
evillmonkey's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 65 posts (525 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 7 wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


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Liberty's Edge

Sara Marie wrote:

I went through the following products and looked for subscriber copies of the following books which were not in sidecarts and not marked as having been processed for shipping & fulfilled, and added the corresponding PDF to the customer's digital asset. Unfortunately this is a product search and not a person search, so folks who have subscribed to multiple lines may have gotten multiple notifications for the various PDFs.

PZO7114 Starfinder Starship Operations Manual
PZO7230 Starfinder Adventure Path #30: Puppets Without Strings (The Threefold Conspiracy 6 of 6)

PZO2105 Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide + Special Edition
PZO9306 Pathfinder Lost Omens: Legends
PZO90157 Pathfinder Adventure Path #157: Devil at the Dreaming Palace (Agents of Edgewatch 1 of 6)

Sara, thank you for doing this! You're awesome!

Liberty's Edge

Ascalaphus wrote:
I agree that this AP really needs a Player's Guide, but I think the key thing the guide should say is (without too many spoilers), that you have to be able to disguise yourself as a medium humanoid.

Very hard to do without spoilers, but providing enough info to say you'll have an easier time if you can disguise yourself as a medium humanoid. You still have the option of not doing that, but you'll have some difficulties to overcome.

Liberty's Edge

I received my shipping notification today. If you did something, thank you very much! If not, then please disregard.

Liberty's Edge


I wanted to check on my order, as it is still Pending while the books are all available to purchase from the site now. Last month I didn't get my order as it was Pending in perpetuity, I managed to get it sidecarted to this order instead. I'm wondering if that's what is holding up the order.

Thanks in advance!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:

I don't think #2 and #3 are quite the same thing. They're related, but not the same.

For example, I'm playing Against the Aeon Throne with some people who really do enjoy the occasional heist and infiltration game. But the blurb for AtAT doesn't really tell you much. So they came up with a Shobhad and a Bantrid. Suffice to say, we're not doing all that great at the whole Disguise aspect.

Thank you for illustrating the reason I wanted to discuss GM created Player's Guides. In this case, informing the players that the AP puts a premium on characters that can "pass for humans" (with disguise) before they become invested in a character concept.

That was one of the primary reasons I created that guide for my players. I didn't want them to invest in a character and suddenly have a giant roadblock. I wanted to give them that info up front. If they decided to then make a non-human character, at least they were aware of some difficulties up ahead.

Another thing I added was info about the settlement. This was a way to introduce them to the starting area, give them some info they may have already, and get them somewhat invested in the settlement.

Liberty's Edge

It's from the cover of the second book.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Unfortunately, the Starfinder APs don't get their own player's guides, so I created my own. There are some rules that are specific to my game, but most of the information should be useful for any game. There are some minor spoilers in there that not every GM may want to give out, so you want to read through to make sure it works for your game.

Player's Guide

Liberty's Edge

I bought the very first Pathfinder Bestiary and Rise of the Runelords pawn set when they came out (I was running that game at the time). I really like the quality of the pawns, but hadn't a need to purchase more since I have a ton of fantasy miniatures now.

I have a lot of Star Wars miniatures, but they just don't always work for what I need in Starfinder. I've purchased every pawn set they've released for Starfinder so far.

The Alien Archive ones are going to be your best purchases. They included a lot of bases, and cover a lot of different aliens and ships. The Core Book and Pact Worlds ones are a good supplement if you're looking for more.

The AP ones are great if you're running/playing that AP, otherwise, you can skip those. They tend to have a lot of named NPCs and specific threats from that AP.

Best advice is take a look at what the product offers in terms of pawns to see what fits your game.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you Sam.

I guess I incorrectly said the order was processed correctly. In my orders for this it does show AP 145 as cancelled, and AP 144 should be good. However, the order is still pending from early July.

At this point, would you be able to "sidecart" AP 144 with the rest of my August subs?

Thanks for all the help!

Liberty's Edge

Order was processed correctly. Thank you very much for your help!

Liberty's Edge

Looks like I missed some excitement here.

