Kensai was just another route I had in mind. I get to rebuild the character as I see fit and since neither kensai or monk wear armour, it seemed like a decent combination. Any combination of classes that let me do some spellcasting and grappling would be fine. I am taking the monstrous humanoid type for blood drinker and there are plenty of those. ![]()
Saint Bernard wrote: Can someone give a description of the elf archetype Seplldancer? Thanks. Spell Dancer (Magus):
The strong emphasis on wizards within elven culture inf luences how even non-wizard elves see themselves. Many elven magi do not consider themselves masters of a blend of martial and magical talents, but rather a sub-category of wizards who study the effect of physical movement and techniques upon spellcasting ability. They believe their ability to cast spells while fighting is an outgrowth of the concept of the “spell dance,” which itself is just another kind of wizardry. There is the description. ![]()
Umbranus wrote: Will not help with FPS but in races of the dragon there were some sunglasses, I think. Sundark Goggles: The smoked lenses of these goggles block light. They are typically fixed into a band of canvas that clasps together at the back to keep the goggles from falling off. Sundark goggles negate the dazzled condition experienced by a creature with light sensitivity while in bright illumination. As a side effect, they grant the wearer a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against gaze attacks. A creature wearing sundark goggles can’t use a gaze attack, since other creatures can’t see its eyes. Creatures without low-light vision or darkvision that wear sundark goggles take a –2 penalty on Search and Spot checks.
Says they are alchemical items, but I did not see a Craft DC. ![]()
I don't know what I was thinking when I said monk weapon. Tekko-kagi wouldn't be a bad choice, the way I think it reads is that your hands stay free so it wouldn't apply any negatives to grapple I think. But really class doesn't matter in the long run. I would like some utility and being able to Drink someone dry lol. Ideally I would like to cast a spell or two (or a wand with UMD) that makes it easier to grapple them, specifically Ray of Exhaustion or Heal myself with Inflict if things get dicey. ![]()
Alternate Racial Trait: Fangs:
On occasion, a dhampir may inherit his father’s lengthy canines. Whenever the dhampir makes a grapple combat maneuver check to damage an opponent, he can choose to bite his opponent, dealing 1d3 points of damage as if using a natural bite attack. As a standard action, the dhampir can bite a creature that is bound, helpless,
paralyzed, or similarly unable to defend itself. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait. Blood Drinker:
Consuming blood reinvigorates you. Prerequisite: Dhampir. Benef it: Choose one humanoid subtype, such as “goblinoid” (this subtype cannot be “dhampir”). You have acquired a taste for the blood of creatures with this subtype. Whenever you drink fresh blood from such a creature, you gain 5 temporary hit points and a +1 bonus on checks and saves based on Constitution. The effects last 1 hour. If you feed multiple times, you continue to gain hit points to a maximum of 5 temporary hit points for every three Hit Dice you have, but the +1 bonus on Constitution-based skill checks and saving throws does not stack. Normally, you can only drink blood from an opponent who is helpless, grappled, paralyzed, pinned, unconscious, or similarly disabled. If you have a bite attack, you can drink blood automatically as part of your bite attack; otherwise, you must first cut your target by dealing 1 hit point of damage with a slashing or piercing weapon (though you may feed upon a creature with severe wounds or a bleed effect without cutting it f irst). Once you cut the target, you can drink from its wound as a standard action. Drinking blood deals 2 points of Constitution damage to the creature you feed upon. The blood must come from a living creature of the specified humanoid subtype. It cannot come from a dead or summoned creature. Feeding on unwilling intelligent creatures is an evil act. Blood Feaster: Consuming blood gives you superhuman strength. Prerequisites: Blood Drinker, base attack bonus +6, dhampir. Benef it: If you use your Blood Drinker feat to drain 4 or more points of Constitution from a living creature, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls and a +1 bonus on Strength-based skill checks. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice. ![]()
Page 101 ![]()
So after getting Advanced Race Guide and looking at the blood drinking feats I want to make a character around just destroying one target.
