how many x/day use things I had used.
Spell book would be great. For prepared casters, the ability to add to a list of what is prepared that day would be awesome. For spontaneous, the ability to mark off what has been cast would also be good. It could also autocalc DCs and the like.
Initiative app that could be shared to all players. It'd hold everyone's initiative, their spell/power duration, etc.

Tinalles |
Asus Transformer Prime (2nd gen)
An app for managing spells would be fantastic. It should:
1) Keep track of which spells I have in my spellbook/familiar (for Wizards, Magi, and Witches), or which ones I have access to (for divine or spontaneous casters). Adding new spells should be a simple matter of picking from a list.
2) Keep track of my available total slots for each spell level I can cast.
3) Keep track on restrictions on how those slots can be used (e.g. only domain spells in domain slots, school spells in school slots), so that I can't prep spells that aren't allowed into those slots.
4) Calculate the total save DC for each spell, taking into account my casting stat modifier and any relevant feats or abilities (e.g. Spell Focus, Fey bloodline's bonus on enchantment spells).
5) Let me apply metamagic feats when I prep spells. At a minimum, it needs to let me indicate which metamagic feats were applied to a given prepped spell. It would be awesome if it actually applied the metamagic feat to the spell itself, for example, by rolling the damage and adding 50% for an Empowered whatever. But that would be awfully complex to implement in code.
Playing a caster is complicated, especially a prepped caster where the spells can change every game day (often multiple times per session). An app to reduce that complexity so I can spend more time playing and less time doing math would be great.

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I use an Android tablet (Asus Transformer Prime) with the offline PFSRD for quick rule checks at the table - faster than hunting through hardbacks. I also use it for the PDFs of scenarios when I'm judging.
My wife has a Spell reference app on her phone (a Droid; I have a Droid 3).
We'll be taking a look at the new Windows Surface Pro tablet, too.

Muad'Dib |

iPhone 3GS
iPad (original)As far as apps I would like and what I would want them to do...
Combat Tracker:
-Buffs, de-buffs, and conditions. The information that is provided should be bonuses, type of bonus, and source. I should be able to select haste from a list and have its bonuses listed with the initiative slot I designate.-Encounter saving. I would love to be able to save encounters within the tracker so I can get most of my encounters set up before I even reach the table. Just select the encounter I want from the menu and we’re good to go.
I don’t want the Combat tracker to store and display full monster stat blocks. This just creates too many issues if I want to run a custom monster or NPC.
I highly recomend Initiative Board.
This app keeps track of rounds, spell effects, and initiative. Super easy to use.

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iPad mark I
I rely on it heavily (Good Reader) for my rulebooks/scenarios when GMing.
The recent slimming down of some of the PDFs did wonders for me.
I use iAnnotate for iPad (the iPhone/iPod app is completely different) because it has the fastest search function I found after trying several PDF readers on the iPad.