Thanks for the response. I wanted to let you know that I received a confirmation of my subscription ending, however, Order #7966740 has both 144 and 145 on it. Could you please remove 145 from that order?

Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

Please cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription after Tyrant's Grasp #6 (no 2nd edition please).

I would like to keep my other subscriptions (Starfinder, Starfinder AP).

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the update!

Liberty's Edge

I recently received my PDF for Dawn of Flame book 3 Sun Divers.

Most of the images are awful quality, fuzzy and pixelated.

The PDFs don't print out nicely, either. Foxit Reader likes to flip the borders and sometimes images upside down (but that's been happening since Aeon Throne). Adobe Reader gets the borders and images fine, but the text has random solid black boxes in it, obscuring the words, or at best, bold and out of line "L"s and "I"s.

Is there any chance the PDF can be fixed?

Thanks in advance.

Liberty's Edge

These are great, Perdue! Thank you for sharing them.

Liberty's Edge

Hello, please cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription. Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

I mostly ran Howl of the Carrion King as written, with stats adjusted to Pathfinder. Overall, it wasn't too challenging, but my players did a good job of altering encounters in their favor.

I'm utilizing the Monster Codex for the second book. There are a lot of good gnolls and gnoll encounters in there. That should up the challenge without too much work on my end.

As for treasure, there isn't much of an opportunity to purchase or sell until the end of the first book. The fourth and fifth books take them away, so there's no buying or selling there as well. I wouldn't worry about player wealth too much.

Liberty's Edge

Since you're a mythic character, just pick the universal path ability:

Pierce the Darkness (Sp): You gain permanent darkvision with a 60-foot range, as the universal monster ability. If you possess darkvision, the range increases by 60 feet.

Liberty's Edge

I came up with the following weapon adjustments:

Cyclone (scimitar going to a barbarian)
1st-4th: +1 enhancement
5th-7th: +1 mighty cleaving
8th-9th: +2 mighty cleaving
10th-11th: +2 keen mighty cleaving
12th: +3 vorpal keen mighty cleaving

Granting cleave, extra crit range, and vorpal because why not? She likes to hit things and kill them, so this should help.

Gale (mace going to a cleric/bard [detective])
1st-4th: +1 enhancement
5th-7th: +1 quenching
8th-9th: +2 quenching
10th-11th: +2 quaking* quenching
12th: +3 speed quaking* quenching
*as quaking, but replace trip with dirty trick.

Quenching will help with the upcoming fire-types, Quaking sort of fits with the "Sand" theme of the weapon, though I was thinking more along the lines of blasting sand up to blind opponents, or shifting the sand to engulf them, etc. For the most part, dirty trick works, though I think I may remove the sickened part of it. She likes the idea of being a support character, so disabling enemies, even momentarily, should fit in well.

The player that would get Sirocco (weapon of Wind and Fire, Pazhvann) is new to this game, and playing an Alchemist. I'll have some time to find his play style with the character and try to get a weapon adjusted for him.

Liberty's Edge

justaworm wrote:

Here is at least a plain vanilla Maelstrom that is in line with Tempest.

The issue here for you is that you've allocated a weapon to a sorcerer, and I know when I play a sorcerer, I don't like to hit things with a melee weapon.

Great ideas, thank you!

I know, giving a sorcerer a weapon is very odd, but I like what you did with it. I think that will get a lot more use!

Edit: I had a thought. You're correct that making a quarterstaff more caster focused makes no sense for a monk to wield. I'm going to look into changing Davashuum to a staff magus. Since this weapon in particular is gained so late in the story, I think I'll disregard the level progression and just go with the abilities it has, like you mentioned.

Liberty's Edge

Hello, I was going through the face cards products and noticed one was missing. Dungeon Dwellers Face Cards does not appear anywhere under the cards section: http://paizo.com/pathfinder/accessories/cards

It should be listed under the Face Cards subcategory here: http://paizo.com/pathfinder/accessories/cards/faceCards

It should be listed under All Products and Available Now, since it appears to be in stock: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8x9y?Pathfinder-Cards-Dungeon-Dwellers-Face-C ards

Thought I'd let you know.