Generic Villain wrote:
Spoiler: Reading the Lore and the title I also immediately thought of Cheliax. Or what would be real interesting is if inside the eye is some sort of worldwound type event. ![]()
For any range problems as an Alchemist I HIGHLY recommend:
Consumption: A kingdom’s prosperity is measured by the Build Points (abbreviated BP) in its treasury, and its Consumption indicates how many BP it costs to keep the kingdom functioning. If a kingdom is unable to pay its Consumption, its Unrest increases by 2. A kingdom’s Consumption is equal to its size plus the number of city districts it contains plus adjustments for Edicts minus 2 per farmland. So really the reason to expand is to make farms to reduce your Consumption. You claim a hex and build a farmland. You thus has one free hex or city grid in regards to consumption. ![]()
So my players want to do a dungeon delve after messing around with politics and other not fightery things.
Megan A wrote:
Thank you and will do. ![]()
So one of my players is moving about 6 hours away and wants to keep playing games with us. Using Skype for voice and video, what would be the best way for dice? Keeping a camera on his dice seems a little silly. Also does anybody know of a good way to do Kingdom building online so my players can do it online and it not bog down normal play? ![]()
Stebehil wrote: EDIT: A shop owner complains about WotCs policy of not announcing the cancellation of the minis line and some books more directly, but rather burying the news in a lenghty article on their website. Announcing more digital products does nothing to help endearing WotC to this guy, and as a final statement, he is not looking forward to 2011. link. While all of this is just one more or less ranfom opinion, I think it is interesting to read. The less-than-stellar communication from WotC sounds awfully familiar, btw. LMAO that is my FLGS ![]()
KilroySummoner wrote:
How do you get that much damage at level 5?! ![]()
TriOmegaZero wrote: Hit Die is tied to BAB in Pathfinder. To keep a d6 HD, the Rogue would have to be downgraded to 1/2 BAB. 1d12 HDs 3d10 HDs5d08 HDs 2d06 HDs 1 8+Skill
Seems a little skewed in my opinion. =\ In this aspect the Ranger who gets a Full BAB gets 6+ and a Barbarian who gets a d12 and 4+ and a full BAB got the lucky end of that stick. ![]()
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Fighters can max out 2 of those skills, whereas the rogue still gets to max out all of those and more and get a +3 to all of them. Rogues get 1/2 level on trap finding and disabling so i wouldn't say that they are marginalized.![]()
Torinath wrote:
Why does the rogue getting a bigger Hit Die fair for the fighter. He already has plenty of other good perks, why did he need a bigger Hit Die. ![]()
Kierato wrote: Huh, so did I. What am I thinking of? Maybe the swashbuckler... Complete Warrior? Those had d10. Completely looked them over in the APG, I thought the SRD would have had them listed I was wrong. Nor did I notice that the gloves give a +2 on the weapon training. Cool item. But it isn't JUST the ability to hit stuff. If he is supposed to be the master of learned fighting then why does he only have 2 skill points. If you give him more INT to get more he has to lose some stats somewhere.
Where are these gloves of the duelist you speak of. I personally love fighters and it just annoys me that rogues just step on fighters toes all the time.
Kierato wrote:
I guess my problem is that Fighters really didn't get the boost some other classes did and the rogue is just encroaching more and more on the fighters melee combat shtick. Also the chance for that last attack to actually hit are usually pretty slim =\ ![]()
So I just now noticed that Rogue receive d8 Hit Die, isn't that a little absurd.
The only thing the poor fighter gets is Full Plate, Shields, d2 more HP, and 5 more BAB. ![]()
RunebladeX wrote: And if some players worship NO god then why would any random god bring there soul back, they wouldn't. I see no reason that there wouldn't be some god out there who would not see the possibility of greatness in an individual bring them back after having them talk to an avatar or some such; making them suddenly believe very strongly about the god that saved them. Could make for an interesting RPG of the character becoming very strongly religious after his near death experienceOr of course a god could just extend the coma and visit them during such and cause the same sort of reaction. ![]()
Unless you want to give the non magic casters artifact weapons, out right replacing stat increase items is a problem.
I have a print copy that I bought from a FLGS some time ago and realized that I saw what I thought was an error so to use errata I need to know my print edition and I have no idea what printing it is. How do I tell?