Liberty's Edge

@justaworm I haven't statted them out yet. They just entered the battle market and snuck some slaves out. I expect next session will see the big battle with Kardswann. Not a problem if you don't have time, I know what that's like.

@Reverse thanks for the info on the weapons. Really great ideas there and I'll certainly be stealing some of them :) This will give me a great start.

Liberty's Edge

I've always played/GMed as the unconscious character acts on their next initiative turn.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Based on some forum suggestions, I changed the concept of the Moldspeaker to be Vardishal’s spirit fused with his weapon. I’m taking it a step farther, having the PCs move towards becoming the new Templars. My goal is that each one will receive one of the Templars’ weapons, which their spirits will be fused with.

I already have Tempest statted out, so I’m looking for suggestions on the other weapons. I’d like them to be unique from each other, but usable against upcoming enemies. I’m also interested in what forms some of these weapons could take, notably for the Priest and Sorcerer.

Thinking about changing the Insight ability to a +1 at levels 1-7, +2 8-11, and +3 at 12+, maybe more beyond)

Tempest, FALCHION of Wind and Rain (Vardishal) (for a Ranger)
Languages Aquan, Common, Ignan
Insight (Su) wielder of Tempest receives flashes of Vardishal’s memories, this results in a +1 bonus on Int-based skill checks.
Level 1-4: acts as +1 enhancement
Level 5-7: acts as +1 frost
Level 8-9: acts as +2 frost
Level 10-11: acts as +2 fire outsider bane frost
Level 12: acts as +3 fire outsider ban icy burst

Cyclone, SCIMITAR of Wind and Thunder (Kardswann) (for a Barbarian)
Languages Auran, Common, Ignan
Insight (Su) wielder of Cyclone receives flashes of Kardswann’s memories, this results in a +1 bonus on Str-based skill checks.
Level 1-4: acts as +1 enhancement
Level 5-7: ?
Level 8-9: ?
Level 10-11: ?
Level 12: ?

Sirocco, weapon of Wind and Fire (Pazhvann) (for a Priest, uses a Lt Xbow as a weapon)
Languages Protean, Common, Ignan
Insight (Su) wielder of Sirocco receives flashes of Pazhvann’s memories, this results in a +1 bonus on Wis-based skill checks.
Level 1-4: acts as +1 enhancement
Level 5-7: ?
Level 8-9: ?
Level 10-11: ?
Level 12: ?

Gale, MORNINGSTAR of Wind and Sand (Zayifid) (for a Cleric/Rogue)
Languages Terran, Common, Ignan
Insight (Su) wielder of Gale receives flashes of Zayifid’s memories, this results in a +1 bonus on Dex-based skill checks.
Level 1-4: acts as +1 enhancement
Level 5-7: ?
Level 8-9: ?
Level 10-11: ?
Level 12: ?

Maelstrom, weapon of Wind and Lightning (Davashuum) (for a Sorcerer, uses a wand?)
Languages Abyssal, Infernal, Common, Ignan
Insight (Su) wielder of Maelstrom receives flashes of Davashuum’s memories, this results in a +1 bonus on Cha-based skills.
Level 1-4: acts as +1 enhancement
Level 5-7: ?
Level 8-9: ?
Level 10-11: ?
Level 12: ?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Will do, thanks!

Liberty's Edge

I received the order today, and everything was in it, so that's not the problem. The problem I have is with the packaging.

I ordered a mini (Schir Demon) and it was tightly wrapped in a plastic bag and compressed within the box. The base was vertical, one of the legs was completely off the base, and once I opened it, the other leg came off the base. I can glue it, so it isn't too big of a deal, but Paizo may want to rethink the way they package miniatures.

The second problem I have is with the Emerald Spire book. I'm giving it as a gift, since I already have the version from the Kickstarter. The book is curved and the back has several lines that bulge out. Hard to explain, but its as if it was gouged from the inside and the cover was bulged out in several lines. It is something I'd expect as a Non-Mint product.

I'm really not one to complain, but since half of my order was "damaged", I felt I needed to say something.

Liberty's Edge

The Interactive Maps are pdfs, so they should work the same. However, I haven't used them for VTTs, so I'm not positive.

Looking at the Rise of the Runelords one I have, you'd probably want to do some cropping before importing them.

Liberty's Edge

If you subscribe to the adventure path, you get a physical copy, a pdf copy, and interactive maps for the issue. At some point after the AP finishes, they release a compilation of these interactive maps.

Take a look here for some previous maps: Interactive Maps

Liberty's Edge

I was catching up on some web fiction that I've missed and noticed a couple issues.

#1 On the web fiction list (http://paizo.com/pathfinder/tales/serial) the link for A Knightly Mission links to Chapter One, unlike the other links.

#2 Very minor, but at the end of Queen Sacrifice Chapter Four "Coming Next Week" isn't bolded like it is on other chapters.


Liberty's Edge

Red Dwarf, standing by.

Liberty's Edge

I like Obsidian Portal. I've used it to help keep track of NPCs, items, and storylines for several games. The biggest problem is getting your players on board. At best, I've had half the players of any given game use it. The other half either never create an account, or never check it.

I was able to setup everything I needed using a free player account. The GM fee unlocks some nice features, but as I was never able to get it used regularly, I never bothered.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Congratulations, Lucas, that's great!

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the heads up!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Howard Andrew Jones wrote:

A Mwangi jungle exploration novel is right around the bend, and I'm looking forward to it almost as much as you probably are.

I'm not aware of any Arabian style novels in the pipeline, although you'll see touches in the novels of James Sutter. Allow me to suggest a few books just outside of Pathfinder Tales for Arabian Nights action: My other series, starting with The Desert of Souls and continuing on with The Bones of the Old Ones and The Waters of Eternity, and Saladin Ahmed's Throne of the Crescent Moon.

Excellent! Thank you for the reply, I'll have to add those suggestions to my reading list. I've read Engraved on the Eye by Saladin Ahmed, that was a nice collection of short stories.

Liberty's Edge

Two things come to mind:

As I'm currently reading Arabian Nights and prepping for a Legacy of Fire game, I'd like to read a novel akin to that.

Also, a Mwangi jungle exploration novel.

Liberty's Edge

Congratulations, Mark!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I realized that my laptop has most of the files copied over, thanks to Google Drive Sync. I'm in the process of copying everything back up to the drive.

Liberty's Edge

Excellent, thank you!

Liberty's Edge


I selected to start my AP subscription with #79 - Mummy's Mask part 1. However, I just noticed that my subscription page also lists AP #78 - Wrath of the Righteous #6.

I just want to make sure that I'm going to get the correct AP (#79) and not the extra one.


Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
It's unclear to me if Big Finish has officially announced the currently planned release date for Volume 1, but I'm confident that it's not February 28.

Aww :(

I was hoping the date for Volume 1 was correct. I want to start listening now!

Hmm, I just checked and the listing now says this:
1.1. Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings - Available on 31 March 2014

Liberty's Edge

I purchased a subscription from Big Finish yesterday. My subscription page has this to say:

1.1. Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings - Available on 28 February 2014

It has listed dates for all of the chapters, but since this has been pushed back already, I imagine they may still change. So, probably the 28th for chapter one.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

That is awesome, congratulations!

Liberty's Edge

Mask of the Living God #13

Also, thank you!

Liberty's Edge

Perfect! You're awesome, thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Best Served Cold chapter four is now on The Fencing Master link.

Other than that, and the above post, I didn't notice any other errors in the other web fiction.

Liberty's Edge

Hello, I hope this is the correct place to post this. I've been going through the web fiction and have come across a few missing items and errors that should be an easy fix.

1. Best Served Cold
-The 1st part doesn't have the author's name.
-The fourth chapter is missing from the above link.

2. The Fencing Master
-The second chapter is missing from the above link.

If I find any more I'll add those to the list.

Thank you!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Congratulations Mark and Linda!

Liberty's Edge

I've always liked the sha'ir class, but never had much opportunity to play it. A few years ago I had the chance in a 3.5 game and used the update from a Dragon Magazine.

It didn't last long.

Since it was based off of a Wizard, there wasn't much I could do while I was waiting for spells, aside from being knocked around. At early levels, I'd be lucky if I could actually get a spell off. Bad luck on rolls meant I had to wait until combat was over until I received a spell. It is a great concept, it just doesn't work well for this system.

I've been contemplating making sha'ir an archetype of sorcerer. I'd like to keep the gen and some sort of check, though. I'd consider something to this effect:

Round 1: Send gen out to fetch a spell, make check.
Round 2: If check succeeds, cast spell as normal. If check fails, re-roll check.
Round 3: If check previously failed, but reroll succeeds, cast spell as normal.

It may take a bit longer to cast, but not drastically so, such as the 1d6 roll. It would just add a round before you could cast the spell, assuming your check succeeds.

Another option would be to include the casting action (move, full) in Round 1:

Round 1: Send gen out to fetch a spell (action = same action to cast the spell), make check.
Round 2: If check succeeds, spell is cast at the beginning of turn, you still have your actions for Round 2.

This would essentially make every spell a full-round casting spell. In most cases, it would take longer to cast, in few cases it would be quicker. I would see this as a class benefit: able to cast some spells quicker. I don't think that would be too broken, though I could be wrong.

Full Name

Janos Ardeal




Spirit Ranger 8 (HP 33/68; F+8, R+8, W+4 (+1 vs. Arcane); AC 25/12/23; Perception +18, Sense Motive +2, Initiative +2)

About Janos Ardeal

Janos Ardeal
Male Spirit Ranger 8
CG Medium humanoid (Half-Elf)
Init +2; Senses: Low-light vision, Perception +15, Sense Motive +2
Hero Points: 2

Languages Common, Varisian
Favored Class Witch

AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 23 (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +3 natural, +3 shield)
hp 68 (8d10+16)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +4 (+2 vs. Enchantments)
(+1 save vs. any arcane spell)

Speed 20 ft. (base 30 ft.)
Melee +1 Keen Longsword(1-handed) +12/+7 (1d8+4/17-20/x2) or +1 Keen Longsword(2-handed) +12/+7 (1d8+5/17-20/x2) or +1 Handaxe +12/+7 (1d6+4/x3)
PA Melee +1 Keen Longsword(1-handed) +9/+4 (1d8+10/17-20/x2) or +1 Keen Longsword(2-handed, FF) +12/+4 (1d8+14/17-20/x2) or +1 Handaxe +9/+4 (1d6+10/x3)
Ranged MW Longbow +12/+7 (1d8+3/19-20/x3) or Throwing axe +11/+6 (1d6+3/x2)
MS/RS MW Longbow +10/+10/+5 (1d8+3/19-20/x3) or Throwing axe +9/+9/+4 (1d6+3/x2)

Melee vs. FE Undead (trait bonus to damage) +1 Keen Longsword(1-handed) +16/+11 (1d8+9/17-20/x2) or +1 Keen Longsword(2-handed) +16/+11 (1d8+10/17-20/x2) or +1 Handaxe +16/+11 (1d6+9/x3)
PA Melee vs. FE Undead (trait bonus to damage) +1 Keen Longsword(1-handed) +13/+8 (1d8+15/17-20/x2) or +1 Keen Longsword(2-handed, FF) +16/+8 (1d8+19/17-20/x2) or +1 Handaxe +13/+8 (1d6+15/x3)

Melee vs. FE Human +1 Keen Longsword(1-handed) +14/+9 (1d8+6/17-20/x2) or +1 Keen Longsword(2-handed) +14/+9 (1d8+7/17-20/x2) or +1 Handaxe +14/+9 (1d6+6/x3)
PA Melee vs. FE Human +1 Keen Longsword(1-handed) +11/+6 (1d8+12/17-20/x2) or +1 Keen Longsword(2-handed, FF) +14/+6 (1d8+16/17-20/x2) or +1 Handaxe +11/+6 (1d6+12/x3)

Ranger Spells
1: Lead Blades, Longstrider
2: Barkskin, Versatile Weapon

Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +8/+3; CMB +11; CMD 23

Racial Traits
Low Light Vision
Elf Blood - Counts as Elf for effects
Elven Immunities - +2 saves vs. enchantment, Immune to magical sleep effects
Keen Senses - +2 Perception
Adaptability - Skill focus (Knowledge, Arcana)
Arcane Training - Uses arcane items as 1st level Witch

Class Abilities
Favored Enemy, Undead: +4 attack/+4 damage; +4 Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival
Favored Enemy, Human: +2 attack/+2 damage; +2 Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival
Wild Empathy: +8 on empathy rolls
Track: +3 to Survival checks to track
Combat Style: Archery
Endurance: Sleep in Light & Medium Armor; +4 to endurance checks
Favored Terrain, Swamp: +4 to Init, +4 to Kn, Geography, Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks. Leaves no trail.
Favored Terrain, Forest (Boots): +4 to Init, +4 to Kn, Geography, Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks. Leaves no trail.
Spirit Bond: Cast Augury 1/day in Favored Terrain. Spontaneously cast any Ranger spell 2/day in Favored Terrain.
Woodland Stride: Pass through normal undergrowth without penalty.
Swift Tracker: No penalty for moving at full speed while tracking. -10 penalty for moving at double speed.

Power Attack: -3/+6 to attack/damage; -3/+8 with two-handed weapons
Rapid Shot: -2 to all attacks to fire an extra arrow with a full attack
Cleave: Attack one enemy and if you hit, attack an adjacent enemy. -2AC.
Furious Focus: Ignore Power Attack penalty on first attack when wielding a weapon in two hands.
Many Shot: Fire two arrows during the first attack of a full-attack. Resolve damage separately, but attack roll as one.
Lunge: Increase reach by 5 feet, -2AC

Failed Apprentice (Race) - +1 saves vs. Arcane spells
Subject of Study (Campaign) - +1 damage vs Undead

Ranger = 6+INT = 7
ACP = -4 //Armor Check Penalty
Acrobatics: -2* = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 - ACP* (ACP = 0 for jump checks);
Appraise: +1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0
Bluff: +0 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0
*Climb: +6 = 1 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP*
Diplomacy: +0 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0
Disguise: +0 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0
Escape Artist: -2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP
Fly: -2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP
*Handle Animal: +7 = 4 + CHA mod + 3
*Heal: +6 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3
*Intimidate: +9 = 6 + CHA Mod + 3
Knowledge (Arcana): +8 = 4 + INT Mod + 0 + 3
*Knowledge (Dungeoneering): +7 = 3 + INT Mod + 3
Knowledge (Engineering): +1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0
*Knowledge (Geography): +7 = 3 + INT Mod + 3
Knowledge (History): +1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0
Knowledge (Local): +2 = 1 + INT Mod + 0
*Knowledge (Nature): +10 = 6 + INT Mod + 3
Knowledge (Nobility): +1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0
Knowledge (Planes): +1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0
Knowledge (Religion): +5 = 4 + INT Mod + 0
Linguistics: +1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0
*Perception: +15 = 8 + WIS MOD + 3 + 2 + 3
*Ride: +2 = 1 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP
Sense Motive: +2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0
*Spellcraft: +6 = 2 + INT Mod + 3
*Stealth: +6 = 5 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP
*Survival: +11* = 6 + WIS Mod + 3
*Swim: +3 = 1 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP

Combat Gear: +1 Keen Longsword, +1 handaxe (Lopper's), throwing axe, dagger, MW Comp longbow (Str +3), 20 arrows, 6 Silver Arrows, +1 Agile Breastplate, Boots of Friendly Terrain (forest), +1 Animated Heavy Wooden Shield, Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Bracer's of Falcon's Aim
Other Gear: Backpack, bedroll, blanket, flint and steel, waterskin, whetstone, belt pouch, rations (5), silk rope, torch (2), candle (3), sunrod, Potion of CLW, Tanglefoot Bag
Load: Medium (80.5 lbs. / 0-76 lbs.)
Coin: 10gp, 7sp, 3cp


Janos was born out of wedlock. His father had been an elf wandering Ustalav looking for lost glory and his mother already a wife to another man. Unlike others who found the elven stranger odd, his mother, Eva, became entranced with elven stories of bravery and glory. One night of indiscretion is all it took, and the elf was gone before Eva ever began showing. She convinced everyone, even herself, believe the child was her husband’s, but once the the baby was born, there was little she could do to deny his parentage. To her credit, Eva faced the whispers and accusations head-on, protecting her son. In return, she lost her marriage, her standing, and her livelihood.

Living on the outskirts of town, Janos grew up knowing hunger, poverty, and shame. Trips into town were filled with stares whenever someone saw the half-elf. This would typically lead to whispers of his mother and stories about her infidelity. Janos himself did not help matters when he began talking to things which were not there. The villagers saw this as a sure sign Eva and Janos had been cursed by the gods for her actions. This all would eventually take too much of a toll on his mother. Never as healthy as she was before his birth (which only fueled the rumors of a curse on her), Eva became seriously ill a month before Janos was to turn 8. There seemed to be little the town healers could or wanted to do. On her deathbed, Eva was visited by a Witch of the bogs, Alisia. Alisia told her that death was calling and all she could do was to help ease the pain. In her last hours, Eva secured a promise from Alisia to take Janos with her, to spare him from the villagers, to teach him, and give him a good life.

Hours after Eva had passed, Janos was leaving his only home to trail Alisia through the swamps. Life with Alisia was harder than it ever had been with his mother, but it was also rewarding. Alisia made good on her promise to Eva. She taught young Janos discipline and strength, the ways of the swamp, and even helped him listen to the voices he heard. Janos learned these voices were of the land itself. He heard rocks, trees, the wind, and the mud. One thing Janos could not learn, however, was the ways of witchcraft. Alisia tried time and again, but she soon found that no patron would claim Janos because he was already claimed by the spirit voices he heard. From then on, Janos trained instead as a protector of the land. His elven heritage granted him skill in arms and even without a tutor, his skills seemed to grow. While he initially accompanied Alisia on her trips to villages, as he grew older, she would send him alone on tasks or to explore rumors.

One day, he stumbled onto an old graveyard buried deep in a bog. He entered to explore the ruins, but the dead were restless. Sensing his life, zombies rose out of a few of the graves. Janos fled, barely making it out of the graveyard. The next day, Alisia returned with him and she was able to banish the spirits. As a lesson, however, she made her young student take some of the body parts home to study them. She gave him scrolls to allow him to see the latent necromantic forces at work, and she made him study how the bones, muscles, and tendons were made to move. She taught him about shadows and spirits too, though their power was far more dangerous. Slowly, Janos came to have a good understanding of the undead, their strengths, and their vulnerabilities.

During the years of learning and training, Professor Lorrimor visited them many times. The professor was well-known to Alisia and consulted her on various matters from time to time. He took an immediate liking to Janos, especially when he learned of his ability to hear the nature spirits. Professor Lorrimor gave him great insight on how to harness these voices and his connection with the land. He also found Janos' experience with the undead to be fascinating and often took notes when Janos would comment on a point of his study. When Alisia and Janos heard of the Professor’s death, they were greatly distraught. With the witch needing to tend to several more villages, Janos went to Ravengro to represent them both.


Janos is a slim young man with his lithe figure is both due to his elven blood and the lack of food during his childhood. In his recent years, however, Janos has made the most of his life and training with Alisia, growing strong and hearty, and expanding his mind as well. The half-elf moves with a practiced grace, stepping lightly and easily slipping unnoticed in and out of rooms. His gray eyes move quickly around, seeming to watch everywhere and giving him a wary, almost paranoid look.

Janos is much more at ease in the wild, be it among the trees or the bogs, than he is in a civilized settlement. His experiences as a child taught him the cruelty of townsfolk. While among townspeople, he typically wears a hood or wide strip of brown cloth to hide his elven ears.